And Saint the Little Prince summary. Analysis of the work “The Little Prince” (Antoine de Saint-Exupéry)

"The Little Prince" summary For reader's diary outlined below.

"The Little Prince" summary for a reader's diary

At the age of 6, the boy read a book about a boa constrictor and drew a snake that swallowed an elephant. The adults laughed at his drawing and advised him to do something worthwhile. And when the boy grew up, he became a pilot. One day, his engine stalled in the desert and he was forced to land.

In the morning he was awakened by a thin voice asking him to draw a lamb. The new acquaintance turned out to be a quiet boy with golden hair. How he got into the desert was unknown. And he was the only one who could see what the pilot had drawn. Then it turned out that this was the Little Prince, he flew from asteroid B-612. The planet was tiny, there were only 3 volcanoes on it. But one day a rose seed drifted onto an asteroid, from which it grew beautiful flower. The kid fell in love with the rose very much, looked after her, but she was a terribly capricious creature, and the Little Prince, one might say, “ran away” from her.

He began to travel around the planets: on one there lived a King, on another an Ambitious Man, on the third a Drunkard, on a fourth a Businessman, and on the fifth a Lamplighter... Everything plunges the Little Prince into amazement: he discovers many human qualities, such as ambition, drunkenness , excessive pride... When he gets to the sixth planet, where the Geographer lived, he advises the kid to go to Earth.

And on Earth, the Little Prince meets the Fox, who reveals to him a secret: “You are responsible for those you have tamed...”. The fox taught him to be friends.. In the desert, the kid met a snake who said that he could bring him back, and after that the Little Prince met a pilot. At the end, the “pilot” realizes that he himself has been tamed... And the Little Prince goes to his asteroid.

To the question Please give a brief summary of the little prince asked by the author Dirty the best answer is the Tale - the fairy tale “The Little Prince” by the French writer Antoine de Saint-Exupéry tells the reader about little boy, who in his own way sees very unusually the world around us. At the age of six, a boy wailed about a boa constrictor swallowing its prey and drew a picture of a snake swallowing an elephant. It was a drawing of a boa constrictor, but the adults claimed it was a hat. Adults always need to explain everything, so the boy made another drawing - a boa constrictor from the inside. Then the adults advised the boy to quit “this nonsense” - according to them, he should have studied more geography, history, and spelling. So the boy abandoned his brilliant career as an artist. He had to choose a different profession: he grew up and became a pilot. But he did not forget his childhood drawing and showed it to those adults whom he considered more intelligent than the rest. But everyone answered that it was a hat. And the pilot lived alone - he had no one to talk to until he met the Little Prince. This happened in the Sahara. Something broke in the plane's engine, the pilot had to fix it or die. He only had enough water left for a week. At dawn, the pilot was awakened by a thin voice - a tiny baby with golden hair asked him to draw a lamb for him. The amazed pilot does not dare refuse him - especially since his new friend was the only one who was able to see the boa constrictor swallowing an elephant in the pilot's drawing. It soon turns out that the boy is the Little Prince, who flew from the planet “asteroid B-612”. He is the owner of this planet, and the entire planet is the size of a house. The little prince takes care of her: every day he cleans out three volcanoes and weeds out baobab sprouts. Baobabs pose a very great danger, because if they are not weeded out, they will grow to cover the entire planet. But the prince's life was sad. Until a wonderful flower appeared on his planet: it was a proud beauty with thorns. The little prince fell in love with her, but she seemed too arrogant to him. Then the Little Prince last time cleaned out the volcanoes, weeded out the sprouts of the baobabs and set off to wander. He visited six neighboring asteroids. The king lived on the first one: he so wanted to have subjects that he invited the Little Prince to become his minister. On the second planet lived an ambitious man, on the third - a drunkard, on the fourth - business man, on the fifth - a lamplighter. All the adults seemed extremely strange to the Little Prince, and he only liked the Lamplighter. This man pledged to turn on the lanterns in the evenings and turn them off in the mornings, although his planet is so small that day and night change every minute. A geographer lives on the sixth planet. The little prince tells him about his flower and sadly remembers that he left his flower, left his beauty alone. The seventh planet turned out to be Earth. The little prince was surprised when he learned that there were one hundred and eleven kings, seven thousand geographers, nine thousand businessmen, and seven and a half million drunkards. ... But the Little Prince made friends only with the snake, the Fox and the pilot. The snake promised to help him when he bitterly regretted his planet. The fox taught him to be friends, told the prince that “only the heart is vigilant - you cannot see the most important thing with your eyes.” The little prince decides to return to his flower - after all, he has tamed his rose, and according to the Fox, “we are responsible for those we have tamed.” The snake returns the prince to his planet - its bite kills in half a minute. Before his death, the baby convinces the pilot that “it will only look like death” and asks him to “remember him while looking at the night sky.” Having repaired his plane, the pilot returns from the desert to his comrades. Six years pass. The pilot gradually calmed down and began to love looking at the night sky. He will never forget the Little Prince and his planet with a wonderful flower.

Reply from Svetik[guru]
It’s better to read it yourself - it’s not such a big book, you can finish it in a day

Reply from Natalya Mimikova[guru]
read it. Interesting
You won’t regret it, and with pictures too)

Reply from grayness[newbie]

Reply from Neuropathologist[newbie]
The story - fairy tale “The Little Prince” by the French writer Antoine de Saint-Exupéry tells the reader about a little boy who, in his own, very unusual way, sees the world around him. At the age of six, a boy wailed about a boa constrictor swallowing its prey and drew a picture of a snake swallowing an elephant. It was a drawing of a boa constrictor, but the adults claimed it was a hat. Adults always need to explain everything, so the boy made another drawing - a boa constrictor from the inside. Then the adults advised the boy to quit “this nonsense” - according to them, he should have studied more geography, history, and spelling. So the boy abandoned his brilliant career as an artist. He had to choose a different profession: he grew up and became a pilot. But he did not forget his childhood drawing and showed it to those adults whom he considered more intelligent than the rest. But everyone answered that it was a hat. And the pilot lived alone - he had no one to talk to until he met the Little Prince. This happened in the Sahara. Something broke in the plane's engine, the pilot had to fix it or die. He only had enough water left for a week. At dawn, the pilot was awakened by a thin voice - a tiny baby with golden hair asked him to draw a lamb for him. The amazed pilot does not dare refuse him - especially since his new friend was the only one who was able to see the boa constrictor swallowing an elephant in the pilot's drawing. It soon turns out that the boy is the Little Prince, who flew from the planet “asteroid B-612”. He is the owner of this planet, and the entire planet is the size of a house. The little prince takes care of her: every day he cleans out three volcanoes and weeds out baobab sprouts. Baobabs pose a very great danger, because if they are not weeded out, they will grow to cover the entire planet. But the prince's life was sad. Until a wonderful flower appeared on his planet: it was a proud beauty with thorns. The little prince fell in love with her, but she seemed too arrogant to him. Then the Little Prince cleaned out the volcanoes for the last time, weeded out the baobab sprouts and set off to wander. He visited six neighboring asteroids. The king lived on the first one: he so wanted to have subjects that he invited the Little Prince to become his minister. On the second planet lived an ambitious man, on the third a drunkard, on the fourth a business man, and on the fifth a lamplighter. All the adults seemed extremely strange to the Little Prince, and he only liked the Lamplighter. This man pledged to turn on the lanterns in the evenings and turn them off in the mornings, although his planet is so small that day and night change every minute. A geographer lives on the sixth planet. The little prince tells him about his flower and sadly remembers that he left his flower, left his beauty alone. The seventh planet turned out to be Earth. The little prince was surprised when he learned that there were one hundred and eleven kings, seven thousand geographers, nine thousand businessmen, and seven and a half million drunkards. ... But the Little Prince made friends only with the snake, the Fox and the pilot. The snake promised to help him when he bitterly regretted his planet. The fox taught him to be friends, told the prince that “only the heart is vigilant - you cannot see the most important thing with your eyes.” The little prince decides to return to his flower - after all, he has tamed his rose, and according to the Fox, “we are responsible for those we have tamed.” The snake returns the prince to his planet - its bite kills in half a minute. Before his death, the baby convinces the pilot that “it will only look like death” and asks him to “remember him while looking at the night sky.” Having repaired his plane, the pilot returns from the desert to his comrades. Six years pass. The pilot gradually calmed down and began to love looking at the night sky. He will never forget the Little Prince and his planet with a wonderful flower.

Title of the work: The Little Prince
Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
Year of writing: 1942
Genre of the work: story - fairy tale
Main characters: The Little Prince- an alien who arrived from a planet called asteroid B-612, Narrator- a pilot who fell into the Sahara and dreamed of becoming an artist.


An airplane pilot is forced to make an emergency landing in the Sahara Desert. There he meets the Little Prince, who is an alien. He tells the pilot about his travels and life at home. There he left Rose, the thorned beauty whom he loved. There are 3 volcanoes on asteroid B-612. The prince takes care of the planet, breaking through the baobab trees in time. Feeling bored, he decided to travel the Universe. I met different characters, for example, an ambitious man, a drunkard, a king, a lamplighter, a geographer, and a fox. From them he learned a lot of valuable things, visited the Earth again and died from a snake bite. The pilot repaired the plane and flew home, but the meeting with the Little Prince created a revolution in his soul.

Conclusion (my opinion)

The story has a deep meaning. If a person remembers his childhood, it will add meaning to life. Often children see things that adults simply do not notice. When people grow up, their imagination fails, they do not believe in miracles. Sometimes, while going about their daily lives, people miss more important things. A phrase that is known to many - “we are responsible for those we have tamed” - helps us see how important it is to value loved ones and friends.

It is very difficult to present a summary; “The Little Prince” is the favorite fairy tale of many people on our planet. Since its publication in 1943, it has been translated into 180 languages. Since the work is allegorical, every word is important. The author addresses not so much children as the child in every reader.

The fairy tale "The Little Prince" is dedicated to the boy from whom he grew up best friend by Leon Wert.

Summary. "The Little Prince", from chapters 1 to 9

At the age of six, the hero was fond of books about animals and was impressed by a drawing of a boa constrictor swallowing a predator whole. Inspired, he drew his own drawing number one, which adults mistook for a picture of a hat, although it was a boa constrictor that swallowed an entire elephant. I had to draw a cross-section of a boa constrictor with an elephant inside, especially for slow-witted adults. But the adults still didn’t like it, they advised us to pay more attention to geography and other lessons. The hero stopped believing in himself and was tired of explaining himself to adults. Instead of an artist, he became a pilot, and geography came in handy.

Meeting, as it seemed to him, intelligent adults, he tested them with the help of drawing number one, but they all again mistook the boa constrictor for a hat, which completely disappointed the hero.

6 years ago he had to make an emergency landing in a place where there was not a soul in a circle of thousands of miles. But in the morning a little man woke him up and asked him to draw a lamb. In drawing number one, he instantly recognized the boa constrictor, but rejected the rams, unexpectedly delighted at the box with holes, which supposedly contained the lamb he needed.

The pilot learns that the Little Prince came to Earth from his tiny asteroid B-612, where he left three volcanoes and his favorite rose, with whom he had quarreled the day before.

Summary. "The Little Prince", from chapter 10 to 17

His journey began with nearby asteroids. On the first he met a king without subjects, on the second with an ambitious man without admirers, on the third with a man drinking out of shame caused by his own drunkenness. On the fourth planet, a business man was mindlessly counting the stars. On the fifth lived a lamplighter, who lit and extinguished his lantern every minute, because day and night on his planet began to replace each other faster. This seemed to the Little Prince the most logical and not so selfish, unlike the actions of the other adults he met. A geographer living on the sixth planet was waiting for travelers who, he thought, would bring him information about the world. He didn’t even know anything about his own planet, but he advised us to visit Earth. So the boy ended up in the Sahara Desert.

Summary. "The Little Prince", from chapter 11 to 27

First, the little wanderer met a snake, who promised to help him return to his planet as soon as he wanted. Then he saw a garden full of absolutely identical roses, although his favorite flower convinced him that there was only one like it in the world.

He met a Fox on his way, who refused to play until the Little Prince made him tame. The fox explained that after the taming ritual they would become special to each other, then the boy realized that the rose had apparently tamed him. The fox confirmed this, since the prince was ready to give his whole soul to her, and added that you can see with your heart what you cannot see with your eyes. And that now he is forever responsible for those who are tamed by him.

But soon the time comes for the prince to return home. Finally, singing like a bell, he said that now, looking at the stars, the pilot will hear their laughter, because the Little Prince lives and laughs on one of them.

A small yellow snake flashed like lightning at the boy’s feet. Slowly and silently he began to fall onto the sand...

The next morning the pilot did not find the boy's body. He fixed the engine and returned. Six years passed, but the hero could not be consoled. Of course, he believed that the baby had returned home, but, looking at the sky, he heard not only the silvery laughter of the stars, but also their crying, depending on whether he was worried about the Little Prince or was happy. Leon Werth appealed to everyone who met the boy to inform him and thereby console his sadness.

Saint Exupery, whose “Little Prince” has been dissected into quotes by readers all over the world, put into his creation a deep meaning that does not fit into the framework of a brief summary. I would like to believe that those who skim through it will want to read the entire fairy tale.

Here is a description of the work of Antoine de Saint-Exupery “The Little Prince”, a brief summary. Probably every author, both living and long deceased, has a work that becomes his brand. It is this kind of work that is remembered when the name of a writer or poet is pronounced; it is this work that symbolizes his ability to create. When this name is pronounced, Antoine Saint Exupery, “The Little Prince” is remembered as the very work that symbolizes the author’s creativity. It was this fairy tale that made Exupery famous throughout the world. First published in 1943, The Little Prince is still being republished in many countries around the world in more than 180 languages ​​and dialects. So, here is a part of Exupery’s work: “The Little Prince”, a summary of the fairy tale. There is no need to talk about a full replacement of the original here - this shortened version is suitable for informational purposes only. Again, “The Little Prince” is not only a fairy tale, but also unique illustrations created by the author himself.


The author begins about a boy with an original view of the world around him. At the age of six, the boy read about a snake swallowing a victim. He drew a boa constrictor swallowing an elephant. Since the adults did not understand the drawing, mistaking the snake for a hat, the child clarified the image by drawing an elephant in the belly of a reptile. Result: the adults advised the boy not to engage in nonsense, but to put more effort into geography, spelling, and history. The boy gave up drawing and eventually became a pilot. But he never forgets about the drawing and sometimes shows it to people who, at first glance, are smarter than the rest. However, everyone sees the same hat. As a result, he lives alone. Chance helped. While flying over the Sahara, the pilot was forced to land. There was little water, only for a week, and it was necessary to fix the breakdown or die. The next morning, the pilot was woken up by a golden-haired kid asking him to draw a lamb. The pilot did not refuse, since the kid was able to see both the snake and the elephant in his own drawing.

It turned out that the baby arrived on Earth from another planet. It was called "asteroid B-612". There the baby, the Little Prince, was the master, although the entire planet was the size of ordinary house. But there are three volcanoes and baobab sprouts, which the Little Prince regularly weeded out. Life was boring until a wonderful rose appeared on this planet, very beautiful, with sharp thorns, but arrogant. Then the Little Prince went traveling. He visited neighboring asteroid planets. On one lived a king who was in great need of subjects. He even offered the baby the post of minister. On the other - an ambitious person. On the third - an ordinary drunkard. On the fourth - very business man. On the next planet there is a lamplighter. He was the only one the Little Prince liked. Then there was a planet with a geographer. The Little Prince talked to him, telling him about the rose. He felt sad... The seventh planet is Earth. And the kid was surprised to learn that there are 111 kings, 7,000 geographers, 7.5 million drunkards. The little prince managed to make friends only with the fox, the snake and the pilot himself. The snake promised to return him home. The fox taught him to be friends, telling him that only the heart is vigilant, because the most important thing can never be seen with the eyes. The fox also taught one more thing: we are responsible for those we have tamed. And our hero decides to return. The snake helps the boy - its bite kills in just half a minute. The little prince convinces the pilot that it only looks like death, but not death, and asks him to remember it, looking at the sky at least sometimes. The pilot repaired the plane and returned home. For six years he has been sad, remembering the Little Prince. Gradually, the sadness passes, and the habit of looking at the night sky gives many pleasant emotions. He often thinks about the Little Prince and the proud, thorny and fragile rose. You have read Exupery’s fairy tale “The Little Prince”, a summary of it, or rather. You may decide to open the original, and that will be great. Maybe you decide that your child should read the fairy tale - and that’s right. This work teaches correct, eternal truths. And that’s why it will be read more than once.

Exupery. "The Little Prince"

The summary is an opportunity to look into childhood, into the world of fairy tales, imagination and miracles. But in the full version of the fairy tale, this possibility will be more pronounced. This is just a squeeze. If you want to experience the taste of undiluted childhood, then do not be content with just the summary of Exupery’s fairy tale “The Little Prince” presented in the article. Summary replace original text with illustrations by the author himself. And let this work be with you in your heart, on your home shelf, on the table in your children’s room.
