Vegetarian diet: basic principles and menu. Vegetarian diet for weight loss: several options with a menu for every day, timing and results

Nutritionists, scientists and doctors still cannot come to a consensus on whether giving up meat is good for health or not. Of course, like most diets, a vegetarian diet has its pros and cons. The main disadvantage of giving up meat is that the human body needs animal protein to function normally. However, a short-term abstinence from animal foods can have beneficial effects on your health and help you lose weight. overweight.

Modern people eat too much meat - much more than they need. An adult does not need to eat meat every day - 3-4 times a week will be enough, but people after 40 years old need to reduce the amount of meat they eat to 1-2 times a week. Meat can be replaced with mushrooms, fish (especially fish!), seafood, nuts, legumes (especially soybeans - perhaps the best substitute for animal protein), potatoes. These products contain many nutrients, including proteins, and are much easier to digest and absorb than meat.

Vegetarian diet- This is a kind of “unloading” of the body. You temporarily relieve your body of the need to digest difficult-to-digest meat foods, and also “feed” your body with vitamins and beneficial microelements. Fiber contained in plant foods perfectly cleanses the intestines and improves its functioning.

A vegetarian diet for weight loss helps improve digestion, reduces fat and calorie intake, removes bad cholesterol, normalizes blood pressure, and cleanses the body; plant foods are better absorbed by the body and saturate it with vitamins and useful substances, strengthens the immune system and improves overall well-being. Therefore, 2-week courses of a vegetarian diet several times a year will only be useful to you.

A vegetarian diet should not be confused with veganism. Vegans exclude all animal products from the diet, including eggs, milk and dairy products, and butter, while a vegetarian diet for weight loss recommends giving up only meat. In order to lose a few extra pounds, it is enough to follow a vegetarian diet for weight loss for 2 weeks. As a result of a vegetarian diet, your digestion will improve, your well-being will noticeably improve, your body will be cleansed and you will get rid of extra pounds.

It is recommended to enter and exit a vegetarian diet for weight loss gradually– during the week before and during the week after it, the consumption of meat products should be limited, meat should be partially replaced with poultry and fish, and the share of plant foods in the diet should be increased. Then you will avoid the discomfort associated with abruptly giving up meat and abruptly returning it to your diet.

The undoubted advantage of a vegetarian diet is that it is quite flexible - there are no rigid boundaries that limit your diet, such as portion limits or strict calorie restrictions. You can form your diet from a variety of products, the only requirement is to avoid meat. Your diet may include dairy products, all vegetables and fruits, grains, nuts, cereals, fish and seafood (some vegetarian diets recommend giving up fish, but the protein contained in fish is extremely easy to digest, and beneficial amino acids and trace elements are necessary for our body , so fish should still be included in the diet). A vegetarian diet is not fasting; you eat a balanced and rational diet., and at the same time heal your body and get rid of extra pounds.

Sample vegetarian diet menu for a week

  • breakfast: buckwheat or oatmeal, kefir, nuts, apple;
  • lunch: vegetable soup, boiled potatoes, fresh vegetable salad;
  • afternoon snack: apple or banana;
  • dinner: rice with vegetables, fruit or vegetable juice.
  • breakfast: 2 boiled eggs or 2 egg omelet, sandwich with cheese and tomato, unsweetened tea;
  • lunch: lean fish soup, fruit salad with low-fat yogurt;
  • afternoon snack: pear, glass of kefir;
  • dinner: baked potatoes, squash caviar, 2 cereal breads, unsweetened tea.
  • breakfast: milk oatmeal or rice porridge, yogurt, coffee without cream;
  • lunch: soy or lentil soup, stewed vegetables;
  • afternoon snack: a handful of dried apricots;
  • dinner: jacket potatoes, stewed green beans with tomatoes.
  • breakfast: boiled egg, fresh vegetable salad, a handful of nuts;
  • lunch: peppers stuffed with rice and vegetables, apple and carrot salad with olive oil and garlic;
  • afternoon snack: cereal bread and kefir;
  • dinner: mushrooms stewed with vegetables.
  • breakfast: oatmeal with prunes and honey, unsweetened tea;
  • dinner; lean borscht, mashed potatoes with fresh vegetable salad or canned peas;
  • afternoon snack: pear;
  • dinner: cheese soup.
  • breakfast: natural cottage cheese with yogurt, apple or banana;
  • lunch: lentil soup, boiled or baked fish with stewed vegetables;
  • afternoon snack: bun with sesame seeds, tea with honey;
  • dinner: stewed cabbage with mushrooms, 2 slices of black or rye bread.

Day 7.

  • breakfast: cottage cheese and carrot casserole, pancake with jam;
  • lunch: vegetable soup, boiled broccoli and tomato salad;
  • afternoon snack: a glass of tomato juice;
  • dinner: vegetable stew with mushrooms or potato casserole and fresh vegetable salad.

Results of a vegetarian diet

The result of a vegetarian diet will be getting rid of several extra pounds.(in 2 weeks it takes from 2 to 6 kg), disappearance of discomfort in the intestines, improved digestion, cleansing the body. Swelling will disappear, complexion will improve, the body's performance and resistance to various viruses and diseases will increase. It is recommended to repeat a vegetarian diet for weight loss and healing the body 2-3 times a year, preferably not in the cold season.

Contraindications to a vegetarian diet

A vegetarian diet is not recommended for pregnant and lactating women and children - this is especially true for a strict vegetarian diet that involves avoiding fish, eggs, and dairy products. But For older people, a non-strict vegetarian diet will only benefit.

If you have chronic diseases, you should consult your doctor before starting this diet.

What is vegetarianism: a lifestyle based on... healthy eating? Or are moral and ethical principles underlying the refusal of animal products? Or maybe this is some kind of new vegan diet? In this case: how to lose weight on veganism? And is it possible to lose weight by being vegan? All attention here!

What does a vegetarian diet provide?

Before moving on to the question of how to lose weight on veganism, let’s determine the main beneficial influences on the body that this form of nutrition provides:

  • General well-being improves, a surge of strength and energy is observed;
  • Excess weight goes away and blood pressure returns to normal;
  • The body is cleansed of waste and toxins;
  • Blood sugar levels decrease;
  • The functioning of the gastrointestinal tract improves.

Veganism for weight loss: basic diet rules

Now about the rules that must be followed when going vegan for weight loss.

1. Gradualism

Veganism involves strict abstinence from meat and dairy products. But, judging by the reviews, you don’t need to switch abruptly to veganism to lose weight.

You need to gradually eliminate meat, fish and milk from your diet so as not to harm the body. A person is designed in such a way that a sudden change in the type of food can lead to illness and weakness.

It is better to start a vegan diet for weight loss in the summer or autumn, when there is a huge variety of plant foods.

2. Balanced diet

A vegan diet for weight loss should be balanced. Thoughtlessly abandoning animal products will not lead to anything good.

Plant foods should be selected in such a way as to meet the body’s need for essential vitamins and microelements.

3. Mode

Veganism for weight loss will only be effective if you follow a diet. It is better to start the day with fruits and end with vegetables. As with any diet, eating for vegans for weight loss should end at six o'clock in the evening.

4. Bad taste habits

Veganism for losing weight involves complete abstinence junk food . This includes bakery products, sweets, fast foods, carbonated drinks.

5. Reinforce your diet with exercise

How to lose weight as a vegan without physical exercise? No way! Only a tandem of proper nutrition and movement can lead to the desired result!

Vegan diet for weight loss: menu

The list of foods that can be used to prepare vegan dishes is varied. And this despite many restrictions. These include:

  • Vegetables and fruits;
  • Nuts and legumes;
  • Berries and seeds;
  • Soy products;
  • Dairy soy products: milk, tofu, yogurt;
  • Mushrooms;
  • Cereals.

There is somewhere to go for a walk. The main thing is to replace the usual meat for a side dish with its analogues.

So what do we have? Sample menu for weight loss:

1. Breakfast

Breakfasts can be light, but high in calories. Muesli with soy yogurt, any dairy-free porridge, a piece of tofu cheese.

2. Lunch

Any vegan soup is great for lunch. For the main course - any side dish with soy meat or legumes.

3. Afternoon snack

Fruits, nuts, juices, smoothies

4. Dinner

For dinner, eat stewed vegetables or any light vegetable salad ik.

By the way, such a miracle of technology as a blender will provide invaluable help to a vegan. Using it you can prepare a variety of fortified ones.

Vegan grocery store

Of course, the vegan menu is somewhat different from the usual one. Therefore, many people ask the question: where to get specific products? Everything is clear with fruits and vegetables - we go to food depots and stock up for several days. There should also be no problems with nuts, cereals and legumes.

Questions arise regarding the purchase of soy products.

Vegetarianism is an entire ideology that promotes eating only plant and dairy products and avoiding meat. There are vegans who adhere to even stricter restrictions and even exclude dairy. A vegetarian diet for weight loss is based on these principles, which not only has mass positive feedback, but also the scientific basis for its benefits for figure and health.

The essence of the diet

You need to immediately decide which diet is right for you. If you need to lose more than 10 kg, it is better to choose the strict option. It is difficult to bear, because you will have to eat exclusively products of plant origin. Judge for yourself:

If you need to get rid of less than 10 kg, dairy products and eggs migrate from the second column of the table to the first, i.e. the ban applies only to meat. This is a more balanced diet that will prevent protein deficiency in the body.

Extremes. Vegetarianism is an ideology whose followers can be too fanatical. Some of them refuse to eat honey (its extraction sometimes provokes the death of bees) and sugar (animal charcoal is used to bleach it).


How to lose weight on a vegetarian diet that allows high-calorie carbohydrates? Is it possible to achieve weight loss with them? It turns out you can:

  • The diet is based on products of plant origin - vegetables, fruits, herbs, which are low in calories;
  • carbohydrates, flour products and sweets are allowed in limited quantities if the body begins to give up;
  • appetite decreases;
  • cholesterol levels decrease;
  • the principles of proper nutrition are observed;
  • digestion is normalized;
  • metabolism accelerates;
  • activation of lipid metabolism allows you to get rid of cellulite and visceral fat, which is especially important for losing weight in the legs and abdomen;
  • harmful substances are removed;
  • health improves.

Having experienced all the advantages of a diet that allows for such weaknesses as flour and sweets, you can stay in this lifestyle for a long time.

From the life of celebrities. Among the “star” vegetarians are Leonardo da Vinci, Henry Ford, Albert Einstein, Paul McCartney, Sinead O’Connor, Ozzy Osbourne, Leo Tolstoy, Brad Pitt.


A vegetarian diet is not balanced because the body will lack many of the substances contained in meat (in particular, iron and vitamin B12). For those whose health leaves much to be desired, this is fraught with various complications.

Contraindications for such weight loss:

  • age under 18 and after 60;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation;
  • colitis;
  • intestinal disorders;
  • professional sports;
  • heavy physical labor on a regular basis;
  • anemia;
  • prolonged stress, depression;
  • infections;
  • menopause;
  • rehabilitation period after serious illnesses or operations;
  • oncology;
  • weight deficiency.

If you ignore contraindications, you may encounter the following complications:

  • cholesterol levels drop sharply;
  • the risk of cancer (specifically, colon) increases;
  • bone mineral density decreases, which leads to frequent fractures;
  • lack of fatty acids affects blood circulation.

If you don’t get carried away, create a competent menu and follow contraindications, you can avoid negative consequences and achieve good results.

This is interesting! According to studies, people who give up meat are rarely diagnosed with cardiovascular diseases, hypertension, diabetes, and kidney stones.

For a vegetarian diet to provide effective weight loss, try to adhere to a number of rules:

  1. Get permission from your doctor.
  2. Let your first experience be a lacto-vegetarian diet that allows dairy products.
  3. If you feel good and the hunger strike allows you to achieve desired result, next time you can choose a more strict option.
  4. Drink up to one and a half liters during the day.
  5. Flour and sweet - minimum.
  6. Fried, pickled, smoked foods, fast foods, alcohol, and carbonated drinks are not allowed.
  7. Take part in light sports.
  8. Try to get enough sleep.

Track not only changes in weight, but also in your well-being. Any deviations should be a reason to consult a doctor. Among the most common side effects- dizziness, nausea, stomach discomfort, decreased performance, exacerbation of chronic diseases.

Just a note. To prevent your body from experiencing iron deficiency, be sure to include oranges, bananas, peanuts, eggplants, cabbage, strawberries, corn, peaches, soybeans and currants in your diet.


If you are looking for vegetarian diets for fast weight loss, then here the minimum period for which results can be achieved is a week. This nutrition system does not offer any fasting days or extra weight loss in 3 days.

By timing

  • For a week

On a vegetarian diet, it is quite possible to lose 10 kg in a week, but subject to several conditions: it must be the strictest (only low-calorie vegetables, fruits and herbs) without a hint of dairy, flour and sweet products. Portion dosage is minimal. In this case, physical activity is required.

If you are not setting a record of 10 kg, you can choose a more gentle option that allows you to consume milk and even baked goods. In this case, the loss will be 4-5 kg.

  • For 2 weeks

You can sit without dairy and flour for 7 days, and for the next 7 relax a little and include these products in your diet. Strict can produce results of 10-14 kg, gentle - 5-8.

  • For a month

The menu for a month (some people live like this all their lives) is compiled as follows: days of strict fasting without dairy products alternate with days of gentle fasting. This will allow you to lose excess weight and make up for the lack of protein and vitamin B12 in the body. But to lose 10 kg in a month, you will have to engage in some kind of sport on a regular basis.

  • For 2 months

If a vegetarian diet is easily tolerated, you can continue to follow its basic principles. Even when consuming dairy, sweet and flour products, it is quite possible to lose 10 kg in 2 months, limiting yourself only to meat and fish.

By product

  • Protein

One of the most gentle options is vegetarian protein diet(lacto-ovo-vegetarian), which allows you to compensate for the lack of protein from eggs and dairy products. It is good because it prevents muscle fibers from being damaged. You can sit on it until you achieve the desired result.

  • Vegan

Most best results weight loss can be achieved by a strict vegetarian diet, which, as can be seen from the table, allows you to consume only plant foods. It is the lowest in calories. It is not recommended to sit on it for more than 2 weeks.

With the world - one by one. The largest number of vegetarians (about 70% of the total) are among Hindus.


The sample menu for the week is balanced. By following it exactly, you can lose up to 4 kg without harming your health. This is a dairy-vegetarian diet with eggs included in the diet as an additional source of protein.

For comparison, we offer a strict vegetarian diet menu for a week. There are no longer dairy products here, as in the previous version.

Anything is possible! There is research data that suggests that vegetarians mental development much higher than those who eat meat.


We offer recipes for dietary dishes that are low in calories and will help with weight loss.

Eggplant cream soup


  • 600 g eggplants;
  • half a liter of water;
  • onion head;
  • 20 ml balsamic vinegar;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • thyme, salt, oil.


  1. Peel the eggplants and cut into 1 cm thick slices.
  2. Add chopped garlic clove, thyme, vinegar to them.
  3. Fry the eggplants on both sides in a hot frying pan (in oil) until fully cooked.
  4. In a saucepan, fry (also in oil) chopped onion and garlic.
  5. Add eggplants, pour in water, and after boiling, cook for 20 minutes.
  6. Pass through a blender.
  7. Add water if necessary.

Warm salad


  • 400 g frozen green beans;
  • 500 g fresh;
  • 1 tsp. lemon juice;
  • 25 ml;
  • 3 cloves of garlic;
  • 4 tbsp. l. pumpkin seeds, already peeled.


  1. Preheat the oven to 220°C.
  2. Wash the beets, dry them, wrap them in foil, making several punctures in the top.
  3. Bake it in an already hot oven for 30 minutes.
  4. Cool the baked beets, peel and cut into small cubes.
  5. Fry the seeds in a hot and dry frying pan. When they swell, mix with beets.
  6. Fry the garlic in oil.
  7. Add beans to it. Fry for 10 minutes.
  8. Add salt.
  9. Mix all ingredients.
  10. Serve warm.

Be sure to try vegetarian nutrition principles if your plans include quality weight loss without harm to your health. Perhaps you will realize that this is exactly the lifestyle that you have been missing.

More and more more people switch to vegetarianism, based on scientific research about the dangers of meat, personal motivations or religious principles. But vegetarianism is not only ethical in relation to nature. On a vegetarian diet, you can lose a lot of weight without having a protein deficiency in your body. In this article you will get acquainted with new recipes and learn many new facts about animal products.

The struggle between vegetarians and meat eaters

Everyone defends their point of view, and that's normal. Many vegetarians impose their way of life in a rather persistent manner, which is why “meat-eaters” do not have the best impression of a meat-free life. One of the reasons is that substances in meat suppress aggression and make people more patient, but vegetarians do not receive these substances. But there are people who are tolerant of those who use meat products, without imposing your point of view and living in harmony with nature.

You should not assume that when switching to a vegetarian diet for weight loss, you will become angry and constantly take it out on your loved ones - it all depends on the person himself. Vegetarians tend to practice yoga, meditation and learning about themselves and the world around them, which makes them calmer and kinder.

The spiritual side of the issue

Many people who start with a vegetarian diet remain on the side of nature for the rest of their lives. Why?

We are curious, so at the beginning of a diet a person will look for information about vegetarians, watch science films or read articles. 1 in 10 people will remain on a vegetarian diet, not for weight loss, but because of the spiritual side of the issue. People feel sorry for the animals that are slaughtered in slaughterhouses, they realize how much feed goes into maintaining such large farms, and they feel like they belong to the improvement of the planet.

Vegetarians also base their choice on the physical characteristics of a person. In ancient times, food was not cooked, it was eaten raw, and there were no weapons or equipment for hunting. A man cannot kill a cow or a pig with his bare hands, and his teeth are not intended for eating raw meat. The fangs are not formed; the chewing teeth are intended for fruits and greens.

What about protein?

When switching to a vegetarian diet, people are concerned about the question of what about the protein that the body needs. In fact, meat is not at the top of the list of foods that contain protein. Its content is much higher in beans, lentils, sesame seeds and fish. We’ll talk more about fish later, but for now more about plant protein. His chemical composition differs from an animal, it is quickly and easily absorbed by the body, which is a definite plus for strength training in the gym. Muscle mass easier to type. There is even a high protein soy protein that is just like regular protein.

Many vegetarians sprout buckwheat, wheat and oats unroasted; these sprouts contain a lot of protein and vitamins. In this article you will learn many recipes for a vegetarian diet based on plant foods and more.

Vegans and vegetarians

There is a significant difference between vegans and vegetarians. Unlike the latter, vegans do not consume any food of animal origin, which includes eggs, milk, cheese, cottage cheese, etc.

Vegetarians consume these foods, some of them even eat fish in small quantities. So a vegetarian diet is not so complicated, the only refusal is meat and fish (optional). But you should also not abuse flour, fatty, fried and sweet foods - a lot of carbohydrates will definitely not benefit your figure.

The right transition to a green lifestyle

You need to properly prepare for a vegetarian diet; you shouldn’t shock your body by abruptly giving up meat. If you eat meat 2-3 times a day, a week before starting the diet you need to gradually eliminate it from your diet, removing one meal with meat every couple of days.

It’s also worth starting to drink more water, 30 milliliters per 1 kilogram of weight - here daily norm adult. This helps cleanse the body, renew cells and prevent dehydration.

Refusal of meat: the body's reaction

Don’t assume that abruptly giving up meat will make you immediately feel lighter in your body and improve your well-being. The first couple of days may be unusual: the body will be cleansed of waste and toxins, the stomach will begin to work faster.

But soon the condition will noticeably improve, the skin will become clean and smooth, and nails and hair, subject to the norms of KBZHU, will become stronger and more beautiful. Many vegetarians say how light they feel, but there are some nuances here too. If you eat buns, Cola and chips, you will get gastritis, not an inspired state. You need to eat more greens, vegetables and fruits, devote special attention high protein cereals.

Flexible diet

Below is a flexible vegetarian diet menu for one day that allows you to eat fish and dairy products. All you have to do is give up meat.

Breakfast: oatmeal on water with a piece butter and dried fruits.

Snack: sandwich with cheese, coffee with milk without sugar.

Lunch: baked trout under foil with sour cream sauce, buckwheat.

Snack: Sugar-free fruit bar.

Dinner: 2 boiled eggs and vegetable salad.

Snack: a glass of kefir.

The menu is quite varied, healthy and nutritious. Here are 5 soups for a vegetarian diet without fish or meat.

Lentil soup with vegetables.


  • lentils - 150 g;
  • broccoli - 100 g;
  • carrots - 1 medium;
  • onion - 1 medium;
  • cauliflower - 100 g;
  • spices to taste (dried garlic and peppercorns work well).


  1. Wash the lentils, add water, bring to a boil and add chopped cauliflower and broccoli.
  2. At this time, fry the onions and carrots in a separate frying pan in vegetable oil and sauté for 20 minutes.
  3. After 30 minutes, remove the soup from the heat, add spices and stir-fry, cover and leave for 15 minutes.
  4. When serving, garnish with herbs and add sour cream to taste.

Vegetarian borscht.


  • beets - 1 large;
  • onion - 1 medium;
  • carrots - 1 medium;
  • potatoes - 3-4 tubers;
  • tomato - 2 medium;
  • fresh or sauerkraut - 200 g.


  1. Peel and cut the vegetables into small cubes, grate the carrots and beets. Peel the tomato and turn into puree.
  2. Put the beets on the fire, 15 minutes after boiling, add the potatoes and cabbage. At the same time, fry the onion and carrots in a frying pan, add the overcooked tomato and simmer until the potatoes are ready in the pan.
  3. Add the overcooked soup to the soup, add salt and pepper and remove from heat.
  4. Leave covered for 15 minutes.

Green okroshka (preferably used while following a flexible vegetarian diet, it cleanses the body well).


  • cucumber - 2 pcs.;
  • radishes - 5-6 pcs.;
  • greens - 2 bunches;
  • hard-boiled eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • asparagus - 200 g;
  • garlic - 3-4 cloves.


  1. Chop the vegetables and asparagus, grate the garlic on a fine grater.
  2. Mix everything, pour kvass or mineral water and serve to the table.

Cold green soup.


  • cucumbers - 2-3 pcs.;
  • greens - to taste;
  • radishes - to taste;
  • tomatoes - 2-3 pcs.;
  • peas - 150 g;
  • corn - 150 g;
  • kefir - 0.5 l.


  1. Chop vegetables and herbs, add corn and peas, mix.
  2. Add salt, pour kefir and serve.

Soy soup with tofu.


  • tofu - 200 g;
  • potatoes - 3-4 tubers;
  • carrots - 1 medium;
  • onion - 1 medium;
  • Brussels sprouts - 200 g;
  • corn - 150 g.


  1. Let the potatoes cook with Brussels sprouts and corn.
  2. In a frying pan, fry tofu with carrots and onions, add garlic and herbs if desired.
  3. Add the overcooked potatoes to the prepared potatoes and leave for 15 minutes. Serve with sour cream.

As you can see, the vegetarian diet menu is very satisfying and tasty, you can experiment as much as you like!

Strict diet for vegetarians

A strict diet implies a complete abstinence from meat, fish, flour and sweets. Same proper nutrition, but with a vegetarian twist. It is necessary to exclude fatty foods, fast food, chips, lemonade, milk and white chocolate, and flour products from the diet.

Authorized products:

  • cereals;
  • dark chocolate;
  • vegetables;
  • (except bananas and grapes);
  • berries;
  • soy products (tofu, soybeans);
  • legumes - chickpeas, peas, lentils, etc.;
  • low-fat dairy products.

Sweets can be replaced with dried fruits, nuts and sugar-free fruit bars. In the afternoon, you should not indulge in carbohydrates; it is better to give preference to protein foods - cottage cheese, tofu, beans, supplemented with a large bowl of vegetable salad. Before going to bed, you can drink a glass of kefir or fermented baked milk.

Diet for a week

Below are several vegetarian diet recipes for the week.


  • Cheesecakes (replace wheat flour with buckwheat or oatmeal, you can add a little semolina).
  • Oat pancakes. Beat 2 eggs, add 2 tablespoons of oatmeal, mix. Fry in a frying pan with a drop of oil or on a non-stick one. As filling you can use cottage cheese or regular cheese, unsweetened jam, vegetables and fruits.
  • Porridge: oatmeal, buckwheat, millet, rice in milk or water with the addition of honey and butter.
  • Sandwiches made from whole grain bread with any filling: avocado with cream cheese, fried tofu with spices, vegetables.

Lunches: soups (fish, cold soup, soups with vegetable broth). Main courses of fish or beans, supplemented with any vegetable side dish or cereal.

Dinners: protein dishes with vegetable salads (baked fish, steamed, stewed, fried without oil, tofu, soybeans, beans).

Snacks: nuts, fruits, dried fruits, sugar-free bars, smoothies, salads.

Adapt the menu to your tastes, there's room for creativity!

Vegetarian recipes for every day

For a vegetarian diet, 5 filling drink recipes for snacking.

  1. Berry smoothie. Mix raspberries, strawberries and black currants in a blender, add a little water and honey, garnish with flaxseeds (a source of healthy fats).
  2. Oatmeal drink to restore strength. For a glass of soy or regular milk, take 2 tablespoons of ground oatmeal, mix in a blender, add banana, honey, and berries if desired. Energy boost for the whole day!
  3. Cleansing In a blender, beat 2 bananas, a bunch of spinach (it has no taste, but it contains a lot of vitamins), a spoonful of honey and a teaspoon of flaxseeds. This drink cleanses the body of toxins, perfectly saturates the for a long time and improves skin condition.
  4. Homemade ice cream cocktail. Freeze a few peeled bananas. Place them in a blender and beat until smooth, then add half a glass of fermented baked milk and a little cinnamon, beat again. The result is creamy ice cream with a slight hint of banana and the aroma of sweet pastries. A real delight for those with a sweet tooth!
  5. Milkshake for dessert. There is even more room for imagination here. The most delicious thing is to mix milk, strawberries and ice cream in a blender, but consume this delicacy in the first half of the day so that the diet does not become “mass gain”. Add any berries to taste, instead of sugar - honey.

If you drink such cocktails, on a vegetarian diet, 5 kilograms will disappear unnoticed in a week!

Quitting the diet

So, if you strictly follow the diet, do not overindulge in sweets, flour and fatty foods, then the diet can be safely called “Vegetarian diet for losing 10 kilograms of weight.” This weight can be lost in 1-2 weeks of following all the rules. But this is not enough - you need to properly exit the diet so that the extra pounds do not return, taking a couple of friends (or more) with you.

When the desired number appears on the scales, you should not immediately run for kebab and a juicy steak. You need to introduce meat gradually, just as you removed it from your diet. Add 30-40 grams of light chicken fillet to lunch, gradually increasing the portion by 10-20 grams daily, then add meat to dinner. To ensure that the results stay with you for a long time, once a week do a fasting day without meat, prepare yourself a green smoothie from the list of recipes and reduce portions.

Water and movement

To make the diet more effective, you need to drink enough water, as mentioned above, and exercise. Sign up for swimming in a pool, sports section, fitness club, or practice at home. Then the body will become not only slim, but also fit, because movement is life!

Losing weight up to 10 kg in 14 days.
The average daily calorie content is 450 Kcal.

The principles of vegetarianism imply the exclusion from the diet of all or some (depending on the type of vegetarianism) animal products. If you want to lose weight and at the same time cleanse your body, we suggest you familiarize yourself with the rules of this nutritional method (and for many people, life ideology).

Today we present to your attention a two-week vegetarian diet, during which you can say goodbye to 8-10 extra pounds. If you need to lose weight slightly, you can go on a diet for a week, and then make your diet more nutritious.

Vegetarian diet requirements

According to historical data, scientists suggest that the first fans of vegetarianism were the yogis and Buddhists of Asia. From there, this system migrated to European countries. In the post-Soviet space, one of the first famous vegetarians was the writer Leo Tolstoy. After him, this power system became widely fashionable.

If literally a few decades ago vegetarianism meant a nutritional method in which people do not eat meat, now there are many various variations. The main types of vegetarianism include veganism, lacto-vegetarianism and lacto-ovo-vegetarianism.

Veganism is one of the strictest types of this diet, according to the rules of which animal and poultry meat, fish, seafood, eggs, dairy and fermented milk products are excluded from the menu. Many vegans even deny themselves honey. Lactovegetarianism is a type of nutrition in which milk and fermented milk products can be excluded from foods prohibited in veganism. But lacto-ovo-vegetarianism means dairy-vegetarian-egg vegetarianism. In addition to milk, poultry eggs can also be included in the diet from animal products.

The principles of a 14-day vegetarian diet are similar to lacto-ovo-vegetarianism. From animal products you can consume milk and eggs. If you have not previously interacted closely with vegetarianism, it is better to start with this type of vegetarianism, so as not to greatly shock the body with drastic changes in eating behavior. If you are an avid meat eater, it is even permissible to include low-fat fish and seafood in small quantities on the menu. Make up your diet based on the main recommendations of the method and taking into account your taste preferences, characteristics and capabilities of the body.

During a vegetarian diet, you will need to eat cereals, fruits, vegetables, berries, low-fat or low-fat dairy and fermented milk products for two weeks. We also remind you of the need to drink enough liquid - up to 2 liters of still water daily. It is also allowed to drink tea of ​​any kind without the addition of honey and sugar (except for rare cases, which are described in the menu below), freshly squeezed fruit and vegetable juices. Although vegetarians are allowed to include some sweets in their diet, when following the rules of this technique, it is better to exclude everything, leaving only an occasional little honey. Still, you are losing weight.

After completing the diet, if you do not plan to become a vegetarian, gradually return to your usual diet. Add previously forbidden foods little by little and do not get carried away with flour and sweets. Otherwise, alas, the weight lost with such difficulty can easily return. If you want not only to improve your body, but also decide to try this way of eating and living, this diet can be a good start. In this case, continue to eat, adhering to the type of vegetarianism you have chosen, but increasing your caloric intake and breaking up your meals.

Before switching to a vegetarian diet, we suggest you know all the pros and cons. The undoubted advantage of vegetarianism is that it powerfully cleanses the body. Plant foods contain a lot of fiber, which gently and carefully cleanses our body. And the ease of digestion of this type of product does not strain the stomach. A vegetarian diet helps normalize cholesterol levels and strengthens the immune system, helping to strengthen it. Also a plus for the body is that vegetables, fruits, berries, and grains contain a great variety of vitamins, phytoncides, and minerals that positively affect the functioning of many organs and systems.

But vegetarianism (especially the strict version) also has certain disadvantages. People who adhere to it, suffering from a lack of iron entering the body, can become victims of iron deficiency anemia. Plant foods also contain iron, but it is poorly absorbed (when compared with that contained in animal products). This is where this problem may arise. Also, a vegetarian menu may lack vitamin B12, which is why there is a risk of developing diseases nervous system. It is difficult for vegetarians to produce some of the hormones and enzymes necessary for the body. If you refuse fish and seafood, as scientists note, you may develop cardiovascular diseases and vision problems (in particular, the development of cataracts, clouding of the lens). So if you decide to eat vegetarian for a long time (or even always), take care of the delivery of vitamin B12 to the body, as well as taking a special complex with omega-3 fatty acids.

Vegetarian diet menu

Day 1
Breakfast: cook buckwheat in water or steam with boiling water overnight (the weight of the finished portion of porridge should be about 150 g), you can add a little milk or low-fat kefir to it.
Lunch: vegetable soup; rye toast; about 200 g of fresh vegetable salad, sprinkled with any vegetable oil.
Dinner: 150 g of brown or brown rice and non-starchy grilled vegetables (up to 200 g).

Day 2
Breakfast: a couple of hard-boiled eggs; toast with cheese and tomatoes.
Lunch: salad of apple, celery and a small amount of grated low-fat cheese, seasoned with olive oil, freshly squeezed lemon juice and your favorite spices (200 g).
Dinner: 2-3 baked medium-sized potatoes; squash caviar in quantities up to 150 g; a couple of whole grain toasts.

Day 3
Breakfast: milk rice porridge (150 g); half a glass of drinking natural yogurt; 2 medium-sized fresh pears.
Lunch: a serving of soy soup with tofu; small sesame bun; A little stewed vegetables plus one orange.
Dinner: 200 g of vegetables, stewed with mushrooms and onions.

Day 4
Breakfast: a slice of whole grain or rye bread; one boiled chicken egg; fresh cucumber; favorite greens; 200 ml low-fat kefir.
Lunch: peppers stuffed with non-starchy vegetables and brown or brown rice (200 g); 2 small apples.
Dinner: 2 jacket potatoes; boiled green beans and 2 fresh tomatoes.

Day 5
Breakfast: oatmeal (about 100 g); banana and 200 ml low-fat kefir.
Lunch: lentil soup; a serving of carrot and cabbage salad plus 2 kiwis.
Dinner: vegetable stew (200-250 g).

Day 6
Breakfast: 100 g of grainy cottage cheese with the same amount of your favorite berries; low-fat kefir or yogurt (100 ml).
Lunch: a plate of lean borscht; a few tablespoons of vinaigrette; one apple.
Dinner: stew cabbage with mushrooms (serving about 150 g); 2 small pieces of rye bread; a glass of low-fat kefir or natural yogurt.

Day 7
Breakfast: cottage cheese or casserole with approved products (150 g); drinking yoghurt without additives (150 g); 1 large orange.
Dinner: pearl barley porridge(about 150 g); a little cauliflower salad and tomato juice (200 ml).
Dinner: casserole of asparagus and other vegetables.

Day 8
Breakfast: fresh or stewed cabbage (150 g); a cup of green tea, to which you can add 1 tsp. honey
Lunch: a bowl of vegetarian bean soup; chicken egg; freshly squeezed apple juice (200 ml).
Dinner: stew cabbage with mushrooms (up to 200 g); cup of empty green tea.

Day 9
Breakfast: 150 g of mushroom caviar (or just stewed mushrooms); unsweetened green tea.
Lunch: buckwheat porridge and sauerkraut (about 100 g of both).
Dinner: boiled porcini mushrooms (100-150 g); one fresh cucumber and a glass of fresh carrot juice.

Day 10
Breakfast: fruit salad (up to 200 g) or just one large fruit (for example, an apple); cup of green empty tea.
Lunch: buckwheat (100 g); about 70 g of boiled porcini mushrooms; a few tablespoons of sauerkraut or fresh cabbage; a cup of green tea, to which you can add a little natural honey.
Dinner: fresh salad from cucumbers and greens (up to 150 g).

Day 11
Breakfast: rice or oatmeal, optional with low-fat milk ( total weight portions up to 200 g); cup of empty green tea.
Lunch: a bowl of low-fat soup based on porcini mushrooms.
Dinner: a portion of vegetables (up to 200 g), stewed with mushrooms and onions (it is not advisable to use potatoes).

Day 12
Breakfast: oatmeal with a medium-sized banana, plus a glass of low-fat kefir.
Lunch: a serving of soy soup with tofu; a piece of rye bread or a small sesame bun.
Dinner: boiled porcini mushrooms (up to 150 g); green tea.

Day 13
Breakfast: a large orange or a glass of freshly squeezed citrus juice.
Lunch: vegetable soup and empty green tea.
Dinner: 200 g grilled vegetables.

Day 14
Breakfast: fresh lingonberries or other berries you like (50 g), plus black tea with a spoon of honey.
Lunch: a serving of vegetable vegetarian soup.
Dinner: fresh vegetable salad with herbs.

Note. If you feel hungry, snack on small amounts of fruits and vegetables (preferably non-starchy), and drink fruit and vegetable juices. Dishes recommended on the menu can be replaced with others. The main thing is that they are vegetarian and similar in composition.

Contraindications for a vegetarian diet

  • A vegetarian diet is contraindicated for persons under 18 years of age, pregnant and breastfeeding women, and people weakened after illness.
  • Do not go on a diet after any surgery.
  • You should not resort to the vegetarian method of transformation even if you have chronic diseases (during periods of both remission and exacerbation).
  • If you feel that not everything is going smoothly with your health (or better yet, in any case), consult a doctor and find out whether this way of eating will harm you.

Advantages of a vegetarian diet

  1. This technique helps us lose weight thanks to low-calorie nutrition and the content of nutrients in it.
  2. The body is cleansed and its functioning is stabilized.
  3. Such nutrition will speed up your metabolism, increasing your chances of maintaining the results obtained after the diet.
  4. You feel better, and a pleasant lightness appears.
  5. As a rule, on such a diet you do not feel hungry. The abundance of permitted products is quite large and allows you to find the food that suits your taste.

Disadvantages of a vegetarian diet

Avid meat eaters will need to make some effort to learn to live on a vegetarian diet. It is worth doing psychological work on yourself first. Not everyone manages to get used to it, even short term, to a diet without meat and fish.

Reintroducing a vegetarian diet

It is not recommended to carry out a two-week vegetarian diet in its pure form more than once every two months.
