Garden rose at home. Delicate and spectacular indoor rose: cultivation and care

Rose - luxury flower, the queen among all the many varieties and species of plants, and enjoys special love and well-deserved popularity. If you want to always enjoy a beautiful view, then get indoor roses at home. This is a wonderful home decoration, because flowers delight us with their magnificent appearance and pleasant freshness. It is worth noting that this type of plant is considered delicate and demanding, so information on how to care for roses in a pot from a store at home will not be superfluous. In this article we will share with you how to feed roses in an apartment, how to care for a decorative tea rose in a pot, bush and potted roses.

Types of home roses in pots

To begin with, it is worth defining existing varieties plants. Most often, low-growing species are found on sale, which we will consider below in more detail.


This flower was bred from crossing two mini roses - Chinese and multifloral. Here brief description this type of plant:

  • Rose bushes reach a height of 25-50 cm.
  • The bushes are quite dense, but at the same time compact.
  • The flowers have no aroma and are quite small in size. The diameter of roses is 3-5 cm.
  • Most often, the color of the petals is as follows: red, white, lilac, pink.
  • Polyantha roses bloom long time and very plentifully.
  • Flowers can be simple, semi-double or even densely double.

Bengal roses

Another name for this variety of flowers is Indian or Chinese. These are not wild roses; their appearance is most likely due to artificial selection and cultivation. Characteristics of the type:

  • The bush can reach 50 cm in length.
  • Flowers can be single or have 2-3 buds in an inflorescence.
  • Repeated flowering from July is long-lasting.
  • Roses of this species are semi-double and double.
  • The color of the petals is very diverse. The exception is the yellow color, which does not occur.
  • The plant has a weak aroma or no aroma at all.
  • Bengal flowers are heat-loving plants.
  • The leaf blades are small and narrow.


These roses are the most popular among flower lovers. What characterizes this type plants? Features of miniature flowers:

  • Flowers and leaves are small in size.
  • Wide range of colors and petal colors.
  • The length of the bush does not exceed 30 cm.
  • The rose blooms for a long time and repeatedly. But there are also varieties that flower once.
  • The shoots have a branched and thin structure.
  • Miniature roses can be planted in pots at home, but can also be used outdoors. open ground.

Important! Another common variety of indoor roses is Patio roses, which in fact belong to a variety of low-growing plants of the floribunda group.

Rules for caring for a plant immediately after purchase

So, you have purchased a houseplant and are immediately thinking about how to care for roses in a pot from the store. Immediately after purchasing a flower, we recommend taking a number of useful actions:

  1. You need to start with a thorough inspection of the bush. First of all, make an assessment of the general condition of the rose and also check it for pests. After this, remove faded and dry leaves, flowers or buds, and branches.
  2. It is advisable to prune the plant. It is best to save 4-5 buds on each shoot.
  3. To protect the rose from pests, treat it with a special preparation. For example, “Fitoverm”.
  4. The fungicide solution will protect the plant from diseases. An example of a drug could be “Profit” or “Previkur”.
  5. If the soil inside the plastic container is too moist and wet, then you need to remove the flower along with a lump of soil. This must be done extremely carefully and carefully. After this, place the plant on a sheet of paper or a piece of fabric so that excess moisture is absorbed into it. Place the flower back into the container.

Where to put the pot?

Having carried out all of the above procedures, you should place the rose in a cool place where there are no drafts and the plant does not get direct sun rays.

Important! It will take several days for the plant to adapt to the conditions of your home. During this period, you should not touch the rose or replant it.


But, of course, the flower needs to be watered and sprayed in a timely manner. For these purposes, you can use a solution of “Zircon”, which is a growth stimulator. But you can’t use it every day.

After 2-3 weeks, you can start replanting your indoor beauty.

A rose pot is an important attribute

The container in which your rose will grow plays a significant role, since it suitable size depends on the condition of the flower. How to care for roses in a pot from the store, what nuances need to be taken into account when choosing a new container for the flower? Several important aspects can be highlighted:

  • Most often, plant pots are made of plastic or ceramic. Both options are suitable, but the first is cheaper, and the second is more natural and breathable.
  • The pot should have a hole at the bottom and in the tray.
  • Experienced gardeners advise choosing elongated containers.
  • Simple and quick way choose right size The pot is as follows: measure two fingers in width and height from the previous vessel.
  • But the most important requirement is the ratio of the rose’s root system to the size of the pot.

Important! The distance between the earthen lump with the roots of the flower and the walls of the vessel should be 2-3 cm.

  • The best shape for a pot is a truncated cone, open upward. But beautiful and stylish, at first glance, ball-shaped vessels are, in fact, completely unsuccessful and even harmful to plants. This is due to the fact that in the wide part of the pot the soil is very poorly ventilated, as a result the roots can rot.

Important! It may seem that it is better to take a larger pot so that the plant is not crowded and there is a reserve for the future, but you should not do this. An excessively large vessel will negatively affect the rose, as the soil will sour.

Transplanting an indoor rose

So, after the purchase beautiful flower and its adaptation to your home, you can begin replanting the plant. If you don’t yet know how to care for roses in a pot from a store at home, or how to replant a flower, then it’s time to study this process in detail.


First of all, this requires:

  • Substrate. Buy soil mixture It’s best to go to a specialty store or department. In addition, there you can buy soil intended specifically for a specific type of plant.
  • Drainage. Materials for removing excess water and moisture can be: broken bricks or shards, pebbles, expanded clay, polystyrene foam.
  • Pot. We described above how to choose it.
  • Sand or small stones 2-4 mm in size.
  • Vermiculite. A mineral that helps protect roots from temperature changes. It also retains useful elements of fertilizers, which it subsequently gradually releases to the flower.
  • Stimulants. The following substances are suitable: succinic acid, “Ribav-extra” and “Zircon”.
  • "Fitosporin". If desired, you can add such a remedy to protect the flower from soil diseases.

Making soil with your own hands

It is not necessary to buy a ready-made earthen mixture. If possible, you can make an excellent substrate yourself. To do this, combine the following ingredients in the following proportions:

  • Turf is one part.
  • Humus is one part.
  • Coarse sand - ½ part.


Now let's move on to the process:

  • We take the flower out of the container and inspect it. If the roots of the rose have filled the entire vessel, and even more so if they have begun to curl, then they must be stirred up.

Important! If this is not done, then undisturbed roots will develop much worse in the future. Almost always, in purchased specimens, the root system goes in circles along the bottom of the container.

  • Some gardeners advise washing the roots and removing the substrate in which the flower was located in the store. After this, soak them in a solution of stimulants. Others are of the opinion that such a procedure is unnecessary, and it will be enough to just spray the roots of the plant with these products.
  • If you have several bushes in a pot, we recommend planting them in separate containers, so that later they will not crowd each other.
  • Preparing the substrate. To do this, the soil that you purchased in the store must be mixed with sand and vermiculite. The proportion is as follows: for one liter of soil there is one handful of mineral and two handfuls of sand.
  • We place drainage at the bottom of the pot.
  • We immerse the rose with an earthen lump on the roots into a new vessel and cover it with the prepared substrate.
  • After this, we recommend covering the flower with a bag or jar to create greenhouse conditions. The plant must be kept in this state for at least ten days.

Important! But at the same time, of course, it is necessary to regularly ventilate and spray the rose, removing the cover for a while. You can cover the flower only after the leaves have dried.

  • After ten days, the plant no longer needs to be covered.

Important! Indoor roses are subsequently replanted annually.

Important components of caring for an indoor rose

Not everyone knows how to care for roses in a pot from the store, and what factors affect the plant. In order not to lose sight of anything, we will dwell on each aspect of care in more detail.

Plant location

Beautiful and wonderful indoor roses are sun-loving plants. Therefore, the following cardinal directions are optimal for their placement:

  • Southwestern.
  • Southeast.

A window facing the appropriate side will be the most best place where it is advisable to place the flower.

Important! Although the plant loves the sun, this does not mean that it can be installed on the south side.

Excessive heat is detrimental to a flower: under its influence, rose buds become smaller, and the same happens to the leaves. In addition, they quickly begin to fade and crumble. One more negative consequence is drying out of the soil and overheating of the root system, and all due to the fact that in hot conditions the pots themselves become very hot.

Important! Overheating for indoor roses is extremely undesirable, so give preference to vessels light colors. From May to September, wrap the pots with white paper - this will help protect the plant from the scorching sun.

The role of lighting

More from school curriculum In biology, everyone knows information about the role of sunlight for plants. It is thanks to him that the flower lives, grows and blooms. Therefore, the question arises of how to care for roses in a pot from a store at home in order to provide them with optimal quantity Sveta? Here's what you need to do:

  • In autumn and spring, provide your rose with an additional source of light.
  • You can lengthen daylight hours with a fluorescent lamp.
  • After sunset the lamp is turned on and left until midnight.
  • Place the source at a distance of 30 cm from the top of the flower.

Important! Proper lighting of a plant can promote its flowering until winter.

Humidity level for indoor roses

For this flower, humidity is of great importance. The delicate plant must be sprayed regularly and systematically. A spray bottle is best suited for these purposes, with which it is convenient to carry out refreshing procedures every week.

Important! In bright sunlight, avoid letting water drop on the leaves, as this can cause burns on them. Therefore, the best time for spraying is considered to be evening.

You can create conditions for optimal humidity using containers of water, which must be placed between flower pots. During the process of evaporation, water will help humidify the air.

Watering flowers correctly

Unfortunately, not everyone has information on how to care for roses in a pot from the store, and simply water the plants from time to time. It seems that this is quite enough, and the main guideline is the drying of the soil. But in fact, irrigation is a very important part of care and has its own characteristics.

Important! Roses have deep system roots, and therefore they need abundant watering.

There are several nuances that are worth considering:

  • Watering is especially important when the plant is flowering.
  • It is best to water the flower near the trunk, while trying not to wet the leaves.
  • If you make a roller of earth around the rose, the water will not spread.
  • Rose roots do not absorb water cold temperature, therefore the water must be heated. Moreover, the temperature for each season is separate. So, in the warm season from May to September optimal indicator Water is considered to be between 18 and 24 degrees. The same temperature is recommended for watering during the active flowering period of the rose: from the formation of buds until the end of their flowering. In the cool months from October to April, the water already has a lower temperature regime 16-18 degrees.
  • Do not water the flower with tap water, as it is oversaturated with calcium salts. Besides, tap water hard and chlorinated.

Important! It is best to use filtered water for irrigation or left standing for at least a day. There is another option for irrigating a rose with high-quality water: freeze it in the refrigerator, and then let it melt and warm up. Melt water serves as an excellent watering for the plant.

In general, we can distinguish two most common mistakes watering indoor roses:

  • Irrigate the plant often, but a little at a time. As a result, only the surface soil is moistened, but the moisture does not reach the root system.
  • Excessive watering. Excessive irrigation, which occurs quite often, will ultimately lead to the death of the flower.

Important! It is optimal to water roses once every 5-7 days. Irrigation should be plentiful to moisten all the soil in the pot.

Top dressing

Next important aspect How to care for roses in a pot from the store is plant nutrition.

Important! Nutrients and microelements improve general condition flower, promote its healthy growth, beautiful view, and also prevent various diseases.

It must be carried out according to the following rules:

  • Feeding for the first time indoor flower should be carried out in the spring, when buds are setting.
  • The procedure can be carried out no earlier than one month after transplanting the rose.
  • You should not fertilize sick flowers.
  • Feeding is carried out regularly in the spring and summer, once every two weeks.

Let us indicate the main fertilizers and their effect on flowers:

  • Phosphorus. It has a beneficial effect on the growth of roots and shoots and can accelerate the onset of flowering of roses.
  • Nitrogen. It has a positive effect on the growth of stems and leaves of indoor plants, and also increases its weight.
  • Potassium. Plays a special role in the formation of good buds and flowers, and also increases the plant’s resistance to disease and drying out.
  • Bor. This fertilizer affects the leaves, or rather their proper growth.
  • Calcium. Protects shoots from withering due to harmful viruses.
  • Magnesium, manganese, and iron are needed by the plant to maintain the rich green color of the leaves of the bush. In addition, fertilizers prevent leaves from falling off prematurely.

Plant pruning

How to care for roses in a pot from a store at home so that the bush has a beautiful and lush shape, while being as full of beautiful flowers as possible? This result cannot be achieved if the plant is not pruned.

Important! The optimal time for pruning is considered to be early spring, because it is advisable to carry out the procedure before the active growth of indoor roses begins.

The procedure includes the following steps:

  • First of all, the flower is removed from underdeveloped and weak stems, as well as intertwined branches.
  • Leave about five strong and strong shoots on the bush. Their length should be average.
  • Excessively long shoots must be shortened. But make sure that there are still living buds on them; six pieces will be enough.
  • For long but slightly undeveloped shoots, five living buds will be enough.
  • It is best to remove very weak shoots. Well, if this is not possible, then leave no more than three buds.

As a result, your indoor rose rejuvenates, timely pruning accelerates the awakening of the buds, and stimulates young shoots to grow. In addition, only young shoots form buds.

Flowering and winter care

How to care for roses in a pot from the store so that they bloom in winter? To do this, you need to follow these rules and recommendations:

  • Starting from the middle of the autumn season, it is necessary to create conditions for the plants under which the temperature will be 5-8 degrees.

Important! Place pots of flowers on the veranda, balcony or between window frames.

  • Another nuance is the limitation of feeding and watering roses.

For centuries, the rose has been considered the queen of flowers and a symbol of perfection. Just like a garden beauty, an indoor rose is beautiful and elegant, creates a mood and is a decoration for the home. It is not difficult to buy such a flower; many stores offer large selection a wide variety of varieties of mini-bushes, you just need to decide for yourself the choice.

To plant for a long time made you happy long flowering, you need to properly care for it:

  • the queen of flowers does not like cramped spaces - provide her with space;
  • keep a close eye on the humidity optimal temperature air;
  • follow the watering rules depending on the current season;
  • carry out regular hygiene procedures;
  • Prevent existing house plants from becoming infected with pests and diseases.

If you follow these simple rules, the rose will soon delight you with its first buds and subsequently eclipse all other indoor flowers with its lush bloom.

Types of indoor roses

The following groups of roses are most often grown at home:

  • remontant;
  • hybrid tea;
  • Pernetian;
  • polyanthus;
  • Chinese (hibiscus).

All of them appearance, except for size, do not differ from their garden sisters, have a pleasant smell and different colors, sold in pots. Can't be called miniature Chinese rose, quite popular among gardeners, it can reach a height of three meters. If you properly care for this beauty, this perfect flower will delight you from early spring to early autumn.

After purchasing a miniature rose, do not rush to transplant it into another pot, give it the opportunity to adapt to new living conditions.

Before you understand how to properly care for an indoor rose in a pot after purchasing, figure out what the rose likes:

  • the flower should be located on the south side of windows and balconies, the south-east side is also suitable;
  • the soil needs to be fresh and saturated with nutrients;
  • a lot of light, fresh air is a must in the warm season of the year;
  • during growth and flowering, provide abundant watering (do not overdo it - only as the soil dries);
  • feeding is necessary once a week;
  • If necessary, it can be transplanted into a larger pot.

Homemade roses are capricious; after purchase, careful care is simply necessary. The flower does not recognize:

  • watering with cold water;
  • direct sunlight and high temperature;
  • dried flowers on the stem (they need to be removed regularly);
  • injury to roots during transplantation;
  • invasion of pests and diseases.

Care, attention and careful care are essential for store-bought roses. The flowers behave very well when the leaves are sprayed from the underside, which is done in the evening with a spray bottle, using cool boiled water with added fertilizer. There is no need to spray every day even in the hot season of the year. Watering is carried out in the morning and evening, and by autumn it is reduced to once a day.

Winter is a time of fading; the rose will stop blooming and may shed its leaves. It is enough to water it once a week and spray it regularly. To protect the soil from drying out excessively (the air becomes drier in winter), place the flower pot on a special tray with moistened pebbles.

When to prune indoor roses?

It is more correct to do this procedure before wintering or early spring during the waxing of the moon. You need to arm yourself with a knife and carry out pruning on each individual branch, not forgetting to leave up to five living buds. If you do not do this before winter, the next year the plant will look sluggish and lush flowering don't expect it.

To properly care for roses room conditions, please be patient and knowledgeable.

How to transplant a flower

At home, this can be done at any time of the year, but it is preferable in early spring or late summer, then the roses will bloom better.

The soil used for flowers must be nutritious. Recommended composition:

  • turf (4 parts);
  • humus (4 parts);
  • sand (1 part).

It won't hurt to add complex fertilizer to the soil. You can use a special mixture purchased at the store.

Do not forget to use drainage (expanded clay) - in a pot prepared for transplanting, lay it on the bottom in a small (1 cm) layer. Take advantage lunar calendar. The most best time for replanting - the transition of the moon to the waxing phase.

Before the transplantation procedure, the plant is watered abundantly and allowed to be well saturated with moisture. Then you need to remove it from the container, being careful not to damage it. root system flower and a lump of earth, place in a new pot, preferably ceramic, with a diameter and height larger than the old one. Do not compact the soil too tightly. After this procedure, you need to place the beauty on the shady or north side of the window. After a day, you can move it to another place where there is a lot of light and enough fresh air. The step-by-step transplant is shown in the video.

How to protect a rose from diseases

If you strictly follow all the rules, it turns out that caring for indoor roses at home is not so difficult. The beauty will reciprocate all your efforts, will delight you with the splendor of flowers, the brightness of colors and pleasant aroma. And it doesn’t matter at all whether it’s a small tea rose or a large Chinese one - a true connoisseur of beauty will find a place for it in his home.

We all love to surround ourselves with beautiful things. Decorative roses are an excellent option for interior decoration and are quite popular today.

However, if you decide to purchase one of these roses, you should first figure out what kind of care a decorative rose in a pot needs.

How to care for a decorative rose?

All popular types of domestic roses are different large flowers, various colors and a fairly strong pleasant smell. At proper care the plants will delight you for at least six years.

It's simple - they prefer homemade roses:

  • There is an abundance of sunlight, and therefore it is better to plant them on windows that face south or east.
  • Nutritious soil. You can prepare it yourself by mixing turf soil, humus and sand in a ratio of 4:4:1.

Or you can purchase ready soil, designed specifically for domestic roses.

  • Moderate watering, preferably with infused water at room temperature. It is worth watering the plant after the soil in the pot has completely dried out after the previous watering.
  • Periodic feeding. Twice a month is enough during the period of active growth of the rose, as well as during its flowering.
  • Regular spraying. It is better to do it in the evenings a couple of times a week. Cooled boiled water is perfect for these purposes, in which special fertilizers can also be dissolved from time to time.

After buying a new rose

If you have a decorative rose in a pot, you need to take care of it from the very first days. As soon as you have purchased a new plant, do not rush to replant it in a new pot; let the rose stand on the windowsill for several days and get used to the new atmosphere for it.

Please note that the new pot should be approximately 3 cm wider than the previous one and approximately 6 cm higher.

It is better to leave a brand new ceramic pot in water for a couple of hours. A pot that has been used before should be washed thoroughly, but without using soap.

We put drainage at the bottom of the pot, then fill it with soil and special fertilizer granules. We pre-water the rose in the old pot and remove it directly during transplantation. Place the plant with its roots in a new pot and carefully cover it with soil, compacting the soil. There is no need to water it again.

Immediately after transplanting, we put the rose in the shade and only the next day we move the pot into the sun, where it will remain in the future.

You can start feeding the rose about a month from the day it was transplanted. You can both fertilize the soil under the rose and spray its leaves special solution. Fertilizing is carried out twice a month in the evening after watering.

Under no circumstances should you fertilize sick plant, as well as a plant that was recently transplanted. It is also best to refrain from using fertilizers in rainy and cool weather.

Propagation of indoor roses

Many who want to learn how to care for decorative rose in a pot, over time they also wonder about the propagation of this plant..

The decorative rose reproduces in indoor pot using stem cuttings, and it is best to engage in this process in early spring. To do this, simply cut off sharp knife or with scissors a twig about 12 cm long and with live leaves on it. Place the branch in clean water room temperature and within a couple of weeks you will notice that the cuttings have taken root. Wait a little longer until the roots have branched out properly before transplanting the new plant into the soil.

Diseases of ornamental roses

If you want to know how to care for a home decorative rose, you must remember that these are no less susceptible to various diseases than any other. Thus, dry indoor air often causes pests to appear on roses.

If this happens, you need to wash the plant in a soda solution. It’s not at all difficult to prepare - just dissolve two tablespoons of soda in a liter of water. During the procedure flower pot close plastic film. Repeat the process several times with an interval of 10 days until the leaves affected by the pest fall off.

Thus, caring for a decorative rose in a pot is not at all difficult. But with a minimum of effort, you will get something truly unique - beautiful and unpretentious. With proper care, the rose will delight you for a long time with its incomparable blooms, as well as its wonderful aroma.

Indoor roses are much more demanding to care for than ground roses. This is expressed in frequent watering, creating a light regime, fertilizing, fighting diseases and pests, maintaining the desired temperature in winter time.

In order for a rose to bloom all summer, and this is precisely why housewives buy a plant, it is necessary to understand what an indoor rose needs.

Firstly, temperature in summer time should be between 20 and 25 degrees. This can be achieved by artificially darkening windows or by sending the plant outside into the shade.

In winter, it is advisable to remove the flower pot away from central heating. It’s good if the temperature is around 10 – 15 degrees.

Ground roses at home

Often, plants that are usually grown in open ground are transplanted into tubs and kept at home. This is not a very effective method, since it is difficult to organize conditions for keeping the rose close to street conditions. If you have a greenhouse where the temperature in winter is between 5 and 10 degrees, then it is suitable for growing flowers. The point is that the rose is not tropical plant and he needs to adhere to the regime of summer and winter. Tropical palms and ficus trees are more likely to grow in warm climates and high humidity.


Indoor roses require daily watering in the summer.. In this case, the water from the pan must be drained, as it prevents the flow of air to the roots, and they can begin to rot. Water for irrigation should be warm. Tap water it is necessary to pre-settle to remove chlorine compounds.

Bathing is required periodically to remove dust from the leaves. In summer, it is necessary to spray the leaves on both sides in the morning or evening. On rainy days, when air humidity is high, the procedure may not be carried out, since excessive humidity provokes fungal diseases.

Excessive watering or drying out the soil weakens the plant. The soil should be moist, but not too moist, so that there is no stagnation of water on the surface. To do this, sand is specially added to the mixture, and pebbles are placed at the bottom to improve drainage.

In winter, if the temperature is maintained, roses at home are rarely watered and sprayed. In a cold place, watering is carried out after the soil in the pot has completely dried. If a domestic rose overwinters at room temperature in dry air, then 2 times a week it is sprayed with a spray bottle.


Roses are replanted periodically to stimulate the growth of the root system. Carry out the process carefully so as not to damage the plant. Each time you need a pot larger than the previous one by 5 centimeters in diameter and height. It is believed that the best material for the pot is ceramics or clay, but you should buy natural material and not plaster fakes.

In plastic, the soil dries out quickly and the plants do not breathe well. True, there are modifications of pots that do not require additional drainage. Such containers are suitable for sick plants to ensure best entry air to the roots.

Transshipment of roses is usually carried out at the end of summer or before the start of the spring growing season.


Roses are propagated by cuttings. To do this, select a completely lignified section of the stem with buds, of which there must be at least four. Branches are cut to size about 15 cm and put it in water. You can add a growth stimulant, which is sold in flower shops. Experts recommend an infusion of willow branches: pour boiling water over finely chopped stems and leave for a day. Next, they are used to germinate rose cuttings.

Yeast is a good stimulant. The cuttings are soaked in yeast water for a day - 1 liter of water and 100 g of yeast - after which they are placed in clean water.

Honey water protects the cuttings from rotting and provides all the necessary microelements for successful rooting of the rose.

Varieties of domestic roses

The varieties of roses most suitable for growing at home are:

  • miniature;
  • indoor;
  • ground cover (soil);
  • hybrid tea;
  • polyanthaceae;
  • Floribunda roses;
  • Chinese.

These roses can be kept in large containers, taken outside in the spring, or planted in the soil. An advantage for growing large plants will be the presence winter garden where you can create favorable conditions for wintering.

Fertilizers for indoor roses

Indoor roses are the most demanding plants when it comes to feeding. This is explained abundant flowering and consumption nutrients during this period. Fertilizers for indoor roses can be used either purchased or prepared at home.

Nutrient mixtures should be added based on the needs of the plant: in the fall - phosphorus and potassium, in the spring - nitrogen and potassium. Both root and foliar feeding are used.

In order to decide what to feed homemade rose at home, you need to know during what period the intensive consumption of nutrients occurs.

In spring, shoots and foliage begin to grow. The main fertilizer during this period is nitrogen. To increase flowering time and avoid bud drop, it is necessary to apply potassium. Nitrogen and potassium are found in manure or chicken manure, which can be purchased in dry form at the store. At home, you will need to dilute these substances according to the instructions and water the plants twice a month.

Video: Fertilizing roses

Disadvantage organic fertilizer is the absence of phosphorus in its composition, which affects the formation of the root system. Without a developed rhizome, the foliage and shoots of an indoor rose will be weak. Flowering may not occur. Therefore, it is advisable to add phosphates to the soil in the fall. This mineral fertilizer, which is not toxic to roses. But still, you should adhere to the dosages, since with an excess of phosphorus in the soil, the indoor rose experiences a deficiency of microelements - in in this case manganese

The amount of fertilizer must be calculated based on the volume of the pot or tub.

Foliar feeding for indoor roses is carried out during the summer. They are both a means of protection against disease and food for the leaves.

Complex mixtures

Once a month, indoor roses are fed with complex microelements. During the period of active flowering, plants very quickly consume magnesium, manganese and calcium.

Complex mixtures in dry form are used before planting. They contain a balanced set of nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus. The rest of the plants should do better nutrient solutions so as not to burn the roots. For each type of fertilizer, instructions for use are provided.

If you want to experiment and find out why roses bloom best, then it is recommended to try preparing a “delicacy” for indoor roses at home - an infusion of banana peels. It is better to use natural additives than to feed a rose in a pot with chemicals with a similar composition.

Banana peel fertilizer

The lack of potassium for miniature indoor roses can be successfully compensated for by kitchen waste - banana peels. They contain large amounts of phosphorus, magnesium, calcium and potassium. Bananas don't have much nitrogen.

To prepare the infusion, you need to pour three skins with three liters of water and leave for 2 - 3 days.. Then you can water the soil under the roses. This infusion also helps against aphids that grow on plants. Banana contains papain, a natural enzyme that can dissolve organic matter, so insects try not to come into contact with this substance. It is enough to spray the leaves and within a day the aphids will disappear.

Before using banana peels, you need to wash them. warm water with laundry soap. This will wash away the remnants of the chemical that producers spray the fruits with for better ripening.

There are other ways. For example, dry the skin in the oven, then chop it and pour it into the ground when planting. It is not recommended to leave such fertilizer on the soil surface, as this leads to the development of mold.

Fresh banana peel cut with scissors and applied to the soil. After some time, it is completely absorbed by microorganisms.

The main problems in caring for indoor roses

Indoor plants are susceptible to diseases that are associated with a lack of nutrients and the action of insects - aphids, mites. Also when improper watering The process of root rot may begin.

Pest Control

To destroy pests of indoor plants you can use ready-made solutionsacaricides.

When purchasing, leaves must be inspected for the presence of spider mites. If there are traces of its presence, then the first thing you need to do is wash the leaves of the plant with laundry soap. This will wash away the pest eggs that have already been laid. Leave the soap on the leaves for 3 hours, then rinse and put the bag on the bush. It is necessary to keep the plant under the hood for a day. Spider mites cannot tolerate moisture and the entire brood dies.

This is what he looks like

Spider mites have natural enemies - they are also mites, but they feed on eggs and themselves. spider mites. Sold in flower shops. It is necessary to leave the package with predators near the plant. You should not be afraid of these insects: as soon as they destroy the pests and are left without food, they will soon die.

Diseases of domestic roses

If not properly cared for, traces of diseases appear on the leaves:

  • brown spots – fungal infection;
  • gray coating on the leaves – gray rot;
  • yellow spots – powdery mildew;
  • purple color of foliage - lack of phosphorus.

The cause of diseases of indoor roses is insufficient or excessive watering, lack or large amounts of fertilizers, poor ventilation in the room or lack of sunlight.

Acclimatization of roses after purchase

It is not recommended to immediately replant or disturb a newly acquired rose bush. It is necessary to give the plant time to get used to new conditions - humidity and air temperature. After three weeks, you can begin to select a new pot, which will be slightly larger than the transport one. The new soil will have enough fertilizer for about a month, then you can start feeding it - alternately with organic matter and mineral mixtures.

Fertilizer and care calendar

Starting from the end of winter, the rose must be moved to a more warm room, where she will gradually begin to wake up. During this period, branches are pruned and nitrogen and potassium fertilizers are applied - in the form of organic mixtures. This technique leads to increased shoot growth and bud formation.

A home or indoor rose is a miniature (up to 50 cm in height), beautifully flowering, potted plant, of which there are about 250 species, but there are many more varieties. In the photo of home roses you can see a wide variety of colors and shapes of buds, which makes this indoor plant very attractive for growing at home.

Among the varieties of domestic roses that are most suitable for growing as indoor plants, it is worth highlighting such as “Miss Rowena Tom”, “Grusse en Teplitz” or “La France” from a variety of hybrid tea roses, “Madame Falco”, “Marshal Niel” or "Nifetos" from a variety of tea roses, "Orand Triumph" from a variety of polyantha roses, Bourbon "Souvenir de la Malmaison" or most varieties of Bengal red roses.

The whimsical and demanding nature of home roses is well known and can scare away novice gardeners, but it is still worth trying to grow home roses in pots, because they are very decorative and can bloom for a long time.

And in order to have as few questions as possible about how to care for your home rose, you need to remember certain recommendations:

  1. to place pots with these plants, you need to choose southern and southeastern window openings and balconies;
  2. homemade roses need to be planted in fresh nutritious soil;
  3. in the warm season they need to be provided with sufficient amounts of fresh air;
  4. During the growing season, indoor roses need to be watered abundantly, but take into account the temperature environment and the degree of drying of the top layer of soil;
  5. in the process of caring for a home rose, it is imperative to fertilize it weekly, especially carefully during flowering and active growth;
  6. transferring plants into larger containers, but only if necessary.

Negative factors when growing indoor roses also need to be taken into account. These include:

  • dry air and direct sunlight, which can cause overheating;
  • cold water used for irrigation;
  • leaving dry leaves and stems, wilted buds and sprouts on the plant;
  • root injury;
  • wintering in a room that is too hot;
  • untimely treatment and control of diseases and pests.

Household roses require constant and quite active care, but provided that a favorable environment for growth is created and maintained, it will only come down to regular watering and fertilizing.


Caring for home roses should begin from the moment of purchase. The whole process can be broken down into the procedures that need to be followed:

  1. Adaptation - while the flower gets used to the new room, you need to repeat as much as possible the conditions in which the plant was before purchasing it in the store, including the watering and fertilizing regime. At this time, you need to isolate drafts and direct sunlight, use settled clean water for watering, and spray the leaves. You need to replant your home rose only after it has adapted.
  2. Transplantation is carried out after the plant gets used to the new place. You need to replant a new rose together with a lump of earth, only slightly loosening the outer layer and removing a small amount of old soil. Replanting must be done very carefully so that the roots remain intact. It is best to use a mixture of turf and humus soil with an admixture of sand (in a ratio of 4:4:1) and a small amount of complex fertilizers. The pot for replanting should be several centimeters larger in diameter and 5-7 cm higher than the container in which the rose was purchased. A drain hole is required. The bottom of the pot should be covered with a layer of expanded clay drainage. After transplanting, the rose should be left in the shade in a cool place for a day, and then moved to a well-lit windowsill, but not under direct rays, with access to fresh air.
  3. Watering – indoor roses are very demanding when it comes to watering and due to insufficient moisture they can even begin to dry out. Therefore, you need to water regularly, at cool times of the day, at the root, on hot days more often, as the top layer of soil dries. Water for irrigation should be clean, settled, and at room temperature.
  4. Feeding should also be regular, at least 2 times a month. In this case you can use complex fertilizers according to the instructions or with mullein. In addition to applying fertilizers to the soil, you can use special soluble complexes for fertilizing in the form of spraying. Sick and only transplanted roses are not fed.
  5. Preparing for winter - too important stage care, since home roses overwinter like their garden “relatives,” and some varieties even shed their leaves. In order for an indoor rose to survive this period well, you need to move it to a cool room (15-17°C) with sufficiently humid air and without household appliances. Also, before wintering, roses are pruned, leaving 5 live buds on each branch.
  6. Wintering - in the autumn-winter period, roses need no less careful care, namely watering and spraying, maintaining normal humidity air.

Homemade roses are very beautiful indoor plants, and despite demanding care, they are still particularly popular among flower growers.
