Morning exercises on the street. When is the best time to exercise? How to do exercises correctly and when: practical exercises, advice and recommendations from experts

When asked how the day begins, in the answers of most women you can hardly hear that morning exercises are part of the morning pastime. Indeed, maybe it is not needed at all, since a woman already spends the whole day like a squirrel in a wheel?

Should I do exercises?

The main purpose of exercise (in addition to benefiting the body) is to bring joy and cheer up in the morning. Therefore, it is worth doing the exercises, and with the proper emotional uplift - this way the effect of them will increase significantly.

Doubts often arise when it is best to do exercises. Of course, the execution time should be in harmony with our biological clock. So, morning or evening?..

Current research confirms that exercise in the morning helps burn excess calories, so weight problems can be solved with morning exercises.

  • To achieve the same effect as from exercising in the morning, you will have to spend twice as much time on it in the evening. Everything is explained by the physiological rhythm of the body. Our energy is actively consumed until 17.00, and then the energy saving system turns on.
  • Morning exercises can protect you from hunger. Physical effort inhibits the hormone responsible for appetite. Exercising in the morning helps the body quickly recover from injuries.

However, it is worth talking about some nuances:

  1. You'll have to get up earlier. You also need to take into account that the effect of warming up will be maximum after eating, and in most cases, training begins before breakfast.
  2. In addition, morning blood has a certain thickness. As the load increases, there is pressure on the heart and, accordingly, on the blood vessels. To avoid the risk, you should eat a light breakfast and drink some liquid. This helps thin the blood.
  3. Morning exercises begin with exercises of low intensity, increasing the load as far as possible.

But they are not limited to exercise in the morning. Evening exercises also speed up metabolic processes and help fight calories even at night.

The disadvantage of evening exercises is that it is very difficult to prepare yourself for intense exercise at the end of the day. Fatigue from the whole day takes its toll, and such training does not help good sleep. Therefore, classes are carried out at least three hours before bedtime.

Morning exercises - the effort is worth it!

Together with our awakening, the body begins its activity. During the night, blood circulation slows down much, which is why it is so difficult to get into an energetic mood in the morning.

I want to lie down, pamper myself and prolong the blissful state, allowing the body to gradually move into the active stage. But in reality, you often have to jump out of bed and quickly deal with morning chores. As a result, the body cannot adapt to an active mode and remains “bewildered.”

Charging is what can quickly help your beloved body! Just about 10–15 minutes - and everything is fine.

Bonuses from regular exercise:

  • The overall tone increases.
  • Metabolic processes are normalized.
  • The aging process slows down.
  • The body's protective abilities increase.
  • Improves joint mobility.
  • The amount of medication used is reduced.

Before you do your morning exercises, you should wake up properly. It will be better if the awakening does not happen with the alarm clock ringing. Such stressful situation does not improve the condition of the body in any way. It is better to wake up naturally, by opening your eyes on your own without external irritating factors.

But the demands of the modern rhythm of life do not always coincide with our desires. If you still have to get up with an alarm clock, smile, mentally wish yourself a wonderful day and tune in positive emotions. Stretch so that each muscle responds to you. Now you can start the exercises.

In order for the warm-up to bring the long-awaited effect, you need to know how to do exercises correctly in the morning?

If you follow the rules, exercise in the morning will bring the desired result and will help you gradually restore your health. Will give you a positive charge for the whole day in a very short period of time. What could be better?

Morning exercises according to the rules - video tutorial

Types of morning exercises

Just after waking up and dreaming of a carefree day ahead, continue your pleasant pastime by doing exercises right in bed. This step will be the first sign in the fight against morning laziness.

During such a warm-up, serotonin is released, leaving pleasant sensations. After some time, ease comes when performing movements. Maybe the body is capable of more? Then it’s worth trying a classic warm-up, without bed.

In the meantime, let's look at how to do exercises while continuing to bask in bed. 10 to 15 minutes will be enough to get your body in order.

Exercising in bed has the main advantage: it accustoms the body to exercise. Yes, this is not a class gym, but the muscles gradually get used to the movement.

Other types of morning exercises:

  • Stretching exercises.

Stretching helps to knead muscles and ligaments. A gentle complex. For exercise, you will need a mat combined with upbeat music. The program includes elements of yoga or classical stretching.

A wonderful way to cheer up
even if the morning run is not very long. And 20 minutes of running will bring a good workout! The heart begins to work intensively, the lungs and muscles also become involved in the active process. Before you start jogging, you need to do a preliminary warm-up.

  • Complex exercises.

Select exercises that suit you. They usually include torso rotations, bending exercises, squats, and push-up elements. Also, do your favorite exercises in the morning.

  • Aerobic complex.

For more active adherents of morning exercises, you should include one of the types of aerobic complexes: gym classes, swimming in the pool, dance movements. Whatever pleases you. But don't forget to gradually increase the load. After finishing classes, take a contrast shower.

For the very busy too
there will be a way out. The duration of such a warm-up is no more than ten minutes. Do the exercises that are most important to you. Perhaps it will be abs, squats or jumping rope, hoop training.

All types of active morning complexes alternate, or, conversely, work intensively with one type. The main thing is that you feel cheerful and energized. Choose exactly your warm-up option.

A set of exercises in the morning

Universal is a set of exercises that alternately act on different parts of the body. They begin to warm up the neck muscles, gradually moving to other areas. All major muscles warm up, acquire tone, and become elastic.

For the neck

For the shoulder girdle

  • Alternating circular rotations with the left and right shoulders.
  • Simultaneous circular rotation of the shoulders.
  • Circular rotations with straight arms.
  • Sharp swinging alternating movements of the arms. One hand up, the other down.
  • The arms, half bent at the elbows, are simultaneously pulled back.

For hands

  • Pressing your palms together, make circular movements.
  • With arms bent at the elbows they do rotational movements one way and the other.

For the torso

For feet

  • Alternately swing with straight legs.
  • In a comfortable position, do squats without lifting your heels off the mat.
  • With your feet together, roll from heel to toe.

These are the basic exercises for warming up in the morning. To enhance the effect, you need to repeat each exercise up to ten times. Each time it is necessary to increase the intensity of the load.

The composition of exercises for exercise in the morning can vary depending on your individual characteristics.

The main thing is that the body is comfortable, there is no need to immediately do heavy loads. At the initial stage, repeat each exercise no more than six times. Then gradually increase the amount.

After about a month of constant exercise, you will be able to admire the results of your labor: a toned body, stronger muscles with elastic and healthy skin. And of course, good health!

Some people do exercises simply out of habit, others do it in order to stretch certain parts of the body that will be most involved in work, while others do something like aerobic training in order to cheer up and lose some extra weight.

But few know that correct complex exercises performed in the morning will be effective for all of the above cases.

What are the benefits of morning exercises?

The benefit of morning exercises is that it charges the body with energy for the whole day. In fact, the body is already full of energy, but if you perform a set of exercises in the morning, the brain, rested during sleep, will work much more efficiently, which will have a positive effect on the entire body.

Individuals who want to get rid of extra pounds, or simply improve their tone, should definitely follow morning exercises. For those who have digestive problems or simply cannot imagine life without supplements in the form of pharmaceutical drugs and dietary supplements, morning exercises will also be very useful.

Of course, you should not give up vitamin complexes and dietary supplements if you have serious problems with the intestines or excess weight, but if, in addition to this, you include daily morning exercises, your well-being will return to normal even faster.

For some reason, it is believed that to lose weight it is enough to simply wave your arms and legs for 10-15 minutes every morning. In this regard, morning workouts are more useful than evening workouts, but simple swings of the limbs are not enough.

We need exercises that involve muscle groups - push-ups, squats, standing bends, pull-ups and simple exercises for the abdominal region - torso rotations, twists and lateral twists.

The best exercises for morning exercises

It would seem, why do you need the exercises that gym regulars do in the morning... After all, in the morning you just need to cheer up and stretch your joints after a night of inactivity. Yes, for a simple warm-up, swinging your arms and legs may be enough.

But in order to invigorate the brain and maximize all functions of the body, we need movements that involve muscle groups. In addition, these exercises for maintaining healthy joints are much more useful than swings and spins.

Morning exercises for men:

The above set of exercises for morning exercises will help maintain figure and strengthen the immune system for all men, if you do it with diligence, regularly and at the same time eat right and follow a sleep schedule.

Morning exercises for weight loss for women:

In general, morning exercises for women should be slightly different from exercises for men. Moreover, not only the exercises should be different, but also the number of repetitions in the approaches. Women should avoid push-ups b - insofar as the chest muscles are involved in this movement.

Two or three sets of low reps won't hurt, but they won't do much good either. And this exercise is considered harmful for women because it puts maximum stress on the chest muscles. The more a woman tenses the muscles of the chest area, the worse it affects the condition of the mammary glands.

For those who do exercises to keep fit and improve their mood, the complex does not need to be changed. But for women who want to get rid of body fat, adjustments need to be made.

  • Squat-jumps

    These are practically the same squats, but with the difference that in the concentric phase (when standing up) of the exercise you need to speed up the movement, and jump almost at the highest point. The exercise should be without delays or disturbances - like a squat with acceleration and a jump. You don't need to jump as high as possible.

    Jump so high that you can comfortably place your feet back on the floor at the required width (for most, it is equal (or almost equal) to shoulder width), and begin the next repetition. Execute 3 sets of 12-15 reps. If 15 reps are extremely easy for you, perform this exercise with light dumbbells.

  • Dumbbell presses standing or seated

    Take dumbbells that you can handle 15 reps th and do with them 4 sets. Number of reps: 12 for the first three and 15 for the last. The last set should tire out your shoulders and triceps nicely ( posterior muscles hands). Performing such exercises daily is guaranteed to protect the joints of the shoulders and elbows from microtrauma and other problems.

  • Body rotations

    For those with a very wide waist, it is highly advisable to perform this exercise after squats and jumps. You need to make body turns correctly and not spare any effort on it. Otherwise there will be no use. Doing this exercise incorrectly will not help you remove extra centimeters, even if you do it very often and in large quantities.

    Sit on a comfortable chair and place a light stick on your shoulders. Putting your hands on the ends of the stick, turn vigorously without helping yourself with your legs. Then immediately return to the starting position and wait a second before turning in the other direction. Two turns in different directions is one repetition.

    Do maximum reps. Then - after a rest of 2-2.5 minutes - another approach with the maximum number of repetitions. Do not use weights exceeding 5 kg, even if you can easily do 100 reps. Better increase the number of sets.

  • We'll tell you everything about how to do it. You don't have to go to the gym for this.

    Eternal women's question: How? Lying on the sofa - no way. Exercise and a little motivation are required.

Everyone knows that physical exercise very useful for the human body. Physical activity is generally associated with a healthy lifestyle. A healthy lifestyle, in turn, begins with morning exercises. What kind of ritual is this? What are its advantages and disadvantages? These and other questions will be discussed in this article.

The main purpose of morning exercises

Immediately after getting up, our body is slowed down because it is still at rest. Full awakening occurs only after three hours. Washing with cool water and a cup of invigorating coffee helps the body to wake up a little, but while the joints are not working, the body is in a sleepy state, half asleep. It is to awaken the muscles and joints that morning exercises are aimed.

Do not turn the charge into a full charge strength training, her goal is different. It is so called because it should energize the body for the entire coming day, and not exhaust it. Strength training takes a lot of energy, and after it you want peace. And this is not at all what you want in the morning, right?

What benefits does gymnastics give in the morning?

The main purpose of the exercises, as already said, is awakening. During sleep, our body rests, at this time the pulse slows down, the blood thickens, and blood pressure decreases. After we wake up, the body needs time to restore all its functions and transition to wakefulness. Exercise helps the body to perk up faster, speed up blood circulation, and restore breathing and blood pressure. In this way we will physically prepare for the day ahead.

For slimming people, exercise in the morning is mandatory, as it speeds up metabolism, therefore increasing the number of calories burned. And as you know, if more calories are burned than consumed, then weight decreases. Over time, the body gets used to the weight loss regime: it prepares in advance for the upcoming loads, so it will become easier to wake up.

Features of morning exercises

If you choose running instead of exercise to exercise in the morning, you should adhere to the following recommendations:

  • Avoid cardio immediately after waking up. At this time, the body has not yet recovered from sleep; a sharp increase in pulse and pressure will negatively affect the functioning of the heart.
  • Running on an empty stomach increases your chance of getting an infection. This is due to the fact that in the morning human body reduced immune resistance. It is best to have breakfast, and after two or three hours go for a run of 3 kilometers. This will be enough to give you a boost of energy.

How to accustom your body to morning exercises

  • First of all, you need to understand with your head that morning exercises are needed to improve your health, and under no circumstances force yourself to exercise.
  • Sleep for 7-9 hours, then waking up will be easy.
  • Stop being lazy. The minutes you sleep after your alarm goes off can be spent doing exercise.
  • A good mood is the key to success.
  • Start exercising right in bed, doing various stretches, and gradually add regular exercises.

The benefits of physical activity in the morning

Let's consider the advantages of charging:

  • Exercise helps the body recover from sleep and cheer up. Blood circulation improves, the body receives a powerful incentive to work.
  • Morning exercises have a beneficial effect on muscle growth. This is due to the fact that during light exercises, the muscles are filled with blood and active components.
  • Many fitness instructors agree that morning workouts help combat extra pounds. In the morning the body does not have enough before eating nutrients. Therefore, in order to endure the exercise, he will take the missing energy from his fats.
  • IN winter time morning physical activity is extremely beneficial. In the morning, the streets are full of bundled up and sleepy people, and if you do a few exercises and drink a cup of invigorating coffee, then you will go out into the street in high spirits and in a vigorous state. Exercise gives a rush of blood muscle tissue. A person warms up faster and is not afraid of any frost.

Lack of physical activity in the morning

Charging, unfortunately, is not suitable for everyone. Let's figure out why:

  • Exercise negatively affects the cardiovascular system. At night, the body is at rest, the heart beats in a slow rhythm. Physical activity will dramatically increase your blood pressure and heart rate. The heart may have difficulty pumping large volumes of blood, which can lead to a heart attack.
  • Exercising on an empty stomach is bad for your organs.
  • After exercising on an empty stomach, you will most likely feel a strong desire to eat. This may lead to overeating in the future.

We can conclude that morning exercises are not suitable for everyone, but only for people with excellent health.

Basic rules

To ensure efficient charging, follow these recommendations:

  • Exercise will require more oxygen from the body, so exercise with an open window or in the fresh air.
  • Dress according to the weather. It's warm indoors or outdoors - shorts, a T-shirt or tank top will do. If it’s cool, wear a sweatshirt and sweatpants.
  • Take exercises that suit your fitness level. You should not do the splits if you did the splits before at the age of six.
  • The level of load should be approximately the same from day to day.
  • Start exercising 15-20 minutes after waking up so that your body has time to recover from sleep.

Exercises for gymnastics

Surely everyone thinks that they know how to do exercises in the morning. But not everyone knows that jumping up, doing exercises and then running about your business is wrong. The entire workout should consist of several blocks: warm-up and cool-down lasting 2-3 minutes and main exercise. The warm-up can include smooth stretching and bending of the body, turning the head, rotational movements of the arms, and lifting on the toes.

There are many exercises that can be included in your morning exercises. The complex (approximately) might look like this:

  • Starting position standing. Raise your hands, clasp them together with your palms facing outward, and stretch your arms upward. Perform for 2-3 minutes.
  • Perform circular movements with your head, trying to touch your shoulder. Rotate your head only in a forward semicircle to avoid injury.
  • Rise on your toes, first on both legs simultaneously, then alternately.
  • Bend the torso to the sides. As you do this exercise, you will feel a stretch in your oblique abdominal muscles.
  • Lie on your back, straighten your legs. Bend your right leg and pull it towards you. Hold it in this position for a few seconds. Then repeat the same with your left leg.

All kinds of circular rotations of the joints, bends, and swings are good. After completing the exercises, stretch.

Features of morning exercises for children

Light physical exercise for little ones plays an important role in the formation of the immune system and musculoskeletal system. By performing them to the music, kids will recharge with energy and good mood for the whole day. There are recommendations that, if followed, can increase the effectiveness of gymnastics:

  1. The room should be well ventilated. In summer, it is better to exercise outside.
  2. You should start exercising after washing and brushing your teeth, but before breakfast.
  3. The duration should not exceed 10-15 minutes. During this time, the baby will not get tired and will get the maximum benefit from the classes.
  4. It is recommended to conduct classes while listening to children's songs or while reading a poem, so as not to get bored.
  5. Mom or dad should definitely monitor their child’s breathing. Inhalation should be through the nose, exhalation through the mouth.

Try to do all exercises in game form. You can imagine that you - fairy tale characters or animals. Here are some examples of how you can beat boring exercises:

  • "Sun". Starting position standing. Raise your arms up and reach for the sun. You can greet the clouds at the top point.
  • "Bunny." Jump as if you are this big-eared animal. For variety, you can show where his paws, eyes, and so on are.
  • "Heron". Raise your knees high and walk like a heron. Then you can stand on one leg.
  • "Bike". Starting position – lying on your back. Raise your legs up and make movements with them that imitate riding a bicycle. This exercise is one of the most favorite for children.

Finish the exercise with a breathing cycle.

Morning exercises for men

Gymnastics for men is not only a way to keep their physical health, but also to maintain good health throughout the day. In addition, exercise will help keep your muscles toned. To do this, just buy dumbbells and spend 15-20 minutes in the morning.

The benefits of charging are undeniable:

  • Strengthening the muscle corset.
  • Reducing the percentage of body fat.
  • Improved physique.
  • Increased productivity throughout the day.

As you can see, you can get a beautiful silhouette at home by doing balanced exercises in the morning. A set of exercises for men should consist of exercises aimed at working different muscle groups. Here is an approximate block of what would suit any guy:

  • Deep squats (3 sets of 20 times).
  • French bench press – 20 reps.
  • Deadlift with dumbbells – 20 times.
  • Push-ups from the floor – 30 times.
  • Plank exercise.

Complete the exercise with several breathing cycles, then take a contrast shower.

Rules for effective charging for men

In order not to harm your health, males should adhere to the following recommendations:

  • Start your preparation in the evening. Decide which muscle groups you will train and which exercises are suitable for this.
  • To avoid injury, be sure to warm up at the beginning and cool down at the end of your workout.
  • Do not hammer one muscle with several exercises in a row. So she will “clog.”
  • Use different dumbbell weights for each exercise.
  • Do exercises in the morning at home at a calm pace, do not overload your heart.
  • Consider the load level according to age. For adults, it is recommended to reduce the load by 15%.

As you can see, gymnastics is suitable for almost everyone. Healthy image Life consists not only of physical activity. Balanced diet, healthy sleep, hardening and abandonment bad habits are also an integral part of it. If you started implementing a healthy lifestyle with physical activity, then remember that the best exercise in the morning is the one that is done at your own request.

To have a beautiful, toned figure, you need to exercise at least every other day. Ideally, you need daily training. The frantic pace of life, work issues and family concerns do not always allow the modern man to find an hour in his schedule to visit the gym. There is always a way out! If you get up half an hour earlier, you can devote this time to physical development. Morning exercises for men will energize you for the whole day and allow your body to always stay in good shape!

What are the benefits of morning exercise?

Physical activity necessary for every man. Moreover, we are not talking about grueling workouts aimed at losing body weight or building muscle mass. We are talking about the usual maintenance of body and spirit in a healthy state. And morning exercises for men will help with this. Why in the morning? Because it is in the morning that the effect on joints and muscles is most effective. They are still soft and easy to train. In addition, morning physical education will tune the whole body to correct work. The effect will be enhanced by a contrast shower after training: it will have a beneficial effect not only on the body, but also on internal systems organs.

Exercising in the morning for men will bring the following benefits:

  • maintain correct posture;
  • will strengthen muscle corset;
  • normalizes blood flow;
  • will reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases;
  • normalizes hormonal levels;
  • will reduce overweight and will not allow it to be recruited again;
  • will make the body beautiful and fit;
  • will improve your mood and productivity for the whole day.

How to motivate yourself to exercise?

The following factors can motivate men to exercise in the morning.

Factor What's the point
Economic Morning exercises at home will save both money and time. It does not require the purchase of special sportswear or a membership to a sports club. There is no need to spend money and time to get to the place of classes.
Wellness Morning exercises for men will improve all body systems, prevent premature aging, get rid of the “beer belly”, and give an attractive figure. In addition, the morning is considered the most best time for physical activity. The highest performance occurs at five to six o'clock in the morning. Blood pressure rises, heart function increases.

How should a man do exercises in the morning?

Stretching, relaxed movements of the arms and head, without getting out of bed, are not full-fledged morning exercises. Proper exercise in the morning for men consists of observing the following principles:

  1. You need to start exercising immediately after waking up, preferably at the same time.
  2. Before the complex you can’t eat or drink, and to cheer yourself up, you just need to wash your face with cool water and rinse your mouth if necessary.
  3. If possible, exercise outdoors. Otherwise, keep the window open.
  4. Choose comfortable clothes for exercise. It should not restrict movement and not be too loose. The body must breathe. Just shorts are ideal for training.
  5. Pay attention to your breathing. You need to breathe in the rhythm of the exercises and strictly through your nose. During intense elements, you can take short exhalations through your mouth, folded into a tube.
  6. Start with simple exercises, gradually increasing their complexity. The same applies to the number of repetitions: start with their minimum value, gradually increasing to the maximum.
  7. Remember that morning exercises for men are just exercises, and not a full-fledged workout. There is no need to put a full load on yourself in the morning - this can lead to excess stress on the heart.
  8. Start your exercises with a warm-up and only then move on to the main part.
  9. Turn on rhythmic music to get your body working.

Morning workout

The best morning exercise for men begins with a set of warm-up exercises. The body needs to be prepared after sleep for the main load. And you can start right in bed.

So let's get started:

  1. We stretch our whole body, throwing our hands behind our heads.
  2. We do it within a minute.
  3. We make several swing movements with our arms.
  4. We sit down and try to reach our feet with our fingers.

Next, we get out of bed and walk around the apartment: the body must finally wake up and get ready to work. During the “walk” we open the window and wash ourselves. That's it, the body is ready for the next part of the warm-up. Yes, yes, there are still warm-ups: before starting the main set of exercises, you need to activate small muscle groups. To do this:

  1. We rotate the brushes - first each separately, then both, locking them together to do this.
  2. Rotate your elbows - stretch your arms in front of you and rotate your forearms away from you and towards you.
  3. We rotate the shoulder joints - to do this, we bend our arms at the elbows and place our fingers on the shoulders.
  4. We make circular movements with our heads in different directions.
  5. We rotate our pelvis - with our feet shoulder-width apart, we make circular movements with our pelvis in different directions.
  6. We bend our body forward, trying to reach the floor with our hands, and in different directions.
  7. We do it - we bring our arms, bent at the elbows, in front of the chest and make turns to the sides to the possible maximum point. The pelvis and legs do not move.

This concludes the warm-up. If your goal is to awaken the body and give it vigor, you can end there. But if you want to keep your body in good shape, then move on to the main set of exercises.

Set of exercises

At home, a man can exercise no less wonderfully and effectively than in the gym. Moreover, you can plan your morning exercises in such a way that you can work out all muscle groups within half an hour. Morning exercises for men, including a set of exercises that are well prepared and worked out, can improve general condition, energize and tighten your body.

General set of exercises

Make a lesson plan for yourself in such a way that one element smoothly leads to the second. Exercises can even be similar to each other, the main thing is that they involve different groups muscles. For example, a set of elements could be as follows:

  1. We stand on our feet with our hands on our waists and our feet together. Raise your arms, simultaneously turning your body first in one direction, then in the other.
  2. A similar exercise, only with the arms raised, we move one leg back onto the toe. And lowering our hands, we swing our legs forward. Repeat on the second limb.
  3. We spread our legs wide. We move one leg to the side, raising both arms at the same time. Repeat on the other leg.
  4. Feet remain shoulder-width apart. Raising ourselves on our toes, we raise our arms and bend forward, touching the foot of the opposite leg with our fingers.
  5. We remain in the same position and do deep squats. The hands are on the knees. Next, we stand up without straightening and try to touch the floor with our palms. After holding this position for a few seconds, we straighten up completely.
  6. We jump in place for half a minute, then move on to walking with our knees raised high.

For men great value have beautiful hands, strong abs and well developed pectoral muscles. Therefore, it is advisable if gymnastics is complemented by strength exercises in the morning for men. Just a few elements are enough for one or another part of the body to keep it in shape.

A set of chest exercises

To pump up your chest muscles, you can use additional equipment, such as dumbbells, a rubber band or an expander.

  1. We lie on our backs, spread our arms with dumbbells to the sides. We begin to slowly bring the arms straight and then bent at the elbows.
  2. Attach an expander to the wall by a hook and lie on your back with your head towards it. As you exhale, stretch the expander along the body, and as you inhale, loosen your grip.
  3. We get to our feet, take the rubber band and fold it in half. We place one hand on the bend of the tourniquet, and with the other we take its handles. We repeat the movement of the archer when he tries to shoot.

If you don’t have any equipment, you can do regular push-ups, which will simultaneously work your arm muscles.

Arm exercises

Any push-ups are great for your arms:

  • from the floor from your knees or straight legs;
  • similar, but from the sofa;
  • everything is the same, but lifting first one leg, then the other;
  • push-ups with clapping hands.

Working out the abs

A classic abdominal exercise is the crunch in all its variations:

  1. Straight twist - we lie on our back, bending our knees, and placing our hands behind our heads like a butterfly - we begin lifting the upper body.
  2. Lateral twist - we do the same thing, but when bending to one and the other knee, the corresponding arm can be straightened and pulled towards the toe.
  3. Reverse twist - from the same position we lift not the upper part of the body, but the lower one, while lifting the legs off the floor, and pulling the knees to the chest.

Additional exercises

Additional exercises include stretching and relaxation exercises, which will complete our morning exercises for men.

  1. We put our feet apart, rise on our toes and, while inhaling, spread our arms to the sides. As you exhale, bend over, crossing your arms and slightly bending your knees.
  2. We sit on the floor and bend over with our legs straight.
  3. We lie on our backs and completely relax. You can even close your eyes and lie there for a couple of minutes.

Possible difficulties

The main difficulty in morning exercises can be getting up early. Not everyone can force themselves to get up half an hour to an hour earlier in order to devote time to exercise. Many will prefer to devote this time to sleep. The main thing here is motivation. Think about what morning exercise will do for you and what benefits it will bring to your body. Try to go to bed half an hour to an hour earlier, especially at first, so that your body does not feel a lack of sleep. Better yet, turn men's morning exercises into family exercises. Joint activities bring us closer together and bring even greater benefits!

Think about why you need morning exercises. If only to wake up and prepare the body for a new day, then you can simply perform the main set of exercises in a relaxed state. Don’t rush anywhere, but slowly let every cell of your body wake up in motion.

If you don’t have time for additional exercises other than morning exercises, then it is better to pay more attention to it, especially in the strength department. Work your abs deeper, do exercises for your arms, chest and legs.

You can do the warm-up complex every day, and add the main one every other day. This way the muscles will recover from the main load, but will not forget the taste of movement.

Waking up in the morning, we feel a certain lethargy, because the body still continues to be at rest. It takes a couple of hours for a person to finally wake up. Morning hygiene procedures help to invigorate: brushing teeth, washing and showering. Thanks to them, impulses are sent to the nerve centers. But without proper work of joints and muscles, complete awakening does not occur, which is why morning exercises are so important.

Before moving on to the question of how to do it correctly, let’s consider what its benefits are.

It is clear that for physical training, which give the muscles a thorough load, you need to visit the training room 3-4 times a week.

As a health procedure excellent option is morning exercises. It will bring maximum benefit if it becomes regular, and the exercises included in the complex will become more complex and improved over time. Of course, the room in which gymnastics is done must be well ventilated, and the clothing must be comfortable and not restrict movement. It’s very good if, after charging, you have the opportunity to take a contrast shower. That's it - you are charged with energy for the whole day!

The benefits of morning exercises are enormous: it helps to overcome hypokinesia syndrome, which manifests itself in increased irritability and drowsiness, bad mood and fatigue, decreased vitality and lethargy.

Charger– this is not a training session. Her goals are different. That’s why it’s called exercise because it gives you a boost of energy for the whole day. In contrast, training is aimed at “exhausting” the body, which occurs as a result of muscle tension. After such activities, which require enormous strength, it is hardly appropriate to talk about vigor. The only thing you want after training is peace.

Many people try to combine a morning jog and a set of strength exercises for the arms, legs, and abs. But the duration of such classes is much longer than the time allotted for charging. Such workouts last from 40 to 50 minutes, so you can’t call them exercises.

Exercise is a set of exercises designed to warm up joints and muscles.

You can, of course, plug it into the charger strength exercises, but there should be few of them. For power loads The optimal time is the afternoon, and for charging - the morning.

Charging rules

How to do exercises correctly? Since the human body wakes up gradually, the exercises should be started with the easiest ones, which can be performed even without getting out of bed. This will help the heart smoothly switch to active mode, so as not to sharply load the heart muscle. However, such exercises are warm-up exercises, so they are not enough to make the day active. You can do them, then wash your face, walk around, drink a glass of water and then perform a set of basic exercises.

If you like to do exercises while listening to music, please do so. If there are intense exercises in the complex, then the music tempo is recommended at 140-170 beats per minute. This is the tempo of most modern songs, so everyone can choose the music that they like best. For a calm rhythm, the music should be slower. Rhythmic songs chosen as accompaniment will help to properly organize both movements and breathing.

The best morning exercise is considered to be the one after which you feel a surge of vigor and strength. The main mistake people make is overloading - you don’t need to be too zealous while charging. Its main task is to awaken and tone the body. And there are workouts to build muscle mass. That is, after charging you should feel cheerful, not tired. If fatigue is present, the load needs to be reduced.

An approximate complex for morning exercises

Exercises for charging have a lot of variations, but they should all include movements for the neck, arms, torso, and legs.

Neck exercises

  • Turns the head left and right.
  • Head tilts left and right, back and forth.
  • Circular slow rotations of the head.

If you have problems with the vestibular system, you do not need to close your eyes during exercises.

To warm up the joints of the hands, perform rotational movements with your fists. In addition, you can perform rotations with your hands clasped together.

  • For the shoulder joint, rotations are performed with the shoulders - two at the same time and alternately.
  • Circular movements are also performed with straight arms.
  • Having bent your elbows, make rotational movements on a count of 1-2-3-4, first performing them towards yourself, then against you (at a count of 5-6-7-8).
  • Bend your elbows and touch your shoulders with your fingers and rotate your elbows. They don't take their fingers off their shoulders. On the count of 1-2-3-4 the elbows rotate in one direction, and on the count 5-6-7-8 - in the other.

  • Forward bends are performed with feet placed shoulder-width apart. You need to touch the floor with your fingers or palms (as stretching allows). The exercise is performed without jerking, slowly.
  • Place your hands on your waist and begin to rotate your hips. At the same time, movements should not pinch the muscles and cause pain.
  • Side bends. Feet are shoulder-width apart to ensure a stable position. Right hand raised up, and the left one stands on the belt. Tilt to the left is performed on a count of 1-2. At the count of 3-4, the hands change position and the bends are performed to the right side. This stretches the back muscles. But, you need not to overdo it and, if the tension is strong, the load needs to be reduced.
  • Hold your hands in a “lock” and bend them at the elbows. Place your feet shoulder-width apart and rotate your torso. IN left side We turn at the count of 1-2, to the right - at 3-4, without lifting our feet from the floor.

  • We alternately swing our legs forward and backward (10-15 times with each leg).
  • Then, we raise our legs to the sides (also 10-15 lifts with each leg).
  • We make circular movements in the knee joint.
  • Without lifting your heels off the floor, perform deep squats. For beginners, 10-15 squats will be enough.

Additional exercises

Strength exercises that can be added to your morning exercise routine:

  • abdominal exercises;
  • push-ups;
  • rotation of the hala hoop (gymnastic hoop);
  • exercises with an expander;
  • exercises with medium and light weight dumbbells.

The effect of regular exercise

If you do all the exercises given, it will be easier to wake up in the morning and get into work mode. Exercise done in the morning activates vision, hearing, nervous system, vestibular apparatus, thereby eliminating the lethargy that is present after a night's sleep. It also has a beneficial effect on lung function.

The above complex (like any other), performed in the morning, will prepare the body for the mental, physical and emotional stress that awaits everyone during the day.


Video: Morning exercises
