Calorie content of lamb and pork. What is the healthiest meat?

Meat is a product whose usefulness is reflected upon by all of humanity. The benefits and harms of meat have been proven by many scientists and doctors of the past and present. Vegetarians and vegans never tire of laying out more and more evidence that man is not an omnivore, that is, an omnivore. 99% of human DNA is similar to the DNA of chimpanzees, which are mostly herbivores, excluding eating ants and some other insects.

Many nutritionists, in turn, completely deny vegetarianism and believe that this nutritional system is not capable of fully providing a person with all the necessary substances to maintain health and vital functions at a high level.

There is also a third side - faith and the church, which encourages Orthodox Christians to fast, that is, to temporarily give up meat dishes. And Muslims, for example, do not eat pork, which is also one of the factors for the health of the body by reducing the amount of cholesterol consumed by a person. This confirms the opinion of our ancestors that it is still necessary to eat meat, but the question is its quality and quantity.

Calorie content and benefits of different types of meat

Beef meat

Beef is by far the most common type of meat, one might say one of the favorite varieties of the population. Science studying the right approach to nutrition defines beef as a first-class source of food proteins, since this type of meat contains all the amino acids necessary for the human body and essential for nothing.

  • It's no secret that the benefit of beef lies in its highest nutritional value, since four times less amount of beef can, in terms of calorie content, replace a liter cow's milk. In addition, eating meat saturates the body faster than any other product.
  • The benefit of beef is that, unlike, for example, fiber, beef neutralizes hydrochloric acid, digestive enzymes and other irritants contained in gastric juice. Thus contributing to the normalization of acidity in the stomach and intestines.
  • Beef is much faster than cereal crops, vegetables or fruits are absorbed in the human body. Therefore, the benefit of beef is that it does not lead to clogging of the intestines with rotting and fermenting waste.
  • This meat is considered especially valuable, since the benefit of beef also lies in its high content of many minerals and, especially, a high content of zinc, as well as iron, which is very necessary for our body.
  • Experts consider beef to be a dietary meat, and people suffering from many diseases, as well as those who have undergone operations, recommend eating it after blood loss, both boiled and in strong broths and soups based on it.

Calorie content of raw beef is 218.4 kcal; Proteins 18.6 g; Fats 16 g; per 100 grams.

Pork meat

Scientists together with nutritionists have proven that pork ranks second in digestibility by the stomach, which has a beneficial effect on the body’s digestive system. For example, lean pork contains slightly more fat and protein than chicken.

  • The enormous benefit of pork lies in the content of large amounts of B vitamins (especially B12), iron, zinc and proteins.

It should be remembered that these are irreplaceable components of the body. In turn, B vitamins control the normal functioning of the central nervous system, which manifests itself healthy sleep, calmness and balance.

Also, do not forget that iron is important integral part human body. It is part of hemoglobin and various enzymes; iron stimulates the function of hematopoietic organs and promotes the rapid restoration of hemoglobin in patients with iron deficiency anemia.

In addition, pork contains a lot of protein, which is why it is recommended that lactating women consume pork, as it has a good effect on the production of breast milk.

Calorie content of raw pork is 142 kcal; Proteins 19.4 g; Fats 7.1 gr. per 100 grams.

Chicken meat

The benefit of this product is its high content of easily digestible protein, minimum quantity fat and no carbohydrates. In addition, chicken is rich in phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, and iron. Chicken meat can affect blood pressure, participates in lipid metabolism, balancing sugar levels in the blood and urine, it also lowers cholesterol and stimulates kidney function. Chicken meat is excellent dietary product, having low energy value.

Experts say that high-quality chicken meat can be used as a way to combat many diseases, such as gout and polyarthritis, diabetes and peptic ulcers. Diabetics should especially consume chicken meat, since it helps increase polyunsaturated acids in the blood, which are perfectly absorbed by the human body.

Another benefit chicken meat– the presence of glutamine in it. This is an amino acid that helps build muscle mass. That's why bodybuilders love chicken so much.

Calorie content of raw chicken meat Calorie content - 113 kcal. Proteins 23.6g; Fats 1.9g; Carbohydrates 0.4 g per 100 grams

How many calories are in boiled chicken?

Since I have different parts of the chicken different calorie content then on average:

The calorie content of boiled chicken is 135 kcal per 100 grams of product

The calorie content of the fatty parts of chicken, such as meat with skin, will, of course, be greater and amount to up to 195 kcal per 100 grams.

Depending on the cooking method, the number of calories in boiled chicken may vary:

Number of calories per hundred grams of product, table:

Now about nutritional value. Pay attention to this table:

Amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, per hundred grams of product:

Rabbit meat

For those who didn’t know yet, we inform you that rabbit meat, along with chicken, is considered dietary. In large supermarkets it is already possible to buy rabbit meat without difficulty. The vitamin and mineral composition of rabbit meat is no poorer than the composition of other types of meat, but due to the small amount of sodium salts, it is more beneficial for the body and is irreplaceable for those who suffer from food allergies, cardiovascular diseases and gastrointestinal diseases.

Rabbit meat contains more protein than any other meat, and, accordingly, the least amount of fat, which will be deposited in the human body in the form of cholesterol. In addition to the known facts, rabbit meat fights radiation well, which is important when treating oncology. Due to the minimal content of allergens, such meat can be prepared even for children under three years of age.

But with all the advantages, do not forget that rabbit meat contains purine bases, which, after digestion, turn into uric acid, which contributes to the appearance of arthritis. Therefore, remember the amount and norms of consumption even of dietary meat.

Calorie content raw meat rabbit - 183 kcal; Proteins 21.2 g; Fats11 gr. per 100 grams.

Lamb meat

In some ways, lamb can be classified as dietary meat, because it contains very little fat (1.5 times less than pork). At the same time, it contains a huge amount of minerals, vitamins and easily digestible proteins.

Lamb is rich in iron (there is 10-30% more of it than in pork) and low in cholesterol. Agree that this is a truly magical combination...

In addition, it is believed that lamb contributes to the normal functioning of the pancreas and thereby prevents such dangerous disease like diabetes.

But to get daily norm folic acid, you need to eat at least 1.1 kg of lamb.

If we talk about people suffering from various diseases internal organs, then experts recommend eating not the lamb itself, but broths based on them.

Calorie content of stewed meat

Stew is the healthiest option because it in this case, meat during the cooking process is not combined with other high-calorie foods, such as potatoes or rice. The calorie content of stewed meat depends entirely on the type and fat content of the meat itself. When stewing, onions and carrots are usually added, products that practically do not increase the calorie content of the stew. If beef is used, then the calorie content of the dish will be approximately 150 kcal per 100 g. Those who add a side dish of vegetables to the stew, rather than mashed potatoes or rice, will be right. It’s tastier and healthier this way.

As you can see, meat can be consumed as a separate dish, or you can cook various complex dishes with it. Meat is a traditional product in national cuisines different nations. At the same time, it is unlikely that people were initially concerned with the question of how many calories are in meat. Most likely, this product attracted people because it caused a feeling of satiety for a long time, and any dish with meat turned out to be truly tasty.

The presence of meat on the table has always been an indicator of prosperity, but the poor were content with simpler food. It is worth recognizing that regular consumption of meat in large quantities often led to illness. This is still true today, when meat has become a product available to everyone. However, moderate consumption of this product only benefits the body. However, the same can be said about the consumption of any other food product.

Table of caloric content and nutritional value of meat

Product Calorie content Kcal Squirrels gr. Fats gr. Carbohydrates gr.
Mutton 202,9 16,3 15,3 0
Lamb 1 cat. 209 15,6 16,3 0
Lamb 2 cat. 166 19,8 9,6 0
Buffalo meat 194,8 19 13,2 0
Buffalo meat, category 1 194,8 19 13,2 0
Buffalo meat, 2 categories 135,4 20,8 5,8 0
Camel meat 160,2 18,9 9,4 0
Beef 1 cat. 218 18,6 16 0
Beef 2 cat. 168 20 9,8 0
Goat meat 216 18 16 0
Horse meat 167,1 19,5 9,9 0
Horse meat 1 category 167 19,5 9,9 0
Horse meat 2 cat. 121 20,9 4,1 0
Roe deer meat 138,4 21,1 6 0
Rabbit meat 183 21,2 11 0
Moose meat 100,9 21,4 1,7 0
Saiga meat 208,1 21,2 13,7 0
Yak meat 111,5 20 3,5 0
Meat, lamb 191,7 16,2 14,1 0
Venison 154,5 19,5 8,5 0
Venison 1 cat. 155 19,5 8,5 0
Venison, 2 categories 124,5 21 4,5 0
Pig meat 109 20,6 3 0
Pork bacon 318 17 27,8 0
Pork is fatty 491 11,7 49,3 0
Pork meat 357 14,3 33,3 0
Veal 1 cat. 97 19,7 2 0
Veal 2 cat. 89 20,4 0,9 0

Meat dishes for those watching their figure

Almost all weight loss systems recommend not giving up meat products, but give preference to white poultry meat. However, this does not mean that you need to give up on red, forever and ever giving up cutlets, cabbage rolls, kebab and even stewed potatoes with meat, which contain as much as 180 kcal per hundred grams. You just have to approach the issue of preparing it and combining it with other products wisely.

Myths about meat and reality

Despite the many advantages of meat, some people refuse to eat meat dishes altogether. We are used to calling such people vegetarians or vegans, meaning the same thing - giving up meat. In fact, vegetarians are people who completely exclude meat from their diet. Vegans refuse not just animal meat, but everything connected with them. They don't eat eggs or dairy products, and don't even wear things made from genuine leather and fur.

There is another group of people - raw foodists. They are often confused with those who simply do not eat meat. In fact, such people only eat foods that have not been heat-treated; in other words, they eat everything raw. Since most raw foodists are ultimately divided into two groups: those who eat everything, but only raw (including meat) and those who eat only plant foods (fruits, vegetables and herbs).

People by various reasons refuse meat. We will not take into account the moral side of the issue, but will only dispel myths that contain fundamentally incorrect information about meat. After all, the benefits and harms of meat for humans is a pressing issue in which you should rely on facts.

The most common myth is “meat is poorly digested and takes a long time to digest.” In fact, animal meat contains many amino acids, which are precisely what are needed for the absorption of food. If you don’t overeat, meat will be digested no worse than any other food.

The same applies to the “rotting” of meat in the stomach - myth No. 2. The whole point here is that “rotting” processes can arise from any product eaten in very large quantities, since the stomach simply cannot cope with volumes exceeding the size of the stomach itself.

Complete refusal of meat is a very big stress for the human body. Perhaps you should just switch to dietary meat, and not eliminate it completely.

The calorie content of meat per 100 grams varies from 120 to 500 kcal and depends on the variety, type and category. The way in which the product is prepared also plays an important role.

The benefits of meat in the human diet

The dietary appeal of the finished dish will depend not only on the number of calories in the meat, but also on its taste and benefits to the body.

The importance of meat for a complete diet is undeniable, since it is the main source of proteins, fats and a huge amount of bioactive substances needed by the body. Meat also contains iron, phosphorus and B vitamins, especially a lot of nicotinic acid.

Meat is required most of all in childhood and adolescence, as well as by those who engage in heavy physical labor.

The calorie content of any variety depends on the volume of lipids it contains.

  • In beef and lamb cuts, the lipid content can vary from 1 to 26%
  • in poultry - from 5 to 39%
  • in pork - from 28 to 63%.

In our body, meat protein is broken down into amino acids, from which our own proteins are then built. There is no doubt that there is a lot of protein in some products of plant origin (nuts, seeds, beans, etc.).

Some people prefer soy substitutes. But here it is important to remember that the calorie content of any meat products is less than the calorie content of soy meat, which contains 300 kcal per 100 g.

There are no amino acids not found in plant foods. But in meat the concentration of proteins is much higher, and they are absorbed by the body by 80-95%. Therefore, it must be included in the menu of physically active people and children.

  1. women and children 80 g of meat;
  2. for men - up to 150 g;
  3. for athletes and people engaged in heavy physical labor - up to 200 g;
  4. representatives of the senior age group- 50-80 g.

Nutritional value of different types of meat

If you want to lose weight, then pay attention not only to the calorie content of meat, but also to its composition. For example, chicken contains a lot of phosphorus and potassium, pork contains iron and B vitamins. Therefore, when choosing a complete diet, it is important to take all factors into account.

You should start with pork, which has the highest percentage of fat. Lean pork carbonate, which contains a lot of myoglobin, is suitable for the diet. In addition, for healthy eating A spatula will do. Breast and collar should be avoided as they contain excess fat.

Pork neck calories:

  • 552 kcal per 100 grams;
  • proteins - 13.6 g;
  • fats - 31.9 g.

Calorie content of pork carbonate:

Advice from nutritionist Irina Shilina
Healthy eating is incompatible with strict dietary restrictions, malnutrition and prolonged fasting. There is no need to strive for abnormal thinness by depriving yourself of food that brings pleasure. Pay attention to the latest weight loss techniques.

  • 142 kcal per 100 grams;
  • proteins - 19.4 g;
  • fats - 7.1 g.

Different types large meat cattle comparable in terms of benefits for the body, but preference is better given to veal. And when choosing a variety, you should pay attention to low-fat fillets and carbonate.

The most high-calorie meat is lamb. However, the cholesterol content in it is four times less than in pork. It is also unrivaled in terms of the amount of lecithin necessary for cellular regeneration. But here, too, the back and loin parts of the carcass are preferable.

Let's compare the nutritional value of 100 g of veal, beef and lamb carbonate:

Chicken fillet is considered the most dietary. It is low in calories and is the easiest to digest, and in terms of the content of proteins, vitamins and minerals it is second only to seafood.

Chicken fillet calories:

  • 99 kcal per 100 grams;
  • proteins - 21.5 g;
  • fats - 1.3 g.

Meat does not contain carbohydrates, so it is used as a basis in many protein diets (Kremlevskaya, Dukan, etc.). But liver, which can also be included in diet menus, contains 4 g of carbohydrates per 100 g of product.

Calorie content of dietary meat dishes

The calorie content of the dish will directly depend on the method heat treatment and on what part of the carcass is used. Of the by-products in diets, only liver can be found.

The calorie content of beef liver is about 125 kcal per 100 g.

Beloved by many, minced meat contains about 351 kcal, but its nutritional value will depend not only on the types of raw materials used, but also on the additives contained in any semi-finished product. Therefore, when choosing products for a specific dish, you must take into account how many calories are in the liver, minced meat or meat of the selected variety.

When preparing dietary dishes, you need to remember that the smallest energy value for dishes made from boiled meat, and the highest for dishes made from fried meat. However, how many calories are in fried meat will also depend on the processing method.

Thus, the calorie content of a grilled dish will be lower than that of meat that was fried using oil. Stewed meat occupies a middle position between boiled and fried.

  1. Calorie content of boiled beef meat is 150 kcal.
  2. Fried meat in vegetable oil - 180 kcal.
  3. Stewed meat - 160 kcal.
  4. Beef liver stew - 131.6 kcal.

All dietary dishes are divided into groups:

  • for those who are overweight, the deciding factor will be calories: the less of them in a dish, the better;
  • dietary dishes for people with diseases of the digestive system should be lean and easily digestible, therefore it is preferable to use veal, chicken, young horse meat, and rabbit;
  • in case of peptic ulcer disease, lean dishes should still have a delicate consistency (soufflé, cutlets, steamed meatballs, etc.);
  • for people suffering from high cholesterol in the blood, only pork is excluded;
  • Veal, lamb, rabbit and chicken, which contain a lot of easily digestible protein, are suitable for children.

Knowing the calorie content various types meat and the individual characteristics of your body, you can choose the most suitable method of culinary processing and the most useful rate of consumption of this product.

5 out of 5

The importance of meat in human nutrition is explained by the fact that meat is one of the main sources of complete proteins, fats and a large number of biologically active substances. In the digestive tract, meat protein is converted into amino acids, on the basis of which human body forms new, own proteins. Of course, protein is also found in plant foods, especially in nuts, seeds and legumes. By and large, there is not a single essential amino acid that is not found in foods of plant origin. However, the protein content in meat is still higher, and besides, meat protein has a very high percentage of absorption by the body - 80-95%. Therefore, meat must be present in the diet of people leading a physically active lifestyle or engaged in physical labor. Meat is of great importance in the nutrition of children and adolescents, especially during periods of rapid growth.

It is believed that 80 g of meat per day is enough for women and adolescents. Men – 100-150 g. Athletes and people engaged in heavy physical labor can eat up to 200 g of meat per day. Elderly people can be satisfied with 50-80 g of meat products. Meat in moderation is healthy. However, its excess in the diet can lead to intoxication of the body and metabolic disorders. Without diminishing the importance of meat in nutrition, it is fair to note, that by giving up meat products, but having a fairly varied diet, including fresh chicken eggs, dairy products, cereals, legumes, fruits and vegetables, the human body will fully receive the substances necessary for life.

The meat is muscle tissue with adjacent connective and adipose tissue. The meat also contains elements of nervous and bone tissue. Meat also contains extractive substances that determine the taste and aroma of the product during heat treatment. Extractive substances have almost no nutritional value, but stimulate the secretion of digestive juices and promote better digestion of meat.

What determines the calorie content of meat?

The calorie content of meat depends on the variety, type and category of meat and ranges from 90 to 500 kcal. The energy value is influenced by the type and age of the animal, the conditions of its keeping, fattening technologies, and the composition of feed. The calorie content of meat is also determined by its anatomical origin, that is, from which part of the carcass it was taken. Some parts of the meat carcass have the leanest meat, some have more fat.

The number of calories in meat is directly related to the fat (lipid) content in the meat.. The fat content of beef and lamb ranges from 1 to 26%. Poultry meat contains 5-39% fat. Pork is the leader in the amount of lipids. The fat content in this meat ranges from 25 to 62%.

How many calories are in different types of meat?

The lowest energy value, with high nutritional value and rich content of biologically active substances, is veal (90 kcal per 100 g of product), roe deer meat (97 kcal), and venison (112 kcal).

The average calorie content of traditional types of meat - beef, pork and lamb - is 187, 316 and 203 kcal, respectively. If we are talking about fatty pork, then the calorie content of the meat is considered to be 489 kcal.

Poultry and rabbit meat is highly valued. The average energy value of chicken is 190 kcal. The calorie content of turkey meat is approximately the same - 194 kcal. Please note that this refers to the average calorie content of meat. The caloric content of carcass parts can vary significantly. For example, the energy value of chicken breast is only 113 kcal. Calorie content of chicken skin is 212 kcal.

The calorie content of rabbit meat is 198 kcal.

Poultry and rabbit meat are valued for their special properties of easily digestible proteins, high content of polyunsaturated amino acids, and rich mineral and vitamin composition.

How does the calorie content of meat change as a result of heat treatment?

When heat treated under the influence high temperature Many chemical and physical reactions occur in meat, as a result of which the structure, composition, color, taste and aroma of the product changes.

The calorie content of meat after heat treatment is higher than the calorie content of fresh meat. During heat treatment, meat loses moisture and protein coagulates. The meat decreases in volume and weight, the concentration of dry matter increases, therefore the number of calories in the meat increases. Although, of course, some of the nutrients are lost by meat. For example, when cooking. Therefore, calorie content boiled meat is the smallest.

Amount of calories in boiled meat:

  • lamb – 191 kcal;
  • beef - 251 kcal;
  • pork – 255 kcal;
  • veal – 115 kcal;
  • chicken – 128 kcal;
  • turkey – 195;
  • rabbit meat – 198;
  • venison – 204.

The calorie content of stewed meat is slightly higher. In addition, stewing is usually preceded by frying the meat until golden brown. Frying to a golden brown crust is used to preserve as many nutrients and biologically active substances in the meat as possible. This technology helps improve the taste of the finished dish.

Calorie content of stewed meat:

  • lamb – 243 kcal;
  • beef - 254 kcal;
  • pork – 342 kcal;
  • veal – 155 kcal;
  • chicken – 135 kcal;
  • turkey – 202;
  • rabbit meat – 210;
  • venison – 208.

Fried meat has the highest energy value:

  • lamb – 264 kcal;
  • beef - 268 kcal;
  • pork – 325 kcal;
  • veal – 175 kcal;
  • chicken – 260 kcal;
  • turkey – 282;
  • rabbit meat – 240;
  • venison – 218.

The only exception is pork. The energy value of this type of meat when fried is lower than the calorie content of stewed meat. Since pork meat is very rich in fats, when frying it loses some of the fats, they are rendered out. Lean meats can absorb up to 20% of oil when fried. In addition, different types of meat contain different amounts of water; when frying, the water evaporates, the concentration of substances increases. Miscellaneous properties They also have proteins.

Dietary meat dishes

Dietary meat dishes can be divided into several large groups. Firstly, these are dishes for overweight people. When choosing meat for such dishes, the decisive factor will be the calorie content of the meat: the lower it is, the better.

Secondly, dietary dishes for people suffering from liver and pancreas diseases. They should be low-fat and easily digestible. To prepare dietary meat dishes for such patients, it is preferable to use veal, chicken, young horse meat, and rabbit.

For those who have low blood cholesterol levels, any meat except pork is suitable. It is desirable that it be meat from young animals.

For patients with peptic ulcers, dietary meat dishes should not be too fatty and have a delicate consistency. Meat soufflés, steamed meatballs or cutlets are preferable. How many calories meat contains is not important if the patient is not overweight.

The calorie content of meat per 100 grams varies from 120 to 500 kcal and depends on the variety, type and category. The way in which the product is prepared also plays an important role.

The benefits of meat in the human diet

The dietary appeal of the finished dish will depend not only on the number of calories in the meat, but also on its taste and benefits to the body.

The importance of meat for a complete diet is undeniable, since it is the main source of proteins, fats and a huge amount of bioactive substances needed by the body. Meat also contains iron, phosphorus and B vitamins, especially a lot of nicotinic acid.

Meat is required most of all in childhood and adolescence, as well as by those who engage in heavy physical labor.

The calorie content of any variety depends on the volume of lipids it contains.

  • In beef and lamb cuts, the lipid content can vary from 1 to 26%
  • in poultry - from 5 to 39%
  • in pork - from 28 to 63%.

In our body, meat protein is broken down into amino acids, from which our own proteins are then built. There is no doubt that there is a lot of protein in some products of plant origin (nuts, seeds, beans, etc.).

Some people prefer soy substitutes. But here it is important to remember that the calorie content of any meat products is less than the calorie content of soy meat, which contains 300 kcal per 100 g.

There are no amino acids not found in plant foods. But in meat the concentration of proteins is much higher, and they are absorbed by the body by 80-95%. Therefore, it must be included in the menu of physically active people and children.

  1. women and children 80 g of meat;
  2. for men - up to 150 g;
  3. for athletes and people engaged in heavy physical labor - up to 200 g;
  4. representatives of the older age group - 50-80.

Nutritional value of different types of meat

If you want to lose weight, then pay attention not only to the calorie content of meat, but also to its composition. For example, chicken contains a lot of phosphorus and potassium, pork contains iron and B vitamins. Therefore, when choosing a complete diet, it is important to take all factors into account.

You should start with pork, which has the highest percentage of fat. Lean pork carbonate, which contains a lot of myoglobin, is suitable for the diet. In addition, a spatula is suitable for a healthy diet. Breast and collar should be avoided as they contain excess fat.

Pork neck calories:

  • 552 kcal per 100 grams;
  • proteins - 13.6 g;
  • fats - 31.9 g.

Calorie content of pork carbonate:

Advice from nutritionist Irina Shilina
Healthy eating is incompatible with strict dietary restrictions, malnutrition and prolonged fasting. There is no need to strive for abnormal thinness by depriving yourself of food that brings pleasure. Pay attention to the latest weight loss techniques.

  • 142 kcal per 100 grams;
  • proteins - 19.4 g;
  • fats - 7.1 g.

Different types of cattle meat are comparable in terms of their benefits to the body, but it is better to give preference to veal. And when choosing a variety, you should pay attention to low-fat fillets and carbonate.

The most high-calorie meat is lamb. However, the cholesterol content in it is four times less than in pork. It is also unrivaled in terms of the amount of lecithin necessary for cellular regeneration. But here, too, the back and loin parts of the carcass are preferable.

Let's compare the nutritional value of 100 g of veal, beef and lamb carbonate:

Chicken fillet is considered the most dietary. It is low in calories and is the easiest to digest, and in terms of the content of proteins, vitamins and minerals it is second only to seafood.

Chicken fillet calories:

  • 99 kcal per 100 grams;
  • proteins - 21.5 g;
  • fats - 1.3 g.

Meat does not contain carbohydrates, so it is used as a basis in many protein diets (Kremlevskaya, Dukan, etc.). But liver, which can also be included in diet menus, contains 4 g of carbohydrates per 100 g of product.

Calorie content of dietary meat dishes

The calorie content of the dish will directly depend on the method of heat treatment and on what part of the carcass is used. Of the by-products in diets, only liver can be found.

The calorie content of beef liver is about 125 kcal per 100 g.

Beloved by many, minced meat contains about 351 kcal, but its nutritional value will depend not only on the types of raw materials used, but also on the additives contained in any semi-finished product. Therefore, when choosing products for a specific dish, you must take into account how many calories are in the liver, minced meat or meat of the selected variety.

When preparing dietary dishes, you need to remember that the lowest energy value is for dishes made from boiled meat, and the highest for dishes made from fried meat. However, how many calories are in fried meat will also depend on the processing method.

Thus, the calorie content of a grilled dish will be lower than that of meat that was fried using oil. Stewed meat occupies a middle position between boiled and fried.

  1. Calorie content of boiled beef meat is 150 kcal.
  2. Fried meat in vegetable oil - 180 kcal.
  3. Stewed meat - 160 kcal.
  4. Beef liver stew - 131.6 kcal.

All dietary dishes are divided into groups:

  • for those who are overweight, the deciding factor will be calories: the less of them in a dish, the better;
  • dietary dishes for people with diseases of the digestive system should be lean and easily digestible, therefore it is preferable to use veal, chicken, young horse meat, and rabbit;
  • in case of peptic ulcer disease, lean dishes should still have a delicate consistency (soufflé, cutlets, steamed meatballs, etc.);
  • for people suffering from high cholesterol in the blood, only pork is excluded;
  • Veal, lamb, rabbit and chicken, which contain a lot of easily digestible protein, are suitable for children.

Knowing the calorie content of various types of meat and the individual characteristics of your body, you can choose the most suitable method of culinary processing and the most useful rate of consumption of this product.

The energy value of foods is quantified using a unit of measurement called a calorie. It has been established that the protein and carbohydrate components of food contain 4.1 kilocalories (kcal) per 1 gram, fat is more energy-intensive and contains 9 kilocalories per 1 gram.

Thus, the total calorie content of the product is calculated by the formula:

Calories = 4.1 x Protein + 4.1 x Carbohydrates + 9 x Fat

Meat products

Meat products contain practically no carbohydrate component; they are rich in proteins and fats.

Animal fat, if consumed in excess, can cause increased cholesterol levels and the development of atherosclerosis. However, you should not give up meat products - meat and eggs contain a full set of essential amino acids that the body requires to form muscle mass.

For a healthy diet, choose lean meats and egg whites. Calorie table for meat products:

Meat products
Beef 187 Stewed: 232
Fried: 384
Pork 265 Stewed: 350
Fried: 489
Mutton 294 Stewed: 268
Fried: 320
Chicken breasts 113 Boiled: 137
Fried: 157
Chicken legs 158 Boiled: 170
Fried: 210
Duck 308 Baked: 336
Goose 300 Baked: 345
Eggs 155 Fried: 241
Boiled: 160
Egg white 52 Boiled: 17
Fried: 100
Egg yolk 322 Boiled: 220
Ham 365
Boiled sausage 250
Smoked sausage 380
Sausages 235

Dairy products

Milk is a source of protein and some fat-soluble vitamins and minerals.

Fermented milk products supply the body with beneficial probiotics that improve intestinal function.

Cottage cheese provides the body with the slow-moving protein casein, and cheese is the record holder among all products for calcium content. Calorie content of dairy products per 100g:

Fish and seafood

Fish is rich in proteins and fats, however, as opposed to fats from meat, fish oils are beneficial for blood vessels and the heart due to their significant content of omega-3 fatty acids.

Seafood contains almost no fat - it is a high-quality protein product. Calorie content of fish and seafood in the table:

Fish and seafood Calorie content per 100 g of raw product Calorie content per 100 g of prepared product
Red caviar 250
Black caviar 235
Shrimps 95 Boiled: 95
Squid 75 Boiled: 75
Cancers 75 Boiled: 75
Carp 45 Roasted: 145
Chum salmon 138 Roasted: 225
Salmon 142 Roasted: 155
Smoked: 385
Bream 48 Boiled: 126
Dried: 221
Pollock 70 Roasted: 136
Perch 95 Stewed: 120
Herring 57 Salty: 217
Sprats 250


Almost all vegetables are low in calories, with the exception of starchy vegetables such as potatoes and corn.

Vegetables contain insoluble fiber, which is not absorbed in the digestive tract, but makes it work properly. Give preference to fresh vegetables or process them minimally. Calorie content of vegetables:

Vegetables Calorie content per 100 g of raw product Calorie content per 100 g of prepared product
cucumbers 15 Salty: 11
Tomatoes 20 Salty: 32
Onions 43 Roasted: 251
Zucchini 24 Stewed: 40
Eggplant 28 Stewed: 40
Potato 80 Boiled: 82
Roasted: 192
Baked: 90
Cabbage 23 Stewed: 47
Salty: 28
Broccoli 28 Boiled: 28
Carrot 33 Stewed: 46
Mushrooms 25 Fried: 165
Marinated: 24
Dried: 210
Pumpkin 20 Baked:
Corn 101 Boiled: 123
Canned: 119
Green peas 75 Boiled: 60
Canned: 55
Green 18
Beet 40
bell pepper 19
Radish 16

Fruits and berries

Fresh fruits, like vegetables, contain a large amount of fiber. In addition, fruits and berries are rich in beneficial vitamins and antioxidants that support correct work all systems in the body and prevent the development of many diseases.

Fruits Calorie content per 100 g of raw product Calorie content per 100 g of prepared product
Apples 45 Jam: 265
Dried: 210
Pear 42 Jam: 273
Dried: 249
Apricots 47 Dried apricots: 290
Bananas 90 Dried: 390
Oranges 45 Candied fruits: 301
Tangerines 41 Candied fruits: 300
Lemons 30 Candied fruits: 300
Grapefruit 30 Candied fruits: 300
Cherry 25 Jam: 256
Plum 44 Jam: 288
Dried: 290
Raspberry 45 Jam: 273
Strawberry 38 Jam: 285
Currant 43 Jam: 284
Gooseberry 48 Jam: 285
Grape 70 Raisins: 270
Kiwi 59 Dried: 285
Mango 67 Dried: 314
Peaches 45 Jam: 258
Melon 45 Candied fruits: 319
Watermelon 40 Candied fruits: 209
Pineapple 44 Dried: 268
Pomegranate 52
Avocado 100


Water, coffee and tea without milk and without sugar have zero calories.

All other drinks are quite energy-intensive and should be taken into account when calculating daily caloric content. Pay attention to the calorie content of alcoholic drinks. The alcohol contained in them is estimated to have an energy content of 7 kilocalories per 1 gram. This is less than fats, but almost twice as much as proteins and carbohydrates.

Nuts and seeds

Nuts and seeds are rich in plant proteins, fats and fiber.

This is very high-calorie product, but you shouldn’t give it up completely because nuts contain many nutrients.

You can sprinkle the seeds on your salad, and you can take a handful of nuts with you and use them as a healthy snack. How many calories are in available nuts and seeds:

Cereals and legumes

Cereals supply what the body needs for a balanced diet.

Consuming slow-acting carbohydrates prevents a sharp rise in blood glucose and keeps you full for several hours. In addition to carbohydrates, legumes contain a large amount of vegetable protein. Calorie content of cereals and legumes per hundred grams:

Pastries and sweets

These products have virtually no nutritional value, but they are very energy-intensive.

When losing weight, it is recommended to reduce the amount of flour products and sweets to a minimum or avoid them altogether. Such products do not contain nutrients, have a significant glycemic index, and supply the body with fast carbohydrates and “empty” calories, which are likely to be stored as fat. Calorie content of sweets:


Sauces and various dressings are usually added to salads or used with meat. Since many of them are quite high in calories, this fact should be taken into account when calculating your daily calorie intake. Calorie table for sauces:

The best foods for weight loss

The main task when losing weight is to saturate the body nutrients without adding unnecessary calories.

Pay attention to products with a low fat content; the method of preparing the dish also matters. It is preferable to steam, boil or bake food in the oven.

The best foods for weight loss in the table:

Product category Recommendations
Meat products Choose boiled chicken breasts or cook lean beef or lean pork in the oven. The egg white should be separated from the yolk to reduce the calorie content of the product. Avoid all processed meats.
Dairy products Opt for low-fat milk, cottage cheese, yogurt and kefir to fill your body with protein without extra calories.
Fish and seafood Steamed or grilled fish and seafood can be added to the diet without restrictions.
Vegetables Reduce your consumption of potatoes and corn. Prefer using fresh vegetables for salads or steaming them.
Fruits Eat fruits only fresh. Fresh fruits are low in calories, with the exception of avocado and banana, but contain a lot of fructose, which is a fast carbohydrate. If you want to lose weight, consider this fact.
Drinks Water, coffee and tea without milk and without sugar in unlimited quantities. Other drinks should be avoided during weight loss.
Nuts and seeds No more than 10 nuts per day, taking into account their calorie content in the daily diet.
Cereals and legumes Cook porridge in water. You shouldn't avoid complex carbohydrates when losing weight - without them, you'll fall off faster and break your diet.
Pastries and sweets Avoid while losing weight and limit after this period.
Sauces To dress the salad, just sprinkle it with vegetable oil, vinegar or lemon juice.

The Best Foods for Mass Gain

To build muscle mass, you should increase your daily intake. This, however, does not mean that you need to eat all high-calorie foods in a row.

For a healthy diet, focus on complete proteins and complex carbohydrates.

Product category Recommendations
Meat products Along with boiled breasts, make scrambled eggs, as well as steaks and chops from lean meat.
Dairy products Any dairy products are allowed, but it is better to focus on whey protein and cottage cheese as a source of casein.
Fish and seafood Boiled, fried and steamed fish and seafood.
Vegetables Limit your consumption of fresh vegetables, as fiber will prevent the food you eat from being absorbed.
Fruits Limit sugary fruits for fast carbohydrates or use them post-workout.
Drinks Avoid alcohol - it suppresses protein synthesis in the body and reduces the ability of muscles to recover after exercise.
Nuts and seeds Limit your serving size as nuts are difficult for the body to digest and will cause discomfort in the digestive tract if consumed in large quantities.
Cereals and legumes Oatmeal, buckwheat and lentils have a moderate glycemic index and provide the body with many beneficial microelements.
Pastries and sweets Limit these foods due to fast carbohydrates. Can be used as a cheat meal or immediately after training.
Sauces Give preference vegetable oil– artificially prepared sauces contain a lot of preservatives and salt.