Construction of garden paths and playgrounds. Organization of transport and pedestrian traffic during the improvement of inter-highway areas Wood flooring

Almost every major city in Russia has bicycle paths, but I have never seen them done correctly.

First, let’s determine why we need a bicycle in the city. A bicycle has two main purposes: sports and entertainment and transport. The first one is clear. People ride bicycles in parks and on embankments. Almost all the bike paths that we build serve the sports and entertainment function of the bicycle. This is the reason for many stereotypes that are firmly driven into the heads of officials and ordinary people. For example, you can often hear: “Why make bike paths if we can only ride for 3 months a year?” That is, it doesn’t even occur to a person that you can ride a bike in any weather. We practically do not pay attention to the transport function of the bicycle. But in vain. In Moscow, according to various sources, there are from 2 to 5 million bicycles (there are no exact statistics), and many people could use a bicycle as an alternative to public transport or a personal car. But the main problem is infrastructure.

With the rapid development of technology, bicycles and other vehicles will receive a new life in the coming years. Already, electric bicycles make it possible to easily move around the city, even with difficult terrain. Electric scooters are compact and maneuverable. Every year they come up with new personal means of transportation around the city, so it’s hard for me to imagine who we will meet on bike paths in a few years. Perhaps they will soon lose the name “cycle paths” and become lanes for individual low-speed (up to 25 km/h) transport.

But let's return to the present. Most people cannot use a bicycle for everyday commuting because it is unsafe. Now the rules traffic instruct the cyclist to ride on the road. Given the general poor driving culture, cyclists on the road are at risk. Some cyclists try to ride on sidewalks; this is allowed by the rules, but it is wrong. Since on the sidewalk a pedestrian is already at risk, especially children, who may be bumped into by a cyclist.

That is why it is very important to create a separate infrastructure for cyclists so that they do not interfere with either cars or pedestrians. And safety is the first thing to consider when we talk about designing bike paths.

Surprisingly, the main opponents of the development of cycling are motorists. It would seem that they should be the first to demand good cycling infrastructure. After all, many who currently use a car will switch to a bicycle if it is safe and convenient. If I were an avid car enthusiast, I would have long ago held rallies under the windows of the Department of Transport demanding the creation of bicycle paths and convenient parking for cyclists. Everyone goes by bike, and I’ll drive a car without traffic jams;)

Russia currently has no experience in developing cycling infrastructure. Our cities are just faced with this. There is a lot to learn in the coming years. It will be good if we turn to experience different countries and we will take it into account.

In Helsinki, the capital of Finland, people started thinking about the problem of transport 30 years ago. Then a bicycle department was created under the city administration. Our own department for bikes! And in Moscow, for example, the first bicycle path appeared only in 2011 on Vernadsky Avenue. A The first bicycle lane appeared quite recently. However, so far everything is not working perfectly.

Drivers still won’t get used to the fact that a bike path is not a parking lane.

By the way, according to amendments to the traffic rules, driving cars on a bicycle path and lane is subject to a fine of 2,000 rubles. The only question is how carefully the traffic police will control this. Perhaps they should be reminded that the state budget can be replenished with the help of a new fine.

One of the worst bike paths in the world is located in Moscow on Pyatnitskaya Street. What idiot came up with it, history is silent. I hope he's already been fed to the crocodiles. To make a path in the middle of a narrow sidewalk - you have to think of something like that...

There are no identifying signs for drivers at the intersection of the path and the street. There are no signs, color codes or even a speed bump.

Besides everything else, the path starts from nowhere and goes to nowhere.
There are plenty of fools in other countries too. Some people think that in order to make a bike path, it is enough to draw lines on the sidewalk with paint. They did this in Vilnius. How do you like it?

There are many bad examples I can give, but I don’t want to waste your time on them. Let's figure out what the right bike paths should be.

Recently “City Projects were translated” and a whole book was published "Designing urban bike paths". In the book There are many examples, diagrams, illustrations of how to make bike paths. If suddenly the mayor of your city decides to develop cycling, be sure to give him such a book.

The most important thing to remember is that a cyclist is an individual road user. It is no worse than cars or pedestrians. And a separate infrastructure for cyclists is needed. In our country, a cyclist is often treated either as a pedestrian on a bicycle or as a small car, offering to use the existing infrastructure. This is impossible. Most people avoid cycling for safety reasons. And only competent infrastructure will allow people to use bicycles as an alternative to public transport or a personal car.

There are several types of bike paths.

Type one – one-way protected bike paths. They are located at the level of the roadway and are separated from it by a barrier, like this cycle path in Dublin. The barrier can be posts, flower beds or deliminators.

And this path in Prague is separated from the roadway by a parking lot

IN New York- bollards, parking and flower beds.

Border separation

In Russia there are big problems with physical barriers, as they interfere with snow removal in winter. Here we need to look for some other solution.

The correct bike path has markings; it should be clear to all road users that this is a cyclist zone. If there is no money for bollards, the path is separated from the road by markings. It must be clearly clear to the motorist that this is a bicycle path and entry is prohibited.

One of the main guarantors of safety and comfort is the width of the bike path, which will determine whether you can pass an oncoming bike or whether you can overtake the one in front. The minimum recommended width of a bicycle path is 1.5 m. But in areas of intense cycling it should be increased to 2 meters. The parking buffer zone should be one meter wide. Excellent cycling roads in Beijing;) But this is a separate case, since previously in China the bicycle was generally the main mode of transport.

Potentially dangerous points should be correctly highlighted with color, markings and “Give way to bicycle” signs.

Manholes and sewer grates must not impede the movement of the bicycle. For example, storm drain grates must be such that bicycle wheels do not fall through them.
A very important and dangerous point is the intersection of a bicycle path with bus stops. Here it is recommended to lay the path behind public transport stops so that cyclists do not interfere with access vehicles and boarding passengers.

Type two – elevated bike paths.

They are laid above the level of the roadway and can be one-way or two-way.
As I already said, such a bicycle path should run above the level of the roadway - for example, at sidewalk level or at an intermediate level. The path must be separated from the roadway by a curb, green spaces or outdoor furniture. To make it clear to pedestrians that this is a bicycle path, it is necessary to use a different surface.

Separately for Russia, it should be noted that the sidewalk surface should not be inferior in quality to the path surface. I often encounter situations where the bike path has perfect asphalt, but the sidewalk has crooked tiles. Then everyone is surprised - why are pedestrians walking along the path?

The path must be barrier-free, no curbs!

If the bicycle path runs along a parking lane, then the recommended width of the buffer zone for passengers to exit is 0.9 m. This width will prevent collisions of cyclists with car doors

Type three – two-way bike paths.

These are separate zones for cycling in both directions, but located on the same side of the road. The advantage of such bike lanes is that they prevent cyclists from moving against the flow of traffic on the roadway. The marking, as in previous cases, must be applied along the entire length.

The recommended width of a two-way cycle track is 3.7 m.

To make a turn from the bike path, it is necessary to provide a waiting area for the turn in two steps. Again, the path should be separated with posts and other dividers.

When designing bicycle paths, it is necessary to take into account intersections and delimit zones intended for different modes of transport. A well-thought-out scheme will reduce waiting times for cyclists.

There must be stop zones at traffic lights. According to an American study, 77% of cyclists feel safer if there is such a zone at intersections.

The length of the zone is usually from 3 to 5 meters. The stop line indicates where cars should stop.

By the way, the traffic light for cyclists usually lights up a few seconds earlier than the traffic light for cars. This allows cyclists to gain speed and safely occupy their lane beyond the intersection.

Stop zones should be marked with colored coverings, for example, as in London.

Markings indicate a safe route at intersections for cyclists. The markings must be made of white anti-slip and reflective material. Here is an intersection in New York:

Crossroads in the Netherlands.

You can use arrows, cyclist symbols, and colored road surfaces at intersections.

The correct way to design bicycle paths would be to provide waiting areas for turning in two stages. Waiting areas are marked with a bicycle symbol and an arrow to indicate the required direction of travel and the location of bicycles.
This area is located in a protected part of the road, usually in a parking lane or between a bicycle lane and a pedestrian crossing.

But the waiting area can also be located at the edge of a transverse road in a parking lot, rather than in a car lane or in a pocket separated from the sidewalk. Would be useful road signs and a bicycle traffic light.

At the approach to intersections, bicycle paths are organized in such a way as to avoid collisions between cyclists and turning vehicles.

This typically involves completing a protected bike lane or parking lane before the intersection, and then moving the bike lane closer to or merging with the car lane.

If the cycle path ends shortly before an intersection, it should be provided with a traditional cycle lane, a stop-light area or a combined cycle and turn lane.

If the bicycle path turns into a bicycle lane, then its recommended width is 1.8 m. 9–15 m before the end of the buffer zone of the bicycle path, parking of cars must be prohibited.
Bicycle traffic lights make it easier for cyclists to cross the roadway. This is a regular red-yellow-green traffic light, equipped with a bicycle pictogram.

Traffic light in Amsterdam

Parking that obstructs visibility must be prohibited no less than 30 m before the crossing and no less than 6 m after it.

What makes a bike lane most visible? Of course, color. According to surveys, a car parked on a green lane becomes too visible, so drivers prefer not to park in these places.

Along the edges of the color track a standard white stripe, improving visibility at night.

The colored coating must be made of anti-slip and reflective material. In addition, it is necessary to install “Give way to cyclists” signs. Change zones can be highlighted with intermittent color coating.

If it is not possible to make the bike path entirely colored, we should at least make it so in problem areas and intersections, as in Copenhagen.
Another important question: what to make the markings from? The most common method of marking is applying paint, to which microbeads and reflectors can be added. This is the cheapest and most short-lived material, and when wet, the paint becomes slippery.

Epoxy resin and methyl methacrylate are more durable. But the resin is sensitive to moisture and temperature, takes a long time to dry, and the second option is more expensive than resin and regular paint.

Thermoplastic as a coating material is durable and easy to apply, but it is not a cheap option. At the same time, its service life is from 5 years, so this is a compromise option and the most popular.

Although there is also colored asphalt, it requires labor-intensive maintenance. And as a minus - there are no reflective properties.

In the Netherlands, for example, colored asphalt and colored road tiles are more often used.

If the infrastructure is built correctly, the bicycle navigation system should also be taken into account.
This includes signs of confirmation, turning, and decision making. Navigation markings can complement navigation signs. Very good signs in Amsterdam. Everything is as it should be

And in many countries they install counters on the paths to understand how many cyclists ride on them.

Clearly shows the efficiency of the tracks.
Unfortunately, until now, any attempt to somehow improve the cycling infrastructure is met not only with bewilderment from officials, but also with acute rejection on the part of motorists and pedestrians. As a rule, they are sure that bicycle paths will only worsen the traffic situation, and in general, why do we need another full-fledged road user if there is already little space in the city.

In fact, this is just a myth. In the fall I wrote about How traffic has changed in New York after a number of city streets were reconstructed to accommodate cyclists.

It turned out that after bicycle lanes were opened on the roads, the number of accidents decreased (including those involving cyclists), and the speed of cars not only did not decrease, but even increased in some areas due to the fact that many just switched to bicycles.

Here is the standard scheme for changing New York streets, according to which the city's Department of Transportation has been operating since 2007.

As you can see, the car lanes are being cut and narrowed, but there are dedicated lanes for buses and bicycles, and one of the parking lanes has been shifted to protect cyclists and has undergone landscaping. This is what they did with First Avenue, for example. These measures not only reduced the number of accidents and increased the number of cyclists by 160% (which in turn improved the environmental situation), but also had a beneficial effect on local business: sales in shops and cafes located in the “bicycle renaissance” zone increased sharply.

You can continue to persist, or you can conduct similar experiments in Russia. Then everyone will be able to see for themselves that their city will become cozier, safer and more attractive not only for themselves, but also for tourists, students and investors.

As I already wrote, a huge contribution to the cycling of the country is made by “Urban projects”. And thanks to the book “Designing Urban Bicycle Paths,” funds for the translation and publication of which we put it all together on, you can finally create the right cycling infrastructure.

Now cyclists and their sympathizers can not just be indignant that they have a bad ride, but read exactly how to do it to make everyone feel good and comfortable, and competently demand a normal bike path from the city administration. We have a lot of good examples in the book.

Anyone who is partial to cycling can now purchase “Designing Urban Cycle Paths” in online stores, for example at “Ozone”, or in regular offline bookstores. Those who participated in raising funds for the publication will soon receive their lots with all the required bonuses in the form of autographs, excursions and other things. Well, according to tradition, the book will go to city libraries, administrations, universities and other places where decisions are made about what our cities will be like

Garden paths are guiding threads that connect all the functional areas of the site and other elements of landscape design into a single ensemble. Without garden paths it is impossible to achieve the artistic completeness of the appearance of the garden. The choice of the configuration of paths laid across the site is carried out at the stage landscape design. Depending on the purpose of the paths, materials for their construction are selected, as well as laying technologies. In accordance with the classification accepted in landscape gardening design, paths can be decorative and utilitarian, main and secondary, hard and soft, straight and zigzag, wide and narrow. The design of the road and transport network of a site is carried out taking into account its topography, which can be flat, “saucer-shaped” or multi-stage (in the presence of significant differences in height).

Depending on the functional purpose of the garden path, the type of base is selected. So for garden paths used during the summer season, it is enough to make a sandy base. For pedestrian paths used year-round, the base should already be gravel and sand. Entrance roads and areas intended for parking vehicles are built on solid concrete base, reinforced with reinforcement.

Dividing paths into groups by type of paving

Road surface is another must structural element any track. According to the type of coating, all garden paths can be divided into two groups:

  • rigid (monolithic concrete, clinker brick, paving slabs, natural stone);
  • soft (pebbles, gravel, granite screenings (crumbs), crushed stone).

IN landscape design Combined paths are also used, which consist of sections with hard or soft surfaces.

Combined tracks are made from bulk materials and hard surfaces, presented here in the form of individual square-shaped stone slabs

For laying special road surfaces they are used complex technologies. This includes green paths arranged on a geogrid or poured decorative concrete. Most popular in suburban construction rigid paths are used, allowing the implementation of a wide variety of style solutions by design garden plot. In addition, they are more practical, as they are durable, reliable, and easy to clean. Soft paths will have to be cleared of debris longer and repaired more often by leveling the bulk material.

It is customary to place in a separate group wood coverings, made in the form of decking, platforms, plank sidewalks, paths from wood cuts.

Wood cuts in the design of garden paths are used in combination with objects built from rounded logs or timber

Strengthening the edges of garden paths

Curbs used to strengthen the edges of garden paths allow you to:

  • increase the stability of the coating;
  • protect the edges of the coating from possible sliding and destruction;
  • prevent the path from becoming overgrown with vegetation;
  • protect lawns and flower beds adjacent to paths from trampling.

Installation of borders is mandatory for garden paths with a soft type of surface. Rigid paths are framed with curbs at the request of the owner of a suburban area.

The aesthetic value of paving garden paths

The main garden path, immersed in the greenery of trees and stretching into the distance, allows you to climb to the terrace via a cascade of stairs

The combination of materials is the key to completeness of the composition

Garden paths, which match the shape and color of the materials used with the decoration of the house, fencing, gazebos, flower beds and flower beds, make it possible to give a compositional completeness to the garden. When designing paths, you must adhere to the requirements of the chosen style. For example, in strict it is assumed that all garden paths will be straight. The main path serves as a kind of axis of symmetry, dividing the garden into two halves of identical design. Sites located at intersections of paths must also have a strict form of correct geometric shapes(circle, square).

The garden in a regular style is decorated with smooth and straight paths, drawn as if along a ruler by the skillful hand of an artist-designer.

On the contrary, it does not accept strict and straight lines. In such a garden, winding paths leading to the most secluded corners of the site would be appropriate. At the same time, every bend of the winding garden path should open beautiful view to growing trees and flowers, skillfully created ponds with streams and waterfalls, attractive recreation areas, charming sculptures and other decorative elements.

Combining styles allows you to get unexpected results. With this mixing, the main path is made in the form of a straight line, and the secondary paths extending from it are given a free shape. Paths decorated with floral borders will help highlight the beauty of the Dutch style.

Lecture on the topic: Organization of transport and pedestrian traffic during the improvement of interhighway areas.

- Intra-microdistrict driveways.
- Pedestrian paths.
- Parking lots.


Intra-microdistrict passages

The network of road passages in the microdistrict should be designed to be minimal, providing only access to residential buildings for fire trucks, cargo taxis, and ambulances. Car access to schools, childcare centers, cultural and community service buildings and utility sites should also be provided.
It should be noted that reducing the number and length of internal passages can be achieved by appropriately grouping houses and placing their entrances. At successful decision master plan Along with reducing the total length, driveways can be located mainly along the periphery of the microdistrict. This arrangement allows for the enlargement of green areas, ensures the safety of movement of residents, and reduces air pollution from exhaust gases.
In residential areas, direct through passages are not allowed, since they can be used for transit traffic, which will significantly worsen living conditions. Inside the microdistrict, it is better to design the driveways as circular or make dead ends to create obstacles for the through traffic of vehicles.
Entrances to microdistricts with open planning should be located at a distance of no more than 300 m from each other.
Driveways leading to the entrances to residential buildings are usually located parallel to the buildings, no closer than 5 m from their walls. This is due to the fact that the first floors residential buildings, located inside the microdistrict, are used, as a rule, for housing and it is necessary to provide a protective green strip between driveways and houses. If the distance from the houses to the driveway significantly exceeds 5 m, then in the green zone along the houses the possibility of passage of fire trucks should be provided. Driveways should not be more than 6.0 m away from the entrances to residential buildings. They can be located at a distance of 1.5 m from the blind ends of buildings and fences.
If the distance from the house to the driveway is more than 8 m, it should be possible for a car to drive directly to the entrance to the house along the driveway-sidewalk. For this purpose, the width of the sidewalk is taken to be at least 2.75 m. In some cases, a rutted driveway may be installed instead of a sidewalk.
A two-lane road with a total width of 6 m is made only for the access of vehicles to large groups multi-storey buildings or to shops where traffic volume is significant. For most driveways, including those with one-way roundabout traffic with a travel length of no more than 300 m, one lane 3.5 m wide is sufficient. A ring driveway with a width of at least 3.5 m is also provided around each single-section residential building with a height of 9 or more floors with the edge of the passage removed from the house by 5 - 8 m.
On driveways with one lane, it is necessary to arrange passing platforms on straight sections every 100 m, on curved sections - within sight. The width of the site is assumed to be 6 m, length 15 m.
If there is no sidewalk along a 3.5 m wide passage, then for the safety of pedestrians a sidewalk 1 m wide is installed within the crossing area.
The length of dead ends with one lane should not exceed 150 m; at their ends there are turning areas with sides of 12 × 12 m or turning rings with a radius of 10 m (along the axis of the passage).
Where traffic is sporadic (entrances to individual buildings or small groups of buildings), so-called “rut driveways” can be recommended, i.e. driveways where a hard surface of two strips 50-60 cm wide is arranged only for the wheels of cars, and along the rest of the driveway there is a lawn. Such passages can also be used by pedestrians, and, if necessary, by fire engines and ambulances.
Tracked driveways are much cheaper than driveways with continuous surfaces, and, in addition, they worsen the microclimate of the surrounding area less.
When designing driveways within a microdistrict, special consideration should be given to the terrain of the area to ensure normal drainage conditions surface waters and traffic safety.
Storm gratings are installed along the driveways every 50-60 m.
In the absence of storm drainage, the free movement of water along the surface of the roadway can be allowed for no more than 400 m.
The transverse profile of driveways up to 6 m wide is, as a rule, single-slope, with a tray for draining rainwater on one side; driveways more than 6 m wide and platforms are made gable, with trays on both sides.
Alleys and walking paths come in both single- and double-slope profiles.
In most cases, concrete side stones with a cross-section of 10×30 cm, less often - 15×30 cm, are laid along the edges of the driveway.
When organizing driveways in a neighborhood, special measures should be taken to protect green spaces from damage by cars. The main protection is a 10-15 cm high board running along the passage. In order to better fit the driveway into the surrounding space, it is advisable to make the curb stones of intra-block driveways lower (8 - 10 cm), but sufficient to be an obstacle for a car.
Bollards provide good protection for greenery at sharp turns in roads, at entrances to courtyards and in parking lots. These devices are always more desirable than various fences; they must be high enough to be visible from car windows and strong enough to stop the car.

Pedestrian paths

Pedestrian traffic is the main type of movement within the microdistrict. Therefore, the organization of pedestrian traffic and a network of paths and sidewalks are of great importance in the improvement of the microdistrict. As a rule, vehicular and pedestrian traffic are kept separate.
While driveways are located mainly on the periphery of the microdistrict, pedestrian paths are located in the depths of the microdistrict.
Particular care must be taken in choosing the direction of pedestrian paths in cases where service facilities for the population of a microdistrict are scattered at different ends of its territory.
One way to determine the main directions of pedestrian movement is to observe the network of paths in the snow in winter. In some cases, areas intended for planting green spaces are specially dug up and left unplanted until the population tramples passages through them in the required directions. Only after this, having organized the network of paths and leaving them mostly in place, do they make a stationary covering and make plantings.
The best direction for walkways usually follows the natural shape of the ground. Paths are most beautiful when they are like; would flow, following the contours of the earth, and are in complete harmony with its natural forms. Otherwise, you have to resort to expensive cuttings or additions, which also distort the naturalness of the landscape. But it should be taken into account longitudinal slope paths.
Moving along an upward path is much more difficult, so a clear directional goal and an interesting presentation of the opening space ahead and the development of the microdistrict are especially necessary here. Descent down causes concentration on the plane of the earth, and in this case it is important to develop the design of the route and pavement of the path, carefully placing the surrounding plants, stones and other related elements.
A well-chosen path route helps, when moving along it, to more fully and comprehensively perceive the space of the microdistrict and its buildings.
Platforms, benches, vases, stones along the path force a person; stop or slow down and more clearly perceive the surrounding space from the most advantageous points.
Passing through the most picturesque places, through the garden of the microdistrict, the main pedestrian path - the alley, like a river, collects separate pedestrian paths coming from the houses, and often becomes the core of the entire composition of the microdistrict.
The network of paths created in this way ensures the convenience and safety of movement of the population and especially children.
The network of paths in the microdistrict should be designed economically and not exceed the necessary needs (≈15%). This is important in order to save money, territory and conservation. large areas greenery
The width and paving of the paths, as well as the location in the plan, are determined depending on their purpose and the intensity of traffic along them.
Depending on the intensity of the expected flow of pedestrians, the size of the paths is set based on the following calculation: width with one lane is 0.75 m, its capacity is 600-800 people per hour, with two-way traffic - 1.5 m.
Where pedestrian traffic coincides with driveways, sidewalks are made for pedestrians. Sidewalks are necessary when there is heavy pedestrian traffic or the passage width is 3.5 m. The sidewalk is made on one side of the passage closer to the building. If there is insignificant pedestrian and vehicular traffic, the installation of sidewalks along the roadway is not necessary.
Paths with intense business traffic should be straight or with smooth turns whenever possible. Right angle turns are not recommended. Practice shows that any measures to protect vegetation located on sharp turns of paths are ineffective, and over time the corners inevitably get trampled and rounded. Walking paths are made tortuous, since a person moving slowly takes in everything around him with pleasure, including changes in the route of the path.
If there is little pedestrian traffic, the path can consist of a number of individual tiles or stones laid in the lawn, linked to the size of a person’s step (~60 cm in the axes). They are positioned so that a person can walk calmly and with dignity.
In some cases, the designed path network still has to be corrected in situ. Then, in places where pedestrian paths go along lawns and large green areas, individual concrete tiles are laid.
The height of the side of the paths is of great importance for the preservation of vegetation. On paths with heavy pedestrian traffic, the side is made higher, further increasing its height in crowded areas or at sharp turns.
For a closer connection with greenery, ordinary paths are made with low curb stones. At the same time, a wide flat edge (12.5x50 cm) is sometimes made on one side of the path, along which children like to walk with the help of their parents.
Paths running through the lawn are often made without side stones. To prevent such a path from becoming a drainage point for storm water (which forces pedestrians to go onto the lawn during and after rain), it is made 3 - 4 cm above ground level. Growing grass creates the impression of a sunken path and keeps walkers' shoes dry even during inclement weather.
It is better to make narrow paths at the places where they connect with the main pedestrian paths wider, then the lawn here will be better preserved.
At the corners of the paths and at their turns, the ground level is raised and framed with a low retaining wall, or thorny bushes are planted, and large stones are laid. The corners and turns of the paths are smoothly rounded.

Parking lots

Parking lots are closely connected to the driveway network. Open parking lots are located away from areas for games, recreation, etc. routes for children to go to school, if possible on the periphery of the microdistrict.
Required number of parking spaces in places organized storage vehicles should be determined at the rate of: 300 parking spaces per 1000 inhabitants
Storage facilities passenger cars The permanent population of the city should be located, as a rule, within an accessibility radius of 250-300 m from the places of residence of car owners, but not more than 600 m; in cottage development areas no more than 200 m. It is allowed to increase the range of approaches to passenger car storage facilities for residents of neighborhoods with preserved buildings up to 1500 m.
The distance of pedestrian approaches from parking lots for temporary storage of passenger cars should be taken, m, no more than:
to the entrances to residential buildings 100
to passenger premises of train stations, entrances to large institutions
trade and catering 150
to other institutions and public service enterprises and
administrative buildings 250
to entrances to parks, exhibitions and stadiums 400
The size of land plots for garages and passenger car parking depending on their number of storeys should be taken, m2 per parking space:
for garages:
one-story 30
two-story 20
three-story 14
four-story 12
five-story 10
ground parking. 25
The shortest distances to entrances to and exits from garages should be: from intersections of main streets - 50 m, local streets - 20 m, from stopping points of public passenger transport - 30 m,
Structures for storing passenger cars of all categories in residential areas should be located in areas for communal and public purposes, in areas with a sharp change in relief, ravine areas, areas of transport facilities, in underground space - under lawns, sports facilities, under driveways, and parking lots.
Facilities for storing passenger cars belonging to permanent residents of the city (with a capacity, as a rule, no more than 300 parking spaces) are allowed to be located in residential areas - in areas close to their borders.
Underground parking garages in residential areas and in local areas may be placed under public and residential buildings, areas of green space, sports facilities, utility, sports and playgrounds(except for children), under driveways, guest parking lots; school sites.
Entrances to and exits from underground garages for passenger cars must be kept away from the windows of residential buildings and work premises. public buildings and areas of secondary schools, kindergartens and medical institutions at least 15 m.
Ventilation shafts of underground garages must be provided in accordance with the requirements of VSN 01-89.
Parking lots (open areas) for storing passenger cars belonging to the permanent population of the city should be temporarily located in areas reserved for the future construction of objects and structures for various functional purposes, including multi-storey parking garages.
Storage spaces for cars owned by disabled people, in accordance with the requirements of VSN 62-91*, should be provided in parking garages and parking lots located no further than 50 m from the place of residence of the car owner. If the accessibility of existing structures exceeds 50 m, temporary garages are constructed from fireproof prefabricated structures, remote from residential buildings in accordance with Table 1. The placement of garages for disabled people must be carried out without violating the safety conditions for the movement of pedestrians and vehicles in residential areas.
The placement in residential buildings of multi-storey parking garages with a capacity of over 300 cars, as well as parking garages without an external wall fencing or with an incomplete external wall fencing, is permitted subject to compliance with current sanitary standards and environmental requirements, justified by appropriate calculations of the dispersion of emissions of harmful substances and calculations for protection from noise, subject to agreement with government agencies sanitary and epidemiological supervision and the Department of Natural Resources Management and Environmental Protection.
Distances from parking lots and surface ramp-type parking garages to buildings for various purposes should be taken no less than those given in the table. 1. Distances from underground parking garages to urban development sites, as well as distances from parking lots and above-ground ramp-type parking garages to public buildings are not limited.
When placing above-ground and combined parking garages, as well as ventilation shafts of underground parking garages, the expected calculated concentrations of pollutants should not exceed established sanitary standards (SanPiN 2.2.1/2.1.1. 567-96), noise levels should not exceed the maximum permissible meanings.

* - are established in agreement with state sanitary inspection authorities

Notes: 1. Distances should be determined from the boundaries of parking lots ( open areas), the walls of the parking garage - to the boundaries of the sites of preschool institutions, schools, and inpatient medical institutions.
2. If several parking lots (open areas) are located in adjacent areas, located with a gap between them not exceeding 25 m, the distance from these parking lots to residential buildings and other buildings should be taken taking into account the total number of parking spaces in all parking lots, but in all cases, not allowing the placement of parking lots with a capacity of more than 300 cars in intra-block residential buildings.
3. If the entrances to the garage are not oriented towards residential and public buildings, the distances indicated in the table can be reduced by 25% in the following cases:
- in the absence of opening windows in garages - for parking garages closed type 1-P degrees of fire resistance;
- when constructing a continuous wall enclosure (blank wall) - for closed parking garages of all degrees of fire resistance.
4. Distances from parking lots and ramp-type parking garages with the number of parking spaces within the gradations indicated in the table, but not less than 10 parking spaces, can be taken by interpolation.
Continuation of the lecture: Organization of transport and pedestrian traffic during the improvement of interhighway areas.
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1.1 Proposal for a pedestrian path

The need to construct a pedestrian path with a hard surface is due to the fact that residents of the microdistrict constantly use the section of lawn between the school and the kindergarten for passage from Shchelkovsky Proezd to 3rd Parkovaya Street, and this path also connects two residential buildings: No. 4 on Shchelkovsky Proezd and the house No. 63 on the street. 3rd park, which leads to trampling of the lawn, weathering of the soil, as well as stagnation of atmospheric waste water during precipitation. (Appendix 2.)

The regulatory document for drawing up recommendations for the construction of a pedestrian path is the Construction Norms and Rules SNiP III-10-75 of July 1, 1976 “Improvement of Territories”, developed by Giprokommunstroy of the Ministry of Housing and Communal Services of the RSFSR with the participation of the TsNIIEP of entertainment buildings and sports facilities of the Gosgrazhdanstroy, the Soyuzsportproekt Institute of the Sports Committee USSR and Rostov Research Institute of the Academy of Public Utilities named after. K.D. Pamfilov and approved by the Decree of the State Committee of the Council of Ministers of the USSR for Construction Affairs dated September 25, 1975 No. 158. These SNiP data came into force on July 1, 1976 and are the current standard.

Also, when designing the tracks, we used technical recommendations on designs and technology for the construction of roads, sidewalks, sites in cultural and domestic areas TR 72-98, Moscow - 1998, developed by candidates of technical sciences V.M. Goldin, L.V. Gorodetsky, R.I. Bega (Road Construction Laboratory of NIIMosstroy) with the participation of the State Institution "Mosstroylicensiya". They are compiled on the basis of research work carried out by the road construction laboratory of NIIMosstroy, as well as the experience accumulated by road construction organizations in Moscow and other Russian cities. The recommendations were developed for the first time and are mainly intended for construction in areas of new housing construction, although they can also be successfully used for central regions city ​​during major repairs of social and cultural facilities. The recommendations were agreed upon with the Mosinzhproekt Institute and the Gordorstroy Trust and were developed taking into account current regulatory documents and the album SK 6101-97 “Road structures for Moscow. Typical designs"

The technology for constructing roads and sites includes several stages: construction of the roadbed; drainage device, device of a drainage sand layer; installation of side stone; foundation device; coating device. (Fig. 1)

Stage I. "Digging a road trough"

· Construction of a subgrade is not required as the path is intended for pedestrian purposes.

· The width of the trough corresponds to the width of the designed path.

· For excavation work, excavators with a bucket with a capacity of 0.25 m 3 to 1.0 m 3, bulldozers, motor graders, and scrapers should be used. (Table 1)

Table 2.1. Machines for soil compaction

Car make Roller type Weight, t Compaction depth (in a dense body), m
cohesive soil non-cohesive soil
DU-31A (D-627) Self-propelled, on pneumatic tires, static 16 0,20 0,25
DU-29 (D-624) 30 0,30 0,35
Self-propelled, combined, with vibrating drum 10-11 0,40 0,60
A-8 Trailed vibration 9 0,30 0,50

Calculation of the volume of excavation for the construction of a path trough

L – length of the proposed track, L = 90 m

D – track width, D = 750 mm

H – trough depth, H = 250 mm

V – volume of soil to be excavated, m³

V = 90*0.25*0.75= 16.875m³

The removed soil must be collected and transported to the territory of a specialized construction waste disposal site.

Stage II. "Design of crushed stone foundation"

· Trenches for drainage should be torn out before the onset of frost.

· For upper layers Crushed stone bases and coverings for driveways, sidewalks, pedestrian paths and platforms should use crushed stone of 40-70 mm fractions.

Table 2.2. Grain composition of crushed stone mixtures

Mixture type Content of particles in the mixture, % of mass passing through a sieve with hole size, mm
70 40 20 10 5 0,63 not less than 0.05
Coarse-grained, I 80-100 40-50 20-30 15-25 12-20 5-10 0-3
Same, II 85-100 60-70 40-50 30-40 20-30 5-15 0-5
Medium grain, I - 85-100 40-50 20-30 15-25 7-10 1-5
Same, II - - 85-100 60-70 40-50 15-20 2-5

· Crushed stone and gravel in the layer should be compacted three times. During the first rolling, the compaction of the placer should be achieved and a stable position of crushed stone or gravel should be ensured. During the second rolling, the rigidity of the base or coating must be achieved due to the interlocking of the fractions. During the third rolling, the formation of a dense crust in the upper part of the layer should be achieved by wedging the surface into small fractions. Signs of the end of compaction in the second and third periods are the lack of mobility of crushed stone or gravel, the cessation of wave formation in front of the roller, the absence of a trace from the roller, as well as the crushing of individual crushed stone or gravel grains by the rollers of the roller, but not pressing them into the top layer.

Table 2.3. Characteristics of rollers and compaction modes for crushed stone mixtures and compacted concrete mixtures

Model, type, brand Basic design features Weight, t Crushed stone mixtures Rolled concrete mixtures
thickness of compacted layer, m rigidity concrete mixture thickness of compacted layer, m number of passes along one trace
DU-476-1 Self-propelled static smooth roller 6 0,10 10 90-120 0,15 12-14
DU-63-1 10 0,14 10 90-120 0,15 12-14
DU-73-1 5-5,5 0,10 10 90-120 0,15 12-14
DU-54M Self-propelled vibrating smooth roller 1,5-2,2 0,10 10 90-120 0,15 12-14
DU-47B 6 0,20 10 90-120 0,25 6-8
DU-73 5-5,5 0,15 10 90-120 0,25 6-8
DU-63 8-10 0,20 10 90-120 0,30 6-8
DU-74 8-9 0,20 10 90-120 0,30 6-8
DU-65 Self-propelled pneumatic wheels on special chassis 10-12 0,15 10 100-110 0,15 6-8
DU-58N Self-propelled combined action 16 0,30 10 90-120 0,30 6-8
DU-64 8,5-9,5 0,20 10 90-120 0,25 6-8

· When constructing gravel bases and coverings, the maximum thickness of the compacted layer of gravel (in a dense state) should not exceed 15 cm. The gravel should be watered before spreading over the subgrade at the rate of 30 liters of water per 1 m 3 of uncompacted gravel. Compaction of gravel should be done first with light rollers without watering, and then with heavy ones, with watering in small doses at the rate of up to 60 l/m 3 of uncompacted gravel. After rolling, the gravel base (covering) should be watered for 10-12 days at the rate of 2.5 l/m 3 of uncompacted gravel.

Calculation of the volume of gravel and crushed stone required during construction

H sch – thickness of the gravel coating, H sch = 150mm

V sh – volume of gravel, m³

V = H = *L*D

V = 0.15*90*0.75 = 10.125 m³

Stage III. “Construction of an underlying layer of sand”

· Construction of the underlying sand layer begins after acceptance of the road subgrade and execution of the corresponding act. It is mandatory to check the compliance of the actual profile elevations with the design ones and the degree of soil compaction.

· The sand filtration coefficient for the underlying layer must be at least 3 m/day. Sand is delivered to the construction site by dump trucks and unloaded directly into the road trough. Leveling of sand is carried out using bulldozers or motor graders using the “pull” method in compliance with the design slopes.

· Rollers for sand compaction are selected depending on the type of sand and the thickness of the compacted layer in accordance with table. 1.1

· The compacted underlying sand layer must have the designed thickness, the deviation from the design must not exceed ±1 cm, and the compaction coefficient must be at least 0.98. The maximum clearance under the rail should not exceed 1 cm. Longitudinal and transverse slopes must correspond to the design.

Calculation of the required volume of sand for the underlying layer.

H p – thickness of the underlying layer of sand, H p = 100 mm

V p – volume of sand required to create the underlying layer, m³

V p = H p *L*D

V p = 0.1*90*0.75 = 6.75 m³

IV. Hard surface installation

Since the designers of the neighborhood chose square-shaped decorative concrete tiles for the hard surface of the pedestrian paths, we will also use these tiles in our pedestrian path project. For sidewalk coverings, the following slabs are used in accordance with Appendix 1 of GOST 17608-91: square (K), model 4K.5 or 4K.7

Prefabricated concrete and reinforced concrete slabs for sidewalks and pedestrian paths, not designed to withstand an 8-ton axial load from vehicles, should be laid on a sandy base with a width of paths and sidewalks up to 2 m. The sandy base must have a side support made of soil and be compacted to a density with a coefficient not lower than 0.98; have a thickness of at least 3 cm and ensure complete adherence of the tiles when laying them. The presence of gaps in the base when checking it with a template or control rod is not allowed.

A tight fit of the tiles to the base is achieved by settling them when laying and immersing the tiles in the sand of the base up to 2 mm. The joints between the tiles should be no more than 15 mm, the vertical displacements in the joints between the tiles should be no more than 2 mm.

Calculation of the number of paving slabs

n – number of tiles in 1 m², n = 7.16, pcs.

N – total number of required tiles, pcs.

N = 90*0.75*7.16 = 483.3 (484) pcs.

Name of work Unit change TOTAL Cost per unit Meas., rub. Volume of material per unit of measurement
material (m3 or m2) Volume
Pedestrian paths from concrete tiles
m2 1
concrete paving slabs (7cm) 1 400,00 m2 1,00
crushed stone (15 cm) 360,00 m3 0,15
sand (10 cm) 87,20 m3 0,1
work on digging a trough (without loading and disposal of soil) 135,00 m3 0,45
TOTAL for 1m² 1982,20
TOTAL for 67m² 133 798,50

The project of a pedestrian path 90 m long and 0.75 m wide covered with concrete square slabs has an estimated cost of 133,798 rubles. 50 kopecks

The road and path network serves as the direction of the path, while connecting the zones of the site, and also serves as additional drainage for the entire site.

When creating paths and platforms, the following points must be considered:

Paths and playgrounds must be safe at all times of the year, in all weather conditions;
- the width must be at least 60 cm;
- the type of paving depends on their purpose;
- drainage must be organized from the road surface;
- the back side of the paving must have a side stop;
- the construction of the road and path network must be carried out in accordance with the developed project and in compliance with general construction norms and rules.

Paths and playgrounds may have non-hard or hard surfaces.

Paths and platforms have a non-rigid coating, where the finishing coating is made of bulk materials. Such materials include: crushed stone fr. 5-20 mm, screenings, stone and granite chips, pebbles, decorative chips. Paths and areas with non-hard surfaces require constant repair and maintenance. They are made mainly in forest areas, parks, squares, children's playgrounds, and in ornamental vegetable garden areas.
Hard surfaces have paths and platforms made from natural or artificial stone, concrete, asphalt concrete, crumb rubber, paving slabs, wooden floorings. Such paths are more practical to use, require less maintenance, are more durable, but at the same time, care and maintenance have their own characteristics.

All paths and platforms must have a longitudinal and transverse profile. It serves for natural water drainage. The profile of the path should be convex in relation to the soil surface. Paths and platforms can be double-profile (having a raised middle and slopes to the right and left) or single-profile (with a slope in one direction, when one edge is higher than the other). The longitudinal and transverse slope should be 1 cm per 1 m; minimum slopes of 0.5 cm per 1 m are allowed.

Work on the installation of paths and platforms can be divided into 2 stages: preparation of the base and installation of the finishing coating. Preparation of the base includes sampling the soil to a solid base; if the sampling needs to be done more than the height of the designed pie, then in this case it is necessary to increase the layer of backfill over the sand. Geotextiles are laid at the bottom of the trough, then a sand-crushed stone cushion is made, with layer-by-layer compaction using a vibrating plate. The height of the sand-crushed stone cushion depends on the type of soil on the site and the purpose of the path or site. In this case, the width of the trough and sand-crushed stone cushion should be 10 cm larger on each side than the finishing coating.

The finishing coating device includes backfill bulk material on paths with a non-hard surface and laying stone, tiles, concrete and other materials intended for hard surfaces.
All paths and playgrounds are divided according to their functional purpose into: pedestrian, automobile, sports and children's. They differ from each other mainly in purpose, degree of load, thickness of the cake, as well as the finishing coating. The technologies for constructing pedestrian, sports and children's playgrounds are the same.

Construction of pedestrian paths and platforms

Technology for the construction of pedestrian paths and platforms from bulk materials:

1. Breakdown of the territory.

11. Compaction with vibrating plate m=220 kg or manual rammer
12. Arranging a finishing layer of bulk material - 5-10 cm.
13. Compaction with a vibrating plate m=220 kg or a tamper.

Technology for the construction of pedestrian paths and platforms from paving slabs or paving stones:

1. Breakdown of the territory.
2. Marking vertical marks.
3. Excavation to a solid base.
4. Compacting the base with a vibrating plate m=220 kg or a manual tamper.
5. Laying geotextiles with a density of 120 g/m2.
6. Construction of a sand base (coarse alluvial sand) - 20 cm.
7. Compaction with a vibrating plate m=220 kg or a manual tamper.
8. Construction of a crushed stone base (crushed granite stone fr. 20-40 mm) - 15 cm.
9. Compaction with a vibrating plate m=220 kg or with a manual rammer.
10. Splitting of the crushed stone layer (screenings or crushed granite stone fr. 2-5 mm) - 5 cm (as a layer in the thickness of the pie is not taken into account).

13. Construction of a cement-sand layer - 3-7 cm.
14. Laying paving slabs or paving stones (tiles or paving stones 4-8 cm thick).

Technology for the construction of pedestrian paths and platforms made of granite paving stones or clinker bricks:

1. Breakdown of the territory.
2. Marking vertical marks.
3. Excavation to a solid base.
4. Compacting the base with a vibrating plate m=220 kg or a manual tamper.
5. Laying geotextiles with a density of 120 g/m2.
6. Construction of a sand base (coarse alluvial sand) - 20 cm.
7. Compaction with a vibrating plate m=220 kg or a manual tamper.
8. Construction of a crushed stone base (crushed granite stone fr. 20-40 mm) - 15 cm.
9. Compaction with a vibrating plate m=220 kg or with a manual rammer.
10. Splitting of the crushed stone layer (screenings or crushed granite stone fr. 2-5 mm) - 5 cm (as a layer in the thickness of the pie is not taken into account).
11. Compaction with a vibrating plate m=220 kg or with a manual tamper.

13. Laying clinker bricks or granite paving stones (clinker bricks or granite paving stones - thickness 4-8 cm).

15. Sweeping seams with sand (coarse alluvial sand).

Technology for the construction of pedestrian paths and platforms made of natural or artificial stone using mortar:

1. Breakdown of the territory.
2. Marking vertical marks.
3. Excavation to a solid base.
4. Compacting the base with a vibrating plate m=220 kg or a manual tamper.
5. Laying geotextiles with a density of 120 g/m2.
6. Construction of a sand base (coarse alluvial sand) - 20 cm.
7. Compaction with a vibrating plate m=220 kg or a manual tamper.
8. Construction of a crushed stone base (crushed granite stone fr. 20-40 mm) - 15 cm.
9. Compaction with a vibrating plate m=220 kg or with a manual rammer.
10. Splitting of the crushed stone layer (screenings or crushed granite stone fr. 2-5 mm) - 5 cm (as a layer in the thickness of the pie is not taken into account).
11. Compaction with a vibrating plate m=220 kg or with a manual tamper.
12. Preparation of the solution (cement M400, coarse alluvial sand, water in a ratio of 1:3:1-1.5 depending on the moisture content of the sand).
13. Laying natural or artificial stone on a mortar (stone thickness 4 cm - 10 cm).

Technology for the construction of step-by-step pedestrian paths and platforms from cobblestone cuts and concrete slabs:

1. Breakdown of the territory.
2. Marking vertical marks.
3. Layout of slabs or cobblestone cuts.
4. Point excavation of soil to a solid base (for each cut or slab separately).
5. Compacting the base with a vibrating plate m=220 kg or a manual tamper.
6. Laying geotextiles with a density of 120 g/m2.
7. Construction of a sand base (coarse alluvial sand) - 15 cm.
8. Compaction with a vibrating plate m=220 kg or with a manual tamper.
9. Construction of a crushed stone base (crushed granite stone fr. 20-40 mm) - 15 cm.
10. Compaction with a vibrating plate m=220 kg or with a manual tamper.
11. Splintering of crushed stone with screenings or sand (granite screenings, coarse alluvial sand) - 5 cm (as a layer in the thickness of the pie is not taken into account).
12. Laying cobblestone cuts or concrete slabs.
13. Installation of a lawn in the joints between the slabs.

Technology for the construction of step-by-step pedestrian paths and platforms made of Indian sandstone and concrete slabs for mortar:

1. Breakdown of the territory.
2. Marking vertical marks.
3. Excavation to a solid base.
4. Compacting the base with a vibrating plate m=220 kg or a manual tamper.
5. Laying geotextiles with a density of 120 g/m2.
6. Construction of a sand base (coarse alluvial sand) - 15 cm.
7. Compaction with a vibrating plate m=220 kg or a manual tamper.
8. Construction of a crushed stone base (crushed granite stone fr. 20-40 mm) - 15 cm.
9. Compaction with a vibrating plate m=220 kg or with a manual rammer.
10. Preparation of the solution (cement M400, coarse alluvial sand, water in a ratio of 1:3:1-1.5 depending on the moisture content of the sand).
11. Laying Indian sandstone or concrete slabs on mortar.
12. Sampling crushed stone from the joints between sandstone and slabs - 10-12 cm.
13. Filling of fertile soil into the seams of the path or platform - 10-12 cm.
14. Compacting fertile soil using a manual tamper.
15. Mixing seeds lawn grass with fertile soil in a 1:1 ratio.
16. Filling the seeds with soil into the seams of the path fabric - 1 cm.
17. Compaction of seeds with soil using a manual tamper.
18. Watering.

Technology for the construction of pedestrian paths and platforms from crumb rubber:

1. Breakdown of the territory.
2. Marking vertical marks.
3. Excavation to a solid base.
4. Compacting the base with a vibrating plate m=220 kg or a manual tamper.
5. Laying geotextiles with a density of 120 g/m2.
6. Construction of a sand base (coarse alluvial sand) - 20 cm.
7. Compaction with a vibrating plate m=220 kg or a manual tamper.
8. Construction of a crushed stone base (crushed granite stone fr. 20-40 mm) - 15 cm.
9. Compaction with a vibrating plate m=220 kg or with a manual rammer.
10. Splintering of the crushed stone layer (granite screenings) - 5 cm (as a layer in the thickness of the pie is not taken into account).
11. Compaction with a vibrating plate m=220 kg or with a manual tamper.
12. Applying a finishing layer of rubber crumbs - 3-5 cm.

Construction of automobile paths and platforms.

Technology for the construction of paths and platforms for cars weighing up to 1.5 tons from bulk materials:

1. Breakdown of the territory.
2. Marking vertical marks.
3. Excavation to a solid base.

7. Compaction with a vibrating plate m=220 kg or a manual tamper.

10. Splitting of the crushed stone layer (screenings or crushed granite stone fr. 2-5 mm) - 5 cm (as a layer in the thickness of the pie is not taken into account).

12. Applying a finishing layer of screenings - 5-10 cm.
13. Compaction with vibrating plate m=320 kg.

Technology for the construction of paths and platforms for cars weighing up to 1.5 tons from paving slabs or paving stones:

1. Breakdown of the territory.
2. Marking vertical marks.
3. Excavation to a solid base.
4. Compacting the base with a vibrating plate m=320 kg.
5. Laying geotextiles with a density of 160 g/m2.
6. Construction of a sand base (coarse alluvial sand) - 30 cm.

9. Compaction with vibrating plate m=320 kg.
10. Splitting of the crushed stone layer (screenings or crushed granite stone fr. 2-5 mm) - 5 cm (as a layer in the thickness of the pie is not taken into account).
11. Compaction with a vibrating plate m=320 kg or with a manual tamper.
12. Preparation of a cement-sand mixture (coarse alluvial sand, M400 cement, in a ratio of 1:4).
13. Construction of a cement-sand layer or a layer of screenings - 5-7 cm.
14. Laying paving slabs or paving stones (tiles or paving stones 8-10 cm thick).
15. Compaction with vibrating plate m=20 kg.
16. Sealing the joints with sand or CPS (coarse alluvial sand, cement M 400).

Technology for the construction of paths and platforms for cars weighing up to 1.5 tons from granite paving stones or clinker bricks:

1. Breakdown of the territory.
2. Marking vertical marks.
3. Excavation to a solid base.
4. Compacting the base with a vibrating plate m=320 kg.
5. Laying geotextiles with a density of 160 g/m2.
6. Construction of a sand base (coarse alluvial sand) - 30 cm.
7. Compaction with vibrating plate m=320 kg.
8. Construction of a crushed stone base (crushed granite stone fr. 20-40 mm) - 30 cm.
9. Compaction with vibrating plate m=320 kg.
10. Splitting of the crushed stone layer (screenings or crushed granite stone fr. 2-5 mm) - 5 cm (as a layer in the thickness of the pie is not taken into account).
11. Compaction with vibrating plate m=320 kg.
12. Construction of the underlying layer from screenings 5-8 cm.
13. Laying clinker bricks or granite paving stones (clinker brick or granite paving stones - thickness 6-10 cm).
14. Compaction with vibrating plate m=20 kg.
15. Sanding the seams (coarse alluvial sand).

Technology for the construction of paths and platforms for cars weighing up to 1.5 tons from natural or artificial stone using mortar:

1. Breakdown of the territory.
2. Marking vertical marks.
3. Excavation to a solid base.
4. Compacting the base with a vibrating plate m=320 kg.
5. Laying geotextiles with a density of 160 g/m2.
6. Construction of a sand base (coarse alluvial sand) - 30 cm.
7. Compaction with vibrating plate m=320 kg.
8. Construction of a crushed stone base (crushed granite stone fr. 20-40 mm) - 15 cm.
9. Compaction with vibrating plate m=320 kg.
10. Splitting of the crushed stone layer (screenings or crushed granite stone fr. 2-5 mm) - 5 cm (as a layer in the thickness of the pie is not taken into account)
11. Compaction with vibrating plate m=320 kg.
12. Preparation of the solution (cement M400, coarse alluvial sand, water in a ratio of 1:3:1-1.5 depending on the moisture content of the sand)
13. Laying natural or artificial stone on a mortar (stone thickness 8 cm - 10 cm).
14. Grouting or sweeping seams (stone grout or coarse alluvial sand).

Technology for constructing paths and platforms for cars weighing up to 3 tons from paving slabs or paving stones onto concrete:

1. Breakdown of the territory.
2. Marking vertical marks.
3. Excavation to a solid base.

5. Laying geotextiles with a density of 160 g/m2.
6. Construction of a sand base (coarse alluvial sand) - 30 cm.

8. Construction of a crushed stone base (crushed granite stone fr. 20-40 mm) - 30 cm.

10. Splitting of the crushed stone layer (screenings or crushed granite stone fr. 2-5 mm) - 5 cm (as a layer in the thickness of the pie is not taken into account).

12. Reinforcement (reinforcement d=12 mm is taken, a volumetric mesh is knitted with cell sizes of 12*12 cm).
13. Installation of formwork.
14. Construction of expansion joints.
15. Pouring concrete M300.
16. Dismantling of formwork.
17. Preparation of a cement-sand mixture (coarse alluvial sand, M400 cement, in a ratio of 1:4).
18. Construction of a cement-sand layer or a layer of screenings - 5-7 cm.
19. Laying paving slabs or paving stones (tiles or paving stones 8-10 cm thick).
20. Compaction with vibrating plate m=20 kg.
21. Sealing the joints with sand or CPS (coarse alluvial sand, cement M 400).

Technology for constructing paths and platforms for cars weighing up to 3 tons from asphalt concrete:

1. Breakdown of the territory.
2. Marking vertical marks.
3. Excavation to a solid base.
4. Compacting the base with a vibrating plate m=600 kg.
5. Laying geotextiles with a density of 160 g/m2.
6. Construction of a sand base (coarse alluvial sand) - 30 cm.
7. Compaction with vibrating plate m=600 kg.
8. Construction of a crushed stone base (crushed granite stone fr. 20-40 mm) - 30 cm.
9. Compaction with vibrating plate m=600 kg.
10. Splitting of the crushed stone layer (screenings or crushed granite stone fr. 2-5 mm) - 5 cm (as a layer in the thickness of the pie is not taken into account).
11. Compaction with vibrating plate m=600 kg.
12. Spraying the crushed stone base with bitumen emulsion.
13. Laying porous asphalt concrete from coarse-grained crushed stone mixture - 7 cm.
14. Compaction with a roller.
15. Laying dense asphalt concrete from a fine-grained crushed stone mixture - 5 cm.
16. Compaction with a roller.

Installation of curb stones

The curb stone serves as a boundary line between the lawn and the surface of paths and platforms, and also protects the edge of the road surface from destruction. It is made from natural stones, granite, concrete and reinforced concrete.
According to their purpose, border stone is divided into garden border and side stone. garden border It is used for the construction of pedestrian paths and platforms, and the side stone is intended for the construction of roadways and areas for automobile coverings. They differ from each other in size and degree of load they can withstand.
When installing curb stones, it is necessary to make a sand-crushed stone cushion, taking into account all slopes. The board must follow the design profile of the coating. Recesses at the joints of stones in plan and profile are not allowed. The seams between the stones should be no more than 1 cm. The curb stone itself must be installed on concrete of a grade not lower than M 250. After installing the curb stone, it is necessary to make concrete locks, and on the back side of the curb a side support made of soil. Installation of curb stones proceeds in parallel with preparing the base for a path or platform.

Technology for the installation of curbstones:

1. Breakdown of the territory.
2. Marking vertical marks.
3. Excavation to a solid base.
4. Compaction with a vibrating plate m = 220 kg or with a manual tamper.
5. Laying geotextiles with a density of 120 g/m2.
6. Construction of a sand base (coarse alluvial sand) - 10 cm.
7. Compaction with a vibrating plate m= 220 kg or with a manual tamper.
8. Construction of a crushed stone base (crushed granite stone fr. 20-40 mm) - 10 cm.
9. Compaction with a vibrating plate m=220 kg or with a manual rammer.
10. Installation of curb stones on concrete (M250 concrete, concrete layer thickness 10 cm).
11. Construction of concrete locks.
12. Grouting joints with mortar.

Plastic curbs, board and timber curbs can act as restrictive edges in areas with pedestrian traffic. They, in turn, are installed on a compacted sand base 10 cm thick and fixed with special pins or reinforcement d = 6-10 mm.

This material is an excerpt from the forthcoming book by Elena Rusu "Management of landscape works. Board book foreman for landscaping and landscaping."

Elena Rusu is the head of the company
