What to plant potatoes with in one bed. What vegetables should be planted next to each other?

Choosing the right companions on the site, combining several crops when planting so that each of them has benefits is a difficult part, but interesting work gardener The article answers the question of whether it is possible to plant carrots next to beets.

What to plant next to the beets needs to be planned in the fall, taking into account predecessors in the garden, lighting and soil requirements.

Interesting. There is a science of allelopathy, which studies the mutual influence of plants on each other, both positive and negative, as a result of their secretion in environment various organic substances, metabolic products. Plays an important role in the soil-forming process.

Planting planning

Get good harvest It is possible if you comply with all the requirements for planting this vegetable. Beetroot is a fairly unpretentious crop, and it does not have many unfavorable neighbors.

Compatibility of beets with other crops

To figure out what to plant beets with in one bed, you need to understand the agricultural technology of this crop.

Important! Agricultural technology is aimed at finding and creating conditions for best development cultivated crops, is used in accordance with local conditions and plant care requirements at different stages of the growing season.

Beetroot is a light-loving plant. sun rays give color and taste to the root crop, and the lack of the required amount of light forms small fruits with thick tops, so you should not plant it in the shade of a tall-growing neighbor. And vice versa, when the beets grow, they will be able to shade lower plantings with their tops. Therefore, it is recommended to choose a combination with early varieties other vegetables and plant in high beds. On such high bed root system plants will not lack oxygen, and mixed planting will be successful.

Growing beets

During germination and rooting, beets require soil moisture, and excess watering will do not to all neighbors in the garden. It should be borne in mind that this root crop is capable of taking a large amount of nitrates from the soil; it should not be planted next to a bed into which chemical fertilizers have been applied.

Which area the culture prefers is where it is located good drainage. In such soil, the root system develops well and does not rot. Beds located in lowlands and proximity to vegetables in such a place are not suitable.

Good soil drainage is very important

Favorable neighbors

The most suitable partner is Kohlrabi cabbage. Considering that beets like to grow along the edges, a successful combination would be to plant them in the ground on the sides, and plant Kohlrabi cabbage in the middle of the ridge. These vegetables have a great effect on each other. Kohlrabi cabbage early maturation and is removed from the garden bed during the summer, leaving free space for the beets to grow. Also suitable:

  • lettuce;
  • parsley,
  • radish,
  • asparagus;
  • types of cabbage such as: broccoli, Brussels sprouts, but cauliflower does not need such a neighborhood.

The neighbors of the beets in the garden will happily be healthy and friendly leaf vegetables - spinach, root celery - in the shade of the beets they will grow even more fragrant.

What you can plant beets next to, besides vegetables, are some berries that are favorable to such a partnership. If the beets do not get their own ridge, but only the edge of the strawberry one or the area between grapevines, she will tolerate this very well, because living next to strawberries and grapes is acceptable for her, and such a mixed garden is also very useful for the vines.

Joint plantings

Beet neighbors such as onions and garlic can be used as an additional crop for planting and compacting row spacing; planting onions along the edges of the bed is also suitable.

On the question of whether it is possible to plant carrots and beets together in the same bed, there is no clear opinion; there is an assumption that beet root exudates have a healing effect, but at the same time, carrots can be shaded by the thick tops of a neighbor, and if planted, then at a distance from each other.

Pay attention! Both of these vegetables have a similar principle of being obtained from the soil. nutrients Therefore, whether it is possible to plant carrots and beets together on the same ridge is a matter of experiment.

But classic combination carrots and onions are still the best for these crops, because they mutually help each other protect themselves from pests. Like the carrot neighbor, ambiguous seated next to potatoes, opinions about the growth of which next to beets also have opposite meanings.

Bush beans from the legume family are the friendliest vegetables for most plants, including beets. The exception is climbing beans. It must be said that the culture feels great near zucchini and cucumbers. But cucumbers would be more suitable in terms of soil and interaction with corn, which is not recommended to be planted with beets.

Beetroot and onion

Mixed and compacted plantings in open ground and reasonable selection of garden bed companions have become popular recently as very rational methods for solving such garden problems as small cultivated spaces, weed control and plant diseases.

Undesirable neighborhood

Beetroot is an undemanding crop, but it has some undesirable neighbors. For example, mustard. Excellent green manure, but not in in this case, because it inhibits root crops growing nearby or on the field before planting beets.

Pepper will not interfere with the growth of the root crop, but it will not grow on its own, so it is better to avoid such proximity.

Due to the height and density of the tops, corn will not allow you to grow a high-quality crop of beets, which require a lot of light.

Beetroot on the ridge

Beetroot does not go well with its subspecies - herbaceous plant chard and varieties: sugar beets and other types of table beets. Mutual suffering is caused by connection with rye.

Important! It is known that fennel and wormwood oppress all plants without exception.

Beet crop rotation rules

Applying joint plantings When planning the location of beds, it is important to take into account such a farming technique as crop rotation. It helps to achieve quality and bountiful harvest on any garden plot. If you regularly change the location of sowing different crops, you can ensure that each plant receives the necessary and proper amount of nutrients from the soil.

If the soil constantly uses the same nutrients, its composition ceases to be balanced and the level of fertility drops. Therefore, beets will give a good harvest if the predecessors in the beds were spices and herbs, potatoes, cucumbers, zucchini, radishes, any type of cabbage, peppers, carrots, onions, melons, legumes, and tomatoes.

The root crop develops well after green manure (except for mustard). In addition, after such a change in layout, there is a decrease in weed growth.

Crop rotation

Plants belonging to the same family should not be planted one after another in the same place. Important rule Crop rotation involves alternating crops according to their needs for soil fertility. Therefore, after beets, as a less demanding crop, you can plant any more demanding ones. Legumes are suitable: peas and beans, and they are also able to restore the balance of microelements in the soil. Crops such as:

  • tomatoes;
  • eggplant;
  • potato;
  • cucumber;
  • pumpkin.

Beetroot is an ancient vegetable, without which no real garden can do. Both root vegetables and tops are used for food. Farming taking into account the compatibility of beets with other vegetables
will give excellent results.


The special structure of nature has always surprised man. The way it is arranged is that plants growing nearby help each other or, conversely, begin to “fight” for a place in the sun. If you are seriously convinced that the danger to your garden lies exclusively in weeds, then you are mistaken! Beds with incompatible crops located nearby can cause a gardener to be in a bad mood.

So, what should you not plant close to each other? For example, it is not recommended to grow cucumbers next to lettuce, since these vegetables cannot live “in harmony” with many herbs, including aromatic ones. Dill is no exception. As you can see, there are many nuances and subtleties in this matter. We will try to figure them out in this article when we answer the question - what to plant next to carrots?

Carrots are a vegetable that every housewife always needs! All year round they add it to all sorts of dishes, both hot and raw. Salads with carrots are especially tasty. What kind of neighborhood with carrots will be the most favorable?

Onions and carrots

Onions and carrots are “eternal” cohabitants. Of course, you have already heard many stories about carrot flies, which liked this root vegetable no less than people. If you plant carrots and onions in the same bed, you will be able to drive away this pest. The reason is that such flies cannot tolerate the aroma of onions. The benefit of having onions nearby is also that it prevents root mites from damaging the carrots.

As they say, carrots never last long. It protects onions from onion flies and moths. It is worth noting that this root vegetable is an excellent companion for all varieties of onions, and even garlic.

There are separate methods for sowing onions and carrots. The essence of one of these methods is that it is necessary to scatter onion seeds over the garden bed fourteen days before sowing carrots. You do not need to sprinkle onion seeds immediately, but after the carrots are sown. This is not only convenient for the gardener - he will not have to do the same job several times, but also useful, because the crops will be sown at a time convenient for them.

The situation is different if you decide to plant carrots next to onion sets (). First you need to plant carrots, and after a few weeks you can start planting sets. It is recommended that carrots and onions grow in a row or even two rows.

When planting carrots and onions together, know that the first crop is compatible with tomatoes, while they cannot be planted next to onions!

Carrots and celery

It is not recommended to grow carrots and celery in the same bed. These cultures do not mix well with each other. Celery does not protect onions from the onion fly; on the contrary, it attracts insects that are dangerous to it.

Planting onions in the same bed with carrots has a number of features. It is recommended to sow these crops earlier than carrots. If you sow a vegetable ahead of schedule, its sprouts may be subject to spring frosts, and then instead of a rich harvest, you will get a “flowerbed”. It is known that carrots bloom only in the second year, and she may “decide” that it has already arrived and it’s time for her to bloom.

An advantage for crops in close proximity to carrots is that when they bloom, they attract various beneficial insects with their aroma.

Carrots are a vegetable that is present on almost every table during meals. This root vegetable is rich in vitamins, microelements and beneficial minerals. It’s not for nothing that in Rus' they said that this vegetable brings strength to people. Not only beneficial properties, but carrots have a pleasant taste. Even desserts are prepared using it, and young children are recommended to be given delicious carrot juice.

But in order to get a good carrot harvest, you need to know which crops are best to place them next to. The most optimal compatibility of carrots:

  • Beans;
  • Radish;
  • Sage;
  • Peas;
  • Salad;
  • Garlic.

What are carrots incompatible with?

Carrots are a common root vegetable. It is grown in almost every garden, but the harvest is not always as good as the gardener would like. It would seem that there is no drought, and in right time was planted and is being cared for excellently. What's missing from carrots?

And the answer is not as complicated as it might seem. The destructive proximity to other cultures is the main reason. The vegetable spends all its “strength” and “reserves” on the fight, and the carrots grow thin, weak and in small quantities.

The following crops are incompatible with carrots in the same bed:

  • Anise;
  • Beet;
  • Horseradish;
  • Parsley;
  • Fragrant greens.

Moreover, it is recommended to plant carrots as far as possible from apple trees. Otherwise, you may end up with bitter vegetables and bitter apples. Of course, you want to grow sweet carrots, so it’s best to avoid such a neighborhood.

Now you know what to plant next to carrots and which crops are best avoided. The gardener must take this information seriously. Be sure that by planting carrots away from dill, you will get excellent harvest, which will be the envy of your neighbors! The main thing is the correct seating. Knowing which vegetables conflict with each other, you can protect them from loss, because first of all, it benefits you! On the contrary, knowing which crops are “friends”, help each other and protect from insects, you will intentionally plant them next to each other.

This is such unique nature! Growing a good crop of carrots in one bed is very difficult and for many summer residents almost impossible. Located nearby beet and carrot bed can produce a high-quality harvest with proper care.

Any novice summer resident is interested in the question of what to plant in the garden. After all, there are a lot of crops grown in our country. In addition, it is not enough to simply plant and grow all the vegetables and herbs in a row. It is necessary to take into account some nuances, for example, the correct “neighborhood” of plants. It is also important to know where exactly a particular crop should be planted on the site, because some plants require light places, while others require shade. If a gardener knows all the nuances of planting plants in country beds, then he will receive beautiful plot(and his landscape design) and a good harvest (more details on how to plant and grow any plant mentioned below can be found in the articles on the site).

Planning of plantings in a garden plot

Before planting summer cottage plot, everything needs to be thought through and calculated. Initially, we decide what exactly we want to see in our garden.

Several questions will help a novice gardener decide, the answers to which will be the starting point for the future.

1. What vegetables and berries are preferable for the whole family?

2. Are you planning to can vegetables for the winter?

3. How much time do you plan to spend on the site?

4. Is its territory well lit by the sun?

5. Are the climatic conditions suitable for growing berries and vegetables?

These factors are the most important. There are, of course, other nuances, for example, the quality of the soil, its drainage, but they can be solved. The land can be improved and drainage provided. And when the site is in constant shade, if the sun is hidden by the foliage of trees, for example, or in the area where the dacha is located there is cold climate, then in this option there will be no luck, and it will still not be possible to grow all the crops that you would like.

It is necessary to plan the site on a large sheet of paper, preferably millimeter paper, in this case you can clearly see what, where and how best to place it.

Necessary to plan landings

1. Draw a plan dacha area on paper in A3 format. A sketch will not help in this case, so it is better to make accurate measurements.

2. Mark on the site plan all existing buildings and those that are planned: a barn, a house, outbuildings, a gazebo, a swimming pool, flower beds, a place for compost, a recreation area (barbecue). If you plan to set up a vineyard, then it must be noted separately.

3. Make several copies of the resulting territory plan.

4. In free space, zones should be designated based on the degree of their illumination: well-lit areas and shadow.

5. Mark the source of water.

6. Select locations for greenhouses or greenhouses for vegetables. They will require a large area. Also, do not forget about the distance on the paths (minimum 30 cm).

Choosing a place for crops

To understand what to plant and where, you need to divide all vegetables into:


To a large number of nutrients. These include:

  • Tomatoes,
  • cabbage,
  • cucumbers,
  • celery,
  • pumpkin,
  • zucchini,
  • pepper (both sweet and bitter).

Moderately demanding

Such vegetables will have to be fed once a season, they are:

  • Kohlrabi,
  • eggplants,
  • radish,
  • salad,
  • potato,
  • carrots (please),
  • beet ().


Such plants will have enough minimum quantity nutrients. These include:

  • Seasonings (dill, basil, sage and others),
  • beans,
  • peas.

Drawing up a planting plan

To compose it correctly, you should divide the garden into 4 zones:

1. For perennials (garden strawberries and strawberries). The berries should be replanted every few years.

2. For planting demanding crops.

3. For plants that need feeding once a season.

4. For undemanding crops.

After a season, demanding vegetables will need to be planted in the area where the seasonings were located (undemanding ones), medium-demanding vegetables will need to be placed in the area from the demanding ones, and the area where the average-demanding vegetables were sitting in the past season will be freed up for seasonings. It is worth noting that vegetables need to be rotated annually, as this helps to obtain maximum yield and gives the soil time to rest.

For example, cabbage (we start, of course, with) can be placed in the place of nightshades (tomatoes, potatoes, eggplants, peppers), cucumbers, onions (and we generally exclude nightshades themselves when placed next to each other).

It is advisable to sow cucumbers in place of peppers or spinach, carrots - peas or tomatoes.

Which garden crops require beds and which do not?

Some vegetables require a separate area, since they can only grow well in their own beds. In addition, some types of vegetables cannot grow “in the neighborhood” at all.

But there are also plants that do not require a separate place; they grow well together with the main crop. Such plants include:

  • Beans,
  • radish,
  • beet,
  • dill (it grows well throughout the entire area, you don’t need to plant it on purpose, but simply scatter the seeds),
  • turnip.

What can you say about grapes?

For example, you can add radishes, beets or spinach to it.

About raspberries

It doesn't need beds. Raspberries will be comfortable along the fence, about fruit trees. You can also set up a separate raspberry garden: plant the bushes in several rows, the width of which should be about 0.6 m, and install supports with which the bushes will be tied up. That is, two rows of raspberries can be placed on 1.5 m of soil. You can sow sorrel next to the raspberry tree - this plant will prevent the bushes from growing too much. Apart from sorrel, not a single crop can “get along” with raspberries.

List of plants for planting and growing in the garden

Vegetables, herbs and berries

After planning the ridges, you can begin to select the crops that will be planted on the site. And the choice is huge:

  • Tomatoes,
  • carrot,
  • eggplants,
  • radish,
  • zucchini,
  • garlic (),
  • different types cabbage (white and red, cauliflower, kohlrabi, broccoli,...),
  • cucumbers,
  • pumpkin,
  • pepper (sweet and hot),
  • turnip,
  • beet,
  • squash,
  • beans,
  • green,
  • potato,
  • peas,
  • corn,
  • berries (strawberries, wild strawberries, raspberries).

If a summer cottage large sizes, then all of the above crops can be grown on it. If there is not much space, then you will have to shorten the list and plant only those crops that are needed more than others. After all, to provide a family with, for example, potatoes, it will not be enough to make several beds. As a rule, large areas of the site are allocated for potatoes. To solve this problem, you can go the other way and plant early potatoes in a small area, in a place vacated, for example, by radishes.

Or you can use the Mitlider method (narrow ridges), which, for example, on our site (using 0.8 dacha acres) gives 5-7 bags of potatoes ("bad" - "good" in rainy and warm years). This method is applicable to: tomatoes, onions, beets, cabbage, carrots, garlic, corn,... (eggplants and peppers do not react to it).


In the shaded areas of the dacha area you can plant greenery, which can be used until the end of autumn. Shade-loving herbs are:

  • Basil,
  • Melissa,
  • dill,
  • parsley,
  • mint,
  • decorative wormwood,
  • tarragon.

We grow these plants both in beds and on the tree trunks of fruit plantations. In this case, two problems are solved at once - the presence of greenery and protection fruit trees from pests (codling moths). If herbs placed in the area near the currants, you will be able to scare away slugs from the berry bushes. In addition to using these plants fresh, you can make preparations for winter period. All you have to do is dry the greens.

Useful but rare plants

If the garden area allows, you can plant crops that are rare for many today:

  • Rhubarb,
  • arugula,
  • chard,
  • leaf mustard.

All these crops can be planted in shaded areas of the garden. To grow rhubarb, simply sow the seeds and water the plant generously. The rest of the crops on the list can grow in the sun, however, it is in the shade that they can retain their taste and beneficial properties for a long time.


Many people believe that a garden is a place exclusively for planting vegetables. However, there are excellent exceptions. Flowers can also be planted in the beds, but all of them are useful, for example:

  • Marigolds (at the edges of the rows),
  • medicinal chamomile,
  • yarrow,
  • nasturtium,
  • valerian,
  • mint.

These plants can be planted in small flower beds or at the end of rows.

How to plant on a small summer cottage

Summer residents with a small plot can still plant many crops, but in limited quantities. In addition, for small dachas It is better to use mixed planting technology, that is, to grow several types of vegetables on one ridge. In this case, one culture will be considered the main one, and the others - satellites. Thanks to mixed planting, it will be possible to use the territory more rationally, and in this case the land will be less depleted. And different types of crops, with the right “neighborhood”, will protect each other from diseases and pests.

When a mixed sowing method is used, it is necessary to sow plants that grow and mature quickly between the rows of the main plants (they are also called compactors). When the main vegetable grows a little and needs more space, the sealing plants will already be ripe, that is, the main vegetable will be able to continue to grow unhindered. Aromatic herbs and greens work best as sealants. But with this method of sowing, the gardener must know exactly which plants can “neighbor”.

What crops are combined with each other in plantings in the garden?

Before planting crops, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with information regarding crop compatibility. Below is a list of the main crops and plants that can be combined, and which are best planted at a distance from each other.


It goes well with:

  • Salad,
  • radish,
  • sunflower,
  • corn,
  • tomatoes,
  • peas.

Poor compatibility with:

  • Sage,
  • fennel,
  • dill,
  • mint.


Adjacent to:

  • Garlic,
  • carrots,
  • spinach,
  • onions,
  • corn,
  • cabbage,
  • parsley,
  • irises.

It is better not to plant next to tomatoes:

  • Potatoes
  • beets,
  • fennel.


Next to it you can sow:

  • Beetroot,
  • potatoes,
  • beans,
  • mint,
  • dill,
  • marigold.

These vegetables do not go well with:

  • Tomatoes,
  • strawberries.


Can be planted near any vegetables

For example, cauliflower, but

The best "neighbors" are:

  • Legumes,
  • aromatic herbs.


Prefers proximity to:

  • Cabbage,
  • radish,
  • corn,
  • beans,
  • salad.

You should not plant next to potatoes:

  • Tomatoes,
  • pumpkin,
  • cucumbers


Pairs well with:

  • Bow,
  • tomatoes,
  • sage
  • garlic,
  • beans,
  • radish.

But it is not advisable to combine dill with carrots.


Compatible with:

  • Cabbage,
  • carrots,
  • beets,
  • salad,
  • radish,
  • strawberries.

Bad neighbors are:

  • Beans,
  • peas.


Compatible with:

  • Basilica,
  • coriander,
  • carrots,
  • onions

It is advisable to exclude from:

  • fennel,
  • beans.


Reacts calmly to proximity to any vegetables


Will be a good "neighbor" for:

  • Strawberries (strawberries),
  • beets,
  • peas,
  • tomatoes,
  • cabbage

Salad does not get along well with parsley, but it does well with chrysanthemums.


Has good compatibility with cabbage, but it doesn’t “go well” with tomatoes and beans.


Develops normally, adjacent to:

  • Cabbage,
  • tomatoes,
  • pumpkin,
  • carrots.

Doesn't go well with:

  • leeks,
  • garlic


If possible, it grows well next to gladioli.

What to plant in the garden first and what second?

Early spring


One of the first crops that you can sow in your garden. It is better to choose several varieties of carrots - early and intended for storage. It is recommended to sow more than normal in case germination is low. When the sprouts grow to 4-5 cm, they can be thinned out.

It is better to buy granulated seeds, since they are more reliable and easier to sow. Sowing is done in furrows spilled with water. Their depth should not exceed 2 cm. They should not be covered; simply sprinkle with mulch, soil, and sawdust. Watering should be done in a fine-drip manner, twice a day.


Also at this time you can plant herbs: parsley, dill, etc. You shouldn’t take up a lot of space for greenery; one row will be enough, which can be demarcated with pegs.


It is one of the most popular early vegetables. It can be planted and grown in any region; it quickly produces a harvest.

Main season - late spring and summer

When they appeared in the earth earthworms, most crops can be planted. The “range” in terms of time here is large: mid-April to mid-May.

Seeds can be planted:

  • Parsley,
  • peas,
  • beets,
  • zucchini,
  • pumpkin,
  • cucumbers

Seedlings need to be planted:

  • White cabbage,
  • sweet pepper,
  • eggplants.

It is worth noting that for beginners, growing these particular plants will not cause difficulties, since they are all unpretentious. It is enough to water them on time and get rid of weeds.

What to plant in the garden after the frosts have gone away

  • Tomatoes,
  • bell pepper,
  • eggplants.

Of these vegetables, tomatoes are considered the most unpretentious. Nowadays, tomato seeds are presented in a wide range; there are many hybrids and varieties that can bear fruit without shelter, and there is no need to plant them.

Eggplants are more difficult to care for. But nothing is impossible - a little theory and patience will help you cope with this task.

All these plants are planted in the garden as seedlings. You can grow seedlings yourself by sowing the seeds one and a half to two months before the intended planting, or you can buy them. When buying seedlings, we choose only plants with a dark green color and healthy foliage. Otherwise, it is unlikely that you will be able to get a good harvest.

Late gardeners

The last sowings are possible even in the last ten days of June. At this time, early ripening cabbage, potatoes (only sprouted ones), and turnips will still have time to ripen. As for greens, experienced vegetable growers specially sow them twice - in the spring (early) and at the top of the summer, so that the second harvest “arrives” by the beginning of autumn. We plant radishes regularly, until the end of August.

Other types of vegetable gardens

With poor drainage

  • Vertical,
  • stormwater,
  • deep.

If it is not possible to do it, then you can think about what to plant in such a garden. During the entire growing season, not a single plant needs excess moisture. You can try planting crops in your garden that can withstand increased moisture. These include:

  • Zucchini,
  • cucumbers

But it is best to plant such an area with flowers, for example:

  • Bathing suit (fries),
  • primrose,
  • forget-me-nots,
  • swamp gladiolus.


In this case, it is better to plant unpretentious crops that tolerate shade, for example:

  • Spicy greens,
  • salad,
  • radish,
  • spinach.
  • It is worth knowing that light-loving vegetables such as tomatoes, peppers, eggplants and potatoes will grow very poorly without the sun.

    In addition to vegetables, you can plant strawberries in shaded areas. Although it is a berry, it is actively bred for country gardens. In addition to strawberries, a place in the shade can be given to currants - this bush feels great in such places.


    An area planted with plants gives free rein to show your imagination (not everything, after all, comes down to food!). Everyone creates their own garden. After all, it is not at all necessary that only vegetables and berries be present on it. You can also allocate a little space for beauty. Moreover, some flowers, for example, nasturtium or marigolds, are able to coexist with different cultures. It all depends on the area of ​​available territory and the imagination of the summer resident.

    Plantings can be placed to create a symmetrical pattern, interesting picturesque groups or concentric circles.

    In a place where shade constantly reigns, you can put a bench or arrange a gazebo, plant decorative ferns - and best place it will be impossible to find a place to rest.

    Curtains made of tall plants, which delight with abundant and bright flowering:

    • Decorative sunflower,
    • climbing green beans,
    • Jerusalem artichoke,
    • mallow,
    • dahlias and others.

    Planning a vegetable garden is a rather difficult, but very exciting activity. If you approach this process creatively, think through everything carefully and calculate it, you will be able to plant everything you have planned, and country beds will become a source of your pride. And if you show a little imagination, the site will become very beautiful and will please the eye. Any beginner, if desired, can grow vegetables in the garden. If something doesn’t work out in the first season, then next year, when all the mistakes are corrected, the result will not be long in coming.

Almost every summer resident who has a vegetable garden grows vegetables. At the same time, vegetables such as beets and onions are especially popular. Many people try to plant them next to each other to save space on the site. However, before doing this, it is better to make sure that such a neighborhood is possible, since not all vegetables can grow together.

For owners of small summer cottages Often you have to plant vegetables in dense rows to grow more various plants. However, some are not satisfied with this, and they do it in a greenhouse or in open ground mixed beds. This method of planting vegetable crops allows you to plant several varieties of plants at once in a small area. Before you begin such planting, you need to become more familiar with the compatibility of some crops and develop effective scheme growing them together.

The planting and cultivation scheme is developed in advance, in the fall. A few months will be enough to think through in detail the appropriate assortment of vegetables, the position of the rows on the site and the features of caring for seedlings. The arrangement of vegetables is also developed in detail, taking into account the peculiarities of their influence on each other.

The mutual influence of plants on each other during cultivation is usually called allelopathy. She is the one responsible for ensuring optimal conditions, which are ideal for all planted crops.

Often, inexperienced vegetable growers plant incompatible vegetables next to each other, which is why they negatively affect each other. This is due to the fact that all seedlings emit phytoncides and other substances that can negatively or positively affect neighboring seedlings. This feature should be taken into account before planting two different vegetable crops in the garden.

What can you plant beets with in the same bed?

It is known that not every plant can be planted with beets. Therefore, before planting it, it is better to determine with which crops the vegetable grows best.


The most common plant that is grown by almost all vegetable lovers is potatoes. Therefore, some plant beets next to it. In addition to beets, you can plant cabbage, peppers, onions, carrots and cucumbers along with potatoes. All of these crops grow well and produce a lot of yield when grown with potatoes.

However, it is not recommended to plant these crops next to each other in the same area of ​​the garden every year, as this will worsen the yield. Potatoes need variety so that their fruiting performance does not deteriorate significantly. To increase productivity experienced gardeners It is recommended to plant it in the area where tomatoes were grown last season. Also, for better yield, the root crop should not be planted near celery or green peas.


The second most popular vegetable is the tomato, and therefore sometimes they try to plant beets next to it. These vegetables grow well next to each other, as they are compatible. Tomatoes are also grown together with carrots, cucumbers, peppers, cabbage and turnips. It is not recommended to plant them in areas where zucchini, peas or potatoes were previously grown. These vegetable crops are incompatible with tomatoes and therefore negatively affect their yield. Vegetables are planted in such areas only after 3–4 years.

When growing a plant in a greenhouse and when choosing a suitable neighbor for it, take into account the crop’s tendency to late blight. Therefore, tall beets, which interfere with the normal development of tomatoes, are not planted next to tomatoes. Many people prefer low-growing plants and varieties of vegetables.


It is difficult to imagine a summer cottage where cucumbers would not be grown. This vegetable is often used in the preparation of salads and other vegetable dishes. Some vegetable growers combine cucumbers with beets and other vegetables. They are planted together with dill, onions, peas, garlic and beans. All these plants have a positive effect on the development and productivity of cucumbers.

Experienced gardeners recommend planting calendula between rows of cucumbers and beets, as it has protective properties, which will protect seedlings from dangerous insects.

Tomatoes and radishes have a negative impact on cucumber bushes and therefore they are planted further away from each other.


Some people are interested in whether it is possible to plant carrots next to beets. You should not grow them together, as these vegetables are incompatible and must be grown separately. Carrots are planted only near legumes, herbs, potatoes, tomatoes and cucumbers. Gardeners with many years of experience say that it is not worth planting carrots near parsley, parsnips or celery, as this results in poorer yields and the plant suffers from a lack of nutritional components.

For additional protection plants and improve its yield, sage is planted between the rows. It will protect the bushes from insects and saturate the soil with useful microelements.

Beans and peas

Universal neighbors for most vegetable crops are peas and beans. They grow well not only with beets, but also with other plant varieties. Vegetable growers advise planting peas along with pumpkin plants, cabbage and root vegetables. Together with them, legumes will create in the soil favorable conditions for growing vegetables.

However, there are some contraindications according to which it is impossible to grow peas in the area where sunflowers grew. This plant is considered the main carrier of fungal infections that remain in the soil after its cultivation. Also, when choosing neighbors, avoid planting beans and peas together, as this will cause the plant stems to intertwine.

Onion or garlic

Often when growing beets, garlic or onions are planted along with them. Beets planted nearby will grow well and produce a considerable amount of harvest in the summer. Onion or garlic leaves in the first days of the growing season will protect young beet shoots from the hot sun. Thanks to this, the vegetable will be able to get stronger and strengthen its stems.

When choosing a suitable onion for beets, pay attention to its variety. It is recommended to plant Arzamas onion, as it grows well in any climatic conditions. The Red Ball variety, which is grown in open ground, also has good yields.


Sometimes people are interested in planting eggplants and beets together. These vegetables are highly compatible and can be grown together. Eggplants also grow well with cucumbers, onions, herbs and early varieties of cabbage. It is not recommended to plant them next to tomatoes, potatoes and physalis, as these vegetables worsen the yield.

Also, when growing eggplants, be sure to follow the rules of crop rotation. You cannot plant vegetables in the same area every year, as this will deteriorate the quality of the harvest. The little blue ones are recommended to be planted in areas where thyme, basil, peas and tarragon were previously planted. All these vegetable crops will increase the yield of eggplants.

Features of growing beets

Having decided on suitable neighbors for beet bushes, you should familiarize yourself with the features of their cultivation. When growing, consider the following:

  • Lighting. High-quality root vegetables will appear only in good lighting.
  • Soil acidity. Beet bushes do not absorb microelements from acidic soils well. Therefore, they are planted in an area with an acidity of about 6–7 pH.
  • Looseness. Beets, like tomatoes, need well-loosened soil from which nutrients will be absorbed. If the soil is not loose enough, the plants will begin to turn yellow and gradually rot.


Many vegetable growers are interested in the compatibility of onions, beets and other vegetables. To understand this issue, you will have to become more familiar with the compatibility of the most common vegetable crops.

- a widespread culture. When planting them in the garden, many factors should be taken into account, including the compatibility of tomatoes with other plants growing nearby.

Unfavorable neighborhood for tomatoes in open ground

When planning the location of the beds on personal plot, it is necessary to take into account the compatibility of cultures with each other. First of all, you need to find out which plants it is undesirable to plant tomato seedlings next to. The biochemical dependence of crops is diverse.

Both tomatoes and tomatoes have a suppressive effect on each other. You cannot combine tomatoes with potatoes, since they belong to the same nightshade class and are susceptible to the same diseases and pests. Peppers and eggplants belong to the same group, so their proximity to tomatoes is undesirable.

Fennel has a depressing effect on young tomato seedlings. If you sow dill in a bed of tomatoes, it must be removed before it reaches maturity, as it will begin to take away nutrients from the tomato. It is not advisable to plant a plot of tomatoes with corn, since the tall crop creates shade. In addition, both crops can be affected by the same pest – the cotton bollworm.

What are tomatoes compatible with in an open area?

Thanks to the saponin contained in tomatoes, intensive growth and development of nearby plants occurs. And asparagus, planted next to tomatoes, with its secretions destroys nematodes that infect the tomato crop.

Tomatoes get along well next to basil. It protects tomatoes from pests, promotes growth and improves the taste of the fruit. Garlic planted next to tomatoes protects them from late blight and repels spider mites. A bed of tomatoes is often planted with beans; these plants also tolerate being next to each other well. The following vegetables can be favorable neighbors in a tomato garden:

  • parsley;
  • radish;
  • carrot;
  • sorrel;
  • celery.

Mint, sage, and nettle get along well next to tomatoes. If tomatoes are planted between gooseberry bushes, they will repel the moth and sawfly. And tomatoes planted next to will be protected from the cutworm.

Gardeners often practice compacted sowing, with several crops having different terms maturation. This type of planting is especially used in small areas where there is not enough space. In such conditions, tomatoes are compatible with onions, radishes and garlic, where tomato is the main crop. The width of the ridge is 1 meter. Garlic is planted in the garden bed in the fall in two rows with a width of 15 cm between them. Early spring Onions are planted in 4 rows in the center of the ridge, radishes are placed on the sides. After May 15, the onions are harvested and tomato seedlings are planted in the garden bed in 2 rows with a distance of 0.5 m between them.

Early cabbage, packed with tomatoes, grows well. Seedlings are planted on a well-fertilized, treated area. early cabbage, with a distance between rows of 1.50 m, and between bushes - 30-35 cm. Later, tomatoes are planted between the rows of cabbage.
