Cards indicating magical effects. Alignment for the magical effects of tarot

The author of this table for defining negativity is Angeliada. Compiled in August 2016 to make it easier for all tarot readers to determine whether negativity is present on a person or not. The table will directly depend on the question formulated and on the layout of the cards.
0 Jester
Querent's state
A person who is under magical influence and does not understand what is happening. Removed protection, weakened state of energy. this card can show a person who is far from magic, as well as a person who has been fooled or blindsided.
Enemy actions
Damage is caused, but does not achieve its goal, the enemy does not see the situation and does not control complete information and what is happening. Attempts to influence go past the object. The enemy is causing unprofessional damage
State of negativity
Negativity does not reach its goal, it has not gone back to the creator and has not hit anyone yet. This sometimes occurs when the victim has protection; the negativity hangs around and over time falls on the victim’s family, or returns to the creator.

1 Mage

2 Priestess
Querent's state
A person is protected by impenetrability, a person has bright clairvoyant abilities. A person is influenced by a woman.
Enemy actions
Secret magical work is being carried out, you are being scrutinized, all magical work is protected by impenetrable layers. Love spell from a woman, mischief, fortune telling.
State of negativity
The impact lay down and was reliably hidden by impenetrability.

3 Empress

Querent's state
There are no magical influences, a person with strong energy and excellent health.
Enemy actions
There are targeted influences aimed at career, success, and profit.
Ritual magic.
State of negativity
The impact lay on success, on luck, on work, on prosperity.

5. Hierophant
Querent's state
The querent is under the power of the egregor and dependent on him.
Enemy actions
The magical influence of this group of people, the influence through the temple, the church. Cathedral witchcraft, witchcraft with church paraphernalia, white magic healing.
State of negativity
The impact has settled down and will unwind; there may be signs and signals that there has been an impact.

6. Lovers

7 Chariot
Querent's state
The querent's condition is the result of his own actions, and not of third-party magical influence. This can be a karmic negative, also a magical return or a magical rollback, each case is considered individually with additional considerations. cards.
Enemy actions
Magical influence is difficult to carry out. Magic effects are constantly updated.
State of negativity
The ritual has begun, but does not work at full strength. Interference and obstacles.

8. Strength
Querent's state
There are no influences, the querent’s condition is excellent, he is full of strength and health.
Enemy actions
Blood magic. There is a strong magical effect. Possibly coercive or sexual in nature.
State of negativity
The ceremony went smoothly, there was no interference, the impact was launched as it was intended.

9. Hermit
Querent's state
The querent was exposed to influence, most likely they tried to isolate him from society, divorce him, bury him, cut him off from something. The state of energy is depressed; cleaning is urgently required.
Enemy actions
No magical work is carried out, the querent is not visible. Magic rituals with instillation.
State of negativity
The ritual did not go well.

Querent's state
The Death card indicates graveyard witchcraft and mortal corruption.
Enemy actions
Magical work with the elements of death, churchyard witchcraft, and damage to death are carried out. Second interpretation of the death card: magical work against you has completely stopped, but was observed in the past.
State of negativity
The death card indicates that the impact fell as mortal damage. The second option for reading the card when favorable cards are adjacent: the impact is removed and sent back.

14. Moderation
Querent's state
The Moderation card indicates the restoration of energy and health after the crisis, this is the time after the damage has been removed
Enemy actions
The Moderation card indicates influences that are not aimed at improving or correcting the situation; perhaps your influences will be removed without sending negativity back. White purges, church prayers. Reflection of negativity with wax.
State of negativity
The Moderation card indicates that the impact has not yet fully subsided or has not yet dissipated.

16. Tower
Querent's state
The tower card indicates a destroyed life or health, that the querent is under heavy magical destructive influence
Enemy actions
The Tower card indicates that destructive work is being carried out against you; with favorable cards, the Tower means demolition magical work enemy
State of negativity
The Tower card means that a magical work has been discovered and broken.

17. Star

21. Peace
Querent's state
The World card says that you need to pay attention to the querent’s habitat and check his immediate surroundings for negativity.
Enemy actions
The World card does not indicate magical influences from the outside. In positive magic, this is the construction of amulets and talismans, protection through the earth and working with the element Earth.
State of negativity
The World card shows that the magical effect did not reach the recipient, perhaps the damage was thrown off, hit the wrong person, or a challenge was made.

There are special layouts for identifying negative or magical effects or layouts for general diagnostics of a person. In such scenarios, it is necessary to clearly formulate the question. If you are a beginner tarot reader and do not yet know how to accurately analyze cards, and you are not sure whether you analyzed the situation correctly, then you should refrain from answering clients’ questions about the negative and magical effects of tarot cards.

The main thing in such layouts is the accurate and adequate perception of the dropped cards on negative impact, and the correct delivery of information from a tactical point of view to a person.

The following cards will show whether a person has negative or magical influences in the layout:

Moon, especially if the card is upside down.

Mage(more as a possible impact), if the Magician is direct, there is an impact

Flipped over Emperor and inverted Devil(may mean severe damage)

Tower, Death, High Priestess, High priest - regardless of the form in which they appeared in the layout.

The hermit is often mistaken for a negative influence, but this is more “their cockroaches in the head” than an external influence. Although it can also mean old damage.

Negative and magical effects will show 10 of Swords. If in the scenario it appears 3 of Swords, 4 of Swords, 9 of Swords, 5 of Cups, Ace of Wands, King of Swords and Knight of Swords, then it is necessary to check or supplement the information received with other cards for negative impacts. Although some tarologists say that if it is present in the layout Swords, 5 of Wands, 9 of Wands, 10 of Wands, 9 of Cups, 6 of Pentacles, Ace of Cups, then all these cards indicate the presence of damage or the evil eye on a person, but all these cards require clarification.

If you need to supplement the information received, then pull out one clarifying card from the deck:

Ace of Wands

Ace of Cups- any negative impact that was made on the water

Ace of Swords- funeral service in church

Ace of Pentacles- for financial difficulties, for taking away good luck

2 of Wands- made with love

2 Cups- made for love, perhaps for a wedding

2 of Swords- possibly a curse, needs clarification

2 of Pentacles- infertility, impotence

3 of Wands- love spell

3 Cups- love spell

3 of Swords- was done in a cemetery if it falls on the Moon (damage to a cemetery, through a photograph)

3 of Pentacles- diversion of luck

4 of Wands- requires clarification, but in principle a clean map

4 Cups- love spell

4 of Swords- there is a negative, clarification is required

4 of Pentacles- crown of celibacy

5 of Wands- requires clarification

5 Cups- there is vampirism

5 of Swords- Love spell

5 of Pentacles- impact on the general biofield

6 of Wands- love affairs, but requires clarification

6 Cups- damage

6 of Swords- requires clarification

6 of Pentacles- deprivation of something

7 of Wands- requires clarification

7 Cups- requires clarification

7 of Swords- requires clarification

7 of Pentacles- cessation of personal growth

8 of Wands- love spell

8 Cups- using a candle

8 of Swords- using volt

8 of Pentacles- requires clarification

9 of Wands- requires clarification

9 Cups - family curse

9 of Swords- funeral service alive

9 of Pentacles- requires clarification

10 of Wands- negative is present, requires clarification

10 Cups- damage done at a wedding

10 of Swords- love spell

10 of Pentacles- damage

Page of Wands- love spell

Page of Cups- requires clarification

Page of Swords- the action of a sorcerer

Page of Pentacles- volt

Knight of Wands- requires clarification

Knight of Cups- requires clarification

Knight of Swords- here, it’s no longer an impact, but a thorough scanning of a person

Knight of Pentacles- for blood

Queen of Wands- The magic of plants

Queen of Cups- household damage

Queen of Swords- love spell

Queen of Pentacles- a curse lies on the house, home

King of Wands- Love spell

King of Cups- alcohol, drug addiction

King of Swords- energetic impact

King of Pentacles- requires clarification

If the card simply requires clarification (without possible negativity), then perhaps it is just a slight evil eye.

If the cards come up in the layout (all cards are upside down):
Devil + nine of swords + ten of swords = severe damage taken for a heart attack, and if it is not removed, the person may die.
Devil + nine of swords + ten of swords + Ace of swords = this is a terrible combination, damage to death, when a person is paralyzed through a stroke and dies.
Hermit + Devil + Ace of Swords + Eight of Swords = the damage was done by an old man, and a very strong sorcerer, who caused damage to death by envolting (a wax figurine is pierced with needles).

Ace of swords + ten of swords + nine of swords = damage that can lead to death, serious damage, drying out of a person.
Devil + Ace of Swords + Strength = possession by evil forces.
Court (transl.) + Priest (direct) + nine of cups + six of swords = wedding damage.
Devil + Priest (direct) + ten swords = church damage.
Devil + nine of swords + Death (transl.) = damage to the cemetery.
Ace of Swords + Ace of Cups + Knight of Cups = damage to infertility.
Five of Cups + Death + Nine of Cups = corruption in the water taken after washing the deceased.
Five of swords + seven of pentacles + six of pentacles = damage to the earth for misfortunes in the house.

Nine of Cups + Ace of Wands + King of Swords = damage to male sexual impotence, made by relatives at some family feast, the client “ate” or “drank” the damage.
Seven of cups + ten of swords + eight of swords + ten of cups = damage done on needles that are hidden in the client’s house, to take away health and undermine family well-being.
Three of Swords + Queen of Swords + Eight of Cups = a blonde widow whose neighbor at work or at home bewitched and cast a spell on her husband’s departure from the family.
Six of Swords + Lovers (transl.) + Ten of Cups (transl.) - damage to get rid of your beloved, to conflicts and problems with her.
Judgment + six of swords + Ace of Cups = family damage, already present on all family members.

Judgment + six of swords + Ace of Cups + King of Swords = family damage, damage through a family curse.
Chariot + eight of swords + seven of pentacles = damage to the next.
Chariot + Seven of Pentacles + Knight of Swords = damage at a crossroads, which a person “picked up” by accident.
Chariot + six of wands (transl.) + seven of swords + Tower = damage to death during an accident, problems with the car.
Four of Cups + Three of Swords + Nine of Cups = spell damage on menstrual blood.
Ten of Swords + Death (transl.) + Moon - damage to the cemetery through photography.
Queen of Swords + Eight of Swords + Moon = Gypsy corruption.
Magician + Devil = curse.

Tarot cards usually indicate possible death with the following combination:
Strength + Ace of Swords + Peace + King of Wands + Ten of Swords + Nine of Swords = Death.
Strength + Ace of Swords + Four of Swords = death from cancer.
Strength + Ace of Swords + Four of Swords + King of Swords = death from cancer after unsuccessful surgery.
Strength + Ace of Swords + Four of Swords + Mage = Cancer caused by corruption.
The main thing is to accurately analyze and adequately perceive all the cards drawn in the Tarot layout.

This viewing method is simple and effective. It is possible to use a deck of Tarot cards that you work with yourself and no longer use for viewing by other people. If you want to review yourself and your energy.
To view other people, it is better to use the New Vision Tarot decks, which reflects the “wrong side” of any situation, and the Tarot of Marseilles.
The first form of the layout is a card lot.
Enter a working state of emptiness and inner silence. With your left hand, light the candles located on the sides of the altar/square table on which you will do the alignment.
Mix all 78 Arcana with circular movements of your hands and proceed.
Mentally formulate the question “WHAT CAN YOU SAY ABOUT THE PRESENCE OF A NEGATIVE MAGICAL INFLUENCE ON ME /or name the day, month, year of birth and blood type/?
Take out one card, that's the answer.
If you want a more detailed answer, take two more cards from the deck.
The second method is based on the past, present and future of a person.
In this case, you take out three cards, laying them out from left to right past-present-future.
And you determine the types of influences.
As a mantic system, the Tarot can give fairly complete answers about the presence of the evil eye, damage, curses and other influences.
I will describe some meanings of Tarot cards for viewing negativity in people.
Let me note that these values ​​do not exhaust the description, and you will add a lot based on your own experience during practice.


Jester ARCANA 0
- A person does not have severe negativity, but may mean the need for strict motivation, clear setting of specific goals.

Black magician, professional damage was done, its danger can be shown by other cards.

Witch. They indicate a hard love spell, such as Egillet or Envolvement of Passion, which was professionally performed more often by a woman.
It can also mean planting an entity for the purpose of influence.

Generic power for the magician, as well as damage to the “crown of celibacy” and damage to infertility, frigidity.

Protection. Energetically strong man, as well as the fact that a person needs protection.

Almost always shows generic protection, the object is protected by otherworldly forces. Next to negative cards such as the Tower or Death, indicates the corruption of death or a curse. In combination with the Devil - Agreement for the sale of the soul. Combined with the lasso POWER abilities in black magic

Love magic, love spells, bindings, attachments.

Possible damage to the road, dangers along the way, accidents, disasters.

Backlash, retribution, complete energy imbalance.

Man is closed magical protection, Next to the negative cards: Tower, Death, closing of paths, damage to loneliness.

Powerful protection, in combination with the Hermit, this person practices Dark magic With cards of Death, Tower, he can talk about transferring diseases, failures, and damage of some types to the object.

A clear magical attack. Damage to suppression of will. The influence of Demons, Devils, and other Dark entities on the life of an object.

Your work is neutralized or not fully completed due to outside interference. Next to the negative cards of Death, Towers, indicates the closure of all paths or a break in fate.

Necromantic influences. inhabitation of the spirits of the dead. Your magical work is ineffective.

It takes a lot of time to get results from the impact. Sometimes it means for the frostiness of influence.

A very dangerous signal, many types of Demonic influences are possible. Incorporation of a Dark Essence for the purpose of replacing a personality.

Damage to death, Envoltage of death. If you don't take quick action, a person is doomed.
The number of the card from the minor arcana can show the deadline.

A person is “included” in some religious system. In combination with the Sun, Peace, Strength, it shows a successfully completed cleansing.

Love magic: sexual attachments, cold spells, lapels, depending on the combination of the Moon with other cards, Lovers, Empress, Emperor.
damage to madness, foolishness, in combination with the Tower, Death.

Any impact you make is effective, or will be as effective as possible.
When analyzing a person, it means mirror protection.

The Force with which you work favors you and your influence will be very effective. Next to the negative cards of DEATH, TOWERS shows a family curse.

A person is under the powerful protection of his own unbelief. As well as the successful completion of your magical work. If Death is dropped after this card, the Tower means tough Negative influence to all areas of human life.
They often complement the Elders, and if they fall out first they speak of a “veiled”, closed influence.

ACE OF SWORDS Indicates a hard negativity that has broken through defenses and penetrated into all energy structures.
It is necessary to analyze the “chakras” of human energy centers responsible for the functioning of the organs and systems of the body.

TWO OF SWORDS Damage, which is at the stage of implementation in the energy field, can also indicate shortcomings in the work of influencing a person; subsequent cards will show what needs to be corrected.

THREE OF SWORDS Love magic: lapel, falling out, cooling off, also same-sex love spell damage Effects on melancholy, depression.

FOUR OF SWORDS Necromantic work, all its types.

FIVE OF SWORDS Always indicates damage, as well as love spells that have become damage, such as a love spell for the purpose of revenge.

SIX OF SWORDS. The negative process has begun. Most often it falls out during cleansing from negativity and indicates that it is not yet completed and additional cleaning and protection is required.

SEVEN OF SWORDS. Talks about the backlashes that you yourself risk receiving in the course of your work to influence this person, or the circumstances of the case will be very complicated for you, you need to wait.

EIGHT OF SWORDS Damage to illness. A person has old negativity that destroys all areas of his life.

NINE OF SWORDS. Severe influences with the introduction of a Dark essence.

Damage to paralysis, death, misfortune. May indicate Necromantic works performed for complete destruction.

PAGE OF SWORDS. Substance, Demon, Familiar, Trait.

KNIGHT OF SWORDS Attempts to break through the defense, damage in defense.

A woman, usually black-haired, and also a Witch who commits damage.

Specific damage to physical violence...

Compliant love magic, in the context of analyzing negative love spells, bindings of all kinds.

ACE OF CUPS. Hard Black love spell, and also most often OKKORM.

May show the "Black Wedding Rite" which is used in the Western tradition similar to the "Wedding of Mary Lao Loa" Rite in the VooDoo tradition, when a church ritual is performed over the volts of the victims.

THREE OF CUPS. Love triangle. The presence of a third party, a rival or rival using love spells.

Love spell through Devils, Demons.

A very difficult person to cast a love spell on

A neutral card, and can talk about your unsuccessful love spells.

Empty, ineffective influences, you need to find out the reason.

Effects on melancholy

The card can talk about protecting a person, a love spell will not be easy

The person already has a love spell, other cards will tell about its strength and influence.

Love spells through Dark entities.

KNIGHT OF CUPS. A person is constantly subject to love spell influences, his energy and psyche are very unstable.

On a person, a love spell that does not “lay down” as intended, it has the opposite effect, the person is destroyed.

QUEEN OF CUPS Most often, a woman obsessed with sex is ready for anything.


Black magic protection. Next to negative cards, especially look for the Major Arcana, work through the call of Dark entities, it may even show that the magical program of damage is “under lock and key” and it is almost impossible to remove the negative.

Rumors, binary lapel. Transfer from one person to another.

Stage-by-stage damage, or stage-by-stage work ahead.

Protection. Realization of your plans.

Work that will not bring results is a waste of time and effort.

A person is under the protection of Higher otherworldly forces, as well as positive results.

New opportunities that will result from influence or that already exist.

Shows conflicts within a married couple, quarrels, rituals to destroy the family.

NINE OF PENTACLES - Protection through the cemetery.

A person has protection; he uses some kind of amulet, the meaning of which he is not aware of.

Page of Pentacles
Demonic protections. Next to the negative cards of work through volts, deposits.

There is protection, but it is unstable.

KING OF PENTACLES Next to the negative ones they show who the influence is coming from, especially you need to pay attention to the Ladies and Kings.

QUEEN OF PENTACLES Woman trying to use magic


This suit shows what stage of promotion the influence is in.

ACE OF WANDS. Shows availability magic program which takes place, and in a very professional manner.

Various kinds of bindings, including love spells.

The object is under attack, which may indicate that they are trying to remove its protection.

Protection. Next to the negative ones it speaks of love spells, and can also show the period of the full moon.

Attempts to break through the defense.

SIX OF WANDS Corruption, the purpose of which is just retribution.

Magic using blood, an additional 7 cards are required.

The quick results that will come from the influence of its specifics will be shown by other cards.

Always indicates the presence of good protection.

TEN OF WANDS Reverse strikes, rollbacks, as a result of rash actions, errors in work that must be corrected in order to avoid consequences.

Page of Wands Sexual attachment, for lust, Egilet

KNIGHT OF WANDS Protection of the forces of light, needed detailed analysis situations

The ritual was performed or is possible only through the Power of Dark Entities

To determine negativity and various magical effects on Tarot cards, it is best to use the Tarot of Shadows deck or any other dark deck.
But if you use a universal deck, then you can use it, it will also show well all the negative aspects in a person’s life.
In layouts for diagnosing negative influences, it is necessary first of all to pay attention to the Major Arcana. It is the Major Arcana of the Tarot that contain magical and occult symbols. But the Minor Arcana shows more results on physical level, which brings negative magical intervention, show what area or how it was done.

The presence of magical negativity (impact) is shown primarily by the Major Arcana, such as:

. High Priestess,
. Hermit,
. Hanged,
. Death,
. Tower,
. Devil,
. Moon,
. Last Judgment.

At the same time, the Arcana Magician in combination with the High Priestess will show that we have an active witch (or magician). It is the presence of these arcana in the layout, in combination with other negative Major Arcana, that shows the greatest likelihood of magical intervention.

Magician +Moon+Lovers+Devil - love spell.
Mage + Hermit + Devil - a curse on loneliness.
Last Judgment+The hermit is a generational curse, the crown of celibacy.
Magician + Strength + Hanged Man + Hermit - damage to illness, disability.

Mage+Death+Devil - cemetery magic, working with demons.
Magician + Devil - black magic, working through demons.

At the same time, we should not forget that these combinations can be accompanied by the TOWER lasso as a symbol of the destruction of existing spheres of life. The tower is an indicator of total destruction in the energy sector and human life. If the Tower lasso falls surrounded by the suit of Pentacles, then the losses occur in finances, if surrounded by the suit of Cups - in personal life.

The Arcanum DEATH most often speaks of cemetery work - everything that is done through the cemetery or in one way or another with the involvement of the dead.

Arcanum DEVIL - more often shows work with various dark entities - devils, demons, etc. By the way, work at intersections will also be shown this way. In love spell positions, the Devil more often talks about sex attachment or love spells based on sexual attraction.
Death and the Devil are the first cards that will show them in the position of a person having entities and necro-bindings. At the same time, Death indicates necro-essence, and the Devil speaks of the presence of any other essence - again, a demon, etc.

The LAST JUDGMENT lasso in combination with negative major arcana more often indicates ancestral (karmic) negatives and curses.

Last Judgment + Priestess - there were witches in the family.

Last Judgment + Hermit - curse, crown of celibacy, intrauterine curse.

Last Judgment + Devil - a strong generational curse, heavy karma of the family (murder, suicide, and practice of black magic are possible in the family).

From Minor Arcana for availability negative energy the client's aura says SUIT OF SWORDS. The suit of swords is, first of all, thoughts, mental energy. During magical attacks, the mental layer of a person’s aura usually suffers. But based on the presence of only one suit of Swords in the layout, one cannot judge that a person was exposed to harmful magic. The presence of a large number of Swords suits in the layout without the presence of the “magical” Major Arcana (Devil, High Priestess, Magician) can only indicate a negative psychological attitude and psychological problems in the client.

There are special layouts for identifying negative or magical effects or layouts for general diagnostics of a person.

If you are a beginner tarot reader and do not yet know how to accurately analyze cards, i.e. perceive their correct interpretation, and you are not sure whether you analyzed the situation correctly, then you should refrain from answering clients’ questions about the negative and magical effects on Tarot cards.

For example, you saw damage that leads to death, you tell the person about it. But there is no damage there, you just, for example, misinterpreted the cards. By doing this, you will cause damage to the person’s psyche and the person will plunge into this, and thereby create a negative program for himself.

The same is true with looking at “death” on Tarot cards; besides, not every tarot reader, even with many years of practice, is destined to see this in the cards.
The main thing is the accurate and adequate perception of the dropped cards in the layouts for a negative impact, and the correct communication of information from a tactical point of view to the person.
The main thing is to learn to listen to the Arcana of the Tarot.
