The branches of the money tree are withering. Why do money tree leaves fall, crumble or turn black, and how to help your favorite plant

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Plant care: why the Crassula sheds its leaves

There may be several reasons why the Crassula sheds its leaves. There may also be some shortcomings in home care, and Crassula diseases. Among gardeners, this plant is considered one of the most unpretentious; it easily tolerates lack of watering and is not too demanding of light. However, in the process of caring for a tree, you should still follow some simple rules.

Crassula belongs to the Crassulaceae family.

The most common causes of yellowing leaves and their elimination

Excessive watering of the plant. The money tree is a succulent that can accumulate moisture and survive without water for some time. When watering becomes too frequent, that is, with every slightest drying of the earthen clod, the leaves money tree turn yellow and fall off.

Crassula leaves can be damaged due to excessive watering.

Insufficient watering can also cause the leaves of the fat plant to begin to fall. Do not allow too long interruptions in watering. Here it is best to stick to the golden mean. In winter, when the plant is resting, it is enough to water it once a week, and in spring and summer - a little every other day. Water for irrigation should be warm or room temperature, but in no case very cold and straight from the tap.

Root rot is a common reason why Crassula leaves turn yellow and fall off. This usually happens because when there is enough frequent watering Water begins to stagnate in the tray of the pot. Treatment is to replant the tree, carefully examining the roots: all rotten ones must be cut off with sharp pruners, and the cut areas must be treated with crushed activated carbon. Pour gravel or expanded clay at least 3 cm thick into the bottom of the pot - this will serve as good drainage. The old soil should be thrown away and the plant should be planted in fresh soil.

Direct sunlight is undesirable for the Crassula.

Direct sunlight and being near hot heating appliances can also be the reasons why the fat plant turns yellow and sheds its leaves. If it is not possible to move the flower pot to a more shaded place (for example, in an apartment all the windows face south), you should shade it on particularly sunny, hot days with a piece of dark glass, newspaper or cardboard to protect the plant from burns.

Fertilizing Too Frequently mineral supplements. Very often this happens among inexperienced gardeners who try to feed more often and more. favorite plant. However, this runs the risk that the soil will begin to sour, and the fat plant itself will become oversaturated useful substances. In this case, you should replant the flower as soon as possible; you can add crushed charcoal to the ground. In the future, feed the money tree exclusively according to the instructions indicated on the fertilizer packaging.

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Money tree diseases

Crassula diseases are quite diverse, but they do not affect this plant very often. The main reason for their appearance is improper care of the plant.

Crassula can get sick due to the appearance of aphids.

This pest often enters the soil directly from flower shops. Basically, aphids damage the soft, fleshy leaves of the money tree, which begin to dry out, and then the tree sheds its leaves. The treatment here must be double. To begin with, the affected plant should be washed with water and laundry soap, and then treated with pesticides according to the instructions indicated on the package.


The nematode can damage root system Crassulas.

The drug Pyrantel, which can be purchased at a pharmacy, is very good for treating this disease. Dilute 250 mg of solution into 10 liters of water and use the resulting solution to water the fat plant twice a month.

Spider mite

The causes of yellowing leaves on the money tree are mainly related to improper care of the plant.

To flower for a long time pleased the eye and did not hurt, you should learn the basics of caring for it and take into account all the nuances.

At home, the money tree is very popular due to its high decorative properties and ease of care. However, sometimes the lush green foliage, which is so pleasing to the eye of gardeners, begins to crumble, turn black or wither. When the first signs of a problem appear, it is important to take immediate action.

Leaf fall

When the soil in a flower pot is frequently waterlogged, the foliage on the plant withers and quickly becomes unattractive. appearance. The leaves turn pale and then fall off. If treatment is not done in a timely manner, the branches begin to rot and over time the plant disappears. Another omission of the gardener that causes foliage to fall is insufficient irrigation measures on hot and dry days. When the earthen soil in a flower pot dries out too much, the plant begins to conserve moisture and sheds its leaves.

The reasons for the loss of leaves of the Crassula may also be due to excessive lighting or too much watering. cold water, which is why it is very important to choose the right location for the plant and use warm, settled water for watering. The above-ground part of the “money tree” should not be exposed to straight lines. sun rays, which causes loss of elasticity. As a result, the leaves turn red and fall off.

Insufficient lighting causes shoots to stretch and loss of decorativeness. Foliage falls off even when there is too much irrigation in winter in conditions insufficient lighting. You can save the fat plant by adjusting the lighting and irrigation modes. To ensure that the leaves do not fall off and that the decorative crop grows well and looks lush and beautiful, the indoor plant must be periodically rotated around its axis.

Why do the leaves of the money tree fall off (video)

The appearance of spots on the foliage

Quite often, inexperienced gardeners do not know what to do if soft brownish spots appear on the foliage or the leaves turn black. As a rule, indoor plants wither and get such spots when they are affected by a bacterial or fungal infection. All diseased leaves should be removed and the plant should be sprayed three times. complex drugs to destroy pathogenic microflora.

Dry and round black spots appear on the leaves of the “money tree” as a result sunburn. In this case, it is very easy to correct the situation - it is enough to use shading of the above-ground part of the decorative crop from the sun. Is it true, leaves with burns still fall off after a while, but in this way additional growth points are activated, and the plant can become even more lush.

It is important to remember that if a houseplant is damaged by pathogenic microflora, it is necessary to as soon as possible review the conditions of keeping the fat woman. Fungal infection is especially rampant only when growing a “money tree” in rooms with a high level of humidity, so systematic ventilation of the room, as well as high-quality mulching of the soil in a flower pot, is important.

Red leaves of Crassula

Despite their tropical origin, almost all types of Crassula cultivated in indoor floriculture do not tolerate prolonged exposure to the sun.

Reddish coloration of foliage may occur as a result of transfer flower pot with the plant in a more sunny place. In this case, it is recommended to spill the soil of the flower pot with a solution based on Epin, diluted at the rate of a couple of drops per glass of water. If redness is observed on the underside of the foliage, then it is necessary to adjust the irrigation regime in order to prevent the earthen ball in the flower pot from drying out.

The most common in conditions indoor floriculture pests that attack the “money tree” are represented by mealybugs, spider mites and scale insects:

  • vital activity spider mites accompanied by the appearance of small yellow spots and a very thin cobweb between the stem part and the foliage. In this case, it is necessary to thoroughly shower the above-ground part of the plant, and, if necessary, treat it with modern chemicals or garlic-tobacco infusion with the addition of a small amount of crushed laundry soap;
  • the appearance of a white cotton-like coating in the leaf axils of an ornamental crop may indicate that the “money tree” is infested with a mealybug. In this case, it is recommended to manually collect the pest, followed by treating the trunk and leaves with a thick solution based on laundry soap with the addition of an insecticide.

If the plant has grown

Very often, this problem occurs when the crown is illuminated unevenly, as a result of which it becomes one-sided, and ornamental plant loses stability. In this case, the “money tree” should be replanted using a new ceramic or clay flower pot for this purpose. large sizes.

It is very important to carry out replanting in a timely manner. As a rule, replanting is carried out in the spring, but, as a last resort, it is permissible to use the method of transshipment of the plant along with a lump of earth. The soil must be filled very carefully. Nutritious soil mixture should have a neutral reaction. To adjust the crown of an ornamental crop, it is important to rotate the plant around its axis.

All Crassula species develop thick and swollen leaves. round shape. In indoor floriculture, Crassula oval is most often cultivated. This perennial reaches a height of one and a half meters. The leaf blades of the “money tree” have an oval, round or ellipsoidal shape. Some varieties have purple or red leaf edges.

Crassula in indoor floriculture is capable of growing very strongly, which is a good sign for money talisman. Signs associated with the “money tree” say that the more shoots are formed on the plant, the faster the flow of attracting wealth is activated. To material well-being did not fall, and cash flow was as active as possible, required to provide the “money tree” quality care, and also comfortable conditions for growth at all stages of the growing season.

How to save a money tree (video)

In summer, the flower needs to be watered daily with small volumes of settled water at room temperature. In autumn and winter period One watering per week will be sufficient. It is very important to carefully monitor that water does not stagnate in the pan, which can lead to rotting of the root system and external changes in the foliage. If you follow the irrigation and lighting regime, as well as the right choice of soil and flower pot, the “money tree” will delight its owner with an attractive appearance for many years.

This one has leaves beautiful flower fall, and you cannot find the reason for this unpleasant phenomenon for you? There is no need to panic here, we will tell you how to solve this problem. Krasula, Crassula or another variant of the name money tree is still a fairly unpretentious houseplant in its care. What is she missing then, you say? Yes, a similar problem of leaves falling off in Crassula occurs quite often. And in this case, as a rule, there can be two main reasons for this trouble. Let's talk about them, and at the same time find out what can be done to prevent this from happening in the future.

If the leaves of the Crassula fall off. Why does this happen and how to prevent it?

So, the first reason is quite simple, and applies to many indoor plants that are overly cared for - this is excessive watering, which leads to stagnation of water in the lower part of the pot in poor conditions. drainage system. Then your “money tree” was affected by fusarium rot. With this disease, the roots of the plant rot and at the same time, a pink-white coating forms on the root collar, and after that the leaves also suffer. In order for the plant to be saved, it must be replanted into new soil, and it is very important to free it from the previous, old soil and cut off already rotten roots (read about when and how to properly replant other plants). In the future. To prevent such a misfortune from happening again, alternate watering with drying the earthen lump in the pot.

The second reason for leaf fall is the excess amount of mineral salts you add to or their amount in the fertilizing watering. In such a case, replanting the plant in fresh soil will again help you.

Prolonged heat can also cause the leaves to fall off in the fat plant, as well as in many other indoor plants. A plant, when it finds itself in conditions that are abnormal for it, strives for one thing - to produce offspring. This is especially evident in those who are sick. One of the techniques vegetative propagation- This is just propagation by leaves. Therefore, the fat plant sheds apparently healthy, still green leaves, and after a while a small plant forms at the very base of the leaf.

If all the leaves have fallen off, then you can wait for side shoots to form or cut off the upper part of the stem from the plant and root it.

The fat woman at home loves to bask in the sun!

If the sun is a fairly frequent guest in your apartment and there is clean water, then maintaining and caring for the money tree will not be difficult for you.

The most suitable place for this plant, these are south-eastern or southern (in summer, be sure to shade from the scorching sun!) windows. Windows on the eastern side will also work, but certainly not on the northern side, where there is a shortage of sunlight (Are there smudges on the windowsill from flowers? It’s okay, let’s talk about how to clean plastic window sill You can also read it on our website.)

Watering should be moderate, after the earthen ball in the pot has completely dried. If such drying out occurs only after two weeks, there is nothing to worry about, it means you need to water once every two weeks.

During winter, the fat plant needs to be kept cool to avoid stretching of its shoots and, again, the falling of leaves, which is so disliked by gardeners. In this case, it will be necessary to thin out the plants and ensure that the earthen clod does not dry out.

Crassula is not quite picky about the composition of the soil. The money tree feels quite good in a mixture consisting of turf, leaf, peat land and coarse sand (the ratio here can be the following 1:1:0.5:1). The horse system is superficial, so the plant should be planted in shallow but wide pots and replanted in the spring.

Useful soil additives when planting

What needs to be added to the soil when planting is crushed charcoal. It will help prevent root rot from overwatering. As well as acidification of the soil. Be sure to do this when landing good drainage. It must be at least two centimeters. For these purposes, it is easier and better to use expanded clay.

At the end of the article, watch the video advice on our topic “Money tree: how to care for and grow?”, perhaps it will help you understand once again what you should and should not do to prevent the leaves from falling. So, let's see.

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Or Crassula from the Crasulaceae family is a frequently grown indoor plant. The flower is easy to grow, rarely gets sick, and gains many fans. Sometimes the money tree loses its leaves. Surgical intervention will avoid worsening problems, the consequences are difficult to correct. Find out Why are the leaves falling off the money tree? what to do in such a situation. Here are the 5 main reasons why leaves fall from the tree of happiness!

Too dark

Crassula requires a well-lit growing area. Tolerates light shade, full shade is unfavorable. As a result of lack of light shoots are initially very elongated. At the next stage, with a lack of light, the leaves begin to fade, wither and fall off along with whole branches. Dying shoots are removed by carefully breaking off from the trunk. Transfer the pot to the windowsill of the brightest window, and in the summer put it on the balcony. The plant will need several months to recover.

Poor watering

The money tree is a succulent that has low watering requirements. Too much watering, combined with heavy soil in the pot and low room temperature, leads to flooding of the roots. Symptoms of root flooding – wrinkling and leaf drop. It is necessary to stop watering until the soil is completely dry. If the flower is in a poorly lit place, you need to move it to the windowsill.

Too long breaks in watering, especially in summer, are also unfavorable. At a dry tree the leaves turn pale, lose their elasticity, become yellow-bronze, dry out and fall off. The overdried plant is placed together with the pot in a container of water for 30 minutes, allowing the lack of water to be easily replenished, then the pot is removed and the excess water is drained from the stand. The fat plant is watered once every two weeks; in winter it is better to stop watering completely (if the plant is not standing near the radiator).

Leaves fall on old branches

When the side shoots of a tree begin to age and become woody, they naturally lose their leaves. Old branches can be cut off, then the plant will begin to produce young shoots.

small pot

If errors in care are corrected, the fat plant still sheds leaves, which may mean the need to replant the plant in a larger container. We can tell that the pot is cramped by the roots that have come out through the holes in the bottom of the pot.

When transplanting, care should be taken not to damage the lump. To remove the plant from the pot, turn it upside down. Use the side edge of the pot to hit the edge of the table so that the root ball comes out of the pot on its own. Before planting in fresh substrate, carefully unravel the roots of the tree. After planting, water the plant.

It's too cold

The money tree tolerates temperatures up to 10°C at night, similar to its natural African conditions. Sudden drops in temperature below 10 °C, cold drafts and cold gusts (when opening a window in winter) cause damage and sudden mass drops leaves. You need to install the pot with Crassula in a place without cold gusts of air. If the branches freeze, they should be cut off and the entire plant should be moved to a place away from drafts. In the spring, the tree will send out young shoots.

Perhaps not with one indoor plant there are not as many signs associated with it as with or, as it is often called, the money tree. Many believe that the level of family well-being directly depends on the size of the money tree, and most importantly, on the number of leaves on it. This plant is very unpretentious and does not require special conditions or difficult care, growing quickly, but at the same time, situations when the leaves of the money tree fall off are not uncommon. Why the money tree sheds its leaves, how to avoid it and how to help it - read about all this in our article.

Reasons why money tree leaves fall

1. One of the reasons why leaves fall off a money tree is because improper care behind the plant. Although the fat woman is quite unpretentious, she is demanding in some respects:

  • a sufficient amount of fresh air - the room should be well ventilated, and the money tree should not be in a draft;
  • correctly selected air temperature - in winter time the air temperature in the room should not exceed +15 C;
  • good lighting - in summer it is better to send the fat woman to the balcony, where it will bask in the sun, and in winter put it on an insulated and well-lit window sill;
  • sufficient amount of moisture - it is very important that the money tree is watered abundantly and in a timely manner, but at the same time it should not be categorically flooded.

2. Second possible reason along which the leaves of the money tree fall - illnesses. Most often this is Fusarium rot, which occurs as a result of overwatering. At the same time, the roots of the fat plant begin to rot, which subsequently leads to the death of the entire plant. In this case, a light pink coating forms on the root collar, and then the leaves begin to fall off. To avoid this, when planting a money tree, you need to add well-crushed charcoal to the soil. You must not forget about drainage - for these purposes it is better to use expanded clay, laying it out in a layer of at least 20 mm. If the plant has already been damaged, you can try to save it by replanting it in new soil, thoroughly cleaning the roots and cutting off everything rotten.

3. Can cause leaf loss excess fertilizer. In this case, it is also better to transplant the money tree into new soil.

4. Another reason why the money tree sheds its leaves is Very high temperature air. In unfavorable conditions, the money tree, like other plants, will strive to reproduce. And it will do this precisely by shedding healthy leaves, which will later be able to germinate and produce offspring.
