Why dream of digging beds and planting. Dream Interpretation of the Pechora Healer

In your dreams, you can see many unique and interesting events. But why dream of beds? How to interpret such a dream?

Why dream about beds - basic interpretation

If you see a garden bed in a dream, memories of a deceased close relative will soon come flooding back to you. Perhaps you just recently talked about it with someone close to you. But in order to interpret the dream in its entirety - it is important to remember all its details:

Were the beds you saw in your dream;

What grew in the beds;

Have you dug up the beds?

Have you weeded the beds?

What emotions overwhelmed you during and after sleep.

If in a dream you are digging up beds in the garden, your business will go just great. All your efforts that have been put into the business will be rewarded as you deserve. You don't even have to worry about your own business reputation, if you have a dream in which you are digging up beds.

Such a dream suggests that after much work you will be able to actively engage in your personal life, because the reward for your work will not be long in coming. A dream in which you are relaxing in the garden beds portends a lot of troubles for you. If you saw yourself in a dream among a vegetable garden with a huge number of beds, in reality you will not be able to relax, since the accumulated obligations will not allow you to forget about yourself.

The dream book warns you against neglect of responsibilities. Perhaps you have previously had the imprudence of not finishing the job you started. Now the dream book advises you to get down to work with all the enthusiasm.

A dream in which you leave the house and there are beds in front of you promises you exorbitant and hard work. Perhaps you were counting on rest and peace, but for now you will not be able to rest. You will be more and more busy with yourself, you will work more and more to achieve your cherished goal.

A dream in which you see a lot of beds, and among them a huge number of paths, suggests that you will be able to get out of a difficult situation by making an important decision. Don't be afraid of change. After such a dream, a lot of prospects will open up before you. The main thing is to take risks and not lose face.

If you dreamed of garden beds and after sleep you were overcome by fear, you will be afraid of hard work and responsibility for your own actions. The dream book advises you not to panic and put off fear for later. Now is the time to make important and lightning-fast decisions.

A dream in which you see yourself in the role of a tractor driver who digs up beds means that you are in as soon as possible you will find a way to solve your old problems. If you had loans and debts, you will soon be able to say goodbye to them. It’s just important not to miss such a wonderful moment for development and take full advantage of it.

If you dreamed of garden beds and you got up in a great mood, such a dream promises you a joyful career advancement. If you were planning to purchase or build something, your idea will soon be realized, don’t even doubt it.

A dream in which you see a man digging up beds means that you will shift your obligations onto someone else’s shoulders and quite successfully. But don't put too much on the other person. Such an undertaking may become ineffective and harm your reputation.

A dream in which you try to plant something in the beds, but you won’t succeed, speaks of your wasted efforts in reality. The dream book indicates that perhaps you should reflect on your own lifestyle and plans. Perhaps you shouldn't start this business. Rethink your decision.

A dream in which vegetables and fruits grew in the beds foretells abundance in life. You will get enough profit and quite a good income. A dream in which you will try to harvest from the beds, but the wind and hail will interfere with you, portends someone else's interference in your life. You won't know what to do at this moment. Everything that happens will seem terrible to you.

The dream book advises you to come to terms with the situation for now and not force events. Just wait out the storm, try to understand yourself. Build up your strength and only then move forward boldly. If in a dream you are actively trying to harvest from an icy garden bed, in reality you will try to restore the justice of the events of the past.

The dream book advises you to think more and care about the future, otherwise you will miss a wonderful moment for development here and now. A dream in which you are increasingly trying to plant vegetables in the beds suggests that you do not overdo it in your personal life and do not harm yourself. Because you may become too active for your partner. This will push him away from you.

Why do you dream about beds according to Freud’s dream book?

Freud's dream book says that beds are dreamed of as a symbol of good soil for relationships. If you are alone and you dreamed of beds on which a harvest is ripening, such a dream foreshadows the beginning of a new and fruitful relationship in the near future. A dream in which you see empty beds, or beds with dried soil - they speak of stagnation in personal life and the lack of opportunity to change something.

If in a dream you walk barefoot through the beds and feel the warmth of the earth, in reality you will learn to trust your partner and will also receive trust from him in gratitude. A dream in which you walk barefoot on wet soil in garden beds and weigh yourself down in it speaks of your need for protection.

You are immersed in a routine, in some relationship that has been weighing you down for a long time. The dream book advises you to reconsider your attitude towards your personal life and try not to become so attached to men anymore.

If you see that a house suddenly appears in the middle of the beds, such a dream indicates that your long-standing dream of a family will soon come true. You will pull yourself together and make it happen. Such a dream may also indicate that you have already had everything for an ideal personal life for a long time, you just don’t want to notice it.

A dream in which you see people digging up beds means that you will notice the shortcomings of others, but will not admit your own. The one in which you are dripping the beds means that you will begin to work on yourself. You will work fruitfully and efficiently.

A dream in which you will fill the beds with vegetables with water speaks of the possibility of replenishment in your family. The dream book foretells you joy and success in your personal life if you harvest from your own beds.

Why do you dream about beds according to the Esoteric Dream Book?

IN Esoteric dream book It is said that empty beds dream of troubles and stagnation in life. you will for a long time try to understand everything that is happening around you and you will not succeed, because you previously spent a lot of effort and energy on empty things.

If you dream of beds on which there is a layer of snow, it’s time for you to abandon the idea, it’s time to stop indulging yourself with unrealistic, unrealistic dreams, and start living here and now. Such a dream can also foretell future losses in your personal life.

If you have a dream in which the beds are trampled by someone, in reality you will encounter a problem that your enemies will create for you. They will begin to intimidate you in every possible way and take away your hope for a favorable outcome. The dream book advises not to worry and start living with your own mind. Don’t put things off until later, don’t rely on anyone.

If you dream that you are selling the harvest from your garden beds at the market, your efforts will bear wonderful fruits. If in a dream you see that the harvest has disappeared from the beds, you will waste your time and energy. But you shouldn't regret it. Life will open new opportunities for you.

Why do you dream about beds according to other dream books?

In Grishina's dream book It is said that beds dream of labor and diligence. Why do you dream of beds on which a notable harvest has grown - such a dream means that you will soon receive good profit and you will be overly happy about it.

In Aesop's dream book it is said that if in a dream you experience the joy of working in the garden, in reality you will also enjoy your labors. Don't be upset if something doesn't work out for you temporarily. Soon you will take up this business again and will definitely receive desired result.

A dream in which you yourself find yourself in huge field, where a huge number of beds means that you will stand face to face with important matter. You will try to finish it faster, but you will have to work hard. Don't be discouraged and don't panic. You need to make an effort now to get the desired result in the future.

Why do you dream about a vegetable garden? It reflects the current situation and plans for the future. Accordingly, the better he looks in a dream, the more wonderful things are. If you dreamed of someone else’s vegetable garden, then you will have to take part in the problems of others.

Interpretation from the dream book from A to Z

Have you walked around your own garden at night? Dream book advice: get ready for a pleasant meeting. If you managed to climb onto someone else’s, then decide to take some independent action, contrary to general opinion.

Why do you dream about working in a dacha? Thanks to your best qualities earn the respect of the public. Did a well-groomed plot with a greenhouse appear in the night? The dream book is convinced: the path to success will be long. Is your garden overgrown with weeds? Stop listening to the advice of lying people, otherwise you will get into trouble.

An area where chickens roam freely symbolizes a lack of funds to complete the task. It's good to see that it is surrounded by a strong fence. The dream book is sure: your request will soon be granted.

Why do you dream about a garden being dug up, digging?

What does a freshly dug garden mean? Well-being and prosperity will come in a short period of time, but you need to continue to work hard.

Did you dig the soil in your garden in a dream? And in the real world there will be a lot of work, but when you finish everything, you will receive not only moral satisfaction, but also monetary profit.

For a woman, such a plot guarantees unprecedented success in male society. Did you have to dig the ground for the beds? Very soon you will learn the whole truth, the truth, continue to search in the chosen direction.

Why dream of a vegetable garden with beds, planting

Did you dream of a vegetable garden with black beds? Soon there will be a reason to remember a long-dead person.

If someone trampled the beds in a dream, then someone impudent will literally cross your path and create obstacles. Seeing and walking around your area means that big troubles related to the house are coming.

You can plant a vegetable garden yourself before prosperity and dreams come true in about a month or two. Why dream of an already planted vegetable garden? It promises the fulfillment of your wildest expectations.

Why do you dream about watering and weeding a garden?

If in a dream you had to water or pull out weeds for a long time, then be prepared for the fact that in reality there will be a period of total lack of money.

Watering the beds also means that things are nearing completion. However, it is too early to relax, because its outcome depends on circumstances beyond your control.

Why dream about weeding? The difficult struggle will end in your complete victory. If you tore everything, including healthy sprouts, then you will find yourself on the losing side.

I dreamed of a garden overgrown with grass

Launched in dreams own dacha, and it's overgrown with grass? Idleness, uncertainty and laziness will lead to a dead end. If vegetables and flowers grow on fertile soil, then expect profit.

If it is overgrown with weeds, then prepare for losses. In a dream garden plot filled with withered grass? You will have another chance to achieve what you want. But the outcome depends only on you.

What does a garden with a harvest mean in a dream?

If you managed to grow yourself bountiful harvest, then you will receive a worthy reward. It is very important to note what exactly grows in the garden and then rely on the meaning of each vegetable.

In a dream, all the fruits are ripe, but there is no time to harvest and it dies? Events will be fleeting, and you will not be able to influence their development. In addition, great efforts will not bring the desired result.

Vegetable garden in a dream - other meanings

As already mentioned, first of all, when interpreting a vision, you need to pay attention to the plants growing in the garden. Also has great value own actions and appearance estates.

  • garden with radishes - rare luck, chance
  • carrot - profit, success
  • potatoes - hard work will bear fruit
  • cucumbers - good changes
  • tomatoes - new mutual love, happiness
  • garlic - sudden rise from poverty
  • onion - difficulties in business
  • beans - a pleasant acquaintance
  • cabbage - unexpected guests, news
  • flowers - a pleasant event, a happy accident
  • a beautiful well-kept garden - achievements, well-being
  • abandoned - bad advisers, lack of prospects
  • planted - prosperity, hope
  • with sprouts - a good start
  • with ripening crops - moderate income
  • with mature ones - wealth, implementation of plans
  • empty - poverty, loneliness
  • stranger behind the fence - refusal of a request, offer
  • walking around the garden - success, work, troubles
  • dig it - good health, prospects
  • planting something - the fulfillment of a plan soon
  • weed - rapid rise in position, quarry
  • scarecrow - bad news

Why do you dream about a vegetable garden? early spring in the snow? Changes will happen, but not very soon. If it has already become fairly warm outside and the first shoots have appeared from the ground, then changes will occur in about two to three months. Have you seen a plot of land flooded with water? Be prepared for a whole series of troubles and difficulties.

Why do you dream about beds? As a rule, such a dream shows that labor and work await you, which will certainly bear fruit in the future.

But, depending on the details of the dream, the meanings may be slightly different and affect not only work, but also other areas of life.

What were the beds like in your dream?

  • Vegetables
  • Fruity
  • With greens
  • With flowers
  • Fenced
  • Highlighted by well-trodden paths

Vegetables, fruits or greens?

1. Why do you dream of a garden bed full of ripe vegetables? If you only looked at them, then this indicates that successful days await you, you will be full of energy and strength to accomplish new things.

If you are picking cucumbers, then the dream book warns: for a while, refrain from concluding contracts and working with new people, wait a while, there is no need to make hasty decisions.

3. If you had a dream where zucchini was present, then this tells about minor difficulties associated with work. Everything worth doing in in this case, so try to wait out this moment and not get upset; after difficulties in your work, you will be fully rewarded.

4. in the garden - a warning symbol, be careful in keeping your secrets and secrets, try not to talk about your plans and achievements to strangers. And in relationships with loved ones, be as honest as possible; they will appreciate your trust.

It is no less favorable to dig in a dream. This shows that in reality, endeavors await you in which you will succeed and be able to reveal your potential. Don't be afraid to open a business or enter into a new relationship now, you are simply doomed to success. If it’s difficult for you and you’ve gotten dirty, then pay attention to your health; the dream book hints at minor problems with your well-being.

Garden beds in dreams are perfect for an unmarried woman. The dream book reports that the dreamer will marry successfully, be incredibly happy in her marriage and give birth to several children. Harmony, love and complete mutual understanding will reign in your family endlessly.

Planting beds is also a great sign. The dream book recommends that you take on any serious matters; they will bring wonderful results. This mainly concerns work and business, but new relationships are quite possible. Don't miss this chance, everything will work out in the best way.
Author: Ekaterina Kondrashova

Today we have prepared full description topics: dream of “watering the beds”: why do you dream and full interpretation from different points of view.

In a dream, a hidden meaning is always hidden, the door to the future is slightly opened, and sometimes through the plots in a dream we receive hints on how to act in a difficult situation, which path in life to choose. And even about why an ordinary dug up garden bed is dreamed of, the dream book has its own special prediction.

When interpreting a dream with a plot about a piece of fertile land, you need to take into account all the details: what grew on it - vegetables, berries, grass, or the bed was completely empty. It also matters what actions you performed - weeding, loosening, digging, harvesting. Only a full-scale approach will help reveal what fate has in store for us.

Actions with beds in a dream

Unexpected long-awaited wealth is predicted by the dream book if you had to weed the beds in a dream. But prosperity will not come so easily - you will have to work hard and be patient - you will have to spend a long time in the struggle for independence.

Why dream of watering the beds? For a single woman, such a picture is a harbinger of a successful marriage, with the appearance of more than one child. The dream book promises that abundance, love and mutual understanding will always reign in the new family.

Large plot land with beds in a dream is a symbol of memories of the past, but only if you took a passive position. If you worked desperately in a vast garden, then you will have an easy path “from rags to riches”; wealth will be enormous and will come unexpectedly.

If in a dream the dead are watering the beds, then do not doubt why such a plot is being dreamed about. The dream book says that your current business is doomed to success - deceased loved ones protect you, guide you to true path help you make the right decisions.

Why do you dream about digging beds? The dream book predicts that right now is the most favorable time for new beginnings. All actions you take during this period are simply doomed to success, and this applies not only to creating a new business, opening a business, but also the relationships that are emerging at the moment will be eternal.

Why do you dream of empty beds? If in a dream you saw desolation, the impossibility of any growth, then in reality life will go downhill. But if the empty beds were watered and fertilized in a dream, then in reality everything is just beginning, stunning success awaits you.

It is also possible to interpret from the psychoanalytic point of view why you dream about making beds. If you are an avid gardener, and the dream came to you in the spring, then this is only a reflection of your readiness for the new harvest year.

Planting beds in a dream is a good symbol of the dream book. The best days are coming to lay the “foundation” of a new promising business. Hurry up to start your business right now, another such opportunity will not arise soon.

If a woman had to weed the beds in a dream, then Miller’s dream book predicts that all the troubles and adversities that may affect her in the near future will be successfully overcome, and the reward for endurance and diligence will be financial security.

For a man who dreamed of a vegetable garden with beds, fate has prepared a lot of tests, after passing which he will experience improvement in all areas of life. The changes will have a particularly positive impact on the family.

Why dream of planting beds? In many ways, the interpretation of the dream book depends on what crops you planted. Each vegetable or berry symbolizes a certain event, but in most cases, what will happen in the future will have a positive connotation.

Although, if you had to pick cucumbers from a garden in a dream, the dream book warns: without a doubt, refuse business offers that strangers give you. Such things will not end well; most likely you will suffer serious losses.

Eating strawberries from the garden is a sign of a pleasant time for a girl. The dream book predicts that a romantic date awaits her, with an equally romantic continuation in bed.

Fruit and vegetable crops

If you dreamed of cucumbers in the garden, and you just looked at them without picking them, then the dream book promises excellent moral and physical condition in the coming days, a colossal recovery vital energy, which will help to implement all your plans.

A man who dreamed of strawberries in a garden bed can safely prepare for an entertaining acquaintance with a young, interesting person without complexes. Strawberries, as a symbol of sexual pleasure, predict a stormy, passionate night in the company of a sexy stranger.

For married people, picking strawberries from the garden in a dream is also a good symbol of the dream book. A new phase awaits them family relationships, the revival of former, subsided feelings, the repetition of a bright and unforgettable honeymoon.

Why do you dream of zucchini in the garden? The dream book foretells difficult times when you will have to work literally for pennies. Moreover, the severity of the situation directly depends on the size of the zucchini - the larger and longer they are, the more difficult it will be for you to cope with the constant shortage.

For those who have unpleasant secrets in their souls, green onions in the garden are a dream book forecast about revealing all the secrets. Because of this, a dark streak will come in your relationship with your loved one, but it can quickly pass if you rely on your feelings, rejecting prudence.

Carrots in the garden in a dream - to the implementation of your plan. Even if you are now exhausted, trying to achieve your desired goal, the dream book predicts that, due to circumstances beyond your control, everything will quickly get better and better.

You will be invited to a fun, fiery party if in a dream you saw beets in the garden. If the beets were planted tightly, it means that during the fun you will meet many acquaintances, one of whom may become your destiny.

For those who have not yet managed to start a family, tomatoes in the garden in a dream are a symbol of approaching family happiness. Don't look for your destiny in the distance, take a closer look at those around you.

In reality, cabbage is associated with money, but if you dreamed of cabbage in the garden, expect a serious loss of strength, which can lead to big problems with health. The dream book advises you to take care of yourself; soon you will really need your strength.

If you dreamed of potatoes in the garden, then in reality you will receive enormous benefits from a seemingly trivial matter. Don’t miss your opportunity, show your best human qualities, and then fortune will favor you.

Why do you dream about radishes in the garden? The dream book predicts that in your difficult task you will receive great support from friends at the most important point. In the end, when the goal is achieved, do not forget to thank your assistants.

In most cases, beds with vegetables in a dream are a harbinger of good changes that are beneficial for your health and wallet; there are only minor annoying exceptions, but it is better to hope that they will not affect you in any way.

Why do you dream about beds? As a rule, such a dream shows that labor and work await you, which will certainly bear fruit in the future.

But, depending on the details of the dream, the meanings may be slightly different and affect not only work, but also other areas of life.

What were the beds like in your dream?

  • Vegetables
  • Fruity
  • With greens
  • With flowers
  • Fenced
  • Highlighted by well-trodden paths

Vegetables, fruits or greens?

1. Why do you dream of a garden bed full of ripe cucumbers? If you only looked at them, then this indicates that successful days await you, you will be full of energy and strength to accomplish new things.

If you are picking cucumbers, then the dream book warns: for a while, refrain from concluding contracts and working with new people, wait a while, there is no need to make hasty decisions.

2. Seeing strawberries in the garden means a romantic date awaits you; if you ate them, then the evening will have a wonderful continuation. In general, strawberries are a symbol of a passionate nature; sensual encounters and passion await you. If such a dream is seen by married people, then it marks the beginning of a new phase in the relationship with the spouse, the revival of former passion and awe.

3. If you had a dream where zucchini was present, then this tells about minor difficulties associated with work. All that is worth doing in this case is to try to wait out this moment and not get upset; after difficulties in your work, you will be fully rewarded.

4. Onions in the garden are a warning symbol; be careful in keeping your secrets and secrets, try not to talk about your plans and achievements to strangers. And in relationships with loved ones, be as honest as possible; they will appreciate your trust.

5. A dream in which you saw carrots in the garden is a sign of the speedy implementation of your plan; everything will turn out great.

6. If beets are present in a dream, this means that an incendiary and fun party awaits you. A dream with tomatoes promises impending family happiness. Perhaps your soulmate is very close.

7. Cabbage in dreams will bring money and profit, potatoes promise benefits in a new business, radishes indicate help and support from friends at the right time, as a result of which the set goals will be successfully achieved.

The dreamer's actions

If you needed to weed the beds in a dream, then expect unexpected wealth soon. But, if the beds were empty, the dream book advises you to pay attention to the results of your efforts. Perhaps you should change your actions a little so that the work begins to bear fruit.

Weeding a bed of herbs in a dream promises an unexpected profit, which will perfectly lift your spirits. It’s also great if you had to weed the beds, ridding them of weeds. This means that you will be able to get rid of envious people and people with bad intentions, and it also portends career advancement.

It is no less favorable to dig in a dream. This shows that in reality, endeavors await you in which you will succeed and be able to reveal your potential. Don't be afraid to open a business or enter into a new relationship now, you are simply doomed to success. If you find it difficult to dig and you get dirty, then pay attention to your health; the dream book hints at minor problems with your well-being.

Watering beds in dreams is wonderful for an unmarried woman. The dream book reports that the dreamer will marry successfully, be incredibly happy in her marriage and give birth to several children. Harmony, love and complete mutual understanding will reign in your family endlessly.

Planting beds is also a great sign. The dream book recommends that you take on any serious matters; they will bring wonderful results. This mainly concerns work and business, but new relationships are quite possible. Don't miss this chance, everything will work out in the best way.

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Who doesn't know this word? Probably there are no such people. Some, of course, did not work in the garden themselves, but in any case they saw others doing it - for example, a grandmother or grandfather.

The majority work on the land, because without this it will not be possible to plant vegetables and get the desired harvest. For those for whom the vegetable garden is an important source of environmentally friendly products, garden beds sometimes dream of nightmares, because this work takes a lot of effort. But why do people who are far from such physical labor dream about garden beds? This image promises the dreamer:

  • The hard work ahead.
  • Well-deserved wealth, reward.
  • The right decision, well-deserved success.

It is important to take into account all the actions that you happened to perform in a dream: planting beds, digging them or weeding them, as well as what exactly was planted on them. This may change the value slightly. So let's begin.

Actions with the ground

When a girl had a chance to weed the beds in a dream, she will soon get married, and her husband will be a fairly wealthy person and will be able to give her a comfortable life. happy life. And some dream books believe that a weeded plot of land promises the dreamer a prosperous life, but for this you will have to work hard and be patient; wealth will not fall on you out of nowhere.

It is also interesting to know why you dream about weeding. If you look in the dream book, the beds that you clear of weeds indicate that you will get rid of enemies and ill-wishers who stand in the way. Those who have seen a weeded piece of land on which there was no vegetation before should think about the fruitfulness of their actions. Most likely, now they are not producing results, and this dream indicates the need to change tactics.

Why do you dream about watering the beds? Again, this image is favorable for the female half of humanity, it promises the lady successful marriage and the birth of at least two children. Love, mutual understanding and prosperity will reign in this family.

For the male sex, seeing beds in a dream means a lot of painstaking work, after which you will be able to enjoy its results for a very long time. The well-being of your family will especially increase.

As the dream book says, your dead relatives can sometimes water the beds in your dreams. If this was destined to be a dream for you, know that what you have planned will go perfectly and you will succeed, because your departed loved ones are helping you. An image where you happened to water the beds in a dream may also indicate an inopportune moment for the implementation of long-standing plans and indicate the need to wait for a better time, preparing the soil in the meantime.

Digging up a piece of land intended for a garden bed is dreamed of as a sign of a successful period in the dreamer’s life. Now is the time to realize all your most ambitious plans and desires: open your own business, decide to move, get married - everything will be successful and will bring only joy and prosperity. This is especially true for family, because once you find your “soul mate” and have a family, you will be happy all your life.

Plowing someone else’s garden means living the life of strangers, think about your goals and plans. Let's see what else you dream of about digging beds. This image can symbolize the ground that you are preparing for new achievements: finding a decent job, getting higher education, new acquaintances.

If you had to dig up the beds, but the ground was hard, you can be sure of the correctness of your life position and the correctness of the decisions made. Keep moving in the same direction.

What has grown

If the beds in your dream were full of harvest, sudden wealth will come to you in the near future, something you did not expect at all. But it is also important to know what exactly happened to be sown and collected. Therefore, let's analyze dreams depending on these details. First, let's find out why we dream about a bed of cucumbers. This dream promises:

  • A surge of vitality and good mood.
  • The time you need to wait before making an important decision.
  • Prosperity, profit.
  • For girls - the appearance of a boyfriend.

Empty beds can signal possible financial costs or minor troubles, but if they have been fertilized and prepared for planting, the ground is ready for new achievements. The harvest will delight you with its abundance.

Did you dream of a strawberry bed? This dream promises newness in love relationships. For free men and women - a meeting followed by romance and stormy sexual relations. For married people - a second honeymoon.

Beds with green onions probably warn of a possible crisis in a relationship with a loved one. You need to stop pursuing any goals in them and start simply trusting and enjoying the feelings. In addition, if you look in the dream book, weeding greenery in the beds means you dream of big profits, and you dream of a rich, cheerful wedding where there were green beds.

What does the dream book prophesy if you see a bed of carrots? The main values ​​are as follows:

  • Making your wishes come true without much effort.
  • Favorable coincidence of circumstances.
  • Success, prosperity, health.

A dream with tomatoes in the beds is considered favorable; it prophesies:

  • I will meet my “soul mate”.
  • Happy family life.
  • Making new friends.

Flowerbeds filled with flowers promise the fulfillment of an old dream that you have been striving for for so long. Cabbage promises unexpected profit, potatoes - benefits, and radishes - support from loved ones. If you happen to be walking along a freshly plowed furrow, you may encounter small obstacles on the way to your main goal.

Always hidden in dreams secret meaning, which opens the door to the future, and sometimes helps in solving some difficult life situation.

As for why beds are dreamed of, dream books offer special predictions.

What do they portend?

When interpreting a dream involving a plot of land, you need to take into account maximum quantity details that you can remember: what grew in the beds, whether it was empty. An important role in the correct interpretation of this plot is played by the actions that the dreamer or another person performed in the garden bed - pulling weeds, digging or planting plants. Only an integrated approach to dreams will allow you to understand what awaits you in the future.

  • Digging beds - imminent death the dreamer himself or one of his close people;
  • Walking on a plot of land is a disease that will be difficult to get rid of;
  • Digging a garden in smart clothes is good news;
  • A garden bed dug up by rodents is a need awaiting you in reality;
  • A trampled bed means someone will block your path and you won’t be able to cope with it;
  • Sprouts in the garden - a successful start to new projects;
  • Flowers growing in the garden - marriage with an unloved person;
  • There are a lot of vegetables growing in the garden - wealth that will come to the dreamer without much effort;
  • A scarecrow stands in the garden - a meeting with an unpleasant person who will annoy you with his nagging.

Why does a young girl dream about garden beds? If a young lady dreams of digging a vegetable garden, it means that she will soon receive a marriage proposal from a wealthy suitor. It is thanks to him that she will be able to see high society and become a part of it. If a girl wants a dream to be prophetic, she cannot tell anyone about it. A dream in which there are many beds is a sign that you are putting a lot of effort into your work, but, unfortunately, there will be very little benefit from it. A dream in which there is a vegetable garden cannot be called bad. It may well be a good omen; it is only important to compare the plot with other elements of the dream in order to get a more specific interpretation. There is no point in worrying if what you see in your night dreams in a dream book has a negative meaning. The future may well change in better side and it is unlikely that it will be exactly as the interpreter predicted it.

Actions with beds - what do they mean?

Various contacts and actions with objects give special meaning to any dream. If you saw not just beds, but something you did on them, then the interpretation of the image may take on a completely different meaning.

  • Weeding in the beds is unexpected wealth. However, you should not relax: in order to get all the benefits, you will have to work hard and be patient;
  • Watering the beds with a watering can means a successful marriage soon for a single woman and the birth of a child;
  • Big land plot with beds - a symbol of memories of the past;
  • The deceased is watering the beds - the current business will end very successfully for you;
  • Digging a garden means the onset of a period favorable for new business;
  • Empty beds - life in reality will go downhill.

In any dream book, planting beds in a dream is good sign. Forward best time in order to lay the foundation for a new promising project. Hurry up to start a business now, another chance will not present itself very soon. For men who dream of garden beds or vegetable gardens, fate prepares many trials. If you manage to overcome them, then the dreamer will experience growth in all areas of life. The most positive changes will be noticeable in family life.

What grows in the garden beds

Another important detail is the type of plants that were planted in the beds. If you dreamed of cucumbers growing in the garden, it means that in the coming days your physical and moral condition will noticeably improve. A colossal increase in vitality will allow you to turn all your ideas into reality. Strawberries growing in a garden bed means meeting a young and interesting girl, who will also turn out to be a very liberated person. As a symbol of sexual pleasure, strawberries in a dream foreshadow a night of passion with a new acquaintance. Zucchini in the garden is not yet a very good sign in the dream book. Difficult times await you when work will not bring much profit. Moreover, the severity of this period will directly depend on the size of the dreamed vegetable: the larger it is, the more difficult it will be for you to cope with financial difficulties.

If you look into the dream book of garden beds, you will immediately come across a lot of interpretations of various kinds. There is no doubt that you will be interested in why you dream of cucumbers in the garden, and many will be curious to explain why you dream of strawberries in the garden. You will find answers to these and many other questions in the dream books below. Don’t forget essential details, such as: planted or weeded, and maybe even watered the beds. And do not rush, immediately after you saw beds in a dream, to draw information from the first dream book you come across. Plunge into the sources you are used to trusting.

Dream Interpretation Wang

The Bulgarian healer herself was a rural resident, and was quite favorable about seeing garden beds in dreams. She attributed this symbol to a possible fruitful event. At correct interpretation And certain actions the dreamer is able to cultivate success, wealth or prosperity. Only wealth can become salt in greedy hands, since upon achieving it such a person will constantly feel thirsty. Use your heavenly gifts wisely so that you don’t later shed bitter tears over a broken trough.

  • Dream: “cucumbers in the garden” - water will grow on the ground. You will have to dig through a lot of dirt and garbage before you find and acquire what you need. The truth is out there somewhere. She will come to you exactly at the moment when you are pretty exhausted and desperate. Don't be discouraged and boldly step forward. (cm. )
  • Dream: “strawberries in the garden.” Nature has endowed you with beauty and pretentiousness, and you have cultivated selfishness in yourself. Preserve your nobility of nature before it is too late. You are still able to notice this flaw in yourself and soften your character. Otherwise, you risk looking at things incorrectly, believing that an egoist is a person who thinks only about himself and not about me. (cm. )
  • Digging beds in a dream? You have become a pedant. There is nothing wrong with this, the main thing is not to turn into a bore, and do not equate all people with the same brush. When answering the question about what time it is, you should not tell the story of the creation of watches. Save your time and the time of others.
  • Watering beds in a dream? They make you understand that now is the time to acquire new skills. You will be able to master a new craft. Don't be afraid to spend extra money on training. Always take into account the fact that those who are poorly trained will subsequently have to work like a horse.
  • Dream: “onions in the garden.” You will have to shed bitter tears and wash yourself with them like fresh dew. Consider these tears as healing drops that come from the glands of enlightened individuals. (cm. )
  • Dream: “carrots in the garden.” The lower color of the orange chakra appeared in your dream. It brings out intense lust in you. It is useless to sublimate and continue to pretend that nothing is happening. Nature created us as we are, and falsely cultivating high feelings in ourselves on thin branches of feelings is a fruitless and stupid activity.
  • Dream: "flower in the garden." Of course, a lot depends on what kind of flower it was, what color it was, and so on. However, the most general outline of such a dream can be seen in the desire of the heavenly powers to bestow you with longevity. Just keep in mind that some kind of mission is imposed on you. Everyone wants to live as long as possible, but the earth’s axis is already creaking, so seeing flowers in the garden and receiving an increase in the allotted time is one thing, but being tirelessly responsible for the increase is a completely different story.
  • Dream: “sitting in the garden.” You have become lazy and do not want to continue studying. Don’t stop gnawing on this scientific granite, even if it seems frameless to you. Remember that a good education is not a long way to a stable life, but also the ability to be rude completely unnoticed and with impunity.
  • Seeing beds with greenery in a dream? It seems to you that your work is meaningless and empty; that it does not produce the necessary and useful fruits. These are just your speculations and illusions. Stop looking for meaning in everything. If all your life you do only this, then life itself will turn into complete nonsense.

Miller's Dream Book
For the overseas psychologist, in his duty as an interpreter of dreams, adding vegetable garden beds to the list of honor was one of the primary tasks. He interpreted it in the manner inherent in the American dream: “What goes around comes around.” For this reason, planting beds in a dream has become identical to our karmic laws of life. Simply put, don’t dig a hole for someone else, otherwise you yourself will fall into it.

  • Dream: “cabbage in the garden.” Some unpleasant personalities often visit you. Because of your modest nature, you cannot refuse them anything, but stop being cowardly, it’s time to know your worth. So, if some goats are trying to get cabbage into your garden, don’t say bad words to them, but rather give them a turnip right away.
  • Dream: “tomatoes in the garden.” You felt ashamed of some action, and now your cheeks will blush, like a scarlet flag, waving for everyone around you to see. However, do not be ashamed to repent, be ashamed to sin.
  • Seeing onions in a garden bed in a dream means you will shed bitter tears due to excessive stubbornness. Again, what we sow is what we reap. You once sowed tears, now you have to reap the tears. At least tears are a good and free cure for a runny nose.
  • Dream: “zucchini in the garden.” A good symbol that an addition is expected in your family. You shouldn’t frown and think that in our time only a car is a necessity, and children are a luxury. Please note that if by the age of forty your home is not filled with children's laughter, then it risks being filled with bitter and silent silence.
  • Dream interpretation "cucumbers in the garden." Unlike our close relatives melons and watermelons, we prefer fresh green cucumbers rather than overripe yellow ones. Likewise, you absolutely miss going back to childhood to look at the world again with rose-colored glasses. Even a naive childish smile can help you out of an unforeseen situation.
  • Dream interpretation "strawberries in the garden". This is an excellent dream, which foretells that you will soon get rid of the “headache” that has been tormenting you until now. The fact is that our subconscious takes into account the fact that strawberries contain substances similar to aspirin.
  • Dream interpretation "green beds". The likelihood of getting rich, and in foreign currency. So, of course, you won’t buy happiness, but at least you can rent it for a while.
  • Dream interpretation "weed the beds". The soil of your living garden may soon make you work even harder and give you cancer. Don’t worry, in any job the most difficult thing is waking up in the morning, and everything else is trifles and little things in life.
  • Dream interpretation "water the beds". Don't forget to take a shower, even if it means you'll be late for work. For pure people, even the shadow is pure.
  • Dream interpretation "beets in the garden". A symbol of an unwanted groom who has appeared on your life horizon. In addition to fools and roads, we have another problem - these are fools who are trying to show you the right path.
  • Dream interpretation "carrots in the garden". And on yours garden plot Soon the long-awaited love, which is a carrot, will ripen. It is very possible that it will turn out to be a fatal attraction and violent passion, so do not rush to dig deeper into it. (cm. )

Dream Interpretation Maya

Dream Book of Z. Freud
The Austrian sexologist, in a manner characteristic of him alone, interpreted what garden beds mean in a dream:

  • The beds are like a sexual field in which each of us wanders, fearing to step on a mine, so try to be a little philosophical about such a phenomenon as the dream of a bed, perhaps for this you will even have to become a poet. It is known that men invented marriage so that they would not have to pay for sex, women created prostitution so that they would be given money for sex, and only poets had to invent love so that all this would not look so disgusting and absurd.
  • Seeing green beds in a dream. You may have serious conflicts due to lack of funds. But do not rush to tighten the nuts, as in this case you will quickly find yourself in a corner.
  • In a dream, picking cucumbers from the garden. Of course, Freud's cucumber symbolized the male reproductive organ, so for a girl this dream means a desire to enter into sexual intercourse with several partners at once. And a man, after watching this sweet, at first glance, dream, after waking up, should immediately take a closer look at the behavior of his beloved.
  • Seeing strawberries in the garden in a dream. You want to be caressed more. Oral sex will benefit both of you. Don't stand while others are working, go, rather lie down. And when in a dream you ate strawberries from the garden, perhaps you need to be satisfied yourself so as not to spoil the sweet life of those around you and yourself.
  • Making beds in a dream. You have to do some serious digging before you fool someone and catch them in your net. What can you do if life is like a coin - it’s heads, then it’s tossed again, or even thrown out completely “in good weather.”
  • Seeing garden beds in a dream. You discuss other people's sexual relationships too often and for a long time. It’s better to work on your own with such diligence, and then the envious people behind your back will burst with envy.
  • Seeing carrots in a garden bed in a dream. For a woman, such a dream subconsciously depicts a strong male genital organ with good potency. A man, on the contrary, will have to think about his health in the intimate sphere after seeing an orange vegetable. Quit smoking immediately if you haven't already.
  • Seeing empty beds in a dream. Sex. Of course, this is wonderful, but you are already sick of constantly resorting to contraceptive methods and want to conceive a tiny soul as quickly as possible, which will become the logical conclusion of forward movements and the triumph of nature.
  • Seeing a bed of green onions in a dream. It became painful and bitter for you to make love to your partner. Seek advice from a gynecologist - you should not endure these inconveniences just to please your partner, although your impulses are commendable.
  • Seeing fresh flowers in a garden bed in a dream. It is likely that a miraculous conception took place in your womb or in the womb of your partner. It is possible that this event has not yet happened, but it may happen soon, because children are the flowers of life, although they sometimes require long-term investment.
  • In a dream, I was digging the ground and making a bed. You are not satisfied with your partner. It's never too late to find a suitable match, although this requires some careful digging. And even in this case, you risk running into a ram who knows nothing about female psychology. Or you risk finding an expert on her psychology, who will later turn out to be an asshole.
  • Dream interpretation "in the garden"? You have to blush because of your partner. Who will tell his friends about his adventures with you. Try to forgive this prank and explain that it is valuable and important for you to preserve the mystery of your connection.
  • Dream interpretation "rotten vegetables in the garden." You need to pay attention to your genitals. There is a high probability of any infectious diseases. Be vigilant and consult a doctor, even if the alarm was false.

Esoteric dream book

Dream Interpretation of Health

  • Planting beds in a dream. You risk ruining your health. Do diagnostics of the body.
  • Dream: “fresh cucumbers in the garden.” Include as much fiber in your diet as possible to keep you fresh and healthy.
  • Dream: "beds with greenery." Everything is exactly as it seems. Add various greens to salads; they contain a huge amount of useful microelements.
  • Dream: “picking strawberries from the garden.” You may become depressed. Treat yourself to some dessert after your next trip to the store.
  • Seeing pumpkins in the garden in a dream. Head spasms are possible. Learn to give yourself a special massage on your temples so you don’t have to swallow a bunch of pills every time.
  • Why do you dream about carrots in the garden? It will be useful for you to take a closer look at your eyes. Eat carrots, which contain vitamin A, which is good for vision.
  • Seeing green beds in a dream. Some of your relatives will need a lot of money for treatment.
  • Seeing garden beds in a dream. You take good care of your health. Don't stop doing this.
  • Seeing empty beds in a dream. You have become malnourished. Remember that. That thin people live longer, of course, but still worse.
  • Seeing flowers in a garden bed in a dream. It is possible that some allergic rashes may occur on the body. It happens that we suddenly find out about an allergy to the fur of a pet.
  • Seeing a bed of green onions in a dream. Beware that there is a virus roaming the city. Onions and garlic are your friends these days.
  • Seeing weeding beds in a dream. We wake up and get to work morning exercises. You will delay your kiss with death.
  • Why do you dream of picking zucchini from the garden? These are your future children and grandchildren. Remember the number of zucchini harvested to count the offspring.

Psychological Dream Interpretation

  • If you dreamed about garden beds, it means something is wrong. The psychologists who compose this collection have tried to explain to you the psychological reasons for such garden visions.
  • Dream interpretation "tomatoes in the garden". You are ashamed of something you have done. What can we do, because this function allows us not to cross many laws.
  • Dream interpretation "cabbage in the garden." You are hiding behind someone else's back. Beware. When you have to come out of the shadows. Better start taking some countermeasures today.
  • Dream interpretation "digging beds". You devote too much time to introspection and delving into yourself. Rely on the happy will of chance. Fortune is on your side.
  • Dream interpretation "onions in the garden". Pay attention to your thyroid gland. You began to shed too many incomprehensible tears.
  • Dream interpretation "picking cucumbers from the garden." You'll want to gather as many friends as possible to go to the gym or pool. Don't be upset if you don't succeed. Each person is the architect of his own body and muscles.
  • Dream interpretation "cucumbers grow in the garden." You dream of a toned figure, and you will succeed - just don’t give up what you started.
  • Dream interpretation "planting beds". You want to forget about the mistakes you made, but why? Only thanks to them you gained experience. Not everyone can learn from other people's mistakes.
  • Dream interpretation "zucchini in the garden." Your own or other people's children will cause you troubles and troubles. Try to deal with this without unnecessary hysterics.
  • Dream interpretation "flowers in the garden". Since the Earth laughs with flowers, you are also advised to smile more often and laugh for a long time.
  • Dream interpretation "picking strawberries from the garden." Some mind-blowing temptation is knocking on your door.
  • Dream interpretation "empty beds". You are wasting a lot of time. If you don’t come up with a favorite activity for yourself, then others will choose it for you, but in this case you risk doing something that is not your hobby.

Modern Dream Interpretation

  • Seeing fresh cucumbers in a garden in a dream. A successful day in all respects. You will be visited fresh ideas, thrown by a generous muse.
  • Eating strawberries from the garden in a dream. You feel a secret attraction to someone else's lover or lover. What can you do? You can't control your feelings.
  • Dream interpretation cabbage heads in the garden. You have to unravel some secret tangle. Be careful in your detective games. You can accidentally step into alien territory, which will be too tough for you.
  • Dream Interpretation " green onions in the garden." You will have to restrain yourself not to cry, since everyone around you will consider your skills insufficient. Don’t worry, you will still prove to everyone that you are not a green youth, but a qualified specialist.
  • Dream interpretation of "beds with greenery". You will get easy money. But don’t rush to spend it on your own entertainment.
  • Dream interpretation "beds with vegetables". You will find yourself in the center of some unexpected events. Keep a camera with you at all times so you can capture an incredible UFO landing.
  • "Watermelons in the garden" dream book. Pack your things. A sweet and long vacation awaits you, in which time will pass very slowly.
  • Dream interpretation "garlic in the garden". You have an enemy who is thirsting for your blood. Don't let this happen and jump over his step. (cm. )
  • Dream interpretation "dill in the garden". They will try to drag you into some kind of illegal scam. Refer to your busy schedule and politely decline the offer.
  • Dream interpretation "sorrel bed". In a dream it is very rare and lucky sign. It's like finding a four-leaf clover or suddenly bumping into a unicorn.
  • Dream interpretation "picking carrots from the garden." Heavenly forces are ready to support you in the decision taken. They will give you willpower and fortitude.
  • I dreamed of tomatoes in the garden. You will be ashamed for not remembering something. Perhaps you missed some well-known fact back in school.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Dream Interpretation of the XXI century

  • Why do you dream of fresh cucumbers in the garden? You will not let anyone who is within a radius of 100 meters from you get bored today.
  • Why do you dream of green cucumbers in the garden? Even your bearded jokes will cause a burst of laughter.
  • Why do you dream about tomatoes in the garden? You will be extremely ashamed of one of your relatives. What can we do, because we are responsible for those we have tamed.
  • Why do you dream of a vegetable garden and beds? You should expand your horizons, because life is full of surprises.
  • Why does a woman dream of cucumbers in the garden? You will meet a fresh and cheerful companion.
  • Why do you dream about red strawberries in the garden? You will find yourself drawn into a whirlpool of love adventures and romantic experiences.
  • Why do you dream of onions in the garden? Someone will shed a crocodile tear in front of you. Don't trust these stingy salty drops.
  • Why dream of watering the beds? The time has come to commit general cleaning in the house.
  • Why do you dream about carrots in the garden? Be firm in your promises and then others will begin to respect you.


No matter which dream book you look at, the beds will always represent a certain field of options that you are given to choose. You will always be able to correctly predict which garden to follow next. You can easily figure out what the beds are for in dreams and draw your own conclusions based on the dream books provided above and your vegetable signs. If you dreamed of green onions in a garden bed or dreamed of a lot of cucumbers in a garden bed, you will find a clear and intelligible explanation for all this. You have learned that the dream book of fresh cucumbers in the garden almost always means fresh ideas that will come to your bright mind, and from the Dream Book of Health you can, with benefit for your body, predict what you dreamed about about vegetables in the garden.
