Is it possible to resurrect the dead? Scientists: it is possible to revive dead people a day after death

Dear children of God! I would like to draw your attention to an instructive miracle performed by the prophet Elisha, which is recorded in the book of Kings. The hospitality of the Sonamite woman was rewarded with the birth of a son, but this joy, like all earthly blessings, turned out to be short-lived. After some time the child fell ill and died.

Filled with grief, the believing mother immediately hurried to the man of God. Through him, God promised to fulfill the desire of her heart, and she went with her grief to him.

Elisha's actions are described in the following verses: "And he said to Gehazi, Gird up your loins, and take my staff in your hand, and go. If you meet anyone, do not greet him, and if anyone greets you, do not answer him. And put down your staff. mine is on the baby's face.

And the mother of the child said: As the Lord lives, and as your soul lives! I won't leave you. And he got up and followed her. Gehazi went ahead of them and laid the rod on the child's face. But there was no voice, no answer. And he went out to meet him, and reported to him, and said: the child is not awakening.

And Elisha entered the house, and behold, the child lay dead on his bed. And he went in and locked the door behind him, and prayed to the Lord. And he rose and lay over the child, and put his lips to his lips, and his eyes to his eyes, and his palms to his palms, and stretched out on him, and the child’s body became warm. And he stood up and walked back and forth in the upper room; then he rose again and prostrated himself on him. And the child sneezed seven times, and the child opened his eyes. And he called Gehazi, and said, Call this Shunammite woman. And he called her. She came to him, and he said: Take your son. And she came up and fell at his feet and bowed to the ground. And she took her son and went" (2 Kings 4:29-37).

The position of the prophet in this case was similar to your position, dear friends. Elisha had to deal with a dead child. This death was obvious, physical; but the death with which you have to fight is no less real, although invisible. It concerns the spiritual life of the child.

Children, no less than adults, are “dead in sins and crimes.” This is the real position of every person before God. It is impossible to provide children true help, unaware of the disastrous state of their spiritual death. I beg you to treat them not as sleeping people who can be easily awakened, but as dead people who can only be revived by a power from above.

Elisha did not decorate the dead body, did not embalm it with aromas and myrrh, in order to leave it the same corpse, only in magnificent decoration. No, he wanted the child’s life and nothing else. Likewise, you are not satisfied with any minor successes, but strive only for one comprehensive goal - the salvation of the immortal soul.

Your job is not just to teach children to read the Bible and make them moral people. Your high calling is to be an instrument in the hands of God through which heaven can bestow life dead souls. Everything you teach your children will be of no use if they remain “dead in sins.” Even if they become useful, moral members of society and orderly church goers, your highest goal is not achieved unless the Lord has quickened them to Christ.

So, our goal is resurrection. We are tasked with raising the dead! How can we complete this unusual task? If we give way to unbelief, we will stumble over the obvious fact that the work to which the Lord has called us is beyond our capabilities. We are not able to raise the dead. However, in essence, we are no more powerless than Elisha, since he himself could not resurrect the son of the Shunammite.

We may not be able to give our children spiritual life, but let us not lose heart. On the contrary, convinced of our complete inability, let us turn entirely to the true source of strength. A person who lives by faith dwells in the realm of miracles. Faith works miracles, it looks at what is promised and, regardless of everything else, loudly proclaims victory, regardless of the impossible.

Now that the Spirit of God came upon Elisha, calling him to the work of the Lord, he was no longer an ordinary man. Also, you, who are awake and languishing in prayer for children, are no longer simple insignificant creatures, you have become the temple of God, the Lord abides in you, and by faith you have entered the field of miracle workers. We were sent into the world to be participants in those works that the Lord God does by His Spirit through those who believe in Him.

We must work miracles, and therefore let us not consider the restoration of our dead children impossible and incredible. We are called to this, but let us remember the One who works in our weakness. Can't God raise the dead?

Please, look at your surroundings sensibly! Before you are spiritually dead children, and your heart longs for their revival. Fully aware that God alone can revive them, humbly pray that He will use you in His wonderful work and show you what to do.

If Elisha had remembered how he once served Elijah, and delved into the techniques of his teacher, he would not have sent Gehazi with his staff, but would have started immediately. to what he did only later. In 1 Kings 17 we see Elijah raising a dead child. Here the teacher left an example for his servant, and the miraculous power manifested itself only when Elisha followed him exactly. So we must learn at our feet. Teacher and in the matter of saving souls act like Him.

Filled with deep compassion, Christ was surrounded by corrupt humanity, empathizing with us in our deplorable condition. So we must approach the souls of children, languish with them in His longing, cry over them with His tears, otherwise we will not see their deliverance from destruction. We can only learn this wisdom of soul winning by following the example and spirit of the Lord Jesus.

Elisha, however, forgetting about the example of his mentor, chose for himself new way, as more befitting of his prophetic office. Handing the rod to Gehazi, he told him to place it on the child. It probably seemed to Elisha that the power of God was so abundant in him that any method would be effective, and therefore there was no need for his personal participation. But that is not what the Lord decided.

I am afraid that the truths that we proclaim to children often resemble Elisha’s rod, that is, they remain something alien, external, like a staff that is held in the hand, but which still does not form part of the body. We take such and such a teaching, such and such a truth, as Gehazi took the staff, and place it on the child’s face, but we ourselves remain indifferent and do not experience the pangs of birth.

No matter how we try to explain the truth more clearly, putting it in the most attractive form and using visual aids, if our words are not an echo of what is happening in our hearts and do not flow from the depths of our soul, they will never have an effect on the soul, as did the staff of Gehazi on the dead child. It is bitter to admit, but I have often proclaimed the Word of my Lord as the most faithful of all prophetic words, and yet without success! Oh, isn’t it because he preached the gospel without that fiery zeal and sincerity that is necessary for this?!

And you, my friends, don’t you admit the same thing? Haven’t you also happened to proclaim the Gospel, to speak correctly, to expound on what is undoubtedly true, and even to convey to others what was an ineffable treasure for your soul - and so what? - Unsuccessfully, unrequited!

Is it because everything that was said was not felt and you were indifferent to those to whom you testified about God? Was it not the same with you as with Gehazi, when he indifferently laid the staff on the face of the dead? In this case, it is not surprising that you also have to repeat the same words: “The child does not awaken.” True awakening power could not be manifested in lifeless, dry instruction. In fact, we don't even know if Gehazi was sure the boy was dead. From his words it can be assumed that the child is only sleeping.

God cannot bless those who are not wholeheartedly aware of the disastrous condition of their children. Therefore, if you are interested only in illusory theories about human dignity, about innocence childhood and similar dreams and do not believe that children are sinners, do not be surprised if you do not see any fruit from your labor.

Can the Lord accomplish the work of resurrection through you if you do not see the need for it? If it had happened that the deceased had come to life, Gehazi would not have been surprised: “Well, that’s all I woke up from a deep sleep!” If the Lord were to awaken souls through the words of people who were not convinced of the death and complete corruption of the human race, they would certainly think: “What a moral influence the Gospel has! It is extremely useful and beneficial” and would not give glory and worship to the One who, sitting on the throne, creates “all things new” with His regenerating power.

Look at what Elisha does after his first failed attempt to resurrect the boy. He did not lose heart when he learned that the child had not regained consciousness, but he girded himself and energetically set to work. When you fail, you shouldn't quit because of it. If your children are still dead and all your efforts have failed, do not conclude from this that everything is in vain. Elisha did not despair and did not think that reviving the child was impossible. Failure does not mean quitting, but doing it differently. It didn’t work this time, try again and again.

Often you have to change techniques. If the first one turns out to be unsuitable, you need to try another, carefully examining the cause of the error. Thus, nurturing our spirit. The Lord can prepare us for such wide activities that we have never dreamed of.

Pay attention to where the child was placed. The Bible says that the deceased lay on the bed of the prophet. This was the very bed that the hospitable Shunammite woman had prepared for Elisha. kind woman I didn’t think how famous this bed would become when, out of love for God’s prophet, I prepared a place for him to rest.

The child was lying on Elisha's bed. This tells us that you should not leave your child away from you, somewhere outside the home. If we want to see him alive, we need to take him to the warmest place, closest to our hearts.

“And Elisha went in... and shut the door behind him, and prayed to the Lord.” Now he sets to work with all his heart; and we can learn from him how to begin the great task of raising a dead child. Looking at the account of Elijah, we see that Elisha completely followed the example of his teacher. "And he (Elijah) said to her, Give me your son. And he took him from her hands, and carried him into the upper room where he lived, and laid him on his bed. And he cried to the Lord, and said: Lord my God Will you also do evil to the widow with whom I am staying, by killing her son? And, prostrating himself over the boy three times, he cried out to the Lord and said: “Lord my God, may the soul of this child return to him!” , and the soul of the lad returned to him, and he came to life" (1 Kings 17:19-22).

One ancient wisdom says: “True preaching is written in heaven.” This means that a true preacher must talk a lot with God. If we do not ask for blessings from the Lord, if we do not consider raising our children on our knees before Him, then our work cannot be successful. All power must come from above.

Can the Lord visit and delight you with the conversion of the children entrusted to you if you do not intercede for them before the throne of grace? I think it is an excellent way to invite the children one by one into your room and pray with them alone. Then you can expect their conversion, when you pray for each one separately, you watch over each one, you suffer for each one, you languish, you worry.

Often prayer alone has a much greater impact on a child than general prayer in a congregation or family. Such prayers often serve as an answer in themselves, that is, the Lord can, while you pour out your soul before Him, through your prayer act on the child’s heart in a way that no admonitions have ever had.

Pray separately with your children and you will receive good fruits. If this is impossible, then, in any case, there should be a lot of prayer on your part - unceasing, constant, exciting prayer. People, flaming in spirit, overcame everything through prayer. They did not leave the throne of grace until they received the mercy they asked for. “The kingdom of heaven suffers violence, and the violent take it by force” (Matt. 11:12).

After praying, Elisha took action. Prayer and action should always go hand in hand. To act without prayer is to persist, and to pray without action is to be a hypocrite.

Here in front of us lies a child, and next to him stands a venerable man of God. Look how strange he acts: he bends over the deceased, puts his lips to his lips. The warm, living lips of the prophet touched the cold, dead lips, and a life-giving stream of fresh, hot breath penetrated the cooled, petrified larynx and lungs. Then the holy elder, full of zeal and love, applied his warm hands to the cold hands of the dead child and your eyes to his eyes. Not only that, he extended his whole body over him, as if wanting to convey his life to him.

If we sincerely wish to revive a child spiritually, we must, first of all, be clearly aware of his situation. The child is dead, yes, completely dead. The Lord wants us to know this and see Him as dead in sins and crimes as we ourselves once were. God wants us to come into contact with this death, although it can be painful and depressing.

Let's see how our Teacher acted, wanting to raise us from the dead. He had to die himself: there was no other way. So you, if you want to resurrect your dead child, then you must certainly be imbued with the chilling horror of death.

It is impossible to pull a brand out of a fire without feeling the heat of the flame. Without a proper consciousness of all the horrors of God's coming judgment and His wrath, you will not have the zeal to work on souls and you will not be able to achieve success.

When the deadness of your children arouses in you feelings of oppression, fear and despair, then know that the Lord wants to bless you. Having thus comprehended the child’s condition, one should then, as far as possible, become accustomed to his nature, habits and character. You must speak in a child’s language so that the child understands, look at things through his eyes, share his feelings with your heart, and be a friend to the child. In a word, you need to study the world of a child with its temptations and enticements in order to, as far as possible, enter into the position of your child, share with him his joys and sorrows.

If all this seems boring and burdensome to you, why did you start a family? Raising children should not be treated with disdain! Whatever is required for this, everything must be done willingly, without coercion. The Lord will not resurrect a dead child through you if you are not ready to do anything to save his soul.

It is said about the prophet that he prostrated himself over the child. We would say: squeezed over him. After all, he was an adult, and he was still a boy, so wouldn’t the word “shrink” be more correct? No, just “prostrated”. There is nothing more difficult for an adult than to “stretch out” according to a child’s standards. Getting children interested is no easy task. In order to teach little children, it is necessary to use all our wit, our deepest knowledge, our most sincere thoughts and all our strength.

You can't keep children busy with empty talk. We are required to exert all our strength, carefully prepare and deliberately work in order to properly educate these little ones. It is impossible to revive a child if you do not “prostrate” over him, no matter how strange it may seem. And myself smart person you will have to apply all your abilities to this.

While Elisha shuddered from the cold wafting from the corpse, his own warmth penetrated the numb body. In itself, of course, this could not resurrect the child, but the Lord used the prophet’s vital warmth to warm the dead body and through this revived the deceased.

It is good for everyone to reflect on the words of the Apostle Paul: “We...were gentle among you, just as a nurse tenderly treats her children. So, out of zeal for you, we wanted to convey to you not only the gospel of God, but also our souls, because you have become dear to us" (1 Thess. 2:7-8). Anyone who sincerely longs for the salvation of their children will understand these words. The Lord, through His Spirit, blesses our heartfelt experiences and often uses them to accomplish what the truth itself, coolly conveyed, would not accomplish. This is the secret of successful evangelism. You must give your soul to your children in such a way that their death seems to you your own death. If the wrath of God is upon them, then it is upon you as well. Therefore, confess their sins to the Lord as your own, pray and continually intercede for them, as the high priest did.

The prophet's actions soon resulted in the child's body becoming warm. How happy Elisha must have been! However, we do not see him resting on this. Never be satisfied that your children are beginning to show some hope of improvement.

If tears appeared in the child’s eyes when you talked about the love of Christ, rejoice, it means that the body is warming up. But don't stop there! Is it possible to give up on this? After all, the goal has not yet been achieved. We need life, not just warmth! We must not just convince our children, but lead them to God; impressions are not enough - revival is needed, that is new life from God, the life of Jesus Christ.

Let's look at Elisha again. “And he stood up and walked back and forth in the upper room.” He finds no place for himself, he is alarmed. The child warmed up, and thank God for this, but he is not alive yet; Therefore, the prophet does not sit down to rest at his table, but restlessly walks back and forth, sighs, yearns and languishes in soul. He is unable to look at his exhausted mother and hear her plaintive voice: “Has my son come to his senses?”

If you notice that a child's heart is touched, do not stop caring for him. The salvation of the soul is most precious of all and is never acquired easily. It is impossible to become a father in Christ without painful anxiety and suffering. You need to understand with your heart the words of the Apostle Paul: “I am again in the throes of birth until Christ is formed in you!” (Gal.4:19).

May the Holy Spirit give you the same mental anguish and the same anguish, worry and anxiety until your children become truly converted and saved.

Have you had a successful conversation with your children? Continue this way in the future. It’s very easy to destroy what was done before! If your warm attitude warmed children's souls, then God forbid that cooling on your part should cause them to freeze! Be sure that just as warmth emanated from Elisha, so coldness can emanate from you if there is no sincere zeal in your soul for the cause of their salvation.

Elisha again stretched out on the bed, and again the fervent prayer of faith and the sighs of the elder were heard. Finally the answer came, his wish came true: “And the child sneezed seven times...” The sound, in itself, was unattractive, but still meant life.

We cannot demand more from children when the Lord gives them spiritual life.

If a child has realized his worthlessness and relied on the finished work of Christ, then no matter how inarticulately and incoherently he expresses it, we should thank God. It is quite possible that Gehazi did not pay attention to the child’s sneezing, since he was not stretching over him. But Elisha was pleased. So we too will be sensitive to the slightest sign of grace and grateful to God if we really reached out in prayer for the lifeless souls of our children.

Following this, the child opened his eyes. Elisha probably thought those eyes were very beautiful. I don’t know whether they were blue or black, but I know that the eyes that we manage to open with God’s help will always be beautiful for us.

Dear friends, is Gehazi among you? I sincerely feel sorry for the one who only knows how to carry a baton. May the Lord grant you life by His mercy, otherwise you will not be able to revive another! If Elisha were dead, his body could not impart life to another, no matter how they were laid on top of each other. It is also useless to come into contact with your lifeless soul dead souls children. A cold stove will not warm a chilled wanderer. A frozen, numb mother cannot caress her children.

May the grace of God touch you first of all and make it His instrument for awakening many souls to the glory of God.

Scientists have managed to develop a technique for reviving people a day after their death.According to resuscitation expert Sam Parnia, in the case of correct implementation resuscitation, brain cells do not die at all five minutes after cardiac arrest, as was previously thought.

Today, in the case of using special manipulations and necessary equipment, the human brain is capable of living for several hours after recorded death. This period of time can last up to 72 hours.

According to the specialist, if the patient’s body is cooled to a temperature of 34 to 32 degrees Celsius, he can remain in this state for up to 24 hours. With a decrease in body temperature, the brain uses less oxygen, the formation of toxic substances stops, which, in turn, prevents the death of cells and gives doctors a chance to “pull a person out of the other world.”
At the same time, Parnia especially notes that for successful work method, it is necessary to strictly perform all resuscitation procedures, because even one small mistake can lead to death or brain damage.
The doctor also recalled that cases of “resurrection” in modern medicine. Thus, doctors were able to bring English Bolton midfielder Fabrice Muamba back to life. The athlete lost consciousness on March 17, 2012 in an FA Cup match with Tottenham, his heart didn't beat for about 1.5 hours.

July 2, 2009 Ha'aretz reported that an elderly Israeli man "came to life" after an ambulance team issued his death certificate and was about to send his body to the morgue.
Arriving at urgent call to the apartment of an 84-year-old resident of the city of Ramat Gan, ambulance doctors found him lying on the floor without signs of life. Attempts to resuscitate the old man were considered unsuccessful, and doctors signed official documents declaring his death. However, when the doctors left, the policeman who remained in the apartment noticed that the “deceased” was breathing and moving his hands. By the time the ambulance arrived again, he had already regained consciousness.

August 19, 2008 Reuters reported that the baby, who was born in an Israeli hospital as a result of a forced abortion, showed signs of life after a five-hour stay in the refrigerator.
A girl weighing only 600 grams was born on August 18. Her mother had to have an involuntary abortion due to severe internal bleeding at 23 weeks of pregnancy. Doctors, considering the severely premature baby dead, put him in a refrigerator, where the girl spent at least five hours. Signs of life in the newborn were noticed by her parents, who came to pick her up for burial.
According to doctors, the temperature inside the refrigerator slowed down the child's metabolism, and this helped him survive. The child was admitted to the intensive neonatal care unit.

IN early 2008A Frenchman who suffered a myocardial infarction and whose cardiologists declared cardiac arrest “came to life” on the operating table when surgeons began to remove his organs for transplantation.
A 45-year-old man, who did not follow the regimen prescribed by doctors, suffered a massive myocardial infarction at the beginning of the year. Arrived ambulance took him to a nearby hospital. However, when the man arrived at the hospital, his heart was not beating. Doctors decided that it was “technically impossible” to help him.
According to the law, in such cases of cardiac arrest, patients can automatically become organ donors. However, when surgeons began the operation, they found signs of breathing in the potential donor and suspended operations.

In November 2007A resident of the American city of Frederick (Texas, USA), 21-year-old Zach Dunlap was pronounced dead in a hospital in Wichita Falls (Texas), where he was taken after a car accident. Relatives have already given consent to the use of organs young man for transplantation, but during the farewell ceremony he suddenly moved his leg and hand. Then those present pressed Zach's nail and touched his foot with a pocket knife, to which the young man immediately reacted. After the “resurrection,” Zach spent another 48 days in the hospital.

In October 2005A 73-year-old pensioner from the Italian city of Mantova unexpectedly came to life 35 minutes after doctors declared him dead.
An elderly Italian man was lying in the cardiology department of the Carlo Poma Hospital in Mantova when an echocardiograph indicated that his heart had stopped. All attempts by doctors to resuscitate the man were useless: cardiac massage and artificial ventilation did not produce results. Doctors recorded death. However, suddenly the line on the echocardiograph began to move again: the man was alive. Soon the man, already declared dead, began to move and then began to recover.
As the doctors stated after the test, the equipment worked perfectly and the only plausible explanation is the assumption that a person is able to endure cardiac ischemia for such a long period.

In January 2004In the northern Indian state of Haryana, an Indian man was brought back to life after spending several hours in a morgue refrigerator.
The man was taken to the morgue by police, who found him lying by the road with injuries. The doctors of the hospital where he was taken, based on the results of the examination, wrote down: “dead at the time of arrival” - and identified the “body” to the morgue immediately after they handed over all the necessary papers to the police.
However, after a few hours, the “deceased” began to move, leaving the morgue staff in a state of shock. Morgue workers immediately took him back to the hospital.

January 5, 2004Reuters reported that a funeral director in New Mexico found Felipe Padilla, who had been pronounced dead at the hospital, breathing. The man “came to life” just minutes before Padilla’s body was to be embalmed. Felipe Padilla, 94, was taken to the same hospital where he was previously pronounced dead. However, a few hours later the old man died in the hospital.

In January 200379-year-old pensioner Roberto de Simone was taken to the cardiology department of the Cervello Hospital in almost hopeless condition. The patient was immediately connected to cardiac and cerebral activity support systems. Roberto de Simone's heart stopped for two minutes. Doctors attempted to restore the heart's function using adrenaline, but despite all efforts, death was recorded after some time. The doctors decided that the patient had died and handed over his body to his relatives so that they could say goodbye to him before the funeral. De Simone was taken home as if dead.
When everything was ready for the funeral ceremony and the coffin was to be closed, Simone opened his eyes and asked for water. The relatives decided that a “miracle” had happened and called the family doctor. He examined the patient and ordered to take him to the hospital. This time with a diagnosis of pneumology - a serious respiratory disease.

In April 2002 the man “came to life” a few hours after doctors in the Indian city of Lucknow (the capital of the state of Uttar Pradesh) issued his relatives a death certificate.
A resident of one of the villages of the state, 55-year-old Sukhlal was taken to the hospital with a diagnosis of tuberculosis. The prescribed course of treatment did not produce positive results, and one day the doctors had to declare the patient’s death. The patient's son was given a death certificate. When preparations for cremation were completed, the son came to the morgue to pick up his father's body, and then discovered that he was breathing. He immediately called doctors, who felt the “corpse’s” pulse and demanded that his son return the death certificate. Only thanks to the persistence of journalists, the hospital management undertook an internal investigation into this incident. However, the attending physician Mehrotra rejected all doubts about his professionalism; in his opinion, the case of the “revived” Sukhlal was a “miracle” that happened for the first time in his practice.
This is only a small part of the “miraculous” resurrection.

Tell me: is it easy to kill? Easily. Well, that means it’s not difficult to revive. It depends on who. And look: are I still alive? Up to x y and even more. Does that mean God gave them life? Gave. And if He ALREADY gave it the first time, then what problems might there be when repeating the experience? None. So, in principle, it is easy to resurrect: I prayed to God for the deceased, and let him continue to live. But the point is not how to resurrect, but the question: Why is he needed by someone who knows how to do this? Well, to me, for example: why the hell do YOUR DEAD people need me to bow to God for them, to bring them back to life? Why, aren’t there enough people alive who already exist to do the work that this corpse did? Yes, up to x y and more. So personally, I don’t see any point in this at all. But I pulled my uncle out almost from the Other World, because even though he is a shitty Orthodox Christian, he is my own, dear, younger brother my own mother, and it was still too early for him to die then. Well, the fact that he doesn’t even suspect that it couldn’t have happened without me is even better: you know less, you sleep better, since he loves to boast that he babysat me when I was little and taught me to read and write. Well, why would I take this away from a person? Let him feel like a benefactor. Or look, our ex drove, who now helps me in some matters at work: I actually pulled this one out of intensive care twice, since he is a reliable person and is always happy to provide me with any help, regardless of our ideological differences on issues of God. But if before the first resuscitation he didn’t even want to listen to me at all, then after the second resuscitation he listens like a darling attentively. Well, what direct benefit do you bring to me, so that I would want to resurrect you if you accidentally die? Not at all. To yours workplace there will be a hundred others even better than you, and replacing you is easier than peeing on your fingers. Well, why the hell am I going to resurrect any of you or your corpses if God decided to kill you? He knows better what kind of nits you are, and that you are just nits, I can see for myself. So, Slava, don’t even dream that those who know how to resurrect will begin to work on you and your corpses. There is a Ministry of Health for you, and if the doctor said: “To the morgue,” then there’s no fucking way that you can still live, and your job is to obediently follow the orderly to the morgue and lie down on the couch for autopsy to make a diagnosis: “Died from autopsy,” and that’s it. And fuck you, not the miracles of God, but for you only Science, Medicine, Technology, Glass, Concrete and the Kingdom of stuffy asphalt, electronics instead of brains, chemistry instead of food, silicone sex toys, purchased education diplomas without the education itself and so on, well, a brick instead of brains. So, Slava, what to kill a person, what to resurrect is elementary, it’s just that no one needs him from those who know how to do this with the help of God, since with the help of God nothing at all has ever been impossible, no and never will be. And the only thing that is necessary for this: to make yourself such that God WANTS to help you in your affairs, even if you need someone who is destined to die according to Fate, but you really need him, then God will meet you halfway, and to To the surprise of the luminaries of Medicine and to spite them, a person returns from the Other World, his body shows miracles of healing, and you receive him from intensive care, ready to continue to provide you with assistance in what you needed from him while he was lying in intensive care. And I look at my friend at work: he walks, mutters, sometimes swears, does different things, but this makes me happy and my heart fills with gratitude to God. Well, the fact that he may not have wanted to come back doesn’t bother me one bit: I NEED him here for now, alive and relatively healthy, and I have this by God’s mercy towards me. Well, you guys, look closer to those who can bring you back to life, if only they need you, well, or you yourself become such that God Himself will resurrect you if anything happens. Well, no, no, live like all “normal” people and don’t bother with what you don’t believe in, because there is only benefit from what or who you believe in, and if you don’t believe, then you too x y to someone or someone in whom you do not believe, for the force of action is equal to the force of reaction, and showing disbelief in God, a person himself removes himself into the distant distance, while simultaneously remaining at a very close distance from Him, like that rocket that moves away from him , from which I received an impetus. But the charge will run out, and it will fall again to the ground from which it pushed off, because to enter orbit and further from it, excuse me, it’s not possible to fly with your fuse, and where the hell are you going to go from Space, even if you break away from the Earth ... And in general, those born to crawl cannot fly.

Is it possible to resurrect a person from the dead? The ritual of resurrection from the dead is perhaps the most mystical of the rituals practiced by voodoo priests. But is a miracle really happening, or are all the manipulations of priests and sorcerers explained only by the effect of some drugs and a hypnotic effect on a living person? Is it possible that all the stories about the miraculous resurrection of people by them are nothing more than a skillful falsification?

This is how the French traveler Francois Alexis, who visited the Republic of Benin, describes the ritual of resurrection.

“It was about three weeks after my arrival in Abomey before I, with the help of a fair amount of ten-franc notes, succeeded in persuading Ngambe to show me one of the resurrection ceremonies.

We rode a few miles from Abomea and reached a gorge into which a road rather like a path led. Winding along the slope, it climbed up a steep valley. At the end of the climb there was a small clearing. Ngambe warned me to remain completely silent. I don’t know what he wanted - either to hide my presence, or to make me feel how difficult it was for him to arrange this “secret” visit.

From Ngambe's explanations it was clear that we were attending a rite of resurrection from dead person, attacked by spirits sent by a medicine man from a neighboring village. The fetish priests of the village of the unfortunate man gathered to destroy or neutralize the power of the spirits who “killed” their ward.

We took cover in the bushes about fifty feet from a clearing where a group of natives had gathered. It was clear to me that Ngambe, in order to “arrange” my presence, shared the money he received from me with the ceremony participants. Although it was getting late in the evening, I still took my camera with me, but, to my great regret, there was not enough light for filming.

The man was lying on the ground, showing no signs of life. I noticed that one of his ears was half chopped off, but it was an old wound

no further signs of violence were visible. A group of blacks stood around him, some were completely naked, others were wearing long, unbelted shirts. Among them were several priests, who could be distinguished by a tuft of hair on their shaved head. A steady noise of voices could be heard: preparations were underway for the ceremony.

Everything was in charge of an old man in an old, faded army jacket that hung loosely to his knees. He shouted at the others, waving his arms. On his wrist was an ivory bracelet. The old man was obviously the chief priest of the fetish, and he was supposed to drive out evil spirits today.

Suddenly several people with quick steps They approached the lifeless body stretched out on the ground, picked it up, carried it to the center of the clearing and very casually lowered it to the ground. One could believe that the person was dead or very close to death. The two men began beating drums made from hollow stumps of tree trunks.

The drummers were young guys who clearly did not belong to the temple servants. Their muscles stood out like tight knots under their dark shiny skin, their faces were motionless. The rhythmic movements of their hands had a hypnotizing effect. Their hair was braided in braids, decorated with white and red bone beads.

The chief priest, whose clothing consisted only of a red jacket and beads, began to dance rhythmically around the body stretched out on the ground, muttering something in a low monotonous voice. His robe fluttered comically as he danced, revealing his black, shiny buttocks as he swayed from side to side to the rhythm of the drums. I leaned over and said to Ngamba, “I am a doctor. I would like to examine the person and make sure that he is really dead. Can you arrange this?

Ngambe resolutely refused, but eventually stood up and walked forward. Brief negotiations took place: the old priest stopped his dance, said something sharply, the others nodded their heads in agreement. Finally Ngambe returned. “Are you really a doctor?” - he asked. I confirmed, choosing not to go into the subtle differences between my profession as a dentist and other areas of medical practice. Ngambe signaled to follow him.

"Don't touch!" - he ordered sharply. I nodded in agreement and knelt next to the prostrate body. The dance stopped and the spectators gathered around, watching me with curiosity. Lying on the ground was a healthy young guy, over six feet tall, with a broad chest and strong arms. I sat down so as to shield him with my body, and with a quick movement I lifted his eyelids to check his pupillary reaction. There was no reaction. I also tried to feel the pulse. He wasn't there. There was no sign of a heartbeat.

Suddenly there was a noise from behind, as if everyone sighed in unison. I turned to Ngamba. Malice sparkled in his eyes, and his face was distorted with horror. "He will die!" - he told me in French. - “You touched him. He will die." “He’s already dead, Ngambe,” I said, getting up. - “This is a crime. I must inform the French police."

Ngambe was still shaking his head when the old priest suddenly resumed his dance around the body. I stood at a distance, not knowing what to do. The situation was not pleasant. Although I did not feel much fear, knowing that the fear of the French police would protect me from any violence, there was much in the actions of these people that I did not understand, and they could easily turn out to be dangerous. I remembered the story of a Belgian policeman who was killed, torn into several hundred pieces and made into fetishes because he interfered with the ritual of the tribe's worship of their fetish.

We were surrounded by a group of thirty people. In low voices they sang a rhythmic song. It was something between a howl and a growl. They sang faster and louder. It seemed that the dead would hear these sounds. Imagine my surprise when that’s exactly what happened!

The “dead” suddenly ran his hand across his chest and tried to turn around. The screams of the people around him merged into a continuous scream. The drums began to beat even more furiously. Finally, the lying man turned, tucked his legs under him and slowly stood up on all fours. His eyes, which a few minutes ago had not responded to light, were now wide open and looking at us.

I would need to take his pulse to know if there was any drug involved. However, Ngambe, concerned about my presence at such a moment, tried to take me away from the circle of dancers. Then I asked him if this man was really dead. Ngambe, shrugging his bony shoulders, replied: “Man does not die. The spirit kills him. If the spirit no longer desires his death, he lives.”

He spoke a mixture of Kiswahili with Portuguese, French and English. The meaning of his words was that the person on whom the ritual had just been performed was “killed” by a spirit sent by the keeper of the fetish, who acted at the instigation of his enemy. This spirit entered the human body and first caused his illness and then his death. However, in a short period after death, it is still possible to return a person’s soul to the body if the evil spirit is expelled from there. By touching the man with my hands, I almost ruined the whole thing.

It seems to me that this man was given some kind of alkaloid, which caused a state of catalepsy or trance, and his body seemed lifeless. On the other hand, he could be in a state of deep hypnotic sleep. The most amazing thing to me was that a man who was in a state in which he did not respond to ordinary tests was brought out of it without the help of drugs or known stimulants, and even without the touch of human hands.

Later, when telling a representative of the French administration about this matter, I became convinced that I was not the only white person present at such a ceremony. It was not difficult to obtain the consent of the fetish priest, naturally, for the appropriate fee. Although the voodoo cult is officially prohibited, the French police do not want to quarrel with the priests and turn a blind eye to their activities.

But their activities cause great harm. Using drugs or hypnosis, they completely enslave their victims. Under psychological pressure The priest's people become his weak-willed tools. It is impossible to imagine even approximately how many hidden crimes the voodoo priests commit in this way.”

according to the book V.A. Shemshuk "BABA YAGS - who are they?"
Postal address of the publishing house: 123182, Moscow, p.o. box, Shemshuku V.A.
E-mail: [email protected]

How to revive a dead person

Russian healers could revive killed or dead people. I was particularly interested in this question and found ancient way of revival, described in the 19th century by Zabylin, but before that I myself discovered similar method. I will give my observations and reasoning on this issue.

Most failures in resuscitation of people who died violently from suffocation (hanging), drowning, electric shock, freezing, shock, poisoning, heart attack are associated with ineffective methods of resuscitation And with the misconception that brain cells die within the first five to six minutes. In reality, this is not so; nerve cells, on the contrary, live much longer than all other cells, since they are most protected from external and internal influences.

As a student Medical Institute and while working as a paramedic on a rescue team, I became familiar with the statistics of water rescues over many years.

As a rule, if a person was without air for 4-6 minutes, he was able to start his heartbeat and breathing, but it was not possible to bring him to consciousness and the ambulance taking him to the hospital was forced to turn into the morgue. People who were without air for more than this time never returned to life.

The reason for dying lies not in the weak viability of brain cells, but in a decrease in the temperature of the blood of the head, and since most of the vessels in the head are thinner than a human hair, the blood, thickened by cooling, becomes impossible to move through the thinnest capillaries, and therefore the power of the brain is turned off. This is why it is not possible to bring a person to his senses (consciousness), despite the fact that his heartbeat and breathing are restored, even after three hours being in the water.

To the person clinically dead, it is necessary, first of all, to warm up the head, and if he has rigor mortis, then the whole body. Therefore, the Russians used a bathhouse when reviving.

From physiology it is known that biochemical reactions in human body occur at a temperature of 36.6, and in order to start them, a temperature of 38 ° C is needed. Therefore, a bath was necessary.

Working as a paramedic in a rescue team, my duties included checking the condition of divers before they dived. Since such dives were extremely rare, I was assigned to one of the city’s beaches. We didn’t have days off as such; it was believed that we took them off in the winter, so we had to be on the beach every day without any days off.

We agreed with my partner, also a lifeguard, to change periodically, and then one day, when it was my turn to be on duty alone, I did not have a rescue boat, because the motor was damaged, and the partner who was responsible for it could not fix the problem in time. I, like all the vacationers, was just sunbathing with everyone else on the beach.

And suddenly, the people lying next to me ran - an emergency occurred - a girl drowned. I first noted the time and, after questioning eyewitnesses, I also climbed into the water to save. The girl was pulled out of the water by those who came to the beach with her. I looked at the time - 12 minutes had passed. They pumped the water out of her and began giving her mouth-to-mouth artificial respiration. Although it was my job, no one perceived me as a rescuer, and also as a paramedic.

Fearing legitimate popular anger, they say, why do we need such rescuers who don’t even have a proper boat (and even more so possible dismissal, since for me, a medical student, better work: it wasn’t), I modestly stood nearby and gave advice, although the guys did everything correctly without my advice.

Her heart began to beat and she began to breathe, although every doctor knows; that this could only be a temporary effect, the main thing was that she regain consciousness. According to all today's canons, she had no chance of salvation.

When I suggested that someone warm it up with their body (as the peoples of the north do when they revive frozen people, and as the Germans learned to revive it in SS dungeons), my proposal remained unheeded. However, when her heart stopped again once again and I, after stimulating it, suggested rubbing her temples with vodka and applying a rag with vodka to her forehead (there was nothing else at hand) to warm up her brain and then turn her over on her back so that it would be fresh. blood entered the front lobes of the brain, my proposal was accepted and carried out.

On top of the vodka compress I put a plastic bag, which I pressed with my hands to her head. Although she did not come to her senses, her heart did not stop. And so, as it seemed to me, endlessly for a long time she moaned and her body shook. She slowly came to her senses. The ancient method of revival worked.

I did not report this case to my superiors, because for me it would mean dismissal, since we could not repair the boat in time, and most importantly, I would have to say goodbye to my dream of graduating from the Medical Institute. But apparently, one of the vacationers nevertheless reported this incident to my superiors and that during the incident the rescuers were not on site. In any case, my relationship with them suddenly deteriorated and my partner and I were soon fired.

Of course, this revival could have been a pure coincidence and I could not prove it to anyone using one example. That's why I began to collect cases of revival when not 10 minutes passed, but several hours, days and even months. I did not stop my research and already, as a student at the Faculty of Biology (I had to leave the medical institute because there was no evening department there, and I had to work somewhere), I went to do coursework at the morgue.

As a result of my research, I discovered that up to almost three days in a person, biologically active points continue to function in the same way as in a living person, and in people who died a violent death they persist for up to a month, or maybe more, just other corpses during the period of my work they didn’t bring it over the coursework.

Although the topic course work I was eventually cheated on, but it was at that time that I came to the conclusion that there is no difference between suspended animation in animals, lethargic sleep, and death in humans.
Rodents, bears and others higher species mammals, each time hibernating, actually seem to die, but come to life with an increase in ambient temperature.

John Wright in his book “Witness to Witchcraft” described how African shamans revive warriors who were killed a day ago. Before being revived, he recorded a cat-like pupil and the absence of any pulse in all of them. And after the ceremony, to which he was not allowed, all the dead were alive.

The main thing when reviving is that the body temperature does not fall below 36.6, especially the head temperature.

And second, a person must periodically roll over onto his or her back, since the center of will (consciousness), located in the central frontal lobe of the brain, should not be drained of blood. Because when the heart stops as a result of prolonged lying on your back, there is a natural outflow of blood from the forehead.

There is no death at all, but there is, as it were, unfavorable conditions, in which the body is forced to stop all processes occurring in it, but if you correctly prepare the body for revival, then death can always be defeated.

Pathanatomists know well that if a deceased person, after an autopsy, chest touch the heart, the whole body shudders, and often the heart begins to beat after that. In this case, teachers say; that these are residual reflexes, in fact, this is evidence that the deceased person is alive and ready to wake up and live if they do not cut him and then bury him in the ground.

If you have left your body and are watching how they are trying to resuscitate you, then know that these attempts will be ineffective on the part of the doctors if you do not enter back into your body.

If the doctors were unable to resuscitate you and gave up their attempts, and you know that you can still live and live, then leave the body again and begin to stimulate your life energy.

Mentally lift your right and left arms in the rhythm of your heartbeat - 12 times. Then, with the same frequency, tilt your neck forward and back, also 12 times. After this, bow 180 degrees also 12 times. After this, tense all the muscles in your body. If you fail to wince, repeat these exercises again in the same sequence. Don't let yourself be distracted: no visiting relatives and "good beings". You are more needed here.

There is practically no death as such. In our Russian language there are no words denoting death. The word “death” itself means “in moderation”, other words: introduce yourself, rest, move away, kill, die, play in the box, lethal outcome, etc. in the past meant completely different actions, which follow from the analysis of the roots of these words, but not death at all.

And this indicates that death on Earth as a phenomenon appeared quite recently, since the original meaning of the words meaning death today has not yet disappeared. Old Russian name of a deceased person, preserved to this day - “deceased”, i.e. asleep. In other words, our ancestors, unlike us, knew well that death is just a dream that ends one day.

Judging by the crypts and dolmens that are still found in some places in Russia, we can conclude that until quite recently our ancestors treated death not as a departure from life, but as a transformation. After all, you can leave both the crypt and the dolmen.

With the advent of Catholicism in Russia, it was prescribed to bury the dead in the ground, and crypts and dolmens were prohibited, despite this, the Cossacks continued to leave “pipes” for the dead so that the resurrected deceased could call for help and would not suffocate in his coffin.

If you look at the entire established tradition of funerals, you can come to the unequivocal conclusion that everything was and is being done so that a person, having recovered from suspended animation, could not get out of his burial place.

First they came up with the idea of ​​putting a stone on the grave. Since this did not help and some still managed to somehow get out, they came up with a gravestone covering the entire grave. However, there were cases when people somehow got out of it, tearing off their nails and tearing their fingers bloody, which, by the way, were preserved in stories written in the 19th century and told even in our time in pioneer camps.

Naturally, such cases excited the public. Therefore, it was invented to use wooden coffins with a lid nailed down, and the revived person had no chance of getting out of it.

After the establishment of Soviet power, when Catholicism, already as a tradition, was freely introduced into Russian culture, mandatory autopsies of dead people were prescribed so as not to leave the dead any chance of resurrection, and cries for help that were periodically heard from the graves no longer aroused the public against doctors.

But doctors, of course, are not to blame. The occupiers are to blame for imposing the idea of ​​death on us.
There is no death as such in nature, there is only our idea of ​​it as a certain inevitable necessity, which affirms death on Earth. In fact, death is indistinguishable from lethargic sleep - suspended animation, through which many animals go through every year.

Lethargic sleep (death) was created by our ancestors specifically as a protective reaction of the body, having passed through - which, a person was rejuvenated, due to autolysis (dissolution) - of accumulated protein globules that clogged the cells of the body.

But in medicine, the opinion is being propagated that autolysis supposedly processes all the insides of the cell, which is absolutely not true. In a lethargic sleep, a person hears and even sees everything, but cannot move until transformation processes take place in him. It is no coincidence that people who have gone through lethargic sleep (death) have many sensitive abilities.

All of the above allows us to draw an unambiguous conclusion that the illusion of death, imposed on us by the invaders as a means of punishing a person, has become a reality, although in essence it remains imaginary.

It is no coincidence that excavations of old cemeteries when there were no autopsies yet show that buried people find themselves upside down in their coffins.

In other words, almost all people who have died, if there was no autopsy, come to life again and discover with horror that they are buried alive. Therefore we need to reconsider modern conditions burials of people. And again start burying (i.e., hiding from animals and birds, and not burying in the ground) dead people in crypts.

Since for many today the crypt will not be affordable, you can use the ready-made premises of the upper Tartarus, which are located under all the currently existing cities and are now empty. Or caves where the temperature is the same in summer and winter.

Before placing a person in a crypt, he must in modern ways cleanse the stomach, intestines, mouth and ears and perform resuscitation every nine months in the ancient Russian way.

This raises a number of philosophical questions - is it necessary to do this? Is it worth reviving many dead?? A small survey on how long people would like to live showed that people do NOT want to live to a ripe old age, because of a difficult, joyless and unpromising life.
