Machine plastering or hand plastering. What is the difference between machine-applied plaster and hand-applied plaster? What is better to choose and in what case

Home decoration is rarely complete without plaster - a time-tested and effective coating, the demand for which has only grown over the years. But all stages of plastering require significant physical effort, so the productivity of doing it manually is not high. As a result of the constant improvement of finishing technologies, not only ready-made dry mixtures have been developed that simplify the preparation of plaster mortar, but also equipment for applying plaster to the base mechanically.

The advent of mechanical plastering methods has greatly facilitated the work of finishers, but customers often have a logical question: is this type of finishing different for better or worse from a coating made by hand? Let's look at the advantages and disadvantages of this technology compared to in the classic way plastering, the characteristics of which are widely known.

Equipment for mechanized plastering

There are several types of mechanical plastering devices, all of them are designed to apply mortar to the base and work according to general principle– the plaster composition is supplied from one or more nozzles. But the design differences between these types of equipment determine individual operating rules and performance.

Pneumatic devices

This group of mechanical plastering equipment includes cartouche guns and pneumatic buckets (shovels, hoppers) - portable units that use the energy of a stream of compressed air.

The cartouche gun works on the following principle: air is supplied to its nozzle by a compressor high pressure, simultaneously in air channel the solution from the tank flows from above. A stream of air captures the solution and carries it through a nozzle, which shapes the direction and intensity of applying the mixture to the surface - removable nozzles of different diameters and bell profiles are designed for a certain consistency and grain size of the plaster composition. To apply liquid mixtures, use nozzles with a funnel angle at the outlet of 15-20°, for thick mixtures - at least 30°.

The cartouche gun and the pneumatic bucket are similar to each other in design and principle of operation - both work from air compressor with a power of 5-6 atm., but there are differences between them:

  1. Pistols have one nozzle with a set of removable nozzles of various diameters, pneumatic buckets have 2-4 nozzles, but they are not adjustable - you can only change the distance from the tool to the wall;
  2. The capacity of the consumable tank of a cartouche gun is less than that of a pneumatic bucket (3-5 l versus 5-8 l);
  3. In addition to plastering, the gun can be used for priming, painting, applying adhesive compositions and self-leveling floor coverings, and a pneumatic bucket - for the installation of decorative textured cladding;
  4. The performance of a pneumatic bucket is higher; you can make it yourself.

Pneumopaths are manufactured in two varieties - wall and ceiling. They differ only in the angle of inclination of the tank to the axis of the handle - it is made in such a way that the solution does not overflow over the walls of the tank in a convenient working position of the unit.

Special compounds are produced for mechanical plaster, but cartouche guns and pneumatic shovels are designed to work with conventional mixtures - gypsum and cement, industrial production and homemade. However, please note that when using homemade solutions sand must be sieved to remove debris and filler fractions larger than 2 mm.

The composition for cartouche pistols and pneumatic buckets is mixed by the performer separately - these units do not participate in the preparation of the mixture. During the finishing process, the worker periodically loads the tank with solution - he simply scoops it out of the tub, which takes a matter of seconds, and a 5-liter portion of the mixture is also consumed very quickly - in 5-6 seconds.

The production of plaster mortar with a pneumatic shovel ranges from 1 to 5 m3 of mortar per hour, while the productivity in terms of finishing area depends on the thickness of the applied layer, but in any case it is 2-3 times higher than the speed of finishing using classical manual technology.

Taking into account the difference in specific gravity, application with a pneumatic bucket cement mixtures performed 1.5-2 times slower than plaster.

Advantages of pneumatic devices:

  1. Ease of use (regarding application of the solution);
  2. High performance;
  3. High-quality filling of pores on the surface;
  4. Small volume of solution waste.


  1. Significant weight of the device with a full tank;
  2. High cost of a set of equipment.

Cost of pneumatic plastering equipment

Electric units for machine plastering

This group of equipment includes plastering stations - portable and stationary. To repair an apartment or house, the power of portable installations is abundant; stationary ones are used over large areas in capital construction.

For plastering, such equipment uses gypsum and cement ready-made dry mixtures intended for machine application or universal, as indicated on their packaging. These materials contain optimizing additives that take into account the nuances of mechanical plastering, so the use regular mixtures deteriorates the quality of the coating and reduces the service life of the installation.

The plastering station consists of the following units:

  1. Receiving hopper for dry mixture, equipped with an auger;
  2. Tank for mixing the solution with a dosed supply of water;
  3. Water supply system connected to a dispenser in the tank;
  4. Electric pump and solution supply system;
  5. Controller

To operate, the station is connected to the electrical network and water supply. The dry composition is loaded into the receiving hopper, from where, by rotating the auger, it is directed into the mixing tank, into which water is also supplied. The solution is mixed using a mixing spiral, after which the finished mixture enters the pump, which pushes it into the supply hose. At the outlet of the sleeve, the mixture under pressure forms a jet, which allows the solution to be applied directionally to the base. The productivity of such equipment is 1-5 m3/hour.

Advantages of plastering stations:

  1. High finishing speed – 20-30 m2/hour;
  2. Low labor intensity of work;
  3. Lower prices compared to manual finishing.


  1. Requires 2-3 people to participate;
  2. The process is dependent on electricity and water in the system - turning them off risks solidifying the solution in the unit.

When operating a plastering station, it is necessary to have a portable generator and an alternative source of water.


Plastering with pneumatic devices cannot be called light work– holding a gun or a ladle with several liters of solution suspended and applying the mixture evenly on the base from a fixed distance is difficult. But compared to manual plastering, this execution is still physically easier, and technically simpler - it does not require professional plasterer skills. Having picked up in the first seconds of work optimal distance to the surface, you can apply the solution without sticking, which is typical for manual plastering.

In addition, the productivity of this method is several times higher than the traditional version, so some of the physical effort is justified. The high speed of plastering not only reduces the duration of the process, but also brings the base closer to readiness for further finishing - the sooner the plastering is completed, the sooner it will mature.

As for the quality of the coating. The method of preparing the solution is the same for both pneumatic application and manual application, therefore the main requirement for both methods is to follow the instructions for using the mixture. Applying the mixture with a pneumatic tool ensures the coating is monolithic, as it does not leave cavities in it. But in high-quality hand-made plaster, the presence of cavities is so insignificant that it does not affect the characteristics of the coating.

When comparing manual finishing and station plastering, the difference in performance is also immediately apparent. Price comparison makes machine plaster even more attractive:

However, savings are real only when finishing large areas. The “crew” of a plastering station consists of two or three people, among whom the earnings are divided, so the contractor is forced to inflate prices for small volumes. But in a situation where repair small apartment limited time frame, the higher price of machine plastering for a small volume justifies itself.


The main advantage of mechanized plastering over manual plastering is the high speed of execution, which significantly reduces repair time in general, especially on large objects, for example, in a private house. Considering that plastering is a dirty job, speeding up its execution is especially desirable. As for the quality of the coating, the use of mechanical devices is not a panacea for defects. If the master does not have the appropriate qualifications and conscientiousness, the coating will be poor in any method of execution.

Calculate the cost of work on mechanized or manual plastering of walls!
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In order to understand how machine-applied plastering differs from manual plastering, you should compare all the main parameters of using the two technologies, determine the differences and features of each type of work.

Material. In the preparation of plaster mortar for automated feeding and manual mixing, we use various mixtures. Special additives are added to the solution for mechanical feeding to ensure smooth operation of the mechanisms and prevent the mixture from sticking to the rotating parts of the machine. The method of preparing the mixture itself is also different.

If it is decided to plaster manually, the dry mixtures are sent to a container with water and mixed with a mixer, then the mixture settles for 2 hours and is mixed again, after which it can be applied.

The difference between machine plaster and manual plaster is in this case consists only in the method of mixing dry ingredients and water - this process occurs simultaneously with the supply of the solution to the surface. Dry substances are supplied through one hose, water through another, and mixing occurs in the air until it touches the wall.

Drying time for plastered surfaces. In the case of mechanical application, it takes at least four hours to form a surface ready for float processing, whereas with manual processing 1.5 – 2 is enough for the surface (the terms are valid for gypsum solutions).

This feature of the mechanical application of the mixture allows you to perform a greater amount of work on preliminary leveling of the surface as a rule than with the manual method. Typically, the roles of finishers are distributed in this way: one master applies the solution to the wall from a sprayer, and two or three other finishers are engaged in leveling. Thus, for short time large areas can be plastered.

The need to install beacons. In both cases, to obtain high-quality surface it is necessary to arrange beacons. The process of installing guides along which the plaster layer is leveled as a rule is the same for manual application, and for mechanical method.

Quality. It is definitely impossible to say which is better - machine or hand plastering. When using both methods of plastering, the qualifications of the workers are important, so it is not correct to distinguish the quality of work by the method of application. The final leveling of the solution on the surface and its grouting, which determines the final quality of the work, are done manually, only the method of application differs.

Restrictions. The use of a mechanical plastering method is impossible in confined spaces, therefore, if it was decided to invite craftsmen with a plastering machine to work in the apartment, you should remember that you will have to call another team to work in the bathrooms.

In both cases for interior works it is preferable to use gypsum-based solutions (except for rooms with high humidity), and for external ones - based on cement and lime. It must be remembered that with mechanical feeding cement-sand mortars the speed, compared to the supply of gypsum-based mixtures, drops by almost half.

Having considered the features of both options, it can be argued that mechanization can significantly increase the speed of surface processing, but the choice in favor of one or the other method should be based on the specifics and volume of work.

Which is cheaper?

Pricing for the type of work in question is based on several factors:

  • Cost of applying plaster. With the manual method, craftsmen usually charge about 300 rubles per sq. m. m. of one layer, and with mechanized - within 250 rubles per sq.m. It would seem that the difference and, accordingly, the benefits are obvious, but there are limitations. Such prices when using machine plastering are possible when performing large volumes of work (usually from 1500 sq.m.), and the plastering area average apartment much less. In addition, it must be taken into account that teams of craftsmen involved in machine technology do not level slopes and do not undertake plastering of bathrooms. For these works, you will have to hire other finishers who are reluctant to take on such minuscule volumes;
  • Cost of electricity. Mechanized surface treatment requires connection to electricity and quite significant costs, which are transferred to the customer’s wallet;
  • Additional work. Prices for manual plasterers include training difficult places- for example, installation of leveling corners, and when applying the mortar mechanically, it is customary to charge a separate fee for this work;
  • Material cost. In this case ready-made mixtures Machines will be 15-20% cheaper to operate than mixtures for manual preparation of the solution.

If we consider the volume of work within one apartment, which usually does not exceed 100 sq.m., then the total costs for mechanical and manual labor will be:

    mechanical application of plaster approximately 75 - 80 thousand rubles;
    manual application of plaster approximately 65 - 70 thousand rubles.

This calculation allows us to determine that for small volumes it is more profitable to use the manual method, while for plastering volumes over 1500 sq.m., of course, it will be more profitable to invite a team with a plastering machine.

What is better to choose and in what case

To choose a method of plastering walls in an apartment or country house affects not only the final cost of all work and materials, but also the final quality of work and timing. Typically, orders for private work do not exceed a volume of 250 sq.m., which is suitable for both the machine method and the manual option.

Work speed at mechanized application plaster exceeds the speed of manual application by 2-3 times, but it should be borne in mind that craftsmen working with a machine most often refuse to treat surfaces with complex configurations and small rooms. For processing additional volumes, they will require payment in excess of standard hand plastering rates.

With mechanical plastering, to obtain a high-quality result, a base with minimal vertical differences is required, which is not so important with a manual approach.

Mechanization of the process allows for material savings of approximately 20%, which affects the final cost of the work, but material savings are noticeable only when using expensive gypsum-based mixtures. Mixtures based on cement and lime cost much less than their gypsum counterparts, so when using such solutions, the savings will be insignificant.

To plaster a bathroom, in any case, you will have to hire craftsmen who use manual labor, But the best option will trust this work tilers, who will prepare the surface and carry out the final finishing.

Despite all the differences between the two methods of plastering surfaces, there are times when mechanized or manual plastering can be used. What is best is for the customer to choose based on existing conditions, tasks, volumes and planned completion dates.

Any plaster, classical or decorative, can be applied by two methods - machine and manual. Many people find it difficult to choose one method or another. After all, both methods have their own characteristics and advantages.

First of all, it is worth mentioning the main difference between machine-applied plaster and a composition applied manually - the former uses additives that allow the solution to be used in plastering stations. Such additives allow you to automate the application process, as they prevent the plaster from sticking to the working surfaces of the unit. Thanks to this, it is possible to reduce the number of workers, save time, and also increase the efficiency of mixture application activities.

Application of machine plaster can only be offered by a company that has a plastering station at its disposal. The prepared solution is applied to the surface using a hose with an appropriate tip. Leveling the applied layer of plaster is done manually. The main advantage of machine plastering is the speed of completion of all work: experienced master able to process 20-45 sq.m of surface per shift using this method.

Due to its high productivity, machine plastering is cheaper than manual plastering, but not by much. After all, a specialist working at a plastering station earns more per shift than an ordinary plasterer working manually: good qualifications cost good money. In addition, the cost of depreciation or rental of expensive equipment, as well as its transportation, repair, purchase of spare parts, etc. cannot be discounted. As a result, the machine application method is used in cases where it is necessary to plaster large surfaces with a small number of niches and openings (for example, building facades).

Unlike machine technology, the manual application method involves the use of classic tools - a spatula and a trowel. Hand plastering takes longer to apply than machine plastering: during a shift, a master will be able to plaster only 5-7 square meters of surface. Therefore, this method is used for small areas or for areas with a significant number of protruding and curved architectural elements - columns, niches, arches, etc.

The types of materials used for plastering surfaces also vary depending on the working conditions. For building facades they are used various types facade plaster mixtures with increased water-repellent and thermal insulation properties. For interior decoration premises, there are plaster mixtures based on gypsum. In addition, there are numerous types decorative plasters, used both inside and outside buildings. And most budget solution is the plastering of surfaces with a cement-sand mixture. Anyway

Plastering concrete surfaces is a mandatory stage in preparing the base for further finishing. In rooms where a large volume of work is required, a mechanized application method is often used. finishing compounds. Machine or hand plastering: which is better? Maybe we should completely abandon traditional methods?

Hand applied plaster

The familiar method of plastering a wall involves spreading the solution with a trowel or ladle and further distributing it over the surface. As a rule, craftsmen prepare it on site to the extent that it can be worked out in one go before setting begins. For cement plasters- 2 hours, for plaster - 20 minutes.

It is difficult to talk about the advantages of the method: the work takes a lot of time, the quality only suffers from this - the mixture hardens unevenly on the wall, in “scales”. Throwing the mass “by eye” requires a long time to achieve the overall evenness of the surface. In general, the method is becoming obsolete; it is used for finishing small areas.

Machine applied plaster

To finish large areas, a mechanized surface covering method is used. finishing solutions. For this purpose, special devices are used that supply the finished composition under pressure.

The essence of the method: the plastering station supplies the mixture through a hose connected to the work area, the operator directs the stream to the wall, evenly distributing the incoming volume. Plasterers immediately level the surface with a wide tool - a spatula or a rule.

The advantages of the method include:

  • Reduced finishing time;
  • High quality finished surface;
  • Uniform setting of the solution over the entire area.

The consumption of machine-applied plaster is significantly lower than manual plaster due to the method of preparation and transfer: machine mixing of a large batch of mortar and its uniform supply using technology can reduce material costs and its rejection.

What compositions to use

When comparing methods of throwing working mixtures, it is worth mentioning the compositions for their production for each method. The main difference between machine-applied and manually applied plaster is the introduction of special additives during the mixing process. Otherwise the plasters are identical to each other:

  • For external walls, mortars are used;
  • For interior work - .

For manual method prepare solutions from mixtures intended for this application method. Additives are added to these to prevent the finishing mass from sticking to working tools to facilitate the finishing process.

For large projects under construction, plaster is done at factories or directly on site in a plastering station - a certain amount of water is poured into the tank and the ready-made dry mixture is added. Mixing occurs evenly and constantly.

Differences between machine applied plasters:

  1. Special additives are added to the solutions to improve the quality of the finished surface at the production stage.
  2. The mixtures have increased adhesion to any surfaces
  3. For mixing, fine fraction components without large inclusions are used.

On the construction market you can purchase plastering compositions for universal use.


To choose manual or machine plastering, you should rely on the expected amount of work. If you need to finish a 3x3 wall, it will not be practical to fit a feeder. For large premises and during large-scale construction it is impossible to do without the machine method: the volume of work is so great that you can’t get far with manual throwing, the loss of time and mortar becomes colossal.

Today we discussed the details of an apartment renovation with a customer, and the conversation turned to machine plastering.
I decided to record important points in this article.

What is “machine plaster”

Machine plastering is a modernized method of leveling walls.

How is plastering usually done?
The walls are primed and beacons are installed (special slats to control the thickness of the layer).
In a large container, use a mixer to make a solution from the plaster mixture.
The master scoops up the mixture with a bucket, carries it to the wall, applies the solution by hand and stretches it with a straight line.

In “machine plaster” the stages “make the solution - bring it to the wall - apply it to the wall” are automated.
The unit is installed and filled with plaster mixture. The unit automatically prepares the solution. The worker takes a hose connected to the unit and applies the mixture to the wall under pressure from the hose.
There is no need to work with a mixer, no need to carry buckets, and no need to manually apply the solution to the wall.
All that remains is to work according to the rules.

Advantages of machine plaster:

1. Quick application.
Plastering work in one-room apartment can be done in just three days.
You will have to work manually for 7-10 days (although the work can be sped up if you use several craftsmen at the same time).
That is, the machine method is 2-3 times faster than the manual method. But only at the application stage (read details below).

2. Savings.
Machine plastering allows you to save on putty work. After “hand” plastering, you need to apply 2 layers of putty, and after machine plastering - only 1 layer.
Putty in 2 layers costs 300 rubles per square meter, in 1 layer - 150 rubles.
In total, with machine plaster, wall repairs will cost 150 rubles per square meter less. Let’s say the wall area in an apartment is about 100 sq.m., which means we’ll save 15,000 rubles. Plastering one room with a wall area of ​​40 square meters, which means we will save 6,000 rubles.

Disadvantage of machine plaster:

It takes a long time to dry.
“Hand plaster” takes about a week to dry. Machine plastering may take a full month at the same temperature and humidity.
Let me remind you that until the plaster has dried, you cannot putty or apply a finishing coat (wallpaper, paint, tiles). Otherwise we risk getting through short term dark spots(from dampness), or even fungus on the fresh finish.
In total, by using machine plaster, we save several days during application, but extend the overall work time by 2-3 weeks.

When to use machine plaster?

It all depends on the priority: money or deadlines.
If 2-3 additional weeks of repairs are not critical for you, you can use the machine method and reduce the cost of work by several thousand rubles (benefit = 150 rubles * wall area).

Sometimes you can reduce downtime by doing non-wall related work.
Plaster work is done first. While the walls are drying, you can, for example, repair floors, ceilings, and plumbing.

Choose the best option for yourself - and let the renovation be a pleasure for you!

P.S. It will help to figure out what plaster is responsible for and what putty is responsible for.
