Cool games at home. Table entertainment for a small, cheerful group of adults

Get in order!
This team game, requiring ingenuity and quick reaction, is suitable for a youth group. The variety of situations that its participants will experience can excite and amuse any person.

Who's faster?
The game does not require special training, can be carried out with any number of players, but the larger the company, the merrier. Passing different objects to each other without touching them is not easy, but it is a lot of fun.

On tiptoe, quietly
Prank game, suitable for fun friendly company. Blindfolded, you need to walk along a route strewn with expensive, fragile things, without damaging anything. Having removed the bandage at the end of the difficult journey, the driver will understand that he worried in vain.

guess the word
To implement the gameplay, it is necessary to be able to isolate a team of players from the participant who guesses the word. Alternatively, you can put headphones on your team members.

Incendiary steps
A fun, active game with an unlimited number of participants. Ideal for any holiday, you just need to choose good musical accompaniment. This game will move even those people who are difficult to get up from the table.

All for one
A fun game familiar from games played during school breaks. It does not require special preparatory activities, the main thing is the desire to have fun. The driver needs to show observation and ingenuity in order to guess which of his friends touched him.

Fun show off
In this exciting game you need to recognize a person by a visible part of their body. It is ideal for companies consisting of representatives of both sexes. To participate in this entertainment, you do not need to prepare props; the players have everything they need by nature.

This entertainment is suitable for youth, teenagers and children. Preparation for the game is minimal - each participant needs a scarf or handkerchief to blindfold. And then you need to gather your flock using only hearing.

An active and exciting game, it requires a crowded company and a lot of space. Drop dancers first find a couple to dance, then they unite in groups of three or four, until finally all the guests form a round dance.

Fate is not fate
Is your “other half” among those present at the party? Try your luck and take part in this kind of lottery of fate. The guests stand in a circle, with the driver in the center. Fate will take care of the rest.

Who am I?
An interesting role-playing and analytical game, designed for a large number of players and a spacious room. Try to guess what role the host has assigned you, using leading questions addressed to your friends.

Chief lamb
A prank game that is played once during the party. It is advisable that the group of participants be large, then the fun will be more fun. To organize the game, a leader and a victim player with a good sense of humor are required.

Stretch your memory
This entertainment is suitable for small company, then everyone can take part, only a leader is needed. If there is a large crowd of guests, you can make several pairs, and the rest will be spectators. Check how attentive you are to the details of clothing and the appearance of the people around you.

Direct hit
The game can be played without interruption from the meal, right at the table. It is especially relevant when it is necessary to stir up and amuse guests. The game requires attentiveness and good winking skills. The winner will be the one who masters the art of shooting with his eyes perfectly.

Exciting and intellectual fun for any age. It will take a little time to prepare, but this work will pay off handsomely with the joy and pleasure of the guests. The competition involves creating teams, it is better if the number of players in them is no more than ten.

You can play this cool game right at the holiday table. It will help to stir up your guests and improve their health. After all, laughter prolongs life! The main thing in the game is to try to maintain composure and not burst into laughter, but this is almost impossible.

Mister X
Ideal for a group of people you know well. With the help of skillfully composed questions, you need to guess who the presenter wished for. And this could be any guest at the party. Try to find it by asking tricky questions.

Cocktail competition
Excellent entertainment for a company of any age, where rude masculine or affectionate behavior is not needed feminine qualities. Competitors will need to focus on creating original cocktails from all available drinks and products.

Polar explorers
An exciting and funny competition. To carry it out, you need to select several pairs of boots in advance. They should be large in size to fit each guest, and have long, strong laces.

Dancing with balloons
Do you like to dance? Then try doing it as a threesome: you, your partner and balloon. In that dance marathon Everyone can participate, even those who claim they don’t know how to dance.

Dark side of the Moon
The main characters of American thrillers often end up in the offices of psychologists and psychiatrists. Try becoming a research subject for an American psychologist for a while. Like an astronaut exploring the dark side of the moon, he will easily discern the hidden corners of your soul.

They do not look at a given horse's teeth
To play you need two packages. One contains cards with the names of all kinds of gifts, the other contains cards with descriptions of how to give them. beneficial use. It would seem, what's wrong with that? However, a blind draw will suggest an original use for the most banal gift.

Clink of glasses
Those who want to drink for brotherhood will have to work a little harder. In this game, the right to drink champagne together and kiss must be earned. Try, blindfolded, to find your partner by ear, following the clink of glasses.

Never say never
The game allows guests invited to the party to learn a lot of interesting things about each other. Of course, if their answers are true. The more thoughtful the driver’s phrases are, the more chips he will be able to take from the other participants.

Sweet tooth
The sweet table is the culmination of any holiday, and the cake is its decoration. Try giving two teams a cake and having a competition between them to see how quickly they can eat the sweets. The winning team should be generously rewarded, for example, with another cake.

Table and outdoor games and competitions for adults' birthdays can be funny and varied. The birthday boy and guests will play with the same passion as children. Don't believe me? Then offer them the following fun options.

Each guest is given pens and notepads. They write on them the name of the gift that they would like to give to the birthday boy if they had Magic wand. Gifts can be both tangible and intangible. Each note is signed. Notes with tasks are placed in the second bag.

The presenter approaches the birthday boy and invites him to choose one note from each bag. First, he reads what gift they wanted to give him. Then the presenter says: “You will certainly have this one if the author of the note completes the task.” The birthday person reads out what task the author of the note must complete. After completing the task, the birthday person draws the next note, etc.


A cool and funny competition for adults' birthdays, which can be held at a table or held in the center of the hall. The presenter announces a competition for the best reader. Poems or stories are distributed to everyone who wishes. The guests prepare, and then read them out one by one, trying to do it as expressively as possible. At the end, the presenter announces the winner. But! It becomes the one who has the biggest fist, thin wrist or long hair. Here you can dream up. The competition ends unexpectedly. But such an ending greatly amuses the guests and causes a lot of positive emotions. All guests who practiced reading will receive incentive prizes.

"Don't Spill"

Each participant is given one straw and two glasses. 1 glass is filled with water. The participants' task is to pour liquid from one glass to another using only a straw. The winner of this fun drinking contest for adults' birthdays is the one who pours the most water. By the way, instead of water, you can take something stronger. At the same time, you can train your willpower!

"Guess who"

The host sits the birthday boy on a chair and blindfolds him. Guests come up to him one by one and shake his hand. The birthday boy must guess who it was. If the birthday boy is a man, you can suggest that girls and women kiss him on the cheek in turn, and he determines which kiss was from his other half. A similar competition is held with the woman on her birthday. This option will do only for not very jealous couples, so that the competition does not end sadly.

"Spell by letter"

The presenter distributes pens and pieces of paper to those who wish. The participants’ task is to compose the largest number of words from the letters of the name of the main hero of the occasion. The winner is determined by counting.

You can name new words one by one. If one participant named the word, then the second no longer has the right to repeat it. This way, only new words are counted. This one is funny table competition Adults' birthdays can be celebrated not only at the table, but also on stage. Options can be varied according to the wishes of the guests.


Everyone loves this game. Any company will like it, regardless of gender, age and social status. The essence of the game is to guess the character or object that the person in the center is wishing for. The one who guessed goes to the center, the previous participant guesses a word for him. The game repeats itself again. You can play endlessly, there are no winners or losers here.

It can be offered to guests at the end of the evening, when everyone is a little tired. The pantomime can “take away” a sad mood and fatigue with one’s hand. Children will also be happy to participate in this funny table competition for adults' birthdays. Adults will only be amazed at their ingenuity and intelligence.

"Show the country"

This funny table competition for adults' birthdays is great for groups that don't like jumping, running and screaming, but just gather at home around a large table. The presenter puts notes with the names of countries in a box. Each participant takes out a note, reads the country written on it, and tries to depict it. You can show the flag characteristics, favorite dishes, sights of countries. Anything to make sure the guests guess the hidden country as quickly as possible.

"Burn everything with blue flame"

Each participant is given a box of matches with an equal number of matches. The task is to burn the contents of the boxes as quickly as possible. Matches can only be burned one at a time.


From 5 to 10 people can participate in the competition. The presenter first comes up with several names for the participants. All of them must belong to famous characters. For example: Snow Maiden, Princess Nesmeyana, Emelya, Carlson, etc. Contestants draw notes with names. In 10 minutes they need to come up with a character biography and tell it to the guests. This must be done in such a way that guests do not immediately guess who we are talking about. The winner is the one who lasted the intrigue the longest. This funny table competition for adults' birthdays will be an excellent alternative to the usual riddles.


Participants in the competition receive a toothpick and a plate with a small portion of jelly. At the command of the presenter, the contestants begin to eat jelly. The one who eats the most in a specified amount of time wins. The winner receives a prize. All other participants are given spoons so that they can finish their portion of jelly.


Participants are given magnets (the larger they are, the better). The goal is to collect as many metal objects as possible using magnets. Metal objects are laid out in advance by the presenter and organizer in the hall, in secret places. To make the competition more interesting, the places where metal objects, can be marked on the map. The result will be a kind of “treasure hunt”. The winner is determined by counting the metal objects.

"2 truths and 1 lie"

This funny table competition for adults' birthdays does not require preparation, so you can even do it outdoors. Such a competition is great and fun in companies where people don’t know each other very well. Each guest names 3 facts about himself. 2 of them must be true, and the third must be false. The task of the other guests is to recognize a false fact. You can do this by voting. If the guests did not guess correctly, the player receives a prize. You can write facts about yourself on pieces of paper in advance. The presenter will take turns taking out notes and reading them out.

"Fast Driver"

This competition is suitable for male companies. Each participant is given small cars on a string and pencils. The contestants' task is to wind the rope as quickly as possible so that the machine is near the pencil.

"The owner of the most sensitive butt"

The presenter prepares in advance several scarves and handkerchiefs with which the participants will be blindfolded. In addition, you need to select several objects that can be recognized using the “soft spot”. It could be plastic bottle, book, vegetables, spoon. Do not use fragile objects or objects with sharp edges. Guests are blindfolded, placed on a chair with any object and helped to sit down. If the participant correctly identified the object, he is awarded 1 point.

The winner is the one who scores the most points. He is awarded the title of having the most sensitive butt. By the way, this funny table competition for adults’ birthdays must be filmed in order to have a good laugh again.

"Modern Fairy Tale"

Guests are divided into 2 teams. Each team must choose a profession. For example, a teacher and a psychiatrist, a lawyer and a cook, etc. After that, each team remakes any folk tale so that it sounds professional slang. Not teams, but individual participants can play.

"Broken phone"

How more people will take part in the game, the more fun. The presenter thinks of a word and whispers it in the ear of the first participant. Each participant must convey the word as quietly as possible. The last participant voices the word in the form in which it came to him.

"Not really"

An excellent and funny table competition for adults' birthdays in the question-and-answer style. The presenter writes the names of animals and characters on pieces of paper in advance. Guests must guess who it is by asking questions. The presenter can only answer “Yes” or “No” to questions. The participant who guesses the animal or character receives a card with its name or corresponding picture. The one who collects the most cards wins. It will be even more fun if you write the names of objects on pieces of paper. It can be Appliances, an item of women's or men's clothing, toys, toiletries, cosmetics, etc.

"Chipmunk Speaker"

Guests are divided into pairs. The presenter gives one participant a note with text and nuts that he needs to put in his mouth. The second participant is given paper and pen. Its task is to recognize the text and write it down as accurately as possible. The winner is the couple who was able to quickly and accurately convey the text to their partner.

"The Most Interesting Story"

The presenter calls the phrase with which the story begins. It should be funny and make it easy to come up with an interesting continuation. For example: “One day... mushrooms grew in my mouth...”. The next participant must come up with the next phrase, etc. There are no winners or losers in this game. While making up a story, guests will have a good laugh and cheer up.

Game "Panic"

The game does not require additional details, so you can play it in any company. The guests split into pairs. You can do this at will, but it is much more interesting if the pairs are determined by lot. The facilitator gives the pairs small pieces of paper and pens. Participants write on pieces of paper any word that can come to their mind. You can write not just 1, but several words at once. The main condition for writing words is that they must be nouns and real.

The notes are put into a bag and mixed. The presenter approaches the teams one by one and invites one of the participants to pull out a note with a word. His task is to explain the word to another team member. And he must do it as quickly as possible. The maximum guessing time is 20 seconds. If the word was guessed, the note remains in the team’s piggy bank. You can immediately take out the next note with the word. The team that collects the most notes with words wins.

"Sweet Tooth Drum"

It is necessary to prepare for this competition in advance, since it will require a lot of candy. Sweets and lollipops are given to each guest. After the candy is in the mouth, participants need to say the phrase: “Sweet Tooth Drum.” Moreover, this must be done clearly and expressively. Of course, this will not be easy, but the winner will receive a prize, so the participants will have to try hard. If all participants said the phrase more or less clearly, then one more candy is added to each. The amount of sweets can be gradually increased.

3 oversized men are invited to participate in the competition. The presenter arranges them so that they are at the same distance from each other. The task of the “heroes” is to find their woman in the crowd and bring her to the start. It is necessary to ensure in advance that men whose other half is also present at the celebration participate in the competition. The winner is appointed the main hero and receives a prize.

"Buttons and mittens"

A number of people participate in the competition in pairs. Participants are divided into pairs and stand opposite each other. The presenter gives one a shirt with a lot of buttons, and the second one - mittens. The task is to fasten the buttons on the shirt as quickly as possible.

"Catch the Candy"

The number of people is unlimited. Each participant is given a hat, to which a candy is attached to the back on a string. The contestants' task is to catch the candy and eat it as quickly as possible.

This section contains funny funny games for adults at the table, which will not let your guests get bored and will make your holiday fun and memorable.

List of games: Candy, I'll sing now..., More coins, Chupa Chups, Choir, Praise, Festive counting, Guess who you are.


Guests are divided into pairs: a man and a woman. The task of each pair is to jointly unwrap and eat the candy without using their hands. The couple who made
it's the first one, wins.

Unusual toast
At the festive table, guests take turns making a toast, or wishes of happiness, to the birthday person. But all the words are replaced with “Pa-ra-pam, pa-ra-pam... shurum burum,” etc. In this case, you can only use facial expressions, gestures, and intonation!

I'll sing now...

First we make several cards. We write the first two lines from any song known to everyone. Each guest needs to continue the song that he received on the card.

More coins

A plate filled with coins. Each guest is given
saucer, and chopsticks for Chinese food. Rules: get as many coins into your saucer as possible. The winner is the one with the largest number of coins!

The bravest

There are 5 eggs on a plate: one of them is raw, and the rest are boiled. You need to break an egg on your forehead. Whoever comes across something raw is the bravest one. (But in general, the eggs are all boiled, and it’s just the last player who gets the prize, because he consciously took the risk of becoming everyone’s laughing stock).

Chupa Chups

A man is trying to explain to several girls the phrase “come with me.”
home, I have Chupa Chups.” it’s very funny when “explainers” try to explain the last word. It’s also funny to watch the change in color on the faces of girls trying to understand...


From the letter A, and further alphabetically, the player begins a phrase of congratulations on the fact that guests have gathered. For example: A - The stork wishes everyone a Happy New Year! B - Be alert soon New Year! B - Let's drink to the Ladies! It's especially fun when the game gets to G, F, P, S, L, B. The one who comes up with the funniest phrase will win.


Guests choose a song that is well known to everyone and begin to sing it in chorus. On command: “Quiet!” the guests fall silent and continue singing the song to themselves. After a while we say: “Loud!”, and the players continue the song out loud. Basically, while singing to themselves, participants change the tempo, and after the command “Loud!” everyone sings out of tune and the game ends with laughter!


Praise with adjectives will delight any hero of the occasion. The meaning of this game: all players are asked the question: “Who is our birthday boy?” The answer must consist of adjective words only. For example: thin, generous, brave, kind, etc. The process of praising occurs one by one, and the words should not be repeated. Those guests who, after saying a lot of words, begin to think for a long time about how to answer the question, leave the game. The player who can praise the birthday boy the most wins.

Festive counting rhyme

Whoever falls on the last word of the poem performs the corresponding action:

We'll start the counting rhyme
This is folk fun
Hug your neighbor on the left!
Here's another fun one
You crow for everyone
Don't waste your time -
Have a glass of vodka
You got a phantom like this:
Stomp your right foot.
Grab your neighbor's ear
And kiss him on the top of his head!
Let the owner not be jealous
The guest kisses the hostess
Well, my friend, don’t be lazy
Bow down to her to the ground
To keep your neighbor from getting bored, you need to tickle him.
There is no place for striptease here
But take the item off!
Do us a favor -
Show me the goat's face!
Show your flexibility -
Draw a swallow!
This guest will read a poem to us without delay!
There are a lot of good guests here
Clap your hands for them!
Try for your friends -
Pour wine into their glasses!
Look at your neighbor
Give me a peck on the cheek three times
You and your neighbor received a fine:
Have a drink for the brotherhood!
Listen more carefully:
Eat something quickly!
Well, then according to the program
You wiggle your ears
The neighbor on the right is in shock
Scratch his belly button!
Don't be shy, have fun
And show your tongue to everyone!
This guest is just a treasure
He and the hostess are happy to have a drink!
This one, look, doesn’t lag behind -
Goes to drink with the owner!
This guest is like the picture
Let him dance lezginka for us!
It will be more fun for all of us -

We write a word on a piece of paper, let’s say this is an animal, or famous actor. Afterwards, this piece of paper will need to be glued to your neighbor’s forehead, using tape. Every participant does this. Next, everyone, in turn, asks a leading question to which the answer is either yes or no and tries to determine what is written on his forehead. If the answer to the question is “yes”, then the player can ask another question; if the answer is “no”, then the turn to ask the question passes to another player. The one who guesses what is written on his forehead wins.

This section contains cool, funny, funny Games for adults at the festive table. Which can be used at a party for large and small companies, at a birthday or anniversary. These games help create a fun atmosphere at your holiday and will not let you get bored.

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1) Guests are announced that there is only one roll left toilet paper and they propose to divide it among everyone right now. The roll is passed on to everyone present at the table and everyone unwinds and tears off as much as they want. Surely everyone will try to grab more for themselves. After this, the presenter announces that whoever rewinds how many divisions must tell as many facts about himself, which must be interesting and truthful. After this competition, you will find out...

2) Speed ​​competition- Who can drink a glass of thick tomato juice through a straw the fastest?

3) The presenter stands behind one of the guests, in his hands - a sheet of paper with the name of a particular institution: “Maternity hospital”, “Tavern”, “Sobering-up station” and so on. It is important that the guest does not know what is written there. The host asks him various questions, for example, “Do you often visit this establishment,” “What do you do there,” “Why do you like it there,” and the guest must answer.

4) Truth or Ransom: The host selects any guest and asks “Truth or ransom?” If a person answers “True,” he must honestly answer any question the host asks him. Well, if he answered “Ransom”, it means he must complete some task. After completion, he himself becomes the leader.

5) Nonsense:
Questions are written, the same number for each participant. When the questions are written, then in order to write the answer, ask question word, for example, if there is a question - “Which direction does the northeast wind blow?”, then you only need to say “in which direction?”
When the answers are written, the questions are read in full. Sometimes such nonsense comes out that you might fall under a chair!

6) Fortune Pie: cut a circle out of cardboard, paint it on one side so it looks like a pie, and cut it into pieces. Now you need to draw a picture on the back of each piece and put the pie together. At the holiday, each guest must choose and take a piece for themselves. The picture is what promises the future. For example, if you get an image of a heart, it means great love awaits you. The image of a letter - to receive news, a road - to travel, a key - to change your place of residence, a car - to buy vehicle. Rainbow or sun foretell good mood. Well and so on)))

7) Contest: 3 women required and main character(man). The women are seated on chairs and the man is blindfolded. You can spin it to distract attention. At this time, 2 women are exchanged for 2 men (men wear tights). The main character is brought to those sitting and he must identify (for example, his wife - she must be from 3 participants). You can touch, only up to the knees and it is better not to make sounds so that the “hero” does not understand that a replacement has occurred.

8) Collect everything on the table: bottles, snacks, in general, all the most expensive things and place them on the grass. The task is to walk blindfolded and not hit anything. They blindfold someone who is not involved, i.e. the audience is distracting - look carefully, otherwise there will be nothing to drink.... the presenter at this time puts everything aside.... it was a spectacle =))) one like the sapper moves his hands across the grass, using a second compass, it won’t be amiss if the audience also shouts: you’re about to step on cucumbers! etc

9) Participants are divided into 2 equal teams, they are given fins and binoculars. It is necessary to run along a given trajectory wearing fins and looking through binoculars, only from the reverse side. The team that finishes it faster wins.

10) 2 men, they are given lipstick, they turn away and must paint their lips, put scarves on their heads. They turn to the audience, they are given a mirror and looking into it they must say 5 times without laughing: I AM THE MOST CHARMING AND ATTRACTIVE! The one who doesn't laugh wins.

11) Contest Quite fun, can be carried out in any conditions, but it is very advisable to have a camera and an approximately equal number of girls/boys.
The point is this - 2 sets of names of body parts are written on pieces of paper - well, hand, stomach, forehead.... then 2 sets of names are pulled out in pairs. The task is to touch the indicated parts of the body. and in the turns out to be just a visual aid to the Kama Sutra; here a camera is simply necessary!!! and the couple who manages to touch the largest number of points wins!!! You will really like this competition if it is held in a youth company of close friends.

12) Dancing on a leaf

13) Balls with a secret: You need to prepare tasks in advance, written on pieces of paper, and place them in balloons, which should then be inflated and hung around the room. This way you will decorate the hall, and towards the end of the holiday you will also entertain the guests. Let participants choose one or two balloons, pop them, read them and complete the tasks. Write something simple, for example, “make a toast in honor of all the women gathered,” “sing a song with the words “spring” and “love,” etc. Thus, the good old game of forfeits becomes more interesting and varied.

14) With my eyes closed: Wearing thick mittens, participants must determine by touch what kind of person is in front of them. The game is more interesting when the guys guess the girls, and the girls guess the guys. You can feel the whole person.

(photo from personal archive :)) it was fun :))

15) Fanta- This is a wonderful opportunity to have fun, have fun and make fun of each other. Usually one leader is chosen, who turns his back to everyone else. Behind him, the second presenter takes a phantom (an object that belongs to one of the guests) and asks a trivial question: “What should this phantom do?” And anyone who wants to get their phantom back must fulfill the will of the presenter. But first you need to collect “forfeits” and these games are perfect for this.

Looking for games for fun company? Want to spice up your evening with friends?

FlightExpress is a fairly simple and unpretentious game. Purpose of the game- build an airliner from a small plane with all sorts of bells and whistles. At the same time, we should not forget about the “happiness” of passengers.

This farming game was created by the developers of the company Flextrela, in this game they came up with various features, achievements, upgrades and tasks to entertain you.

31) Labyrinth
It is necessary that the majority of those gathered have not previously participated in this. Taken in an empty room long rope, and such a labyrinth is stretched so that a person, while passing, crouches somewhere, steps somewhere. A man is wound up, it is explained to him that he must go through this labyrinth blindfolded, he must remember the labyrinth and he will be
suggest. When the blindfold begins, the rope is removed….

32) in my pants
Everyone sits in a circle, and everyone tells their neighbor (clockwise) the name of any movie. He remembers what he was told, but tells his neighbor a different name, etc. (it is desirable that as much as possible less people were aware of the matter) When everyone has spoken, the presenter says that it is necessary to say the following phrase: “In my pants ...”, and then - the name of the film that you were told. It’s quite funny if it’s “Battleship Potemkin” or “Pinocchio”.

33) One two Three!
Game, for failure to follow the rules - some kind of fine, for example, a bottle of champagne. The Widdler pronounces the conditions to the Player: The Widdler: “I say one, two, three. You repeat “three” and remain silent for exactly a minute.” After this, as a rule, there follows a question like, but you won’t make me laugh, you won’t tickle me, they honestly say “no.” Riddler: “One, two, three”; Player: “Three” Guesser: “Well, you lost, you didn’t have to repeat it.” Player: “You said it yourself (or something like that).” As a result, if the player is not completely slow, the minute of silence is interrupted. The Player is immediately informed about this.

34) Cheerful little tailor
To play, you need to assemble two teams with an equal number of men and women. They all stand in a line (man - woman - man - woman). Two tailors are chosen. Each of them receives a small wooden stick with a long wool thread(it’s better if it’s rolled into a ball). At the leader’s signal, “sewing” begins. The tailor threads the threads through the legs of men's trousers, and through the sleeves of women. The tailor who “sews” his team faster wins.

35) Thick-cheeked lip slap
You need a bag of sucking candies (like “Barberries”). 2 people are selected from the company. They begin to take turns taking candy from the bag (in the hands of the leader), putting it in their mouth (swallowing is not allowed), and after each candy they say loudly and clearly, looking into the opponent’s eyes: “Fat-cheeked lip slap.” Whoever stuffs the most candy into his mouth and says the “magic phrase” at the same time wins. It must be said that the game takes place under the cheerful shouts and whoops of the spectators, and the sounds made by the participants in the game lead the audience to complete delight!

36) 2-3 people play. The presenter announces the conditions of the competition:
I'll tell you a story in about a dozen phrases.
As soon as I say the number 3, take the prize immediately.
The following text is read:
One day we caught a pike
gutted, and inside
we saw small fish,
and not just one,
When you want to memorize poems,
they are not crammed until late at night.
Take it and repeat it at night
once - twice, or better... 10.
A seasoned guy dreams
become an Olympic champion.
Look, don’t be cunning at the start,
and wait for the command: one, two, march!
One day the train is at the station
I had to wait 3 hours... (if they don’t have time to take the prize, the presenter takes it and finishes)
Well, friends, you didn’t take the prize,
when there was an opportunity to take it.

37) The presenter distributes paper and pencils to the players (5-8 people) and begins to ask questions, having previously explained that the answer must be detailed in the form of a sentence:
1. What do you associate with the concept of “forest”?
2.What do you associate with the concept of “sea”?
3.What do you associate with the concept of “cats”?
4.What do you associate with the concept of “horse”?
After this, the answers are collected and begin to be read out, indicating the author. The presenter applies the following mappings.
According to American psychologists,
the forest is associated with life, the sea with love, cats with women, horses with men.
Guests' opinions about life, love, men and women are the most amusing!

38) The participant is seated with his back to everyone, and a sign with pre-prepared inscriptions is attached to his back. The inscriptions can be very different - "TOILET, STORE, INSTITUTE, etc." The rest of the observers ask him various questions, such as “why do you go there, how often, etc.” The player must, without knowing what is written on the sign hanging on him, answer these questions

39) Everyone sits in a circle and someone speaks any word into the ear of his neighbor, he must, as quickly as possible, say into the next ear his first association with this word, the second - to the third, and so on. until the word returns to the first. This competition is considered successful if from the first word, for example glass, the last word turns out to be “gangbang” :)

40) Sculpture(it is desirable that there be 50/50 boys and girls)
The host takes the M+F couple into the next room and asks them to pose (the funnier the better). After that, he invites the next person and asks what he would like to change in the couple. After the next participant comes up with a new pose for them, the presenter replaces one of the pair with the one who made the wish. And so on in turn until everyone is finished. This is a very funny game :)

41) And also, if there is Empty room, you can play catching blindfolded :)

42) "Mrs. Mumble"
The exercise is designed to allow participants to relax and laugh.
Time: 10 min.
Assignment: Participants sit in a circle. One of the players should turn to his neighbor on the right and say: “Excuse me, have you seen Mrs. Mumble?” The neighbor on the right responds with the phrase: “No, I didn’t see it. But I can ask my neighbor,” turns to his neighbor on the right and asks the established question, and so on in a circle. Moreover, when asking and answering questions, you cannot show your teeth. Since the facial expression and voice are very comical, the one who laughs or shows his teeth during the dialogue is out of the game.

43) "Fulfillment of desires"
One of the group members expresses his desire. The group discusses a way to satisfy this desire here, in this setting, and then implements this method (in imagination, in pantomime, in real actions). Then the other participant's wish is fulfilled.
Questions for feedback: Was it difficult to make a wish? Are you satisfied with how your desire was satisfied?

44) Games to develop team spirit.
Move the balls: The team is given a certain number of balls. She must carry them a certain distance without using her hands. Without using your hands and placing or throwing them on the ground. You can carry them with your backs with your shoulders, legs, etc. You also need to make sure that the balls remain intact.

Variation. The previous task, but the task is to move as many balls as possible as a team at once.

45) Ideas from the game "Fort Bayard"
As a team, collect as many cones as possible in the forest in one go (those who don’t participate are a disadvantage to the team). Move the pan using two sticks 1 or 1.5 or 2 meters long to the maximum distance.

But that is not all!
We have collected

Love of feasts is a feature of our national character. And it doesn’t matter at all for what reason relatives and friends gather. It is only important that it is a “proper” celebration, and not a drinking party, so that everyone has fun and interesting. So, when organizing it, pick up at least a couple cool competitions for a fun company at the table.

It's more fun together

Usually there comes a moment in a celebration when some of the guests, who have not yet had time to “get ready”, hastily leave the celebration, and some remain to continue celebrating the event, no longer even fully aware of the reason for which people were gathered. To avoid such division and unite the invitees, the hosts should take care of holding cool competitions for drunk company. This will not be particularly difficult, but you need to consider:

  • the age of the guests (an elderly lady is unlikely to find it interesting to wear a raw egg in a spoon at speed);
  • status of invitees (for a corporate party with the participation of the boss it is better not to prepare competitions related to
  • changing clothes or kissing);
  • venue (if the feast takes place at home, then all fun must be completed before 21.00, so as not to cause
  • anger of others).

We sit at the table, eat and dance!

It’s better to choose cool competitions for a fun company for a birthday or any other holiday from different categories:

  • mobile;
  • static;
  • colloquial.

Let's look at examples for each of them.


Already from the name it is clear that participation in competitions of this type involves movement. Therefore, they should be held before serving hot food, after an aperitif, while the guests are still able to move quickly enough.

"New Dances"


  • The host selects a couple of guests and seats them in the center of the hall.
  • The task is explained to the participants. They are invited to arrange a dance battle - without getting up from their chair, move that part of the body that the toastmaster (or guests) calls.
  • The winner is chosen with applause and the second couple is seated.
  • The winners of the qualifying rounds meet in the final.

"Nimble cucumber"


  • Participants form a ring, put their hands behind their backs, touching each other's shoulders.
  • One player enters the circle.
  • Guests place a long cucumber in each other's hands, biting off a little at a time. The player’s task is to understand whose hands the vegetable is in at the moment when someone from the circle shouts: “Who has the cucumber?”
  • If the participant in the center of the ring guesses it, he stands in a circle, and the one who asked the question takes his place. If it was not possible to guess the location of the cucumber - the baton, the player continues to look for it.

“Let me hold on!”


  • The guests stand in a circle.
  • The presenter takes one of the participants by some part of the body (for example, by the ear).
  • The remaining guests must repeat the same movement with their neighbor. The participants' task is to perform all movements quickly, clearly and not laugh.
  • The one who got lost becomes the new leader.


Look for clues on interesting questions- this is a favorite pastime not only for children, but also for adults, especially those who are slightly drunk. Cool riddles for a fun company can be supplemented with moving elements - it all depends on the preferences of the participants in the feast.

Read also:

"Who am i?"


  • We write nouns on small pieces of paper and lay out the cards with the wording down.
  • Each guest takes out a task and, without looking, sticks it on his forehead with tape.
  • Next, we ask questions in a circle, trying to find out who we are. These should be specific phrases that have a clear answer. If the answer is correct, the interviewer continues the interview. In case of an incorrect answer, the right to move passes to the next participant. The one who cannot solve himself loses.

"Magic ball"


  • A layer of foil is wrapped around the tennis ball.
  • We attach a riddle to tape (you can do something like “Which plant knows everything?” - “Horseradish”).
  • We wrap the foil again.
  • We repeat this 6-7 times, interspersing layers with riddles. Each participant takes a ball, guesses the riddle and removes the top foil. The one who unwinds the ball to the end and answers the last question wins.

"What's the prize?"


  • Objects that begin with the letters of the name of the hero of the occasion (for example, for Anton - a-orange, n-socks, t-plate, o-glasses, n-notes) or the name of any other item are placed in a small bag. The only condition is that the number of tasks must be prepared according to the number of invitees.
  • The presenter names the letter and gives a hint what is in the bag.
  • Whichever participant named the item gets it.


This category of competitions includes not only well-known fairy tales based on roles. For drunk company any creative work will be very productive. After all, there is nothing funnier than when people “under the spell” try to show or guess something based only on verbal clues.



  • We write several questions on some small pieces of paper, and answers on others.
  • Mix the ingredients. Just don't mix up the categories!
  • One of the guests takes a question, reads it to himself and invites someone from those present to answer. The dialogues are very funny.

"The Alphabet Story"


  • The players sit in a circle.
  • Cards are laid out in front of them, each of them shows a letter of the alphabet.
  • The host raises any letter, and the guests begin to come up with a word for each, but so as to create a coherent story.

"32 toasts"


  • The host names the letter of the alphabet and the name of the guest.
  • The participant must congratulate the hero of the occasion (or the entire company - depending on the occasion), using words only starting with this letter.
  • Then the guests choose the best toast.
