Types of work in existing electrical installations. Protective measures in electrical installations

→ 1.4. Procedure and conditions of work

Question 85. How should work be carried out? existing electrical installations.

Answer. Must be carried out according to the work permit (hereinafter referred to as the work order) according to the order, according to the list of works performed in the order of current operation.

Question 86. With whom should the performance of work in the coverage area of ​​another unit be coordinated?

Answer. Must be agreed upon with the employee who issued the first order (responsible manager or work performer).

Question 87. What kind of work should typically be done? technological maps or PPR approved by the technical manager of the organization?

Answer. Must be performed:

major repairs of electrical equipment above 1000 V; work on live parts without removing voltage in electrical installations above 1000 V;

repair of overhead lines regardless of voltage.

Question 88. What protective measures must be taken in electrical installations up to 1000 V when working under voltage?

Answer. The following measures are required:

protect other live parts located near the workplace that are energized and that may be accidentally touched;

work in dielectric galoshes or standing on an insulating stand or on a rubber dielectric carpet;

use an insulated tool (screwdrivers must also have an insulated shaft) or use dielectric gloves.

It is not allowed to work in clothes with short or rolled up sleeves, or to use hacksaws, files, etc.

Question 89. What needs to be done in crossing spans in outdoor switchgear and on overhead lines when replacing wires (cables) and related insulators and fittings located below live wires through the replaced wires (cables) in order to prevent undercutting of wires located above?

Answer. There should be ropes made of vegetable or synthetic fibers. The ropes should be thrown in two places on both sides of the intersection, securing their ends to anchors, structures, etc. The lifting of the wire (cable) should be carried out slowly and smoothly.

Question 90. What are the requirements of the Rules when working in an outdoor switchgear on wires (cables) and related insulators, fittings, located above wires, and live cables?

Answer. It must be carried out in accordance with the PPR approved by the head of the organization. The PPR must provide measures to prevent the lowering of wires (cables) and to protect against induced voltage. It is not allowed to replace wires (cables) during this work without removing the voltage from the crossed wires

Question 91. What is the requirement of the Rules when a thunderstorm approaches during work in electrical installations?

Answer. All work must be stopped on overhead lines, overhead lines, open switchgear, on inputs and switching devices of closed switchgear directly connected to overhead lines, on cable lines connected to sections of overhead lines, as well as on overhead line inputs in the premises of communication centers and antenna mast structures.

Question 92. Under what conditions is it permissible to move workers onto overhead lines, regardless of voltage class?

Answer. It is allowed to move workers along wires with a cross-section of at least 240 mm and along cables with a cross-section of at least 70 mm, provided that the wires and cables are in good condition technical condition, i.e. they do not have damage caused by vibration, corrosion, etc.

Question 93. How should maintenance of lighting devices located on the ceiling of machine rooms and workshops be carried out from a cart? overhead crane?

Answer. Maintenance must be carried out by at least two workers, one of whom, having group III, performs the corresponding work. The second worker must be close to the worker and monitor his compliance with the necessary safety measures.

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Ticket No. 15

1. What documents are used to document work in existing electrical installations?
1.4.1. Work in existing electrical installations must be carried out in accordance with the work permit (hereinafter referred to as the work order), the form of which and instructions for filling it out are given in Appendix No. 4 to these Rules, according to the order, according to the list of works performed in the order of current operation.

2. In what cases is it permissible to issue one work order for simultaneous work at all connections?
2.2.7. The work order may be issued to one or more workplaces of one connection, with the exception of the cases specified in paragraphs. 2.2.8, 2.2.9, 2.2.11, 2.2.12, 2.2.14 of these Rules.
2.2.8. In electrical installations with voltages above 1000 V, where the voltage is removed from all live parts, including the inputs of overhead lines and cable lines, and the entrance to adjacent electrical installations is locked (assemblies and panels up to 1000 V can remain energized), it is allowed to issue one work order for simultaneous work at all connections.
In electrical installations with voltages up to 1000 V, when the voltage is completely removed from all current-carrying parts, it is allowed to issue one work order to perform work on switchgear busbars, distribution boards, assemblies, as well as on all connections of these installations simultaneously.
2.2.9. When removing units (boilers, turbines, generators) and individual units for repair technological installations(ash removal systems, network heaters, crushing systems, etc.) one work order can be issued for work on all (or part) of the electric motors of these units (installations) and one work order for work in switchgear on all (or part) of the connections feeding the electric motors of these units (installations).
It is allowed to issue one work order only for work on electric motors of the same voltage and connections of the same switchgear.
2.2.10. When working one at a time on electric motors and their connections in a switchgear plant equipped with switchgear cabinets, registration of transfer from one workplace to another is not required; dispersal of team members across different workplaces is allowed. In the RU of another design admission and work on electric motor connections must be carried out with registration of transfer from one workplace to another.
2.2.11. In a switchgear with a voltage of 3 - 110 kV with a single busbar system and any number of sections, when the entire section is taken out for repair, it is fully permitted to issue one work order for work on the busbars and on all (or part) of the connections of this section. Dispersal of team members across different work stations within this section is permitted.

3. What safety rules apply to the composition of the team?
2.5.1. The size of the team and its composition, taking into account the qualifications of the team members in electrical safety, should be determined based on the conditions of the work, as well as the possibility of ensuring supervision of the team members by the work manager (supervisor).
A member of a team led by a work foreman must have group III, with the exception of work on overhead lines (clause 4.15.23 of these Rules), which must be performed by a team member with group IV.
For each worker with group III, the team is allowed to include one worker with group II, but total number Team members with group II should not exceed three.
2.5.2. Operational personnel on duty, with the permission of an employee from among the higher operational personnel, can be involved in work in the brigade with an entry in the operational log and registration in the work order.

4. What measures should be taken in electrical installations up to 1000V to prevent erroneous actions.
3.1.5. In electrical installations with voltages up to 1000 V, the voltage must be removed from all live parts on which work will be carried out by disconnecting manually operated switching devices, and if there are fuses in the circuit, by removing them. If there are no fuses in the circuit, prevention of erroneous switching on of switching devices must be ensured by such measures as locking handles or cabinet doors, closing buttons, installing insulating pads between the contacts of the switching device, etc. When removing voltage from the switching device, remote control it is necessary to open the secondary circuit of the switching coil.
The listed measures can be replaced by disconnecting or disconnecting the cable or wires from the switching device or from the equipment on which work is to be carried out.
Prohibition posters must be posted.

5. What should be the order of turning on electric motors for testing?
4.4.7. The procedure for turning on the electric motor for testing should be as follows:
the work manager removes the team from the work site, formalizes the completion of the work and hands over the work order to the operational personnel;
Operating personnel remove installed grounding connections, posters, and assemble the circuit.
After testing, if it is necessary to continue working on the electric motor, the operating personnel again prepares workplace and the crew is re-allowed to work on the electric motor.

6. What safety measures should be taken when heating the cable mass and filling the couplings.
4.14.24. The cable mass for filling the couplings must be heated in a special iron container with a lid and spout.
The cable mass is removed from the opened can using a heated knife in the warm season, and breaks off in the cold season.
It is not allowed to heat unopened cans of cable mass.
4.14.25. When filling couplings with mass, the worker must be dressed in special clothing, canvas gloves and safety glasses.
4.14.26. Warming up, removing and transferring a vessel with solder, as well as a vessel with mass, should be carried out in canvas gloves and safety glasses. It is not allowed to transfer a container with solder or a container with mass from hand to hand; when transferring, they must be placed on the ground.
4.14.27. Stirring the molten mass should be done with a metal stirrer, and removing carbon deposits from the surface of the molten solder should be done with a metal dry spoon. The stirrer and spoon must be warmed before use.
4.14.28. In the cold season, connecting and end couplings must be heated before filling them with hot compounds.
4.14.29. Heating of cable mass in cable wells, tunnels, cable structures not allowed.

7. What must the operator do before each test voltage is applied?
5.1.16. Before each application of the test voltage, the work operator must:
check the correct assembly of the circuit and the reliability of working and protective grounding;
check whether all team members and workers assigned for security are in the places indicated to them, whether unauthorized people are removed and whether test voltage can be applied to the equipment;
warn the team about the supply of voltage with the words “Applying voltage” and, making sure that the warning is heard by all members of the team, remove the ground from the terminal of the test installation and apply a voltage of 380/220 V to it.

8. What general requirements must be observed to allow CMO personnel to work in existing electrical installations and security zone Power lines?
13.1.1. Construction, installation, repair and commissioning work on the territory of the organization that owns electrical installations must be carried out in accordance with a contract or other written agreement with the construction and installation (repair, commissioning) organization, which must indicate information about the content, volume and timing of the work.
Before starting work, the CMO must submit a list of workers who have the right to issue work orders and be work managers, indicating their last name and initials, position, and electrical safety group.
13.1.2. Before starting work, the head of the organization, together with a representative of the CMO, must draw up an act of permission to carry out work on the territory of an existing enterprise in the form established by SNiP 12-03-2001 “Labor safety in construction. Part 1. General requirements."
13.1.3. The approval certificate must determine:
places where visible breaks are created electrical diagram, formed to separate the area allocated for the CMO from the existing electrical installation, and the installation site protective grounding;
the location and type of fencing that excludes the possibility of mistaken penetration of CMO workers outside the work area;
place of entry (exit) and entry (exit) to the work area;
presence of dangerous and harmful factors.
The admission act or a separate order of the head of the organization - the owner of the electrical installations indicates the employees who have the right to admit the personnel of the inspection service and the right to sign the authorization order. In this case, one copy of the order is issued to the representative of the CMO.
13.1.4. Responsibility for compliance with measures to ensure the safety of the work provided for in the approval certificate lies with the heads of the inspection service and the organization that owns the electrical installations.
13.1.5. Upon arrival at the work site, CMO personnel must undergo initial training on labor protection, taking into account the local characteristics existing in the allocated area hazardous factors, and workers who have the right to issue work orders and be work managers must additionally undergo training on electrical installation diagrams.
The instruction must be carried out by the head (or his authorized person) of the division of the organization that owns the electrical installations.
The briefing must be recorded in the training logs of the inspection service and the unit of the organization that owns the electrical installations.
13.1.6. Construction, installation, repair and commissioning work on the territory of the organization must be carried out in accordance with the permit issued by the responsible employees of the SMO in the form established by SNiP 12-03-2001 “Labor safety in construction. Part 1. General requirements."
13.1.7. Preparation of the workplace for construction and installation work is carried out at the request of the CMO by employees of the organization that owns the electrical installations.

9. How is the victim freed from live parts or wires with voltages up to 1000V?
At voltages up to 1000 V. Use only dry objects and always non-conductors: sticks, boards, ropes. Anyone who separates the victim from live parts must insulate himself with dielectric gloves or galoshes. Trying to pull the victim away in this way, you must not touch others metal objects. If necessary, chop or cut the wires (each separately) with an ax and a dry wooden handle or a tool with insulated handles.

Question. On the basis of what documents is work carried out in existing electrical installations?

Answer. Work in existing electrical installations must be carried out:

according to the assignment for the production of work, drawn up on a special form established form and determining the content, place of work, time of its beginning and end, conditions for safe conduct, composition of the team and workers responsible for the safe performance of work (hereinafter referred to as the work permit, work order), the form and instructions for filling out which are presented in Appendix No. 7 to the Rules ;

by order;

based on the list of works performed in the order of current operation (4.1).

Unauthorized work in existing electrical installations is not allowed, as well as expansion of jobs and the scope of the task determined by the work order, order or list of work approved by the employer, performed in the course of routine operation (4.2).

Carrying out work at the work site under a different order must be agreed upon with the employee who issued the first order - the responsible manager or the work performer.

Approval is formalized before the preparation of the workplace for the second work order begins with the entry “Approved” on the front side of the second work order, located in the lower left field of the document with the signatures of the workers approving the document (4.3).

Major repairs of electrical equipment with voltages above 1000 V, work on live parts without removing voltage in electrical installations with voltages above 1000 V, as well as repairs of overhead lines, regardless of voltage, must be carried out according to technological maps or a work execution plan (WPP), approved by the head of the organization.

Work on lines under induced voltage (disconnected overhead lines, air lines communications (VLS), on lines for the transmission of electricity, consisting of sections in overhead and cable design, interconnected (KVL), which run along the entire length of the line or in separate sections near overhead lines with a voltage of 6 kV and higher or near the electrified contact network railway alternating current, under operating voltage, on the wires (cables) of which, when various schemes their grounding (as well as in the absence of grounding) at the highest operating current of the influencing overhead lines, a voltage of more than 25 V is induced, as well as all overhead lines built on double-circuit (multi-circuit) supports with at least one circuit with a voltage of 6 kV and higher turned on (hereinafter referred to as overhead lines under induced voltage) are carried out according to the work permit for the work performed according to the work permit (4.4).

Question. What safety requirements must be met when working in live electrical installations?

Answer. In electrical installations with voltages up to 1000 V, when working under voltage, it is necessary to:

remove voltage from other live parts located near the workplace that are energized, which may be accidentally touched, or protect them;

work in dielectric galoshes or standing on an insulating stand or on a rubber dielectric carpet;

use an insulated tool (screwdrivers must have an insulated shaft) or use dielectric gloves.

It is not allowed to work in clothes with short or rolled up sleeves, and also to use hacksaws, files, metal meters (4.5).

It is not allowed to work in electrical installations in a bent position if, when straightened, the distance to live parts is less than the distance specified in Table No. 1.

When working near unprotected live parts, it is not allowed to be positioned so that these parts are behind the worker or on both sides of him (4.6).

It is not allowed to touch insulators or insulating parts of live equipment (4.7) without using electrical protective equipment.

Question. What safety requirements must be met when working in outdoor switchgear and on overhead lines?

Answer. In crossing spans in outdoor switchgear and on overhead lines, when replacing wires (cables) and related insulators and fittings located below live wires, ropes made of vegetable or synthetic fibers. The ropes should be thrown in two places - on both sides of the intersection, securing their ends to anchors and structures. The lifting of the wire (cable) must be carried out slowly and smoothly (4.8).

Work in the outdoor switchgear on wires (cables) and related insulators, fittings, located above wires, and energized cables must be carried out in accordance with the PPR approved by the head of the organization or separate unit. The PPR must provide measures to prevent the lowering of wires (cables) and to protect against induced voltage. It is not allowed to replace wires (cables) during this work without removing the voltage from the crossed wires (4.9).

Question. What additional safety requirements must be met when working in electrical installations?

Answer. It should be remembered that after the voltage in the electrical installation disappears, it can be reapplied without warning (4.10).

Work in unlit places is not allowed. The illumination of work areas, workplaces, passages and approaches to them must be uniform, without the glare of lighting devices on workers (4.11).

When a thunderstorm approaches, all work must be stopped on overhead lines, overhead lines, outdoor switchgear, on inputs and switching devices of indoor switchgear directly connected to overhead lines, on lines for transmitting electricity or individual pulses of it, consisting of one or more parallel cables with connecting, stop and end cables. couplings (seals) and fasteners, and for oil-filled cable lines, in addition, with feeding devices and an oil pressure signaling system (OL), connected to sections of overhead lines, as well as at the inputs of overhead lines in the premises of communication centers and antenna mast structures (4.12).

Workers working in rooms with electrical equipment (except for control panels, relay rooms and the like), in closed switchgear and open switchgear, in underground structures, wells, tunnels, trenches and pits, as well as those involved in the maintenance and repair of overhead lines, must use protective helmets ( 4.13).

Question. In what cases is it permissible to move workers along overhead lines?

Answer. On overhead lines, regardless of the voltage class, it is allowed to move workers along wires with a cross-section of at least 240 square meters. mm and along cables with a cross-section of at least 70 sq. mm, provided that the wires and cables are in good technical condition and have no damage caused by vibration or corrosion. When moving along split wires and cables, the lanyard of the safety belt should be secured to them, and if a special trolley is used, to the trolley (4.14).

Question. How is maintenance carried out on lighting devices located at height?

Answer. Maintenance lighting devices located on the ceiling of machine rooms and workshops, from the overhead crane trolley must be carried out by at least two workers, one of whom must have group III and perform the corresponding work. The second employee must be close to the worker and monitor his compliance with the necessary safety measures.

The installation of temporary scaffolding and ladders on an overhead crane trolley is not allowed. Work should be done directly from the trolley deck or from stationary scaffolds installed on the deck.

The trolley wires must be de-energized before being lifted onto the overhead crane trolley. When working, you should follow labor safety rules when working at height.

The crane operator must move the bridge or trolley of the overhead crane only at the command of the work foreman. When moving an overhead crane, workers must be positioned in the overhead crane cabin or on the bridge deck. When workers are on an overhead crane trolley, movement of the bridge and trolley is prohibited (4.15).

Question. What requirements must be met when conducting earthworks?

Answer. When carrying out excavation work, it is necessary to comply with the requirements building codes and rules (4.16).

Persons servicing electrical installations are classified as electrical or electrical technology workers.

Electrical technicians only service electrical installations.

Electrical workers are workers who operate electrical installations in technological processes.

Electrotechnological workers are divided into:

Administrative and technical - these are heads of enterprises, their deputies, heads of services, departments, workshops, their deputies and others;

Engineering and technical personnel who are entrusted with administrative functions;

Operational workers - workers who are on duty during a shift and are allowed to operational management and operational switching;

Production workers - provide production process, as well as workers whose work is related to the production process;

Operational production workers are production workers who are trained for the operational maintenance of the equipment assigned to them;

Non-production workers - office workers, accounting department workers, sales department workers, etc.;


Age, persons at least 18 years of age are allowed to work on electrical installations;

For health reasons, they must undergo a medical examination before employment and once every two years. They should not have injuries, mental disorders, diseases of the skin, mucous membranes, visual acuity, etc.;

Based on training, before being assigned to independent work, when moving to another job or during breaks in work (up to 6 months), individuals undergo training and internship, after which they pass qualifying exams. Based on the exam results, a qualification group is assigned. To perform work in electrical installations below 1 kV, it is enough to have a second or third qualification groups, for work in electrical installations above 1 kV, fourth or fifth.

Operation of existing electrical installations

The operation of existing electrical installations is divided into operational maintenance (duty, walk-throughs and inspections, operational switching) and production work in electrical installations (repair and adjustment).

Work performed in electrical installations is divided into three categories:

1) work with stress relief. Performed in electrical installations from which the voltage is completely removed;

2) work under voltage on live parts. These are works performed on live parts using personal protective equipment (EZS) or at distances from live parts that are less than permissible;

3) work without relieving voltage on non-current-carrying parts:

Work behind fences (permanent or temporary);

On electrical installation housings;

On the surfaces of cable sheaths;

The distance from live parts under voltage is greater than permissible.

Permissible distances of approach to live parts under voltage.

It is not standardized in switchgears.

On air lines:

Organizational security measures

Organizational safety measures establish a certain sequence of work in electrical installations.

Registration of work. Work can be performed according to:

Along with admission;

By order;

In order of current work;

Without documents (on liquidation of accidents or their consequences).

Most complex work are carried out according to the work permit which includes: name of the electrical installation, list of works, composition of the team, safety measures, etc.

Less complex work is performed as ordered. A list of works is compiled for the persons performing these works.

Admission of the team to work - before the start of work, the team is brought to the site, the composition of the team, documents are checked, targeted instruction is carried out (the goals of the work are explained, it is explained which electrical installations are energized and which are not).

Supervision during work - from the moment the team is allowed to work, supervision over it in order to prevent violations of safety requirements is assigned to the work manager or supervisor.

Registration of breaks in work, registration of transitions to other work and registration of the beginning and end of work.

Technical safety measures

Technical safety measures when performing work with power off.

1) disconnecting the voltage from live parts on which work is to be performed, as well as from those to which, when performing work, it is possible to approach at a distance less than permissible.

2) Taking measures to prevent erroneous or arbitrary switching on of switching equipment (locking, locking drives, removing fuse links, dismantling tires, hanging prohibiting posters on drives of switching equipment, checking the absence of voltage on disconnected parts of electrical equipment.

3) Grounding of disconnected live parts, that is, protecting workplaces from erroneous switching on of the electrical installation. Grounding is carried out by switching on grounding blades, or by applying temporary portable grounding conductors.

The order of applying grounding conductors.

Make sure there is no voltage;

Remote grounding is connected to a grounding device;

Connect to live parts.

Withdrawal procedure reverse order overlays.

4) Installation of temporary fences if necessary. Protect either the workplace or electrical equipment that remains energized. Temporary fencing is made either with a section of fences or with ropes.

5) Hanging up prescriptive, reminder posters or a “GROUNDED” poster.

Procedure for performing work in electrical installations

Work order:

Registration of work (work order);

Preparing the work site;

Admission of the team to work;

Supervision during work;

Registration of breaks in work, registration of transitions to other work and registration of the beginning and end of work.

Applies to employees of organizations regardless of ownership, organizational and legal forms and other individuals engaged in the maintenance of electrical installations, carrying out operational switching in them, organizing and performing construction, installation, commissioning, renovation work, testing and measurements.

1.1.2. The employer, depending on local conditions, may provide additional measures occupational safety that do not contradict these Rules. These safety measures must be included in the relevant labor protection instructions and communicated to personnel in the form of orders, instructions, and briefings.

1.1.3. Electrical installations must be in technically sound condition, ensuring safe conditions labor.

1.1.4. Electrical installations must be equipped with tested, ready-to-use protective equipment, as well as first aid means. medical care in accordance with current rules and norms.

1.1.5. Organizations must exercise control over compliance with these Rules, the requirements of labor protection instructions, and control over the conduct of briefings. Responsibility for the state of labor protection in the organization lies with the employer, who has the right to transfer his rights and functions on this issue to the managing employee of the organization by an administrative document.

1.1.6. It is not allowed to carry out orders and tasks that contradict the requirements of these Rules.

1.1.7. Employees guilty of violating the requirements of these Rules will be held accountable in the prescribed manner.

1.2. Personnel requirements

1.2.1. Workers hired to perform work in electrical installations must have professional training appropriate to the nature of the work. In the absence of professional training, such workers must be trained (before admission to independent work) in specialized personnel training centers (training centers, educational and training centers, etc.).

1.2.2. Vocational training personnel, advanced training, knowledge testing and briefings are carried out in accordance with the requirements of state and industry regulations on the organization of labor protection and safe work personnel.

1.2.3. An employee’s health status is checked before being hired, and also periodically, in the manner prescribed by the Russian Ministry of Health. Combined professions must be indicated by the administration of the organization in the direction for a medical examination.

1.2.4. Before being allowed to work independently, electrical personnel must be trained in how to free a victim from action. electric current, providing first aid in case of accidents.

1.2.5. Electrical technical (electrotechnological) personnel must pass a test of knowledge of these Rules and other regulatory and technical documents (rules and instructions for technical operation, fire safety, use of protective equipment, installation of electrical installations) within the limits of the requirements for the relevant position or profession, and have an appropriate electrical safety group in accordance with Appendix No. 1 to these Rules.

Personnel are required to comply with the requirements of these Rules, labor protection instructions, and instructions received during training.

An employee who has passed the knowledge test on labor protection during the operation of electrical installations is issued a certificate in the established form (Appendices No. 2, 3 to these Rules), in which the results of the knowledge test are entered.

1.2.6. Employees with the right to conduct special works, must have a record of this in the certificate (Appendix No. 2 to these Rules).

Special work, the right to carry out which is reflected in the certificate after testing the employee’s knowledge, should be understood as:

steeplejack work;

work under voltage on live parts: cleaning, washing and replacing insulators, repairing wires, monitoring insulators and connecting clamps with a measuring rod, lubrication of cables;

testing equipment with increased voltage (except for work with a megohmmeter).

The list of special works can be supplemented by an indication of the employer, taking into account local conditions.

1.2.7. An employee undergoing an internship or duplication must be assigned by order to an experienced employee. Permission to work independently must also be issued by a corresponding order from the head of the organization.

1.2.8. Each employee, if he cannot take measures to eliminate violations of these Rules, must immediately inform his superior manager about all violations noticed by him and malfunctions of electrical installations, machines, mechanisms, devices, tools, protective equipment, etc. that pose a danger to people.

1.3. Prompt service. Electrical installation inspections

1.3.1. Operational switching must be performed by operational or operational-repair personnel authorized by the administrative document of the head of the organization.

1.3.2. In electrical installations with voltages above 1000 V, employees from among the operating personnel, those who solely service electrical installations and shift supervisors must have electrical safety group IV, the rest of the shift workers must have group III.

In electrical installations with voltages up to 1000 V, employees from among the operational personnel who solely service electrical installations must have group III.

The type of operational maintenance of an electrical installation, the number of employees from among the operational personnel per shift is determined by the head of the organization or structural unit and is fixed by the corresponding order.

1.3.3. In electrical installations, it is not allowed for people, mechanisms and lifting machines to approach energized, unprotected live parts at distances less than those indicated in the table. 1.1.

Table 1.1 Permissible distances to live parts that are energized

1.3.4. Single inspection of electrical installations, electrical parts technological equipment can be performed by an employee with a group of at least III, from among the operational personnel servicing this electrical installation in working hours or on duty, or an employee from among the administrative and technical personnel with group V, for electrical installations with voltages above 1000 V, and an employee with group IV - for electrical installations with voltages up to 1000 V and the right to individual inspection based on a written order from the head of the organization.

Inspection of overhead lines must be carried out in accordance with the requirements of paragraphs. 2.3.15, 4.15.72, 4.15.73, 4.15.74 of these Rules.

1.3.5. Workers who do not service electrical installations may be allowed into them accompanied by operational personnel who have group IV in electrical installations with voltages above 1000 V and who have group III in electrical installations with voltages up to 1000 V, or an employee who has the right of sole inspection.

The accompanying worker must monitor the safety of people allowed into electrical installations and warn them not to approach live parts.

1.3.6. When inspecting electrical installations, it is allowed to open the doors of switchboards, assemblies, control panels and other devices.

When inspecting electrical installations with voltages above 1000 V, it is not allowed to enter rooms or chambers that are not equipped with fences (requirements for installing fences are given in the Electrical Installation Rules) or barriers that prevent approaching live parts at distances less than those specified in the table. 1.1. It is not allowed to penetrate fences and barriers of electrical installations.

No work is allowed to be performed during the inspection.

1.3.7. When there is a ground fault in electrical installations with a voltage of 3-35 kV, approaching the fault point within a distance of less than 4 m in closed switchgear and less than 8 m in open switchgear and on overhead lines is allowed only for operational switching in order to eliminate the short circuit and free people caught under voltage. In this case, you should use electrical protective equipment.

1.3.8. It is necessary to turn off and turn on disconnectors, separators and switches with voltages above 1000 V with manual drive while wearing dielectric gloves.

1.3.9. Removing and installing fuses should be done when the voltage is removed.

It is allowed to remove and install fuses that are energized, but without load.

Under voltage and under load, it is allowed to replace: fuses in secondary circuits, voltage transformer fuses and plug-type fuses.

1.3.10. When removing and installing live fuses, you must use:

in electrical installations with voltages above 1000 V - with insulating clamps (rod) using dielectric gloves and face or eye protection;

in electrical installations with voltages up to 1000 V - insulating pliers or dielectric gloves and face and eye protection.

1.3.11. The doors of electrical installation rooms, chambers, switchboards and assemblies, except those in which work is carried out, must be locked.

1.3.12. The procedure for storing and issuing keys to electrical installations is determined by order of the head of the organization. Keys to electrical installations must be registered with operating personnel. In electrical installations that do not have local operating personnel, the keys may be registered with administrative and technical personnel.

Keys must be numbered and kept in a locked box. One set should be a spare.

Keys must be issued against signature:

employees who have the right of sole inspection (including operational personnel) - from all premises;

upon admission according to an admission order - admitting from among the operational personnel, the responsible manager and the work supervisor, supervising - from the premises in which they are to work.

Keys must be returned daily upon completion of inspection or work.

When working in electrical installations that do not have local operating personnel, the keys must be returned no later than the next working day after inspection or complete completion of work.

The issuance and return of keys must be recorded in a special free-form journal or in an operational journal.

1.3.13. In case of accidents, to free the victim from the effects of electric current, the voltage must be removed immediately without prior permission.

1.4. Procedure and conditions of work

1.4.1. Work in existing electrical installations must be carried out in accordance with the work permit (hereinafter referred to as the work order), the form of which and instructions for filling it out are given in Appendix No. 4 to these Rules, according to the order, according to the list of works performed in the order of current operation.

1.4.2. Unauthorized work is not allowed, as well as expansion of jobs and the scope of the task determined by the work order or order or the approved list of work performed in the order of current operation.

1.4.3. Carrying out work in the coverage area of ​​another order must be agreed upon with the employee who issued the first order (responsible manager or work performer).

Approval is formalized before the start of preparing the workplace for the second work order with the entry “Approved” on the front side of the second work order and the signatures of the employees approving the document.

1.4.4. Major repairs electrical equipment with voltages above 1000 V, work on live parts without removing voltage in electrical installations with voltages above 1000 V, as well as repairs of overhead lines regardless of voltage, as a rule, must be carried out according to technological maps or PPR approved by the technical manager of the organization.

1.4.5. In electrical installations with voltages up to 1000 V, when working under voltage, it is necessary to:

protect other live parts located near the workplace that are energized and that may be accidentally touched;

work in dielectric galoshes or standing on an insulating stand or on a rubber dielectric carpet;

use an insulated tool (screwdrivers must also have an insulated shaft) or use dielectric gloves.

It is not allowed to work wearing clothes with short or rolled up sleeves, or to use hacksaws, files, metal meters, etc.

1.4.6. It is not allowed to work in electrical installations in a bent position if, when straightened, the distance to live parts is less than the distance specified in the table. 1.1.

When working near unprotected live parts, it is not allowed to be positioned so that these parts are behind the worker or on both sides.

1.4.7. It is not allowed to touch insulators or insulating parts of live equipment without using electrical protective equipment.

1.4.8. In crossing spans in outdoor switchgear and on overhead lines, when replacing wires (cables) and related insulators and fittings located below live wires, ropes made of vegetable or synthetic fibers. The ropes should be thrown in two places - on both sides of the intersection, securing their ends to anchors, structures, etc. The lifting of the wire (cable) should be carried out slowly and smoothly.

1.4.9. Work in outdoor switchgear on wires (cables) and related insulators, fittings, located above wires, and energized cables must be carried out in accordance with the PPR approved by the head of the organization. The PPR must provide measures to prevent the lowering of wires (cables) and to protect against induced voltage. It is not allowed to replace wires (cables) during this work without removing the voltage from the crossed wires.

1.4.10. Personnel should remember that after the voltage in the electrical installation has disappeared, it may be reapplied without warning.

1.4.11. Work in unlit places is not allowed. The illumination of work areas, workplaces, passages and approaches to them must be uniform, without the glare of lighting devices on workers.

1.4.12. When a thunderstorm approaches, all work must be stopped on overhead lines, overhead lines, outdoor switchgear, on inputs and switching devices of closed switchgear directly connected to overhead lines, on cable lines connected to sections of overhead lines, as well as on overhead line inputs in the premises of communication centers and antenna mast structures.

1.4.13. All personnel working in rooms with power equipment (except for control panels, relay rooms and the like), in closed switchgear and outdoor switchgear, in underground structures, wells, tunnels, trenches and pits, as well as those involved in the maintenance and repair of overhead lines, must use protective helmets .

1.4.14. On overhead lines, regardless of the voltage class, it is allowed to move workers along wires with a cross-section of at least 240 mm 2 and along cables with a cross-section of at least 70 mm 2, provided that the wires and cables are in normal technical condition, i.e., they do not have damage caused by vibration, corrosion, etc. When moving along split wires and cables, the safety belt sling should be secured to them, and if a special cart is used, to the cart.

1.4.15. Maintenance of lighting devices located on the ceiling of machine rooms and workshops from the overhead crane trolley must be carried out by at least two workers, one of whom, having group III, performs the corresponding work. The second worker must be close to the worker and monitor his compliance with the necessary safety measures.

The installation of temporary scaffolding, ladders, etc. on the overhead crane trolley is not allowed. Work should be done directly from the trolley deck or from stationary scaffolds installed on the deck.

The trolley wires must be de-energized before being lifted onto the overhead crane trolley. When working, you must comply with the Interindustry Rules for Occupational Safety and Health when working at height.

The crane operator must move the bridge or crane trolley only at the command of the work foreman. When moving an overhead crane, workers must be positioned in the cabin or on the bridge deck. When workers are on the trolley, movement of the bridge and trolley is prohibited.

1.4.16. When carrying out excavation work, it is necessary to comply with the requirements of the current SNiP “Labor Safety in Construction”.


Articles 12, 14 Federal Law dated July 17, 1999 No. 181-FZ “On the fundamentals of labor protection in Russian Federation"(Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1999, No. 29, Art. 3702).

Order of the Ministry of Health and Medical Industry of the Russian Federation dated March 14, 1996 No. 90 “On the procedure for conducting preliminary and periodic examinations of workers and medical regulations for admission to the profession.”

Workers responsible for work safety.
