How to connect a heated towel rail to a hot water riser and a heating circuit with your own hands. Why does the heated towel rail not heat? The heated towel rail in the hot water supply system of a private house

Having the ability to quickly dry things regardless of the time of year is why we buy heated towel rails. To avoid problems with ways to connect the device to a hot water supply or heating system, it is recommended to purchase domestic products. Russian manufacturers They create models that are less susceptible to corrosion processes, unlike their European counterparts. Moreover, you will not have a question about how to connect a heated towel rail, because the diameter of the product will obviously coincide with our standards.

Today, consumers are offered heated towel rails in three modifications:

  • with heating element,
  • water,
  • combined.


DIY installation of a heated towel rail is available for water models. Here you can cope without outside help. Connecting an electrical or combined type requires specialized skills. You will need the intervention of a professional electrician:

  • water and combined models are more limited in installation locations. A heated towel rail in the bathroom provides the opportunity to use hot water or heating pipes. This method of placement is the most traditional for Russian housing and is convenient for drying linen and towels;
  • An electric heated towel rail has its own internal environment, which is heated by the heating element. This model can be mounted in any convenient place, provided there is an available power supply.

If you need to replace your old heated towel rail Soviet-style When purchasing a new model, you need to choose a device designed for bottom connection with a similar diameter.

A water-type heated towel rail is considered the most optimal. As a result of connecting to the hot water supply system, you get a functioning device all year round. The ability to control the water supply allows for repairs and installation work regardless of the season.

It must be remembered that connecting heated towel rails to the heating system imposes a seasonal limitation on its operation. You can quickly dry your laundry only as long as it lasts. heating season.

The same applies to the possibility of installing a heated towel rail when connected to a heating system. To attach the heated towel rail and connect it, you will need to wait until the summer. No one will allow you to make connections to the heating system in winter, since these manipulations will cause the riser to freeze.

Pipes hidden in the wall, with only external outlets, allow the installation of a water heated towel rail with a side connection. It is believed that installation of such a model is more labor-intensive, but aesthetically the device looks much more advantageous than other models. You should also pay attention to careful waterproofing of the connection. Eliminating leaks in this case will be an extremely difficult task.

Technology for connecting a heated towel rail

The most simple technology connections electric models. There are no complicated connections here. Process correct connection heated towel rail consists of fixing fasteners on the wall next to a stationary socket, subject to electrical safety rules. This means that the device should not be exposed to splashes or water. Recommended minimum distance from the bath or shower 2.4 meters. An electric heated towel rail can be installed anywhere in the house.

With water and combined models, things are more complicated. There are two stages of work ahead. Dismantling a previously connected old device and installing a new one in its place.

Materials and tools

Before we consider connecting heated towel rails to a hot water riser diagram, you need to determine the list of required materials and tools with which the device is connected to a hot water supply or heating system. For successful installation and correct connection you will need:

  • heated towel rail with diameter relevant the size of the pipes in the system;
  • brackets for mounting the device on the wall;
  • couplings and fittings;
  • drills and dowels for fastening brackets;
  • knife ;
  • pipes Ø 23 or 32 mm;
  • 2–3 ball valves;
  • apparatus for welding used pipes;
  • adjustable wrench;
  • tees.

For the electric type from the proposed list, you will only need heated towel rail, brackets for fasteners, drills and dowels with which the device is attached to the wall surface.

Ball valves

American solder (coupling)

Soldering iron for pipe welding

Pipe cutter

Answering the question of how to properly connect a heated towel rail, we move on to the first stage - dismantling the previously installed device. The first step is to turn off the water supply. If it comes to the heating system, then all manipulations must be previously agreed upon with the supervising services - the management company or the housing office.

If your device is connected to the system piping via threaded connections, then you need to unscrew them and remove the heated towel rail from the fasteners. When it comes to heated towel rails welded to pipes, they resort to using a grinder, leaving a section of pipe on which a new thread will be cut.

Removing the old heated towel rail

So, the algorithm looks like this:

  • the water supply in the system pipes is cut off;
  • the threaded connection is unscrewed and the device is removed;
  • The grinder is used exclusively if the heated towel rail was previously welded to the pipe, or because of time the connecting thread has become stuck and it is not possible to unscrew it.

If you plan to connect heated towel rail During the repair work, it is necessary to put marks on the wall where exactly the device will be mounted. Channels are cut to supply pipes. After completing this procedure, you can proceed to the next step.

When dismantling the old device, it must be taken into account that the length of the remaining pipes must be sufficient for cutting a new thread

Installation of taps (bypass)

Bypass - jumper pipe for installing a ball valve. It is required to circulate water in the system if there is a need to turn off heated towel rail. The installed tap will allow you to supply or shut off water for redirects via bypass. For electric heated towel rail it is not required.

To make a bypass, pipes are taken from the same material from which the system is made. Stainless steel is considered the best option. This is a durable material that is resistant to interaction with pipeline water.

Types of bypasses

When installing a bypass, ball valves are initially installed. If the pipes used did not have threads, they are cut. Next, at the inlet and outlet of the coil heated towel rail is installed one tap at a time. Be sure to ensure high-quality sealing of connections. Otherwise, leaks will have to be repaired in the future.

Bypass is not a required element during installation heated towel rail, worse function device will not be . A bypass is required in case of emergency situations, for example, formation in the connection area heated towel rail and pipes are leaking. It is possible to shut off the water at the riser, but in this case you will have to wait until the breakdown is repaired, remaining without hot water supply. Not the most convenient option. In case heated towel rails, connected to centralized This can be a real problem for heating and water supply systems.

Installing a bypass will allow you to shut off the water supply to the device using ball valves. In this case, water will continue to circulate through the main system. To remove air bubbles, another tap is installed on the bypass in addition to the existing ones.

Installation of heated towel rail

To connect the heated towel rail to the pipes you will need fittings. They can be straight or angular. Fittings are connected to pipes by welding.

The work algorithm looks like this:

  • The water supply to the riser is cut off. When carrying out work in apartment the house needs to coordinate actions with the organization supervising the water supply;
  • are installed three taps - at the inlet and outlet of the coil heated towel rail, and another one for the bypass jumper. This will allow for easy replacement or repair in the future. heated towel rail;
  • According to the marks, mount brackets or other fastening elements for the device on the wall. A maximum distance must be maintained between the wall cladding and the device. For a pipe diameter over 23 mm, it should be equal to 50 mm; if the diameter is less than 23 mm, then leave a gap of 35 mm;
  • Next, pipes with welded fittings are connected to the device. Be sure to use linen winding to seal the joint. Tighten carefully so as not to damage the thread;
  • check the result for leaks. To do this, supply water to the system. If the work is done correctly, there will be no leaks.

Marking before installation

Above vertical elements heated towel rails will be fixed in the rings of the brackets

Assembling the heated towel rail

Installation of heated towel rail

This algorithm will allow you to properly connect the heated towel rail so that it will work for a long time and stably. If you wish, you can install it yourself.

Connection diagrams

When connecting diagonally or laterally, it is necessary to place the outlets at the same level as the dryer inlets. Only slight deviation is acceptable. If the location of the taps turns out to be at a distance less than the length between the inputs heated towel rail, then the scheme function won't be .

When making connections, the taps must be mounted strictly horizontally. The maximum permissible distance deviation is about 2 percent, that is, 2 centimeters per 1 meter. The slope is determined depending on the chosen scheme and which end of the pipe the outlet will be connected to.

Connection Heated towel rail Hot water direction Location of taps Days of normal work needed
Lower Ladder Any Below the edge of the dryer Maximum efficiency.

Installation of air vents - mechanical or automatic - on the upper terminals.

Bends – pipe; the diameter is 1 step less than the diameter of the riser.

The bypass is straight, narrowed with a pipe of 1 step smaller in diameter.

Top feed allowed Dryer edge between outlets Efficiency decreases.

It is permissible to mount the upper outlet above the bottom of the dryer.

Universal side Any standard shape Top feed Horizontal, minimal deviation allowed The bypass is straight, not narrowed.

Air vents are not needed on the stairs; plugs are left.

With top supply, narrowing the bypass with a pipe of a smaller diameter step or moving the jumper closer to the dryer device will increase the efficiency.

Location of the top outlet below the top of the dryer Requires installation of Mayevsky valves to bleed air
Diagonal Ladder Operates with top feed The upper outlet is to the far edge; bottom - to the nearest The efficiency is equal to the efficiency when connected from the side.

A narrowed and offset bypass is allowed.

Bottom feed Bypass without narrowing, clearly along the riser.
Depending on model Heated towel rails with complicated, non-standard shapes Depending on the hydrodynamics of the product

The circuits will work properly provided that the taps are made straight. Any bends, rings and arcs are areas of air accumulation. Uneven water drainage leads to pipe blockage air lock, up to complete disruption of circulation. Fittings with a strong narrowing of the lumen can also disrupt circulation. Nothing inside the system should increase hydraulic resistance. The water flow must be free.

Scheme of fastening and connection of a heated towel rail

Connection diagram of a heated towel rail to a hot water supply pipe three types connections (bottom, side and diagonal)

Features of installation of a combined design

Most often standard heated towel rails They function only during the heating period. Apartment owners, in order to be able to dry clothes at any time, install towel dryers combined types that are capable of operating both from a heating or hot water system, and from the electrical network. To do this, a ladder-type device is installed in the lower left inlet electric heater equipped with a thermostat. Connection diagram heated towel rail to the hot water riser or heating system will look like this:

  • when turning off the taps, the device is filled through the supply line at the top left to which is installed Mayevsky crane;
  • When the heated towel rail is filled, it acquires a medium through which heating is produced from the heating element.
  • If you unplug it and open the taps, the supply of hot water from the central system will resume.

A combined heated towel rail also requires a water supply

It is necessary to provide space for a grounded socket for the heated towel rail

Remember that dryers have high energy consumption. That is why they require a separate socket, to which a cable capable of withstanding high voltage and is powered directly from the electrical panel. Such a line in the wiring is necessarily provided with a separate automatic machine. Combination dryers will not be connected to the general network without risk to the electrical wiring. It is very important that it be produced correct grounding. If you do not have the skills to install electrical cables, use the help of specialists. They will help you install the device correctly and ensure a high-quality power supply.

Proper connection of the device will bring obvious benefits and convenience when drying things. The most important thing is to approach the installation process wisely. The devices will significantly save your time, regardless of the time of year.


The device for drying hygiene items and removing excess moisture in the bathroom is simple to design and install. In order to install it, you do not need fundamental knowledge in the field of engineering communications construction.

However, you should clearly know how to connect a heated towel rail. After all, the result of your own efforts or the work of hired plumbers should please you for many years, do you agree?

In the article we presented, all options for installing PS and possible complications while it is connected. Verified and systematized information will be a reliable help for home craftsmen who want to do the work themselves, or who want to control the actions of workers.

We have outlined in detail the specifics of connecting an important household appliance in old and new bathroom layouts. The problems of private home owners have not been left unattended. The information we offer has been tested in practice, supported by visual materials and video instructions.

Connection heated towel rail in a country house

The conditions of a private home are more favorable for installing a dryer. With an autonomous feeding system, there is more clean water. You can buy imported PS that is afraid of sediment accumulation.

Usually in such a house a fairly large room is allocated for a bath, which expands the boundaries of the choice of unit in terms of size and shape. And connection work does not require permission from neighbors.

Regardless of where you are going to connect the heated towel rail - to the heating system or to the domestic hot water supply, you cannot do without inserting the device into the pipes

The connection diagram itself is similar to that used in apartment building. It must be remembered that the device should be connected exclusively along the flow of water. For line lengths up to 50 cm, place the pipes horizontally; for larger lines, make a slope along the entire length.

Maintain the distance between the wall and the water pipe. If the pipeline diameter is 4-5 cm, choose a distance from 5 to 5.5 cm. When the diameter is less than 2.3 cm, this gap is reduced to 3.5 cm.

Considering the temperature deformations to which hot pipes are subject, it is impossible to fasten the PS to the supports by welding; the fastening must be free.

Typical mistakes of independent craftsmen

When with lateral or bottom connection the lower outlet is located above the extreme point of the PS; a stagnation zone is formed between the bottom of the device and the connection point of the lower outlet.

This is a consequence of the fact that the cooled liquid, having dropped down, cannot get back into the riser due to the pressure on it from a column of hot water with a lower specific gravity. While the permissible height difference between the lower outlet and the bottom heated towel rail is not exceeded, the device works, and then the circulation in it stops.

Circulation will also stop if there is a bend formed by the upper pipe. Only a tie-in to periodically bleed off the accumulated air can make such a scheme work. Sometimes in top tube They make a loop, laying it behind the ceiling trim, and the lower pipe is walled into the floor.

Air will accumulate at the top, and the cooled water in the unit will be blocked in the lower loop located in the floor. The movement of the coolant will stop completely.

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How to connect a heated towel rail to heating?

What should I do?

A heated towel rail is a pipe-shaped device designed for drying towels. Based on the type of coolant, the device is divided into electric and water type. And although electrical appliance has more benefits, the water type of device is more often used. Water heated towel rails can be connected to two hot water supply systems: to the water supply or to the heating system. More often the first option is chosen, since tap water hot water It always comes in, but the heating only works in the cold season.

How to properly connect a heated towel rail to the heating system?

The scheme is quite simple, the whole process consists of the following steps:

  • dismantling old equipment (if it was previously there);
  • installation of bypass (i.e. jumpers) and ball valves;
  • connecting a heated towel rail;
  • checking the quality of work performed, connections.

When connecting the device to the heating system, it is important to know that the installation is carried out during the warm season, when the heating season is closed, since the coolant supply must be turned off. IN winter time no one will do this. It is worth noting that electric type device does not require similar actions.

For installation you will need the following materials:

  • heated towel rail with fasteners (usually included in the package);
  • ball valve – 3 pieces;
  • stainless steel pipe (for bypass).

Once the materials are prepared, you can begin work. Instructions for the work are presented below.

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Preparatory work

Dismantling the old device. Before you begin dismantling the old appliance, you must turn off the water supply to the heating system. Disconnection should be coordinated with the relevant services (housing office, management company). If the towel dryer is connected to the pipes using threaded connections, then it is enough to simply unscrew it and remove it from the fasteners. If the device is welded to the pipes, then it is necessary to cut it off with a grinder. In this case, you should leave a piece of pipe on which the thread will be cut.

Installation of bypass and taps. The bypass is necessary for water circulation in the event of a heated towel rail shutdown. This is a kind of jumper on which you also need to install a ball valve. The tap is necessary to supply and shut off water to pass through the bypass (the electrical device does not require the installation of additional elements).

To properly connect the bypass, you must. The scheme is also very simple. To do this, a thread is cut on the pipes (if there was none). The ball valve is installed at the inlet and outlet of the coolant from the coil. During installation, it is necessary to carefully check the tightness of the connection so that there are no leaks in the future.

The bathroom will become much more convenient if you equip it with such a functional device as a heated towel rail.

Its installation allows you to solve several significant problems at once:
- drying towels and small items;
- maintaining optimal temperature conditions;
- preventing the formation of dampness.

Installation of a water heated towel rail

First you need to assemble it - install shut-off valves with detachable connection, which in the future will ensure easy replacement of the heated towel rail or elimination of some defects without draining the riser. The assembled dryer can be attached to the wall anywhere by connecting pipes from the riser to it.

Important. When installing a heated towel rail, you must act strictly in accordance with the instructions supplied with it.

Connection order:

Features of installing a combined heated towel rail

Since water dryers usually work only during the heating period, many residents of high-rise buildings solve this problem by installing a universal heated towel rail, which can operate from a heating system or hot water supply, and from electricity. To do this you will need a drying ladder, to the left bottom eyeliner in which an electric heater with a thermostat is mounted. The installation of the heated towel rail itself is carried out in the manner described above.

Thus, the following scheme of work is obtained. When closing the shut-off valves and filling the device with water through the left upper inlet (where the Mayevsky tap is installed), the heated towel rail can be heated by electricity. When you disconnect it from the outlet and open the shut-off valves, heating will be provided by hot water from the central system.

Important. Connecting an electric heated towel rail requires fulfilling some requirements regarding electrical wiring.

The energy consumption of such devices is quite high (1 kW or more), which requires a separate outlet, which is connected with a cable with a cross-section of at least 2.5 square meters and powered directly from the electrical panel. This wiring line must be protected with a separate “automatic device”.

It is necessary to provide space for a grounded socket for the heated towel rail

Very important point– grounding. About connecting to protective grounding Manufacturers took care of ready-made heated towel rails and those made independently (with the equipment of a “ladder” heating element with a thermostat). Therefore, it is enough just to install a special socket with grounding, laying a three-core wire. If there is no grounding in the apartment, then you can perform “grounding”, when the ground wire and the neutral in the wiring are bridged with each other. This re-grounding must be done as close to the electrical panel as possible.

This is how to install and connect a heated towel rail. Before starting work, you need to decide whether you can handle this work on your own or not. Even if you decide not to do it yourself, you will at least understand the installation sequence, which will help you control the quality of the work of hired specialists.

Its correct operation, comfortable microclimate and bathroom design depend on how correctly the heated towel rail is installed.

Depending on the condition of the supply pipe and the availability of skills, all this can last several hours or drag on for at least a day.

Fans of classics and simpler things should not bother purchasing a chrome-plated coil or a U-shaped heated towel rail, but you should not expect uniqueness with such a solution. The most fashionable trend, which simultaneously combines functionality and sophistication, is the ladder model.

There are also a lot of design options here, from simple single-section ones to those with several sections, with the ability to rotate, mounted not only on the wall, but also on the floor and many others.

Most simple models may not require changes to the piping, but most ladders, and especially designer products, require non-standard connections and spacing between the inlet and outlet flanges.

The pipes connected from the riser to the connection point of the heated towel rail must be placed exactly opposite the inlet and outlet flanges, and only a slight error in the height of the thread crest is allowed.

Increasing this tolerance is possible if the pipeline is made of modern plastic pipes that have significant flexibility without sacrificing strength. The connection is made via ball valves, at the inlet and outlet of the heated towel rail.

The heated towel rail is connected only after the water supply is turned off. Next, tees are inserted into the pipe. If the riser is made of ferrous metal, then change it at the same time, preferably to plastic pipe, due to ease of use.

You won’t have to change stainless steel risers, but cutting into metal is much more difficult because of its rigidity.

It is best to install metal bends using conventional welding, and then lead a plastic pipeline to the connection point of the heated towel rail, which avoids the need to accurately measure the correspondence between the flanges of the device and the water supply.

It is very important that the heated towel rail operates parallel to the riser, that is, if necessary, it is possible to shut off the water supply to it without stopping the riser.

Ignoring this condition, and sometimes during repairs, owners specially cut out a section on the riser between the tees, can lead to a breakthrough due to significantly increased pressure and water hammer.

This connection option can only be carried out if it is provided for by the water or heat supply scheme of the building.

If before this the heated towel rail was powered from the DHW pipe, then a new connection must be made to it, and a transition from power supply from the heating system to DHW is allowed, but not vice versa, due to the difference in standard operating conditions.

When the house or apartment is equipped autonomous system heating, then the question arises: “How to connect a heated towel rail?”

Currently, an increasing number of not only owners of private houses, but also apartments choose this type of heating because of its flexibility and convenience.

Typically used double-circuit boilers, performing separate heating for the hot water supply and heating systems, and here, connecting the heated towel rail can be done according to three schemes:

  • to the hot water supply system;
  • to the heating system;
  • mixed connection.

The fact is that the water heating circuit works exclusively when it is taken from the system, that is, according to the principle of a gas water heater. The boiler automatically stops heating water in the heating circuit and switches to hot water supply mode.

A device connected only to a hot water supply will quickly cool down after the end of the selection, and when powered by heating circuit, it will constantly radiate heat.

At the same time, we should not forget that the heating is turned off in the summer, so it is the latter scheme that is most widespread.

Using a valve system, supply is organized simultaneously from two circuits. In summer, when the heating is turned off, the heated towel rail is powered by DHW systems, in winter, the supply from the water heating circuit is shut off, and the device not only works for drying, but also heats the room.
