Which septic tank to choose: rating of the best wastewater treatment stations. How to choose and make an autonomous sewer system for your home. Autonomous sewer system, which is better.

User selection 4 The best aerator 5

One of the most important questions when buying a plot, cottage or country house- availability of communications. And if, as a rule, there are no problems with water or electricity, then central sewerage in the private sector, especially far from the city, is a rarity. And the fastest and practical solution This problem is the purchase of a septic tank.

The two most common types of individual treatment facilities- non-volatile (autonomous) septic tank and volatile station. Both types of devices for waste disposal use several stages of purification: mechanical sedimentation of suspended matter, filtration and biological treatment. Autonomous septic tanks use anaerobic bacteria to process waste, which do not require oxygen but act slowly. In energy-dependent devices, biological filtration occurs with the help of more active aerobic microorganisms that require the use of aerators. But the level of purification in such septic tanks reaches 98%.

The choice of the optimal model of cleaning device depends on several factors:

  1. Required performance. For one person, a volume of wastewater is usually equal to 150 - 200 liters per day.
  2. Availability of electricity supply on site.
  3. Plot size. Autonomous septic tanks require a larger area, as they are equipped with additional ground filtration fields.
  4. Groundwater level. High groundwater level may require the use of additional engineering solutions.
  5. Soil composition. For areas with hard rocks, it is better to use horizontal septic tanks, since they require a pit of shallower depth.

Our review contains models of septic tanks with the best technical and performance characteristics. When compiling the rating, the following were taken into account:

  • recommendations from civil engineers;
  • reviews from users who have installed specific models cleaning devices in your own area;
  • ratio of price and quality of septic tanks.

Useful video - how to choose the right septic tank

The best budget septic tanks for a summer residence

Septic tanks for installation on a summer cottage are small in size and relatively cheap. As a rule, these are simple stand-alone models that perform the function of a sump and are connected to the system additional filtration. They have an extremely simple one-piece design, a low level of performance, and are also unpretentious in maintenance.

4 TANK-1

Excellent price/performance ratio
Country: Russia
Average price: 19,500 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.6

Tank-1 is the youngest model in the Triton Plastic line of non-volatile septic tanks. Its design is simplified to the extreme: there are only two chambers: coarse primary cleaning and secondary biological treatment. But, nevertheless, this small septic tank, capable of purifying up to 600 liters of wastewater per day, has all the advantages inherent in the company’s more expensive models: it has a horizontal layout and a durable one-piece body with special stiffening ribs, which increases service life and eliminates the penetration of soil water into the internal volume of the structure.

This compact model is ideal for installation in a country house and is designed for use by two to three people. The level of wastewater treatment for this septic tank is 75 - 80%, so it is recommended to use a special infiltrator in which additional treatment takes place. Buyers note the compact dimensions of the septic tank, easy installation and trouble-free operation. However, you will still have to clean the chambers from sediment every few years.

3 Termite Pro 1.2

The most durable container
Country: Russia
Average price: 23,500 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.6

This miniature vertical septic tank can serve no more than two people. The degree of wastewater treatment reaches 85%. Thanks to its low weight - only 80 kg, Termit Profi 1.2 is easy to transport and install. This great option for a small country house or a separate bathhouse. An additional advantage is that the wall thickness of the Termit Pro 1.2 container reaches 20 mm, and the shape of the body is specially designed for optimal performance under load.

According to user reviews, this septic tank is easy to install and maintain. Experienced summer residents It is recommended that the container be sprinkled with sand cement to increase the service life of the structure. Among the disadvantages is the impossibility of using this septic tank at high groundwater levels on the site.

2 MICROB 450

Best price
Country: Russia
Average price: 12,400 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.8

For a dacha visited by 1-2 people, a guest house or a cabin during the construction of a house, the best option would be the budget septic tank Microbe 450. Its capacity is 150 liters per day, and its weight is only 35 kg. Of course, to install it you will need to do sand cushion, and apply a layer of insulation on top, since its wall thickness is small. But this septic tank can be installed in areas with any groundwater level - of course, following the manufacturer’s design recommendations.

Buyers especially like reasonable price devices and easy installation. Of course, for a country house you will need a septic tank with a higher capacity, but for periodic trips to the country and on a limited budget, Microbe 450 is ideal.

As mentioned above, septic tanks are divided into autonomous and energy-dependent. What are their features, what are their strengths and weaknesses - we learn from the detailed comparison table:

Septic tank type




Low cost compared to a volatile septic tank

Generally higher reliability

Does not depend on power supply

Does not create additional energy costs

– The need for ground filtration of wastewater

– In some cases, it does not isolate the surrounding area from foul odor

– Gradual accumulation of sediment requires periodic pumping

– The need to equip access roads for sewage disposal vehicles


No sediment accumulation

Possibility to move the septic tank to a third-party location, there is no need to equip an access road

Complete isolation from unpleasant odors

No installation of filtration fields required (for ground wastewater treatment)

– Compared to stand-alone models, higher price

– Dependence on electricity and, as a result, significant additional expenses

– The presence of a larger number of constituent elements reduces theoretical reliability

1 Rostok Mini

Stable operation in any conditions
Country: Russia
Average price: RUB 24,120.
Rating (2019): 4.9

Inexpensive autonomous septic tank for a small country house. According to user reviews, due to the small volume (1000 liters) and light design (total weight is 65 kilograms), installation does not cause much difficulty. The filtration capacity is 200 liters per day - this is not much, but the septic tank is designed for one or two users. Rostok Mini copes well with the assigned functions; it requires pumping once or twice a year (provided that all connections and the system are in good order). A very good option for equipping a summer house or house, which will not put a big dent in the pockets of potential consumers.


  • seamless, durable and lightweight (65 kilograms) plastic body;
  • the presence of additional stiffening ribs to add strength to the structure;
  • completely blocks unpleasant odors;
  • low but stable performance;
  • does not require frequent maintenance;
  • attractive price.


The best volatile septic tanks

Treatment stations whose biological filters are populated with aerobic microorganisms are the most technically advanced version of septic tanks. They output water that is 98% purified - it can be used for irrigation, other technical needs, or discharged directly into the ground. Cleaning the tanks of sludge is necessary once every couple of years, and the organic sediment itself is an excellent fertilizer for plants on the site. Since the wastewater does not require additional ground filtration, the structure takes up minimal space.

The main disadvantage of such systems is the need for electricity. The aerobic system always includes an aerator-compressor, which saturates the liquid with oxygen necessary for the life of bacteria. It is this fact that explains the higher cost of volatile stations - both during purchase and installation, and during operation.


Optimal price-quality ratio
Country: Russia
Average price: 60,900 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.7

The body of this treatment station is manufactured using rotational molding technology, which guarantees the absence of seams and uniform thickness of the material. The septic tank uses Japanese compressors and German pumps to ensure uninterrupted operation of the entire system. If there is a loss of power, the station can operate normally for two days, after which it switches to the mode of an autonomous septic tank with an anaerobic filter.

Users note, first of all, the excellent price-quality ratio of this model. With a capacity of 800 liters, it consumes only 1.5 kW per day and provides a volume of water disposal sufficient for the permanent residence of 4 people. You can choose either a gravity-flow version of the installation or an option with forced discharge of wastewater for areas with high level groundwater.

4 Tver-0.5P

The best aerator
Country: Russia
Average price: 75,000 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.7

The service life of this septic tank declared by the manufacturer is 50 years. This becomes possible due to the fact that special structural plastic is used to cast the housing, and the compressor equipment is made in Japan. The degree of water purification in this line of treatment facilities reaches 98%, which makes it possible to eliminate the need for additional ground filters.

The maximum productivity of the equipment is 500 liters per day, so Tver-0.5P can be recommended for a summer house or country house with permanent residence of 2 - 3 people. Customer reviews are almost the same: the device copes with its functions perfectly, there are no smells or noise, and periodic maintenance is required only once a year. The only drawback is the high price with relatively low performance.

3 Unilos Astra 5

User selection
Country: Russia
Average price: 76,000 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.8

One of the most famous septic tank models on the domestic market, which does not have a single visible weak point. If you do not take into account the price level, then the fifth Astra fully meets the requirements of a premium class product (if this is acceptable in in this case). The system is based on a very fine filtering effect on the incoming wastewater - thanks to aerobic and anaerobic filters, it is possible to achieve almost 100% of the purification rate. In this way, up to one cubic meter of wastewater is processed per day, which is a normal average value. The entry of the drain pipe can be arranged at heights from 0.6 to 1.2 meters relative to ground level, which greatly simplifies the installation of the container.


  • high degree of aerobic and anaerobic purification (98%);
  • reliable container body;
  • good throughput (filtration of up to one cubic meter of wastewater per day).

2 Eco-Grand 15 (Topol)

Better processing ability
Country: Russia
Average price: RUB 148,230.
Rating (2019): 4.8

A large, energy-dependent septic tank, ideal for equipping large country houses. Except for the fact that the container weighs 380 kilograms, there are no problems with installation. And in terms of operational indicators, everything is very good: the entire volume of the septic tank is divided into four compartments, two of which are equipped with aerators. After the wastewater enters the receiving chamber (a salvo discharge can reach 450 liters), thanks to aeration, solid fractions begin to decompose.

In a separate compartment under the controls there is a compressor for pumping waste water through the system. By the way, the latter consumes a total of up to 2.8 kilowatts of energy per day - not much, but over a long period of operation a decent amount accumulates.


  • active filtration and aeration of incoming wastewater;
  • good productivity (1.8-2.0 cubic meters of waste water per day);
  • capacity equal to six cubic meters.


  • high cost;
  • increased energy consumption.


The most economical model
Country: Russia
Average price: RUB 99,875.
Rating (2019): 4.9

One of the most economical energy-dependent septic tanks available to a wide range of consumers. It is not entirely justified to install such a tank in a country house - it would be much better suited to a small country house. Convenience of manual installation (as in stand-alone models) can no longer be ensured here - the entire structure weighs almost 350 kilograms. Thanks to the installed filters, it does not require cleaning, effectively limits unpleasant odors, and also filters up to 1.5 cubic meters of wastewater per day. According to users, the cost of power supply is noticeable, but much less than that of competitors and older models of this series - the septic tank consumes only 1.5 kilowatts per day.


  • popularity among users;
  • low power consumption;
  • highly efficient filtration;
  • reliable case;
  • ease of operation and low maintenance requirements.


  • not found.

The best autonomous septic tanks

Autonomous septic tanks that do not require connection to the mains - best option for a summer cottage or a country house in a remote area where there are problems with electricity. Their design does not contain moving mechanical parts, so they are simple, reliable and will perform their functions in any case.

Of course, there are also disadvantages - lower productivity, worse level of wastewater clarification. The best models provide no more than 85% purification, and, therefore, the water requires additional filtration. There are several methods - drainage fields, infiltrators, filtration wells - and all of them mean additional cash costs and reduce the usable area of ​​the site. However, for houses with periodic residence, such structures may be more preferable, since they do not consume electricity and can be easily mothballed if necessary.

3 Uponor Sako

Good quality plastic
Country: Sweden/Finland (made in Russia)
Average price: 67,575 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.7

The Scandinavian concern for the production of serious household equipment has quite successfully entered the Russian market. The domestic branch has launched the production of autonomous Uponor Sako septic tanks, suitable for installation both in a private house and in a summer cottage. In general, the system is not bad: it reliably retains unpleasant odors, filters wastewater without problems (but not ideally) and does not cause any problems. high demands to service. Problem area, judging by user reviews, there is extreme intolerance to the drainage of rainwater and drainage water to the local cleaning system. Why this happens is a matter of heated debate. But the fact that this is an obvious disadvantage is supported by everyone unanimously.


  • good standard filtration efficiency;
  • high-quality case materials.


  • entry into the rain or drainage water treatment system leads to a deterioration in filtering ability.

2 Termite Pro 3.0

Maximum cleaning degree in the classroom
Country: Russia
Average price: 49,100 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.7

The productivity of this model, which uses the principle of anaerobic clarification of wastewater, is 1200 liters per day. At the same time, the purification level reaches 85%, which allows minimizing the area of ​​final ground filtration. Such a septic tank with a sufficient supply provides permanent residence six people. The tank is washed only once a year, and the structure is completely autonomous.

According to user reviews, the septic tank fully complies with the characteristics declared by the manufacturers, is reliable and practical. It is especially convenient to use it for seasonal living: mothballing it for the winter and then putting it into operation again is not a problem. The disadvantages include a rather complicated installation procedure.

1 Triton-ED-3500 Horizontal

Favorable price
Country: Russia
Average price: 43,500 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.8

This one is relatively inexpensive option purification system for a dacha or country house where there are significant problems with the power supply. The model's capacity is 700 liters per day, which meets the needs of 4 - 6 people. At the same time, the septic tank does not require an electrical connection, and sludge can be pumped out once a year. Of course, in order for the water discharged into the ground to be sufficiently purified, it will be necessary to additionally use a drainage field or infiltrator.

Buyers especially like the horizontal layout of the septic tank, which allows you to limit the depth of the pit, as well as its independence from the electrical network. The disadvantages of the device are that it must be placed away from residential premises, since it is not possible to completely get rid of odors. This treatment plant is especially suitable for a country house in which a family of 2-3 people lives, but guests periodically come.

Autonomous sewerage is a system of structures designed to treat wastewater and thus preserve soil.

Cleaning has a beneficial effect on human health and completely removes all odors.

You will learn how not to make a mistake when choosing an autonomous sewer system, you will see brief overview models, and will also be able to understand all aspects of its work.

Cleaning can be of three types:

  • Biological.
  • Chemical.
  • Mechanical.

We will focus on the very first one, since it is best suited for private houses and summer cottages.

Biological treatment

This type of cleaning is perfect for both dachas and cottage communities. It involves the use of sludge with a high content of microorganisms that process all organic substances, that is, household waste, through oxidation.

The system operates on the principle of forced oxygen injection, as a result of which aerobic bacteria multiply and enter the device with waste.

Bacteria oxidize sewage, clearing it of odor and all dirt. The final product resembles flakes and is a clear sludge that does not rot.

Filter fields

Filtration fields are an area of ​​land consisting of trenches in which spray pipes pass. Their work is based on the fact that the soil can be cleaned naturally.

You can build filtering fields yourself and this will save you a little money. However, you will have to call special equipment and purchase material.


Bioponds are a system of reservoirs or one pond, about a meter deep, in which the oxidation of organic substances occurs. Such ponds require measures to remove bottom silt, and in winter the oxygen regime of their operation should be monitored.


The easiest way to dig a cesspool without a bottom with your own hands is a popular option for the system. thanks to its cheapness. This design is not suitable, however, for draining fecal matter, since it only processes the liquid part of the waste.

Types of biofilters

Filter well

The simplicity of such a biofilter is captivating, it is not intended for large volumes, but can also act as additional means cleaning. The service life of such a well depends on the size of the filter area. Not suitable for clay soil.

Underground filtration field

Such fields are suitable for areas, the depth of groundwater is not higher than one and a half meters, and the soil is sandy or sandy loam type. Such a system has many schemes and implementation methods.

Sand and gravel

The choice for places where water hardly passes through the soil, the technology of such a filter is more complex than previous ones. The filter consists of a network of irrigation channels, which are duplicated under a layer of sand with crushed stone intended for filtration. The simplest way to construct such a filter is linear. It can be laid along the fence of the site.

Drainage trench

Despite the similarity with the previous species This filter is different in that the irrigation and drainage pipes are located parallel in the pit. They do not have branches and this makes them easier to install. This type is suitable for a small family if the length of the trench exceeds 5 meters.

Filter cassette

Represents shallow, large pool, with a crushed stone bottom for filtration. It has a ceiling at the top, which is protected by a layer of waterproofing and insulated with earth. The filter cassette can be used in loamy and clayey areas. Its area at a consumption per cubic meter per day is about 30-35 square meters when used on clay soil.

Septic tank or biological treatment station?

This choice will make anyone who decides to install an autonomous sewer system on their site think twice. Let's consider all the pros and cons of a septic tank as a treatment facility.

It will be useful to understand how a septic tank works, because this greatly simplifies its selection and installation. The principle of its operation lies in the action of mechanical settling processes and biological processing methods.

The wastewater goes into a septic tank, which must be large enough to accommodate the waste., which form over several days. During this time, heavy elements sink to the bottom of the chamber.

After this, the liquid enters a reservoir with anaerobic bacteria, decomposing complex fractions of organic compounds into simpler ones. Heat is released carbon dioxide and are removed through ventilation. Finally, the effluent ends up in a soil filter.

The advantages of septic tanks are their long service life, ease of installation, low cost, as well as durability and resistance to severe weather conditions.

It is common to use a storage tank as a container for sewage. Tanks are made of plastic or fiberglass. Both materials are durable, lightweight compared to metal and airtight. They firmly hold wastewater inside and do not pollute the environment.

If the volume of wastewater does not exceed a thousand liters per day, a single-chamber septic tank is suitable. The design, like some of the previous ones described, is distinguished by its simplicity. This is a buried container, with pipes connected for drainage. This solution, however, is not the most effective; it is better to use its two-chamber variation.

A two-chamber septic tank, which has become widespread throughout the world, consists of two containers. The presence of two chambers allows for much better purification of wastewater and sediment delayed by partitions. It is suitable for those who use from one to ten cubic meters per day.

A septic tank with a filtration field is several containers connected by pipes. Thanks to the filtration field, sewage undergoes more thorough purification from contaminants. This system is suitable for places where water passes no more than two to three meters below ground level. Also, a device of this type has a large area.

The natural way is a septic tank with a biofilter. At almost any groundwater level, this type of treatment guarantees the removal of sewage. This is a container divided into several sections. This method will require more reliable containers.

Waste water after filtration is suitable for technical use. Such a sewer system would be the best choice if you live in country house all year round, because if you do not live permanently in a house with such a system, there is a possibility of the death of microorganisms in the septic tank.

Artificial treatment stations include a septic tank with forced filtration. All processes here are accelerated in comparison with their natural counterpart. In such systems, a pump is additionally connected to pump and distribute air. Overall this is a good option, except that it requires an electrical connection.

General installation rules

It is necessary to locate the septic tank no closer than five meters from the house. The water source must be at least twenty meters from the drains. A residential building can be located at a distance of more than eight meters from filtration wells and twenty-five meters from filtration fields.

A distance of at least fifty meters is allowed to aeration purifiers, and from three hundred meters to drain stations.

To prevent pipes from being damaged in winter period it is necessary to insulate them, for example, with mineral wool. Also, all sewer pipes must be installed at the correct angle. External pipes must be at least one hundred millimeters in diameter.

Popular models and their prices

Autonomous sewage systems can be energy-dependent and non-volatile. The only difference between them is the need to connect electricity. You can find a varied range of models on the market. Here are the most popular ones:

  • "Tank"

The septic tank comes in different configurations, the approximate price is 22 thousand rubles.

  • "Topas"

The products of this company are divided into two types: for summer houses and for country houses. Difference in wastewater supply volume. You can buy “Topas” for your dacha from 70 thousand rubles.


Continue installation:

  • "Unilos"

The range of equipment produced by this brand is quite wide. You can purchase the Astra model starting from 60 thousand.

  • "Triton"

This septic tank is notable for the fact that you can find a small model called Triton Mini. It is relatively easy to install without the help of a professional.

  • "Tver"

This manufacturer also has several models. The cheapest of them will cost you 55 thousand rubles. On the official website you can see the procedure for installing a septic tank in winter.

Bottom line

Having learned everything in detail necessary information about wastewater treatment facilities, you will no longer ask yourself the question of how to choose an autonomous sewer system in a private house.

You just need to know the height of the groundwater in the place where your site is located and the approximate water consumption per day.

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The problem of water disposal and wastewater treatment is relevant for any owner of country property. Therefore, if the developer has chosen an autonomous sewer system in a private house: how to choose the equipment, the characteristics of individual elements of the system - the most pressing issue before installation.

Autonomous sewage system in a private house - optimal choice for the dacha

Scope of application of autonomous sewer systems

Any home equipped with running water needs drainage and wastewater treatment. If the project includes an autonomous sewage system in a private house, how to choose equipment that combines a minimum construction and operation budget with high performance is the main question for the owner of a cottage who does not have a special education.

For garden and country houses, a budget option is septic tanks that can purify wastewater by 60 - 75%. Due to the seasonal, periodic operation of houses, the underground reservoir does not require annual pumping of sewage, which sharply reduces the operating budget. They are inexpensive and, if necessary, are made from concrete well rings.

For year-round use, VOC systems are more suitable (locally sewage treatment plant), SBT (biological treatment stations), aeration tanks using highly efficient anaerobic bacteria. This equipment allows you to reuse treated wastewater; pumping is rarely done. However, the construction and maintenance budget is increasing sharply.

Autonomous sewerage design

Before you find out what an autonomous sewage system is in a private house and how to choose an option suitable for specific operating conditions, you need to consider the design of treatment facilities. There are several options for wastewater disposal systems with subsequent post-treatment:

  • septic tank - several internal chambers connected by overflow pipes, in the largest of which the wastewater settles, loses large suspensions and mechanical impurities, the rest contain anaerobic bacteria that decompose organic matter without the presence of air;

  • aeration tank - the design is similar to the previous one, however, air is forced into the chambers, necessary for aerobic bacteria, which are capable of breaking down almost all organic impurities present in sewage;

Anaerobic aeration tank

  • combined systems - on initial stage anaerobic bacteria are involved in the cleaning process, then the wastewater is purified by anaerobic microorganisms.

All autonomous sewage systems consist of individual elements:

  • external sewer line - pipes through which waste flows by gravity (less often under pressure or vacuum method) from the home to the chambers of the septic tank, aeration tank;
  • treatment facility - a metal, polymer, concrete tank, partitioned into several chambers, there is no additional equipment in septic tanks, compressors are installed in aeration tanks;
  • infiltration system - a well or filtration field in which treated wastewater is discharged into the soil through a natural filter (40 cm layer of crushed stone, shungite, sand) for natural post-treatment with soil.

Filtration wells have a minimum construction budget, but are suitable exclusively for sandy soils and areas with a groundwater level lower by 1.5 - 5 m relative to the mouth. Filtration fields are buried below the fertile layer and can be used on clay soils. At high groundwater levels, the only option for an infiltration system is a ground filter. The effluent from the septic tank is pumped, collected in above-ground tanks, and usually reused.

Filtration wells do not require a ventilation system; for fields it is a prerequisite for safe operation. The filtration field consists of several contours or beams of corrugated pipes perforated with small holes. Unlike drainage systems, the liquid is not collected in them, but is discharged onto the underlying layer of crushed stone. After which, the wastewater seeps into the soil, is purified, and ends up in underground layers.

Autonomous sewer design

The industry produces underground tanks from different materials with different characteristics. Therefore, when purchasing an autonomous sewer system in a private house, how to choose the appropriate equipment and characteristics for a particular facility is the most pressing question for the developer. At the design stage of the drainage system, it is necessary to take into account the following nuances:

  • anaerobic bacteria reproduce on their own, septic tanks can be used periodically;
  • aerobic wastewater treatment systems are energy-dependent, microorganisms die during seasonal operation, long-term power outages necessary for the operation of compressors, activated sludge must be periodically renewed;
  • in gravity pipelines from the building to the septic tank, a slope of 4 - 7 degrees is required; if you make the angle smaller, the wastewater will stop flowing into the tank; with large slopes, the self-cleaning ability is reduced, blockages are possible due to the accumulation of large fractions;
  • When backfilling plastic tanks, they must be partially filled with water so that the walls are not compressed by soil, which is important in areas without sources;
  • in septic tanks manufactured industrially, the pipe entry points have high tightness, and it is much more difficult to insert lines into concrete rings;
  • polymer septic tanks are not always loaded with wastewater; during winter heaving of the soil, these structures can be squeezed out to the surface, so a slab is laid or poured under them, to which the tank body is tied.

The size of the septic tank is chosen based on the volume of the first chamber; this figure should be 3 times the daily water requirement of the family. For the convenience of periodic pumping of sewage, underground tanks should be located closer to the roadway. The depth of the treatment plant is always individual. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the length of the sewer line, the slope of 4 - 7 degrees, and the winter freezing mark in the region.

Making an autonomous sewer system with your own hands

In principle, to install a VOC or septic tank, it is enough to determine the location of the tank, dig a pit for it, and connect it with a straight trench to the outlet collector of the internal sewer riser of the home. Then install the tank, pipes, make an infiltration system, and backfill.

However, there are nuances at each stage. Therefore, you can accurately choose which autonomous sewage system will be used from and how to select individual elements with a minimum budget, following the recommendations of SP 32.13330 for external engineering systems drainage.

Integration on site

When choosing a location for operating a water treatment system, you should take into account the requirements of regulatory documents:

  • distances to objects considered significant - trees 3 m, water intake source 30 - 50 m, border of the neighboring plot 2 m, “red” line of the roadway 5 m, driveways 3 m, foundation of a dwelling 4 m, natural reservoirs 10 m;
  • infiltration systems - safe distances are similar to the previous case.

In addition, you should take into account the passage of paths around the site, recreation areas, and parking to ensure maximum living comfort.

Attention! It is prohibited to discharge drainage, storm water, or drain water from ponds and swimming pools into an external sewer septic tank in order to avoid overflowing the chambers and soil contamination.


Any underground structures are inevitably subject to the forces of frost heaving. They are eliminated by insulating the perimeter of the base of the structure, drainage, using non-metallic materials in the underlying layer, backfills pit bosoms.

For septic tanks, the first two technologies are not used; the sinuses are filled with ASG or sand. Therefore, the dimensions of the pit should be larger size containers 40 cm around the perimeter. The laying depth is calculated as follows:

  • underlying layer – 10 – 15 cm;
  • concrete slab– 10 – 15 cm, only for plastic structures;
  • level of freezing - due to the fact that the wastewater coming from the building always has a positive temperature, during the decomposition of organic matter by bacteria, thermal energy is released, a depth of 1.5 - 2 m is sufficient.

The trench from the tank to the cottage should have a slope of 4 - 7 degrees. For this, a height difference of 2–3 cm at a distance of one meter is sufficient.

The underlying layer is made of sand on dry soils, crushed stone at high groundwater levels. Layer-by-layer laying of every 15 cm with compaction using a vibrating plate is required.

Tank installation

Polymer containers are usually installed manually, while metal and concrete septic tanks are placed with a crane. If necessary, for lightweight structures, a concrete slab without reinforcement is cast on top of the underlying layer. The tank should be positioned horizontally to get the most out of it. interior space working chambers.

Laying external sewerage

The main is assembled from red sewer pipes with a diameter of 11 - 20 mm. Before installing the communication system, it is necessary to carry out the following work:

  • laying a geotextile fabric on the bottom of the trench, the edges of the material are launched onto the sides;
  • underlying layer of crushed stone or sand 10 - 15 cm;
  • tamping of inert material with a vibrating plate;
  • laying pipes with a gravity slope;
  • backfilling with crushed stone or sand;
  • covering with geotextiles.

This technology will eliminate soil subsidence and spontaneous detachment of bells. Geotextiles prevent mutual mixing of soil with non-metallic material.

Video: how to properly lay sewer pipes

All input nodes are sealed with rubber and silicone cuffs to prevent leaks. If necessary, internal equipment and overflow pipes are installed. PVC pipes are most difficult to seal when passing through concrete rings. For this purpose, penetrating mixtures are used, added to the cement-sand mortar.

Infiltration systems

The infiltration well is made of concrete rings. The structure does not have a bottom; instead, a 40 cm layer of crushed stone, shungite, and gravel is filled in. Filtration fields are manufactured using the following technology:

  • soil is removed in an area, the size of which depends on the filtering capacity of specific soils in the building area;
  • the perimeter is covered with geotextiles, preventing siltation and mixing with a layer of material;
  • is created drainage layer from crushed stone on which corrugated pipe beams or contours are laid;
  • the structure is filled with the same natural filter, then with soil.

Manufacturers of septic tanks produce special infiltration elements, the design of which is a hybrid of a field and a filtration well. They are mounted in a standard way.


When using non-metallic material in the sinuses of the pit, it is possible to completely eliminate the pull-out loads from freezing soils that act on underground tanks. To do this, a 40 cm layer on all sides of the septic tank is enough, but layers of 15–20 cm should be laid, each compacted with a vibrating plate or hand tools.

Decorating the hatch

To service septic tanks, openings with hatches extending to the surface are used. To maximize the integration of this communication element into the landscape of the site, decorative products produced by industry are used. Usually these are figures of animals, fairy-tale characters, mushrooms, stumps, and boulders made of polymer materials. They are easy to remove, weigh practically nothing, and have reliable fastening, are not blown away by the wind.


Autonomous sewerage in a private house is done once and for a long time. If you are the owner of a small summer cottage, then many of the elements and installation steps described above are optional. If you are planning to organize a drainage system big house where several people live on a permanent basis, then you should approach the design with all care and responsibility.

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A centralized sewerage system is one of the most significant achievements in the field of engineering structures. But not everyone can enjoy its benefits. Then a separate type of system comes to the rescue, which has its own characteristics and device nuances.

What is it?

Autonomous sewerage differs significantly from centralized sewerage, and helps out in cases where serious pipelines have not yet been laid.

A similar situation occurs in:

  • garden villages;
  • villages and hamlets;
  • a number of microdistricts, especially those with recent construction.

The simplest solution to the problem, known for many centuries, is a cesspool. But, despite its simplicity (to set it up, you basically only need a shovel and a few hours of free time), it has more disadvantages than advantages. The costs of pumping out liquid waste are many times higher than the payment for the same volume of water obtained from the water supply. Since there is no tightness in principle, there is a threat of infection of people and animals, and contamination of the area with harmful microorganisms. If an outbreak occurs, or if groundwater or open water is contaminated, criminal prosecution is likely.

Siltation of the walls of cesspools gradually increases the need for pumping, and the arrival of a tank is required more and more often. This solution is not at all aesthetically pleasing and creates a lot of unpleasant odors. Drainage only partially solves all these problems. That’s why the vast majority of people are now trying to use sewer storage tanks. Another name for them, familiar to almost everyone, is septic tanks.

A single-chamber system is the simplest type of septic tank. It works like this:

  • wastewater settles inside;
  • they are kept in a closed volume;
  • almost no mixing is carried out;
  • The exposure time is 60-72 hours.

But the structure and operating principle of a “real” local sealed sewer system are somewhat different. A local treatment plant necessarily involves not only mechanical, but also biological wastewater treatment. The level of productivity in such devices increases noticeably. In any case, it is imperative to calculate the total need for treatment and accumulation of wastewater.

Differences between autonomous sewage systems may be due to:

  • different performance;
  • speed of wastewater treatment;
  • depth of wastewater treatment;
  • number of cameras;
  • purification method;
  • requirements for the location;
  • protection from soil water and so on.

Almost all autonomous sewers use aerobic bacteria. These organisms make it possible to purify wastewater much more quickly than settling in classic septic tanks. There is no need to be afraid of problems: the process is the same as during natural decomposition, only it is accelerated and controlled. Oxygen is continuously present in the volume being cleaned. The cleaning level reaches 98%, which is quite enough for irrigating the garden, washing vehicles or the floor in the house.

How is it different from a septic tank?

Logically - nothing. After all, they solve the same problem, even if in different ways. A septic tank is much cheaper than a full-fledged treatment plant, but its difference is due to the fact that wastewater treatment occurs without access to oxygen. As a result, even if the system works perfectly, it is capable of cleaning the sewer by 75%, no more. Auxiliary cleaning agents are required, which complicate and increase the cost of the operation of the equipment.

Therefore, the cheapness of septic tanks is apparent; “in their pure form” they are not capable of freeing water from polluting agents even to such an extent that it is suitable for irrigation. Additional cleaning elements take up a lot of space on the site. They also need updating every few years. This will cause additional costs by the owner. Therefore, despite the increased one-time investments, a full-fledged autonomous sewage system is more profitable and practical.

Popular options

The number of companies offering autonomous sewers is very large. The guideline for the consumer is, first of all, the rating of certain systems, which makes it possible not to pay attention to frankly disastrous and unsuccessful solutions. Important: any aerobic systems require stable current generation.

Without it, neither pumps nor compressors will be able to perform their task.

  • The biological treatment station has gained quite a lot of popularity. "Biodeka". It implements the principle of wastewater treatment using suspended sludge. This is the environment in which aerobic microorganisms thrive. The creators were able to achieve placement of all working parts in a monolithic body. Foamed polyethylene is used to manufacture this cylindrical product. The weight of the structure does not exceed 150 kg, and the amount of automation is minimal, which significantly reduces the cost of sewerage. The Biodeki aerator and pump operate continuously, which reduces the threat of airlift overgrowth to almost zero.

  • The system turns out to be a serious competitor to Biodeka "Topas". Its manufacturers claim that they were able to achieve wastewater purification of up to 99% while simultaneously reducing current consumption. There are two cleaning cycles: mechanical and biological stages.

Solid pollutants and relatively large debris are filtered first. From the primary chamber, wastewater moves into a reservoir populated with anaerobic bacteria. It is stated that they are selected in such a way that there is no organic matter left at all, all of it is completely broken down. Topas models differ in their level of performance. The difference between them is also how deep the sewer pipe runs.

Both gravity and pump drainage are possible. But it is worth considering that these modes cannot be used simultaneously. A choice will have to be made before the station is laid in the ground. It is very difficult to change a working method later.

  • The top three is guaranteed to include "Unilos Astra 5". This treatment plant was initially designed for two treatment modes. Naturally, mechanical cleaning precedes the neutralization of hazardous biological factors.

The designers claim that they managed to insure their development against disruptions in the supply of electricity, including voltage surges. If necessary, you can remove the accumulated sludge manually. Therefore, even a failure or inoperability of the built-in pump will not lead to unpleasant consequences.

Thus, “Topas” can be placed in any soil, regardless of the lifting height groundwater. When creating the body, high-strength polypropylene was used, reinforced with special ribs. The period of operation is at least 50 years. The Unilos developers also preferred polypropylene. Astra 5 is equipped with membrane-type aerators, the replacement of which, even with intensive use, is required after at least 10 years.

Aeration occurs intermittently. This technique significantly increases efficiency and simultaneously improves the quality of processing. When pumping sludge, its structure is not disturbed. Important: Unilos Astra 5 must be used only when creating filter fields. Without them, it is impossible to ensure a sufficient level of security.

Owner reviews show that Astra 5 does not tolerate intense floods. The system is simply being pushed upward. This model does not create any other problems.

Consumers give high marks to the Tver complex, which is a little more expensive, but calmly survives significant spring floods. But let us repeat once again: each case is individual, and consultation with specialists is required.

How to choose?

The choice of autonomous sewage system is largely determined by the specifics of the application. So, for a dacha and a private house (cottage) the basic requirements are quite similar.

The system must cope with the processing of all wastewater that comes in:

  • from kitchens;
  • from toilets;
  • from bathtubs and sinks.

Obviously, underground work significantly increases the cost and complexity of the work. It is necessary to think through everything in such a way as to reduce to a minimum the total length of pipes, the number of turns, intersections and slopes. The fewer connections, the simpler and more reliable system. Official cottage and infrastructure plans must be used. Be sure to think through the location of all drainage points, if necessary, floor by floor.

It is recommended to make the outlet between the toilet and the collector no longer than 1 m. If possible, the drain points are as close as possible to the risers. To settle wastewater, chambers made of ceramic bricks(silicate will not work). Much more durable is plastic, which must be resistant to aggressive substances.

Fiberglass elements are somewhat more expensive than simple plastic and metal ones, but they are very reliable. As for cleaning methods, the biological approach has long been recognized as much more effective than chemical and mechanical methods.

All these points must be taken into account when selecting an autonomous sewer system.

You also need to consider:

  • how exactly the plumbing will be installed;
  • what plumbing fixtures will be supplied;
  • how great is their total, one-time and daily productivity (in general and for each point);
  • how pipe distribution is organized inside the serviced premises.

The most modern sewer systems can be installed near the house. Another important point is the specific levels of water separation. Professionals advise thinking about the terrain of the area and how the water supply is organized. You also need to take care to comply with sanitary and hygienic standards. It is best when the choice of system and its installation features are agreed upon with the sanitary authorities.

Autonomous sewers in cottages are always “personal” (each is strictly for “its own” cottage). Two more important points are fast, reliable performance of the main tasks and reasonable price.

If increased reliability is required, it is worth choosing airless systems based on the biological principle of purification. Such devices need to be cleaned once every 24-36 months. They are completely independent of electricity and can be used even where it is not available or is supplied irregularly.

An obvious disadvantage: the anaerobic system is technically and economically justified only where there are already absorption wells, filter fields and other infrastructure. Additional organization of these elements turns out to be a very expensive pleasure. Autonomous sewerage of this type also requires the regular arrival of sewage disposal trucks. And access roads need to be prepared for them. In addition, there are strict restrictions on distance from houses and gardens, from the boundaries of plots, and reservoirs.

Deep biological treatment complexes place much lower requirements on locations. The size of such structures is relatively small, and the amount of work during installation is noticeably reduced. The need for auxiliary consumables is also reduced. The installation is carried out on your own, without the involvement of specialized machines of various kinds. In addition to the increased cost, the disadvantage of complexes deep cleaning There is only a need for pumping once every 4 months.

When choosing a system, you should immediately ask whether odors that arise during operation are eliminated.

Other important points during selection are:

  • power (volume and speed of processed waste);
  • reliability (probability of failure);
  • temperature regime;
  • volume of earthworks;
  • need for a foundation;
  • occupied territory.

It is worth mentioning the pipes that will be used in conjunction with the sewer system. Fiberglass structures are still used quite rarely in Russia, due to the increased price. But as practice shows, the opinion about their high cost is wrong. Ultimately, routine maintenance is much more profitable than correcting defects and then replacing rusty steel. For your information: fiberglass has been actively used in military pipelines since the mid-twentieth century, which directly confirms its high quality.

The low density of the material does not prevent it from having a very high strength. Fiberglass is formed by glass fiber with special additives for mechanical bonding. Polyester or epoxy resins are used as such additives. The choice between components is determined by the technology used and how the pipe will be used in the future.

Polyester resin is in greater demand than epoxy. It is not only impermeable to aggressive components, but also extremely resistant to corrosion processes. The accumulation of sediment in the internal volume is also excluded. Problems may arise if the liquid warms up to more than 90 degrees or is (moves) under a pressure of more than 32 atm.

But in a private autonomous sewer system such parameters are unattainable, so there you can safely use the polyester variety of pipes. But epoxy pipe for home sewer networks is overly sophisticated and prohibitively expensive.

But, in addition to the pipe material, the differences between them are also related to production technology. There are two options - continuous winding and centrifugal forming. The higher the requirements for durability and mechanical strength of products, the more layers there should be in the pipeline. You can do three layers in total.

In everyday use, the best results are achieved by a two-layer construction. One layer is not reliable enough. Three layers are only needed where there is high pressure and/or high temperature. Such designs are not even in demand in all industries.

Therefore, if someone suggests using just such elements for a house, it is better to part with the builders. They either do not understand the essence of their work well, or, on the contrary, they understand it very well, but want to get more money.

System installation

Installation of an autonomous sewer system begins not with the work itself, but with drawing up a diagram and planning.

Immediately take into account:

  • average water consumption per day (the reservoir must hold liquid for 72 hours of use);
  • number of discharge points;
  • relief of the site;
  • placement of main facilities on and near the site.

It is recommended to install both cleaning and storage tanks at the lowest points. Be sure to take into account the level groundwater which should not be contaminated.

It is also necessary to place the sewerage system at a strictly defined distance from:

  • sources of drinking water;
  • highways and railways;
  • trees and shrubs;
  • any windows and doors;
  • other objects that require sanitary protection or may themselves compromise the integrity of the pipes.

Such distances are maintained not only from tanks, but also from all pipes, if possible. A correctly executed diagram takes into account all pipelines (water, gas, heating, ventilation), because the location of the sewer system must be coordinated with them. Power sewer system it must be made so that it can “serve” everyone who permanently lives in the house and at the same time periodically visits it.

When installing it yourself, it is advisable to strive for as straight a line as possible, but this is not always possible. However, the terrain and the need to connect additional outlets can be taken into account and accepted the right decision. Since any turn and intersection (pipe insertion) is a potential place for blockage to form, sudden changes in the flow of wastewater must be avoided.

During installation, tees and crosses of oblique format should be used. Along with them, bends are used, located at an angle from 15 to 45 degrees. But even this method does not provide a complete guarantee. Therefore, all points where the direction of the fluid changes must be equipped with wells for inspection.

When used for sewerage PVC pipes, inside the house they should be gray in color, and outside the home - red. It is recommended to place only cast iron pipes highest strength. To prevent the fluid flow from being too slow, it is advisable to maintain a pipeline slope of at least 2% throughout its entire length. But too sharp a roll is contraindicated, because it can create additional problems. Important: laying external routes in trenches is allowed only at a depth greater than the soil freezing line.

It happens that this is impossible, then you will have to use enhanced thermal protection. An exception is made for installing sewerage in a layer that does not freeze. Any metal pipes must be laid so that they are reliably protected from contact with moisture. In the most difficult points, inspection wells must be equipped in any case. They are installed 1 piece for every 10-15 m of sewer route.

To drain wastewater from the washbasin, you need to use pipes with an internal cross-section of 5 cm. But connecting to toilets and collectors involves the use of channels measuring 0.11 m. The slope in such routes also differs: 3 and 2%, respectively. To avoid fluid backflow, check valves are installed. You need to immediately make a decision: will such a valve be a single valve for the collector sewer or is it better to install several at once - one per outlet.

It is recommended to use siphons (otherwise known as hydraulic valves) inside the house. They reliably block the spread of unpleasant odors that have no place in the house. Particular attention should be paid to places where internal and external sewer routes intersect. When installing a sewer system in finished house, the release point is usually made above the ground. An indispensable requirement is reliable cover from the cold.

The outlet pipe is always mounted using a sleeve, the role of which is to protect against mechanical defects of various kinds. Larger pipes are usually used to form sleeves. It is enough that their diameter is 100-150 mm larger than the size of the main line. Such proportions ensure the laying of the outlet pipe. One more point - the sleeve, both inside the house and on the street, should protrude from the wall by 0.1 m.

When a hole is drilled and a sleeve is installed, you must not forget about the obligatory slope of the communication line. The slope is calculated in relation to the septic tank.

There is one more nuance - the relationship between sewerage and ventilation. Ventilation duct stabilizes the pressure so that it does not change in an undesirable way when the water is released. In addition, the ventilated passage reduces the saturation of the atmosphere with harmful gases. But that's not all. After all, when air promptly and fully enters the rarefied area that appears during sewer operation, characteristic sounds that cause unpleasant associations are prevented.

And for the system itself, ventilation also turns out to be an important help: it reduces the threat of water hammer. The traditional scheme involves the installation of vent pipes, the free edges of which extend onto the roof of the house. The fan channel must rise above all other pipes, even the smoke type.

The drain pipe must be located at least 400 cm from the nearest windows or balconies. It is recommended to choose elements for it of the same diameter as the riser inside the house. Most often this is 11 cm, which allows you to maintain the required traction and prevent blockage of the channel when ice accumulates in winter. But such a simple device for autonomous sewerage is becoming increasingly rare, even in private homes. The use of air valves is gradually becoming popular.

The modification of the valve determines whether it is only capable of admitting air from outside or can also release it. In many cases, valves are mounted exclusively on bends washing machines. It is there that a rapid drainage of water occurs with the appearance of pressure. Therefore, the risk of rapid changes in pressure is much higher than in other places. All this needs to be taken into account, but sometimes it is much easier to turn to professionals.

Operation and Maintenance

Even if the autonomous sewage system is configured as correctly as possible and processes wastewater very efficiently, a certain amount of solids still remains. They need to be removed periodically and undergo regular technical inspections. Both containers and pipelines need to be cleared of sludge. If you ignore such work, the sediment will soon turn out to be a very durable substance, similar to clay. It will no longer be possible to remove such deposits without specialized devices.

Regular pumping also helps extend the life of the sewer system. Special fecal pumps are used for cleaning. Below there is probably still the presence of silt masses. An ordinary shovel helps to remove them. For additional washing, water is used, supplied in the form of a jet under significant pressure.

The water in which the last contaminants have dissolved is pumped out again. To remove it, the same tank into which the main volume of wastewater was poured is used. Important: you cannot just pour this water into a pond or somewhere else. It must be completely recycled. Another requirement when working is the mandatory use of personal protective equipment.

Cleaning the simplest septic tanks and earthen pits by hand is extremely inconvenient and dirty. And even when using modern cleaning stations, the situation differs little. Therefore, in many cases, sooner or later they call the sewage tank. Along with pumps, the latest generation of cars are equipped with devices that flush the tank. As a result, cleaning will be much more effective.

When removing dirt from a complete cleaning station, you can work with your own hands or with the help of special equipment. The tools required are the same as in other cases. But only the aerobic stabilizer needs to be cleaned. The extracted sludge can be used in agriculture as a very valuable fertilizer.

In order to use wastewater treatment systems for as long as possible and get from them best result, it is recommended to follow simple rules.

  • Design level of water flow (or specified in technical documentation indicator) should not be exceeded. It is categorically unacceptable to dump construction and repair waste into the local sewer system, as well as all other things that will not decompose in water under the influence of bacteria. Please note: it is not advisable to throw the same items into the city sewer.
  • Another categorical prohibition: draining alkalis, acids and other caustic substances. Under the influence of such compounds, the vital activity of both aerobic and anaerobic microorganisms can be disrupted.
  • If the biological treatment station is at for a long time interrupted its work, special activators are added to it. When blockages appear, various cleaning methods can be used, but the choice in any case remains with the master.

The treatment of sewerage by Unilos Astra has its own peculiarities. The manufacturer indicates that any personal hygiene items, as well as pet hair and your own hair, should not go there. Also prohibited are food residues and synthesized substances, petroleum products and alcohols (in their pure form and in mixtures with other components).

When contacting a company that promotes services for working with independent sewers and septic tanks, you must be very careful not to make an irreversible mistake. True professionals always give a written guarantee and enter into an agreement, which clearly states the services, the period of their provision and the fee for each type of work.

In addition, a cause for concern is the difference between the price quoted by the visiting master and the price previously quoted by phone or indicated on the website. Qualified organizations always have a full range of necessary spare parts and tools. And they, in principle, do not charge increased fees for urgent services, nor do they try to postpone an already agreed upon visit. A professional service department can replace the compressor and sensors, valves and injectors.

She should also be able to:

  • preserve the autonomous sewage system for the winter or in case of long-term absence for any other reason;
  • reactivate it as soon as the need arises;
  • fix automation defects or replace it completely;
  • Clean the injectors and airlifts.

And if at least one of these points is not stated on the website, this is a reason to refuse the organization’s services. There must be at least 5 m from the purification or storage system to the house. The distance to wells, wells or other water intake facilities must be at least 30 m, otherwise safety will not be ensured.

As for Topas septic tanks, their manufacturer very clearly indicates those things that should not go into the sewer system. So, there is no place for polyethylene, candy wrappers, rubber and other substances that do not biodegrade.

You also cannot send there:

  • cleaning vegetables, garden herbs and mushrooms;
  • water containing potassium permanganate and other oxidizing agents;
  • wastewater including chlorine;
  • any medicines, including veterinary ones;
  • antifreeze and engine oils.

As for pet fur, the Topas developers are not so categorical. They only indicate that it cannot be dumped in large volumes. That is, if several fluffs accidentally fall into the drain once every few months, there is no need to worry. Toilet paper any brands can be disposed of at Topas without unnecessary problems. Once every 2 weeks you need to add a certain amount of special powder through the toilet.

To learn how to install an autonomous sewer system with your own hands, see the following video.

Installation of a septic tank – practical way solving the problem of wastewater disposal during the construction of a local sewerage system. But, you must admit, it is sometimes not easy to make a choice among the variety of ready-made designs.

To simplify the task, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with an overview of the main types of treatment facilities and popular models from leading manufacturers. We will tell you which septic tank to choose based on the characteristics of its operation, and outline the main parameters of the device that must be taken into account when purchasing.

For a better understanding of the issue, we have supplemented the information with photographs. various models recyclers, as well as diagrams for their installation.

A septic tank is a waterproof structure consisting of one or more sections or divided into two or three compartments or chambers. But any sewage treatment plant has its own characteristics.

Therefore, in order to choose a recycler wisely, it is necessary to analyze the types of equipment on the market, understand the principle of their operation and determine for yourself the feasibility of using a particular model.

Types of materials used

Septic tanks, which are the main element of local sewerage, are classified according to different criteria.

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