Safety pin: what it looks like, photos, conspiracies. A pin against the evil eye and damage: how to pin it, how to wear it up or down, what to do if you throw a pin? Signs about the pin

A thing that is constantly in use. It is in every home and many signs are associated with it. At first glance, the thing is insignificant, but it has some mystical overtones. For example, a pin is always pinned to clothing, and in this way a person protects himself from the evil eye and evil thoughts. It is believed that as soon as it absorbs all the negativity, it will turn black. As soon as this happens, you should get rid of it and throw it away. It is strictly forbidden to pick up such a thing; together with the found darkened pin, a person takes away all the bad things, illnesses and troubles.

Is it possible to pick up a pin from the ground?

A rusty and bent pin is considered an even more terrible find. Lifting it, or even touching it, is strictly forbidden! There is a possibility that someone deliberately filled it with negativity. If a young girl picks up such a pin, she will not be able to get married for a long time, and even if she finds a husband, she will not live with him for very long. The exception is a pin lost by the bride. Such a find is fortunate. We must not forget that healers quite often remove damage with a pin, and then force them to throw away this object at a crossroads in order to protect themselves from harm.

In the old days, sailors were very afraid to find this little thing. If a pin is lying on board a ship, the entire crew is in mortal danger. Many sailors still take this sign seriously.

Does a found pin always bode ill?

However, not everything is so simple. Many people interpret the sign more broadly. For example, you should pay attention to exactly how the found pin lies. If its head is directed towards you, then this is fortunate and you should pick up the pin. The one who finds it is guaranteed prosperity and good luck. But if only the sharp end of a pin is visible, you should avoid such a find. One should not expect anything good from such a thing; it promises illness and poverty.

Many argue that there is nothing sinister about picking up a new, clean pin from the ground. This is a harbinger that very soon a person will have a new friend or good acquaintance. If a pregnant woman sees a pin on the road, it means she will give birth to a boy.

In any case, the found pin should be treated with caution. If you find an object on the threshold of a house, then its power should be neutralized, no matter whether the pin is clean or rusty. Away from home! It is recommended to wrap the pin in a clean napkin and throw it into the river; you can also heat it red-hot to neutralize damage or take it to church.

Using an ordinary steel pin, you can completely close and protect your biofield from all bioenergies located outside. In order for the pin to begin to act as a bioenergetic “lock”, the following conditions must be met:

1) the pin must be fastened;
2) pinned like this: from the inside of a shirt or that clothing , which is in contact with your body, it is important that the pin is located not just anywhere, but diagonally under the heart, that is, its fastened tip is directed towards the tip of your nose.
Constantly wearing a pin in this form for a long time is not recommended. Being constantly protected from the surrounding bioenergetic environment and deprived of bioenergetic exchange with it, your biofield can suffer and become ill on the mental level.
It is advisable to use such bioenergetic protection alternating, sometimes with it, sometimes without it, then metabolism (the exchange of bioenergies occurring in the protein-nucleic acid body and beyond) will remain in a healthy state.

Folk signs

If a bridesmaid removes pins from her wedding dress, she gains good luck.
If the bride loses her pin while walking down the aisle, she will have no luck.
If you notice a pin, pick it up and you will have good luck all year long.
If you notice a pin and leave it lying there, your luck will turn away from you for the whole day.
Never borrow a pin. (North).
When boarding a ship, do not take pins with you. (Yorkshire).
Of all these superstitions, apparently only one has survived to this day: the taboo on borrowing pins. It is still carefully observed in the North, where, if you are allowed to take a pin, you will be told: “Take it, but I didn’t give it to you.” We could not find out what the failure that they are avoiding is. The sign with a found pin has a certain condition. If you see a pin lying, then before picking it up, take a closer look at how it lies. If it lies with its tip towards you, you should not pick it up, because this will bring bad luck. However, nothing will prevent you from picking it up on your way back, when it lies with the tip away from you! It is difficult to understand the bad omen associated with the loss of a pin. But Misson ("Travels") writes: "Woe to the bride who has lost her pin! She will have no luck in anything. Woe to the bridesmaid who picks up the pin, for she will not be married until Whitsunday." Apparently, this is why bridesmaids had the custom throw away the pins from her wedding outfit for good luck. A funny mention of pins is associated with the wedding of Queen Mary of Scots and Earl Darily. Randolph ("Letters") reports that after the wedding, the queen, having retired to her bedchamber to change her outfit, "allowed all those present to approach to take a pin as a souvenir." On Oxney Island (Romney Marshes) after the funeral, each participant in the funeral procession stuck a pin into the cemetery gate through which the deceased was brought in. It was believed that this would protect the deceased from evil spirits that might attack him. The huntsman did the same if someone died from an unsuccessful shot while hunting. He stuck needles into every fence and every post that the body was carried past. This superstition obviously has something in common with "nailing evil". Borrowing a pin in Russian tradition is also considered bad omen: “You shouldn’t give a pin, so as not to make friends; and if you can’t get by, then first prick in the hand of the one who has to give.” In contrast to the English belief, in Russia there is a widespread belief that picking up a found pin (like any other piercing or cutting object) - to bring trouble to oneself. In almost all mythological systems there is an idea that evil spirits are afraid of piercing and cutting iron objects (knife, axe, needle, etc.). This can explain the prohibition of picking up a pin that has its point towards the person walking (see English superstition), since in this case the person finds himself “in position” evil spirits. It is also clear why the loss of a pin by a bride is considered a bad omen - the bride loses her amulet, her magical protection. By the way, in Russian wedding rites of many local traditions, the bride was stuck with pins crosswise into her hem or bosom to protect herself from the evil eye. The pin served magical amulet and in English funeral rites (perhaps even from the deceased himself).

Needles have always been a magical attribute; if you find a needle, be wary: it may not be good at all.

In this article:

Needle found in unusual place can bring big trouble. If it got there by accident, it’s okay, but sorcerers often use the needle as a means of shifting their problems onto other people’s shoulders, as well as to inflict damage. What to do if you find a needle depends on the location of the find. For all cases without exception, there is a main rule: under no circumstances touch the needle with your hands. Use tongs, gloves, or at least a sheet of paper. The strongest negative impact the needle hurts the person who touches it.

Needle in clothes

Make sure once again that none of your relatives decided to protect you with such a talisman. No? This means the time has come for immediate action, since a needle is stuck into clothes to “sew” to bewitch a person. To get rid of a love spell, follow the instructions:

  1. Wrap the needle in a sheet of white paper and bury it at an intersection.
  2. Take the clothing in which the needle was found.
  3. Find a deserted place, near a river, stream or even a puddle.
  4. Rinse your clothes, the water will take away the negativity.

Remember: the ritual must be performed in complete silence. Once completed, return home and go to bed without talking to anyone.

Found a needle at home or in an apartment

If you find a foreign needle in a door, in a wall, under a threshold, or even just on the floor, analyze the latest events. Has life changed for the worse? If the answer is yes, your ill-wisher probably caused damage through the needle. This is serious harm and requires certain actions to eliminate unpleasant consequences.

For this ritual you will need:

  • church candle;
  • Holy water;
  • salt.

Heat the needle over a candle flame using tongs and place it in a glass of water. Add enough salt to cover the needle and leave overnight. In the morning, bury the entire contents of the glass at a crossroads. The apartment also needs cleaning. Treat the areas where needles were found with saline solution.

If an unpleasant discovery occurred in the courtyard of a private house, use the same ritual. It is best to get rid of induced damage during the waning of the moon. The luminary “dying” will take negative energy with it.

Needle in the machine

When cleaning the interior, did you find a needle that was never there and couldn’t be there? An ill-wisher wants to get rid of you through a car accident. What to do? Hold the needle under running water (at least from a tap) with tongs and say the spell: “What you brought, take it for yourself” (repeat 7 times). You may soon hear about an accident involving someone you know.

Needles on the street

Never pick up needles or step over them. Often sorcerers carry out a transfer, tying their troubles and problems to a needle. The first person to touch or step over receives the full charge negative energy. If you do touch or step over, the ritual of rolling out an egg will help.

She took the needle with her bare hands

Sometimes this happens due to negligence. If you pick up the needle with bare hands, you need to clean it. Light 3 candles. Place one at the head of the bed and two at the feet. Lie down in the resulting triangle and read “Our Father” 3 times. Put out the candles and shower with salt instead of soap.

After this article, you might have the impression that all needles are evil. This is wrong. The properties of a needle, whether it will bring good or harm, depends only on the person charging the object. If he wishes you well, then the needle will bring happiness and protection. From the evil one envious person only sorrows and misfortunes will come.

Are all needles evil?

If you suddenly start black line, carefully inspect your house, car and clothes, perhaps there is an extra item hidden somewhere that is ruining your life. If you found a needle, you found damage. It is important to understand in time what your find means. By observing all the nuances of the rituals, you will not only help yourself, but also prevent harm to anyone else. If the rituals performed do not help, contact a specialist.

I’ll take the liberty of just reminding you of the folk signs associated with the pin.

People have been using pins for thousands of years. The ancient Sumerians in the 3rd millennium BC had pins to pin fabric. They were made of metal and bone.

It is known that in the tenth century AD, residents of Novgorod the Great wore bronze pins.

The pin came to us from ancient times, changing its appearance and acquiring signs.

There are many types of pins in the world, all of them have a sharp and blunt end in common. There are safety pins: safety pins with a fastening head, Turkish pins, tailor pins, hat pins, hair pins, clothes wrapping pins, tie pins, stationery pins, etc.

Many signs about the pin have survived to this day.

A pin cannot be given as a gift, like any piercing or cutting object, otherwise expect a quarrel. If you decide to give a pin as a gift, take a penny for it.

The pin must not be lent to anyone. If you had to give a pin to someone, then say the words: “Take it, but I didn’t give it to you” or prick the person to whom you will give it with the point of the pin.

If you had to find a pin that lies towards you with the head of the pin, you can pick it up - this is good luck. This is also a sign that a friend remembers you.

If the find lies towards you with a pin point, do not pick it up under any circumstances, this portends failure; your enemy may be plotting something evil against you.

My personal opinion is that you should not pick up anything, including a pin, especially at an intersection, in order to insure yourself against troubles and illnesses.

Never pick up a bent or rusty pin, as this may bring illness or misfortune. If a girl picks up such a pin, she will never get married.

A pin should not be taken on board any ship, because a pin found on a ship is an omen of misfortune.

— In northern England there is such a ritual for a girl who wants to call her lover. To call your loved one to you, you need to light a candle and pierce it with two safety pins. Your loved one will definitely come after the candle burns out.

According to Russian wedding rites, pins were stuck crosswise into the hem of the bride's dress.

It's a bad sign if the bride loses her pin while walking down the aisle. It is believed that she loses luck in everything, and therefore family happiness. If the friend picks up the pin that the bride has lost, then she won’t have any luck either.

An ordinary safety pin can protect you from the evil eye. To do this, you need to attach a pin to the inner seam of the garment with the head down, i.e. its tip should be at the bottom. (You can attach two pins crosswise.) The pin cannot be moved. Each item must have its own pin.

To protect the child, a green bead is strung on a pin.

To protect a loved one, a red bead is strung on a pin.

To protect a friend, a yellow bead is strung on a pin.

To protect the parents, a blue bead is strung on the pin.

On the full moon, it is imperative to cleanse these amulets. Each of them must be placed under running water for several minutes to wash away the accumulated negativity.

P.S. Losing such a pin is a bad sign.

Remember that a pin can protect a woman if it is attached to the inside seam of women's clothing. A pin attached to trousers will not protect a woman, because trousers are not a piece of women's clothing, they are borrowed from men.

Pins are the objects most often used in dark rituals. Such a familiar and useful thing in everyday life can become a terrible weapon, attracting failures, illnesses and even changing fate.

The pin is very easy to expose magical influence. This is due to the fact that it is made of metal, which easily absorbs any energy - positive or negative. The tip of the needle accumulates energy and directs it to the person for whom it is intended. A pin can become a strong and effective talisman, but, unfortunately, it is more often used to cause damage.

When a pin can cause harm

A pin that has been in the hands of envious people and ill-wishers has a strong negative impact on a person. They talk her into illness, troubles, material failures, celibacy, and sometimes they perform a ritual over her in order to get rid of her misfortunes and “transfer” the problems to another person. You should fear for your fate in several cases.

  • If you find a pin in the door or door jamb, they are trying to influence you Negative influence. Such damage is one of the most powerful and can affect not only you, but also your household, bringing misfortune and discord to the family.
  • A pin on the threshold of a house or even in the house itself signals that someone who wishes you harm is hiding under the guise of a friend. If you find a pin in a piece of furniture or among personal belongings that shouldn't be there, you are in danger.
  • Pins found on the road, especially at intersections, rarely appear there by accident. Most likely it was used in a ritual to get rid of problems, and then thrown away. Walk past the find: if you touch it, you will take the problems for yourself.
  • Pins are used in Voodoo ritual. A homemade doll, symbolizing the person who will be influenced, is pierced with curses with pins. Such pins are very dangerous, and if they accidentally fall into your hands, you will be subjected to a strong energy shock.
  • Pins found in a bag, at your workplace, or on a car seat were most likely planted with the intention of harming you.

How to protect yourself

Don't touch a pin you find on the street. If you just walk past it, no harm will be done to you. If you find a pin that is clearly intended for you, a simple ritual that does not require special abilities and skills will help protect yourself.

A pin found in a door, apartment or personal belongings should be disposed of as soon as possible. Protect your hands with a cloth or gloves and pick up the needle. You cannot touch an object with your bare hands: once it comes into contact with your skin, the needle will immediately transmit a powerful charge of negativity to you, and it will be much more difficult to get rid of it. Take the pin to the intersection and say the words over it: “The needle will break, but my destiny will remain intact. God's power will protect me, evil will not touch me. Amen". After this, break the pin and leave the pieces at the intersection. Alternatively, you can burn it. Of course, it is impossible to make metal burn to the ground, but it is enough to heat it red-hot. In the fire, the pin will be cleansed of negative energy.

It is better to throw away what protected your hands during the ritual. Returning to where you found the needle, cross the spot three times.

Be vigilant and careful, and no one else will ever interfere with your destiny. Take care of yourself and your loved ones, and don’t forget to press the buttons and

11.10.2015 00:50

Unpleasant finds in the form of needles stuck into walls and doors can spell trouble. To avoid...
