What varieties of sweet peppers are good? The sweetest varieties of sweet peppers

Pepper is an essential ingredient fresh salads, side dishes, gravy and preparations for future use. Although this is a vegetable with its own quirks and growing characteristics, every gardener should try to plant it in their summer cottage at least once. First of all, you need to start with early varieties; the harvest will be ensured even in regions with an unstable climate.

Varieties of early sweet peppers with description and characteristics

Sweet pepper(Bulgarian) is a popular vegetable crop that is grown by both summer residents and farms. The plant successfully bears fruit in open ground and in greenhouses in almost all regions of our country, provided that early and mid-early varieties are selected. Many cultivars are noted for their high tolerance to low temperatures, despite the fact that pepper is a heat-loving crop, sensitive to sudden cold snaps.

Modern ultra-early ripening varieties of pepper are famous for their large fruits and resistance to diseases

When choosing pepper seeds, they focus not only on appearance fruits, but also for other important characteristics:

  • Peppers are divided according to ripening periods into early, mid-early, mid-ripening and late. It is best to grow varieties whose fruiting periods differ from each other, then there will be fresh pepper from their beds until frost. Considering climatic features remote regions of our country, it is recommended to select first of all early ripening varieties, the ripening period of which is 90–100 days.
  • Since some varieties need enhanced light conditions, others are poorly adapted to cool weather and drought, varieties intended for cultivation under film cover are separated into a separate group. Peppers that are more resistant to weather anomalies grow and bear fruit remarkably well in open ground.
  • There are tall varieties - 90–120 cm, medium-sized - up to 80 cm, low-growing - up to 60 cm - the so-called ratunda pepper (formed in the form of a compact bush and is unpretentious; in terms of fruiting time it often belongs to mid-season cultivars).

Regardless of the shape and color of the peel, the pulp of the peppers different varieties not much different in taste

When selecting pepper varieties, you should also remember that the color intensity of the peel specified by the manufacturer will vary depending on the degree of ripeness of the fruit.

The type of maturity at which fruits can be collected for sampling, transportation and long-term storage is called technical. Biological maturity occurs at the moment of complete ripening of the pulp and seeds; peppercorns acquire the varietal color and aroma indicated on the package, but preserving a fully ripened crop for future use is much more difficult.

The ideal option is to choose high-yielding zoned hybrids of early ripening and purchase planting material only from trusted sellers. More than 500 varieties are presented in the State Register of Breeding Achievements, almost half of them are early ripening. Below is a description of cultivars whose yield is not lower than 4–4.5 kg/m2.

Extra early varieties of sweet peppers

The very first early ripening varieties of pepper are ready for harvest within 85–90 days from the moment of planting.

Ultra-early varieties include Zhupsky early for open ground, which begins to ripen 90 days after sowing. The height of the bush is no more than 60 cm. The cultivar is valued for its resistance to many diseases and versatility of use. The variety has a delicate taste, suitable for fresh salads and snacks. It is possible to collect up to 9 kg of selected fruits from 1 m2.

Early ripening Zhupsky early will be the first of the peppers to please with its harvest; its cone-shaped fruit with a bright red skin at full maturity is capable of gaining 100–120 g

Dobryak is the earliest (according to the State Register) of the sweet peppers; it fully ripens on the 95th day, and you can enjoy it for the first time 70–75 days from the moment the first shoots appear. In addition, this is a thick-walled hybrid: 9–10 mm is the thickness of the fruit wall, weight - 110 g. The cultivar is resistant to blossom end rot and bears fruit well; according to official data, it can produce up to 12.5 kg/m2 per season.

Red round peppers of the Dobryak variety densely strew the bush

Pinocchio F1 is the best pepper for indoor soil with a ripening period of 88 days from the date of sowing. It is characterized by high productivity (14 kg/m2). The average weight of pepper is 115 g. The bush is spreading, about 55–60 cm high, the plant does not require formation, has strong immunity, but sometimes suffers from blossom end rot.

The Buratino F1 variety is not very noticeable; its elongated, thin-walled fruits (4 mm) remain dark green even when ripe, but they perfectly highlight the taste of first courses and sauces for side dishes.

An early bird - it feels good both in beds and in greenhouses, and begins to bear fruit within 90 days after planting. With a low yield - 4 kg/m2 - it bears fruit until the last days of summer in the middle zone and is able to safely tolerate drought and wet weather. On average, the glossy cone-shaped fruits, slightly flattened on top, weigh 110 g and have a rich crimson color.

The Early Bird pepper with appetizing rosy sides is grown for salads and for making winter snacks; the thickness of the walls of its pulp is approximately 5 mm

New for the outgoing year - Chocolate Handsome. A vigorous, spreading bush is capable of producing up to 8 kg/m2 of selected brownish cylindrical fruits (weight 100–130 g) per season. The wall thickness of the pulp is almost 7 mm, which means that the pepper is perfect for appetizers, dressings and even stuffing. The chocolate beauty is universal in use and perfectly adapts to any climate conditions.

The first fruits of the Chocolate Handsome variety ripen approximately 95 days after sowing; the variety is characterized by uniform yield and almost does not suffer from blossom end rot.

Table: other ultra-early varieties of sweet peppers

Variety nameFruit shape and colorWeight, gWall thickness, mmProductivity, kg/m2Growing conditions:
open ground - OG, greenhouse - T
Dobrynya NikitichPrism-shaped, red.90 5 4 OG
HealthRed, elongated.60 4 5–7 T
Cardinal F1Cuboid, purple.250–280 8–10 6 OG
Ruza F1Cone-shaped, red.35–50 4–5,5 5–13 T
Fidelio F1Cuboid, light yellow.180 7–8 4–6 T
Jubilee Semko F1Prism-shaped, red.130 5–6 6, 11 T, OG
Sweetie F1Flat-round, bright red.40–50 6–7 4 T
Snowball F1Cone-shaped, bright red.60–100 5 11, 5 T, OG
Bullfinch F1Round ovoid, red.75–120 7,5 13 T
OrioleHeart-shaped, with a sharp apex, yellow.64–85 4–7 6–14 T
golden showerLemon yellow, with a concave apex.50–60 7 4–6 OG
JungCone-shaped, red.180 7 6,5 OG
ToshaElongated, dark scarlet.70 6 10 T, OG
Orange miracle F1Cuboid, orange.210 9 10 OG, T
Nagano F1Cuboid, red.160 8 14 T

Medium-sized bushes of the Golden Rain pepper variety look like appetizing fruits; medium-sized fruits with a wide base are convenient to stuff

Which early ripening pepper to choose for open ground

For 30 years now, the prolific Poplar with compact bushes (55–65 cm) has been pleasing gardeners in our country with bright red fruits with a sharp tip; they weigh almost 90 g, the thickness of the pulp walls is from 4 to 5.5 mm. Excellent taste of the Topolin variety, excellent immunity to black mold and bacterial wilting of peppers makes summer residents fall in love with the early ripening cultivar. The first harvest can be harvested 103–110 days after planting.

The yield of the Topolin pepper variety is 5.5 kg per square meter, at technical ripeness it can be stored for up to 3 weeks

Belogor F1 with cube-shaped, highly glossy, bright red fruits in technical ripeness and dark scarlet fruits - in biological ripeness will definitely appeal to summer residents middle zone, North-West and Transbaikalia. The variety is resistant to low temperatures and is universal in use. The average weight of peppers is almost 130 g, the wall thickness is 6 mm. It was noted that Belogor F1 practically does not suffer from blossom end rot.

The large-fruited hybrid Belogor F1 with crispy, dense pulp has an excellent presentation and is stored well; the marketability of the fruit does not decrease during transportation

The eaglet is sampled 93 days after the first shoots appear. Prismatic red-coral fruits with a fleshy center (pulp thickness 5–6 mm) do not exceed 100 g, suitable for stuffing, canning and making snacks. In hot summers with heavy rains, summer residents achieve excellent yields in open ground - almost 9.5 kg/m2.

The eaglet has a delicate skin, it is responsive to watering, rarely gets sick and is characterized by abundant fruit formation

Table: varieties of early peppers for open ground

Variety nameFruit shape and colorWeight, gWall thickness, mmProductivity, kg/m2Plant height
Abigal F1Narrow cone-shaped, red.65–100 5,5 4–6 45–60 cm
AndreykaYellowish-red, elongated.140 5–6 4,2 up to 1 meter
Belladonna F1Cuboid, light yellow.120–140 5–7 4,5 up to 45 cm
CzardasCone-shaped, with a spout, orange.170–220 6 8 70 cm
Father FrostCylindrical, dark red.100–120 6–7 8,2 50–60 cm
AlexyLight red, elongated.180–200 5–7 4,5–7 60–80 cm
Golden pyramidCone-shaped, yellow.102 6–8 6,7 up to 70 cm
Romeo F1Dark yellow, cylindrical.90 6 10 60–70 cm
AristocratDark red, elongated.80 7–8 4 90–110 cm
Yellow bouquetCylindrical, yellow.150 7,5–8 6 about 65–70 cm
AnnushkaDark red, prism-shaped.110 5 7 up to 80 cm
SunFlat-round, orange.85 5 8 60 cm
Hussar F1Red, prism-shaped.80–90 5–6 4,9 65–70 cm
White filling F1Cone-shaped, red.140 7 6,7 up to 45 cm
Apollo F1Cone-shaped, red.80 6 7 50–60 cm
ArrogantHeart-shaped, red.260 10 6,7 1.5 m high
Big jackpotCylindrical, red.200–250 7–8 6,9 75 cm
GalateaSlightly ribbed, elongated, dark orange.130–150 6 6,6 75–80 cm
Vityaz F1Cone-shaped, dark red.100–120 8 7,2 60–70 cm
GarlandNarrow cone-shaped, red.150 7 7,3 90 cm
Honey King F1Cylindrical, yellow.180 7,5 6,7 60–80 cm
ProdigyBlunt conical, orange.220–330 6 5,6 50–75 cm
Gromozeka F1Square, brown-orange.250 7–8 9,1 65–70 cm
Little Red Riding HoodDark red, cuboid.200 7 9,5 about 50 cm
DariaCone-shaped, red.96 5 7 up to 50 cm
Emperor F1Cone-shaped, red.150 6–8 4,5 60 cm
ZlatozarElongated, yellow.80 6 5 more than 1 m
CossackRed, cone-shaped.110 7 4,7 40 cm
CorvetteElongated, dark red.120 7,5 4,6 55–60 cm
MascotElongated, burgundy.170 8 5,6 60–80 cm
Siberian princeCone-shaped, red.80–95 5–6 10 90–130 cm

An unimaginable variety of early ripening varieties of peppers hides fruits of the most incredible shapes and shades, for example, pepper with the interesting name Gromozeka F1

The best cultivars suitable for greenhouse cultivation

Red-fruited, medium-sized (50 cm) Agapovsky with compact bushes in a temperate continental climate ripens at the end of June (99–120 days before technical ripeness). The wall thickness is no more than 6 mm, while the average weight of mature fruits is about 110 g. The variety is resistant to tobacco mosaic.

The average yield of Agapovsky pepper reaches 10 kg per square meter, it is perfect for preparing lecho and dressings for borscht

Greenhouse Bendigo F1 with 100-gram fruits is grown not only by summer residents, but also by farmers on an industrial scale, since the yield of the cultivar reaches 10–15 kg/m2. The fruits are cube-shaped, dark red, slightly flattened and concave in the middle, excellent for baking, making stews and freezing. The cultivar is cold-resistant and tolerant to the tobacco mosaic virus.

Bendigo F1 is loved for its incredible yield and unique taste of delicate pulp.

Technical ripeness of the Krepysh variety occurs on the 103rd day after full germination. The red-orange color variation of pointed peppers sticking up on the bushes is most common for this cultivar, but it is quite sweet and juicy at the stage when the skin turns yellow. Fully ripened fruits gain 70–75 g, the wall thickness does not exceed 6 mm. Maximum yield is about 4.2 kg/m2. The variety is slightly susceptible to verticillium wilt.

Table: varieties of early ripening peppers that bear fruit best in greenhouses

Variety nameFruit shape and colorWeight, gWall thickness, mmProductivity, kg/m2Plant height
YarikCone-shaped, yellowish.45–50 4 6,5 up to 80 cm
MagicianFlat-round, ribbed, red.160 7 7–12 up to 90 cm
MartinOval, light green.53–79 5,5 4,7 60–70 cm
Snow WhiteCone-shaped, red, with a blunt apex.80–94 7 up to 750 cm
Gemini F1Cylindrical, yellow.80–206 5,5–7 4–5 55–60 cm
Adept F1Cuboid, bright orange.110 6 5,9 55 cm
BagrationFlat-round, yellow.150–200 7–8 5,7 60 cm
AmberCone-shaped, orange.90–110 6,5 4–7 up to 1 m
VaudevillePrism-shaped, red.230–300 6–7 7,2 1.2–1.5 m
HannibalPrismatic, brown.140 5 9,1 80 cm
Chrysalite F1Cone-shaped, red.150 5 12 more than 1 m
Antique dealerRed, ribbed, prism-shaped.220–280 5–7 8,3 up to 2 m
Miracle giant F1Narrow cone-shaped, dark red.180 6–7 7,8 1.2–1.4 m
FuntikCone-shaped, red.190 7 6,7 up to 60 cm
California miracleCuboid, red.120 5–8 4–7 60–70 cm
SmileCone-shaped, red.230 7 6,2 1.3 m
Tempo F1Prism-shaped, red.160 6–7 8,6 60–75 cm

Video: the earliest and most productive peppers for greenhouses

Early thick-walled varieties and hybrids of sweet peppers

Early miracle F1 is indispensable for stuffing and fresh summer salads; the wall thickness of the pulp is 10–11 mm. Elongated carmine-red fruits can gain up to 250 g, with an average cultivar yield of 14 kg/m2. Tall - up to 1.2 m - the plant grows well both in beds and in covered greenhouses, but it needs to be shaped and tied up.

Early miracle F1 is classified as a salad hybrid; it almost never suffers from blossom end rot and easily tolerates drought.

Kolobok is a variety that was loved by many gardeners 30 years ago. On a compact bush (30 cm), round, dense, and at the same time juicy fruits with a pulp thickness of up to 10–12 mm are formed. Over these decades, summer residents have become convinced that Kolobok is rarely affected by anthracnose and blossom end rot.

Kolobok is a real thick-walled pepper; it has no equal for canning and salads; it produces unprecedented yields (up to 7–9 kg per square meter) in open ground

Closed, medium-sized bushes of the Alkmaar F1 hybrid produce prism-shaped dark red fruits weighing up to 270–300 g. The thickness of the fruit wall can exceed 10 mm. The variety is flexible and easily adapts to harsh climate conditions, is heat-resistant, stores well, and is immune resistant to vegetable diseases.

Pepper Alkmaar F1 is a thick-walled red-sided hybrid of universal use, the yield of which under film covers reaches 10 kg per square meter, in beds - 2–4 kg less

Table: varieties of thick-walled sweet peppers that ripen earlier than other cultivars

Variety nameFruit shape and colorWeight, gWall thickness, mmProductivity, kg/m2Growing conditions:
greenhouse - T,
open grnut - OG
ChordTrapezoidal, red.190 7–8 7 T
AlesyaPrismatic, dark red.160–180 8–9 8,5 T, OG
White nightCone-shaped, yellow.130 9 10, 8 T, OG
JackElongated, dark orange.164 8–9 6,3 T, OG
Golden BarrelCuboid, dark yellow.170–200 8–9 8,5 OG
Aramis F1Prismatic, ribbed, deep red.230 8–9 7,8 T, OG
CaratDark red with a purple tint, prism-shaped.70 8 4,9 T, OG
Golden swallowHeart-shaped, yellow.130 9 5,6 OG
Attack F1Bright red, cuboid.140–160 10 3,8 T
Budulai F1Square shape, brown.250 9 8,8 T, OG
Knyazhich F1Cylindrical, yellowish-red.210 8–9 6,9 OG
AphroditePrismatic, dark yellow.210 10 7,7 T, OG
Fat BaronCone-shaped, dark red.160 10–11 3 T
SudarushkaFlat-round, red.80 10 8,7 T
Ruby necklaceRound, red.80–95 8,5–9 8,6 T, OG

Jack peppers with appetizing glossy skin and juicy pulp look like an orange.

Separately, we can note the new varietal peppers, this is especially important for those who love the fruit unusual shape and colors and annually replenishes the supply of seeds, taking into account the latest achievements selection.

Table: varieties of early peppers approved by the State Variety Commission of the Russian Federation in 2018

Variety nameFruit shape and colorWeight, gWall thickness, mmProductivity, kg/m2Growing conditions: greenhouse - T;
open ground - OG
Ekla F1Cuboid, bright red.250–300 8 4,5 T, OG
Quickley F1Prism-shaped, red.120 7 8,6 T, OG
Edros F1Narrow cone-shaped, light red.140 7 6,4 T, OG
Ruby gourmetCone-shaped, red.40–50 5,5 5 T
Lumos F1Cuboid, yellow.200 4–5 4,5 T
MysticSquare, brown-red.100 10 6,8 T, OG
HeavyweightCuboid, dark yellow.200 10 8,5 T, OG
Silver star F1Red, cuboid, finely ribbed.170 5 6,7 OG
Ginger catRectangular, orange.160 9 7,8 T, OG
Fantasy F1Cuboid, yellow.200 6 5,7 T
Cheerful neighborCylindrical, yellow.106 5–8 4 T
HellasCone-shaped, light red.140 6 6 T, OG
Ferrari F1Cuboid, red.130–160 5 7,6 T
Golden Ataman F1Cuboid, orange.200 7 5,5 T, OG

Thick-walled Mystic pepper when fully ripe has a very rich brownish-burgundy skin color.

Pepper varieties for regions

More than half of the early ripening varieties approved for use can be grown anywhere, while most of the cultivars in the sample presented above successfully bear fruit both in closed film greenhouses and in open beds.

Some of the best in terms of yield and resistance to low temperatures are:

  • Agapovsky,
  • Belogorets F1,
  • Pinocchio,
  • Ruza F1,
  • Siberian F1,
  • Snowball F1.

Most adapted to cool, damp summers:

  • Martin,
  • Sturdy,
  • Romeo F1.

Video: which early varieties of sweet pepper to choose for North-West Russia

The choice of gardeners in Central Russia

Summer residents of the Central Black Earth and Volga regions claim that the best early peppers are:

  • Bendigo F1,
  • Blondie F1,
  • Winnie the Pooh,
  • Dobrynya Nikitich,
  • Golden F1,
  • Magician,
  • Nagano F1,
  • Ruza F1,
  • Chrysalite F1.

Some of the presented cultivars are highly productive and bear fruit right up to the September cold.

Video: the best varieties of pepper cultivated in the Central Federal District

Early pepper varieties for the southern regions of our country

Excellent southern climate:

  • Arsenal,
  • Barbie F1,
  • Thank you,
  • Corvette,
  • Slavutich,
  • Topolin.

The incomparable taste in lecho, borscht dressings and summer salads does not allow gardeners to refuse these cultivars Krasnodar region and the Caucasus in favor of new products suitable for warm climates.

The hot climate is favorable for growing bell peppers; the south produces the most early harvests early ripening varieties this vegetable crop

What peppers do summer residents grow in the harsh climate of Siberia and the Far East

The northern region prefers varieties of early ripening peppers such as:

  • Valentine,
  • Viking,
  • Oriole,
  • Alkmaar F1,
  • Sturdy,
  • Merchant,
  • Romeo F1,
  • Siberian prince,
  • Sudarushka.

They are ideal for growing in unpredictable climates and do not reduce yields in open ground during a sudden cold snap in June.

Features of growing early varieties of sweet peppers

This heat-loving crop is traditionally grown through seedlings. They begin the process in the last ten days of February, if in the future it is planned to plant peppers in open ground, or in mid-February when transplanting seedlings into a heated greenhouse. This is due to the fact that pepper seeds take at least 1.5–2 weeks to germinate. Before planting, to stimulate vegetative processes, it is recommended to soak pepper seeds in a saline solution (5 g per 1 liter of warm water) for 2–3 hours.

Pepper seeds are left on a damp cotton surface (cloth, gauze, cotton pad), after 24–48 hours the seeds are ready for planting

How to grow healthy pepper seedlings

Pepper seeds are planted in cups filled 2/3 with a special soil mixture for seedlings or prepared soil from your own plot, mixed with humus and river sand in a ratio of 2:1:2:

  1. The seeds are lowered into the substrate to a depth of 1.5–2 cm, sprinkled and not compacted.
  2. The surface of the soil is slightly moistened and covered with glass, which will remain until the first “hairs” - sprouts - appear.
  3. The crops are left in a room where the temperature is maintained at least 20 o C.
  4. Provide indirect access sun rays or periodic illumination during the daytime.

As young peppers grow, liquid is added to the soil. mineral supplements Once every 10 days (according to instructions), this allows young shoots to grow stronger and supports immunity

Plantings are periodically lightly irrigated warm water and slightly loosen the soil surface with a thin stick.

Seedlings grown in large containers are picked at the stage of 2–4 leaves

Replanting peppers in garden beds

After 50 days, when the seedlings form 8 to 10 leaves, hardening begins. To do this, the crops are taken out onto the balcony or placed near a slightly open window (avoiding a direct draft). Around the third ten days of May, when the night temperature does not drop below 10 o C, young peppers are transplanted to a permanent place.

If the seedlings are in a greenhouse, when it gets cold, according to the advice experienced gardeners, we bring buckets of boiling water into the greenhouse, or hot bricks heated over a fire, and place them on metal sheets.

Pepper planting algorithm:

How to care for early varieties of sweet peppers

It is advisable to irrigate pepper bushes at the root (as the soil dries) at a rate of 4–6 liters per adult plant.

  • Periodic loosening (shallow, since the pepper has shallow roots) to prevent the formation of a crust, and hilling.
  • Removal weeds in the hole and between the rows.
  • Tying tall varieties to a support.

    Peppers are tied when the bushes are formed (if necessary), and the fruits are set and ripen

  • At least 3-4 feedings during the growing season. 2 weeks after planting, add mineral fertilizers(superphosphate, urea - 20 g per 10 liters of water). During flowering, every 10–15 days, feed with organic matter at the root (1 kg of chicken droppings or 2 kg of manure per 10 liters of water, add ash (0.5–1 liter) and herbal infusions) and spray with growth stimulants (Epin, Ovary) to prevent flowers and ovaries from falling off.


    At the end of the season, flowers, ovaries and small pepper fruits that have not yet ripened are also removed, then the bushes are thoroughly loosened at the base, it is believed that this speeds up the process of fruit formation

    Peppers that are fully ripened on the bushes are much more aromatic and tastier. Usually the first fruits are picked as soon as light traces of color appear on the sides, and the second wave is left to ripen on the bushes. Of course, weather permitting. After harvesting, the harvest is covered with burlap or cardboard so that the peppers do not lose moisture. This applies to those fruits that will be processed. For fresh consumption, pepper is stored in a cool room at a temperature not exceeding 8°C.

    Video: mistakes that should not be repeated when growing bell peppers

  • Sweet and tasty peppers not only serve as a good addition to various dishes, but are also a healthy and vitamin-rich vegetable. It is known that it first appeared in Central America, and then gradually began to spread throughout the entire territory of the Earth.

    Sweet peppers are believed to belong to the nightshade family. Pepper in Russia due to weather conditions first planted in a greenhouse, but only in summer are seedlings planted in open ground. Breeders have worked hard to create varieties of sweet peppers that will be adapted to various temperature fluctuations, and also did not forget to work a little to ensure that the color of such a vegetable was very diverse: yellow, dark red, green, purple. The shape of this sweet vegetable is also varied: large, cone-shaped, small, tomato-like, pyramidal and others.

    Growing sweet peppers

    The sowing of sweet pepper seeds begins in February or March, but they are planted specifically to obtain seedlings. The seeds of this vegetable usually take a long time to germinate, and it may take 15 to 20 days. Of course, you can speed up germination if you use a special aloe infusion. The method is very simple: aloe juice is poured with the same amount of water, and then the seeds are soaked in it for several days.

    Unlike other vegetable crops that are grown from seedlings, no need to pick the plant. And it can be replanted into the ground only when good sunny weather sets in, for example, at least 20 or 25 degrees. But if the temperature turns out to be much higher, then, accordingly, the sweet pepper needs to be watered. If the heat is above 40 degrees, then the roots will begin to die, the ovaries and flowers will quickly dry out, and the plant itself will simply wither.

    It is known that almost all varieties of sweet pepper grow well under the following conditions:

    1. Areas with good sunlight.
    2. Areas with good soil that is rich in nitrogen and fertile.

    If the pepper is planted in the shade, it will simply stretch upward, but the fruits will practically not grow.

    Pepper care is easy: it needs to be weeded When ridding the area of ​​weeds, water it abundantly and be sure to loosen it. This is necessary when watering vegetable plant feed. Bird droppings are used as fertilizer, which must be diluted with water. The feeding recipe is as follows: take no more than one glass of bird droppings for 1 bucket of water.

    Varieties of thick-walled sweet pepper for open ground

    For salad varieties pepper important quality is the wall thickness of the vegetable. Are considered the most the best views large peppers with thick and fleshy walls, the following varieties:

    All these varieties have excellent taste and proper storage can remain fresh until the New Year. But these same varieties are also great for using in canning, for example, lecho or other winter salads.

    Varieties of thick-walled sweet peppers for the Moscow region

    Sweet pepper rich in many minerals and vitamins, which are contained in its pulp. They are the ones who have a positive impact on human body, giving strength and having some healing properties. And this is the main argument for learning how to grow this vegetable crop in the garden beds. different types: open and closed. But in order for this heat-loving plant to have an excellent harvest, it is necessary not only to invest a little money, but you also need to have knowledge and be patient, gaining precious experience in growing.

    To date Summer residents can boast of a large selection of varieties Moscow region. All the varieties of sweet peppers they grow differ in shape, color and even weight. Among all the types of thick-walled sweet peppers for the Moscow region beds, the following varieties can be distinguished:

    In addition to these varieties, The following types are popular in the Moscow region pepper: Gift of Moldova, Volzhanin, Golden Rain and others. Of course, the fruits of these varieties are slightly smaller in size, but they still retain their taste and bright color.

    Of course, there are a huge number of varieties for growing in garden beds, and therefore, over time, each summer resident can decide for himself which pepper is suitable for him to grow.

    Popular varieties of pepper

    Sweet bell pepper a huge number of flavor characteristics. This allowed this vegetable crop to win the attention of many people, despite their gastronomic preferences.

    There are several types of sweet peppers, each of which has its own varieties. The main types of sweet peppers are:

    1. Early ripening
    2. Mid-season
    3. Late ripening

    Let's take a closer look at each of these types. So, the first type is the early varieties of sweet pepper. These include:

    The second type is mid-season varieties of pepper. These include:

    1. California miracle, its ripening period is 130 days. But it is worth considering that this species does not like large amounts of fertilizer, especially with nitrogen. If you use it, the bush will be tall, but there will be few fruits on it.
    2. Yellow Bull and Red Bull. These varieties are good because they are resistant to various viruses. Their fruits are usually large, fleshy and juicy. From one square meter of land planted with these varieties, you can harvest up to 7 kilograms of crop.

    To such mid-season varieties of sweet bell peppers Other species that tolerate dry weather can also be included. These are varieties such as Veronica, Anastasia, Red Giant, Kolobok and others.

    The third type is late-ripening pepper varieties. To grow them Southern regions are good, as, indeed, for mid-season and early varieties. But they can be grown in regions where it is cold, then only in greenhouses. Late-ripening varieties include the following types:

    How to choose a variety?

    There are several rules for choosing a pepper variety. So, First of all, it's worth watching not on the appearance of the fruit or even on its size, but on the conditions in which it can be grown. For example, this is open ground or a greenhouse.

    When purchasing seeds, you should always study the packaging, which must indicate under what conditions this type of pepper can be grown.

    Knowing what types of sweet peppers exist, you can plant this plant in one bed different periods maturation: early, middle and late. This will help you always have fresh peppers throughout the summer. And if the variety is late ripening, then you can even plant it in a pot and grow it on windowsills. Then the fruits will be until mid-winter.

    Costs When purchasing, pay attention to the height of the bushes. This is necessary especially for those summer residents who grow peppers in greenhouses or whose plot area is strictly limited. Then you should buy only low-growing varieties of sweet peppers.

    Recently popular hybrid varieties of pepper began to be used, which are considered more resistant to disease. By the way, pepper varieties have now been developed that can easily withstand various weather conditions: drought, cool or rainy weather.

    And of course, when purchasing pepper seeds, you should pay attention to what light mode is indicated on the package.

    Pests and diseases of sweet pepper

    Pepper may be susceptible to many diseases. For example, verticillium or stolbur. The first disease is caused by a fungus that lives either in the soil or in the roots of plants. There are several forms of diseases and their symptoms depend on this. To eradicate this disease from a site, it is necessary to completely remove diseased plants.

    The second disease is stolbur or phytoplasmosis. This disease manifests itself as leaf curling., and the fruits become small and it is simply impossible to eat them. To get rid of this disease, chemical intervention (spraying) is necessary.

    Pests of pepper bushes are spider mites, aphids, Colorado potato beetles and naked slugs. To get rid of them, you need to spray the bushes with pesticides.

    If on time carry out all necessary measures to combat diseases and pests, then you can get not only healthy pepper bushes, but also a good harvest. If you choose the right pepper variety for summer cottage If you grow it, following all the rules, then very soon you will be able to get tasty, beautiful and healthy fruits.

    Sweet pepper is a heat-loving, annual plant, bred in America. Valued for its unique taste and high vitamin content. In the article we will look at early, mid- and late-ripening varieties, talk about hybrids, and offer varieties for stuffing.

    Early varieties are called allowing you to get a high yield in a short period of time (70-120 days). Most species can be grown in unprotected soil. Descriptions and characteristics of the best varieties are presented below.

    Big Mama

    The fruits are large (200g) of warm orange color and rectangular in shape. A bush in a greenhouse can grow up to 1 m, in unprotected soil - 50-70 cm. Excellent taste both fresh and after heat treatment.


    Medium-sized plant, with fruits shaped like a regular pyramid. When biologically ripe, they are dark red in color, with juicy, dense pulp.. The peppers are large-fruited and thick-walled.


    Medium ripe varieties include those the growing season of which occurs in the range from 110 to 130 days. This species is distinguished by the duration of fruiting.


    A variety characterized by high seed germination. The fruits are cone-shaped, red. The length of a ripe pepper is up to 10 cm. The bush is small, about 50 cm.


    A tall variety that yields quite big harvest. The fruits are large (400g), sweet, deep red in color, thick-walled (1 cm). Peppers grow up to 20 cm in length. Resistant to diseases.

    Sweet pepper for Siberia

    Sweet peppers come from hot countries and like them warm. temperate climate. But even in such a harsh region as Siberia, you can grow peppers and get an excellent harvest. There are many varieties for cold climates. Which ones to use in this area? Summer in Siberia is short, so it is better to use early or mid-early peppers. The most common among them are the following:


    An early variety with a low bush (up to 50 cm). Vegetables are cylindrical, dark yellow when ripe. The thickness of the pulp is 5-8 mm.


    A new variety bred in Siberia. Tolerant to cold, grows well in unprotected soil. The bush is strong, up to 60 cm. The ripe vegetable is red in color and large. The thick wall of pulp tastes sweet and juicy.

    Golden calf

    A mid-early crop, well suited for cultivation in Siberia. Bushes of medium height. Fruits are orange, glossy, cube-shaped. The wall of the vegetable pulp is very thick, up to 20 mm.

    Sweet chocolate

    Unusual due to its paint. The fruit is dark brown in color, while the flesh is red inside. The pepper is very juicy and sweet in taste, ideal for preservation.

    Varieties for the Moscow region

    For the changeable climate of the Moscow region, varieties that are resistant to sudden changes in temperature should be selected. The following are popular among gardeners:

    Gold medal

    High-yielding, can grow in unprotected soil. The bushes are tall (up to 1 m). The fruits are straight, long (up to 13 cm) with medium wall thickness.


    Sweet pepper variety Belozerka

    Resistant to climate change, has high productivity. On low bushes (50-80 cm) small cone-shaped hearths are formed. The color changes from light green to red towards the end of ripening.

    Winnie the Pooh

    The bushes are low, suitable even for the smallest greenhouses. Grows well in open ground. Fully matures in 100 days. The fruits are small (10 cm), smooth, and have the shape of a sharp cone. The color of ripe pepper is bright red, the wall thickness of the pulp is 6 mm.


    Average early variety(95-100 days). It has an unusual flattened shape, reminiscent of a pumpkin. The bushes are tall and strong (up to 1 m). The fruits are thick-walled, fleshy, dark green at the beginning of ripening, and deep red at biological maturity. It has an interesting sweet-spicy taste, good both fresh and after heat treatment.

    The best hybrid varieties

    Seeds of hybrid varieties are not suitable for further planting. That's why seedling material will have to be purchased every year. But such qualities as high disease resistance, productivity and impressive fruit size force gardeners to purchase seeds of hybrid plants from year to year.

    Marinka's tongue

    Medium height plant, with rather large fruits (up to 200 g) of a long elongated shape. The taste is sweet and very pleasant, but the shelf life of these peppers is not long.


    Incredible high yieldMore than 50 peppers can grow on one bush! The shape of the fruit is cone-shaped, the wall is not thick. Ripe fruit bright red ideal for recycling.


    A classic representative of culture. Large fruits of bright red color, very juicy and aromatic. Widely used for preparations and as part of fresh snacks and salads.

    Description of the best late-ripening pepper varieties

    Most suitable for southern latitudes, since they require 140-150 days of good weather to fully ripen.


    Low-growing, has many large fruits. Ripe red peppers with thick, juicy flesh.

    Yellow bell

    The plant is of medium height (up to 75 cm) with large fruits of yellow-orange color when ripe. Shaped like an inverted bell. It has a thick wall of pulp and an excellent fresh taste.


    Not afraid of open ground. The bushes are small, with large fruits. Ripe cube-shaped pepper of bright red color with juicy pulp, has great taste and aroma.


    High yielding, tall plant (up to 80 cm) with a large number of spherical fruits. The pulp is very juicy and sweet. The color changes from deep green to bright red.

    Thick-walled large-fruited varieties

    Wall thickness and fruit size are the deciding factors for most gardeners when choosing seeds. Thick-walled peppers are those with a flesh thickness of 6mm or more. These varieties are great for canning, drying and freezing.

    White gold

    Can be planted in open ground. The plant is low, but with very large yellow fruits (up to 450 g). The peppers are cube-shaped.

    Siberian format

    Mid-season, on tall and powerful bushes the peppers grow very large sizes. The size of a fruit grown in a greenhouse can reach 500 g!


    Productive, the fruit is small in size (up to 200g) and has thick, ruby-red flesh. Withstands long-term transportation very well.

    The best peppers for stuffing and processing


    Stuffed bell peppers

    The ideal use of peppers in food is stuffing them. For this, smooth, medium-sized peppers of the same size are usually used. Among the early ones we can note: Lyubava, Miracle, Golden Miracle, Banana, Marinka's tongue. Among mid-season: Antey, New Russian, Stepashka.


    Long and elongated fruits are suitable for drying. Sabelka and Miracle paprika are perfect for this. You can dry them directly in the fresh air.


    For preservation, it is ideal to use meaty, thick-walled varieties. And if you take several multi-colored peppers, the preparation will turn out not only tasty, but also beautiful. Perfect for canning: Avangard, Adept, Bogdan, Ideal, Lilac Bell, Chocolate Beauty, Amber.


    Bell pepper is an extremely healthy, tasty and beautiful vegetable. It is grown in regions with different climatic conditions - Siberia, Moscow region, Donbass, Crimea and others. Thanks to the bright variety of colors and juicy fresh taste, it will always find a place on festive table. And in terms of vitamin content, pepper is a leader among other vegetables. By eating just one pepper a day, you can replenish your daily supply of vitamins C and E. Sweet pepper is called a “vegetable of beauty”, because eating it improves the skin and strengthens the hair. Pepper is also good for the eyes, thanks to its high beta-carotene content.

    The most popular late-ripening varieties:

    • Gladiator is a mid-late, high-yielding Dutch variety. The fruits are pyramidal in shape, rich yellow in biological ripeness, weighing up to 350 g.
    • Aristotle ex 3 r f1 is a mid-late variety, resistant to TMV and bacterial spot. The fruits are shaped like a cylinder, red (ripe), thick-walled, weighing up to 200 g. They tolerate transportation well.
    • Black Cardinal - a variety bred in Italy. The fruits are in the shape of a truncated pyramid, black in technical ripeness and red in biological ripeness, with very juicy pulp.
    • Bell - got its name because of the unusual shape of the fruit for pepper, reminiscent of a flower. The fruits have a piquant sweet and sour taste. Pepper of this variety belongs to perennial plants, and for the winter it is recommended to replant it in containers and place it in a lighted place. Up to 2 kg of peppers are collected from one plant. Ripening period is 150 days.

    When growing hybrid varieties, it is important to remember that you will have to buy seeds every year. In such varieties, the qualities of the mother plant are not transmitted with seeds. But it should be noted that hybrid varieties have undeniable advantages:

    • High yield.
    • Disease resistance.
    • Large fruits.
    • Excellent taste.

    Popular hybrid varieties:

    • Madonna F1 is a disease-resistant, high-yielding and drought-resistant variety with a ripening period of 60-65 days. Fruits with thick walls weighing 180-200 grams, light green in technical ripeness and red in biological ripeness.
    • Maria F1 is a large-fruited, mid-season, high-yielding hybrid. The fruits are round, slightly flattened, weighing up to 120 g. Plants of this variety are semi-standard, semi-determinate, reaching a height of 80-85 cm.
    • Othello F1 is an early ripening hybrid. The fruits are of an original purple color in technical ripeness and brown in biological ripeness, weighing up to 108 g. The variety is valued for its excellent yield, simultaneous ripening of fruits, and independent regulation of branching.
    • Maxim F1 is a mid-season hybrid. The fruits are oblong, 9-10 cm long, weighing 70-80 g, original purple color in technical ripeness and cherry red in the ripening phase. The variety is valued for its good fruit set, stable yield and resistance to Verticillium wilt.

    Sweet peppers are grown mainly (even in the southern regions) by seedlings. Seeds, having previously been prepared, are sown in February.

    Seed preparation consists of:

    1. Disinfection - soak for half an hour in a weak (1%) solution of potassium permanganate, then rinse thoroughly with water.
    2. Treatment with growth stimulants.
    3. Treatment with antifungal drugs.

    After treatment, the seeds are sown in separate containers to a depth of 0.5-1 cm. To germinate sweet pepper seeds, it is advisable to maintain a temperature of 25-30 degrees. After germination of the seedlings (usually on the fourth day), the temperature is lowered to 18 degrees for a week, after which it is raised again to 25 degrees. A decrease in temperature prevents seedlings from stretching.

    • The first time is after the appearance of three true leaves.
    • The second time - in the phase of eight leaves.

    For 10 liters of water:

    • Urea – 50 g
    • Potassium salt – 30 g
    • Superphosphate – 125 g.

    After fertilizing, seedlings need to be watered immediately clean water. As the seedlings grow, sprinkle soil into the containers. Two weeks before planting in the beds, seedlings need to begin to be hardened off: during the day, the plants are taken out to the balcony or loggia (if the weather is warm), and at night they are brought indoors again.

    A week before planting, you can feed the plants with potassium salt, and a day before planting - with a growth stimulant.

    This treatment contributes to better viability of pepper, reducing the nitrate content in fruits by 2 times and increasing yield by 30-40%.

    The seedlings are ready for transplanting into the ground at the age of 55 days: the plants have 12 leaves, reach a height of 25 cm, a rather thick stem and acquire an even green tint. The soil must be heated to a temperature of at least 15 degrees.

    It is advisable to add the following to the soil for planting pepper per 1 sq.m:

    • Phosphorus fertilizers – 40 g.
    • Humus or compost - 1 bucket.
    • Nitrogen fertilizers – 30 g.
    • Potash fertilizers – 40 g.

    The seedlings are transplanted into holes, which are pre-moistened with 2 liters of water each. Planting density is determined by the characteristics of the variety:

    • Pepper low-growing varieties planted at intervals of 15 cm.
    • Medium-sized peppers - at a distance of 25 cm.
    • Plants of tall varieties - at a distance of 35 cm.

    The beds are usually made about a meter wide and row spacing is half a meter. Since sweet pepper is a heat-loving plant, it is more advisable to grow it indoors. To stimulate growth in initial stage development, it is recommended to remove one lower bud and all leaves and branches before the first branching on the main shoot. Remove diseased and fruitless branches too.

    An important part of caring for sweet peppers is timely and maintaining a constant (without sudden changes) temperature in the greenhouse. When there is a lack of moisture, plants are affected gray rot, and temperature changes cause a significant reduction in yield.

    The culture is spread throughout Russia. Varietal diversity bell pepper allows you to grow vegetables in various climatic zones. Some varieties are universal, others are intended for cultivation in open areas, for greenhouses and greenhouses, and for growing at home on a windowsill.

    Origin and general description of the culture

    Sweet pepper has been known since ancient times. The spread of the vegetable around the world began after Columbus discovered America. The seeds of the crop came to Europe, then to Bulgaria, where many hybrid varieties were created. From this country, a representative of the Solanaceae family came to Russia in great variety, which is why it is still called Bulgarian.

    Perennial, but grown in gardening as an annual. Depending on the variety of sweet pepper, a bush of 0.15-3 m grows with paprika of yellow, lemon, whitish, red, orange, purple, brownish, black color, with a specific sweetish taste. In the technical stage the color is greenish different intensity, but the size and shape of the pods correspond to a fully ripened vegetable.

    The stem is soft, but becomes woody as it develops. It is very fragile, so the shoots need to be tied up periodically. An adult plant can be standard (1 stem), semi-standard (1-3 additional branches from below), or bushy. The leaves are green, ovate or elongated. Root system powerful, can be located in the surface layer of soil. The seeds are yellowish, flat, remain viable for about 5 years.

    Classification by ripening time

    When choosing seed material, it is important to consider the length of the growing season, since the crop may not have time to ripen in an area with short summers. For different regions The best varieties have been selected, differing in external characteristics, productivity, and resistance to adverse factors.

    According to the duration of ripening there are:

    • ultra-early - ripen to technical maturity in 80-90 days;
    • early ripening – 90-115;
    • mid-season – 115-130;
    • late – about 140 days.

    The bags with pepper varieties contain a description containing information on the ripening period, plant characteristics, requirements for growing conditions, and recommendations for using the crop.

    It is important to consider that hybrids are grown from own seeds It won’t work because the new bushes will be very different from the mother plant.

    Early ripening

    – early pepper, ripens in 90-105 days, cultivated in open and protected areas. The bush is semi-standard, up to 80 cm. The pods are large, weighing 110-200 g, red in color, similar to a long cone, ribbed, with walls 5 mm. The variety is characterized by excellent taste, long fruiting, and large fruits.

    Green miracle It is allowed to pick after 75-80 days. The pepper got its name because it is recommended for harvesting when it is technically ripe; after ripening it turns red. Characteristics and description of the vegetable: cube-like shape with 3-4 ribs, parameters 10-12 cm, weighs 85-120 g, walls up to 5.5 mm. The variety tolerates sudden temperature changes well and is not susceptible to potato virus or tobacco mosaic. Universal use, grows in greenhouses and open areas.

    – a variety that ripens to acquire a red color in 115-125 days, intended for greenhouses and greenhouses. The bush grows up to 1.4 m and is formed in a semi-standard form. The peppers are shiny, trunk-like, up to 27 cm, weighing 60 g, thin walls (3 mm). Resistant to tobacco mosaic, in the technical stage it is used together with seeds.

    One of the best varieties of sweet pepper - Venti. It bears fruit in 95-110 days and ripens together. The bush is neat, 45-55 cm. Red paprika, similar to a long cone, weighs 60-70 g, pulp thickness is approximately 5 mm. The variety is recommended for fresh vegetable salads.

    Suitable for cultivation in open and protected ground, ripens in 90-100 days. Bush 1-1.2 m, yields 7-17 kg per 1 m². The peppers look like a prism, large, weighing 200-500 g, biologically bright, red in color, with walls up to 8 mm. The variety is immune to tobacco mosaic.

    – early ripe black bell pepper at the stage of biological maturity. It bears fruit in thick-walled, large, cube-shaped pods, weighing 150-250 g. It is characterized by excellent taste and stable yields.

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    – one of best seeds bell pepper. Paprika ripens in 120-125 days and is cultivated in open and protected beds. The bush is single-stemmed, up to 60 cm. The pods are reddish, directed downwards, weigh 160-170 g, walls 6-8 mm. The variety is recommended for fresh use, industrial processing and freezing.

    Harvest Peppers Magno F1 start 120-130 days after the first sprouts peck. The variety is intended for cultivation in greenhouses and unprotected areas. The bush is neat, 65-70 cm in height. Vegetables with an edge of 9-12 cm, have a cuboid shape, weighing 200 g, with walls up to 8 mm, change color from dark green to orange. From 1 m² of greenhouse it is possible to collect up to 7 kg, from an open area 4-4.5 kg. Valued for its taste, smell, and long fruiting period.

    Kadiyu F1 It is permissible to pick 120-130 days after germination. The variety is suitable for open and protected cultivation. Bush 60-70 cm, neat. Peppers look like cubes with an edge size of 10x9 cm, weigh 200-250 g, wall thickness is 6-7 mm, color changes from dark green to bright yellow. The yield of the variety per 1 m² of greenhouse is 7-8 kg, in an open area - 5.5-6.5 kg.

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    Late ripening

    – a variety of reddish bell pepper, ripening in 145-155 days. The fruits look like a cube with an edge of 10-12 cm and walls of 5-7 mm. Recommended for growing in greenhouses and unprotected areas southern regions, because it will not have time to ripen in the short northern summer. Resistant to tobacco mosaic virus, universal in use.

    Ruby variety It will fully ripen to a dark red color in 160-180 days. The bush is neat, 45-60 cm. The peppers are round, slightly flattened, walls up to 10 mm, weighing 115-170 g. The yield per 1 m² is 2.9-3.3 kg. Susceptibility to bacterial wilt is moderate.

    It produces ribbed fruits that look like elongated cones, weighing up to 200 g. At the stage of full maturity they have a bright yellow color and stand out among others for their high content of carotene and vitamin C. The variety is grown in open areas and under film covers. Paprika tolerates transportation, lasts a long time, and retains marketability.

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    Selection of seeds for open ground

    Depending on the climate of the region and the purpose of the vegetable, varieties with suitable varietal characteristics should be selected. In the South, resistance to drought is required, in the North - to frost, as well as early ripening of peppers. Hybrid varieties are suitable for areas with increased exposure to adverse factors, since they are bred by breeders with specified properties.

    Many modern seeds are resistant to diseases and do not require complex care during cultivation.

    Thick-walled varieties of sweet peppers for open ground:

    • Golden Jubilee;
    • Kolobok;
    • Fatty;
    • Vesuvius;
    • California miracle;
    • Golden Star of the East F1;
    • Bogdan.

    For the middle band

    – early productive variety of bell pepper. The pods grow red, cone-shaped, pointing down, weighing 80-110 g. They are characterized by taste, high shelf life, transportability, and versatility of use.

    Asti lemon pepper– early ripening variety. The bush is powerful, the vegetables look like cubes with an edge of 9 cm, walls 5-6 mm. The color is greenish, becoming bright yellow as it ripens. It stands out among others for its productivity, large pods, and disease resistance. Tolerates drought, long-distance transportation, and is stored for a long time.

    Bell pepper Krepysh ready to start harvesting 115-125 days after sprouts appear. The bush is pruned and formed into 1 stem, the height of an adult plant is up to 35-55 cm. At first the fruits are yellow, turning red when they reach full ripeness. The shape is a cone with a blunt tip. Paprika weighs 65-75 g, with 1 m² giving about 3-4 kg.

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    For the Urals and Siberia

    – early variety, tolerates low temperatures. The bush is medium in height, the yield in unprotected areas is 3.1 kg/m², in film greenhouses 6.7 kg/m². The fruits are cone-shaped, shiny, weighing 90-110 g, maximum 250 g, and when fully ripe they become bright yellow in color. Wall thickness 6-8 mm.

    Sweet pepper seeds Cavalier selected at the West Siberian Experimental Vegetable Station. This variety is harvested 105-115 days after germination. After ripening, the fruits become reddish-orange, weigh up to 200 g, and are shaped like a cone.

    – mid-season variety. The peppers are pointed with their nose down, look like a wide cone, weigh 150-170 g, with walls of 6 mm. At the technical stage of ripeness, they are green interspersed with a purple tint, after which the color becomes orange with a pattern purple.

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    Selecting seeds for greenhouse cultivation

    Closed ground protects the crop from the effects of unfavorable factors, significantly increases productivity, and extends the fruiting period. There are varieties intended for cultivation only in such conditions.

    The best varieties pepper for a polycarbonate greenhouse:

    1. – a high-yielding hybrid variety of paprika; an adult bush grows tall and spreading. The peppers are large, thick-walled, about 8-8.5 cm long, change color from greenish to yellow, then turn into an orange hue. They are resistant to cracking, have good marketability, and are grown in greenhouse conditions.
    2. – an early variety of purple pepper when technically ripe, changing color to dark red after ripening. An adult plant grows about 1 m in height. The vegetables are large, cube-shaped, weighing 250-280 g, with a wall thickness of 7-8 mm. Characterized by immunity to tobacco mosaic.
    3. – a mid-early hybrid variety, up to 70 cm high. The pods are large, cube-shaped, weigh 200-240 g, with walls 7-9 mm, change color from dark green to dark red. They are distinguished by their suitability for long-distance transportation and good keeping quality.
    4. begins to ripen 130 days after the appearance of sprouts. An adult shrub-type plant, 1.5 m high. The peppers are bright red, directed downwards, cylindrical, up to 25-30 cm long, weighing up to 500 g. The flesh is sweetish, aromatic, about 6-8 mm thick.
    5. Perchik Health can be harvested 80-90 days after the sprouts appear. A bushy plant about 1.4 m high. The vegetable grows blunt-ended, prism-like in shape, weighing 80 g, thick walls, delicate peel. Color changes to different stages ripeness from light greenish to red.
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    The varietal variety of pepper allows you to choose the best variety for given climatic conditions and desired result. Depending on the variety, the plant grows tall or dwarf. The pods have different shapes, colors, and fleshiness.
