The Russian Orthodox Church will defrock a Tomsk priest for having sex with a girl. Tomsk priest suspected of molesting girls was taken into custody

Tomsk November 30. INTERFAX - The Asinovsky City Court of the Tomsk Region has sentenced a local priest accused of pedophilia.

In particular, the defendant was sentenced to ten years in a maximum security colony with restriction of freedom for two years, the press service of the regional court told Interfax on Thursday.

The court also banned him from holding positions related to working with children for a period of 15 years and partially satisfied the claims of the victims - the convicted person will pay each of the victims 100 thousand rubles, a total of 200 thousand rubles.

As reported, the Tomsk diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church in September suspended from service a priest from one of the villages of the Asinovsky district, suspected of having an intimate relationship with an underage girl.

According to investigators, the rector of a rural church for a long time had an intimate relationship with two minor parishioners. He was accused of committing crimes under Part 2 of Article 135 (depraved acts), Part 3 of Article 134 (sexual intercourse and other actions of a sexual nature with a person under sixteen years of age), paragraph “a” of Part 3 of Art. .132 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (violent acts of a sexual nature).

The man did not admit his guilt.

How it was:

In the Tomsk region there is another high-profile sex scandal, and again related to violence against minors. This time the abbot of the Russian Orthodox Church from the Asinovsky district, who molested a 12-year-old parishioner, the girl was a singer in the local church choir. Information about this appeared last week, and had the effect of a bomb exploding - many Tomsk and federal media wrote about it. Now criminal cases have been opened against the “child lover”. Almost immediately it became known who the “pedophile in a cassock” was - he turned out to be the rector of the Church of the Holy Blessed Prince Alexander Nevsky in the village of Novonikolaevka, Asinovsky district, Priest Evgeniy Volkov.

The priest was appointed rector of the temple in the village 8 years ago, in 2008, after the construction of the temple, which had been going on for five years, was completed. According to investigators, Father Evgeniy’s relationship with 12-year-old church choir singer Lena U. began around three years back. According to information from law enforcement agencies, a girl from a local large family suffered from the actions of the priest.

Stoker for sex

The girl started going to church at the age of 10, sources from the Investigative Committee said, she is from a devout family, she sang in church and helped. After some time, priest Evgeniy began to pay increased attention to her, hugging her, kissing her. She didn't react at first. Then he began to force her to have sex. As a result, when Lena turned 12 years old, they began an intimate relationship with the priest.

Were there several casualties?

True, the victim is now defending the priest in every possible way. It turns out that over the years of the relationship she managed to fall in love with Evgeniy’s father and even planned to run away from home to be with him. The situation is especially piquant because Priest Evgeny Volkov himself is married and has a young daughter. Obviously, in a fit of passion for the 12-year-old singer, nothing stopped him, neither monastic vows, nor marriage, nor the Lord God himself. Currently, forensic and medical examinations have been ordered. It is also possible that Evgeniy Volkov had sexual relations and with other minor children from the local church choir, the girls from it speak enthusiastically about the priest. True, children from such organizations, as a rule, rarely make contact (even with the investigation) and tell something. Moreover, they are strictly dependent on the church leadership.

Later, the Tomsk Metropolis commented on what happened, stating that Evgeniy Volkov had been removed from the post of rector. True, they commented on everything there quite sparingly.

“As soon as information was received about the initiation of a criminal case, the priest was removed from ministry and removed from the position of rector,” said the head of the information department of the Tomsk Metropolis of the Russian Orthodox Church, priest Dionisy Zemlyanov, “an internal audit is being carried out in the metropolis.” If his guilt is proven, he will be defrocked and can never be a priest again.

The Investigative Directorate of the Russian Federation for the Tomsk Region commented sparingly on the facts of the investigative check to journalists, citing the illegality of disseminating information about minor victims in criminal cases. This is a little strange, because before, especially after the capture of a local pedophile from the Krasnoyarsk Territory, who raped a 12-year-old schoolgirl and tried to rape a 9-year-old girl, they gave quite detailed comments about what happened. And now it’s like I’ve filled my mouth with water. Why? Are our priests higher than everyone else?

True, the Investigative Directorate later reported that two criminal cases had already been opened against the priest - for the molestation of two sisters aged 12 and 13 years. On September 19, the priest was taken into custody and will be in jail for a month.

It is worth mentioning the position of Evgeniy Volkov; he does not admit his guilt, believing that he was subjected to a slander by the girls’ mother. Some residents of the village of Novonikolaevka also do not believe in his guilt, and are already collecting signatures in defense of the priest. True, the priest really had some kind of attraction to the girls from this family, which is confirmed by numerous photos with them, and the words of the girls themselves do not leave any ambiguous interpretations.

How many victims were there from the local church choir?

Temple against the backdrop of destruction

It is worth telling a little about the temple itself, where Priest Evgeniy Volkov worked as a priest for almost 8 years. The temple in the name of the Holy Blessed Grand Duke Alexander Nevsky in the village of Novonikolaevka was built on the initiative and with funds general director plant "Radius" in St. Petersburg, Yuri Mikhailovich Likhachev, who was born in this village and with the construction of the temple expressed his love for his Siberian homeland. The temple took five years to build and was consecrated by Archbishop of Tomsk and Asinovsky Rostislav on December 6, 2007. and became the main architectural structure of the village, it was even recognized

winner of the competition “Seven Wonders of the Asinovsky District” and included in the list of attractions of the Chulym land.

Special attractions of the temple are the painted five-tiered iconostasis, made in the traditions of ancient Russian icon painting, and the belfry with a set of bells, the largest of which weighs 1200 kg. Five years ago, December 6, 2011 Archbishop of Tomsk and Asinovsky Rostislav consecrated the foundation stone at the site of the future construction of the bell tower. Tens of millions of rubles from a variety of sponsors were spent on the construction of the church and bell tower over the course of 5 years.

The village did not spare money for the new temple and bells.....

The new temple stands out against the background of devastation and general desolation in the city of Asino, Asinovsky district and in the village of Novonikolaevka. The red brick temple looks especially bright against the backdrop of the local school, which is in far from the best condition, and the local rickety huts. Obviously, huge funds, tens of millions of rubles, were finally found for an active spiritual life in a poor village, abandoning everything else, but she still went somewhere in the wrong direction. The priest himself had previously been actively involved in “spiritual revival” in the village of Novonikolaevka, and gave the following comments to journalists.

“With the advent of the temple, a lot has changed in the spiritual life of the villagers,” Evgeny Volkov reported in 2015, in an interview with one of the local newspapers, “people come here from different villages. Here they are spiritually born and go into another world. If there were no temple, the routine of life would completely consume people. And so many of them find the meaning of life, feel the presence of God, and begin to strive for something. A village without a temple is like a person without a soul. Our temple works not only according to schedule, but also at will. When a person comes during “after-hours” hours and wants to pray, ask for advice, or just talk, I always open a church. At our church there are so-called Sunday meetings for everyone - both children and adults. While drinking tea, we talk, watch, and then discuss historical spiritual films.

What exactly this priest discussed with his minor children during his numerous “tea parties” and what “spiritual films” he actually watched with them in private is best left without comment. Let the investigative authorities answer these questions better.

As it became known yesterday, in the Tomsk region, a 33-year-old priest of one of the village churches is suspected of seducing a minor parishioner and of violence against another rural schoolgirl. The situation received wide publicity from a small village in the Tomsk region: local priest Alexander (name changed) is now in custody on suspicion of several crimes related to sexual relations and harassment of minors. Namely, the schoolgirl Ira and her older sister allegedly became victims of the priest’s love fervor. For such actions, he is promised 15 years in prison under the articles “Sexual intercourse with a person who has reached the age of twelve, but has not reached the age of fourteen” and “Violent acts of a sexual nature committed against a minor.”

The press service of the Tomsk diocese explained to us that the initiation of a case against one of their wards became known on August 23.

Based on the materials provided to the diocese, a decision was made to remove the priest from service. An internal investigation is currently underway. No one from the diocese commission communicated with the girl; information about the incident was received from the words of the mother of the alleged victim,” explained the representative of the Tomsk diocese, Dionisy Zemlyanov.

We tried to understand this story.

In front of mother's eyes

Initially, the story began with the fact that a local resident, popularly known as Lucien, contacted law enforcement agencies. The villager stated that for several years a non-spiritual relationship continued between her minor daughter and the rector of the local church. According to the woman, her daughter Ira (name changed) began singing in the church choir at the age of 10. After some time, the priest began to show her signs of attention. When the schoolgirl turned 12 years old, a relationship began between Ira and Alexander.

She told me yesterday. She asked him: “When did you notice me?” First he asked her - when she noticed him, she noticed him as a man. Then she him. He says: “Do you remember, we went to Alexander, your dress had a slit.” She was still 12 years old then, they went in the summer and looked at the goats. And he said: “Then I saw your breasts and realized that you would be mine,” says the mother of the girl Lucien.

The woman assures that the priest has organized a place in the fireplace of the temple for love pleasures. He also convinced the girl to come to his house, even when his wife was at home.

Mother is upstairs in charge of the children, and he is downstairs with Lena in the fireplace on the sofa. He slowly corrupted her with conversations and touches. Two years ago they began having a sexual relationship. Then he began to pester his second daughter, Nastya. But he was rougher with her: he even strangled her, tried to force her. But God saved me,” Ira Lucien’s mother said with tears in her eyes.

Exemplary "father"

Both the parishioners and the diocese speak extremely positively about Priest Alexander. Kind, sympathetic, will never refuse help, even if it does not concern church matters. Arriving at the temple as rector immediately after its construction was completed in 2008, he immediately built the most trusting relationships with the parishioners. Therefore, the news about what happened caused a real shock among the villagers: no one could believe it.

“I live with my father on the same street, almost next door,” a representative of the local village administration told us. “I often see the priest walking with children; he and his mother have two of them: the eldest is five years old, and the youngest is not even two. He and his wife lived very peacefully and often received guests. Including family members (ed. of the alleged victim) of the girl. At a certain point, her mother actively began attending church and campaigning for children and local residents to attend services.

It is noteworthy that Lucienne has four children and all from different husbands. By the way, she took one of them from her own relative. But the men did not take root in her house - they ran away from characterful woman, frightened by the hysterical disposition. It is interesting that she categorically forbade her daughters Ira and Nastya to see their father, despite the fact that he came and asked for it. Lucienne was unapproachable and decided that the girls did not need him.

I remember how once, when the girls were little, a man walked into the fence kindergarten, the sisters ran to him and threw themselves on his neck. Lucena, having learned about this, began to write endless complaints about the preschool institution and create scandals, the administration representative added.

A conflict also occurred with the priest, to the point that the woman was excommunicated from church sacraments for a month. No one really knows what exactly happened, but such a severe punishment by religious standards was handed down by the priest for a reason. Moreover, people say that Lucien tried to take her mother’s place and showed signs of attention to her father, trying to arrange her personal life.

After Ira ran away from home to a local resident Nina, her mother began to attract the attention of the villagers and began accusing the priest of all sins, including writing a statement against him to the police: he allegedly raped his youngest at the age of 12, and I decided to take the older one into circulation later. The woman liked handing out comments left and right: a lot of attention, no responsibility.

Church choir girl

Everyone knew that Ira was passionate about singing in church. Seeing that the girl is very active in social life, no one doubted its correct orientation. Therefore, when she announced that she was helping the priest in church, at school and at home they only supported her.

She was always very active girl, - said the school director. - Never missed classes, participated in all events district level. Lately, however, she has begun to disappear from church. She said that she helps the priest and sings in the choir.

Local residents actually saw the girl in the company of a clergyman, but in public places. They communicated during church services, but there was no talk of any close connection with Ira or her sister. But some villagers characterized Ira ambiguously.

The schoolgirl sometimes behaved defiantly. Once, during one of the lessons, I asked the teacher for the whole class why she was so fat. “Once I ruined the school flowers by deliberately knocking over the pots,” noted a representative of the administration. - It seems that she is deliberately inflating the conflict around herself related to the priest in order to add to her fame.

The mother of the alleged victim continues to fan the scandal. The woman claims that she cannot live in a village where everyone is discussing and condemning her. Local residents, in turn, deny the persecution of the family.

There is no pressure on this family in the village. I myself was personally at the assembly dedicated to the Day of Knowledge. The children behaved appropriately, the girls performed at the festival, no one pointed a finger at them,” a representative of the local administration concluded.

Meanwhile, the villagers have come to the priest’s defense and are collecting signatures so that he can be released pending trial. Lucienne does not intend to give up her position, and in the fight for the truth she decided to reach the capital. The Investigative Committee has so far declined to comment - protecting the rights of minors. And no one manages to communicate with the victim herself. The investigation is in full swing, the results of which we will learn later.

Pedophile in a cassock. How many children did the priest molest?

In the Tomsk region there is another high-profile sex scandal, and again related to violence against minors. This time, the rector of the Russian Orthodox Church from the Asinovsky district was involved in the case, who molested a 12-year-old parishioner; the girl was a singer in the local church choir. Information about this appeared last week, and had the effect of a bomb exploding - many Tomsk and federal media wrote about it. Now criminal cases have been opened against the “child lover”. Almost immediately it became known who the “pedophile in a cassock” was - he turned out to be the rector of the Church of the Holy Blessed Prince Alexander Nevsky in the village of Novonikolaevka, Asinovsky district, Priest Evgeniy Volkov.

The priest was appointed rector of the temple in the village 8 years ago, in 2008, after the construction of the temple, which had been going on for five years, was completed. According to investigators, Father Evgeniy’s relationship with 12-year-old church choir singer Lena U. began about three years ago. According to information from law enforcement agencies, a girl from a local large family suffered from the actions of the priest.

Stoker for sex

The girl started going to church at the age of 10, sources from the Investigative Committee said, she is from a devout family, she sang in church and helped. After some time, priest Evgeniy began to pay increased attention to her, hugging her, kissing her. She didn't react at first. Then he began to force her to have sex. As a result, when Lena turned 12 years old, they began an intimate relationship with the priest.

Priest Evgeniy Volkov

Were there several casualties?

True, the victim is now defending the priest in every possible way. It turns out that over the years of the relationship she managed to fall in love with Evgeniy’s father and even planned to run away from home to be with him. The situation is especially piquant because Priest Evgeniy Volkov himself is married and has a young daughter. Obviously, in a fit of passion for the 12-year-old singer, nothing stopped him, neither monastic vows, nor marriage, nor the Lord God himself. Currently, forensic and medical examinations have been ordered. It is also possible that Evgeniy Volkov had sexual relations with other minor children from the local church choir; the girls from it speak enthusiastically about the priest. True, children from such organizations, as a rule, rarely make contact (even with the investigation) and tell something. Moreover, they are strictly dependent on the church leadership.

Later, the Tomsk Metropolis commented on what happened, stating that Evgeniy Volkov had been removed from the post of rector. True, they commented on everything there quite sparingly.

“As soon as information was received about the initiation of a criminal case, the priest was removed from ministry and removed from the position of rector,” said the head of the information department of the Tomsk Metropolis of the Russian Orthodox Church, priest Dionisy Zemlyanov, “an internal audit is being carried out in the metropolis.” If his guilt is proven, he will be defrocked and can never be a priest again.

The Investigative Directorate of the Russian Federation for the Tomsk Region commented sparingly on the facts of the investigative check to journalists, citing the illegality of disseminating information about minor victims in criminal cases. This is a little strange, because before, especially after the capture of a local pedophile from the Krasnoyarsk Territory, who raped a 12-year-old schoolgirl and tried to rape a 9-year-old girl, they gave quite detailed comments about what happened. And now it’s like I’ve filled my mouth with water. Why? Are our priests higher than everyone else?

True, the Investigative Directorate later reported that two criminal cases had already been opened against the priest - for the molestation of two sisters aged 12 and 13 years. On September 19, the priest was taken into custody and will be in jail for a month.

It is worth mentioning the position of Evgeniy Volkov; he does not admit his guilt, believing that he was subjected to a slander by the girls’ mother. Some residents of the village of Novonikolaevka also do not believe in his guilt, and are already collecting signatures in defense of the priest. True, the priest really had some kind of attraction to the girls from this family, which is confirmed by numerous photos with them, and the words of the girls themselves do not leave any ambiguous interpretations.

How many victims were there from the local church choir?

Temple against the backdrop of destruction

It is worth telling a little about the temple itself, where Priest Evgeniy Volkov worked as a priest for almost 8 years. The temple in the name of the Holy Blessed Grand Duke Alexander Nevsky in the village of Novonikolaevka was built on the initiative and at the expense of the general director of the Radius plant in St. Petersburg, Yuri Mikhailovich Likhachev, who was born in this village and with the construction of the temple expressed his love for his Siberian homeland. The temple took five years to build and was consecrated by Archbishop of Tomsk and Asinovsky Rostislav on December 6, 2007. and became the main architectural structure of the village, it was even recognized

winner of the competition “Seven Wonders of the Asinovsky District” and included in the list of attractions of the Chulym land.

Special attractions of the temple are the painted five-tiered iconostasis, made in the traditions of ancient Russian icon painting, and the belfry with a set of bells, the largest of which weighs 1200 kg. Five years ago, December 6, 2011 Archbishop of Tomsk and Asinovsky Rostislav consecrated the foundation stone at the site of the future construction of the bell tower. Tens of millions of rubles from a variety of sponsors were spent on the construction of the church and bell tower over the course of 5 years.

The village did not spare money for the new temple and bells.....

The new temple stands out against the background of devastation and general desolation in the city of Asino, Asinovsky district and in the village of Novonikolaevka. The red brick temple looks especially bright against the backdrop of the local school, which is in far from the best condition, and the local rickety huts. Obviously, huge funds, tens of millions of rubles, were finally found for an active spiritual life in a poor village, abandoning everything else, but she still went somewhere in the wrong direction. The priest himself had previously been actively involved in “spiritual revival” in the village of Novonikolaevka, and gave the following comments to journalists.

“With the advent of the temple, a lot has changed in the spiritual life of the villagers,” Evgeny Volkov reported in 2015, in an interview with one of the local newspapers, “people come here from different villages. Here they are spiritually born and go into another world. If there were no temple, the routine of life would completely consume people. And so many of them find the meaning of life, feel the presence of God, and begin to strive for something. A village without a temple is like a person without a soul. Our temple works not only according to schedule, but also at will. When a person comes during “after-hours” hours and wants to pray, ask for advice, or just talk, I always open a church. At our church there are so-called Sunday meetings for everyone - both children and adults. While drinking tea, we talk, watch, and then discuss historical spiritual films.

What exactly this priest discussed with his minor children during his numerous “tea parties” and what “spiritual films” he actually watched with them in private is best left without comment. Let the investigative authorities answer these questions better.

What can't be said about school and everything else.....

Photo -

Asino Volkov children Novonikolevka molested expenses priest criminal case Nevsky Temple


The story about Novosobornaya is ambiguous. Of course, it will not be returned to the church. But organizing mass celebrations in a churchyard is also not human. After all, there are still burials there; before the demolition of the temple, they were located within its fence. They are even marked tombstones: one mass grave in the southern part of the square, opposite the SFTI, is the grave of the victims of the revolution. The second burial is single, in the northern part of the square.

Why are we minus? Don't like what I wrote about your dancing on bones? So write a post here about moving the burial grounds from Novosobornaya to a more suitable place, for example, to the Southern Cemetery, to the war memorial. And start a signature campaign here. Send a copy to the city hall website. Maybe you will be able to do something useful for Tomsk at least once in your life. And finally, everything will be right on the square and everyone will be happy. Except for the Russian Orthodox Church, of course))
But this is unlikely to happen. It’s easier to be indignant online and downvote the truth))

The Bolsheviks did not finish off the mummers

You understand that the church is one of the tools for manipulating people, and the authorities will never give up on it...

The time has not yet come. The mummers will outlive themselves and completely compromise themselves in the light of their own concepts. For example, a patriarch, without a watch with a reflection in the watch - well, he’s not “evil.” They were already the ballast of history in our country and history taught them nothing.

Apparently the girl herself didn’t mind..

You know, Lola, children who lack love and affection in their parents’ family often go to the call of anyone who seems loving and affectionate to them. That's the catch. Anyone! Hence early voluntary connections; dishonest adults take advantage of this. In families where parents are attentive to their daughters, they don’t jump out to marry the first person they meet.
But maybe in this story there was simply attachment on the part of a child to an adult to a good person, who replaced her father in her mind? And nothing but just good relations wasn't there between them? We don't know how it was there or what. This is the third day I’ve been here urging people not to rush to conclusions. An investigation is underway.

Lola, today I can answer you - the girl herself was not against it, but the priest had nothing to do with it. It is unknown who she walked with and who she ran to at night. But the priest has a normal family, he lives with his mother and children. And they helped this large family where the “victims” live as best they could. Only for their goodness did these rubbish repay them with slander.
And yes, today I can tell you this - in these days after the publication of this post here, I had the opportunity to be convinced of the priest’s innocence. There were a lot of witnesses that the priest was slandered. The entire village took his side. People say that it is the mother who leads the process, and the children are only tools in her hands. This creature is afraid that the girl, whom she did not notice and who was walking with someone unknown at night, will be taken away from her and generally deprived of her maternal rights. But she doesn’t work, she lives off child benefits and maternity capital. Children have long been a source of income for her, she constantly changes husbands, three of her husbands ended badly. That’s why she now attracts everyone, proving her innocence - television, websites, giving interviews. Taking advantage of the fact that the priest cannot answer anything, because... he is in prison. And it is she who needs to be put in prison - a depraved woman who has already let the older girls go while arranging her personal life.
Her children constantly run away from home. And those girls who allegedly “suffered” themselves say that they asked the priest to let them and their mother adopt them. This was heard throughout the country in a broadcast on NTV.

Kostya, we have secular state. Therefore, according to the law, the government cannot influence church affairs and vice versa.
Regarding the topic of this post, nothing has been proven yet.
Maybe the girl is motivated unrequited love I just slandered the priest. Or she made it up to show off to her sister.
But this author’s statement is completely nonsense: “It is also possible that Evgeniy Volkov had sexual relations with other minor children from the local church choir; the girls from it speak enthusiastically about the priest. However, children from such organizations, as a rule, rarely go to contact (even with the investigation) and tell something. Moreover, they are strictly dependent on the church leadership.” It is not appropriate for the author to project his own sexual fantasies onto others.

Well, Kostya, today, after I watched and listened to this whole “suffered” family on NTV, after corresponding with those who know the mother and her daughters, as well as the father and his family, I can write what I could see it from the very beginning, but I didn’t want to write until I saw and heard it myself.
Yes, you and I were right when we assumed from the very beginning that this whole story was a priest’s slander.
Today I can answer both you and all other Citizens that this post is entirely based on speculation. And this whole story against the priest is also speculation. This is a reservation. There is no evidence other than the statements of this family. Although there is a full village of witnesses who say that the mother herself led a dissolute lifestyle and was married several times, three of her husbands came to a bad end. That the daughter who lies, that the priest raped her, is exactly the same, the apple did not fall far from the tree, and has long since gone from hand to hand. But for some reason you believe what is written in this lampoon. This is so pitiful and so relevant to your theme - “poor children seduced by a priest.” Not children. Fully mature individuals. Who do not hesitate to tell the whole country about such intimate details that not every adult woman would dare to tell even close people. Even in closed meetings they talk about this with embarrassment and blushing. And here there is no shame, even pride at times appeared in the eyes on the NTV program - look what I am like!
And you also don’t want to see the motive why mother and daughter needed to slander the priest. Although this is also in full view of the entire village.
The priest's family felt sorry for the mother of many children and helped her and the children - from the bottom of their hearts. And they took advantage of their kindness. When the question arose that the mother did not look after the children and that her 15-year-old daughter was walking around at night, and when the priest threatened that if she did not fulfill maternal responsibilities, she would be deprived of parental rights, the mother wrote that the priest was to blame for everything .
I'm sorry the girl didn't get pregnant. Then it would be possible to do a genetic examination and confirm that the priest had nothing to do with it. And now everyone is blaming him solely on the basis of the testimony of the “lost party.”
And these sluts, who got into someone else’s family and ruined the lives of not only spouses, but also their young children and elderly parents, today feel absolutely unpunished.

What do donations to the church and everything else have to do with it? Here you are, Artem, instead of “righteously indignant” on the Internet, create your own enterprise, work for twenty years without days off to make it profitable. And then use this profit for whatever you want - even for the construction of kindergartens, even for schools, even for a church.
For some reason, you are not outraged by the expensive mansions, yachts, foreign cars, watches and other attributes of those “guardians of Russia” who are now entrenched in London. But the fact that a person spent his own money on a temple in his native village must be condemned. Or should he have provided housing for all the drunkards from his native village and idle people who had neither the brains nor the diligence to repair their own fence and patch up their own hut?

You young lady have become too imaginative. I don’t have a proposal in the text to provide housing for drunkards and idlers... At least quote it, otherwise you’re lying out of context.

You are making a "breach" here, ArtemBoo, here you go concrete example, I quote: “And they are trying to plant churches anywhere, ignoring the opinion of local residents.”
If it were so simple, there would already be a cathedral on Kashtak. And they would return the former church property and huge tracts of land in Tomsk along Kirov Ave., Lenin Ave. and st. Nikitina.

And that I have other examples :) And you are literally lying, blaming me with your girlish fantasies.

What else can I call your moral teachings based on your own false fantasies about what I did not write? So the dogs bark at me from behind the fence when I walk past on my way.

So don't lie.

So justify it :)

I will spare my time in future, and you, Mira, continue to feed your horse.

Well, thank you, at least one sensible comment from you today... and then, really, I’ll go do something useful. Otherwise, riding around stallions that are too restive is not my fun... especially since such stallions are usually culled for meat, but I’m still a humanist))

I asked you, ArtemBoo: “Or should he have provided housing for all the drunkards from his native village and slackers who have neither the brains nor the diligence to repair their own fence and patch up their hut?” This is not a statement that you said this, but a question stemming from your violent indignation about what the country needs and for what - oh, what scoundrels!! - businessmen should spend their own money. And since the text of the post contains pictures of rickety fences and other devastation in the village, my question is quite natural. And you could answer these normally simple questions. But you considered it possible to be rude to me.
I will repeat once again Professor Preobrazhensky: Devastation is not in the closets, but in the heads. Including such “guardians” for the country as you.
“Taking everything away and dividing it up” already took place in Russia a hundred years ago. The same slackers, like those whose farm is in the photo in the post, who, due to laziness or drunkenness, cannot fix their own gates and fences, robbed those who worked and provided for their families. And then their property was stolen, and the owners were shot or sent as families with small children and old people to the taiga to certain death. So there is no need to sow religious discord here and slander Article 282 (Incitement of national, racial or religious hatred). This text of yours is specifically aimed at her: “ArtemBoo September 25, 2016 18:05 The Bolsheviks did not finish off the mummers”

How much anger they have pumped out of their own speculations, it’s wonderful!

"for article 282"? I wrote “The Bolsheviks did not finish off the mummers” - this is a statement of fact. And you can try to fake Article 282 and even try to formalize a Christian Orthodox denunciation.

Why should I be afraid? Bullshit? Bark over the fence, maybe you'll scare someone, so you'll be happy.

Well done, take the sugar!

But this time there was no team

Well, yes, you also write that people can’t get around to it. You know, I will not idealize the modern village. I know her too well. And I see exactly the same collapsed fences in families where there are men, but they drink. And nearby there are normal fences next to completely normal well-groomed ones
houses. Where the master's hand is felt.
There are, of course, times when a single woman lives in the house. But if there are normal relations with the neighbors, they will fix her fence for free.

I already answered you about pensioners, Goran. I know about building materials; we have construction going on in our village. But fixing a rickety fence, rather than putting up a new one, is low costs. By the way, pensioners in the village live better than some of their younger neighbors. They receive pensions, run the farm - even for cattle, but they keep chickens and goats, and plant vegetable gardens. But it is not always possible for pensioners to ask their younger and physically stronger fellow villagers to help with the housework even for money - to re-roof a roof or fix a fence. Laziness and drunkenness, alas. Even in order to build this church, which is in the photo in the post, people had to be invited from outside, Karbofos already wrote this here.
And the locals complain about how bad their life is, but they don’t even want to do auxiliary work, which is a carload of work at the construction site. They drink, steal, commit debauchery, then attack each other... Our local police officer complained to my husband for days: The owner of the house drank away, now he’s homeless. And in the house, cunning people from Tomsk opened a shelter for drug addicts, supposedly a rehabilitation center. We need it - such neighbors? It’s better to let the church stand. But we can’t even build a chapel; our parish is small. Although the Soviet government killed so many innocent souls here - the execution site in the late 30s was nearby... there is no way to pray for them...

“Even in order to build this church, which is in the photo in the post, we had to invite people from outside, Karbofos already wrote this here.”
- so, in order to build such a church, specialists are needed, and are there any in Novonikolaevka? That's why they invited us from outside.
Google for example s. Novonikolaevka, Asinovsky district. For general development and concepts of the situation.

Here’s another example, Goran, of how difficult it is today for our Siberian villages to return to spirituality. In the southern villages, where Cossack traditions are strong, this happened a long time ago. In the central regions, where the villages are richer, there are also more restored churches. In the Caucasus, people have always respected their traditions and the religion of their ancestors, and in Tatarstan it is the same, because there are also many temples and mosques there. But here in Siberia it’s different. For several years I have been observing how a new Orthodox New Believer church is being built in the village of Melnikovo, Shegarsky district. Today there are many donors to the temple - businessmen who once left their native places, and ordinary people, not even always believers. But there are still not enough funds and workers to complete the construction. Although the domes have already been erected and the crosses on them have been consecrated. There is beauty in the village today - the tall church stands, the domes shine from afar. But we still need finishing work, it is necessary to improve the area around...And it all started without a ruble in the church treasury. There is a place of prayer there, this is the former village of Bogorodskoye. In the village, before the Bolsheviks destroyed the temple, there was a miraculous icon Mother of God Smolensk Hodegetria. People from Tomsk went to her on pilgrimage, and every year they carried her to Tomsk in a procession of the cross. Then she disappeared. It was believed that it was burned along with the rest of the icons from the temple, which the new Bolshevik authorities took from there and dumped in the village council as trash. Eight years ago, the ancient icon was miraculously found again, and now a temple is being built for it again. This is a very interesting story about Bogorodskoye and miraculous icon, read on the net.
So, at the beginning of construction, Father Alexander had to work hard to attract the residents of the village of Melnikovo to help. Although outside help came immediately. But as we say, there is no prophet in one’s own Fatherland... Now, several years later, local residents help from the heart, whoever can. But at the very beginning there were also different things - threats and slander - I myself read on the same site how they wrote all sorts of nonsense about the priest. And people at the most simple work, which are always plentiful at a construction site, were also not to be found in the village. Father Alexander was assigned there from Tomsk, from a good and quiet place, for this work every day. He himself has a large family with many children. And the parish then was small and not rich. Father and mother started a vegetable garden, worked like everyone else, and the children helped. But over time, he managed to overcome all this resistance, managed to find helpers for a charitable cause in the village itself and beyond. But this is a lot of work, because in addition to construction, he also has several villages under his patronage. And people turn to them with requests - to come to them to get married, baptize, confess, give communion, unction, and have a funeral service. Just consult with a wise and fair person. It is impossible to refuse, one priest for a large parish. It takes a lot of time to travel through villages, and the roads are not good everywhere. And in Melnikov, services need to be held while they are held in a room adapted for a church. And fellow villagers have the same needs - to baptize, get married, confess... But the construction cannot be stopped. They also decided to build a church in the neighboring village, looking at the Melnikovites. They say that it will be like a toy, made of wood, pure Kizhi... and you also need to observe and help. So help in such matters is never superfluous. Even if it is simple, unskilled labor, it is still needed. Father Alexander made a lot of efforts, but managed to find like-minded people. May God continue to give him strength and help in such important work.

I think that it’s bad when a person has a hole in his soul. And even pour vodka into this hole, even throw food, even carry money, even clothes, cars, yachts, mansions - everything will not be enough. Because nothing can close such holes except love)) And there is always someone to love, you don’t need to go far. But people don’t want to see those in need, because they will have to make an effort to do so.

Yes? Righteous work heals many things, and this too. You, Goran, talk to those who go to monasteries as laborers. This is exactly why they spend their time, they get away from worldly worries for a while. They say that in this way many people manage to patch up a hole in their heart.

Few remain in monasteries. Most workers have families, children, parents. Such people are not blessed for tonsure; they say that you have your own responsibility before God, bear your cross in the world. But during their labor, people understand something so important for their soul and their heart, that many are cured of drunkenness, drug addiction, and find solutions in difficult life situations, they understand how to move forward, and return to normal life. Someone is saving their soul from the most terrible sin of despair - suicide. Yes, a lot of important things happen there, since this flow does not dry up.
Today we were in the Pskov-Pechersky Monastery, there were always a lot of workers there, and there are many of them now. In the monastery of Alexander Svirsky near St. Petersburg, here in the Tomsk region, on Volok, a lot is done by workers. This monasteries, which I myself know about. But also in convents There are women who struggle, although there are fewer of them.

"Because besides love..."
- “Love” cannot replace the absence of a veterinarian in the village, or the opportunity to get to the regional center by bus every day, or much else from worldly life.
So the man thinks - why should I help build? beautiful church if it doesn't change my "you're living badly."

Working together for the common good can actually make a difference.
People are finally starting to hear their neighbors. People understand that a lot can be done through common efforts. And then everyone together begins to press the authorities for solutions to rural needs. And priests, by the way, also often contribute to this with their authority - they turn to worldly authorities, they listen to them.
And then the House of Culture in the village is restored, and the monument to the fallen fellow villagers is put in order. The main thing is to have a place from which to start this relay of goodness. And the construction of the church serves as the starting point.

I have a specific, very recent example - the village of Beregaevo, Teguldetsky district, Tomsk region. There this year, following the construction of the church, the House of Culture has almost already been built. And the catastrophically dying village, where before these events there was only a school in operation, now came to life again and became invigorated. There is another example of how several years ago in the village of Zorkaltsevo, Tomsk region, parishioners of the local church, together with other fellow villagers and under the leadership of the priest from the local, recently built church, erected a monument to their fellow countrymen who died on the fronts of the Great Patriotic War next to the church. And now, every year at the beginning of May, on the eve of Victory Day, in the Zorkaltsevo Church, as expected, memorial services are held for war heroes and home front workers who gave their lives for our common victory. And then at the temple, next to the monument, schoolchildren stand guard at the Eternal Flame. This is very touching and beautiful - the young guards in military uniform, eternal flame, flowers at the monument and funeral bell from the temple. And all this became possible thanks to the fact that once a priest from a local church and Alexey Zarubin (a former guard from Tomsk) united the villagers for the sake of a holy cause.

Well, you won’t argue that it was the Russian Orthodox Church that destroyed them))?
And it helps to restore. What's wrong with that?
For me, let people believe in whatever they want, as long as it doesn’t harm their health or those around them. The main thing is that people don’t cheat. Man - it still sounds proud. And in Christianity this is undeniable - man is created in the image and likeness of God. You see how high the bar is in trust. In the image and likeness of the omnipotent, intelligent and loving Creator of all his children. Not some kind of monkey)) God's image still need to comply. Well, or at least strive for this - for rationality and love.
Goran, thanks for the conversation, it was interesting. I’ll run to feed my family, don’t blame me. Good evening!

Sorry for interfering, can I ask a question: Mira, what village are you talking about (with a rehabilitation center for drug addicts)?

Good day!
> ArtemBoo September 25, 2016 18:30
.My personal opinion is that the country needs more kindergartens, sports schools and schools with in-depth study of natural sciences, and not churches for tens of millions of rubles with priests in jeeps, groggy from their spiritual exclusivity.
First of all, our country needs an idea, a foundation on which the rest is built, then order and developing production.
And schools are already a tool, just like churches.
For interest, compare the number of graduates in the same Novonikolaevskaya high school for 1980 and 2013.
With respect to the community, soft2010

In our country, the change in the number of school graduates is not inversely proportional to the change in the number of churches and parishioners?

You should study the statistics more deeply, my restless opponent, before attaching facts to them. This demographic hole of the early 90s contributed to the fact that today the number of school graduates has decreased. And the fact that parishes are growing, and in churches of different denominations, not only the Orthodox, speaks only of one thing - people in difficult times need support for their souls, with faith it is easier for many to live and with faith for many life takes on meaning. Anyone can come to church, it doesn’t depend on age or education. By the way, I have more than once met acquaintances in churches who were once militant atheists like you, ArtemBoo. And now they sincerely believe. You may be late for the registry office, but it’s never too late to come to God))

ArtemBoo, I support you in every word

There are people (there are an awful lot of them)
Whose lives are given to those
To crap the idea of ​​God
By your service to Him.

The Russian character in your “gariks” is reflected simply like nowhere else. “Cats shit with shit without getting out of the shit” - this is absolutely about us. - Sacramental question: why didn’t you return to Russia in modern times?
- I would not like to live in today's Russia. No, if there was heaven here, I still wouldn't come back. I left and left, I feel good there. But living in Russia today is simply humiliating, and this has been going on for quite a few years.
Don’t you think that Russia is somewhat demonized in the world?
– Yes, it seems to me that the world doesn’t care. Well, besides the fact that Russia supplies oil and gas, but less and less. And it’s scary, of course: after all, people who are not entirely adequate have nuclear weapons in their hands.
Why do you think? Why are the periods of relative freedom so short in Russia?
– Compared to the 60s, the 90s were a period of amazing freedoms. People began to leave abroad. Relatives finally met. There was absolute freedom of the press. The country was in a very excited and promising state. And then, unfortunately, Russia again returned to its usual state of slavery, and this is insulting. Democracy existed in Russia for only ten years, and it never existed again. It’s hard for me to talk about this, I left in 1988, I know the 90s only from what I read and watched. But I understood that there was some prospect then.
And from another interview: - So, interesting. How long ago did it become humiliating to live in today’s Russia?
- It would be very tempting to say that just since the time of Putin. I won't say this. But in the late 90s, maybe even since 2000, when the boorish robbery of the country began - first quietly, then completely openly. And then all sorts of things started... Now there was a trial of Pussy Riot. I wonder: why didn’t adults, sexually mature men with two balls, defending their masculine strength and identity at the table, take to the streets? This is monstrous: three girls, snotty ones!

The temple near Tomsk was left without a rector

The rector of a church in the Asinovsky district of the Tomsk region is suspected of having sexual relations with a minor. The priest, according to media reports, had been in a relationship with a girl from the church choir for three years.

The Tomsk diocese officially announces that the rector of the Church of the Holy Blessed Prince Alexander Nevsky in the village of Novonikolaevka, Priest Evgeny Volkov, has been removed from office. He is also prohibited from holding services until the end of the investigation.

The girl began singing in church at the age of 10. After some time, the priest began to show her signs of attention. When the schoolgirl turned 12 years old, a relationship began between them. The girl told her older sister about her love for the 33-year-old clergyman, and she told her mother. According to Life, the man is married.

“As soon as information about the initiation of a criminal case was received, he was removed from ministry and removed from the position of rector. An internal review is being carried out.<…>(The suspect) is a priest, and if his guilt (is proven), he will be defrocked and will never be able to be a priest,” priest Dionisy Zemlyanov, head of the information department of the Tomsk diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church, clarified to RIA Tomsk.

The regional Investigative Committee refused to comment on this fact, citing the illegality of disseminating information about minor victims in criminal cases.

As the 15-year-old beloved of the rector told her relatives, the 33-year-old priest equipped a special room in the church’s stokehold to spend time there with a young parishioner.

In addition, as Lena said, the priest convinced her to come to him at night, even when his wife was at home.

For now, Mother is upstairs taking care of the children, and he is downstairs with Lena in the fireplace on the sofa. He slowly corrupted her with conversations and touches. Two years ago they started this relationship - a sexual relationship. Then he began to pester his second daughter, Nastya. But he was rougher with her: he even strangled her, tried to force her. But God took it away,” Lena’s mother Lucien R. said with tears in her eyes.

After everything that happened, the family that suffered from the actions of the priest plans to leave the village. But first they intend to wait for the completion of the investigation into the rector and the court's decision.

The girl remembered how her relationship with Priest Peter (name changed) began 3 years ago.

She told me yesterday. She asked him: “When did you notice me?” First he asked her - when she noticed him, she noticed him as a man. Then she him. He says: “Do you remember, we went to Petrovich, your dress had a slit.” She was still 12 years old then, they went in the summer and looked at the goats. And he said: “Then I saw your breasts and realized that you would be mine,” says the girl’s mother, Lucien R.

The girls’ mother freely let her children go to Father Peter, because she was sure that nothing bad could happen to them in the church.

A case was opened against the rector of a church in the Asinovsky district of the Tomsk region under the article “Sexual intercourse with a person under 16 years of age.”

On November 30, the Asinovsky City Court of the Tomsk Region issued a verdict in a criminal case initiated against a 34-year-old priest who was found guilty of pedophilia. For a long time, the clergyman sexually abused two minors. Crimes were committed even in the stoking room of the church.

The court sentenced the rector of the temple to 10 years in prison to be served in a high-security penal colony. The spiritual pastor is also deprived of the right to engage in activities related to working with children for 15 years. After leaving the colony, the priest’s freedom will be limited for another two years, the official website of the city court reports.

Finally, the civil claim of the prosecutor to recover from the convicted person in favor of the victims was satisfied monetary compensation moral harm.

As follows from the materials of the criminal case, from September 2015 to August 2016, the priest of one of the villages of the Asinovsky district repeatedly had sexual intercourse with a fellow villager under 14 years of age. In addition, in August 2015, he committed sexual assault against another girl. The suspect was taken into custody.

The press also wrote that one of the victims grew up in a devout family and sang in a church choir from the age of 10. The priest “looked after” the girl for three years, hugged and kissed her, and then persuaded her to intimate relationships. At that time the girl was 12 years old.

The mother of the victim Lucien R., judging by her words, shifts part of the blame for what happened to her daughter, who could “seduce the priest.” The woman claimed that the starting point for sexual relations was a joint walk to “look at the goats,” to which the girl went in a dress with a “deep neckline,” the Moscow Monitor wrote.

The victim herself claimed that she loves a depraved spiritual father. She even tried to run away from home to start a family with him. Out of fear and embarrassment, the girl did not tell anyone about what was happening, but then she told her sister about her close relationship with the abbot, and she told everything to her mother.

Then the injured girl told her relatives that the abbot had set up a room in the temple’s fireplace for visits with her and convinced her to come there even when his wife was at home. “Mother is upstairs in charge of the children, and he is downstairs with Lena in the fireplace on the sofa. He slowly corrupted her with conversations and touches. Two years ago they began this relationship - a sexual relationship,” said the mother of the victim Lucien.

According to her, the priest “showed interest” in her second daughter Nastya, and acted more persistently. “He was rougher with her: he even strangled her, tried to force her. But God took her away,” added the believing mother.

During the investigation, the priest did not admit guilt. In May 2017, the collected materials were submitted to the court. The alleged pedophile faced a sentence of 20 years in prison. He was charged with Part 3 of Art. 134 (“Sexual intercourse with a person who has reached the age of twelve, but has not reached the age of fourteen”) and paragraph “a” of Part 3 of Art. 132 (“Violent acts of a sexual nature committed against a minor”) of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. Earlier, the Tomsk diocese removed the priest from ministry and removed him from the post of rector of one of the churches in the Asinovsky district. It was then noted that a representative of the clergy was removed from leading the flock during the investigation. The diocese promised to deprive the accused and permanently ban him from serving if the man’s guilt is proven, writes
