The largest varieties of bell peppers. Early varieties of sweet peppers: description, characteristics, cultivation features

If pepper before grown only in warm countries, now the culture has spread throughout the world, even coming to areas with cold climates. Both yellow and red vegetables are useful for the human body. And preparations for the winter do not pass without using the best varieties sweet pepper. Before planting a vegetable, you need to select the types of crops that ripen in a particular climatic zone. To grow bell pepper you need to create comfortable conditions With high temperature air, abundant watering, fertilizing.

Early types of sweet vegetables are suitable for areas with a warm climate and long summers, where they can be planted in open ground as early as May.

Meet the Big Family

Seeds of Big pepper, bred by Russian breeders, appeared recently. Translated from English, representatives of the family are called large. They have Big Daddy with purple colored fruit. Big Mama peppers are fleshy orange, and Big Boy peppers are dark red. There is also a girl in the family - the Big Girl pepper, which bears quadrangular-shaped fruits that are orange with a brownish tint. The benefit of orange fruits is their high content of beta-carotene, which is converted into vitamin A in the human body. The vitamin has a positive effect on the condition of blood vessels, and potassium on the function of the heart muscle. In addition to their sweet taste, they have thick walls, up to seven millimeters. They note the plants' resistance to disease and good yield, reaching six to seven kilograms per square meter.

Admiral varieties

Hybrid pepper Admiral F1 produces fruits weighing over one hundred and fifty grams after 105 days. The original color of the vegetable is from green to red with white stripes. The height of the vegetable bush reaches one meter or more.

Pepper Admiral Ushakov reaches maturity in 112-130 days. Cuboid fruits bright red reach a weight of two hundred to three hundred grams. And their thick walls are juicy and tasty.

Mid-season pepper Admiral Nakhimov has thick walls and a bright taste. The fruits weigh three hundred or more grams of rich red color and are juicy. Features of the variety are its resistance to viral and fungal infections.

About the best varieties for 2018

Choosing early varieties of vegetables means getting a harvest of healthy fruits in early August. The best pepper varieties for 2018 open ground represented by hybrids:

  1. Martin. One of the advantages of this variety is its rapid ripening. Harvest when the cone-shaped fruits reach biological maturity and turn green. Fits early view for pickling, preparing winter salads.
  2. Merchant. Pyramid-shaped peppers reach a weight of no more than one hundred grams. It is convenient to prepare them whole for the winter. The preparations are aromatic and tasty.
  3. Atlant. The hybrid produces three-chambered fruits with dense, fleshy walls. Harvest 110 days after emergence. From one square meter you can get up to five kilograms of vegetables.
  4. Pepper Topolin. On compact bushes 70 centimeters high, after 110-120 days, cone-shaped salad-colored fruits appear. Their walls are no more than five millimeters thick. You can get up to five kilograms of fruit from one square meter.
  5. Pepper Flight. The variety is interesting due to its compactness of the bush, the height of which is less than fifty centimeters. In this case, you can get up to ten kilograms of dark red aromatic fruits from one square meter. The hybrid is convenient for growing in small areas.
  6. Variety Belozerka. Reviews about the hybrid are only positive. They note the high yield of the vegetable, the weak ribbing of its fruits with a pulp thickness of seven millimeters. The vegetable crop retains its quality for a long time during storage and transportation. Kirill pepper has similar characteristics.
  7. The Red Miracle pepper is a medium type of vegetable in terms of ripening time. On semi-spreading bushes, 120 days after germination, tetrahedral red fruits appear. They have a sweet, without bitter taste. They are best used for stuffing, but they are also good fresh. The variety is not afraid of sudden changes in temperature.
  8. One of the common varieties is Grandma's Garden pepper. The medium-sized bushes of the plant are strewn with green, yellowish and red fruits. Small in mass, they are thick-walled, which allows you to enjoy them in salads and slices.

Pepper varieties for open ground are selected taking into account the climate and weather conditions of the growing region. Before purchasing seeds, carefully study the characteristics and description of the variety. vegetable plant.

Which varieties are best for greenhouses

All varieties of bell pepper are suitable for planting both in open ground and in greenhouses. But if the climate is cold and you want to get the harvest early, then it is better to plant vegetable crop under film coatings. And here the most common plants are chosen.

It is known about Morozko pepper that it was created by breeders in Siberia, so it is an ideal option for greenhouse soil. The main difference between Morozko pepper is:

  • the average height of the bush is up to eighty centimeters;
  • thick juicy walls of seven millimeters;
  • convenient shape of the fruit in the form of a pyramid;
  • high content of vitamin C;

The use of Morozko pepper is universal: it is also good in winter preparations and fresh vegetable dishes. The vegetable plant is grown in the same way as other varieties, seedling method. With pepper, Morozko is not afraid to be left without delicious aromatic fruits and preparations for the winter.

Summer residents should not ignore the Pharaoh pepper with its excellent taste. And there are few nests in the fruit, and its shape is convenient for stuffing. And in the greenhouse, yields of yellow and red peppers are obtained 65 days after planting the seedlings.

The Flamingo pepper is pleased with its super early fruits. The hybrid was bred by French breeders, so it is better to grow it under film. High productivity of the variety - up to three kilograms per bush. The variety tolerates drought well, being protected by wide leaves. Dense fruits easily tolerate transportation and are stored for a long time.

A heavily leafy bush of the Lydia hybrid, no more than sixty centimeters high. Despite the compactness of the plant, the characteristics of the fruit are surprising. The description of the variety includes, along with the smoothness of the cone-shaped fruits, the weight of one hundred grams, the aroma and excellent taste of the pulp. They are high in sugar and ascorbic acid. And the vegetable yield is up to ten kilograms per square meter.

Hybrid Lydia bears fruit better in greenhouse soil.

Comfortable under the film lives the variety Prince silver, its bush is compact, reaching a height of less than half a meter. Aligned smooth fruits have universal purpose. Due to their small size, they are suitable for pickling.

Of the mid-early hybrids, he uses Fisht F1 for planting, a pepper that bears fruit 110 days after germination. Ideal fruit varieties:

  • weighing seventy to one hundred grams;
  • the walls are five millimeters thick;
  • rich red color.

And the hybrid produces a good harvest - on average five kilograms per square meter.

To get high-quality sweet peppers in greenhouses, you must follow the rules for planting and growing the vegetable.

Large-fruited hybrids

The homeland of sweet peppers is the hot and humid territories of the American continent. It was brought to European countries after the discovery of America. The vegetable came to us from Bulgaria, which is why they call sweet types of peppers bell peppers. The vegetable's pulp, juicy and aromatic, is valued. The larger the fruit, the thicker its walls, the more nutrients it contains. Gardeners want to grow giant varieties to enjoy the sweet pulp of the fruit.

One of the interesting hybrids of a vegetable plant is the Siberian Bonus pepper with orange fruits similar to oranges. Up to fifteen cubic shaped peppers are harvested from one bush. And it’s good in weight – up to three hundred grams with walls a centimeter thick.

The hybrid feels great in open and closed ground, yielding up to three kilograms of fruit from one bush.

It is known about the Red Giant pepper that its bush is 120 centimeters high, and its almost square dark red fruits are larger than average. Their weight is three hundred grams, and the thickness of the walls is a centimeter.

Pepper Prince Igor produces yields in greenhouses two to three times greater than in the open air. The ripe fruits of the hybrid have a dark red color and are suitable for processing into sauces and lecho. It is useful to eat vegetables with nine millimeters thick pulp; they contain more sugar and vitamins.

Lesya pepper is an early ripening plant and produces large, heart-shaped fruits. Their pulp is hidden in centimeter-thick walls - juicy and sweet. But the size of the peppers is small, barely reaching 170 grams.

The name of the Goliath variety speaks for itself. The fruits of the vegetable are the largest in size. The stem has to be tied up so that it does not break under the weight of their mass of three to four hundred grams. The Goliath hybrid can decorate the site and delight you with a high yield.

Pepper Goby is one of the popular mid-season types of vegetable plants. Orange fruits on half-meter bushes will decorate the garden. Cuboidal, thick-walled, they have a pleasant aroma. They are convenient to cut into salads and stuff. And there are not so many seeds in the nests. The Bychok pepper produces good yields – up to five kilograms and more.

What could be healthier, more aromatic and tastier than sweet (bell) pepper in a summer salad? After all, its pulp contains a huge amount of ascorbic acid (vitamin C), carotene (vitamin A) and vitamin PP. But to get good harvest, first of all you need to choose the most suitable seed variety.

Next, we will consider the most popular = the best varieties of sweet peppers. For your convenience, we will divide them into groups: by color, varieties and hybrids (marked F1), ripening periods, and also decide which of them are everyone’s favorite plump pepper varieties.

Red and yellow peppers

Pay attention! List best seeds peppers for open ground and greenhouses prepared based on the degree of popularity of the names of varieties and hybrids, analysis of reviews experienced gardeners, as well as the personal opinion of the author.

The most popular and best varieties of peppers for growing in open ground and greenhouses can be called (all varieties in the lists are presented alphabetically):

Important! Remember that you can only from varietal peppers, hybrid seeds are not suitable for re-sowing. The point is that they split maternal signs, and you 100% will not get what you planted last year. However, hybrid peppers, as a rule, more resistant to diseases and always bring decent and stable harvest.

Video: pepper seeds - how to choose the right varieties

The best varieties and hybrids of peppers with red fruits

By the way! The most popular varieties of sweet red peppers are (by degree of popularity): California miracle, Bogatyr and Swallow- three main hits. Also very common are varieties of bell peppers such as Star of the East, Kakadu, Belozerka, Atlant. In addition, the Ox's Ear, Gift of Moldova, Winnie the Pooh, Claudio et al.


  • The variety is early ripening. The period from full germination to technical ripeness is 99-120 days.
  • The plant is compact, medium height, heavily leafy.
  • The fruit is drooping, prism-shaped, smooth, slightly ribbed, dark green in technical ripeness, red in biological ripeness. The number of nests is 3-4.
  • Wall thickness - 5.0-8.0 mm.
  • Weight - 114-120 g.
  • Productivity - 9.5-10.3 kg per sq.m.
  • The taste is good, the aroma is strong.
  • Universal use: fresh, in home cooking, for canning.
  • Slightly affected by blossom end rot.


  • Mid-season variety. The period from germination to fruiting is 130 days.
  • The plant is spreading, tall, 70-75 cm high.
  • For open ground and film greenhouses.
  • The fruit is drooping, cone-shaped, highly glossy, the color is green at technical ripeness, red at biological ripeness. The number of nests is 3-4. Fruit length is 18-20 cm, diameter is 13-14 cm.
  • Wall thickness - up to 8-10 mm.
  • Weight - 180-190 g.
  • Productivity - 3.1-3.3 kg per sq.m.
  • Recommended for fresh use, home cooking and canning.
  • Tolerates adverse weather conditions well. Resistant to tobacco mosaic virus.


  • Mid-early variety. From germination to technical ripeness - an average of 114 days (according to other sources, 115-120 days).
  • For open ground and film shelters.
  • The plant is standard (semi-standard), compact, 40-70 cm high.
  • The fruits are hanging, leveled, cone-shaped with a pointed apex, smooth, light cream in technical ripeness, red in biological ripeness, 2-3 chambered.
  • Wall thickness - 5-6 mm.
  • Weight - 70-100 g (maximum up to 140 grams).
  • Productivity -6-8 kg per sq.m.
  • The taste of fresh fruits is excellent, marketability and transportability are high.
  • Recommended for fresh consumption, canning and culinary processing.
  • Resistant to Verticillium wilt, Alternaria, and tolerant to tobacco mosaic virus.

Bison red

By the way! There is also a variety called “Bison Yellow”.

  • The variety is early ripening (95-105 days from germination to technical ripeness).
  • Recommended for growing in open ground (southern regions) and greenhouses.
  • The plant is semi-spreading, powerful, about 90 cm high.
  • The fruits are elongated-cone-shaped, glossy, some reach 25 cm in length. The color is green at technical ripeness, red at biological ripeness. Number of nests - 3-4
  • Weight - 150-200 g.
  • Wall thickness - 4-5 mm.
  • Productivity - up to 10 kg per sq.m.
  • The walls are juicy and sweet, remaining unusually tender both in unripe green fruits and in ripe dark red ones.
  • Suitable for cooking fresh salads, frying, stewing and stuffing.
  • Long fruiting will ensure regular harvesting of fruits until late autumn.


  • The variety is mid-season. Fruit ripening occurs in 115-131 days.
  • The plant is tall, spreading, 55-70 cm high.
  • Recommended for growing on personal plots and in film greenhouses.
  • The fruit is hanging, cone-shaped, slightly ribbed. The top of the fruit is ribbed. The color at technical ripeness is light green, at biological ripeness it is red.
  • The thickness of the fetal wall is 4.9-5.8 mm.
  • Fruit weight - 75-100 g (maximum - up to 160 grams).
  • Productivity - 2.1-4.3 kg per sq.m.
  • The taste of fresh fruits is good to excellent.
  • For fresh use and canning.
  • Resistant to tobacco mosaic virus. It is mildly affected by Verticillium wilt and blossom end rot.


  • The variety is early ripening. From germination to fruiting 105-115 days.
  • The fruit is drooping, cylindrical, smooth, glossy, green in technical ripeness, red in biological ripeness. The number of nests is 3-4.
  • The thickness of the fetal wall is 4-5 mm
  • Fruit weight - 90-110 g.
  • The taste is excellent, sweet, juicy, aromatic.
  • Universal use: recommended for fresh use, in home cooking and for canning.

Winnie the Pooh

  • Early ripening variety (107-111 days from germination to fruiting).
  • For open ground and film shelters. Suitable for growing on a window.
  • The plant is low-growing, compact, 25-30 cm high with a bouquet arrangement of fruits. To obtain maximum yield, plants are planted thickly.
  • The fruit is cone-shaped with a pointed apex, weighing 48-60 g. The color in technical ripeness is light green, in biological ripeness it is red.
  • Wall thickness - 5-6 mm.
  • Weight - 48-60 g (maximum - up to 70 grams).
  • Productivity - 1.6-1.8 kg per sq.m (maximum - up to 5 kg).
  • The taste is good. Universal purpose.
  • Resistant to verticillium wilt and aphids.
  • Suitable for transportation and long-term storage.

ox ear

  • The variety is mid-season. The period from germination to the beginning of fruiting is 120-130 days.
  • For open ground and film greenhouses.
  • The plant is spreading, of medium height, about 70 cm.
  • The fruit is corrugated, elongated cone-shaped. The color at technical ripeness is dark green, at biological ripeness it is deep red. Fruit length is 12-16 cm.
  • Wall thickness - 6-8 mm.
  • Weight - 120-140 g (up to 250 g).
  • Productivity - 3.2 kg per sq.m.
  • The taste is excellent.
  • Universal use: for fresh use, home cooking and canning.
  • Retains attractive appearance and turgor for a long time. Transportability is excellent.
  • Resistant to fusarium.


  • Late ripening variety. The period from planting seedlings to fruiting is 135-145 days.
  • The plant is semi-spreading, of medium height.
  • The fruit is drooping, cube-shaped, 11-12 cm long, 10-11 cm wide. The color is red at biological ripeness, green at technical ripeness. The number of nests is 3-4.
  • Wall thickness - 5-7 mm.
  • Weight - 150-160 g
  • Productivity - 2.6 kg per sq.m.
  • Excellent taste.
  • Universal use (fresh, home cooking and canning).
  • Resistant to fusarium.

Gypsy F1

  • Early ripening hybrid.
  • The plant is semi-spreading, medium-sized.
  • The fruits are drooping, cylindrical, 3-4-locular, 10 cm long, 6 cm in diameter, weighty, glossy. The color of unripe fruits is yellow, and that of mature fruits is red. The number of nests is 2-3.
  • Wall thickness - 6-8 mm.
  • Weight - 100-150 g.
  • Productivity - 3.7-4.5 kg per sq.m.
  • Great taste.
  • Resistant to tobacco mosaic virus.

Eastern Star F1

Pay attention! The Eastern Star hybrid is also available in the following color shades: White, Yellow, Golden, Red, Tangerine, Orange, Purple, Chocolate.

  • Early ripening hybrid (105-110 days).
  • For open and protected ground.
  • The plant is medium-sized, semi-spreading, up to 70-80 cm high.
  • The fruits are drooping, cube-shaped, glossy, creamy-white at technical ripeness, turning into a creamy-red color when ripe, and red at biological ripeness.
  • Wall thickness - 6-8 mm.
  • Weight - 150-180 grams.
  • Productivity - 7.0 -7.5 kg per sq.m.
  • The fruits are juicy and have excellent taste.
  • Resistant to tobacco mosaic virus and verticillium. Suitable for long-term transportation.
  • The purpose of the fruit is universal: for fresh use, home cooking and canning.

The original transition of color and taste allows you to pick fruits at different stages of ripening.


  • The variety is early ripening (100-105 days).
  • For greenhouses, tunnels, open ground.
  • The plant is semi-spreading, medium-sized, 45-50 cm high.
  • The fruits are drooping, large, cube-shaped, medium-ribbed, glossy, light green in technical ripeness, deep red in biological ripeness. The number of nests is 3-4.
  • Wall thickness - 9-12 mm.
  • Weight - 130-150 grams.
  • Productivity - up to 5-6 kg per sq.m.
  • The taste is very high.
  • Recommended for fresh consumption and canning, one of the best varieties for stuffing.
  • Resistant to unfavorable growing conditions and temperature changes.

Cockatoo F1

By the way! There is also a hybrid Cockatoo Yellow.

  • Mid-season hybrid. It begins to bear fruit 130-135 days after emergence.
  • Recommended for growing in film and glass greenhouses.
  • Plants up to 1.5 m high, spreading, medium leafy.
  • The position of the fruits on the bush is drooping. The fruits themselves are elongated-cylindrical, slightly curved, bright red. The length of the fruit reaches 25-30cm!
  • Wall thickness - 6-8 mm.
  • Average weight - 200 g (maximum up to 500 grams).
  • Productivity - 2.5-3 kg per plant or 8-10 kg per sq.m.
  • The fruits are very tasty, sweet with aromatic pulp.
  • Used for preparing salads and pickling.

California miracle

  • The variety is early-mid-early (100-129 days from germination to the beginning of fruiting).
  • The plant is determinate, low (up to 75 cm).
  • Recommended for growing in film greenhouses and open ground.
  • The fruit is hanging, cube-shaped, smooth, glossy, green in technical ripeness, red in biological ripeness. The number of nests is 3-4.
  • Wall thickness - 6-8 mm.
  • Fruit weight - 80-128 g.
  • Productivity - 3.5-4.4 kg per sq.m.
  • The taste of fresh fruits is good to excellent. The taste is sweet, the aroma is pronounced.
  • Recommended for fresh use, home cooking and canning.
  • Resistant to tobacco mosaic virus.

Claudio F1

  • Mid-season hybrid. The first fruits ripen 90 days after planting seedlings.
  • For open ground, temporary film shelters and greenhouses.
  • The plant is powerful, semi-spreading, reaching a height of 0.7 to 1.2 m.
  • The fruit is drooping, prism-shaped, glossy, fleshy, the color is green in technical ripeness, red in biological ripeness. The number of nests is 3-4.
  • Wall thickness - 6.5-8.0 mm.
  • Weight - 100-250 grams.
  • Productivity - 3.0-5.0 kg per sq.m.
  • The taste is sweet with a slightly noticeable piquant bitterness and has an excellent aroma.
  • Recommended for fresh use, home cooking and canning.
  • Heat resistant. Resistant to TMV (tobacco mosaic virus).


One of the oldest varieties (early 80s).

  • The variety is early ripening (107-111 days).
  • For open ground and film shelters.
  • The plant is compact, 30-40 cm high (according to other sources, 25-30 cm).
  • The fruits are round, tomato-type, smooth, light green in technical ripeness, dark red in biological ripeness.
  • Wall thickness - 8-9 mm (up to 10 mm).
  • Weight - 80-90 grams.
  • Productivity - 4.5-5 kg ​​per sq.m.
  • Good taste of fresh and canned products. The fruits are juicy and tender.
  • The purpose is universal.
  • Resistant to blossom end rot and mosaic. It is moderately affected by anthracnose and is susceptible to fusarium wilt.
  • Excellent keeping quality and transportability.

Red bull

By the way! There is also a variety called "Orange Bull".

  • Early variety (95 days from germination to the start of fruiting). According to other data, mid-early (the period from full germination to the beginning of technical ripeness of the fruit is 95-108 days).
  • Forms a powerful bush up to 150 cm high.
  • The fruits are large, 9 cm in diameter, cube-shaped, dark green at technical ripeness, bright red at biological ripeness. The number of nests is 3-4.
  • Wall thickness - 6-8 mm.
  • Weight - 200-250 g (maximum up to 350-400 grams).
  • Productivity - 15.0-18.8 kg per sq.m.
  • The taste is good and excellent, the aroma is weak.
  • Resistant to tobacco mosaic virus.

Merchant F1

  • The hybrid is early ripening (111-115 days).
  • For open ground and film shelters.
  • The plant is standard, semi-spreading, 55-65 cm high (according to other sources, 75-85 cm).
  • The fruits are drooping, wide-prismatic (pyramidal), glossy, light green in technical ripeness, dark red in biological ripeness. The number of nests is 2-3.
  • Wall thickness - 6-7 mm (up to 8 mm).
  • Weight - 120-150 g.
  • Productivity - 6.0-6.5 kg per sq.m.
  • The fruits are juicy, sweet, aromatic.
  • Recommended for fresh use, home cooking and canning.
  • Resistant to verticillium.


One of the oldest (1974) and proven varieties.

  • The variety is early ripening. 106-130 days from full germination to the first harvest of fruits at technical ripeness.
  • Recommended for growing in film shelters and in open ground.
  • The plant is semi-spreading, of medium height (48-60 cm).
  • The fruit is hanging, cone-shaped, slightly oval, smooth. In technical ripeness it is light green in color, in biological ripeness it is red.
  • The fruits are thick-walled: in technical ripeness the thickness of the fruit wall is 5.2-5.5 mm, in biological ripeness - 6.1-7.1 mm.
  • Fruit weight at technical ripeness is 53-79 g, at biological ripeness - 69-84 g.
  • Fruit yield at technical ripeness is 2.5-4.7 kg per sq.m.
  • The taste of fresh fruits is good to excellent.
  • Relatively resistant to bacterial wilt.
  • Recommended for fresh use and in the canning industry.
  • The fruits are used in both technical and biological ripeness.

Gift from Moldova

  • The variety is mid-early (110-120 days). According to other sources, 119-124 days.
  • For open ground and film shelters.
  • The plant is compact, standard, 35-45 cm high.
  • The fruits are drooping, cone-shaped, smooth, light green in technical ripeness, dark red in biological ripeness.
  • Wall thickness - 4-5 mm.
  • Weight - 50-70 grams.
  • Productivity - 3.2-4.7 kg per sq.m.
  • The taste of fresh fruits is good. The fruits are sweet and juicy.
  • Recommended for fresh consumption and preservation.
  • Resistant to Fusarium wilt and adverse weather conditions.

Fat Baron

  • The variety is early ripening. From germination to technical ripeness of the fruit - 90-100 days.
  • For cultivation in open and protected ground.
  • Plant 100-120 cm high.
  • The fruits are directed upward, prism-shaped, glossy, the color is dark green at technical ripeness, and dark red at biological ripeness. The number of nests is 3-4.
  • The thickness of the fetal wall is up to 8 mm.
  • Weight - 200-500 g.
  • Productivity - 7-14 kg per square meter. m.
  • The taste is good and excellent. The skin is tender. The aroma is strong.
  • Resistant to tobacco mosaic virus.


  • The variety is mid-season (120-130 days from germination to technical ripeness).
  • Recommended for cultivation in open ground and film greenhouses.
  • The plant is semi-spreading, 50-55 cm high.
  • The fruits are drooping, prism-shaped, slightly ribbed, glossy, the color of unripe fruits is green, and that of mature ones is red. Fruit length - 10-12 cm, diameter - 6.5-8 cm. Number of nests - 3-4.
  • Wall thickness - 5.0-10.0 mm.
  • Weight - 65-130 g (maximum up to 200 grams).
  • Productivity - 4.0-4.5 kg per sq.m.
  • The taste is excellent, sweet, very juicy, with a pleasant aroma.
  • For fresh use and for the canning industry.
  • The fruits are transportable.
  • The variety is very responsive to irrigation.

Khalif F1

  • Hybrid of very early ripening (100-105 days).
  • For cultivation in open ground.
  • The fruit is drooping, cube-shaped. At technical maturity, the fruits are milky white, and at biological maturity, red. 10-12 cm long, 8-10 cm in diameter. Number of nests - 3-4.
  • Wall thickness - 7-9 mm.
  • Weight - 180-210 grams.
  • Productivity up to 14 kg per sq.m.
  • The appearance, product quality and taste are excellent.
  • Resistant to blossom end rot and tobacco mosaic virus, tolerant to verticillium wilt.

Other varieties and hybrids

And also less popular, but quite excellent varieties of red sweet peppers are:

  • Antey;
  • Denis F1;
  • Goliath;
  • Egyptian Strength (a very promising new variety that is gradually gaining popularity)
  • Cube F1;
  • Red shovel;
  • Red giant (very thick);
  • Red Baron;
  • Lesya;
  • Livadia F1(a very promising new variety from the Partner company, gradually gaining popularity).
  • Morozko;
  • Pompeo F1;
  • Purple bell (in technical - purple, in biological - red);
  • Queen.

The best yellow (orange) varieties and hybrids of peppers

The best varieties of peppers with yellow or orange fruits for growing in open ground and greenhouses can be called (alphabetically):

By the way! The most popular variety of orange bell pepper is Big Mama, followed by Gemini, Orange Miracle, Golden Miracle and Orange Bull.

Big Mama

  • The variety is early ripening. The first harvest is harvested 110-115 days after germination.
  • For open ground and greenhouses.
  • Plants in open ground are compact, 50 cm high, in the greenhouse they are more spreading - up to 100 cm.
  • The fruit is drooping, cylindrical, highly glossy, the color in technical ripeness is dark green, in biological ripeness it is orange.
  • The walls are 7-8 mm thick.
  • Weight - 150-200 g.
  • Productivity - up to 7-8 kg per sq.m.
  • The fruits are sweet, juicy and aromatic.
  • Resistant to diseases, tolerates low temperatures and lack of light.
  • It bears fruit for a long time, until the first frost.

Gemini F1

  • Mid-early hybrid.
  • For growing in open ground and under film covers.
  • The plant is semi-spreading and erect.
  • The fruit is drooping, cylindrical, glossy, green in technical ripeness, yellow in biological ripeness. The number of nests is 2-3.
  • Wall thickness - 5.5-7.0 mm.
  • Fruit weight 90-250 g.
  • Productivity 3.0-5.0 kg per sq.m.
  • The taste is excellent.
  • According to its purpose, the variety is universal: it is used both fresh for preparing salads and for other culinary dishes and preservation.
  • Heat resistant. Resistant to potato virus.

Golden miracle

  • The variety is mid-season (115-130 days).
  • For open ground and film shelters.
  • Plants of medium height, semi-spreading.
  • The fruit is drooping, prism-shaped, highly glossy, the color is green at technical ripeness, and dark yellow at biological ripeness. The number of nests is 3-4.
  • Wall thickness - 7 mm.
  • Weight - 185 grams.
  • Productivity - 2.6 kg per sq.m.
  • The taste is good.
  • Universal use: fresh, for home cooking and canning.
  • Relatively cold-resistant. Resistant to fusarium.

Orange miracle F1

  • Early hybrid. From germination to technical ripeness of fruits 100–110 days.
  • The plant is powerful, with a compact habit, indeterminate, and when formed into 2–3 stems, the height reaches 1.5–2 m.
  • The fruits are cube-shaped, 11x11 cm in size, dark green at technical ripeness, orange and glossy at biological ripeness. Number of nests 3-4.
  • Wall thickness - up to 10 mm.
  • Weight - 200–220 g.
  • Productivity - 8–12 kg per sq.m.
  • The taste of the peppers is excellent and the marketability is high.
  • Resistant to tobacco mosaic virus and tomato bronzing. It tolerates temperature stress well and has high fruit set.

Orange bull

By the way! There is also a variety called "Red Bull".

  • Early variety (100-110 days from germination to the start of fruiting). According to other sources, mid-season.
  • For growing under temporary film covers and in open ground.
  • Forms a bush 80-110 cm high.
  • The fruits are large, cube-shaped, green at technical ripeness, bright orange at biological ripeness. The number of nests is 3-4.
  • Wall thickness - up to 10 mm.
  • Weight - 250 g (maximum up to 300-400 grams).
  • Productivity - 7.0-14.0 kg per sq.m.
  • Recommended for fresh consumption, stuffing, freezing and canning.
  • Resistant to tobacco mosaic virus.

Other yellow (orange) varieties

By ripening period: the best early, middle and late ripening varieties of pepper

Thus, we classify the previously described varieties according to ripening time (orange and yellow-fruited varieties are indicated in brackets):

  • Early and mid-early varieties(90-120 days) - Agapovsky, Belozerka, Big Mama ( orange), Bison red, Viking, Winnie the Pooh, Gemini F1 ( yellow), Gipsy F1, Eastern Star F1, Player, Californian Miracle, Kolobok, Red Bull, Merchant F1, Swallow, Orange Miracle ( orange), Orange Bull ( orange), Gift of Moldova, Fat Baron, Caliph F1.
  • Medium varieties (120-135 days) - Atlant, Bogatyr, Ox Ear, Kakadu F1, Claudio F1, Fatty, Golden Miracle ( yellow),
  • Late varieties (more than 135-140 days) - Hercules.

The best plump pepper varieties

Most often, gardeners are looking for thick varieties of pepper (with thick walls, from 5-6 mm). They are ideal for preparing salads and eating fresh, because... they have the most juicy, meaty and tasty wall.

They are also great for stuffing (but small or medium-sized fruits) and lecho (large).

As a rule, it is the thick varieties that are the most popular, which means that they have all already been listed (the wall thickness is given in brackets):

  • Agapovsky (5.0-8.0 mm);
  • Atlas (up to 8-10 mm);
  • Cow's ear (6-8 mm);
  • Hercules (5-7 mm);
  • Gipsy F1 (6-8 mm);
  • Star of the East F1 (6-8 mm);
  • Player (9-11 mm);
  • Cockatoo F1 (6-8 mm);
  • California miracle (6-8 mm);
  • Claudio F1 (6.5-8 mm);
  • Kolobok (8-9 mm, maximum - up to 10 mm);
  • Red bull (6-8 mm);
  • Merchant (6-7 mm, maximum - up to 8 mm);
  • Swallow (6-7 mm);
  • Thick Baron (up to 8 mm);
  • Fatty (up to 10 mm);
  • Khalif F1 (7-9 mm).

Yellow and orange thick varieties:

By the way! All described varieties of yellow and orange peppers are plump.

  • Big Mama (7-8 mm);
  • Gemini (5.5-7 mm);
  • Golden miracle (7 mm);
  • Orange miracle (up to 10 mm);
  • Orange bull (up to 10 mm).

Well, now you know which varieties and hybrids of sweet pepper seeds are chosen by most summer residents and vegetable growers. All you have to do is decide which ones suit you best, buy several varieties to try and sow. Have a good harvest!

To decide on the choice of a variety or several varieties of pepper that will grow successfully in your garden and give bountiful harvest, several important questions need to be answered.

  1. What should it be appearance fetus Do you prefer - elongated, cone-shaped, flattened, cup-shaped, elliptical, rounded, ribbed?

  2. Fruit size. Do you like small, neat peppers for stuffing and whole canning, or gigantic sizes so that one is enough for a salad for the whole family?

    Sweet pepper- photo

  3. Fruit color. The entire warm range and even some shades of cold are found today in the color of sweet pepper fruits. It can be carmine and burgundy, scarlet and cherry, orange, sunny and lemon yellow. And also lilac, violet, green, green-red, light green and white.

  4. Thin-barked and thick-barked (thick-walled and thin-walled). This parameter is important for many. It depends on how “targeted” the grown pepper can be used. For rolling peeled peppers, for example, thick-skinned peppers with a solid layer of pulp are suitable. For stuffing, on the contrary, it is thin-walled.

  5. Taste and aroma. Despite the fact that all peppers are called “sweet”, the taste is different varieties differs very much. Some are really sweet because they have high sugar content. There are varieties that are neutral in taste, and even with some sourness.

All of the above qualities are subjective and individual. Someone will be delighted with of this variety, someone will write that it is disgusting and will never grow it again. But there are also objective parameters, such as:

  • plant height;
  • degree of bushiness;
  • dimensions of the root system;
  • resistance to viruses and pests;
  • unpretentiousness of cultivation;
  • resistance to changing weather conditions.

Finally there is varietal plants, and there are hybrid ones. Thus, even among early ripening varieties that are grown not in greenhouses, but in open soil, there are many choices within these species.

Advice! If you decide to grow peppers in open ground, when choosing suitable variety Pay attention first to the zoned varieties.

Of course, unprotected ground cultivation has its own characteristics. In order not to waste time and labor in vain, and see the return in the form bountiful harvest, you must follow some rules.

Growing in unprotected soil is an excellent and only possible option for those summer residents who various reasons cannot grow crops in a greenhouse. But be prepared to provide her with decent and proper care.

Table. The main stages of caring for peppers in open ground


Since the pepper is not grown in a greenhouse, the warmest, sunny, and quiet place should be chosen. The culture is light- and heat-loving, does not favor drafts, especially at the time of fruiting.

Sandy loam and loam are suitable for pepper. Even better is chernozem, which has a light composition. The medium is not acidic, optimally neutral. Waterlogged soils are not suitable.

For soil cultivation, it is best to prepare high-quality seedlings. It is not recommended to sow seeds in the ground. The beginning of growing seedlings is March, approximately the middle. Super early varieties can be sown already at the beginning of the first spring month. In order not to pick the seedlings, it is better to immediately place the seeds in individual containers.

This action is for planting seedlings in open ground necessary. Starts three weeks before landing. First, the window opens for a quarter of an hour. Gradually the time increases.

The middle or second half of May, the first buds are visible on strong, low seedlings - everything has been done correctly, the plants are ready for planting. Choose a morning on a cool day. Prepare holes on a meter-long (wide) ridge in two rows. Between holes, 35 cm is enough, between rows - 50.

Pepper grows best, more actively and with better quality, in the temperature range of +20°С… 25°С. Higher is possible. Below for a long time– undesirable, growth will slow down. If night temperatures are low when planting, it is better to cover the seedlings.

No watering cold water. Especially after a hot day, the water should be settled and heated by the sun. Rain water is ideal.
Shallow sprinkling method - best way watering the pepper.
As for the pattern, it changes as the plants age. Before flowering - weekly, once, in extreme heat - twice.
When flowering - three per week
When fruiting - up to four times, in hot weather.
After each watering, it is advisable to loosen the soil in the hole by five centimeters.

They also depend on the growing season. When tying - herbal infusions, ash, mullein.
During fruit formation and ripening - mullein or bird droppings in solution.
During the growing season, you can make up to five feedings with an interval of at least 10 days.

Tall varieties need it. Neatly tied up low-growing ones are also more convenient to care for and harvest. It is enough to tie the stem to a peg, and plant tall crops or varieties around the low-growing ones to protect them from the wind.

Pepper is a popular crop not only among summer residents, but also among various pests, as well as viruses. Among the diseases in open ground, the crop suffers from spotting, tobacco mosaic, late blight, powdery mildew, Alternaria, black leg, rot. Cutworms, thrips, mole crickets and even the Colorado potato beetle can harm the crop.

Hybrid and variety - what is the difference

If you are still at a loss about what is better to choose, a weed or a hybrid, determine, first of all, whether you want to collect your seeds and continue breeding the variety once sown, or are you ready to purchase new seeds every year. This is the main difference between a variety and a hybrid.

Variety is the result of selection. It is selected, zoned, adapted to your region, and produces fruits with seeds of similar varietal characteristics. It is more reliable, but is not always as productive as expected and is often susceptible to disease.

A hybrid is a product of crossing. It cannot be adapted by definition. Requires more careful agricultural technology, but has high yields, is resistant to viruses and pests, often has a compact bush, and marketable fruit. Hybrids cannot be propagated by seeds in their original form; new seed will have to be purchased every year.

Varieties and their characteristics

We present to your attention 15 of the best varieties, as well as hybrids of early sweet peppers, which are the most popular for cultivation in open ground.


Widely distributed variety. It has a standard-shaped bush of small height, on which fruits of medium weight ripen - up to 115 g (the second wave is even considered small - about 100 g). The size of the fruit is also average. The shape is elongated, conical. The color is interesting - white-golden-light green, pale lemon or pale light green. The fruits have thin walls - about 5 mm. The taste of the fruit is pleasant, not very sweet and not very pronounced. The pulp is juicy, even watery if over-watered. The variety is unpretentious in care. Shelf life without loss of marketability is up to three months after removal.


The variety is a fairly “fresh” selection, but has already gained popularity. The fruits range from bright orange to bright red. Their weight is up to 130 g. Narrow, elongated cones with rather thick walls - up to 8 mm. Each fruit is divided inside by pronounced partitions into four “compartments” chock full of seeds. The bushes are compact. The height is average, the plant needs staking, but it is convenient to process, and harvesting does not cause problems either. Fruit storage is up to two months. The variety has an imperfection - intolerance to drought, during which the yield falls catastrophically.

"Marinka's tongue"

This variety is considered the most resistant to any weather conditions, temperature fluctuations and natural disasters. The harvest is always high. Maintenance is minimal. The bushes are of medium height, about 70 cm, but spreading, they definitely need to be tied. Produces large fruits, 180-190 g each. A narrow cone is the usual shape of the fruit, but in 50% of cases the fruits are slightly curved. Color - from rich red to bright cherry. Very juicy, crunchy pulp. Wall thickness – up to 10 mm. The variety is well stored for one and a half months.


This variety is super early and super resistant to growing conditions. It can be grown even in Siberia (not in open ground, of course). He will calmly react to a drop in temperature or for a long period rains. The lack of sun will also not prevent you from getting a high yield. Medium sized bush. Medium-sized fruits up to 140 g have the shape of a regular rounded cone. They can be yellow, orange or deep red. The taste is very sweet, bright, pronounced aroma. The thickness of the pulp layer is 8 mm.

It cannot be stored for a long time, but can be stored for one and a half to two months if appropriate conditions are provided.


We have long been loved by summer residents for their early ripeness and guaranteed yield. The bush is compact and up to half a meter high. The fruits can grow up to 180 g, but the thickness of the pulp layer will remain small, about 5 mm. It is considered thin-walled and consumed fresh. With it it is possible to carry out compacted plantings. Also from positive qualities– resistance to rot, tobacco mosaic and verticillium. It is stored for three months.


Also one of the varieties deservedly loved by many. The bush can grow up to 70 cm in height, so it is better to tie up the stems in a timely manner. The classic redness of the ripe fruits makes the variety a must for traditional cultivation. The fruits are large, about 180 g, with walls of medium thickness - up to 7 mm. Cone shape. Quite regular and rarely curved. It is characterized by an excellent taste - fresh, rich, moderately sweet. Storage can be carried out for two and a half months. The tobacco mosaic virus is also not scary for him.


This variety is loved for the color of its fruits. At the beginning of ripening they are bright lemon yellow. Fully ripe - intense orange. Positively colored cones can weigh up to 220 g with a pulp thickness of only 6 mm on the wall. The bushes are not excessively tall, growing up to 60 cm. The variety is notable for the fact that the fruits can be consumed at almost any stage of the growing season - from early technical to full consumer maturity. It can be stored for quite a long time, about two months.

"Jung's Boy"

The variety has a low bush, about half a meter, quite compact, can be used for thickened plantings, since it has a small root system. Technically ripe dark green fruits are already fashionable to eat. Their weight is 130 g, they do not have a strong taste and are watery. But fully ripe traditionally red cone-shaped fruits weigh about 50 g, have seven-millimeter walls and are very tasty and sweet. The fruits can be stored for about two and a half months.


This variety has the tallest bush, up to a meter. The fruits also differ in weight and size to a greater extent - they usually reach 190 g. The walls are eight millimeters. The variety is ideal for any type of canning. But you can also eat it fresh, and already at the stage of technical ripeness. At this time, the color of the fruit is dim green, then the cones turn sharply and intensely red. The variety is highly resistant to mosaic and late blight. Storage can take place for three months.

The bush is about 80 cm, quite spreading, needs garter at an early stage of development. When fully ripe, two hundred gram fiery yellow fruits ripen on it in the shape of an almost regular, slightly elongated cone and a pulp wall thickness of 7 mm. The variety is resistant to most crop diseases. In fact, it is not damaged by insects and adapts well to growing conditions. The presentation during storage lasts for two months.

"Pace F1"

Hybrid labeled F1. The spreading bush reaches a height of 70 cm. It is necessary to tie it up. The hybrid has strong productivity and smooth ripening. The fruits are small - up to 120 g. But the taste is one of the best among hybrids. Product quality is excellent. Storage – up to three months. Resistance to almost everything, including rare diseases. A minor drawback is the thickness of the pulp layer is only five centimeters. But it is compensated by the richness of taste and red color. The hybrid is also resistant to temporary drought.

"Lotta F1"

It is distinguished by a low bush (55 cm) with an average degree of foliage, but high trunk strength and stability. The fruits grow in the shape of a pyramid, red, weighing up to 160 g. With a wall thickness of 7 mm, this hybrid is very popular both for a raw food diet and for cooking, as well as canning. Fruit formation is highly intensive. Productivity is consistently good. There is immunity to most diseases. Has outstanding taste. Marketability lasts up to two months.

"Early F1 Wonder"

The hybrid has been around since 2012. It gained popularity almost immediately. A powerful and at the same time compact bush up to 60 cm high produces prism-shaped fruits of a blood-red color. Very rich color, taste and aroma. The weight of the fruit is impressive, for early variety just a record - about 240 g. The walls are ten millimeters, which is not surprising given its size. These hero fruits are grown with amazing ease. The plant is adapted to many “troubles”. The fruits have excellent taste and a long shelf life of up to three months.

"Bella Vista F1"

Also one of the popular new products. Can be classified, rather, as mid-early. The semi-standard form of the bush grows up to 65 cm. The classic shape of the fruit is a thickened cone. Weight - about 190 g. Pulp 8 mm thick. Color – scarlet. The taste is memorable and bright. The fruits have a high content of dry matter, as well as sugars and vitamins. Tolerance to most infections is an absolute plus of the hybrid. In addition, it is also heat resistant. Shelf life - no more than two months.

"Semko 2013 F1"

Released in the year indicated in the name. Recommended not only by summer residents, but also by agricultural enterprises. Suitable equally well for both soil cultivation and greenhouse cultivation. Height is average - about half a meter. Type of bush - standard. The fruit is a truncated pyramid. The color of consumer ripeness is yellow. Weight – up to 150 g. Pulp thickness – 7 mm. Disease resistance. High quality. Average shelf life, within a two-month period.

Vide - Which varieties of bell peppers should be planted in open ground
