What are the best scissors? The best professional knife sharpener

The sharper the kitchen knives, the more convenient it is to work with them. In addition, a blunted edge of the device is much more dangerous than a sharpened one. Like any tool, cutters require careful care and timely processing. In our article we will look at which knife sharpener is better, how to decide on the choice of this gadget, and which manufacturers produce best models devices for sharpening blades.

Types of knife sharpeners

There are several types of sharpeners that work well on the blade, but differ in material and efficiency of use. Let's look at the popular types of sharpeners and find out what their advantages and disadvantages are.

Electric knife sharpeners

Previously, electric sharpeners were used exclusively in catering establishments or industries. Such devices were quite large in size, but sharpened the knife blade as quickly as possible. Over time, more compact versions of electrical gadgets began to appear, which became popular in home use.

Sharpening machine

The sharpening machine is a stand with a motor, to which the flywheel itself is attached using a clamp. When connected to electricity, the sharpening disk begins to rotate at a given speed. It is enough to carefully apply the tip of the knife to the sharpener and in a matter of seconds the tool will acquire the finest edge. Typically, the surface of the grinding disc is made of a stone plate with diamond chips applied to the surface.

Despite its apparent simplicity, sharpening knives with this device requires some skill. Otherwise, you can completely damage the instrument and even get injured.

The advantage of a sharpening machine is its versatility. The device can process not only kitchen knives, but also garden or construction tools.

Automatic sharpener

An automatic sharpener has the same operating principle as a machine, but is much more compact in size and is intended exclusively for knives and scissors. Externally, the device resembles a metal bar with holes different sizes, for all types of knives. An abrasive disc is installed inside the sharpener, which rotates under the influence of electricity. This gadget is much safer to use and is suitable for processing ceramic knives.

automatic sharpener

Manual knife sharpeners

The most affordable and easy-to-use option is manual foot sharpeners. Using this device does not require special skills or additional effort.


Musat is a metal rod with a barely noticeable scar, and equipped with a handle. The device does not require any special skill and is quite easy to use. In addition, the sharpener is quite light and compact. Sharpening knives with such a device occurs as follows: kitchen appliance placed at an angle of 30 degrees across the metal plate and ground on both sides. Please note that the translational movements of the tip must be performed in one direction. Otherwise, if you move the knife back and forth along the shaft, the blade will quickly become unusable, forming irreparable nicks.

Treating the device with musat is a quick process, but the “sharpness” effect does not last long. This tool is ideal only for maintaining the knife in “working” condition.

Sharpening stone

A sharpening stone is the oldest method of sharpening not only knives, but also scythes, sickles and other tools. For maximum efficiency, this device was soaked in water a day before processing the instrument. The simple device is a stone coated with diamond or silicon of varying degrees of grain size. The pre-wetted knife must be applied at an angle of 20 degrees and sharpened on each side 7-8 times. For correct processing blades require certain dexterity and skill. Please note that a sharpening stone is a rather traumatic tool. The lack of a handle and protective frame is definitely a disadvantage, but the effectiveness of this device is no worse than that of more “complex” sharpeners.


How to choose a sharpener for kitchen knives?

Having considered the types kitchen sharpeners, we draw your attention to the types of abrasive coating. When choosing a tool for blades, this is the most important point. The “wrong” coating can not only leave the knife unsharpened, but also damage the cutlery.

Coarse abrasive

Coarse-grained spraying on a sharpener is used to restore “damaged” knives. Often strong mechanical impact negatively affects the texture of the blade, creating jagged edges. For example, when opening a can with a knife or cutting bones when cooking. In this case, a coarse abrasive grinds down all the irregularities. Unfortunately, this coating is not suitable for systematic sharpening of the device - it quickly grinds down the metal and changes the relief of the blade.

Medium grain abrasive

The sharpener's coating with medium-grained abrasive is the most versatile. With this device you can not only effectively sharpen a tool, but also smooth out small irregularities by slightly increasing the sharpening time. Medium-caliber diamond chips do not leave deep scratches and do not spoil the aesthetic appearance of products. This type of spraying is ideal for sharpening blades no larger than 0.5 millimeters, since the edges of the tip of wider products will not only not be processed, but will also damage the sharpener itself.

Fine abrasive

At home, fine-grained abrasives are practically not used - this type of coating is intended only for grinding and polishing small scratches, or sharpening small manicure tools. Most manufacturers use a fine abrasive as an additional attachment to the whetstone.

How to sharpen knives with a knife sharpener?

To learn how to properly sharpen utensils with a knife, you need to know the degree of “unsuitability” of the tool. If the knife is slightly dull, you can go over the surface of the tip several times with a medium-abrasive stone. Please note that the blade should be under maximum acute angle to the surface of the sharpener. Otherwise, you can damage the knife by dulling the main edge of the metal.

Severely dull instruments require more careful restoration. As a rule, in most cases the edge of the tip is no longer visible and you have to sharpen everything again. First you need to walk along the edge of the knife with a coarse abrasive, setting the desired shape. Then we grind with medium or fine sharpening.

Rating of knife blades for kitchen knives

Knifes are today as much in demand as the cutlery itself. The cost and quality of steel used in knives has increased markedly, therefore, the requirements for tools for processing have increased. We present to you a rating of the most effective and high-quality knife sharpeners.

Sharpener "Swifty Sharp"

Manufacturers of the electric knife sharpener “Swifty Sharp” (Sweet Shape) rely on consumer demand among housewives. The compact device not only has bright design, but also detailed instructions application that anyone can understand. This model has 5 holes for different widths blades, as well as a “bonus” scissor attachment. The price for the Sweet Shape foot sharpener is quite affordable - from 800 rubles.

Swifty Sharp

Sharpener "Ruixin"

The Chinese manufacturer of knife sharpeners "Ruixin" has created a device for processing blades using abrasive plates, which looks like a carpenter's vice. The tool is attached to the tabletop and secured with a seal. This is done so that you can freely sharpen knives without injuring your other hand or choosing the wrong angle. But, despite this advantage, Rixin does not enjoy high consumer demand. It's all about the long assembly of the sharpener before processing the knife. All elements of the device are removable and require some time to install on kitchen surface. The cost of the Chinese sharpener “Rixin” is from 1200 rubles.


Sharpener "Fiskars"

Automatic sharpener "Fiskars" (Fiskas) is a ceramic stone enclosed in modern design. The tool is a block with a plastic body that has a hole for a blade. The upper part of the sharpener is covered with a special fiber to prevent your hands from slipping during operation. This sharpener model is universal and suitable for processing garden or construction tools. To use, simply insert the tip of the blade into the hole and press the button. 1-2 minutes is enough to restore the cutting properties of a kitchen knife. The sharpener from this manufacturer is completely dismountable, which greatly simplifies the cleaning process. The price for the Fiskas automatic gadget is from 750 rubles.


Sharpener "Nakatomi"

The Japanese knife sharpener "Nakatomi" has electric drive and two-stage sharpening of the blade. One hole of the device is intended for “rough” shaping of edges, the second is for grinding the surface. The machine operates almost silently, but thanks to its high power, it sharpens the knife as quickly as possible. "Nakatomi" is in particular demand in food service industries, where quick processing of blades is required. short term. For home use This device is also convenient, but due to its high cost, it is not in demand. Minimum price for a Japanese knife sharpener - from 2,500 rubles, which is significantly higher than the Chinese analogue “Rixin”.


Sharpener "Apollo"

Knife sharpeners from Apollo are the most budget option kitchen accessory. The device consists of diamond-silicon discs installed in a plastic handle. The sharpening is suitable for any blade width and household scissors. To process a knife, you need to place the tip between the plates and, pressing lightly, draw it in one direction several times. Among the advantages of Apollo, it is worth noting the low risk of injury and ease of use. But, unfortunately, this gadget is only suitable for maintaining the sharpness of knives, since diamond discs are not capable of more effective sharpening. The Apollo kitchen tool sharpener can be purchased for only 150-250 rubles.


Knife “Smile”

Another representative of electric cutters from the company “Smile” (Smile) is especially popular on Russian market household appliances. The device has two types of holes for different models knives, each of which contains 4 medium-grain diamond plates. The device, when sharpening the tip, automatically determines the angle of the abrasive and ideally sharpens the blade.

Despite these advantages, Smile has minor disadvantages. The device is quite large in size, so it will be quite inappropriate in small kitchens. Please note that this knife sharpener is quite noisy, although it processes the blade in a short time. The cost of the device is from 2200 rubles.


Knife "Mistress"

Russian knife sharpener “Mistress”, by technical specifications, is not much different from the previous representative of the Smile company. But there are much more additional “bells and whistles” in this tool. For example, the noise level when working with a sharpener is much lower. “Mistress” is also equipped with containers for collecting waste and metal shavings, which can be easily removed and washed even in hot water. Suction cups located on the bottom of the device allow you to securely fix the device on any surface. The price for a foot sharpener of this brand is from 3,000 rubles.


If you do not have the proper skill in sharpening knives using manual sharpeners, we recommend using exclusively automatic ones. Or contact a workshop that specializes in processing blades. Otherwise, you may damage the knife, leaving irreparable nicks on the edge.

Greetings, friends! Happy holidays to everyone!

As I see, many bloggers sum up their results and set goals for the next year. And that's probably right. Well, I don’t know... public goals, of course, motivate, but I’ll wait with it for now. Even a year ago I didn’t set any special goals for myself, except for one - to be useful people, your blog and your knowledge.

So, without any global goals for now, I decided to end this year with a knife fast. If you, dear readers, have not forgotten, knives are one of my many hobbies. That’s why in the continuation of this section we’ll talk about sharpeners. More precisely, about devices for holding the angle when sharpening knives.

So, an overview of devices for sharpening knives and their features. It must be said that if you distribute sharpeners according to, let’s say, functionality, you will end up with a list of several items (purely my classification):

  • classic sharpeners, are, simply, two small bars set at a certain angle to each other and placed in a single body
  • sharpeners with blade fixation in a clamp
  • sharpeners with fixation of stones and free movement of the knife when sharpening
  • sharpeners without fixation at all, interesting and the most best option

I'll start with the simplest and most common option.

Classic knife sharpener.

I think there are such sharpeners in every kitchen. Or a little different, this is my slightly advanced version.

It contains two types of stones, for sharpening (carbide plates are installed instead of stones) and for finishing, but this does not make sharpening any more convenient.

Price: from 100 rubles

Convenience: no, you can sharpen knives only with a certain sharpening angle.

Sharpener with blade fixation

Next point, common sharpeners.

The principle is simple: a knife is fixed in a clamp, and then sharpened with a special whetstone. In the photo above, the multi-colored ones are just bars, and above the bars there is a special device for fastening them.

And this is how sharpening happens...

Everything is quite simple, but there is a minus in such sharpeners. It is very inconvenient to sharpen knives with a long blade and wide knives, such as a chef's knife.

The most famous sharpeners are from DMT (photo above) and from Lancky

Price: from 1500 rubles (depending on the number of stones and the stones themselves)

Convenience: Any knives with a medium-length blade can be sharpened well; you can sharpen the knife into a razor.

Video from the official DMT website. Aligner™ Pro Kit sharpening system overview.

The only thing is that I sharpen a little differently... All manufacturers advise holding the knife and moving the whetstone along it. But it’s absolutely inconvenient for me to sharpen it like that. Therefore, I do the opposite - holding the block, I move the knife along it.

Knife sharpeners with stone fixation

Cool sharpeners, but I didn't like the sharpening result. Such sharpeners are well suited for sharpening knives, but sharpening a knife... I don’t know, I couldn’t do it. And the two fixed angles don’t really allow for any special sharpening.

There are also similar sharpeners of a higher class, the cooler manufacturer is Spyderco (a very famous knife manufacturer).

Here is a video, in English, of course, but the friend who talks about the Spyderco Tr-iangle Sharpmaker has such expressive gestures that everything is clear.

Price: from 1500 rubles (depending on the manufacturer)

Convenience: not really, you can straighten the knife well, but sharpen it...

Sharpeners without fixation. Sharpening systems

This is the most normal sharpener, the knife is not fixed, and you can set any angle. But I can’t say anything in more detail, I don’t have this device yet and therefore I can’t say anything. Although many people praise it.

Price: from 4,000 rubles (the Chinese clone costs half as much)

Convenience: Of the sharpening systems, the best option, although I make do with DMT

Watch a video review of the Edge Pro Apex Knife Sharping System. Everything is clearly visible and it’s clear why I classified it as a sharpener without fixation

My friends! This concludes the article, after all, in a few hours New Year, there is still a lot to be done.

Good luck in all your endeavors!

It is impossible to imagine a kitchen without a sharp steel knife, or better yet, a set of knives. Nice knife- guarantee instant cooking any dish and beautiful meat or vegetable cuts

It is impossible to imagine a kitchen without a sharp steel knife, or better yet, a set of knives. A good knife is a guarantee of quick preparation of any dish and beautiful cutting of meat or vegetables.

But there is not a single knife that would not sooner or later fail the owner with a dull blade. You can take your knives to special sharpening services, but it is better to buy an electric knife sharpener for home use. Such a sharpener will always be at hand and will instantly put your kitchen tool in order when needed.

What types of sharpeners exist today?

It's not easy to choose good sharpener from all the variety presented to customers. Blade sharpening devices are presented in 4 categories:

- Machine tools
- Musaty
- Sharpeners

Electric sharpening devices are the best today for home use. They are universal in use: knives, screwdrivers, scissors can be returned to their original sharpness in just a couple of minutes. The electric sharpener itself selects the degree of sharpening; you do not need to have any knowledge of how to sharpen correctly; the device can handle even the dullest knives. A huge plus is the affordability - now everyone can buy an electric knife sharpener.

1. SEC-2000 - Nakatomi electric diamond sharpener.

It has no analogues in its price category.
- Applicable to any knives (steel, ceramics).
- Two functions in one device - sharpening and finishing.
- Speed ​​of execution.
- Replaceable diamond rollers.
- Powered from the network.
- Does not require sharpening skills, anyone can do it.

This turning system is the best for home use. The undoubted advantage is that the SEC-2000 electric sharpener does not require any skills in handling such devices; even women can do it. Mains power ensures uninterrupted operation; you can sharpen all the knives in the house without worrying about the battery running out. Affordable price with Japanese quality diamond sharpener allows you to acquire a faithful assistant for many years.
Cost: from 4990 rub.

2. Edge Pro Apex 4 - sharpening system from the USA

Accurate angle setting.
- Easy to use.
- Replaceable abrasive stones.
- Versatility.

Suitable for sharpening the blades of metal knives and ceramics. Unlike the first sharpener, abrasive stones are used.
Cost: from 17,000 rub.

3. Spyderko Tri-Angle Sharpmaker - sharpening system, made in the USA

Ceramic rods.
- Preset sharpening angles.
- Ability to sharpen knives, scissors, fishhooks, blades.
- Mobility.

Good option for universal use and turning of any tools. Easy to carry from place to place.
Cost: from 5690 rub.

4. Lansky Deluxe 5 - mini system for sharpening knives

Small suitcase with everything you need.
- Four set sharpening angles.
- Used to restore the sharpness of kitchen, garden and hunting knives.
- The system is easy to use.

A definite plus - small size system that easily fits into a suitcase. The restriction in the use of ceramic knives and Santoku knives lowers the Lansky sharpening system to fourth place in the TOP.
Cost: from 4450 rub.

5. Edgeware 50073 – electric knife sharpener

2 stages of sharpening.
- Finishing function.
- Polishing function.
- For steel and tourist knives.

The absence of a preliminary sharpening stage determines the fifth place for this electric sharpener. A plus is the polishing function, which not every knife sharpening system has.
Cost: from 4390 rub.

Whichever knife sharpening machine or set you choose from this rating, each of them perfectly restores sharpness kitchen knives and will allow you to forget about dull blades for a long time. The main thing is to choose exactly what is convenient for you.

Video review of knife sharpeners

Processing of meat, fish and vegetables requires appropriate quality equipment, thanks to which it is possible for minimal short time prepare food for cooking. That’s why a professional knife sharpener is so valuable, as it will help you perfectly and quickly sharpen the working surfaces of home and restaurant kitchen tools.

The best electric sharpeners at competitive prices

A variety of brands compete to be the best: electric sharpeners for conventional and Edge Ware, Kitchen IQ, Smith`s, etc. - recognized champions in the production of professional kitchen accessories, and not only ordinary utensils, but also universal sharpeners for knives and scissors will be ideal for use. And if someone doesn’t know what scissors are useful for in the kitchen, then we will suggest several options: for cutting off the fins and tails of fish, as well as the stems of any greenery.

With a little internet marketing, you can figure out how to choose the right sharpener for the knives you use every day. Moreover, the modern assortment offers a lot various types tools with the widest range of capabilities, including step-by-step sharpening of knives.

How to sharpen metal surfaces of kitchen appliances

Sharpening serves one purpose - to give the blade sharpness. But few people know that the main point is compliance correct angle cutting edge metal device. Especially if you need to do this operation multiple times. It is this sharpening of cutting surfaces that will help achieve an ideal result in several ways.

One involves using a variety of electric sharpeners; the second - mechanical cutting devices, such as grinding wheels and stones; and the third - this is professional, but using the method of straightening with musat.

Despite the apparent ease of work, not everyone can properly sharpen sharp devices in the kitchen. And all because professional level you need to master the basics of each method.

What do we know about sharpening tools?

What do we know about special sharpeners? And not only about the devices themselves - it is important to choose the source material from which the work surfaces are made. For example, for knives it must be not only abrasive, but also highly durable so that it can withstand not just one, but repeated use. This article will be of interest to those who want to learn how to sharpen a tool correctly.

Electric knife sharpening

It may seem that the easiest ones for home and restaurant use are electric sharpening machines. But not everyone understands how to carry out an operation using an electric sharpener safely and in accordance with all the rules. Electric sharpener- This is a special device that operates exclusively from the mains. It is preferred by professionals who, due to the nature of their work, are forced to sharpen kitchen “blades” often and in large quantities. But even ordinary housewives will find this device an excellent assistant for every day. The main thing is to choose a convenient place closer to the power supply and pre-configure everything you need. A professional knife sharpener is a lightweight and small-sized tool, which makes it easy to use in the kitchen. But the blades of the knives become unusually sharp!

They have several holes with which you can set a certain angle of the blade of a single-sided or double-sided knife and, accordingly, the level of sharpening. Such tools are considered the most convenient and modern methods processing kitchen knives that can be used independently. Fast and high-quality preparation of tools helps save the cook’s time and effort.

Mechanical sharpening of cutting surfaces

It is popular not only electrical appliance, but also a professional manual knife sharpener. It is a regular sharpening stone built into a miniature machine. These, for example, include the Apex edge pro ultra knife sharpener.

Manual sharpening allows you to change the processing angle, and the working part can be in the form of sharpening stones or steel plates. Sharpening the cutting surface of a blade is a fairly delicate job, and a whetstone is the easiest and most a good option quality care for knives right in your kitchen. It won't take much time and won't require serious skills. With the help of an inexpensive and convenient device, you will ensure that your knives are always sharp, making your cooking work easier. It's just important to remember and use a few simple rules, then processing meat, fish or vegetables will become a real pleasure for both a professional cook and an ordinary housewife.

Several features of mechanical sharpening

  • Professional training involves the use of 3 types of sharpening stones with different degrees of grit.
  • It is necessary to start sharpening from a block with a larger grain size. It is important that each subsequent sharpening stone eliminates the roughness and scratches that formed on the blade from the work of the previous whetstone.
  • Before you start sharpening the blade, it is recommended to wet the surface of the whetstone with water.

The best are Japanese sharpeners, which allow you to process the edge of the blade literally to the point of a razor, which is so important for professional chefs. By the way, ceramic knives can also be sharpened well using Japanese stones.

Types of knife sharpeners

The knife sharpener is a cheap, convenient and simple sharpening machine for home. There are several types of devices with different operating principles and unique shapes:

  • a sharpener, the sharpening on which is one-sided;
  • a machine that performs classic sharpening of the blade on both sides;
  • a mechanical device, the level of knife sharpening on which depends on the applied physical strength of the cook’s hands;
  • electric sharpener powered by a drive.

A regular knife sharpening stone is different from a lathe because the latter devices are more efficient and easy to use. Moreover, effective and convenient devices allow you to save energy and time. If you need to have it on hand at all times to work in the kitchen sharp knives, then a professional knife sharpener is best solution, especially if it is made by a well-known manufacturer.

Half-sharpening with musat

If daily minor sharpening of the surface of the knife or straightening of an edge curved when cutting hard products is required, then you can use a special device - musat. It is a durable metal rod with a comfortable handle and looks like a round file. Parallel longitudinal ribs are applied to the rod, which create work surface. Very often sharpening musat is sold in a set of knives.

To “straighten” a kitchen tool, just take the grinder perpendicular to the knife and apply it to the edge at an angle of about 25 degrees. With sharp movements along the knife blade, apply the musat on both sides, applying a slight force, which will be quite enough to obtain an ideal surface.

Thus, any of the described devices for sharpening kitchen knives: mechanical, electric, whetstone or sharpening stone will help to constantly maintain steel and ceramic knives in working condition, and the sharpening process itself will bring pleasure to every housewife.
