How to set the gas valve on the boiler. Adjusting the automatic control of a gas boiler: device, principle of operation, tips for setting up

If earlier the boiler adjustment was simple - turn the valve on the burner and increase or decrease the gas pressure, then modern automation does everything itself. But there are also problems with it that require adjustment of the automation. Let's look at how a modern gas boiler functions.

Description and functions of a gas boiler

A simple heater consists of a heat exchanger chamber, a gas burner and ventilation. The operation of all these systems is controlled by automation.

The safety device for gas boilers has a multi-stage protection system:

  1. When igniting, you need not only to turn the gas supply handle, but also to hold it for some time until the solenoid valve (6) is activated. This prevents the device from accidentally leaking gas.
  2. The backdraft sensor (8) reacts to the flow of fire from the burner into the room. This can happen due to sudden gusts of wind, a clogged chimney, or malfunctioning burners. Thanks to this controller, the gas supply is automatically turned off when backdraft occurs and people cannot be poisoned by carbon monoxide.
  3. The temperature sensor (7) protects the boiler from overheating, turning on the gas as needed. Thanks to it, the temperature in the heating system is maintained at the level specified by the user.

Control systems in gas boilers can be autonomous or energy-dependent. The latter require connection to the electrical network.

Gas boiler adjustment

If the automation begins to work incorrectly, or there are malfunctions in its functioning, then you need to find the reason and either adjust the control system, or replace the faulty elements.

IMPORTANT! Do not ignore malfunctions, even if they occur only occasionally. This could cost you and your loved ones your life.

Let's look at the most popular problems that you can fix yourself:

  • “The boiler heated wonderfully in the fall, but in the winter the house was cold.” This is, in fact, not a breakdown, but just a need to regulate the heating temperature. In any case gas boiler there is a thermostat. It may look like a rotating knob with a scale, buttons with a temperature screen, or a scale with a slider on it. It is enough to set a higher heating value, and your home will immediately become warmer.
  • “It doesn’t work when ignited.” solenoid valve no matter how much you press on the handle.” The most common failure requiring valve replacement.
  • “The boiler burns normally, but after a while there is a bang and everything shuts down.” As a rule, here we are dealing with automatic activation. But what is the reason for the “pop” will have to be clarified. It is best to invite specialists.

IMPORTANT! Do not glue or jam a faulty EM valve! It is responsible for the gas supply, and if it is fixed, the rest of the automation will be useless. When the burner goes out or during reverse draft, you risk simply suffocating.


In conclusion, it should be recalled that all gas equipment is a source increased danger. You should not unwind anything in the boiler control system yourself or interfere with the operation of controllers, burners and sensors. Gas is invisible and undetectable, and its leak is much more difficult to detect than faulty wiring or leaking water pipes. If it is necessary to install, replace, repair or adjust a gas boiler, it is better to invite specialists.

From the beginning heating season the owner of a private house must switch the heating boiler to operating mode. The operation is not the most difficult, since all instructions for setting up the unit are necessarily indicated in technical documents. In our article we will tell you what to pay attention to when setting up the equipment and how to make the boiler work with maximum efficiency.

Selection of gas equipment - main criteria

You need to decide on the settings of a gas boiler before purchasing it. We recommend starting with the power of the equipment. The features of your home matter a lot. The main condition for the normal and uninterrupted operation of such a unit is the presence of a centralized gas supply. Naturally, you can try to use imported gas cylinders, however, this will significantly increase costs. In some cases it is even cheaper to purchase electrical equipment for heating the building, rather than purchasing gas cylinders.

Heating boilers are single-circuit and double-circuit. In the first case, we recommend purchasing an additional boiler indirect heating. Only then can the unit be used to heat sanitary water. The best option is considered to be the purchase of a double-circuit boiler, which has all the necessary functions for heating the building and water. His key feature consists in transferring priority control over the operating mode to hot water supply. In other words, after opening the hot water supply system, heat is supplied to the main circuit, which also includes heating system, stops.

There are some features of choosing a floor-standing and wall-mounted boiler. Wall-mounted equipment has less power, so it is not enough to heat rooms with a total area of ​​over 300 square meters. IN in this case You will either need to purchase another boiler or install a floor-standing gas boiler. In stores you can purchase floor-standing units of any power.

Safe operation of the boiler - calculation of its power

The power of the heating boiler is key factor, which affects the level of heating of the premises, as well as the durability of the equipment and the safety of its operation. First of all, it is necessary to determine the heat loss through the ceiling, walls and windows. Part of the thermal energy is lost through the ventilation system, which should also be kept in mind. It is very difficult to perform such calculations yourself with maximum accuracy; you cannot do without the help of specialists.

However, there is a technique that allows you to approximately calculate the required power indicators. If the construction of the building was carried out in accordance with all safety and energy saving requirements, then about 100 W of power is required to heat one square meter heating equipment. Accordingly, it is necessary to buy a new gas boiler based on this ratio.

To select a boiler, consider the features of your building. After all, the power will depend on many factors, be it the thickness of the walls and ceilings, the presence of plastic or wooden windows, as well as their insulation. The difference between the outside temperature and the indoor temperature is great value. So, if the temperature inside changes insignificantly, then outside the amplitude reaches enormous values. Even in winter, sharp transitions from plus 10 to minus 20 degrees are possible.

Give preference to modern units. And the reason is not only the quality of such equipment, but also the availability additional functions, for example, LCD displays. In this case, setting up a heating boiler will not be difficult, since the monitor shows the main operating parameters of the device - fan speed, actual and set water temperature, and much more.

One of the most common problems related to the power of the equipment is clocking. This phenomenon occurs when the unit you choose has too much power. In this case, there are only two options - either purchase a new gas boiler, or try to set it up yourself. The first option is preferable, but the second is also used very often.

Boiler clocking is a situation where the boiler turns on on its own too often. This occurs due to too strong an increase in the temperature of the coolant.

Timing is fraught with serious consequences. Inadvertent switching on of the equipment causes excessive gas consumption, in addition, excessive wear of the equipment is observed. However, solving the problem is very simple - adjust the gas supply to the burner to the minimum level. Check the gas supply level regularly and, if necessary, adjust the gas boiler again.

Each boiler comes with its own instructions, which detail how to do this. Usually there are special screws on the gas valve that are responsible for the intensity of the fuel supply. On modern models All settings can be made directly from the LCD display, making it even easier and faster.

Regulating room temperature - setting guide

Setting up a gas boiler allows you to set the optimal temperature regime indoors. The only condition is the presence of a thermostat, the task of which is to regulate the burner power. The thermostat is connected to a temperature sensor located in the room. You first need to set the required temperature value that is comfortable for you. After this, you can enjoy the warmth by reading books or watching your favorite films.

There are some limitations when using thermostats. For example, this device allows you to set the temperature in only one room. To eliminate this drawback, it is necessary to install a thermostatic valve in the supply pipe in front of each heating radiator. Due to the narrowing or expansion of the working substance located inside the valve, the cross-sectional area of ​​the pipe changes. Such valves react to the slightest temperature measurement; even an increase in the number of people in the room can lead to a narrowing of the working fluid.

Failure of thermostats can cause simultaneous shutdown of all heating radiators. This will lead to the cessation of coolant circulation in the heating equipment circuit. It is necessary to pre-install a jumper tube or bypass to avoid such problems.

Automatic space heating system - trust, but verify

Modern gas boilers equipped with function automatic selection operating hours depending on the availability of people in the rooms. This allows you to maintain the temperature at a certain level even during a long absence of the owners. This setting can only be used subject to periodic monitoring of the system by neighbors or relatives. This is due to the fact that in case of unforeseen problems, for example, emergency shutdown, the entire heating system of the building will fail.

As practice shows, there can be quite a few reasons for turning off the boiler:

  • reduction of network voltage;
  • power outage;
  • reduction in the cross-section of the chimney due to ice formed there;
  • reducing gas pressure;
  • burner extinguishing as a result of action strong wind, caught in the combustion chamber.

Therefore, regular monitoring is necessary. Otherwise, the system may fail, which will lead to huge financial expenses. Naturally, neighbors will need to be explained how to properly adjust or configure a gas boiler in a given situation. Then you can count on nothing happening in the house during your absence.

The operating principle of a gas boiler is based on heating the circulating liquid passing through a heat exchanger. Heat is generated in the combustion chamber as a result of the operation of the gas burner of the heating device. The productive capacity of the boiler and its efficiency depend on the quality settings and then the operation of the burner. Let's consider the main aspects of choosing and setting up a gas boiler burner in more detail.

How to choose?

What you need to pay attention to when choosing a burner device for a boiler:

- productive capacity
— noise level during operation (applies to supercharged models)
- type of heating equipment for which the burner is purchased
- type of fuel
- pros and cons of this device
— provide for possible disruptions in the operation of the local gas supply line.

Taking these factors into account, you can choose the most suitable burner device for your boiler so that it operates as efficiently as possible without the burden of frequent preventive maintenance.

Combustion chamber of heating equipment

Gas boilers differ primarily in the design of the combustion chamber. It comes in two types:

  • open;
  • closed.

Open The chamber is a fairly simple combustion device. It looks like this: above the burner there is a heat exchanger in the form of a coil of thin copper tubes. Thanks to the open design, the air required for the combustion reaction is supplied to the point of ignition of the gas from the environment.

As a rule, there is enough air from the room (provided good ventilation is organized). But there is wall models with air intake from the outside, for which a special hole is installed in the wall. Open combustion chambers require a chimney.

Most often it is installed for models of floor-standing gas boilers, and was also used to complete an old-style boiler (in this case, ignition was carried out by a pilot burner).

Combustion chamber design diagrams

Closed The combustion chamber differs in the design of the heating block. The heat exchanger is located above the burner. The unit body is closed, combustion air is pumped by a fan installed in the chamber. Coolant is passed through the double walls of the chamber, heating it, increasing the efficiency of the boiler. The gas is burned almost completely, the combustion products are removed by a coaxial pipe under air pressure.

Types of burners

According to their design and functional differences, burner devices are divided into:

By purpose:

By fuel type used:

  • devices for natural gas;
  • devices for liquefied gas;
  • universal devices.

By flame adjustment:

  • single-stage – capable of operating on/off;
  • two-stage (as a variation - models with smooth modulation) - work on full power, when the desired temperature is reached, the flame is reduced by half;
  • modulating – boilers with a modulating burner are different smooth adjustment the power of the flame.

According to the operating principle:

Gas burner device for a boiler

Atmospheric and fan burner devices differ in their structure. This is due in different ways supplying oxygen to the chamber during fuel combustion.

Atmospheric burner device.

Air enters the combustion chamber directly from the room. Nozzles are located inside the burner channel. Gas is supplied to the nozzles, mixing with air, which also has access here. At a short distance from the nozzles there are outlet slots through which the finished fuel mixture is supplied. An area of ​​reduced pressure is created between the nozzles and outlets, which promotes a constant supply of air for mixing.

A pilot burner is constantly running in the combustion chamber to ignite the main device.

Fan burner device.

The device block consists of:

  1. engine;
  2. fan;
  3. automatic control unit;
  4. gearbox;
  5. air pressure switch;
  6. fuel mixer.

Air is forced from outside by a fan and supplied to the combustion chamber to form a fuel substance. The air to gas ratio can be adjusted using a damper and a fan.

Burner flame

One of the indicators of proper burner operation is the color of the flame. Gas equipment is characterized by an even bluish flame without admixtures of other colors. The presence of yellow or red splashes indicates that the burner is not working well, which reduces the efficiency of the heating equipment.

First of all, this applies to injection burner devices, but sometimes it is also typical for fan burners. The flame may simply lack oxygen. Also, dust and other small debris can get in with the air, which will clog the device, reducing the efficiency of the boiler. All this directly affects the flame. If it hums, the burner is loud, the fire has changed color - you need to adjust it correct work devices.

In what cases is it necessary to adjust the burner flame?

Atmospheric gas burner heating equipment often fails. It is equipped with models of both wall-mounted and floor boiler. Injection burner floor equipment reduces its efficiency for various reasons:

  • Burner power is too high. This happens when a high-power burner is purchased for small heating equipment. At the same time, there is not enough space for combustion, the air flow for such power is weak, which leads to the transition of the flame from blue to yellow, sooting of the combustion chamber and chimney.
  • If the chimney is poorly cleaned, the boiler draft deteriorates. At the same time, waste combustion products are poorly removed, and the air flow is small. This worsens combustion and the flame turns yellow.
  • A defect in the burner itself does not make it possible to correctly adjust the complete combustion of the fuel.
  • Due to pressure changes in the gas supply system, well-regulated equipment can release large amounts of unexhausted gas into the chimney. Partially it settles with soot and soot. A large layer of soot reduces traction and increases fuel consumption.
  • Starting heating equipment after repair.
  • The presence of extraneous noise during operation of the boiler or gas burner.
  • Changing the type of fuel.

Equipment setup

Floor-standing gas boilers with an atmospheric burner can be configured independently. Pressurized systems are regulated by an automatic control unit and do not require additional configuration.

Scheme of actions for setting up single-stage equipment:

  1. Install the device on the boiler.
  2. Connect to the gas pipe.
  3. Check for absolute tightness.
  4. Remove the burner housing.
  5. Using a pressure gauge, measure the gas pressure at the inlet.
  6. Connect to electricity. Make sure that the jumpers and phases are connected correctly.
  7. Place a gas analyzer in the chimney pipe.
  8. Start the device.
  9. Using a pressure gauge, take pressure readings at the outlet of the burner block. Pressure readings must correspond to the parameters indicated in the data sheet.
  10. Adjust the air flow using the air damper.
  11. The gas analyzer readings must also comply with all gas equipment installation standards.

Setting up gas equipment should be carried out by specialists. The most simple boilers open type It is possible to set it up yourself if you have certain skills and knowledge of the burner unit design. The efficiency of the boiler, its level of efficiency, and fuel consumption depend on the quality of the burner. It is possible to superficially determine that the equipment is malfunctioning by the changed burner flame.

The gas valve is necessary to supply gas to the burner device of the unit. By adjusting the gas valve, you can regulate the amount of fuel supplied. This makes it possible to make the unit more economical or increase the power of the device. Thus, the user, depending on the situation, has the opportunity to adjust the performance of his unit.

Most gas units have a SIT valve. It includes the following elements:

  • gas pressure measuring port at the valve outlet;
  • minimum adjusting screw and adjusting nut maximum flow fuel;
  • lid;
  • inlet pressure measuring port.

The gas boiler valve consists of a shut-off and modulation coil. When a voltage of 220 V is applied to the shut-off valve, a minimum volume of gas is supplied to the burner in accordance with the factory settings. The voltage is then transferred to the modulation coil. The processor, depending on the operating mode (power), supplies voltage with different modulation frequencies, regulating the amount of gas passing per unit time.

To set the boiler gas valve to minimum power, you will need a differential pressure gauge, a wrench and a screwdriver. The setup process includes the following steps:

  1. Remove the protective cap covering the differential valve screws.
  2. Open the fitting to measure the gas pressure supplied to the burner - turn the locking screw counterclockwise 1.5-2 turns.
  3. Connect the pressure gauge hose to the inlet fitting.
  4. Turn on the heating mode and disconnect one wire of the modulation coil - this is necessary so that the valve supplies gas to the burner to a minimum, which will correspond to the minimum power of the unit.
  5. According to the pressure gauge readings, adjust minimum pressure gas on the burner. To do this, rotate the internal screw located under the protective cap. At the same time, fix the outer nut.

The dynamic fuel pressure at the gas valve inlet ranges from 1.4 to 2.4 kPa. If measurements show that the pressure is outside the specified limits, it is necessary to call gas specialists.

Reconfigure in the factory power range gas valve manually is not necessary. This is required in order to transfer the unit to a power lower or higher than the values ​​​​stated in the instructions. Often, valve adjustment is needed if the performance of the device does not correspond to the heated area of ​​the house or apartment.

Setting the gas valve when the boiler is “clocked”

A problem such as “clocking” of a gas boiler can be solved by adjusting the gas valve. It usually occurs if the power of the unit significantly exceeds that required for a given area.

To prevent the device from “clocking” in heating mode, it is necessary to reduce the outlet pressure. This is done by turning the adjusting screw counterclockwise.

To stop “clocking” in DHW mode, reduce the maximum pressure. This can be solved by rotating the adjusting nut counterclockwise.

However, in more modern models, “clocking” is eliminated automatically. For example, setting the gas valve of the Buderus boiler occurs by blocking the clock cycles:

  • hold the button with wrench for 5 seconds;
  • select the duration of intervals from 0 to 15 minutes using the arrow buttons.

It is recommended that these types of adjustments be carried out only by specialists service center, especially if the boiler is under warranty. Otherwise, if you damage the valve, the company will void the warranty and you will have to buy a new part.

Today, gas heating boilers are the most common devices for heating homes. The right choice boiler by power and other necessary criteria will help you avoid many problems in the future.

The following functionality is usually considered as selection criteria:

Volatile boilers require electricity and the availability of natural gas under a certain pressure. If one of these two components is missing, the boiler will not turn on. Every owner is required to know how to turn on a gas boiler, but this requires a clear understanding of the processes that occur when starting a gas boiler. For example, a non-volatile boiler is equipped with a mechanical controller 630 EUROSIT.

Let’s look at how a gas boiler with this equipment starts, and what happens at each subsequent step: point by point:

Possible malfunctions when starting the boiler and methods for eliminating them

Like any technical device the gas boiler may break down. If an electronic controller is installed in the boiler, then only a specialist who has experience, knowledge and the necessary equipment can troubleshoot its malfunctions. But sometimes a gas boiler does not work for a very simple reason, which the owner can easily fix on his own. If the gas boiler does not turn on, possible causes and solutions will be discussed below.

Igniter does not turn on

If the igniter does not turn on, then possible reason– contamination of the insulator through which the high-voltage wire passes through the boiler body into the combustion chamber. This malfunction can be eliminated by wiping the insulator with a clean rag. If the contamination is very strong, you can use some kind of solvent and then wipe it dry. Sometimes a deposit of soot forms inside the combustion chamber between the spark plug and the boiler body, soot is carbon that is a conductor and prevents the creation of a spark. This malfunction can be eliminated by lightly tapping the pipeline supplying gas to the burner.

The igniter turned on, but when turning the control knob there is no gas supply to the main burner. Of course, the causes of such a malfunction may be a thermocouple or solenoid valve, a malfunction of the thermostat or supply valve. To diagnose such malfunctions, you need practical experience and intervention in the automation unit, which is directly prohibited by the instructions. But most often, especially before the start of a new season, the cause is a cocoon that a spider has made at the junction of the main pipe from the controller to the main burner. Carefully unscrew the nut and remove the spider's nest.

The water doesn't heat up

If the water in the DHW circuit does not heat well, then this indicates that there may be too many deposits on the walls of the heat exchanger. To troubleshoot this problem DHW circuit needs to be washed hot water with the addition of substances that dissolve mineral deposits on the walls. For boilers with an electronic control system, poor water heating in DHW system may be due to faulty electronics or flow sensor. Repairs are quite complex and are only available to specialists who understand what and how to do.

"Boiler clocking"

When choosing a boiler with too much power, a phenomenon called “boiler clocking” may occur.

When “clocking” occurs, the gas boiler turns on too often due to too intense heating of the coolant.

Knowing how to set up a gas boiler in such a case is very important. After all, when the boiler is “clocked”, gas consumption increases, and frequent operation of the automation leads to premature wear. To eliminate this unpleasant phenomenon, it is enough to reduce the gas supply to the burners. Carefully studying the instructions, we find the gas valve, a method of adjustment and reduce the gas supply to the burners.

In most boilers, gas regulation is carried out by turning the adjusting screws on the gas valve. But in some modern boilers You can only adjust the gas supply to the burners from the control panel. In the instructions for gas boilers, malfunctions and methods for eliminating them are usually indicated in a separate section.

Features of operation of gas boilers with electronics

Modern high-tech boilers are equipped with sophisticated electronics. Information about the current state of the product and any problems that have arisen are displayed on the display in the form of an error code.

Electronic components are very sensitive to unstable supply voltage.

Let's take as an example a reliable Junkers gas boiler, faults of which the diagnostic system displays on the display in the form of a specific code. The most common error he has is the failure of the control board. Such a malfunction occurs in 95% of all cases, according to reviews from repair specialists.

Repair electronic systems control is possible only in specialized workshops. Therefore, it is better to refrain from purchasing a high-tech boiler if there is no service in the region. If such a unit is purchased, then to eliminate the possibility of failure of complex electronics, you need to take measures in advance - install voltage stabilizers or.
