Sturgeon breeding as a business. "Royal" fish for sale - sturgeon breeding

And again about import substitution. Western politicians, apparently, did not even suspect what an invaluable service they would provide by introducing their sanctions against Russia to literally all sectors of industry and production in the country. It's hard, no doubt about it. But many domestic entrepreneurs are now talking about their desire for these sanctions to be extended for some more time, because domestic products, previously replaced by imported goods, have finally begun to be in demand, and many farms that were thinking about bankruptcy a year ago have perked up. Crafts that had previously been traditional for the country began to revive: sturgeon breeding, trade in furs, jewelry, grain, and timber. So, for now, all the imposed sanctions are hitting not only Russia, but also the European countries themselves.

Breeding guppy fish in a home aquarium for sale is, of course, a good business. What can you say about a more serious business that generates income hundreds, thousands of times more? Breeding sturgeon, or as they are also called “royal fish” - an internationally recognized delicacy (both meat and valuable product– black caviar), this is a long-term project. So those novice entrepreneurs who, after reading the article, get excited about the idea, should be patient.

Brief business analysis:
Costs of setting up a business:2,000,000 - 3,000,000 rubles
Relevant for cities with the population: no restrictions
Industry situation:the supply market is not saturated
Difficulty of organizing a business: 4/5
Payback: from 3 years

A completely logical question arises: what do fish farms have to live on for 6-8 years until the first eggs appear? This is exactly how long it takes for sturgeon to begin spawning under the conditions of a closed water supply system - RAS (I will tell you what this is a little lower). Under natural conditions, this period is several years longer. True, there is a variety of Ob sturgeon that begins to spawn faster - after 3-4 years.

But this period is also very long for a fishery, which every day needs to spend decent sums on feeding fish, providing installations, and other needs. Therefore, enterprises engaged in sturgeon breeding make a profit from the sale of fish meat, and products and semi-finished products obtained from them. For example, the products of a sturgeon fishery may look like this:

  • Live fish. Now a kilogram of sturgeon is sold in stores at prices ranging from 700 to 1,300 rubles.
  • Smoked fish. Requires own production by smoking. A kilogram of products is sold at prices ranging from 1,900 to 2,500 rubles.
  • Canned sturgeon. It also requires organizing its own canning shop. Price varies.
  • Soup sets. They include heads, tails, and other parts of fish remaining after processing for the needs of other production. Price from 350 to 450 rubles per kilogram.
  • Sturgeon glue. This product is used in painting, restoration work, jewelry, and modeling. Price varies.
  • Viziga. This is the name given to the cartilaginous spine of sturgeon, which is used in baking pies, kulebyak, and other native Russian products.
  • Liver. This is also a delicacy that is served to customers in restaurants for crazy money.
  • Semi-finished products, for example, sturgeon cutlets, made mainly from waste obtained from other industries.

As you can see, the list of products is quite impressive, but long term perspective is still aimed at obtaining black caviar, the cost of which can reach up to $1,500 per 1 kilogram (the price depends on the size of the eggs and some other criteria).

Many of my colleagues, when describing various business ideas, write that it is possible to breed sturgeon at home. I don't agree with them. Apparently, they have never seen with their own eyes what they write about, in this case– sturgeon breeding farms. Firstly, you need to immediately clarify that we are not talking about an apartment in apartment building. How do you imagine a RAS installed in an apartment?

IN own home In rural areas, sturgeon breeding is possible in principle, but requires the presence of a solid land plot for the construction of the main room for keeping fish, auxiliary - storage, etc., plus - production areas, if you start making products that I overpowered above. You won't last long selling just one live fish. Organizing a breeding business requires building a small mini-farm, which over time can grow into a large fishery.

Species of sturgeon

First of all, you need to remember that sturgeon is listed in the Red Book, and its fishing in natural reservoirs is prohibited. It was this shortage, coupled with the taste of sturgeon, that made his sturgeon breeding business such a profitable endeavor.

The fastest growing and fastest maturing sturgeon species are used for breeding:

  • Siberian sturgeon
  • Amur sturgeon
  • White sturgeon
  • Sterlet
  • Bester (beluga-sterlet hybrid)

Beluga, stellate sturgeon, thorn, Russian sturgeon are also bred in fish farms, but in smaller quantities due to their longer growth time. For example, the first “portion” of beluga caviar can only be obtained after 17-18 years, and although market value 1 kg of beluga caviar costs over 10 thousand dollars; very few undertake its cultivation due to the time required.

What is RAS

The closed water supply device is intended for sturgeon breeding in “artificial” conditions. It consists of:

  • From several pools with a round or rectangular shape. Usually two types of pools are used - portable (made of polypropylene, metal coated with enamel inside, or collapsible, having a frame; and, stationary - concrete, or tiled with ceramics. The cheapest round pools are made of polypropylene with a depth of up to 1.5 meters and a diameter of up to 2.5-3 meters. They are most often used in fish farms. By the way, such pools are ideal for breeding crayfish at home.

  • Oxygen generator.
  • 3 types of filters for water purification - drum type mechanical action, coal, and biological.
  • Pumps for water circulation.
  • Ozonizers and flotators for water purification
  • Oxygen pressure sensor
  • Air compressor
  • Lamp with ultraviolet light for the disinfection process
  • Devices for heating or cooling water
  • And, pipe systems

You can see everything in more detail in this photo.

The entire water supply system is flowing. After the process of purification and enrichment with oxygen, water is supplied to the pools in thin streams, and not in one continuous stream for greater oxygen saturation. Part of the water is pumped into the reservoir, again goes through the entire cycle of purification and enrichment, and again enters the pools. After a certain period of time, some of the water goes into the sewer, and new water is pumped into the system from the water supply.

All year round, it is necessary to maintain a constant temperature in the pools, the most optimal for fish breeding - 18-20 0 C. The air temperature in the room should also be maintained, if possible, at the same level. It is these conditions that contribute to the rapid maturation of sturgeon.

By the way, it will be much cheaper not to buy a ready-made RAS, but to assemble it yourself from components that are commercially available.

Natural breeding

Sturgeon can also be bred in natural conditions - in a pond. Of course, it will take much longer for the fish to mature, but this is compensated by a significant reduction in costs. A pond can be either a natural formation or an artificial one. In the first case, you just need to clean it, in the second - liming. The bottom of the pond, which, by the way, should be cup-shaped, must be covered with a layer of lime, then extinguished by filling it with a layer of water, and then rinse everything thoroughly.

For spawning, fish from the pond are transplanted into another, specially prepared pond. Then, after the eggs or fry appear, they are transferred back to the first pond. you can find out the technical side of the issue, how you can rent a pond.

Purchase of fry

Today, the cost of sturgeon fry ranges from 15 to 20 rubles per piece. You must calculate the exact quantity to purchase yourself, based on your financial capabilities and the number of pools. Oster is a bottom-dwelling fish, so the density of its planting in the pool is measured by the number of pieces (or kilos of live weight) per 1 square meter. The enterprise I visited before writing this material plants approximately 300 fry weighing 5-6 grams per 1 square meter in a round pool with a diameter of 2.5 meters. meter.

Before landing, the water temperature in the pool must be equalized with the temperature of the water in the containers in which the fry were brought.

Growing conditions

The food of fish living in a pond must contain natural food that is familiar to it - various vegetation, aquatic insects, worms, and mollusks. In swimming pools, all this is replaced with special food, for the selection of which there are certain criteria:

  • The size of the feed granules should be appropriate to the age and size of the fish.
  • Sturgeons eat from the bottom, so the food must sink.
  • For the fish to grow quickly, the food must contain a lot of calories.

Boiled eggs of aquatic birds and minced fish can be added to sturgeon’s food, and for adults, fry of other fish can be added to the pool. Often, as sturgeon grow older, they are given various special hormones to stimulate spawning.

Installation for producing 2 tons of caviar per year

The project involves obtaining caviar without killing females, using “milking”. The first caviar is obtained in the 4th year (if females of the hybrid Bester Aksai breed are raised from fry of 10 grams, the option of purchasing adult females is possible), reaching the design capacity occurs in the 8th year.

The installation can produce up to 2 tons of black caviar without killing females, or 0.5 tons of black caviar by killing females. Caviar productivity of 2 tons/year of black caviar is achieved when growing sterlet or a hybrid of the Bester Aksai breed, because they spawn every year. When growing Siberian or Russian sturgeon in a caviar barn, the productivity of the installation will decrease to 1 t/year, because they spawn once every two years. A combined method of obtaining caviar is also possible. When the females first mature, the eggs are obtained by the “milking” method, without killing the female. The following year, caviar is obtained by slaughtering the female. In this case, the productivity will be about 1 ton of black caviar per year. Your sturgeon breeder should be involved in planning and organizing fish farming operations on the RAS. It determines which type of sturgeon is best to grow, from which species and at what age to create a broodstock, etc. He can grow Siberian or Russian sturgeon, bester, sterlet, etc. in this RAS. - the choice is up to the farm owner.

The installation is intended for the cultivation of sturgeon fish species and consists of 2 independent RAS.

The minimum design “safety margin” for all its critical parameters is 20%. The safety margin ensures that the filtration system maintains the operating parameters of the water in the event of feed consumption exceeding the nominal value. To ensure control of the operation of the installation, control of water parameters and the feeding process, we have developed our own automation system based on a Siemens controller. The automation system allows you to reduce the number service personnel, increase the reliability of the installation, reduce the consumption of feed, electricity and heat. Automation automatically records and archives data at any interval. There is an emergency notification system by sending SMS messages to mobile phone. Special attention paid attention to the reliability of the system, instructions were given to the RAS operator on what should be done first in various emergency situations.

Description of RAS:

Building area

≈ 3.5 m

Electricity consumption

per year:

≈ 382000 kW

Water consumption

per year:

≈ 12600 m 3

Feed consumption

per day, maximum:

≈ *** kg

in the first 4 years:

≈ 66 t


35 0 000

When built from scratch, “in the field,” the project is estimated to cost approximately 1.5 million euros. This price includes the cost of the building with all communications, ventilation, heating and water cooling systems. We can fit the installation into existing premises if it meets our conditions.

  • cold water,
  • electricity, 380 V,
  • sewerage, Ømin = 200 mm,
  • heating.

Presented in the Exel file: hk_sc3_1 web.xls 2014. A list of equipment with prices and characteristics, calculation of the cost of sturgeon is given. The calculation is made on the assumption that all equipment is supposed to be purchased in EU countries.

The technological project consists of two volumes.

The first volume is 121 pages, not counting drawings, photographs and other explanatory material. 76 illustrations and diagrams. Drawings in A3 format - 12 pcs. In Russian.

The second volume is 61 pages, not counting drawings, photographs and other explanatory material. 57 illustrations and diagrams. Drawings in A3 format - 12 pcs. In Russian.

Developed technical (working) projects buildings with all internal communications for housing a caviar farm with a productivity of 1-2 tons/year of black caviar and a recirculating system for growing sturgeon for meat with a productivity of 45 tons/year. The projects are made according to the norms and regulations of the EU and the Russian Federation.

Applied in projects original idea RAS with inexpensive construction costs, with calculations of sturgeon metabolism ( different ages) and system power. To minimize the building area, RAS uses large rectangular pools.

Photos of obtaining caviar from sturgeon fish

1. Female sturgeon fish during the winter, 02/05/2008.

2. Early sorting of sturgeon by sex into females and males. Sorting is performed by Vasily Krasnoborodko.

Installation for producing 5 tons of sturgeon meat per year

Building area

150 m2

Maximum height of rooms in the building

≈ 3.5 m (implemented in Riga at a height of 2.2 meters and the floors did not break, i.e. we only used a space 2.2 meters high. The biofilter is located on the second floor)

Electricity consumption


≈ 5.5 kW

per year:

≈ 47700 kW

Water consumption

per year:

≈ 2100 m 3

Feed ratio

Feed consumption

per day, maximum:

≈ *** kg

per year:

≈ 7 t

1.15 euro/kg


≈ 52200

The following communications must be connected to the building:

  • cold water,
  • electricity, 380 V,
  • sewerage, Ømin = 110 mm,
  • heating.

Many designers of sturgeon farms use the method of growing sturgeon proposed by Kiselev in the 80s of the last century. In this technique, it is assumed to stock the pools with fish 2 times a year (every 6 months) and harvest, respectively, 2 times a year.

This technique has significant shortcomings. It is not so easy to get sturgeon fry 2 times a year with a lag of 6 months. It is much easier to get fry once a year. Another drawback is harvesting 2 times a year. I want to harvest continuously, because... consumers need fish constantly.

Vasil Krasnoborodko has developed a new method for growing sturgeon, which eliminates these disadvantages. One-time stocking with fish and continuous (daily) harvesting are proposed. This technology makes it possible to significantly reduce the number of tanks required to grow the same amount of sturgeon. The technique was tested in Riga on.

As you may have noticed, dear readers, our RAS is quite compact. This is achieved by using a new method of growing sturgeon. The installation is certified, all permits for fish farming have been obtained. Tested on growing sturgeon (Siberian and bester hybrid), trout and eel.


The level of automation is negotiated with the customer.

In equipment and software(with update subscription) includes: all sensors, Siemens controller, additional modules extensions, SMS modem module, Internet module, operator panel, high-precision feeders and electrics.

An example of calculating the financial part of a sturgeon project presented in the Excel file: hk_st5 web.xls (53 KB).

Technological project consists of one volume. 99 pages, not including drawings, photographs and other explanatory material. 75 illustrations and diagrams. In Russian.

You can see a fish farm with a productivity of 5 tons of fish per year in Riga. Send applications.

Installation for producing 10 tons of sturgeon meat

Particular attention was paid to automation and miniaturization of production. Description of RAS:

Building area

≈ 260 m2

Maximum height of rooms in the building

≈ 3.5 m

Electricity consumption


≈ 9.8 kW

per year:

≈ 86500 kW

Water consumption

per year:

≈ 4200 m 3

Feed ratio

Feed consumption

per day, maximum:

≈ *** kg

per year:

≈ 14 t

Feed cost in EU (2014)
1.5 euro/kg

Cost of fish farming equipment, without communications, electrics and automation


≈ 89 000

The following communications must be connected to the building:

  • cold water,
  • electricity, 380 V,
  • sewerage, Ømin = 110 mm,
  • heating.

An example of calculating the financial part of a sturgeon project presented in the Excel file: hk_st10_web.xls (53 KB). A calculation of the cost of sturgeon and cash flow for 10 years.

Technological project consists of one volume. Page 97, not counting drawings, photographs and other explanatory material. 74 illustrations and diagrams. In Russian.

Installation with a capacity of 45 tons of meat per year

Particular attention was paid to automation and miniaturization of production. Description of RAS:

Building area

≈ 900 m2

Maximum height of rooms in the building

≈ 3.5 m

Electricity consumption

per year:

≈ 416900 kW

Water consumption

per year:

≈ 18900 m 3

Feed ratio

Feed consumption

per day, maximum:

≈ *** kg

per year:

≈ 63 t

Feed cost in EU (2014)
1.15 euro/kg

The cost of fish farming equipment only, without buildings, communications, concrete works, electricians and automation.


≈ 253800

The following communications must be connected to the building:

  • cold water,
  • electricity, 380 V,
  • sewerage, Ømin = 200 mm,
  • heating.

An example of calculating the financial part of a sturgeon project presented in Excel file: hk_st45 web.xls (53 KB). A calculation of the cost of sturgeon and cash flow for 10 years is given.

Technological project consists of one volume. 114 pages, not including drawings, photographs and other explanatory material. 76 illustrations and diagrams. In Russian.

Installation with a capacity of 90 tons of meat per year

Particular attention was paid to the issue of reducing the cost of sturgeon.

The RAS consists of two identical modules, each with a capacity of 45 tons of sturgeon per year. Only one module with a capacity of 45 tons will be described below.

The installation is intended for the cultivation of sturgeon fish species. The installation is universal; any type of fish can be grown in it. When changing the type of fish grown in a RAS, nothing changes except for: temperature conditions, the planting material itself and feed.
Description basic version RAS:

Building area

900 m 2

Maximum building height

3.5 m

Pool area

*** m 2

Electricity consumption

per year:

≈ 416900 kW/h

Water consumption


** m 3 / h

per day

** m 3

per year:

≈ 18900 m3

Feed consumption

per day, maximum:

** kg

per year:

≈ 63 t

Maximum live weight

***** kg

Average feed ratio

≈ 1,4

Number of fry, 5 g

per year:

***** pcs

Sales weight:

from 90 0 to 2600 g

A). Less than 1000 grams

7 %

b). More than 1000 grams

93 %

Fish stocking density

maximum possible:

** kg/m2

Fish farming cycles

per year:

The following communications must be connected to the building:

  • cold water,
  • electricity, 380 V,
  • sewerage,
  • heating.

The technological project consists of 107 pages, not counting drawings, photographs and other explanatory material. 65 illustrations and diagrams. Drawings in A3 format - 12 pcs.

An example of calculating the financial part of a sturgeon project 90 tonic is presented in the Exel file: hk_st100_web.xls (53 Kb) A list of equipment with prices and characteristics is given, calculation of the cost of sturgeon, calculation of financial flows for 10 years, working capital, stages of construction. The extremely low cost of sturgeon is about 4 euros/kg. At EU prices, the cost of fish farming equipment is 514,000 euros.

Sturgeon farming is considered a worthy alternative to traditional livestock farming. There are few offers in this market, which means there is room for growth. Experts have long agreed that the most win-win type of business is the production or sale of food products. Even during a crisis, the demand for products remains, and therefore, with the right approach, you can build a stable project.

It is not difficult to create a business growing sturgeon. But as in the case with, a special approach is required here. To open your own business, you don’t need industrial workshops. After all, you can organize a business at home.

Is it profitable to breed sturgeon today?

Sturgeon has always been among the delicacies - black caviar is obtained from it. It is more expensive than other types of fish presented on Russian market. The cost of 1 kg is 550 rubles. The cost of the same product is 250 rubles. It turns out that from 1 kg of sturgeon an entrepreneur has an income of 300 rubles.

If you organize a mini-farm and grow up to 5,000 kg of sturgeon per year, then the income for this period will be about 1,500,000 rubles. The profitability of a small fishery with well-functioning production is 40%. This is a high financial indicator, which allows beginners to think about the feasibility of the business. For comparison: profitability is 20%.

Among the advantages of Russian fish farming:

  1. High demand for products. Conditioned a large number restaurants, supermarkets and fish shops.
  2. Relatively low competition, thanks to which goods can be offered at inflated prices, increasing sales profits. Many people are not even aware of the possibility of growing sturgeon at home, which means great prospects are open for businessmen.
  3. Fish farming does not require experience or special knowledge. All information about this is presented on thematic sites and forums.
  4. Sturgeon are not picky and are suitable for home grown, get sick very rarely. The main cause of health problems is low-quality food.
  5. To run a successful business, it is enough to devote 4 hours a day to it. Fishing can be done in parallel with other activities.
  6. High profitability. Payback period is 7-9 months.

Reference: The sturgeon family also includes sterlet, stellate sturgeon and beluga. All these types of fish take root well in any habitat, which is why sturgeon are successfully grown at home.

Key stages of business organization

In order for sturgeon breeding to bring a stable income, you need to overcome several stages:

  • prepare the site, equip it with communications;
  • select and buy containers;
  • obtain permission from the Sanitary and Epidemiological Station (SES);
  • purchase and launch fry;
  • grow fish to the desired size;
  • sell the goods (partial/full processing on the farm is possible).

Business registration

When opening any business, be it sturgeon breeding or sturgeon, you need to take care of its legality. Maintaining economic activity perhaps in the form of an individual entrepreneur, LLC or peasant farm. When registering, you will need to enter the correct OKVED ID. Basic activity code for sturgeon breeding 03.2 – Fish farming.

Important: before starting fish farming, you need to contact the Sanitary and Epidemiological Station for permission to grow and breed sturgeon at home. Otherwise, you can lose all your profits and use them to pay off fines.

Preparing the premises

Having your own house outside the city, you can safely start breeding sturgeon. The habitat does not affect the taste and nutritional value fish In all cases they are excellent. All you need is a large area (at least 30 m²) and heating in the room during the cold season.

Regardless of the season, the water temperature is maintained at +18 - +20⁰С. In winter, heaters should be used, in summer, coolers with heat exchangers. You can also grow sturgeon in a polycarbonate greenhouse by placing a swimming pool with the necessary equipment in it.

Equipment purchase

To purchase equipment for breeding sturgeon at home, you need to establish contacts with suppliers. Prices for such products start at 600,000 rubles. Companies involved in the supply of equipment deliver and install it to any specified address.

You can raise fish in cages - in non-specialized pools that are easy to build at home. Suitable for this purpose plastic container with a depth of at least 1 meter and a diameter of more than 3 meters. If you use such a pool for a year, you can grow up to 1 ton of produce.

Important: There should be no more than 60 kg of sturgeon per 1 m² of reservoir.

To make the fish feel comfortable, you will need the following equipment:

  1. Air compressors.
  2. Aeration devices.
  3. Filters of special design.
  4. Pumping equipment for pool cleaning.
  5. Automatic feeder (since this pleasure is not cheap, many fish farmers feed manually).

The compressor and pump should not work to the limit. It is advisable to buy equipment with a power reserve. Then it will last quite a long time without breakdowns. Experts have calculated that building a pool with your own hands will be three times cheaper than buying it in a store. Typically, fish farmers start with one container, gradually increasing the scale of production.

Purchasing fry

To start your own business, you need to purchase sturgeon fry. The purchase of “raw materials” should be approached with full responsibility. Poor quality fry grow slowly and often get sick. Price per planting material depends on the specific region and starts from 800 rubles/kg.

Don't agree to the first offer. It is better to spend a little time studying the market and reviews of each fish farm. You can also go the other way - buy adult sturgeon for breeding. In this matter it is necessary specialized knowledge, which will allow you to determine how healthy the fish offered for sale is. Otherwise, it’s easy to run into a sick individual.

Recruiting staff

To maintain a mini-farm in proper condition, it is enough to devote 3-4 hours to it every day (during sorting - 12-15 hours). If we compare sturgeon farming with other business ideas, for example with, we can conclude that this is far from the most labor-intensive type of activity.

Some fish farmers hire staff to maintain their pools. But at first, while the scale of production is still small, you can cope with all the tasks yourself, without resorting to the help of strangers and without spending personal funds on it.

Frequently Asked Questions

Newcomers to this business often ask the same questions: how to care for sturgeons, what to feed them, etc. Despite the fact that these fish are unpretentious in food and maintenance, the preparation of their diet and living conditions must be taken responsibly. Therefore, such issues need to be considered in detail.

How to care for fish?

Sturgeon actively grow and reproduce even in artificially created conditions. Caring for fish involves:

  1. Regular balanced meals.
  2. Cleaning the reservoir.
  3. Maintenance optimal conditions– temperature, lighting.
  4. Sorting of grown individuals and fry.

If water from the city water supply is used to fill the pool, you should install a filter with a carbon cartridge, which will eliminate the flow of chlorine. The water needs to be changed every three days. But this should be no more than 10-15% of the liquid from the entire volume. You can’t change all the water! You should carefully monitor the condition of the filters, wash them when they become dirty, and add the necessary chemical and biological additives.

What to feed sturgeon?

The growth and health of fish depend on the quality of food. It is allowed to give live food (20-30% of the total amount of food):

  • bloodworm;
  • insect larvae;
  • aquatic worms and mollusks.

Special balanced feeds have been developed for sturgeon, produced in the form of granules. Adults whose weight exceeds 500 grams are fed 4 times a day, fry - 6 times. The feed must contain:

  • fats;
  • proteins;
  • fiber;
  • lysine;
  • phosphorus.

Important: sturgeons eat at the same time every day, any changes in the schedule can cause stress for them.

The basic requirements for food indicate that the food should:

  • drown in water;
  • smell good;
  • be resistant to moisture;
  • swell in water.

When feeding, you need to take into account the size of the fish - fry should be given small-fraction food, adults - large granules. Sturgeons develop unevenly: the strong push the weak away from food, and therefore gain weight faster. Therefore, every month you need to transplant the grown individuals into a separate container.

Where to sell finished products?

There are quite a few ways to implement it:

  • sushi bars;
  • supermarkets;
  • fish shops;
  • markets and fairs;
  • restaurants.

Conveniently sell your product through social media or website. Having decided to further develop in this direction, you can buy more containers and fry. Along with the scale, profits will also grow. You will also have to update your equipment to keep up with competitors.

Breeding sturgeon at home - video

Let's sum it up

When breeding sturgeon, it is important to remember 4 rules. Firstly, do not forget to feed the fish with high-quality food. Secondly, check the condition of the water, periodically adding new water. Third, clean the container (swimming pool) regularly. Fourth, check the serviceability of the equipment and promptly repair its breakdowns.

Growing sturgeon at home is as profitable as... You need to start this business from a mini-farm for 1,000 individuals. With the right approach, within 3-5 years it will be possible to organize a business with an annual turnover of several million rubles.

Many people don’t even think about raising commercial fish at home, however, it is quite possible. Most often, sturgeon is bred on the territory of a private house. This process does not require huge investments and does not cause any particular difficulties.

Business benefits

Before you start breeding sturgeon for sale, you need to study the features of such a business:

  • High demand for fish products, including caviar.
  • Low competition I, because few people are engaged in growing sturgeon, sterlet or stellate sturgeon for sale at home.
  • No need for significant financial investments X. So, to start a business, you will need to purchase fry, as well as cleaning the pond or preparing special premises and equipment.
  • To breed sturgeon, you only need to have basic knowledge about fish. Anyway necessary information can be found in specialized literature.
  • Fish farming takes a little time. So, every day it will take about 4 hours for care. The exception is sorting days, which take approximately 15 hours once a month.
  • Sturgeons take root well at home, since they are undemanding in terms of lighting.
  • This kind of fish is practically not susceptible infectious diseases . The exception is gastric disorders, which in most cases are caused by the use of low-quality food.
  • The business pays off within 8 months.

Preparing the premises

Recently, many people have resorted to breeding sturgeon, using the opportunities country house. If done correctly, the quality of the product will not suffer.

First of all, you need to have about 30 m² of free space for the construction of a swimming pool. The room itself needs to be heated regularly. So, in winter the water temperature should be 17–18º C, and in summer – 20–24º C.

For breeding sturgeon can be used polycarbonate greenhouse , where the pool and necessary equipment are located.

Some people prefer to buy everything they need for fish farming from special companies. In this case, all the equipment will be delivered and installed by specialists.

Pool and equipment

It should be understood that even a self-prepared pool is suitable for growing sturgeon. Its depth should be 1 m and its diameter should be 2–3 m. In such a small container, you can grow approximately 1 ton of sturgeon per year.

Experts recommend making one small pool first. Thanks to this, within a year you will be able to understand whether you are able to breed sturgeon and whether you like this kind of business. If everything goes well, you can expand the pool or prepare several additional containers.

It should be remembered that sturgeon is a shy fish, which are unstable to stress, so the pool should be located as far as possible from highways and public buildings.

For the normal functioning of the pool you need prepare compressors and filters, and also take care of aeration and the presence of a pump for periodic changes of water in the pool. Can be purchased additionally automatic feeder, the use of which will save a lot of time. However, if desired, the fish can be fed by hand.

When choosing pumps and compressors, you need to take into account the power of the equipment. It should work with a small margin, so that the equipment will not wear out soon.

Since sturgeons are bottom dwellers, they do not require special lighting.

If you use a water supply to supply water, you should make sure that no residual chlorine gets into the pool. To eliminate it, a budget carbon filter is suitable. The water is partially changed every 3–5 days.

Pond breeding

If the option with a pool is not suitable for some reason, you can try growing fish in a pond. Such a reservoir must be prepared by thoroughly cleaning it. If this artificial pond, should cover the bottom with lime and then rinse it carefully. Such treatment is carried out 15–20 days before placing the fry.

The reservoir must have appropriate flora and fauna, which contributes to the proper development of fish. It's about algae, green manures, reeds and shellfish.

The fry are placed in the pond in the summer. Night time is best for this. When the sturgeons become average in size, fish are moved to a spawning pond. Eggs and fry can be returned to the first reservoir. In this case, it is necessary to pay attention to the condition of males, because they are often carriers of infections. Experts recommend moving the fish to the pool for the winter so that it does not freeze. It can only be returned to the pond in mid-spring.


When choosing food, you need to consider several important factors:

For faster development of individuals, high-calorie food will be required. It should have included:

  • 45% protein;
  • 25% raw fat;
  • 3–5% fiber;
  • phosphorus;
  • lysine.

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The food must correspond to the size of the sturgeon. Adults are fed 4 times a day, and fry - 5-6 times. The intervals between meals should be the same. If you do not follow this schedule, the sturgeon may refuse to eat.

It can be difficult for a novice businessman to breed fry at home, so they should be purchased only from proven fish farms. It must be remembered that for successful breeding of sturgeon, it is important to follow a feeding schedule, maintain cleanliness in the reservoir, and also regularly separate fry from older individuals.

" Fish

Food products will always be in demand, so it’s right organized business in this area will bring significant income. Breeding sturgeon for sale in retail and restaurant chains can be organized not only on large farms, but also at home.

Such a business does not require large financial expenses for initial stage, therefore, almost every resident of our country, even beginners, can organize it.

Like any type of business, breeding sturgeon at home has its advantages and disadvantages. TO positive qualities can be attributed following points in running this business.

  • Low level of competition.
  • Work from home.
  • High profitability.
  • Good and stable demand.

Of the shortcomings, the most noticeable are:

  • Sensitivity of fry to water quality.
  • Possible morbidity and mortality of the fry.
  • Constant monitoring of compliance with conditions of detention is required.
  • It is very difficult to purchase high-quality fry for breeding.

Despite these disadvantages, many entrepreneurs decide to organize this business at home.

Sturgeon is very sensitive to water quality, so all rules and requirements must be followed

Organizing a pond at home

To organize a pond at home, it is enough to purchase a plastic pool with a diameter of 3 meters. The optimal depth of the container should be 1 meter. More experienced businessmen can dig a pond.

If you have a spacious room, you can install several of these containers.

The distance between the pools must be sufficient for a person to move freely between them to service the tanks. The premises must be connected to electricity, water supply and sewerage.

Feed selection

To run a successful business in this area, it is recommended to use highly nutritious food specifically designed for growing sturgeon fish. Only with proper feeding will the fish produce a good increase in live weight. The main characteristics of food for sturgeon should be as follows:

  • Have an attractive odor to fish.
  • Immediately sink to the bottom.
  • The time for complete dissolution in water is at least 30 minutes.

Also, for each age of fish, the size of food granules should be selected as accurately as possible; food for sturgeon fry should be selected especially carefully.

Sturgeon food should have a pleasant smell and immediately sink to the bottom

Buying fry

You should purchase fry only from large fish farming enterprises. To achieve rapid weight gain, as well as to minimize the likelihood of death of small fish, it is not recommended to break this rule.

If among them there are large sturgeon breeding farms, then you can safely purchase fry for growing at home. To minimize risks, you should not purchase a large number of fry for the first cycle of fish farming.

In order to get an idea of ​​the profitability of a business, it is enough to buy no more than 500 pieces. This amount will be enough to effectively place the fish in 2 - 3 containers intended for home sturgeon breeding.

Fry are purchased only from verified fish farms

Organizing a container for fry

Small fish not only need to select suitable food, but also organize a separate container. In such a container, the fry will grow until they can be transplanted into a larger tank.

In order to conveniently care for small fish, it is enough to purchase a plastic pool with a diameter of 1.5 and a depth of 0.7 meters. It is also necessary to provide for good growth the younger generation is optimal temperature regime and tank lighting.

You can make a RAS for fish or order a ready-made version.


The rate of increase in live weight of the fish will depend on maintaining the required level of water temperature. The minimum value of this parameter is +16 degrees.

At temperatures of +27 and above, the sturgeon stops feeding, which is why it is so important to maintain the required level at all stages of growing this breed of fish. The optimal water temperature for growing sturgeon is 18 - 20 degrees.

The temperature in the tank should be around 18-20 degrees

Features of home sturgeon breeding

IN artificial conditions sturgeon is growing a little faster than in wildlife, due to the absence of food shortages and maintaining the required temperature parameters. Growing sturgeon at home from fry to commercial-weight fish takes, on average, 1.5 years. By this time, the sturgeon weighs about 2 kilograms and can be sold in wholesale quantities to specialized stores.

In one standard tank for growing sturgeon, up to 200 kg can be produced during one cycle excellent quality fish of this breed.

The price of sturgeon will always be high, so to fully return the money spent on purchasing equipment, one cycle of growing this fish is enough.

The initial cost of purchasing equipment will be about 200 thousand rubles. The cost of fry of acceptable quality starts from 25 rubles. for 1 piece, so for one cycle you will need to spend about 20 thousand rubles on purchasing small fish.

Business payback - 1.5 years

Purchase of feed and payment utilities for the whole full cycle growing fish will cost the entrepreneur approximately 150 thousand rubles. The total costs for one year and a half cycle will be 370 thousand rubles.

Sturgeon from a home mini-farm is usually sold in wholesale quantities. When selling previously purchased fry for the amount of 20 thousand rubles. it will be possible to get about 700 thousand rubles. The profit for 1.5 years of growing sturgeon will be 330 thousand rubles., but you will need to pay more from this amount income tax and all contributions to the Pension Fund and compulsory medical insurance.

After gaining first experience, you can easily scale your business and earn significantly greater profits within a set period of time.

Breeding sturgeon at home is a very profitable type of business, but this will only remain so until everyone who wants to open a business starts growing this fish. home production food products, so you should not put off opening a home fish farm for too long.
