What is an energy efficient project? Energy efficient equipment Experience in implementing energy efficiency requirements for electrical equipment

Climate control systems of buildings consume a significant amount of energy resources, which ultimately affects operating costs; many different energy-saving schemes have been developed to reduce these costs. Often the main way to save is to combine systems, excess heat from one system is transferred to another, or equipment is initially designed with low energy consumption or using renewable resources, or resources of lower cost.

Main types of energy saving equipment

Equipment with low energy consumption

IN this category Almost all modern equipment can be considered, because technologies are developing, and the energy efficiency class is regularly raised, so simply replacing existing equipment with newer and more economical ones is already one of the ways to save energy.

Energy-saving equipment using green energy sources

This type of equipment includes solar, wind and earth energy, in the context of our systems this is the use of solar collectors for hot water supply and heating systems, as well as the use of geothermal heat pumps with ground collectors. Such equipment, of course, consumes not only green energy, but also electricity, but it is used mainly for energy transfer, and not for creation. For example, in solar collectors electricity is needed only to operate the pumps and automation system. In the case of a heat pump, electricity is also spent on heat generation, or, more precisely, on conversion, but it is used much more efficiently, and if you use a ground collector for cooling, you can really only get by with electricity to operate the pump to pump water. Our sewerage system design company, ventilation, heating and others engineering systems, through a variety of projects designed and installed, has accumulated significant experience in the use of combinations of different resources and equipment for all building engineering systems.

Energy-saving equipment using cheaper resources

This type of equipment can include solid fuel boilers, since it is cheaper than gas, or the use of heat pumps and even the use of electricity as the main source of heat, while the electric boiler operates at night at a cheap rate and heats the storage tank, which is consumed during days when the electricity tariff is higher.

Equipment for energy saving in heating

You can save money in heating systems by using and combining various sources heat pumps, such as a heat pump, solid fuel boiler and even solar collectors. The essence of the systems is that the equipment has its limitations, and when, for example, for the operation of an air heat pump it was too cold to turn on another system. In the case of solid fuel boiler, whose power control system is not very flexible, you can use a storage tank to accumulate excess heat during combustion and use it the rest of the time, and in case you forgot to add fuel, there is always a gas or other boiler in reserve. The greatest efficiency can be achieved in the heating segment of private residential buildings and cottages. By combining heat sources and using energy prices, you can achieve significant savings; you can do this manually, or you can rely on automation systems; a number of different weather-dependent controllers have been specially developed for this. Controller sensors are installed in the return pipeline, in the supply pipeline, outdoors, indoors, and a control signal is also supplied to the three-way control valve of the system and to the boilers. Receiving information from all sensors and sending regulatory signals to the actuators, the controller controls the operation of the system according to configured algorithms.

Equipment for energy saving in air conditioning

There are not many energy-saving technologies that can be used in air conditioning systems; the most efficient systems are ground collectors, but they are mainly suitable only for small buildings with the availability of land for the device. Thus, the most effective systems can be used mainly in the niche of cottages and private country houses. But not everything is so bad; you can save money on air conditioning by using intelligent systems, in particular, multi-zone systems are the most effective; thanks to a wide range of power control, weekly programs and effective regulation, systems of this type allow significant energy savings. In energy saving systems, it is also possible to use the condensation heat of outdoor units technical refrigeration equipment and use it for heating water in the domestic hot water system or for other production needs.

Equipment for energy saving in ventilation systems

Heating and cooling air consumes a lot of resources and throws it away exhaust systems outside is not very effective, so air heat exchangers - recuperators - were developed for ventilation. Efficiency supply and exhaust systems with a recuperator it can reach 75%, depending on the type of recuperator. The essence of the work is heating and cooling supply air, supplied to the room, due to the removed exhaust. The use of frequency controllers and various sensors can also reduce energy costs by reducing the volume of air during non-operating or part-load operating hours.

Tax incentives are provided for companies that support the state in matters of energy supply. In this article we will look at what you need to pay attention to when developing accounting policies in order to tax accounting, as well as what documents will be needed to apply benefits.

Since 2009, the authorities have been constantly addressing the issue of improving the energy efficiency of production and housing and communal services.

With enviable regularity over the past 5 years, the country's top officials have made statements about the importance of this task. YES. Medvedev, in his Address to the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation in 2010, established a plan for increasing energy efficiency by 2020 by 40 percent compared to 2007 levels.

Legislation has been updated regulations stimulating energy savings. The Tax Code of the Russian Federation is no exception to the rule: three tax benefits are provided for taxpayers who are ready to support the Government in matters of energy saving.

Tax benefits regarding energy efficient equipment

Taxpayers have the right to apply a special coefficient to the depreciation rate, but not higher than two in relation to depreciable fixed assets that have high energy efficiency (clause 4, clause 1, article 259.3 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

The list of such objects is established by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 16, 2012 N 308. An increasing factor can also be applied to objects that have a high energy efficiency class, if in relation to these objects, in accordance with the legislation, the definition of such classes is provided (Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 31 2009 N 1222).

The advantage of applying coefficient 2 to the depreciation rate is extremely effective from an economic point of view. Increasing depreciation allows you to free up cash, which in turn is very important now. There is clearly a lack of liquidity in the market, which further increases the cost of borrowed funds. At the same time, the accounting profit reflected in the statements will only increase, unlike the tax profit.

In capital-intensive industries, the economic effect of recalculating depreciation using a coefficient of 2 gives such a result that the indicated funds for three years are comparable to the amounts for the current investment program.

The disadvantages of this benefit include the complete lack of expediency given the tax losses in the analyzed periods.

We also note that in relation to fixed assets registered before January 1, 2014, the right to apply coefficient 2 applies if these objects are operated in extended shift mode or in an aggressive environment. For this reason, accountants have asked the question of applying “energy efficient” benefits relatively recently. In addition, companies are exempt from property tax in relation to newly introduced facilities that have high energy efficiency or a high energy efficiency class. This exemption is valid for three years from the date of registration of the specified property.

As in the case of using a multiplying factor, it should be noted negative aspects the specified benefit. Since 2013, tax policy regarding property tax has been changing: the Ministry of Finance seeks to completely exempt movable property from taxation. And the objects listed in the above Resolutions are mainly movable property.

Tax preferences for investments in energy efficient facilities

An investment tax credit can be granted to a company that pays the relevant tax. The basis for this may be the company's investment in the creation of facilities with the highest energy efficiency class. In particular, for the purposes of obtaining an investment tax credit, the fact of sending cash to create:

Facilities related to renewable energy sources and (or) related to thermal energy production facilities, electrical energy, having an efficiency factor of more than 57 percent;

Other objects and technologies that have high energy efficiency, in accordance with the Lists approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 29, 2013 N 637 (clause 5, clause 1, article 67 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

Such a financial and legal institution as an investment tax credit has existed in Russia since 1991 (Law of the Russian Federation of December 20, 1991 “On investment tax credit”). Receiving funds for use with a lending rate from one-half to three-quarters of the refinancing rate of the Bank of Russia (paragraph 3, paragraph 6, article 67 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation) is very effective solution for many investment projects. In addition, when investing in energy-efficient facilities, a tax credit can be provided in the amount of up to 100 percent of such investments (clause 1, clause 2, article 67 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

It should be noted here: the inspectorate is not obliged to provide a tax credit. To provide a tax credit is the right of the tax authority. It was not possible to challenge the corresponding position in court (Resolution of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the Moscow District dated July 5, 2013 in case No. A40-117434/12-115-837).

Possibilities for applying benefits in practice

So, three tax benefits refer to three Decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation (Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 16, 2012 N 308, Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 31, 2009 N 1222, Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 29, 2013 N 637). For convenience, we will show in the form of a table which Resolution provides for the corresponding preferences.

To understand the correct application of benefits, we will analyze the information contained in each Resolution.

This Resolution provides for the application of an increasing factor of 2 to the depreciation rate, as well as tax exemption for three years from the date of commissioning of the fixed asset. Resolution No. 308 contains a List of equipment with 132 items, OKOF codes, criteria for facilities to confirm energy efficiency, and their threshold values. In general, the criteria determine the ratio of the amount of energy required to operate the equipment to its useful effect.

The list of equipment and the corresponding OKOF codes specified in the Resolution is not an exhaustive list of potentially preferential equipment. Thus, clause 47 indicates class code 14 2912000 “Pumps and compressor equipment.” This means that under this clause it is possible to apply the benefit to all equipment within the class.

We remind you that in accordance with the All-Russian Classifier of Fixed Assets, the hierarchy of codes is as follows: X0 0000000 - section; XX 0000000 - subsection, XX XXXX000 - class, XX XXXX0XX - subclass, XX XXXXXXX - type.

The criteria for each equipment are different, but in the entire Resolution there are four of them:

Specific energy consumption;


Recycling share.

In this case, the specified characteristics can be taken from technical documents supplied by the manufacturer, or calculated independently based on the units of measurement specified in technical documentation manufacturer (Letter of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated January 25, 2013 N 03-05-05-01/05).

Thus, it is not enough to obtain a guarantee from the supplier that the purchased equipment is the most energy efficient of its kind. Confirmation is required - the calculation of the energy efficiency indicator, which is named in Resolution No. 308.

In relation to this Resolution, the following applies: full list benefits discussed in this article: increasing depreciation rate, property tax benefit, the possibility of obtaining a tax credit.

But the list of equipment named in this List is not interesting from the point of view of applying benefits. Firstly, it uses inexpensive household appliances: refrigerators, televisions, and even light bulbs. Secondly, the listed equipment, except for elevators, is movable property, which means that even the most minimal effect is neutralized.

This Resolution provides a potential opportunity to receive an investment tax credit.

Based on the provisions of paragraph 1 of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 29, 2013 N 637, we can conclude that the use of equipment and technologies indicates the obligation of the fiscal authorities to enter into an agreement on a tax credit. At the same time, the Tax Code of the Russian Federation is the law, and the resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation is a by-law, which is developed in pursuance of the federal law.

This means that the taxpayer will not have an unconditional right to the benefit. The decision to grant a tax credit is made by the body authorized to make decisions on changing the deadlines for paying taxes and fees (Article 63 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

Resolution No. 637 contains a List of objects, OKOF and OKP codes and justification for the energy efficiency of equipment. If the specified equipment is included in investment project and its purpose corresponds to the purposes specified in the List, then it makes sense to apply for an investment tax credit.

Also, Resolution No. 637 contains a List of objects and technologies that are classified as high energy efficiency objects based on the compliance of the objects with the established values ​​of the energy efficiency indicator, the implementation of investments in the creation of which is the basis for the provision of an investment tax credit.

This List is similar in structure to Resolution No. 308 of April 16, 2012. Note that the following data has been added to the List: OKP code and regulatory and technical documents establishing the requirements for the energy efficiency indicator.

This data can significantly reduce the possibility of using the List. Resolution No. 308 does not contain data on what documents can confirm energy efficiency. The Russian Ministry of Finance indicated in letters that a calculation method can be applied to confirm the energy efficiency of fixed assets (Letters dated August 20, 2013 N 03-05-04-01/33917, dated August 15, 2013 N 03-03-06/ 1/33221). If the analyzed List indicates as a confirmation document technical passport, then any other version of proof (calculation, letter of guarantee from the manufacturer) will be reasonably rejected by the tax authority.

Tax incentives for the implementation of energy efficiency in the Russian Federation

To summarize, we can conclude that the property tax benefit introduced in 2012 is practically losing its significance. Since movable property recorded on the balance sheet from January 1, 2013 is exempt from taxation.

At the same time, the application of coefficient 2 to fixed assets since 2011 can provide a good incentive. But practice shows that tax lawyers are more willing to apply a similar benefit to facilities put into operation before January 1, 2014, if the equipment operates in extended shift mode (clause 1, clause 1, article 259.3 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

As for the investment tax credit, we note that the practice of providing it is unknown: the information provided is a tax secret. Although this is a powerful tool for stimulating business, its use can lead to increased corruption. Therefore, the practice of its use is small.

In general, the validity of the application of benefits provided for by the Tax Code of the Russian Federation is difficult to prove. Indicators listed in the lists in technical documents, as a rule, are absent. This means that in order to receive benefits you need to calculate them. However, none of the departments indicated the method for calculating them.

Problems of applying benefits related to fixed assets

The problem of applying tax benefits in relation to fixed assets is typical in almost any organization.

Engineering specialists put fixed assets into operation and are responsible for the operation of the equipment. They also fill out documents on putting objects into operation. For some fixed assets, you can write an entire scientific work on which OKOF to assign and in what cases. Often, the OKOF that was assigned earlier or that is found more quickly in the Classifier is assigned. Technical specialists do not decide how to take fixed assets into account in order to save on taxes or reduce the risks of additional charges.

The accounting of fixed assets is carried out by an accountant, and he makes decisions on the application of benefits. But it works with already completed documents. And often an incorrectly entered OKOF code or an incorrect definition of an inventory item can make the application of a legal benefit impossible. At the same time, the risk of claims from tax authorities increases significantly.

In-house lawyers of companies could analyze arbitration practice on issues of enforcing benefits and correct the actions of accountants and engineers, but they are too busy with current affairs: collection of accounts receivable, arbitration disputes with counterparties and work with procurement activities. In addition, working with tax arbitration cases has its own characteristics. It is very important to pay attention not only to the circumstances of the cases, but also to the documents that the taxpayer presented to the court and tax authority in support of his position.

To create effective system Taxation requires the skills and knowledge of all of the above employees. Otherwise, there is always the possibility of overpayment of unnecessary taxes to the budget or the risk of additional charges from inspectorates.

Issue No. 30

New energy-efficient equipment for various types of elevators

Concern "RUSELPROM" began industrial production of new energy efficient equipment for conventional and high-speed elevators. Expanding its product line, the concern introduced to the market the first Russian gearless drive - an innovation that can reduce dependence on foreign manufacturers and help in modernizing the housing and communal services sector.

Equipment energy efficiency labeling

In addition to traditional directions energy saving, developed after energy crisis of the 1970s, in recent years another direction has emerged - labeling energy efficiency equipment and products. The essence of labeling is that based on analysis and testing energy consumption in a group of products, each of them is assigned a specific index energy efficiency, recorded in the technical documentation. In addition, this index is applied to the product in the form of a colorful label.

Energy efficiency is at the forefront of the boiler

There is a very short summer in Russia, and the end of another heating season always acutely raises the problems of repair, modernization and renewal of the boiler plant equipment. Fuel becomes more expensive every year, so when designing and equipping a boiler room energy saving aspects inextricably linked with parameters energy efficiency basicequipment, are becoming increasingly important. Efficiency is nothing, technical specification is everything?

3D model of a biogas plant

Energy efficiency of company equipment

In countries EU energy saving equipment based on analysis and testing, one of the following is assigned 7 indexes energy efficiency with letter designations from A(most energy efficient class) up to G(most high level power consumption).

Energy efficient equipment for heat and water supply

Recently, not only large enterprises, but also private consumers are more interested than ever in reducing energy consumption, therefore, all technical innovations and rationalization ideas in this area are of great interest. At the specialized exhibition “Stroyexpo-2003” in the section “ Energy- and resource saving” more than 30 participating companies were represented. One of the represented companies, Triatherm LLC, held a seminar on the topic “Modern energy efficient equipment for heat and water supply.”

Energy from Waste (Philippines)

Energy-efficient equipment from Schneider Electric has been installed in the central heating points of Chelyabinsk

Use of modern energy efficient equipment from Schneider Electric in the central heating center is designed to significantly reduce the costs of city residents for thermal energy, increase the reliability of heat supply to the region and extend the life of energy systems. Thanks to the automation of all central heating centers, it is planned to minimize the human factor by ensuring centralized control of the system based on a single control room.

Read Energy efficient equipment in heating points

A chip has been created for portable equipment that saves energy

Thanks to the use of a new chip efficiency energy use can be increased by 10 times compared to solutions used today.

The hard way to save

Russian market climate systems aboundsenergy efficient equipment , but this in no way compensates for the lag in business energy and resource saving. In 70% of cases, the customer, out of a desire to reduce capital costs, underestimates or misses an opportunity to save on energy saving . An integrated approach to building design based on the results energy saving several times higher than projects where one or more energy efficient engineering systems.

A new power plant has been created in the toilet

We have previously heard about the production energy from waste water, so to speak, about “toilets-power plants”, only at that time these were projects of bacterial fuel cells that generate current due to the decomposition of organic matter in such a flow.

Solar trees will illuminate European streets

The idea of ​​using stored solar energy to illuminate city streets is becoming increasingly popular. This became possible thanks to technological breakthroughs in several directions at once: efficient solar cells, compact and durable batteries, and, of course, LED light sources with very low energy consumption. We recently wrote about the American experience in this direction, today we will talk about the European project.

Companies using energy efficient equipment will pay less taxes

Enterprises that will purchase new energy efficient equipment, in the first year of its operation they will not pay property tax. The head of the Ministry of Economic Development, Elvira Nabiullina, announced this today at the innovation forum in Tomsk. She explained that the department will soon complete the development of the relevant bill.

Experience in implementing energy efficiency requirements for electrical equipment

Years of investment in capacity building in IEA member countries have provided most of them with a strong foundation for introducing minimum standards energy efficiency(MSEE) and mandatory energy labels that are the cornerstone of national strategies energy efficiency.


The energy strategy of modern civilization provides for an increase in the energy supply of the economy while curbing the consumption of fuel and energy resources and associated environmental damage. The basic element of solving this controversial problem is energy saving.

Equipment energy efficiency labeling

A. L. Naumov, Vice President of NP "ABOK", General. Director of NPO TERMEK LLC

The energy strategy of modern civilization provides for an increase in the energy supply of the economy while curbing the consumption of fuel and energy resources and associated environmental damage. The basic element of solving this controversial problem is energy saving.

In addition to the traditional areas of energy saving, which developed after the energy crisis of the 1970s, in recent years another area has emerged - energy efficiency labeling of equipment and products. The essence of the labeling is that, based on analysis and testing of energy consumption in a group of products, each of them is assigned a certain energy efficiency index, recorded in the technical documentation. In addition, this index is applied to the product in the form of a colorful label.

For the purpose of unification, the energy efficiency scale for all groups of labeled products is divided into several classes.

In particular, in EU countries there are 7 energy efficiency groups with letter indices from A (the most energy efficient class) to G (the highest level of energy consumption).

The appearance of the energy efficiency label is shown in the figure.

The introduction of energy efficiency labeling is mandatory requirement in EU countries and is regulated by Directive 2005/32/EC of the European Parliament.

Labeling has already been introduced in many countries: USA, Australia, Japan, South Korea, China, a number of countries in Latin America and Africa.

As experience and information accumulate, energy efficiency labeling involves an increasing number of equipment, products and materials.

Labeling began in the 1990s with household appliances. The results of improving the energy efficiency of household refrigerators and freezers have exceeded all expectations. In countries that are members of the International Energy Agency (IEA), in 1990 there were 315 million refrigerators and 91 million freezers in operation, which consumed 335.3 billion kWh per year; by 2000, their number had increased by 1. 25 times, and energy consumption decreased to 314.6 billion kWh per year.

For comparison, the energy saved on household refrigerators in the IEA countries exceeds the energy consumption of the entire Moscow region.

Following refrigerators, washing and washing machines began to be labeled. dishwashers, water heaters, household air conditioners, lighting fixtures.

Currently time goes by the struggle to increase the share of energy-saving lighting lamps (fluorescent lamps consume 5–6 times less electricity than incandescent lamps). The energy saving potential in lighting technologies in IEA countries is estimated at 150–200 billion kWh per year.

So far, the volume of use of energy-saving lamps is estimated at different countries from 1 to 5%.

Following household appliances in some countries they are moving towards energy efficiency labeling of industrial equipment (pumps, chillers, heat exchangers, electric motors, generators, etc.) and road transport. There is the first experience of energy efficiency labeling in construction. The cost of a building for sale in Austria depends significantly on its energy efficiency index.

An energy-efficient product often costs significantly more than a conventional one. What forces and stimulates the consumer to post additional funds, and the manufacturer should release new equipment?

Summarizing the experience of different countries that use energy efficiency labels for products, we can highlight the following areas for promoting energy-saving products:

– mandatory labeling of energy-consuming equipment and products;

– directive restrictions on the production and sale of energy-intensive equipment;

– import restrictions: for example, the import of products of energy efficiency classes F and G into EU countries is prohibited;

– information and propaganda measures explaining the economic benefits of energy-efficient equipment during operation and its environmental efficiency.

However, in a number of countries, directive methods are combined with a system of voluntary certification of equipment for energy efficiency. Leading Western manufacturers have responded with understanding and interest to the requirements for energy efficiency of products, and currently the energy efficiency brand is just as significant characteristic competitiveness of the product, such as quality, reliability, design. It can be considered that in the EU, the modernization of equipment in terms of energy efficiency is one of the first places. The same trend is observed in changes in the priorities of consumer properties of goods among buyers.

How objective is the information on the energy efficiency label of the product we buy in the store? After all, even in one group of products there is a wide variety of properties that affect energy consumption: dimensions, power, operating modes, etc.

Criteria and regulations for testing the energy consumption of various similar groups of products have been developed. In most cases, test results are processed in relative terms, for example, the ratio of electrical power consumption to the useful cooling capacity of an air conditioner. The entire range of energy consumption characteristics of similar products present on the EU market, from the most advanced to the most energy-wasting, is divided into 7 groups according to energy efficiency classes from A to G with a fixed range of relative indicators in each group.

The procedure for identifying the energy efficiency of a product differs from country to country. Tests can be carried out in state certification centers, in independent accredited laboratories or directly by the manufacturer itself.

The developed methodology for labeling the energy efficiency of products is quite universal and clear. It is enough to see a label with the letter A on a refrigerator, air conditioner or car to be sure that this product belongs to the highest energy efficiency class.

What is the situation with energy efficiency in Russia? Do we need an international energy efficiency labeling system for products?

The Law “On Technical Regulation” establishes mandatory compliance with the requirements of “protection environment" and "prevention of actions that mislead acquirers." A number of GOSTs have been developed that define the requirements for the energy efficiency of products, including GOST R 51388–99 “Informing consumers about the energy efficiency of products for household and municipal purposes.”

According to the results of surveys of consumer property priorities (price, brand, design, etc.), our customers rate energy efficiency in one of the last places.

Unfortunately, the current regulatory framework in the field of energy efficiency in our country does not have a significant impact on energy saving. Thus, in Moscow there are territorial building codes MGSN 2.010–99 “Energy saving in buildings.” Mosgorekspertiza requires the development of an “Energy Efficiency” section within the framework of construction projects.

But, despite the efforts of the Moscow authorities, energy-wasteful solutions for the direct transformation of electrical energy into thermal energy are included in mass construction. air curtains, floor heating systems, ramps, open areas and transitions; one often has to deal with the use of electric heaters in air conditioning and ventilation systems, the use of imperfect lamps with incandescent lamps, and inefficient refrigeration machines, fans, pumps.

In our opinion, energy efficiency labeling can become an effective tool for developing an energy saving strategy in construction.

Already at the stage of technical specifications for design, requirements for the energy efficiency of the entire building and its individual engineering systems, equipment, products and materials that provide a given level of energy saving can be laid down.

Russia has joined the Kyoto Protocol, is preparing to join the WTO, the country has enormous energy saving potential, and the economy has set a course for the priority development of high-tech industries. Of course, we need to integrate into international system energy efficiency labeling, and such a project is being prepared by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation with the support of the United Nations Development Program and the Global Environment Facility.

The implementation of the project in our country is associated with the need to solve quite complex problems. Our country has unique reserves of fuel and energy resources, and domestic energy prices have always been significantly lower than world prices. To a certain extent, this predetermined the energy consumption of our economy. The energy intensity of our GDP is 2.0–3 times higher than the level of EU countries.

In conditions of low energy operating costs, energy efficiency of products and equipment is not a priority for either manufacturers or consumers.

An objectively energy-efficient addition to the price of a refrigerator due to operating costs in EU countries pays for itself in 3–5 years, in our country in 10–15 years.

On the other hand, to date, in most regions of the country there is a growing trend of energy capacity deficit. Thus, the investment component of connecting an additional 1 kW of electricity for a consumer in the Moscow region is estimated at 45,000 rubles.

Freeing up this kilowatt of electricity from the consumer by replacing conventional incandescent lamps with energy-saving lamps will cost only 2,000–3,000 rubles while increasing their service life by 3–5 times.

Or another example: to produce 1,000 kWh of cold in air conditioning systems, traditional machines based on piston compressors with an electricity consumption of 400 kWh can be used, or more expensive cars with a screw compressor and an electricity consumption of 200 kWh. The investment difference in the supply of electricity will be 9 million rubles - which far exceeds the cost of the most expensive refrigeration machines, not to mention operational savings of at least 0.5 million rubles per year.

Energy efficiency labeling can be a good help in implementing an energy saving program in the areas of construction and operation public buildings(schools, hospitals, clinics, sports complexes, administrative institutions, etc.), public procurement for ministries and departments (Ministry of Emergency Situations, Ministry of Defense, Ministry of Culture, etc.). It is in these areas that voluntary and directive directions for the implementation of energy efficient technologies can be rationally combined.

A more complex and lengthy path should be envisaged for involvement in energy saving through energy efficiency labeling for household consumers and commercial structures. The emphasis in this work will be on information and propaganda.

Another difficult problem is the modernization of domestic production technologies. Everyone understands that in the conditions of international integration and the declared course towards the role of a leading energy power, a radical update of production technologies for energy and energy-consuming equipment and products is necessary. The formal one-time introduction of international requirements for energy efficiency of equipment and products will bring most of the domestic industries to the brink of bankruptcy.

We need a fairly long period and effective government support for the modernization of our factories.

The domestic power engineering industry has already lost its position in a number of positions. Many of our developments are inferior to the technologies of power engineering in European, American, and south-eastern countries (Siemens, Hitachi, Toshiba, etc.). Markets for energy-consuming household equipment are largely monopolized by imports ( domestic air conditioners, electric radiators, refrigerators, dishwashers and washing machines etc.).

Our regulatory and legislative framework in the field of energy saving is largely declarative in nature and is not aimed at supporting increased energy efficiency of the products of our factories.

The tasks facing the energy efficiency labeling project in our country are primarily aimed at promoting the improvement of energy efficiency of our economy, the integration of advanced domestic and foreign energy-saving technologies, their full-scale implementation, improving the regulatory framework in the field of energy efficiency, promoting ecology and thrifty attitude towards energy resources of the broadest segments of the population.

The project is open for participation in it by qualified interested organizations and specialists in the field of energy consumption engineering equipment, which are the majority of members of the NP “ABOK”.

In Russian conditions, it is not easy to achieve the introduction of only energy-efficient equipment, since a private user cannot always save resources; this is not in his power. You can talk about saving resources with the owner of a private house, but only if the organization serving the village behaves correctly and decently.

If the costs of various energy losses in village networks are large, then the savings of an individual user may be too insignificant. In this case, organizational problems of network maintenance, problems of old networks and other similar insoluble utility issues will become much more important. In new urban-type settlements there are usually fewer utility problems; owners of private houses can be more free in choosing equipment. No one is more interested in the energy efficiency of their home than a private owner. The quality of the equipment and its service life is also a private choice, so a private owner can save energy resources without fear that all his savings may be negated by the need to replace a bad meter or a low-quality pump that the service organization installed.

The use of only high-quality and most durable energy-efficient equipment, it seems, should not raise any questions. However, such energy efficiency issues arise in places where there are plenty of other resource-saving opportunities. First of all, it is necessary to eliminate all losses due to normal aging of equipment. New homes do not have this problem, but not everyone can use the most energy-efficient equipment, since it costs more. The question arises of the return on investment in energy-efficient equipment. In some cases, houses are built for sale, so the most expensive and energy-efficient equipment is not always installed in them. On the contrary, they are looking for a way to supply the oldest and cheapest equipment that is supplied from abroad. Thus, the number of people who can take full advantage of technological progress is not very large. These are people who are building a “house for themselves” and want to operate it as cheaply as possible. To do this, they need to supply the most expensive and energy-efficient equipment and incur the highest one-time costs. The issue of choosing equipment and its necessary and sufficient functionality is very important here. Quality is very important construction work, quality and execution of engineering projects.

When choosing an energy-efficient gas condensing boiler, it is important to understand that all other resource saving opportunities have been exhausted. There are savings opportunities that most people don't even realize about. For example, the work optimization method may not be exhausted heating system due to uniform heat distribution. This situation, in which the heating system operates extremely unevenly, occurs quite often. In this case, even with thermostats, it is impossible to achieve the desired temperature in the premises of the house. To correct this situation, it is necessary to set balancing valves. The valve regulates the volume of coolant that passes through each heating circuit or through each heating device. Direct resource savings when installing valves are up to 40%, while the use of a condensing gas boiler cannot provide savings of more than 35%. The procedure for setting up a heating system does not cost more than 1% of the total cost of the entire heating system at home.

Savings on balancing the system do not end there. The fact is that when balancing the system, all heating equipment (boiler, radiators and pipes with fittings) operate in better conditions, which affects their durability. However, it is necessary to strive to optimize costs at the expense of the modern equipment, it pays off quickly. "Smart", intelligent heating properties gas boiler allow you to adjust the gas flow in direct proportion to the heat demand. The boiler automation (AUTO function) maintains the water temperature in the heating circuit. The INFO TOP function makes it possible to control the operation of the boiler and its modes. The display shows all values ​​on the screen. COMFORT function reduces waiting time for arrival hot water into the faucet mixer. Water arrives in 5 seconds. A private homeowner can achieve such operating conditions for the equipment so that not a single calorie of heat is wasted. The use of battery thermostats can save 20% of energy resources in the heating system.

Savings occur due to the fact that individual temperatures are set in each room. There is no longer any need to open and close the windows to regulate the temperature in the rooms. Modern thermostats can set the temperature in the range of 6-26 degrees. For example, you can lower the temperature in rooms that are not in use or turn off the heating at night. Energy savings can be achieved through the use of energy-efficient pumps that operate in heating systems. Energy-efficient pumps save about 30% of all the electricity that goes into maintaining the operation of the pumps in the system individual heating Houses.
