Is it possible to spray begonia? Such simple care for evergreen begonia

125 species of begonias are cultivated; they have a huge number of hybrids - some are grown for their decorative leaves, others for their abundance of charming, delicate flowers. Smooth-leaved varieties of begonias are more light-loving (the leaves can be carefully wiped from dust with a slightly moistened soft sponge) than begonias with fleecy leaves (the leaves do not need to be touched); begonias do not need to be sprayed at all. Begonias do not like drafts and frequent changes in the position of the pot in relation to the light.
Begonias love light, but they should not be placed in full sun. Begonia soil should not be allowed to dry out; the substrate should be kept constantly moist, but without excessive waterlogging. Too high humidity with stagnant water provokes diseases in begonias: powdery mildew, root rot. Some begonias need high air humidity, but even these should never be sprayed - wet spots will appear on the stems, leaves and flowers. High air humidity is achieved by periodically spraying the air in the room with begonia and placing a container with constantly evaporating water next to the pot.

Begonia (Latin name Begonia) – decorative flowering plant Begoniaceae family, native to South and Central America. It was not for nothing that he was named after the Governor of Haiti, Michel Begon. Several species of begoniaceae are found in Africa, Sri Lanka, and South India. In Russia, it is an annual garden, greenhouse, or perennial houseplant grown at home. Wherever begonia grows, it always pleases the eye with a bright palette of colors and decorative leaves, the main thing is that her care is correct.

General information and description

Under natural conditions, begonias can be annual or perennial, in the form of a grass, shrub or subshrub. Some species are creeping, with tuberous, thickened roots.

Begonias have asymmetrical leaves with a bright green color, so the plant always looks decorative - even without flowers. However, there are flowers on begonias - some types of plants bloom all summer, others - 9-10 months a year. They irregular shape, monoecious and unisexual, of various colors. After flowering, a fruit is formed - a box with seeds.

The genus of begonias has more than 1000 species, but in ornamental gardening the most popular are about 120 species and hybrid varieties; these are decorative deciduous and decorative flowering plants. Work on breeding begonia varieties does not stop; the variety of begonias will always increase to the delight of flower growers.

For the first time, the French explorer Charles Plumier drew attention to the decorative flowering plant in the Antilles, and he named it after Michel Begon.

The beautiful plant immediately found application in floriculture; hanging varieties of begonias have become especially popular - they are used for decorating and landscaping the interiors of premises and building facades, arches, gazebos, and terraces.

Convolvulus species of begonias are used to decorate walls, windows and doorways as a ground cover plant. From the variety of types and forms of begonias, you can always choose something suitable for a particular case.

Agricultural technology

How to grow decorative flowering begonia at home, what care does it need? In order for a plant to always be in excellent shape, it needs several conditions, let’s name them.

Lighting – begonia loves diffused light. Therefore, at home, it is better to always keep a flower pot on the windowsill on the southwest or southeast side. In summer, it is better to hide the begonia from the scorching rays of the sun; the pot can be moved deeper into the room, or the window can be shaded with foil.

For growing in hanging flowerpots or flower pots outdoors, it is better to use varieties of decorative flowering hanging begonias that are not afraid of the sun, rain and other atmospheric phenomena. Caring for plants outdoors consists of watering, fertilizing and loosening the soil in the flowerpot.

Temperature – for begonia at home, the optimal temperature is 21-23 degrees summer time, and 16-18 degrees in winter. Some begonias do not have a dormant period, and they continue to bloom even in winter; in this case, they are grown at room temperature and lighting familiar to a living room. Caring for them at this time should be the same as in the summer.

Decorative flowering begonia is a plant of humid countries and loves moisture. However, at home, air humidity is increased not by spraying begonias, but by other methods - for example, you can place a tray with wet moss or a container of water next to the flower. Begonia cannot be sprayed - water causes brown spots to appear on its leaves.

Caring for begonia involves timely watering with warm and clean water. Water it 1-2 times a week, always after the layer of soil in the pot has dried 1-1.5 cm. In winter, watering is reduced, and in tuberous varieties, the entire above-ground part completely dies off, and they do not need watering. Such begonias are watered once a month in winter to prevent the soil from drying out.

And, of course, caring for decoratively flowering begonia at home is impossible without fertilizing. Tuberous begonias begin to be fed in the spring, after a dormant period; at this time, nitrogenous fertilizers are used, thanks to which the plants always grow well. green mass. At this time, fertilizing is carried out every 15, during the period of budding and flowering, nitrogen is canceled, and the plant begins to be fed with potassium-phosphorus preparations, which promote lush flowering.

Decorative flowering begonia loves fertile, light soils with good moisture and water permeability. Soil for planting or replanting is purchased from finished form, or make it yourself at home from equal parts leaf soil, peat and sand. Drainage system and a drainage hole in the pot - necessary condition so that the water in the pot does not stagnate and air always flows to the roots of the plant.

Another mandatory point in caring for begonias is replanting them in a new pot. As a rule, begonias are replanted as needed - if the roots have grown too much and no longer fit in the previous pot, or if the plant begins to hurt and its roots need to be examined.

A planned transplant is carried out at the end of the dormant period, that is, at the beginning of spring. The roots are removed from the pot, cleared of soil, soaked in a disinfectant solution for 30 minutes, and then planted in a new pot.

If the transplant is done out of necessity, most likely, the roots of the plant have begun to rot; they are inspected and the damaged fragments are removed. Healthy parts are also disinfected, the pot is cleaned with powder or washed detergent, lay new drainage and new soil.

The transplanted begonia is watered, the soil is replenished if it has settled after watering, and placed in a place where there is no direct rays of the sun, but there is a lot of diffused light. Proper and attentive care, and compliance with all agrotechnical techniques, will help begonias to always be healthy and blooming.


Decoratively flowering begonia is propagated at home by cuttings, dividing tubers or air layering. Seed propagation is most often used by breeders when developing new varieties.

Cuttings for propagation are cut in May-June; they should be about 10 cm in length. The cuttings are immersed in a solution to stimulate root growth, and then rooted in water. You can put 1-2 tablets in water activated carbon so that it does not spoil. After the roots appear, the cuttings are planted in a pot, 4-5 pieces at a time, to create lush bush. Caring for rooted cuttings is no different from caring for an adult plant, the same watering and fertilizing. But the portions of fertilizers are reduced by half.

Reproduction by tubers occurs in autumn or spring. In the fall, at the beginning of the dormant period, the tubers are removed from the pot, separated and planted in different containers. However, you should not hope that the tubers will begin to germinate in the fall. This will happen only in the spring, so autumn transplant can be replaced with spring.

Only hanging begonias, which have long stems, can be propagated by air layering. One of the stems is buried in a nearby pot, strengthened and watered. The buds are torn off so that the cuttings can take root better. After 2-3 months, the cuttings can be separated from the base and grown as an independent plant.


Begonias growing at home also have their own problems - these are diseases and pests that sometimes arise, even with good care.

Most often, begonia suffers from powdery mildew, which is manifested by the appearance of rot on the core of the bush and on the lower leaves. Having discovered white coating, you need to try to save the plant and prevent the disease from spreading to the entire bush. Damaged leaves are torn off, the bush is treated with fungicides, and watering is reduced.

If the begonia is attacked by aphids and spider mite, you can get rid of them with the help of insecticides - Karbofos, Fitoverm, Intavir. After treatment, the plant can be covered plastic bag for 1-2 hours so that the insects die faster.

Indoor begonias are distinguished by a huge variety of types and forms.

Tuberous ones are considered the most beautiful, as they bloom with bright, luxurious flowers. Deciduous varieties do not bloom, but they have decorative foliage that enlivens any room.

In nature, most begonias live in tropical and subtropical zones, preferring damp, shady areas. Selected species grow on rocky areas, mountain slopes or dry lands.

    Begonia: care and cultivation at home during the growing season

    How to care for begonia at home? Growing indoor begonia flowers at all not difficult, because these plants are not at all capricious and quite resilient. However, creating the most optimal conditions for their development, you contribute to their fullest flowering.


    How to properly water begonia at home? How often should I do this?

    Moderation and caution- the main principles of watering begonias. Dry soil and a constant lack of moisture are no less destructive than persistent soil dampness.

    Therefore, you need to water the plants only after the soil has dried 1-1.5 centimeters deep. Definitely needed good drainage in a pot, preventing water from stagnating in the container.

    You can pour water only at the root, being careful not to splash the leaves and flowers. Otherwise, they will become covered with ugly brown specks.

    Air humidity.

    Is it possible to spray begonia with water? Guest from the tropics loves humid air very much. However, spraying it is not recommended.

    Therefore, other methods of increasing humidity should be used.

    Pot of begonia can be wrapped in a layer of damp moss or placed on a stand filled with wet stones such as pebbles and expanded clay.

    Near the plant Many people put an open bowl of water or use special humidifiers. As a last resort, you can simply spray the air around the flower without getting on the leaves.

    Top dressing

    This plant is completely I don’t mind additional nutrition, but you shouldn’t overdo it. Fertilizers for begonias are applied every 12-15 days.

    For flowering species You can use mineral complexes with a reduced amount of nitrogen. To grow lush, they require, first of all, potassium and phosphorus.

    Decorative foliage Begonias, on the other hand, need nitrogen, which helps develop beautiful foliage. Such varieties are suitable for alternating organic matter with mineral supplements.


    The tropical resident feels great in the warmth and can easily tolerate the heat. Optimal temperature - 23-26°.

    Light mode

    Very important factor For the full development of begonias, proper lighting is key.

    If there is too much light- The green parts and flowers will become covered with necrotic areas due to sunburn.

    With a lack of sunshine the leaves will lose their brightness and richness of color, and you may not wait for flowering at all.

    Ideally begonia should be located on the windowsill of the eastern or western window. Here the flower will be protected from the aggressive rays of the daytime sun.

    When placing the pot on the south side, you should place it some distance from the window or cover it with a curtain at noon.


    Lifespan largely depends on proper cultivation plants.

    On average it is 1.7-2.5 years. After this, it is recommended to rejuvenate the begonia.

    Growth rate

    Young plants take a very long time to develop. Seeds germinate in about 13-17 days.

    From the moment of germination to the appearance of the first flower, at least 3 months pass. After this, growth accelerates, begonia begins to branch, forming more and more new shoots.

    Features of care in winter

    Begonia flowers: and in the fall, what are the features of caring for it? room conditions, how to preserve and what to do with the plant before wintering?

    All types of plants divided into 3 groups according to behavior in winter:

  1. All leaves and stems fall off, new ones form in the spring. This rhythm is characteristic of tuberous begonias.
  2. Plants go into hibernation. They keep the foliage intact, but during rest they stop developing.
  3. Evergreen and constantly growing bushes that are indifferent to the changing seasons.

Care depends on which group indoor begonia belongs to. Evergreens need the same intensive care as in summer. They don't need to change their lifestyle.

Tuberous species they shed their leaves and need complete rest for 90-100 days. The tubers must be placed in slightly moist peat or river sand. The container is placed in a dark, cool place where the temperature is kept between 11-14°. To prevent the tubers from drying out, they are occasionally watered with cool water (about once every 3-4 weeks).

The second group of begonias causes the most trouble. It is she who should be given special attention.

Watering begonias in winter

The number of procedures should be greatly reduced, observing the break between them is 6-8 days.

In the 17th century, Michel Begon studied the plant and gave it the name "Begonia". There are 900 species of begonia in nature, and about 2000 artificially bred.

Begonia was a delicate plant that required careful care: it was grown in indoor greenhouses. Later, an unpretentious begonia was developed that can be grown at home.

Types of decorative begonias:

  • blooming– with bright beautiful flowers;
  • deciduous – with spots, tints and stripes on the leaves.

A separate species is tuberous begonia. It is distinguished by its ease of care and colorful flowers.

Depending on the type of begonia there are:

  • low - about 3 cm, and high - up to 80 cm;
  • with or without stem,
  • flowering or non-flowering.

There are flowers different shades and forms. Begonia blooms all summer and autumn.

At proper care the plant will bloom all year round.

Light and temperature

Begonia loves bright light. Place it on a south or southeast window. On hot days, shade from the sun to prevent leaf scorch and flower wilting.

Decorative deciduous begonias love diffused light. Place them on a west or east window.

Home begonia loves warmth. Maintain the room temperature at least +18°C.

Soil and air humidity

Give the plant a tropical microclimate with high humidity, but do not spray the leaves, otherwise spots will appear.

  1. Take a large pallet and place a smaller pallet in the center, turning it upside down. Place a plant on it.
  2. Pour expanded clay into a large tray and moisten it periodically. Do not allow water to stagnate in the pot and tray.
  3. Water your begonia with settled water. room temperature when the soil dries 1.5 cm. Water less often in winter.

Homemade tuberous begonia goes dormant in winter. Sprinkle it with peat and do not water it until spring.


Feed begonia during flowering 2 times a month with nitrogenous substances. They promote leaf growth but slow down development blooming begonias. Apply fertilizer in the evening, so it is better absorbed. A few hours before fertilizing, moisten the soil generously.

Avoid getting fertilizer on the trunk or leaves and do not allow excess in the soil. Buy fertilizer at the store or prepare it yourself.

Recipe No. 1


  • 1.5 grams of ammonium nitrate;
  • 1 gram of potassium salt;
  • 1.5 g superphosphate.

Dilute everything in a liter of water and water the begonia soil. One serving is for 10 plants.

Recipe No. 2

Feed your begonia with glucose once a month. Mix 1 tablet with a liter of water and water the plant.

Recipe No. 3

Suitable as a top dressing banana peel. Grind the peel with a blender and mix with soil. Fresh or dried peels will work.

Recipe No. 4

Fertilize with ash. A little ash when replanting and you will avoid rotted roots.

Mix 1 tbsp. spoon of ash with a liter of water and water.

Recipe No. 5

Another method of fertilization is fertilizing with humus. Use mullein or bird droppings. Dilute humus with water in a ratio of 1:10 and water once every 10-12 days.


To propagate begonias by leaves, take strong and formed leaves. Young leaves are not suitable.

  1. Cut the petiole off the leaf.
  2. Using a utility knife, make several cuts on the veins with inside leaf. Make cuts closer to the petiole.
  3. Apply sheet inside on moist soil in a pot.
  4. Add photosporin to the water to moisten the soil at the tip of a knife. The water should be warm and settled.
  5. Press the leaf to the ground using pebbles or other flat, heavy objects.
  6. Cover the pot with film and place the plant in a bright place.
  7. 3-4 weeks after the appearance of sprouts the size of a 10-kopeck coin, remove the unrooted parts of the leaf. Carefully transplant the sprouts into separate pots with soil.

By division

Before dividing the begonia, moisten the soil thoroughly.

  1. Remove the plant from the pot and remove any old leaves.
  2. Using your fingers, divide the bush into 2 parts. Divide each into several parts.
  3. Remove old soil from the roots of the rosettes. Place rosettes with a weak root system in disposable cups with a moistened substrate. The plant's growing point should be above the ground.
  4. Place the planted plants in a greenhouse for 1-2 weeks.
  5. Open the greenhouse lid slightly and remove it after a week. If there is no greenhouse, use a packaging bag and a disposable glass. Cover the plant with a bag, twist the end of the bag tightly at the bottom and place the begonia cup in another cup.
  6. After 2 weeks, untie the bottom of the bag and let the air in without removing the bag.
  7. After another 2 weeks, remove the bag. Plant rosettes with a good root system directly into the pot.

When planting begonias, avoid forcefully compacting the soil.


All species, except tuberous begonia, rest for 2-3 months after flowering. During this period it is good to transplant.

Tuberous begonia stops growing with the onset of winter.

  1. Stop watering and remove the tuber from the soil. Clear it of soil and place it in peat or moss.
  2. Store the tubers in a cool, dark room all winter.
  3. In the spring, transplant the tubers into the prepared substrate and place them in a bright, warm place.

Begonia– very popular indoor flower, and this has its own explanation: begonia has beautiful leaves and flowers, which is probably why people call it “maiden beauty.” To those who are in indoor plants appreciates beauty, I advise you to definitely get a begonia. And I will try to tell you about the most common problems that arise when growing beautiful begonias and how to solve them. Because if you are informed, then you are ready to deal with the problem.

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Begonia - home care

What to do if begonia leaves curl? If they dry and curl only lower leaves plants, then this may be a natural process of old leaves dying, but if the leaves darken and dry out throughout the begonia, you should start to worry.

Watering should be moderate: do not overdo it with moisture, but do not allow the soil in the begonia pot to dry out. Curling of begonia leaves may be a sign of insufficient soil nutrition, and this means that it is time to feed the plant.

How often to spray begonia? Begonia loves moist air, but reacts sharply to excessive moisture in the soil in the pot. Begonia varieties with smooth leaves can be subjected to water procedures, but varieties with “fluffy” leaves are better not to be sprayed, but to spray water around the flower, humidifying the air.

Where to place a pot of begonia? Begonias feel great on window sills facing southwest and southeast.

What to do if begonias appear on a leaf dark spots and holes? Very often, if watered incorrectly, begonia leaves become stained with cold or hard water. And the holes can be a trace of a burn formed by a drop of water and a sun ray.

Why do double begonias have non-double flowers? This mysterious phenomenon is quite understandable: on double begonias, female (pistillate) flowers of simple shape and male (staminate) flowers develop. Male flowers have a terry shape. Men's and female buds are revealed in different times. If desired, female non-double flowers can be removed; this will preserve the plant’s strength and it will bloom profusely with double flowers.

When should the first flowers appear on begonias? Not until the main stem has 5-6 knees. In rare cases, begonia blooms earlier at home.

What to do if the begonia flowers darken and fall off? The cause may be water getting on the begonia buds.

What to do if powdery spots appear on the leaves? It could be powdery mildew or gray mold. Remove diseased leaves and treat the plant with a fungicide. Ventilate the room more often.

Why do begonia leaves and flowers fall off? Possible reasons several: water got on the plant, the air in the room is too dry, or insufficient watering is to blame.

Begonia pests. Most often, at home, begonias are harmed by insects such as aphids and spider mites.

When should begonia be replanted? Spring - best time for transplanting begonias.

What soil is optimal for begonias? The ideal mixture for begonia: turf, leaf, coniferous soil, peat and regular river sand.

Why do begonia buds fall off? There are many reasons: waterlogging or vice versa - insufficient watering, drafts and even changing the position of the flowerpot relative to the light source by several degrees, not to mention moving the flower from one room to another.

Why doesn't begonia bloom? Perhaps your begonia does not have enough light, the room has low humidity, it is too hot or too cold, or perhaps you have placed it in a draft or overfed it with fertilizers.

If, despite all your efforts, the begonia continues to droop, root a branch just in case, perhaps your begonia will say goodbye to you.
