Choosing the right soil for anthurium. Proper soil is the basis for the health of anthurium! Tips for buying and preparing soil with your own hands How to make a flower bloom - male happiness

In order for a flower to please with large flowers and large succulent leaves, it needs to create good conditions, the main of which is a suitable substrate. Majority indoor plants feels great in universal soil, but for anthurium the mixture must be specially selected. For the successful growth of this plant, the characteristics of its root system should be taken into account. The soil should have good air and water permeability and be light.. In heavy soil, the roots can rot, and the flower can become sick and disappear.

How to prepare a composition for planting a plant with your own hands?

Those soils that can be purchased in stores are not suitable for growing anthuriums, so it is better to prepare the mixture yourself.

The substrate should be light, breathable, and acidic (pH=5.5-6.5). In heavy soil, anthurium roots will become covered with velamin and rot..

For successful flower growth at home, you should prepare an earthen mixture consisting of the following components:

The sand needs to be washed well and the bark steamed. The bark pieces should be 1-1.5 cm in size. To increase the looseness of the mixture, you can add perlite to it..

Before planting a flower in the prepared soil, it is necessary to heat treat the substrate.

There is another option for preparing a substrate for anthurium, which is often used by experienced gardeners. To do this you need to mix:

  • part of the peat;
  • part of the land from under coniferous trees;
  • Part leaf soil;
  • half of coarse sand.

Charcoal and crushed bark of coniferous trees, such as pine or spruce, are added to this mixture.

You should know that It is better to plant young plants in a less coarse substrate. For their good growth and development, a mixture consisting of pine bark, sphagnum moss, peat and perlite (1/1/1/1). The soil should adhere tightly to the roots and only after the root system has grown can the flower be transplanted into a mixture for adult plants.

As the anthurium grows, its roots may rise above the soil surface. The exposed parts must be covered with pieces of moss to retain moisture.

What kind of drainage is needed for growing?

The health and beauty of anthurium depends on the presence of drainage, because these plants cannot tolerate stagnation of water in the root system and may die. To create optimal conditions for the flower to grow you need to think about good drainage, only in this case the excess water will drain away and the roots will breathe.

Important to know! High-quality drainage for flowers must be chemically inert, allow water to pass through, and not mold or rot.

The following materials are suitable for preparing drainage::

The most Expanded clay is a popular material for drainage; it can absorb excess moisture . These are baked pieces of clay that have a porous structure. You can buy it at flower shops.

When using other materials as drainage, you must follow the following tips:

  1. when using clay shards as drainage, the pieces should not be allowed to be too large, since sand should be poured on top of them, and it should not spill down;
  2. broken bricks should not have sharp edges so as not to damage the roots of the plant; it is also necessary to take into account that sand-lime brick is more suitable than red, as it absorbs moisture and then releases it as it dries;
  3. polystyrene foam is a good drainage material, but it has one drawback: the roots of the plant grow into its structure and when transplanting a flower they can be accidentally damaged.

By creating high-quality drainage, the anthurium will be guaranteed comfort, it will grow, develop and bloom well.

Is ready-made soil or substrate for orchids suitable for the flower?

If you don’t want to make the substrate yourself, you can purchase it in the store, but this poses difficulties. It is difficult to find a special mixture for anthuriums, therefore, you can purchase soil for orchids with a similar composition, which includes bark and peat. There are soils for orchids consisting of peat, charcoal, and sphagnum. This substrate can be mixed with universal primer (1:1).

In Moscow, you can purchase soil for orchids in specialized stores or via the Internet. The cost of the earth mixture depends on the manufacturer. For example:

  • soil "ZeoFlora" a volume of 2.5 liters will cost from 300 to 350 rubles;
  • substrate for orchids “Living World” a volume of 1.5 liters, consisting of pine bark, costs a little more than 100 rubles.

How to care for the soil at home?

In order to prevent potential pests from growing in the soil, it must be subjected to heat treatment. It is also necessary to take into account that the soil for anthurium is not nutritious, so after replanting the plant should be periodically fed by adding fertilizers for aroids or ornamental flowering plants to the water for irrigation.

It should be noted that knowing which soil to transplant Men’s Happiness and the ability to correctly compose the soil will save the anthurium and its owner from many problems. In a good substrate, water does not stagnate, the roots “breathe”, therefore, the flower will develop well and delight the owner with beautiful flowers.

The indoor anthurium flower is a rather capricious plant. You need to look after him well and follow the basic rules of caring for this tropical beauty in a city apartment - then he all year round will delight you with its healthy appearance and magnificent flowering. The main conditions for this are compliance with the regime of humidity, heat and lighting.

Since anthurium is a tropical plant, it must be watered abundantly, but not often, with warm, settled water. It is advisable to add a few drops of citric or acetic acid to the water to soften the hardness of the water and acidify the soil. If your water is too hard, the tips of the leaves will turn brown. The plant must be watered when the top layers of the soil have dried well from the previous watering. Usually, this happens on the third or fourth day in the summer or a week later in the winter.

Keep in mind - the lower the ambient temperature, the less often you need to water your flower.

Be sure to drain excess water from the pan, as stagnant water can cause rotting of anthurium roots or provoke the occurrence of fungal diseases.

One-time watering of anthurium at the end of winter is very warm, up to 50 degrees. Celsius with water, will provoke it to bloom lushly!


In addition to watering, great value for anthurium has the air humidity in the room. It should be high 65 - 85%. To achieve this, especially in summer, the pot with the plant is placed in a wide tray with wet expanded clay or pebbles. Place containers filled with water next to the pot.

Anthurium in a tray with wet expanded clay

In a room with flowers, it is worth doing wet cleaning more often. Spray the air around the anthurium with a small spray bottle, being careful not to get it on the plant, otherwise drops of water can ruin the appearance of your beauty. Often gardeners spray anthurium leaves (but not flowers!) with clean, settled water, and even wash the leaves under warm shower in the bathroom - then excess moisture from the leaves must be removed with a damp sponge or cotton swab, wait until the flower has completely dried and return it to its original place. If this does not bother you, cover the anthurium stems with pieces of moistened sphagnum moss. This will also help increase air humidity and the growth of the flower’s aerial roots, which suffer greatly from dry air.


It is not difficult to guess that anthurium loves not only a humid, but also a warm place to live. A comfortable temperature for it in the summer months does not exceed 22-25 degrees. Celsius. IN winter period It is advisable to reduce the temperature by another 5 degrees, but not lower than 18 °C. The plant loves fresh air, but does not tolerate drafts well. Therefore, when you ventilate the room, provide the anthurium with protection from the wind.

Soil for anthurium

Anthurium loves loose lungs soil mixtures large faction. They must be moisture-permeable and breathable. It's better to buy ready soil for decorative flowering plants. If for some reason you prefer to prepare your own soil, we recommend mixing peat, leaf soil and coarse soil in equal parts. river sand. You can add crushed charcoal and bark coniferous tree. The soil pH should be slightly acidic, 5.5 - 6.5 units.

Feeding and fertilizers

During the growing season, anthurium needs feeding. At least once every two weeks it must be fed with minerals and organic fertilizers, better complex, with a higher content of phosphorus and potassium than nitrogen. Fertilizer for orchids is also suitable.


Blooming anthuriums love bright sunlight, but it is advisable not to place the pot in direct sunlight so as not to spoil the beautiful leaves and flowers with burns. The best places for them will be on the eastern and western windows of the room. Only in winter should the anthuriums be moved to a south window, closer to the sun. Lack of lighting has a detrimental effect on anthurium - it stops blooming, the leaves lose their decorative effect. On short winter days, it is advisable to organize illumination of anthuriums using phyto lamps or fluorescent lamps.

And decorative deciduous varieties of anthuriums are shade-tolerant. They feel great on the northern windows of the apartment. If the apartment has only southern windows and the sun actively illuminates the room, it is better to place the anthurium pot away from the window so that the sun's rays do not harm the plant.

Anthurium transplantation at home

Regular replanting of anthurium is just as necessary as timely watering and fertilizing. Young plants, up to five years of age, are replanted once a year in the spring. Adult anthuriums need to be transplanted into new soil every two to three years. More often, it’s not worth it, since the plant’s root system and green mass will grow greatly to the detriment of flowering.

For replanting, you need a pot of suitable size. It can be ceramic or plastic, small in height, and slightly wider than the root system of your flower. Each subsequent transplant of anthurium is done to a greater depth, so the pot should be approximately 2 cm larger than the previous one in height and width. A small pot stimulates the anthurium to bloom profusely.

Don’t forget about good drainage - it should be at least 3 - 4 cm, and if the pot is too high, then more

Usually, transplanting anthurium at home does not cause difficulties.

Carefully remove the plant along with the soil from the old pot, trying not to damage the fragile roots. Carefully separate the children that appear on the mother plant and plant them, if necessary, in separate pots for propagating anthurium. The new pot should be filled with drainage in a layer of 3 cm and soil suitable for anthurium in a layer of 2 cm. Now place our handsome one in the center of the pot and fill it with soil root system so that the rosette of leaves is not covered, and all the roots are hidden in the ground. Try not to leave empty spaces in the pot; shake it gently while filling the pot with soil.

If, as it grows, the roots of the anthurium still appear from the ground, they need to be sprinkled with soil or covered with moss, which must be constantly moistened.

If you bought an anthurium flower in a store, do not rush to replant it in a new beautiful pot. Let him acclimatize.

It should be remembered that the leaves and flowers of anthurium poisonous. When working with it, you must be careful and be sure to wear gloves. Do not allow the plant juice to come into contact with unprotected areas of the skin. If this happens, wash your hands with soap.

Keep a close eye on children and pets, as they may not only touch the plant, but also taste it. Cats especially love to chew flowery greens. Place the anthurium pots out of reach.

Anthurium - fabulous beautiful plant! Caring for him at home is not easy, he is capricious, like any beauty! But what pleasure will you get when it blooms in your living room and will amaze your guests with the velvety expressive greenery of its huge beautiful leaves or the vibrant splendor of numerous flowers. Try growing anthurium yourself - you won’t regret it!

Anthurium, or as it is also called " male happiness", is popular among flower growers. This plant is beautiful and fits into any interior. But it’s difficult to call him unpretentious. How to care for and replant the “male happiness” flower, photos and descriptions, signs associated with the culture - you will find this and much more in our material.

Description and types

The “male happiness” flower, photos of which are given in the article, is a prominent representative of the Araceae family. In its natural environment, the plant is found in tropical and subtropical forests of America and on the islands of the Caribbean Archipelago. All varieties of the crop are epiphytes or semi-epiphytes, that is, they cling to trees with their roots, but do not receive nutrients from them.

The genus of anthurium has 900 species, but only three of them are suitable for growing at home:

  • The most popular variety. The plant is distinguished by a short trunk and leaves located on long petioles. The green, heart-shaped plates reach 30 cm in length and 13 cm in width. Inflorescence - spadix, colored yellow, located at the top of the stems. Its length is 5-9 cm. The heart-shaped bract or spathe grows up to 20 cm in diameter. It is painted in red, pink, salmon tones. But there are also snow-white specimens.

  • Distinctive feature varieties - a spiral-twisted cob and a large spathe, usually painted in red-orange tones. The species has dark green, pointed leaves with a linear or lanceolate shape. Their upper surface is slightly glossy.

  • This epiphyte is distinguished by velvety dark green leaves up to 40 cm long. The plates have silvery veins with a crystal shine. The peduncle reaches up to 40 cm in height. The bedspread is thin, 2 cm wide and 7-9 cm long, painted in green tones. In some varieties, the stipule has a purple tint. The green cob grows up to 25 cm in length.

Each of these varieties will become the pride of the gardener and the decoration of the collection of house plants. But this will require a lot of effort, because anthuriums are capricious crops.

What to do after purchase

After purchasing a “male happiness” flower, it is important to replant it in new soil. The fact is that for sale, plants are placed in a substrate that is not intended for comfortable cultivation of the crop. Therefore, it is advisable to hold the event in the first three days after the purchase. Then the plant will quickly acclimatize to the conditions in your apartment and begin to grow.

Soil and pot

For the plant, choose a glass or plastic pot. You can plant the crop in a clay container, the main thing is that its surface is glazed from the inside. What is this for? Anthurium roots are strong and grow into unglazed clay. They are difficult to remove during subsequent transplantation. Give preference to wide and shallow containers, but do not choose a very spacious pot. Otherwise, the anthurium will begin to grow green mass and will not want to bloom.

The culture prefers loose, fertile soil. A store-bought mixture intended for orchids will do. If you want to make the substrate yourself, then mix following components:

  • 2 parts of coniferous land;
  • 2 parts sheet soil;
  • 1 part sand.

Be sure to disinfect the substrate. To do this, bake it in the oven or hold it over steam. After disinfection, add some charcoal and pine bark chips to the mixture.

How to properly transplant a flower “male happiness”

2-3 hours before the procedure, moisten the soil well. This will make it easier for you to remove the plant from the pot. How to replant a flower “male happiness”:

  1. Place at the bottom of the container drainage layer from broken bricks, expanded clay or large pebbles. Sprinkle it with a centimeter layer of soil.
  2. Carefully remove the flower from the container. Rinse its roots under low pressure and inspect them carefully. Remove all damaged, diseased shoots. Sprinkle the cut areas with charcoal.
  3. Place the flower in a new pot and carefully straighten its roots.
  4. Fill the voids with substrate and compact it slightly. To do this, knock on the sides of the pot.

After planting, water the substrate well and cover the surface with moss. This way the moisture will be better preserved inside the container.


Now that you have figured out how to replant the “male happiness” flower, you should learn about the rules for growing the plant. For this tropical beauty to take root and delight you with its buds, arrange for it comfortable conditions. And for this, support optimal lighting and temperature, do not forget to regularly water and feed the flower.


The flower “male happiness” is very thermophilic. In summer, keep it in a room with a temperature of +20...+28 °C. From September to February, during the dormant period, it is advisable to move the culture to a cool room with +15...+16 °C. If this is not possible, then keep the plant on the windowsill away from radiators and heating devices. And also protect it from drafts - the flower absolutely cannot stand them.


The flower “male happiness” or anthurium is a rather capricious plant. And in different times he needs different lighting throughout the year. In summer, during flowering, it is advisable to keep the pot in partial shade. A north or west window sill will do. In the south, shade the plant from straight lines sun rays.

In winter, on the contrary, the plant needs maximum illumination. Therefore, move the pot closer to the light. If necessary, provide additional illumination with a phytolamp.

Watering and humidity

Anthurium - moisture-loving plant, and complete drying of the soil is destructive for it. But stagnation of moisture is also unacceptable, as it leads to rot. Therefore, water the flower with extreme caution. In summer, moisten the soil every 3-4 days. In winter, reduce irrigation to once a week. To moisturize, use only settled, filtered and softened water. room temperature. Water the flower strictly at the root so that water does not get on the stems.

Like most tropical plants, the “male happiness” flower prefers high air humidity. To increase this indicator, place a container of water near the pot. Better yet, purchase a special air humidifier or keep the container with the plant on a tray with moistened moss.

The leaves of the crop are large and dust accumulates on them. To clean the surface of the plates, use a soft, damp sponge. Occasionally spray the foliage with a fine spray bottle. But make sure that moisture does not get on the stems and bracts of “male happiness”.

Top dressing

If you want to achieve long flowering and numerous buds from anthurium, then you cannot do without additional feeding. During the active growing season from the beginning of spring to the end of summer, feed the flower with mineral and organic compounds with low content nitrogen and calcium. It is advisable to purchase special liquid preparations intended for this species. Fertilize the plant every two weeks and alternate different types feeding each other.

From September to the end of February, “male happiness” begins a period of rest. At this time, the flower does not need feeding.


At proper care at home, the “male happiness” flower will grow quickly and become cramped in an old pot. This can be understood by the roots protruding from the drainage hole. It is better to plan the procedure for spring - summer. During this period, the plant tolerates the event more easily and then practically does not get sick. How to experience the flower “male happiness” using the transshipment method:

  1. Place a layer of drainage made of pebbles, expanded clay or broken bricks at the bottom of the new pot. Lightly sprinkle it with substrate.
  2. Water the plant well a few hours before the event. Then it is easier to get it out of the pot.
  3. Carefully remove the crop from the container, being careful not to damage the earthen ball.
  4. Place the flower in a new pot, fill the voids with soil and lightly tap the walls. This will compact the soil slightly.

After the procedure, moisten the soil well and place the flower in usual place. For young plants, hold the event annually. Replant adult flowers as needed every 3-4 years.

Emergency transplant

It is extremely necessary to replant the anthurium if the composition of the substrate has changed for the worse. For example, rusty or white coating. When can you replant the “male happiness” flower in this case? As soon as you notice negative phenomena. And even if the anthurium is blooming at this time, replant the flower immediately. Otherwise, he may die without waiting for spring.

The procedure is the same as when transplanting after purchase. You can learn about it from the corresponding chapter. If you are just changing the soil and planting the crop in an old pot, be sure to treat the container with a solution of potassium permanganate.


The flower “male happiness” is endowed with magical properties. It is believed that it helps improve the personal life of single representatives of the fair sex. The following signs are also associated with anthurium:

  • The flower smooths out disagreements in the family and prevents quarrels. In a house where “male happiness” grows, mutual understanding reigns between spouses.
  • Anthurium “cures” cardiovascular diseases and also relieves male sexual problems.
  • If you grow several plants, the family’s financial situation will improve significantly. But only well-groomed and cherished flowers bring prosperity.
  • “Male happiness” has strong positive energy. Caring for and contemplating the plant restores strength, relieves depression, and improves immunity.
  • Stronger beneficial properties appear in donated specimens.

Now you know everything about how to replant a “male happiness” flower and care for the plant. Follow these rules and create comfortable conditions for the anthurium, and it will definitely reward you with attractive and numerous buds that will please the eye.

One of the most spectacular home flowers that you simply cannot pass by is anthurium. There are many signs and beliefs associated with this unusual exotic flower, according to which happiness and prosperity come to the house with it.


Guest from the tropics, originally from South America. IN late XIX century was brought to France and quickly spread throughout Europe. The appearance of the culture gave it its name, which literally translated into Russian means “tail-shaped flower.” There are 28 species of this plant, and thanks to the work of gardeners, about 80 hybrids have been bred.

Culture with rich green leaves unusual shape- heart-shaped or arrow-shaped. It’s hard to call a flower beautiful - your own appearance it resembles a young ear of corn. The color of the flower can be different: white, yellow, green or pink.

The spathe that surrounds the flower and serves to attract insects is the true decoration of the flower. Its shape resembles a heart and is colored rich color: Lemon, orange to almost black in color, although mottled bracts are sometimes found.

The aroma of a flower depends on the type of plant - it can be very pleasant or quite the opposite.

The flowering period of “male happiness” (as this flower is often called) is quite long - from March to November. With proper care, anthurium can grow up to 0.8 meters in height, and the diameter of the bedspread can reach 0.5 m.

Did you know? It is difficult to find a plant that could receive more names than anthurium. It is also known by such names as: “red tongue”, “pig tail”, “flamingo flower”, “devil’s tongue”, “arrows of love”, “passion flower”, “male happiness”.

Home care

The spectacular appearance of the plant requires proper care. So that he pleases his lush flowering, you must adhere to the following rules:
1. Temperature. Like any other tropical plant, anthurium is thermophilic. Comfortable temperatures for it are +15...+28 °C. In summer, temperatures should exceed +20 °C, and in winter - +15 °C. The crop does not tolerate drafts very well; for it, exposure to wind is destructive.

Important! If you want to achieve flowering of anthurium in winter, increase the air temperature.

2. Lighting. The flower loves diffused and soft lighting, without direct sunlight. The “flower of love” will feel best on the window sills that face the east or north-west.

3.Watering. When watering “arrows of love” you need to use settled water at room temperature. In summer, water once every four days; in winter, once every 7-10 days is enough. Despite the fact that it comes from the tropics, - frequent watering can't stand it. Before the procedure, you need to check how wet the soil is in the flower pot, whether there is water in the pan, and only then water it. “Male Happiness” tolerates dry soil more easily than overly moist soil.
4. Air humidity. For a culture to exist comfortably, it needs high humidity air from 80% and above. It is difficult to create such conditions in apartments, but you can use the following tricks:

  • regularly spray the flower with a spray bottle for indoor plants;
  • wipe the leaves with a damp cloth;
  • humidify the air using a humidifier;
  • place an open vessel with water next to the flower: the liquid will evaporate and simultaneously moisten the anthurium.
5. Feeding for anthurium. With the onset of spring, the “passion flower” must be fed with mineral and organic fertilizers. Special attention Pay attention to the composition of nutrient mixtures - they should not contain mineral salts and lime; the culture reacts extremely negatively to these components. Stop feeding anthurium in November.

6. Soil selection. Anthurium feels good in slightly acidic soil, with a pH of 5.5-6.5. To prepare it, you need to take 2 parts humus, 1 part peat, 1 part leaf soil, ½ part sand. In order for the soil to breathe well, you need to add pieces of polystyrene foam or expanded clay, charcoal. Can be used next lineup soil for anthurium: 2 parts peat, 1 part turf soil and 1 part sphagnum moss with the addition of coarse sand.

Diseases and pests

The “passion flower” is quite rarely susceptible to disease; most often, problems arise if mistakes were made in caring for the plant.


Appearance brown spots or dots on the sheets is associated either with a burn received from direct sunlight, or indicates that the air temperature has been reduced for quite a long time.

The appearance of yellow and brown spots, which gradually grow over the leaves, causing them to fall off, are signs of fungi and are called and. The causative agents of the disease can be insects, irrigation water, and contaminated soil.

For treatment, it is necessary to isolate the infected culture from others. Next, you need to remove the affected leaves, and to prevent the disease from occurring again, change the soil, treat the pot, and immerse the roots of the flower in a weak solution for 10 minutes. After transplantation, the anthurium must be treated with fungicides (,).

Important!If the anthurium is severely damaged by the action of the fungus, it is destroyed, since all indoor flowers in the house can become infected.

If spots of unknown origin appear on the flower cover, be careful when spraying the plant, this means that water has gotten on it.

Darker and drying tips of the leaves indicate that the soil has a high calcium content - the soil mixture needs to be replaced.

If the stem and roots rot, then excessive watering is to blame; if it is not reduced, the plant will die.

If the anthurium has stopped throwing out flower stalks, pay attention to the pot, perhaps it is too spacious, replant the flower.


Pests that can be dangerous to “male happiness” are:, and. In order to prevent their appearance, the leaves and stems of the plant are wiped with warm water.

If the plant has already been attacked by pests, then it is treated with soapy water (using laundry soap) or an insecticide (,).

How to seat

When the plant grows, daughter stems form around it. As a rule, the plant is seated when transplanting, so as not to expose it to stress once again. When replanting, carefully separate the side plants from the main one, simultaneously untangling the roots so as not to injure them.

If the root system of a plant is damaged, it must be treated with water containing activated carbon for disinfection. This is followed by the same work as when replanting a plant.

Did you know? It is believed that during flowering, anthurium refreshes the feelings of people living in the house and brings love and happiness.

How to transplant correctly

The “passion flower” must be replanted regularly. Usually, spring is chosen for replanting (preferably March), even if at this time the plant has thrown out its peduncle. In the first four years, this procedure is repeated annually, later they look at the condition of the anthurium approximately once every three to four years.

The anthurium flower is very popular in Colombia. Local residents believe that it brings wealth and prosperity to the house. They decorate their houses with it during marriage ceremonies. In Russia, anthurium is called Male happiness or male joy. This is due to the fact that it is customary to give it to men. It is believed to bring courage, enhance passion and masculine strength.

Types and varieties

Anthurium has dense, dark green leaves. They may have different shapes: heart-shaped, dissected, solid, elongated. Home care should be aimed at maintaining its flowering. Depending on the variety, flowers can range from dark red to snow-white.

There are approximately 800 species of anthurium in nature. But a small part is bred at home. The most common of them are Crystal, Anthurium Andre and Scherzer. They differ in size, color and shape of leaves.

Anthurium Andre grows up to 1 meter in length. He has aerial roots And large leaves. Its peduncle grows up to 15 cm, and the heart-shaped flower itself grows up to 20 cm.

Scherzer is the most common species grown at home. Its size reaches 40 cm. The leaves are large, leathery, with dots on both sides. The flower is red-orange in color, about 20 cm in diameter.

Crystal anthurium gets its name from the characteristic white veins on the leaves. It grows short, and that’s why they like to plant it at home.

Home care

It is necessary to follow some rules when planting and caring:

Particular attention should be paid to the humidity of the air where the flower grows. For good growth plants, its indicator should be at least 80%. But living in an apartment with such humidity will be extremely uncomfortable for people. Therefore, you can use the following trick:

  • spray the anthurium with a spray bottle at least once a day;
  • place a humidifier in the room;
  • wipe the leaves with a damp cotton swab or cloth;
  • You can place a vessel with water near the pot with anthurium so that when it evaporates, it moisturizes the plant.

If you follow these simple techniques, your anthurium will delight you with its growth and flowering. IN summer time In case of long-term absence, it is necessary to provide for regular watering. You can ask your neighbors to water your flowers or purchase an automatic watering device.

Anthurium propagation

During replanting, you can separate part of the bush with roots and transplant it into another pot. The survival rate with this method is almost 100%.

If the bush is not large enough to separate a part from it, you can try to propagate it by cuttings. To do this, you need to cut off several shoots about 20 cm long and plant them in a container with vermiculite. The shoot needs to be immersed 5 cm into it. In a month, the cuttings will grow roots and can be transplanted into a pot with soil.

The longest and most difficult method is propagation by seeds. It is rarely practiced at home, but you can try it. First you need to wait for flowering and pollinate the flowers. To do this, take a cotton swab and transfer pollen from flower to flower. After such manipulations, a fetus should form. After ripening, it must be carefully removed with tweezers. Seeds ripen for at least 8 months. Be patient.

After removing the seeds, they must be washed in a pale solution of potassium permanganate. Pour soil into the container and sow the seeds. Gently press them down, but do not fall asleep. Cover with a piece of glass or film. In a few weeks the first shoots will appear. After this, the top cover can be removed. When two leaves grow, you can plant the seedlings in a small container. Then you can transplant them into larger pots.

Diseases and pests

Having male flower anthurium, it’s not enough to know how to care for it. If the care rules are not followed, there may be various troubles. For example, the leaves may turn yellow. This indicates that the room is not warm enough. To restore, you need to move the anthurium to a warmer room.

Male happiness is a capricious flower. And you need to know how to care for it to bloom. If there are no flowers on your flower, this could be due to three reasons:

  • large pot volume;
  • not enough light;
  • not enough nutrients.

If the leaves begin to develop brown or yellow spots, then this is more serious. These signs may indicate fungal disease or root rot. It is difficult to get rid of such misfortunes at home. It is better to immediately isolate the flower from other plants to avoid infection.
