Open your own pawnshop. Pawnshop business plan: what documents are needed to open

Step by step instructions, from which you will learn everything you need to open a pawnshop in Russia and how much it will cost. The material takes into account legislative, tax and organizational subtleties.


The procedure for opening a pawnshop is significantly different from opening a regular company. The difficulty lies in the fact that it is necessary to comply with all legal requirements in this area, and if you fail to do so (by mistake or ignorance), you will have to pay huge fines. In order to avoid this, we will analyze the subtleties of the requirements for pawnshops and study the procedure for opening and organizing one from scratch.

Stage 1: Regulatory documents

Let's consider in the form of step-by-step instructions what you need to open your own pawnshop. The initial stage of planning the opening of a pawnshop is the study of legislative acts regulating the work of a pawnshop organization. We must collect all the regulatory and legal acts of our future activities, because issues of legal regulation will have to be faced in practice.

The main legislative act is the federal law Federal Law of July 19, 2007 N 196-FZ “On Pawnshops”.

Key points of the law:

  • Pawnshop is a specialized commercial organization, the main activity of which is issuing loans to the population on collateral, as well as storage activities.
  • The pawnshop is prohibited from engaging in any other types of activities other than providing loans (for a period of up to 1 year) and storing things.
  • The pawnshop is required to insure all items pledged by borrowers for the entire loan term.
  • When transferring things as collateral or for storage, the pawnshop is obliged to evaluate these things.
  • When providing a loan, the pawnshop is obliged to enter into a loan agreement, which must specify the essential aspects of the transaction (amount, rate, repayment period, name and valuation of the pledged item).
  • When a loan is issued, the borrower is given 1 copy of the pledge ticket, the second copy remains in the pawnshop.
  • The borrower undertakes to repay the loan received, as well as interest on it, according to the period specified in the contract. If the borrower is overdue for repayment of the loan by more than 1 month, the pawnshop has the right to sell the pledged property.
  • The sale of pledged items occurs through its sale; if the price of the item exceeds 30,000 rubles, its sale occurs through a public auction in the form of an open auction.

Important point: According to the Law “On Pawnshops”, pawnshops can only engage in issuing loans, therefore, in order to sell property for which a pledge has occurred, it is necessary to create a separate legal entity that will be engaged in the retail trade of jewelry.

The next legislative act regulating the activities of the pawnshop is the order of RosFinMonitoring No. 203 dated August 3, 2010 “On approval of the Regulations on the requirements for the preparation and training of personnel carrying out transactions with funds or other property, in order to counter the legalization (laundering) of proceeds from crime through, and financing of terrorism."

This provision regulates the following issues:

  • Requirements for training and education of personnel when dealing with funds and other property.
  • Forms, frequency and timing of personnel training
  • Organization of training records

If the conditions of Order No. 203 of August 3, 2010 are not met, the organization may be brought to administrative responsibility, and in case of systematic violations, it may be closed.

Due to the fact that the pawnshop’s activities are related to the turnover of precious metals and stones, it is subject to the Order of the Ministry of Finance Russian Federation No. 68n dated August 29, 2001 “On approval of the Instructions on the procedure for recording and storing precious metals, precious stones, products made from them and maintaining records during their production, use and circulation.”

Important point: This order applies to pawnshops that issue loans secured by precious metals and stones.

Features of taxation

Taxation of pawnshop activities exists certain subtleties. According to the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, the activities of pawnshops fall under the general taxation regime. At the same time, income received in the form of interest on loans is not subject to VAT (according to subparagraph 5 of paragraph 3 of Article 149 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation), and activities for storing things are subject to VAT, therefore, the organization must maintain separate accounting records.

Stage 2: Economic calculation

One of the main stages of planning the opening of a pawnshop is calculating its effectiveness. On at this stage necessary:

  1. Understand what investments are required to open a pawnshop.
  2. What will be the consumable part of the pawnshop?
  3. How many loans must be issued per month to cover all costs and earn a profit?

Using an example, we will analyze the economic calculation of opening a pawnshop.

All calculations were made for a pawnshop located in Moscow

On average, equipping one pawnshop with an area of ​​40 m2 requires an investment of 500 thousand rubles. Expenses consist of the following items: renovation of premises, purchase of furniture and office equipment, special equipment, safe, purchase of accounting programs, printing promotional materials, a set of reagents and tools for the appraiser, and so on.

Also, to open a pawnshop, you must have funds to issue loans to the population.

The costs of opening a pawnshop in our example amounted to 10,500,000 rubles (0.5 million rubles in capital costs and 10 million rubles in funds for issuing loans).


  • Rent: 3,500 rub. for 1 sq. m. - 140,000 rubles (for 50 sq.m.)
  • Salary: 5 people (1 director, 4 appraisers, working in two-by-two shifts) - 300,000 rubles (including taxes).
  • Security: - 160,000 rubles
  • Other (advertising, administrative, maintenance accounting, insurance) - 200,000 rubles.
  • Total expenses: 800,000 rubles.

Having analyzed the rates in existing pawn shops, the average rate for a secured loan is 10%. Based on this rate and fixed costs, the pawnshop’s break-even point is 8.8 million rubles. This means that it is necessary to issue loans for 8.8 million rubles in order to cover all expenses and break even.

Therefore, for a pawnshop to make a profit, it is necessary to issue loans in the amount of more than 8.8 million rubles per month. Use the methodology for calculating pawnshop working capital to make your own calculations for specific conditions.

In practice, in order for a pawnshop to operate profitably, it is necessary that 40-50 people visit the pawnshop per day (the average loan amount is 5-10 thousand rubles). On average, a pawnshop needs a period of 3 to 6 months to reach the break-even point. The timing depends on the correct choice of location of the point, the presence of competitors, advertising.

Payback period for a pawnshop based on the volume of loans issued:

Average monthly volume of loans, rub. 9 000 000 9 500 000 10 000 000
Payback period, year 9 6 4
Return on investment, % 13,33 18,95 24,00

As can be seen from the table, the greater the average monthly volume of issues, the faster the payback. In practice, the payback period for a pawnshop is 5-7 years.

Stage 3: Registration procedures

If you are satisfied with the economic calculation of the activities of a pawnshop, and are not put off by the prospect of getting bogged down in the study of various Talmuds regulating the activities of a pawnshop organization, then you can safely proceed to registering a pawnshop.

Specific steps to open

  1. Register your activity with the Tax Inspectorate. The optimal organizational form for a pawnshop is “Society with limited liability" You can find the list of documents required for registering an LLC on the website

    You must select the following as the type of activity:

    provision of short-term loans by pawnshops secured by movable property (OKVED 65.22.6.)

    provision of services for storing valuables (OKVED 67.13.5.);

    provision of consulting and information services (OKVED 74.14 Consulting on commercial activities and enterprise management)

  2. Register the pawnshop with the Federal Service for Financial Monitoring. Within 30 days from the date of state registration, the organization has an obligation to register with RosFinMonitoring. You can find the list of documents required to register a company on the official website.
  3. Register with the Assay Office for special registration. According to Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation No. 68n dated August 29, 2001, organizations involved in the circulation of precious metals and stones are required to register with the Assay Office. The list of documents required for special registration can be found on the official website of the Assay Office.

    Important point: Without registration with RosFinMonitoring and the Assay Chamber, a pawnshop does not have the right to issue loans.

  4. Choose insurance company and insure for the benefit of the pledgors the things accepted as collateral. According to the Law “On Pawnshops”, in order to carry out the activity of issuing loans on collateral, it is necessary to insure the property offered as collateral in favor of the pledgor, but at the expense of one’s own funds. Forcing insurance at the expense of the mortgagor is prohibited. Important point: In order not to insure each item separately, it would be optimal to insure for a certain amount, which will allow you to cover all your obligations to the pledgors.

Stage 4: Selecting a location

The correct choice of pawnshop location determines whether your pawnshop will be profitable and how quickly it will pay for itself. The premises for the pawnshop must comply following criteria:

  • The premises must be located on the first line of houses (first or basement floor, it is allowed to place a pawnshop in the basement, if there is a convenient staircase)
  • The premises should be located in a place with high human traffic (for profitable operation, the pawnshop should receive 40-50 visitors per day)
  • The pawnshop must be located in a densely populated residential area (“dormitory area”).
  • The premises must comply with the rules fire safety and SES requirements.

Actual launch, start of work of the pawnshop

Now you know the main stages of opening a pawnshop and all that remains to actually launch it is:

  1. Hire staff (the number depends on the area of ​​the pawnshop and the number of services provided and types of collateral accepted)
  2. Decide on the work schedule (It is optimal for the pawnshop to be open daily, from 10:00 to 23:00)
  3. Develop internal regulations for the pawnshop (internal regulations, job descriptions employees, employment contracts, loan agreement forms, and so on).
  4. Conclude an agreement for the security of the facility with a security company (it is not advisable to have your own security guard on staff; it is optimal to hire a specialized security company to provide security services).
  5. Buy software for pawnshop operation. (Purchasing software significantly optimizes the work of a pawnshop, speeds up the execution of a loan agreement, helps track repayment terms and much more).

After completing all the steps, all you have to do is cut the red ribbon and start your business!!!

Lately, pawn shops have been growing like mushrooms after rain. Every now and then you see advertisements in the subway, transport, on the Internet, in various newspapers and magazines, stating that certain financial institutions are ready to issue you a loan for precious metals, real estate and movable property. Each pawnshop offers some of its own, special conditions, attracting customers with low rates, preferential loan terms, various systems loyalty and discounts.

A completely logical question arises: is the activity of pawnshops really so profitable that their number is increasing every day? In this article we will talk about how to open a pawnshop, what is needed for this, and what kind of profit you can get in the first month of your activity.

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How to open a pawnshop: studying the legislative framework

The first thing you need to start opening your own pawnshop is to study the legislative framework and all legal acts regulating the work of the pawnshop. When starting any business, it is important to clearly understand what you will be working with, how to protect yourself, and what to rely on, and opening a pawn shop is no exception. Already at the planning stage, study all the intricacies of this business, delve into the standards of conduct financial activities pawnshop, understand what rights you have as a borrower, and the one to whom you will lend money. You need to understand everything in detail so that you don’t mess things up later and end up in a difficult and unpleasant situation.

In Russia, the main law regulating the activities of pawnshops is the Federal Law of 2007 N 196-FZ of July 19 “On Pawnshops”.

In the context of this article, we will not consider the entire law in detail, because you must do this yourself, paying due attention to it, but we will highlight the main aspects that everyone who wants to open a pawnshop simply needs to know and understand.

  • A pawnshop is a commercial financial organization whose main purpose is to issue money to the public on the security of some material assets.
  • Pawnshops can store items that serve as collateral and issue loans for a period of no more than one year. Any other activity within this financial institution is prohibited.
  • Pawnshops are required to insure items that serve as collateral for the entire loan period.
  • All operations for issuing loans must be formalized by drawing up an agreement. The agreement must describe all aspects of lending money - loan term, interest rate, liability of the parties, penalties, etc.
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  • When issuing a loan, the pawnshop is obliged to provide the borrower with one copy of the document, which will describe the security of which property the money was issued. This document is called a “pledge ticket.” One copy of the ticket must remain in the hands of the borrower, one in the pawnshop.
  • The contract specifies the term of the loan, and the borrower is obliged to repay the amount, plus accrued interest for using the money, within a clearly established time frame. If the borrower does not repay the loan, or does so incompletely, then the pawnshop has every right to sell the item received as collateral in order to compensate for its costs.
  • The realization of the pledged property takes place by selling it. If an item is valued at more than 30,000 rubles, then it must be sold only at open auctions, which anyone can have access to.

As we said above, a pawnshop only has the right to store things and issue loans. But what if the borrower does not return the money within the agreed period and the pledged property needs to be sold? Here you will have to open an additional enterprise (as a rule, this is a legal entity), the main activity of which will be retail jewelry, or other goods (depending on the type of pawnshop).

It should also be noted that the activities of the pawnshop are still regulated by Order No. 203 of RosFinMonitoring dated 08/03/2010 “On approval of the Regulations on the requirements for education and training of personnel carrying out transactions with funds or other property to counter the legalization (laundering) of proceeds from crime , as well as the financing of terrorism."

Please read this legal act in detail, as it describes in detail:

  • Requirements that the state imposes on the education and training of personnel working in the financial sector and those involved in monetary and foreign exchange operations.
  • Form of personnel training, as well as the timing and frequency of required recertification.
  • Organization of the training process for pawnshop workers.
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Many people ignore the requirements of this order, but thereby expose their business to certain risks. For the first violation, you face administrative liability and a possible fine. If you systematically violate the requirements of the decree, the pawnshop may be closed.

Since the activities of pawnshops are related to the turnover of precious and semi-precious precious stones, as well as various metals, then it is subject to Order No. 68n of the Russian Ministry of Finance dated August 29, 2001. This order regulates the procedure for storing and maintaining records of precious metals and products made from them. This order is relevant only if you are going to lend against stones or precious metals as collateral. If the activities of your pawnshop do not provide for this kind of operation, then you can not pay attention to this order.

Also please note special attention to questions regarding taxation of pawnshop activities. Here, too, there are certain subtleties and features associated with imperfect legislation. The Tax Code of the Russian Federation states that the activities of pawnshops fall under the general principles of taxation, and interest received from the pledge should not be subject to VAT. At the same time, activities related to the storage of things are subject to value added tax. Based on this, we can say that it is necessary to conduct different accounting statements, in which to display different profits.

Economic benefits of opening a pawnshop

If you are wondering how to open a pawnshop, then you need to immediately think about the economic benefits of this type of activity. This is one of the most important points on which it is worth dwelling in detail, calculating everything, weighing the pros and cons of opening a pawnshop, and only after that making a decision on the advisability of this type of activity.

You need:

  • Clearly understand what investments will be required to initial stage(opening a pawnshop), and whether any funds are needed to support the activities of the pawnshop in the first months, or until it reaches self-sufficiency.
  • Determine the expense side of the business. Understand where, when, and how much you will have to invest.
  • Clearly understand how much loans need to be issued monthly in order to reach the level of self-sufficiency.
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All these questions require detailed study, good and qualitative analysis. Let's look at the example of an already operating Moscow pawnshop, all the issues that we outlined above. It is clear that Moscow is not a cheap city, and the numbers we will use further should not frighten you too much. The total investment amount in Moscow and in the regions may differ by three or even five times. If you plan to open a pawnshop in a small town, then the amount may be tens of times less.

So, in order to equip a pawnshop in a room of 40 square meters, we will need at least 17,000 dollars. This amount included: renovation of the premises in which the pawnshop was located, purchase of new office equipment and furniture, purchase of special equipment, a safe, accounting programs, ordering and printing of advertising materials, purchase for the appraiser necessary tools and reagents and so on. Also, do not forget that you must have available funds, which will be issued as a loan in the future. In our case, opening a pawnshop cost 350 thousand dollars, of which 17 thousand were spent on repairs and technical issues, and 333 thousand were money for loans.

Any business has monthly expenses, and our pawnshop, opened in Moscow, is no exception. Such expenses may include:

  • Renting premises. Based on the calculation of $200 per square meter, the monthly rent is $8,000.
  • Employees' wages. In our pawnshop, the director and 4 appraisers working in shifts received a salary. In total, $10,000 was spent on salaries per month.
  • Security is an important component of pawnshop operations. You will work with precious metals, with large sums of money that are stored in the pawnshop premises. Therefore, you need round-the-clock, high-quality and reliable security. In our case, everything necessary funds protection cost $5,000.
  • Other expenses. Pawn shop advertising, collateral insurance, administrative and accounting activities – $6,000.
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As a result, the pawnshop's monthly expenses amounted to $29,000.

Next, an analysis of the rates of all the largest pawnshops in Moscow was carried out, and it was found that it was about 10%. Taking this rate as a basis and adding there fixed costs for the activities of a pawnshop, it was established that it was necessary to issue loans of at least 350 thousand dollars per month. It is this amount that will allow the pawnshop to operate without a loss.

It’s not hard to guess that in order to make a profit, you need to issue loans in the amount of more than 350 thousand dollars per month. You can use this method, and calculate the required amount for your specific case.

Next it was calculated required quantity borrowers, and the average loan amount. Based on the initial investment, and monthly costs, it was certain that every day 30-40 people should become clients of the pawn shop and borrow from 170 to 340 dollars. In order to reach self-sufficiency, a pawnshop, on average, needs up to six months. Of course, a lot depends on your initial investment and monthly costs. The location where the pawnshop will be located, your customer attraction policies, advertising activities, etc. also play a big role. There have been cases when, in the second month of activity, a pawnshop already paid for itself, and in less than six months made a profit.

In our case, a pawnshop in Moscow completely paid for itself in 5 years.

Next stage: pawnshop registration

So, with legislative framework you have read it, and now you clearly understand what you will have to face as a result of opening a pawnshop. We also calculated the economic component of your future business, and realized all the risks and difficulties, if any. Are you satisfied with everything? If yes, then you can move on to the next stage - registering a pawnshop. Let's take a step-by-step look at what and how to do to officially register your pawnshop.

  1. First you need to choose a form and type of activity. You can open a pawnshop as an individual entrepreneur, but in this case you may encounter a number of problems and difficulties. Many experienced businessmen advise immediately registering an LLC and linking your pawnshop to it. The list of required documents and the LLC registration process can be found on the official website of the federal tax service—
We recommend reading:

When registering an enterprise, you will need to indicate the type of future activity (KVED). Among hundreds of different KVEDs, you need to choose the following:

  • provision of short-term loans by pawnshops secured by movable property (65.22.6 OKVED);
  • provision of valuable storage services (67.13.5 OKVED);
  • provision of information and consulting services (74.14 OKVED - consulting on enterprise management and commercial activities).
  1. After state registration, you must register the pawnshop with the federal financial monitoring service. You are given no more than 30 days for this procedure. To register, you will also need to collect a certain package of documents. More detailed information can be found on the website of the federal service.
  2. If you plan to work with precious stones and metals, and the vast majority of pawnshops work with them, then you still need to collect documents and register the pawnshop with the Assay Office. This is done in accordance with Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation No. 68n dated August 29, 2001
  3. Also, do not forget that all things accepted by you as collateral must be insured. The next step is choosing an insurance company and signing with them all the necessary contracts for the provision of property insurance services. Insurance is provided exclusively at the expense of the pawnshop, and it is prohibited to force the borrower to pay for insurance.

The insurance agent of the selected company will tell you in more detail about the insurance process.

The right location is the key to successful pawnshop operation

If you are planning to open a pawnshop, you must understand that right choice location is a guarantee successful work. The potential profit, the time it takes to reach self-sufficiency, and the prospects for the development of your business depend on where your pawnshop is located. When choosing a place for a pawnshop, follow simple but very important rules:

  • The pawnshop premises should be located on the first line. The ground floor is perfect for this, or basement, to which it leads comfortable staircase. Do not rent premises deep in courtyards, on impassable streets, where you cannot find the pawnshop you need during the day.
  • The place should be crowded, lively, with a large flow of people. The example we described above showed that to be profitable, a pawnshop must issue loans to 30-40 people a day. This can only be achieved through a good location in a crowded area.
We recommend reading:

  • The most convenient places for pawnshops are located nearby metro stations, stops public transport, in densely populated residential areas.
  • To avoid problems with regulatory authorities, choose a room that meets all SES standards and fire service. You do not need unnecessary checks and fines at the very beginning of your activity.

The final stage: starting the pawnshop

So, you have figured out the legislative framework that regulates the activities of a pawnshop, calculated the economic benefits of this type of activity, looked at and assessed the premises for a future business, collected necessary documents, and have already begun the process of registering the official activities of the pawnshop. And now final stage- start of work. There is very little left, after which you can tell everyone - I am the owner of a pawnshop. So, you need:

  • Select qualified personnel, the number of which is determined based on the size of the pawnshop, the number of services you are going to provide, and the jewelry you want to work with. If you plan to work with precious stones, then you need a specialist appraiser, or technical means, which determine the value of the stone, its carat content and purity.
  • Choose the optimal work schedule. Of course, it is ideal for the pawnshop to be open 24 hours a day. If this cannot be done at the initial stage, then an excellent schedule is from 11 to 23. As a rule, there is no point in starting work in the morning, because few people apply for a loan as soon as the sun rises.
  • Next, we enter into an agreement with a security company that will provide a wide range of services. Keeping a security guard on staff is inappropriate. It is much more profitable and better to cooperate with a professional security company, have surveillance cameras and a panic button.
We recommend reading:

  • Do not forget that you need to develop internal documentation: operating regulations of the pawnshop, internal regulations, employment contracts with personnel, agreements for issuing loans, etc.
  • We live in a technological time when business activities are greatly simplified with the help of various gadgets and programs. Therefore, buy special software for pawnshops, which will help you keep accounting records faster and more accurately, calculate potential profits, and tell you when and how much to pay taxes.

That's probably all we wanted to tell you. Now you know how to open a pawnshop, what stages you need to go through, and what to pay attention to first.

Despite the abundance of banks and microcredit organizations that offer a wide variety of loan options, the services of ordinary pawnshops have been in considerable demand among citizens for many years. An imperfect credit history, the need to collect too many documents or wait a long time for a decision – there are many reasons why a person is not always comfortable going to the bank if he urgently needs money. But in a pawnshop they will give you the required amount instantly and without unnecessary formalities, as a rule, on the security of expensive jewelry. And as long as there is demand for the service, you can make money from this demand. Let's figure out how to open a pawnshop and how profitable this enterprise can become.

Business specifics and legal framework

The main source of income for any pawnshop is issuing loans in the amount of 70-80 percent of the estimated value of the pledged property. In this case, the organization’s risk is minimized: if the borrower does not repay the loan, the collateral is sold and all costs are thus compensated.

Anyone who plans to open a pawnshop needs to know: a separate legal entity is created to sell valuables. A pawnshop cannot independently sell borrowers' property.

Still, minimal risk does not mean its complete absence. Certain problems may arise if the pawnshop client received collateral property illegally. Although appraisers are not required to determine where a visitor got a brooch or earrings, if this property turns out to have a “criminal” past, law enforcement agencies may well confiscate dubious items.

In addition, the pawnshop is responsible for the safety of the pledged property, so it must be insured for the entire time it is in the warehouse.

The agreement concluded by the pawnshop with clients must provide for all the conditions, terms of redemption of the pledged property, its estimated value and the interest paid for the use of credit funds. It is better to entrust the drafting of a standard contract to experienced lawyers.

Typically, borrowers try to return their belongings, and for this purpose - to pay on time and in full, but certain part the pledged items still remain unredeemed. In this case, the pledge can be sent for free sale or, if its value exceeds 30 thousand rubles, for auction.

The work of pawnshops in the Russian Federation is regulated by relevant regulations:

  • Federal Law “On Pawnshops” dated July 19, 2007 No. 196. According to it, pawnshops can issue loans for up to one year, store borrowers’ property and must evaluate and insure it.
  • Regulations on training of personnel working with money and material assets, approved by Order No. 203 of Rosfinmonitoring dated 08/03/2010. In accordance with it, the pawnshop undertakes to conduct periodic training of personnel on AML/CFT. In addition, Rosfinmonitoring authorities should be informed about all transactions for amounts exceeding 600 thousand rubles.
  • Instructions for accounting and storage of precious metals and stones No. 68-n. dated 08.29.2001.

We prepare documents

To open a pawnshop, you will first need to register with the State Assay Supervision Inspectorate and Rosfinmonitoring.

Within one month from the date of registration legal entity must be submitted to Federal service on financial monitoring the following documents:

  • application signed by the director with the seal of the organization;
  • card in the 2-kpu form, which indicates the employee responsible for internal control (notarized).

To register with the Assay Office, you will also need a number of documents:

  • statement;
  • registration card in a special form;
  • a copy of the state registration certificate;
  • rental agreement for premises or supporting documents for property;
  • a copy of the information letter with statistics codes;
  • constituent documents.

In addition, before opening a pawnshop and starting its work, you need to obtain:

  • permission from Rospotrebnadzor, which will list all the services provided by the organization;
  • registration card and assay supervision certificate.

A pawnshop license is not required.

To do accounting you need to choose common system taxation: the pawnshop cannot use any preferential tax regimes. You also need to know that accounting should be kept separately: for interest income and for storage of property.

Search for premises

The main requirement for the premises of a pawnshop is its successful location: in a “passage” place next to transport stops, preferably on the first or ground floor. The ideal place for a pawnshop is in a residential area: usually things are taken to a pawnshop not far from home.

At the beginning of work, you are unlikely to need a large room; two are enough. spacious rooms: one to use as a warehouse, the second to work with clients. The warehouse will need shelving and at least one safe. The office for receiving visitors should be furnished with comfortable furniture and equipped with everything necessary for receiving and evaluating things, as well as recording loan transactions.

This territory will be enough if you first specialize in receiving watches, jewelry and appliances. To store antiques, paintings and fur coats, special conditions (certain temperature and humidity) and, of course, additional premises will be required. If you subsequently want to accept cars and other vehicles as collateral, you cannot do without a guarded parking lot.

There must be a fire department in the room and security alarm, video surveillance, in addition, you need to conclude a contract for physical security with a specialized company.


To accept collateral, you will need qualified appraisers. The level of skill must be quite high: an experienced specialist will be able to identify a fake and understand the characteristics of precious stones and metals. Of course, this will require appropriate equipment.

If you plan to accept not only jewelry, but also equipment, you will need appraisers who are well versed in it: the same employee is unlikely to be an expert in everything. Thus, two receivers must work per shift.

How to start working

When determining opening hours, you need to keep in mind that most often clients come to the pawnshop in the evening - after work, so it is better if the office is open until late.

You don’t need a large-scale advertising campaign: just make a bright sign and distribute leaflets in surrounding houses and organizations so that area residents are aware of where they can intercept money if necessary.

You should not count on the fact that satisfied clients will recommend you to their friends: usually people do not advertise their financial difficulties and related visits to the pawnshop. So advertisements need to be constantly updated.

How much does it cost to open a pawnshop?

Composing detailed business plan pawnshop, you need to remember that the main monetary investment here is working capital, the amount from which loans will be issued. To start productive work, it must be at least 10 million rubles.

There will also be initial costs for starting a business and setting up an office; they will amount to about 500-800 thousand rubles. This will include:

  • renovation and furnishing of office premises;
  • purchase of office equipment and software;
  • purchase of a safe and special equipment for evaluation;
  • creation of advertising materials.

In addition to one-time expenses, there will also be monthly expenses:

  • rental of premises – 150 thousand rubles;
  • staff salaries – 300 thousand rubles;
  • insurance – 50–80 thousand rubles;
  • advertising – 10 thousand rubles;
  • security – 150–160 thousand rubles.

The average rate for loans from pawn shops is about 10 percent. In order for the institution to operate without losses (to cover monthly expenses), it is necessary to issue loans in the amount of 8–9 million rubles monthly. This means that 20–30 people should use the pawnshop’s services per day. When calculating costs and profits, you must also keep in mind that items not purchased by the owners will most likely not be sold immediately; this will take some time.

As a rule, it takes 6–12 months to break even and recoup the initial investment. This largely depends on the location of the pawnshop and advertising campaign, as well as how much competition there is in the market.

A pawnshop is a type of business that is distinguished by its specifics, and an entrepreneur needs to have a good understanding of the activities of such establishments to operate successfully. During a crisis, people often turn to a pawnshop to get the funds they need to live or to pay off loans and debts.

Therefore, the turnover of pawnshops is increasing, and at the same time the number of establishments opening is growing. According to statistics, up to 200 such organizations are registered annually in Russia alone. How to open your own pawnshop from scratch? The answer is in this article!

A pawnshop is an institution that issues loans to the public secured by valuable property of the client for a certain period. The interest rate on the use of cash by clients is set independently by the pawnshop (in Russia it is prohibited to exceed 25%).

The advantages of opening a pawnshop are accessibility and high profitability. It is impossible to answer unequivocally whether it is profitable to open a pawnshop. This is influenced by a number of factors:

  • selected location for the pawnshop;
  • rent amount;
  • advertising effectiveness, etc.

A pawnshop located in a busy place with high traffic (next to hypermarkets, shops, shopping centers) can count on more successful activities, although this is not a guarantee of a stable income.

The location in the center has disadvantages:

  • high rent;
  • more competition;
  • When deciding to pawn an item, a person tries to find a pawnshop not far from home.

It is necessary to determine for yourself the type of activity and find out how relevant the services offered are. Before organizing a pawnshop, you should study the necessary costs, take into account the risks and the amount of possible income. Drawing up a business plan with preliminary calculations will allow you to estimate the amount of investment and the payback period.

The greatest liquidity is represented by jewelry, but clients often pawn furs and household appliances. Storing clothes comes with its own challenges, and household appliances becomes obsolete quickly, its value is lost.

Choosing premises for a pawnshop

It is not always the case that premises located in the city center bring more profit than those located in a residential area. It is recommended to choose a pawnshop on the first or ground floor (the entrance from the courtyard is not suitable).

The room (area from 40 m2) must meet the requirements of the sanitary-epidemiological and fire services.

It should be noted that a pawnshop that issues loans secured by antique items or equipment requires a separate room where things will be stored. A car pawnshop requires a parking lot and, as a result, the cost of renting it will increase.

Before opening a pawnshop, you should prepare the following documents:

  • cash book;
  • job descriptions;
  • employment contract forms;
  • order of prices for gold;
  • order on the size of bets in a pawnshop.​

An additional amount (10 million rubles) is needed to provide loans to clients. Monthly expenses will be:
