Central monitoring console operator responsibilities

Control panel attendant

35. The control panel duty officer (DPU) is subordinate to the head of the control center, the chief specialist, the senior engineer, the control center engineer, the shift supervisor of the control panel duty officers, and is operationally subordinate to the senior control center duty officer, the duty officer and their assistant.

36. DPU is personally responsible for:

36.1. Monitoring the status of the centralized protection of objects, apartments and MHIG, TSOs on which are connected to the automated workplace (monitoring station).

36.2. Timely registration of reception and removal of objects, apartments and MHIG from security, as well as alarm notifications received by the ARC, immediate transfer of them or other information on the protection of objects to the ARC on duty (duty combat unit police).

37. DPU must know:

37.1. Requirements of orders, instructions and other regulations governing his official activities.

37.2. General provisions about the design and operation of alarm systems, security alarm systems installed at facilities, apartments and MHIG.

37.3. The order of operations and actions on control panels in all modes of their operation (arming, disarming, alarm notification) for TSOs installed in the central monitoring station.

37.4. Labor protection and fire safety rules.

37.5. The procedure for maintaining official documentation of the automated workplace (CMS).

37.6. Basic provisions of standard contracts for the protection of objects, apartments and MHIG.

37.7. The procedure for organizing operational communication with the duty control center (the duty officer of a police combat unit), the rules of radio exchange, the rules for using technical means of control.

37.8. Internal regulations for the PSC.

38. DPU is obliged:

38.1. Comply with instructions and other requirements regulatory documents regulating the work of the DPU and the maintenance of official documentation.

38.2. When going on duty, check the security status of apartments that were under long-term security.

38.3. Check the serviceability of the communications equipment, check the clock installed at the duty control panel with the clock of the duty unit of the police combat unit and obtain (if manual use is available) a password for securing objects and apartments.

38.4. If omissions are discovered in the work of the previous shift, demand that the identified deficiencies be eliminated, report on the acceptance of duty to the shift manager of the control center, the duty control center (TsOU).

38.5. Conduct constant monitoring of the operation of the SPI to which objects, apartments and MHIG are connected.

38.6. Ensure timely acceptance and disarming of objects, apartments and MHIG.

38.7. Inform the shift manager of the control center (monitoring center on duty) about the number of alarm notifications received at the automated workplace (monitoring station), objects that have not been handed over for protection, objects that have overdue the time of handing over under protection under the concluded agreement.

38.8. If a malfunction of the SPI or control and recording device is detected, immediately report it to the duty control center (TsOC) and act according to his instructions. The time of TSO failure and restoration is recorded in audit trail(leaf).

38.9. When the owner leaves with a disruption in the loop burglar alarm after putting the apartment (MHIG) under security (exit through an alarm notification), record this fact in the control log (sheet), transfer information about this to the duty station duty station (the duty officer of the police combat unit) and act according to his instructions.

38.10. Immediately inform the duty control center (police combat unit on duty) when an “Alarm” notification is received from a protected facility, apartment or MHIG.

38.11. To independently reconnect (put under protection) the object, apartment or MHIG to the monitoring station after receiving information from the duty monitoring station (TsOU, combat police unit) about the results of the inspection.

If within 15 minutes after the alarm is transmitted there is no information from the duty control center (TsOU, combat police unit) about the results of its processing, it is necessary to make a corresponding request.

38.12. Interact with IT department specialists private security, service organizations and the owner when they carry out inspection or repair work.

38.13. Improve your professional knowledge in the special training system.

38.14. Maintain tact and politeness when making telephone calls from owners and specialists of service organizations regarding the provision of centralized security of facilities and apartments (MHIG).

38.15. If necessary, at the direction of the head of the private security unit, inform the owner of the facility, apartment or MHIG about changes in payment for security services or other changes in the terms of the contract.

39. While working in the control room of the control room, it is prohibited:

39.1. Engage in activities not related to the performance of one’s official duties.

39.2. Use television and radio equipment intended for work for personal purposes.

39.3. Make a telephone call to an object or apartment (MHIG) that has not been placed under centralized security, from which an alarm notification was received.

Quite unexpectedly, a vacancy for a surveillance console operator at a security agency fell on my head. I had never encountered this area before and had minimal information about it. More precisely, she didn’t even have any. The office is private, the bosses and managers are increasingly former employees internal organs with the appropriate manners. That is, the situation is, let’s say, semi-military: step to the left, step to the right, execution on the spot.

But there wasn't much choice. I completed an internship, learned all the simple intricacies of the security system and went to the barricades. The first and probably the most important advantage of the job is the schedule. One day/three. Regardless of traditional weekends. Let's face it, it's very convenient. She served a day and was free like the wind for the next three days. True, in reality it turned out that there were only two full days, since the day after the work shift was spent sleeping. It's stable.

The next plus (and maybe for some, a minus) is that there is not much work, most of the working time (especially at night) is spent doing your own things. If you want, read a book, if you want, watch a movie, if you want, organize a culinary club. No one will say a word, unless it is to the detriment of work.

Next is communication. In addition to the duties of a surveillance console operator in a security agency, one also has to perform some of the functions of a secretary. And this is communication with different people over the telephone, in person. But at the same time, there is no strict dress code.

Well, a little about the disadvantages. Of course - salary. This is far from the ultimate dream, but I believe that the salary level is quite consistent with the number of responsibilities. That is, essentially a job for the lazy. You don't do anything - you get money. And you get it on time and consistently - which is also important!

The next disadvantage is the inability to sleep at all. “Do what you want, but just don’t sleep” is the boss’s main commandment. At first it was quite difficult to get used to, and such sleepless nights in front of monitor screens are not very good for your health in general.

Well, for equal measure, the third minus is the lack of a social package (although the registration is official work book). Nobody pays extra for vacations or sick leave. But there is also a small plus here. We still go on vacation and still receive our regular salary. But in return for this “luxury”, the work schedule is adjusted for a day or two. It's heavier, but that's okay too.

In general, a surveillance console operator in a security agency is a warm place for the lazy and those who need work for the sake of work, and not for the sake of earning money. All of us (the operators) came here in search of temporary shelter. But, as they say, nothing is more permanent than temporary.

Approve the attached Instructions for organizing the security of private security units.

on organizing the work of centralized security points of private security units

I. General provisions

1. This Instruction regulates the issues of organizing and ensuring the operation of centralized security points of private security units.

2. Centralized security point * (1) - a control center for organizing and providing, on the basis of contracts, centralized security of apartments, places of storage of citizens' property * (2) and other objects of various forms of ownership * (3) with the help technical means security*(4) connected to notification transmission systems.

The PCO is part of the structure of the private security unit.

The staffing schedule of the PSC is established on the basis of orders of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Russian Federation*(5), regulating organizational and staffing issues.

3. For the purposes of these Instructions, the following basic terms and definitions apply:

3.1. Automated workplace- a dispatching workplace based on personal electronic computers or specialized control panels of integrated security systems, allowing the duty officer to remotely control the facility’s security and safety system and register incoming information.

3.2. Database - organized according to certain rules providing general principles descriptions, a set of blocks of information elements presented on machine-readable media, intended and suitable for quickly solving user, service and other tasks using tools computer technology.

3.3. Taking an object under protection is the implementation of established organizational and technical procedures to ensure the protection of the object.

3.4. Information capacity - the number of connected channel-forming end-object devices (reception and control devices) in the existing configuration (for notification transmission systems), controlled alarm loops (for end-object devices), controlled (protected) zones, the status of which is carried by warning equipment (for terminal control room devices), information about (for) which can be transmitted (received, displayed) by a technical security device*(4).

3.5. The involved capacity of the centralized monitoring console is part of the information capacity, which is determined by the number of connected channel-forming terminal object devices (reception and control devices) controlled by the notification transmission system.

3.6. Information content - the number of types of notices transmitted (received, displayed) by TSO.

3.7. The communication channel of the alarm system is a set of jointly operating equipment on linear communication structures that ensures the transfer of information to the central monitoring console * (6).

3.8. A complex of automation tools for central monitoring stations is a complex of interconnected application software, designed to automate the operation of the central monitoring station.

3.9. The place of storage of citizens' property is a building, structure, structure, premises (part thereof) owned by right of ownership or other legal basis to a citizen, where the property owned by the citizen is stored.

3.10. The control room number is a conventional unit of capacity of the notification transmission system, visually displayed on the monitoring station and containing information about the status of one type of alarm system (security, alarm), coming from one terminal device from one object.

3.11. Central monitoring console - component notification transmission system installed in the monitoring station (monitoring station installation point), for receiving from terminal control panel devices or repeaters notifications of intrusion into protected objects, service and control and diagnostic notifications, processing, displaying, recording the received information and presenting it in a given form for further processing, as well as (if there is a return channel) for transmitting telecontrol commands through terminal control devices to repeaters and terminal object devices.

3.12. Console (relay) capacity of a wired notification transmission system - the number of channel-forming directions (keys) of relay equipment for connecting wired telephone lines * (7).

3.13. Repeater is a part of a notification transmission system installed at an intermediate point between protected objects and the monitoring station or at a protected object to receive notifications from terminal devices or other repeaters, convert signals and transmit them to subsequent repeaters, terminal control rooms or monitoring stations, as well as (if the presence of a reverse channel) for receiving from the monitoring station or other repeaters and transmitting telecontrol commands to terminal devices or other repeaters.

3.14. Notification transmission system is a set of jointly operating technical means intended for transmitting via communication channels and for receiving in the monitoring center notifications about the security status of protected objects, service and control and diagnostic notifications, as well as (if there is a return channel) for transmitting and receiving telecontrol commands.

3.15. Informant-type notification transmission system is a notification transmission system that ensures the transmission of data from end-point devices to the central control center via public telephone networks switched for the duration of the communication.

3.16. Removing an object from security is a regular cessation of the implementation of procedures to ensure the security of an object.

3.17. Alarm - an alarm message received by the monitoring station, caused by penetration, attack (attempted attack) on a protected object.

3.18. Terminal object device - an integral part of the notification transmission system, installed at a protected facility to receive notifications from reception and control devices, security loops or alarm system, converting signals and transmitting them via communication channels to a repeater or monitoring station, as well as (if there is a return channel) for receiving telecontrol commands from the repeater or monitoring station.

3.19. Terminal control device - an integral part of the notification transmission system, installed in the monitoring station (monitoring station installation point) to receive notifications from repeaters and end-point devices, convert them and transmit them to the monitoring station, and also (if there is a return channel) for transmission to repeaters and (or ) terminal object devices for telecontrol commands.

4. In their activities, police officers serving in the ARC * (8) and employees of the ARC are guided by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, generally recognized principles and norms of international law, international treaties of the Russian Federation, federal constitutional laws, federal laws, acts of the President of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Russian Federation, regulatory legal acts of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia and this Instruction.

II. Functions of centralized security points

5. The central control center is responsible for performing the following functions:

5.1. Implementation, maintenance of those in operation, replacement and write-off of worn-out established deadlines operation of: automation equipment complexes, notification transmission systems, monitoring stations, monitoring and control equipment for access to the monitoring station, backup and uninterruptible power supplies, audio and video recording equipment, and other auxiliary equipment for the monitoring station.

5.2. Organization of connection to the notification transmission systems of the TCO control centers installed at the facilities.

5.3. Entering the necessary information about connected objects into the central monitoring station database.

5.4. Centralized monitoring of the conditions of TSO installed at protected sites.

5.5. Processing and registration of received alarm notifications.

5.6. Dissemination of alarming and other information to internal affairs bodies (detention groups * (9) of the combat unit of private security * (10)), other units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, individuals, bodies and organizations - owners of apartments, MHIG of other objects, property or their proxies .

5.7. Registration and control of the results of processing received alarm messages.

5.8. Disconnecting TSO from centralized surveillance systems and deleting (adjusting) information about objects from the central monitoring station database upon termination of contractual relations (changes in the list of protected objects to the contract).

5.9. Organization of reception, storage and issuance of duplicate keys to protected objects in accordance with instructions approved by the head of the unit (if necessary, instructions are developed for each individual central control center). The instructions define the algorithms for receiving, issuing, storing, and destroying unclaimed duplicate keys, as well as the procedure and control of documentation.

It is permissible to appoint someone responsible for this direction activities of an employee from among the senior staff of the joint venture with the adjustment of his functional responsibilities.

5.10. Correctly maintaining and ensuring the safety of GTSC official documentation, the list and forms of which are given in Appendix No. 1.

6. The head of the private security unit can determine the powers of the employees serving at the central monitoring station and the central monitoring station employees to carry out measures established by the regulatory legal acts of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia to accept under protection and de-protect objects, as well as to monitor the technical strength and operation of those installed on them TSO.

III. Organization of work of centralized security points

7. ARCs are organized in premises that meet the requirements set out in Appendix No. 2.

8. The tasks assigned to the ARC are carried out by its engineering and technical staff and the ARC duty shift, formed from employees serving at the ARC and ARC employees. The main algorithms for the actions of the duty shift of the monitoring center are given in Appendix No. 3.

The duty shift of the central control center may include: central monitoring stations on duty, their assistants, specialists of categories 1 and 2 (senior shift of control panel duty and control panel duty) and electricians who ensure the functioning of notification transmission systems.

9. The internal regulations and operating hours for the duty shift of the monitoring center are established by the head of the private security unit in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

10. The head of the ARC (the person replacing him), and in his absence, the on-duty ARC (operational control center * (11), SPVO) with the incoming duty shift of the ARC conducts instructions.

11. During the briefing, information about the current operational situation in the city (district) and in the serviced territory is provided to the duty shift of the monitoring center, a password for the duration of duty is provided, automated workstations are assigned to specialists of categories 1 and 2 (console attendants), and the results are summed up work of the previous duty shift.

12. Monitoring of the work of the duty shift of the ARC is carried out:

management and inspection staff of the Main Directorate of Private Security of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia when going on a business trip and (or) in the presence of an order (task plan) for inspection;

management and inspector staff of the department (department, branch) of private security of the territorial body of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia according to the list of persons entitled to conduct an inspection of official activities;

Head and engineering staff of the control center.

The control interval should not exceed 3 hours. If there are video recording devices that comply with paragraph 45 of these Instructions, monitoring the work of the duty shift may be carried out at least 3 times a day, of which 1 time at night.

It is allowed to monitor the work of the on-duty shift of the central control center by the duty of the civil protection department, central control center (SPVO).

13. The results and time of control are recorded in a special journal, which is located in the control room of the control center.

14. When planning measures to improve the activities and technical re-equipment of the central service center, the following issues are worked out:

14.1. Changing trends in the development of centralized security, including due to systemic changes carried out by telecom operators in the organization and modernization of subscriber communication channels.

14.2. Introduction of a set of automation tools into the activities of the central control center, unification and modernization of software.

14.3. Increasing the simulation resistance of equipment in operation for notification transmission systems.

14.4. Replacement of equipment for notification transmission systems that has reached the end of its service life.

14.5. Optimization of costs for paying for the services of telecom operators and other costs for maintaining the monitoring center.

14.6. Providing a reserve of console (relay) capacity for connecting end-point devices with automated usage tactics:

for each automatic telephone exchange*(12) in the ARC coverage area;

in the existing configuration of the radio notification transmission system.

14.7. Ensuring the uninterrupted functioning of the ARC and the safety of employees serving at the ARC and ARC workers.

15. Before taking a TSO-equipped facility under centralized security, the following activities are carried out:

15.1. The private security unit enters into a security agreement with the counterparty. Information about the date of acceptance of the facility under centralized security is communicated to employees serving at the centralized monitoring center and employees of the centralized monitoring station by order (instruction) of the head of the private security unit.

15.2. The communication channel of the facility's alarm system is connected to the notification transmission system, and a technological run is performed.

15.3. The control center is entered into the database of the automated workstation in accordance with the terms of the contract necessary information about the object, an operational card of the protected object is compiled and placed in the file cabinet.

16. After termination of the contractual relationship for the security of the facility, within a period of no more than 1 month, the following activities are carried out at the monitoring station:

16.1. The communication channel of the facility's alarm system is disconnected from the notification transmission system.

16.2. If the contract for the security of an object whose TSO is connected to the system for transmitting notifications through the subscriber lines of the city telephone network is suspended, the connection can be maintained only if the counterparty compensates the private security unit for the corresponding costs for the services of the telecom operator.

16.3. The operational card of the protected object is confiscated and placed in the passport (letter file) for the serviced technical equipment of the monitoring station. Compound technical documentation in the passport (letter file) for the serviced technical equipment, the central control system is given in Appendix No. 4.

16.4. Information about the object is deleted from the database of the automated work station.

17. Maintenance of notification transmission systems installed in the premises of the central monitoring station and automatic telephone exchange, as well as other systems and complexes that ensure the functioning of the central monitoring station, is carried out on the basis of regulatory legal acts of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia and the technical documentation of the manufacturer.

18. The scope of maintenance of notification transmission systems and auxiliary equipment of the monitoring center is distributed into service zones (areas) in accordance with the regulatory legal acts of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. Zones (areas) are assigned to service employees of the monitoring service center by order of the head of the private security unit.

19. Work on the operation and maintenance of notification transmission systems and auxiliary equipment is allowed to employees serving at the centralized monitoring station and centralized reporting center employees who have the appropriate qualifications and have been trained (instructed) in compliance with inter-industry labor protection rules. It is allowed to involve representatives of organizations and persons entitled to carry out the specified work in the maintenance of systems and complexes that ensure the functioning of the central station, provided that the protection of restricted access information available at the central station is ensured.

20. Protection of restricted access information at the centralized reporting center is organized in accordance with legislative and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, including regulatory legal acts of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, governing documents Federal service Security of the Russian Federation, Federal Service for Technical and Export Control.

21. Technical documentation related to each serviced technical means of the monitoring station is stored in the passport (lettered file). For notification transmission systems installed on the premises of telecom operators, it is allowed to combine technical documentation for the PBX.

22. Work on servicing the software of an automated workstation, computer equipment, video and sound recording devices is recorded in a special summary journal stored at the monitoring station.

23. If the time divergence on computer equipment, sound recording devices and other equipment of the monitoring center is more than 1 minute, the system time is adjusted using precise time signals.

24. When commissioning and decommissioning the technical means of the central station, the working commission draws up a corresponding act.

25. The procedure for writing off technical equipment of the central service center is determined by legislative and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation and regulatory legal acts of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. The timing of write-off of technical equipment of the monitoring station is determined by the manufacturer’s documentation.

26. If there are no write-off deadlines in the documentation for TSO (the absence of the documentation itself), you should be guided by the write-off deadlines, which are determined by the regulatory legal act * (13) for depreciation groups of fixed assets.

IV. Requirements for systems and complexes ensuring the functioning of centralized security points

27. The notification transmission systems used at the central station must comply with the unified technical requirements to centralized surveillance systems intended for use in private security units.

28. The complex of automation equipment for the monitoring center includes diagnostic tools (including early diagnosis failures) and recovery, as well as means of protection against unauthorized access to data and copying of the software shell of the automated workstation.

29. The monitoring station is provided with mandatory logging of the process of functioning of a complex of automation equipment at all levels of its structure and the ability to print out a log of events on control and recording devices (printers).

The storage period for printouts of event protocols and automated workstation logs (check sheets) is 1 year.

30. To ensure the reliability of the software of the automation system, it is possible to organize software and hardware backup of the database and other software. The integration of computers of a complex of automation means into a local computer network is ensured by at least two routes of information flows between any pairs of an automated workstation, “hot” backup of an automated workstation of monitoring station operators, the use of methods for dispatching resources of a complex of automation means of a monitoring station, and their optimal distribution between automated workers in some places.

31. To quickly replace a failed automated workstation, a central control center is being developed step-by-step algorithm actions of employees serving at the ARC and ARC employees.

32. At least once a month, and in the absence of a local computer network at the monitoring center - at least once a week, the database is copied (archived) to an external drive or another computer.

33. When changing the version of an automated workstation, the distribution kit of the operating version and the current database are copied to an external medium with the inclusion of an accompanying file containing the version number of the automated workstation being copied, date, time, as well as position and full name. performer of works. Upon completion of copying, a control check of the integrity of the distribution is mandatory.

34. To organize communication between TSOs installed at protected facilities and monitoring stations, as well as to organize communication between notification transmission systems installed on different automatic telephone exchanges, the following communication channels can be used: wired telephone channels, radio channel, cellular communication (GSM, CDMA standards -2000 and others), digital channels (Ethernet standard and others), as well as a unified information and telecommunication system of internal affairs bodies.

35. When organizing the transmission of notifications from terminal facility devices to terminal control room devices via channels cellular communication and digital channels require the use of a backup communication channel (if technically possible).

36. Informant-type systems that use subscriber telephone (dedicated) lines as a communication channel can be used only if they provide constant, without the right to disconnect, control of a telephone line break, or duplication of notifications via another communication channel.

37. When organizing communication between repeaters of notification transmission systems located on different automatic telephone exchanges, digital channel The Ethernet standard creates a closed corporate network based on the VPN protocol with fixed IP addresses.

38. The central monitoring station is provided with electricity from two independent power sources. It is allowed to use a backup (autonomous) power source as a second independent power source.

39. For organization backup power supply When the main source is turned off, the monitoring station uses batteries, diesel or gasoline generators of the required power. Types of work at maintenance backup power supply equipment is given in Appendix No. 5.

40. To organize work on the transition to a backup (autonomous) source of power supply, appropriate instructions are being developed.

41. Personal computers of control and recording equipment and a set of automation equipment for the monitoring center are connected to the power supply network through uninterruptible power supplies that provide power for a period of at least 15 minutes after the regular power supply is turned off.

42. The organization of radio communications by the PCO is carried out in accordance with the standards of the Ministries of Internal Affairs for the republics, main departments, and departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for other constituent entities of the Russian Federation for the current period of time.

43. Employees serving at the ARC and ARC employees in charge of radio communications are required to periodically check:

external condition of radio stations;

completeness of communication equipment and correct maintenance of operational documentation;

operability of radio stations, batteries and chargers.

44. Sound recording devices are used to record all official conversations of the call center duty shift and provide:

recording of negotiations on hard drive computer (recorder);

playback of the recorded soundtrack of any selected channel;

the ability to quickly search and play the desired recording (by recording time, recording channel);

the ability to copy selected audio recordings to removable media.

The storage period for archived audio recordings is at least 30 days.

45. Video recording devices provide:

real-time viewing and recording on a computer hard drive (DVR) of events in the control room, control room and adjacent territory of the central control center;

the ability to quickly search and play the desired recording by channel, date and time;

the ability to record the selected channel on a removable storage medium.

The storage period for the video archive is at least 7 days.

46. ​​Sound and video recording devices are installed in the central control room, which excludes access by unauthorized persons. It is allowed to combine video and sound recording on one computer (recorder). The device body is sealed by maintenance personnel.

47. Organization of protection of communications equipment and radio security systems from mechanical and electrostatic damage is carried out in accordance with the requirements of manufacturers. To organize the uninterrupted operation of transmitting and receiving communication devices, central control centers are carried out protective measures to equip the central monitoring station building, which houses the transmitting and receiving radio security equipment, with lightning rods with reliable grounding.

*(7) For radio notification transmission systems, the control panel capacity is determined by the number of radio-channel # terminal object devices that can be connected to frequency channels in the existing system configurations.

*(13) Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated January 1, 2002 No. 1 “On the classification of fixed assets included in depreciation groups"(Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2002, No. 1, Art. 52).

Appendix No. 1
to the Organization Instructions
security units
private security

List and forms
service documentation of the monitoring center

1. Logbook for registering briefings of the duty shift of the central control center.

2. Logbook for conducting official training with employees of the duty shift of the central control center.

3. Log of results of monitoring the work of the duty shift of the central station.

4. The list of duty shifts of the ARC, indicating the full name. (in full), residential addresses and contact numbers.

5. Work schedule of duty shifts of the ARC for the current month.

6. List of persons entitled to stay in the PSC and conduct performance audits.

7. Log of loading (crossings) of notification transmission systems (maintained for each notification transmission system).

8. Log book of apartments and MHIGs under long-term security.

9. Log book of objects, apartments and MHIGs temporarily disarmed.

10. Monthly list of passwords for the acceptance and removal of objects, apartments and MHIG under protection (from protection) (for manual tactics of use).

11. Instructions for working with the monitoring station (automated duty station).

12. Instructions for the actions of the duty shift upon receipt of alarm notifications from protected objects (for all notification transmission systems operating at the monitoring station).

13. Work log of the automated workstation.

14. Checklists.

15. Logbook for the receipt and issuance of duplicate keys.

16. Journal of registration of the issuance and acceptance of duplicate keys for inspection and re-locking of apartments and MHIG.

17. Operational cards of protected objects (apartments, MHIG).

18. Passports (lettered files) for the serviced technical equipment of the monitoring station.

19. Schedule for the implementation of maintenance regulations for notification transmission systems and auxiliary equipment of the monitoring center.

20. Journal of accounting and control of work on servicing computer software systems of an automated workstation, video and sound recording.

21. List of telephone numbers of emergency services of the city (district).

22. Instructions for labor protection, electrical safety, fire safety.

23. Instructions for the actions of the duty shift and civil protection during a massive power outage.

24. Fire evacuation scheme.


1. When equipping the monitoring station with a complex of automation equipment, conversation recording devices specified in paragraph 44 of the Instructions for organizing the work of centralized security points of private security units, and sources of backup (autonomous) power supply, the absence of the following documents in handwritten and printed form at the monitoring station is allowed:


sections No. 1 and No. 2 of the work log of the automated workstation;

a log of apartments and MHIGs under long-term security;

log of objects, apartments and MHIGs temporarily disarmed.

2. Justified deviations from the proposed form are allowed when maintaining the documentation listed in the list.

3. Documentation for which the Instructions for organizing the work of centralized security points of private security units does not provide a specific form is drawn up in any form.

4. Storage period for documentation after its completion:

for items 1 - 3, 8, 9, 13, 14, 19 of the List - 1 year;

for items 7, 15, 16, 20 of the List - 3 years.

5. Updated (corrected) documentation and documentation with an expired storage period are destroyed in the prescribed manner.

15 Logbook for registration of briefings of the duty shift of the monitoring center


1. The magazine must be located in the control room.

2. In the second column of this journal, the topic of the briefing with the employees of the duty shift of the ARC is indicated.

3. It is allowed to maintain a separate log of production briefings for electricians to ensure the functioning of centralized monitoring systems.

Logbook for conducting official training sessions with employees of the duty shift of the monitoring center


Methodological support for service classes is carried out within the framework of the plan for organizing technical training and advanced training of engineering and technical workers of the private security unit.

Log of results of monitoring the work of the duty shift of the central station

Log of loading (crossing) notification transmission systems


In the column “Communication operator data” it is indicated symbol(station account number) of the telecom operator, corresponding to the account number on the monitoring station.

Logbook for apartments and MHIGs under long-term security


1. The log is kept by category 1 or 2 specialists (console attendants) at each monitoring station, the capabilities of which do not allow automatically transferring an apartment or MHIG to the category of long-term protected (more than 3 days).

2. When setting up an apartment or MHIG for long-term security, a specialist of category 1 or 2 (attendant control panel) is required to make a corresponding note in the log.

3. In the event that specialists of the 1st or 2nd category (response attendants) transfer an apartment or MHIG to long-term security automatically (without notifying the owner), the full name is indicated in the column “Date of acceptance of the apartment or MHIG* under protection”. a specialist of category 1 or 2 (duty console) transferring the apartment or MHIG to long-term protection, the date of registration of the apartment or MHIG as long-term protected, and in brackets the date of placing the apartment or MHIG under protection. The column “Period of Absence” is not filled in in this case.

4. Entries in the column “Period of Absence” are made by specialists of categories 1 or 2 (display attendants) according to the owner when renting out an apartment or MHIG for long-term security.

5. At the end of the log, all existing records about apartments or MHIG under long-term guard are transferred to a new log.

Log book of objects, apartments and MHIGs temporarily disarmed

17 Work log of the automated workstation

(left side of magazine spread)

Date of starting shift:

Full name specialist (duty console):

Password to change

1. Apartment (MHIG) under long-term security:

2. Registration of taking objects under protection (full name of the owner):

3. Checking the functionality of the TSO:

(right side of magazine spread)

4. Alarms received during the shift and the results of their handling:

5. Reception and transfer of the workplace:

Lunch from ____ to ____ Dinner from ____ to ___ Night rest from _____ to ____

Passed _________ Passed __________ Passed _______________

Passed _______ Passed __________ Passed _____________

Accepted _______ Accepted __________ Accepted _____________

Accepting a shift Handing over a shift


1. The log is kept by specialists of categories 1 or 2 (attendant consoles) at each automated workstation, which ensures mandatory logging of events and its printing on a control and recording device (printer).

2. Section 1 records all apartments and MHIGs that are under long-term guard, as well as apartments and MHIGs rented out for long-term guarding during a shift.

3. In section 2, the control number of the object and the name of the person handing over the object under protection, as well as removing the object from protection, are registered.

4. In section 3, records are made of TSO performance checks indicating the account number being checked, the time of check and the name of the electrician and the name of the service organization carrying out the check.

5. Section 4 records all alarm notifications received during the shift with a mandatory record of their transfer to the duty control center (TsOU, SPVO) and the result of the civil defense departure.

6. Section 5 displays the time of lunch, dinner and night rest, as well as the signatures of the substitute and substituting specialists of the 1st or 2nd category (distance control panel) on the delivery/acceptance of the workplace after entering the corresponding name in the protocol of the automated workplace. Acceptance and delivery of a work shift is confirmed by the signature of specialists of categories 1 or 2 (attendant desk) in the appropriate columns of the log.

(front side) CHECK SHEET

PCO _____________

CHECKLIST (facility security)

district (city) for ______________ Password

Monitoring station duty officer _________________________________

1. Accounting for the security of objects

(back side)

2. Alarms received from facilities during the shift

Account number Response time Transferred Time of arrival of the order at the site Inspection results. Signs of penetration, status of warning lamps Reasons for the activation of security, fire and alarm alarms, measures taken Re-closing time Name of the owner who performed the reclosure
to the duty station duty officer of the territorial body of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia
time who accepted time who accepted
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

3. List of objects not taken under protection

4. Inspection of apartments or MHIG by electricians after routine maintenance and repairs.

5. Report on the operation of the control panel

6. Marking specialists of 1st or 2nd category (attendant control panel) when changing duty

Checked ____________________________

(head of control center, engineer)


1. Checklists are maintained by specialists of categories 1 and 2 (console attendants) at non-automated workstations, as well as in cases where the event log is not printed on control and recording devices (printers).

2. The checklist is created separately for each workplace and is maintained during one shift of the duty console.

3. In section 1, the control number of the object, the time of handing over protection, the name of the person (trusted) who called the control panel, who hands over the object under protection and also disarms it, and the time of disarming the object, are registered.

4. Section 2 records received alarm notifications, indicating the time of receipt of information on the alarm at the protected facility by the centralized surveillance system; the time of transmission of the alarm notification to the duty control center (TsOU, SPVO), the duty officer of the territorial body of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, the names of the persons who received the message; time of arrival of the civil protection unit at the site; the result of an external inspection of the object, the condition of the indicator lamps; the reasons for the activation of the TSO and the measures taken (the use of conditional coding of the results of inspection of the civil protection is allowed); the fact of re-closure of the facility or the time of setting up a physical security post before the re-closure; surnames and initials of the persons who carried out the reclosure of the facility.

5. Section 3 records the list of objects that were not taken under protection, the reasons for not taking them and the measures taken.

6. In section 4, records are made about TSO checks during routine maintenance and repairs, indicating the control number being checked, the time of the check and the name of the electrician carrying out the check, indicating the service organization.

7. Section 5 records the number of protected objects for the established control time (at least twice) (for example, 12:00, 21:00, 06:00).

8. Section 6 indicates the number of objects under guard during shifts of duty, as well as when replacing specialists of category 1 or 2 (distance control officers) during meals and night rest.

Log of acceptance and issuance of duplicate keys

(left side of the magazine spread)

(right side of the magazine spread)

Logbook for issuing and receiving duplicate keys for inspection and re-closing of apartments or MHIG

Operational card of a protected object (apartment, MHIG)

The operational card of a protected facility (apartment, MHIG) is filled out by the staff of the monitoring center on one sheet of A4 or A5 format. An operational card is drawn up for each control number (direction) of a protected facility (apartment, MHIG). The information entered is located on both sides of the sheet, must be concise and contain reliable information. The correctness of filling out the operational card is checked by the head of the control center and the head of the unit (his deputy).

Operational cards of protected objects are placed in the order of control numbers (directions) in a specially arranged file cabinet of the duty control center (TsOU, SPEYU).

The following information is filled out on the front side of the operational card:

the name of the private security unit and the territorial internal affairs body;

telephone (crossed) number used for communication with notification transmission systems;

control number of the security facility (apartment, MHIG), as well as possible other control numbers connected to the same crossed telephone line; contract number; legal name of the organization (under contract), type of facility (office, pharmacy, etc.), commercial name (sign); for an individual, his full name is indicated; address, entrance, floor, intercom code; security time schedule (according to agreement);

persons responsible for arming and disarming (for an apartment or MHIG - authorized persons), indicating their position, residential address and contact telephone numbers;

brief description protected object (apartment, MHIG): occupied premises, location of entrance and window openings, places vulnerable to penetration, possible escape routes (entrances, descents to the basement, etc.), installation location of the telephone junction box;

if there is physical security, you must indicate its work schedule and contact phone number;

method of blocking the object (apartment, MHIG) TSO, name of the terminal devices of the object, installation location of the indicator light (lamp), work order arrival sensor.

On the reverse side of the operational card the following information is filled in:

oriented relative to the area plan (nodal points, intersections, buildings, monuments and other objects) diagram of the entrance to the security facility (apartment or MHIG);

diagram of the object itself (apartment or MHIG) in the volume of the floor plan, on which installation locations are marked security sensors, control panel and remote indicator, as well as other features of the room (located near drainage and gas pipes, power supply cables, fire escapes, canopies, etc.).

On the reverse side of the operational card, lines are also provided to indicate the date of compilation of the operational card and data reconciliations, for the signatures of the head of the control center and the head of the unit (his deputy).

Reconciliation of data in the operational card is carried out by employees serving at the control center or by employees of the control center: for objects - at least once a year; for apartments (MHIG) - at least once every two years.

Journal of accounting and control of work on servicing computer software systems of an automated workstation, video and sound recording

Appendix No. 2
to the Organization Instructions
work of the centralized point
security units
private security

Basic Requirements
to the location of the central monitoring station and separate premises of the central monitoring station

Location of the central monitoring station

1. When organizing new or reconstructing existing central stations, all work is carried out taking into account modern technologies, best practices and the requirements of this Annex.

2. The following requirements are imposed on the premises of the central station:

compliance with current sanitary rules and standards, as well as inter-industry rules on labor protection (safety rules) during the operation of electrical installations;

engineering and technical strength building structures buildings (premises) of the control center must comply with subgroup AI according to RD 78.36.003-02;

The main entrance to the central monitoring station must be equipped with an access control and management system or an intercom subscriber device (audio or video intercom).

Control room

3. The area per workplace should be 6 sq.m. and more*.

4. The control room premises must have natural and artificial lighting.

5. The control room must be equipped* with heating, air conditioning or effective supply and exhaust ventilation systems.

6. The floor surface in the hall premises must have antistatic properties, be level, without potholes, non-slippery, easy to clean and wet wipe. Wet cleaning should be carried out daily.

7. The control room premises must be equipped with a first aid kit and fire extinguishers.

8. If there are more than 4 specialists on duty shift at the main control room (control panel attendants), it is necessary to provide a room for storing personal belongings and a rest room.

Rest room for duty shift

9. The area of ​​the rest room* for the duty shift should be determined at the rate of 3 sq.m. per person, but not less than 12 sq.m.

10. The number of couch beds required for short-term rest is determined on the basis of simultaneously providing 40% of the number of daily shifts.


* SNiP 2.09.04-87 “Administrative and domestic buildings”.

Appendix No. 3
to the Organization Instructions
work of centralized points
security units
private security

Basic algorithms
actions of the duty shift of the ARC

I. Actions of specialists of categories 1 and 2 (attendant control panel) to respond to alarm notifications received from protected objects and other messages

1. When an alarm signal is received, a specialist of category 1 or 2 (attendant control panel) is obliged to:

1.1. Immediately transmit information about the “alarm” to the duty control center (TsOU, SPVO, territorial body of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia), and in their absence, the Civil Defense SPVO. In this case, the control number, the type of notification, the name of the object (the name of the person who handed over protection), long-term protection (if the apartment, MHIG was under protection for more than 3 days), your name and the actual time of transmission of the message are called. For civil protection, the address and brief description of the object are also reported, but the account number is not mentioned.

1.2. Make sure that the duty control center (TsOU, SPVO, territorial body of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia), the State Protection Center of SPVO accepted the alarm notice.

1.3. Immediately inform about all changes in the state of security of the “triggered” object of the on-duty control center (TsOU, SPVO, territorial body of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia), the Civil Defense SPVO. Re-taking under the protection of an object is carried out only at the direction of the duty control center (TsOU, SPVO, territorial body of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia) after receiving a message about the results of the departure on an “alarm” signal.

1.4. Receive information from the duty control center (TsOU, SPVO, territorial body of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia), State Defense SPVO about the results of processing the transmitted “alarm” signal. If information about the result of the departure has not been received from the on-duty control center (TsOU, SPVO, territorial body of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia), the SPVO Civil Protection Agency, request the results of the check from them.

1.5. Enter the results of processing the alarm signal into the columns of the automated workstation log (check sheet).

2. When information notifications from the centralized monitoring system are received from an object under the protection of the monitoring station about a violation of the communication line or the replacement of a terminal device (for example, “accident”, “ short circuit", "device substitution", "sabotage" and others) be guided by paragraph 1 of this appendix. When similar signals are received from a disarmed facility, the information is transmitted to the on-duty control center (TsOU, SPVO) for decision-making.

II. Actions of employees serving at the ARC and ARC workers in emergency situations

3. When the power supply voltage at the central monitoring station is turned off, employees serving at the central monitoring station and central monitoring station employees are obliged to:

3.1. Turn on (in the absence of automatic transfer) the power supply to the central control room from a backup (autonomous) source (diesel or gasoline unit, batteries, second independent input).

3.2. Find out the cause of the accident from the energy network duty officer, the measures taken and the time frame for elimination.

3.3. Report the power supply failure and the measures taken to the duty officer of the department (department, office) of private security (the duty officer of the territorial body of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia) and follow their instructions.

3.4. Notify the Civil Protection Authority about the power supply failure of the monitoring station.

3.5. Ensure the maximum possible security of facilities, apartments and MHIG in accordance with the terms of the contract. In this case, the forces and means of the territorial body of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia are used in a system of unified deployment.

3.6. When the power supply to the building (premises) is turned off long time(weeks, months), take measures to move the central monitoring station to another building (premises).

4. In case of accidents on telephone communications between the automatic telephone exchange and the call center, employees serving at the call center and call center employees are obliged to:

4.1. Report a problem connecting lines employees of the telecom operator, find out the cause of the accident, the measures taken and the time frame for elimination. Organize measures to switch to backup communication lines.

4.2. Report the breakdown of telephone communications and the measures taken to the duty officer (department, department) of private security (duty officer of the territorial body of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia) and follow their instructions.

4.3. Inform the Civil Defense about the failure of the connecting lines between the automatic telephone exchange and the central monitoring station.

4.4. Ensure the maximum possible security of facilities, apartments and MHIG in accordance with the terms of the contract. If necessary, use the forces and means of the territorial body of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in a single deployment system.

5. In the event of mass power outages at facilities and accidents of automatic telephone exchanges, employees serving at the control center and employees of the control center are obliged to:

5.1. Find out the cause from the energy network duty officer or telecom operator, the measures taken and the time frame for elimination.

5.2. Report communications failures and measures taken to the duty officer (department, office) of private security (duty officer of the territorial body of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia) and follow their instructions.

5.3. Inform the Civil Protection District of the populated area where power grid failures or subscriber telephone communications occurred.

5.4. Ensure the maximum possible security of facilities in accordance with the terms of the contract. If necessary, use the forces and means of the territorial body of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in a single deployment system.

6. In case of failure of the notification transmission system, radio notification transmission system, group subscriber kits employees serving at the ARC and ARC employees are obliged to:

6.1. Take measures to restore the functionality of the notification transmission system, the radio notification transmission system in as soon as possible. If necessary, use the operational exchange fund.

6.2. Identify objects that were under the protection of failed notification transmission systems and radio notification transmission systems, organize work to protect them in accordance with the terms of the contract. If necessary, use the forces and means of the territorial body of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in a single deployment system.

6.3. Notify the duty officer of the department (department, department) of private security (the duty officer of the territorial body of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia) and act on their instructions.

6.4. When a notification is received about a malfunction of the group subscriber set at the facility (direction of the notification transmission system), it should be processed in accordance with paragraph 1 of this appendix and the malfunction should be eliminated in cooperation with the service organization.

6.5. After eliminating malfunctions in the functioning of the notification transmission system, radio notification transmission system and group subscriber sets, determine and work out changes in the security status of objects.

7. In the event of mass unrest and an attack on the ARC, employees serving at the ARC and employees of the ARC are obliged to:

7.1. Inform the Civil Defense about the attack on the Central Station.

7.2. Report to the central control center of the private security department (department) (the person on duty at the territorial body of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia) about the attack on the central security center.

7.3. Take security measures, close all access to the central monitoring station (windows, doors, hatches, barricade them with furniture and other objects).

8. In the event of a natural or man-made disaster (fires, floods, earthquakes, hurricanes, etc.), employees serving at the monitoring center and monitoring center employees are obliged to:

8.1. Take measures to eliminate the consequences of a natural disaster.

8.2. Ensure the maximum possible security of facilities in accordance with the terms of the contract. If necessary, use the forces and means of the territorial body of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in a single deployment system.

8.3. In the event of a threat to life and health, ensure the evacuation of people, equipment, operational and technical documentation and property of the monitoring center to a safe place, ensuring, if possible, centralized security of the facilities.

8.4. Report the results of the activities carried out to the duty officer of the territorial body of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, the leadership of the department (department, branch) of private security, and then act according to their instructions.

Appendix No. 4
to the Organization Instructions
work of centralized points
security units
private security

Composition of technical documentation
in the passport (letter file) for the serviced technical equipment of the monitoring station


1. Passports (lettered files) are generated for those in operation and maintained:

centralized surveillance systems, including radio notification systems;

automated workstations;

systems for ensuring the functioning of the monitoring center (video surveillance systems, recording conversations, access control and management systems, local computer network, backup (autonomous) power supply sources, etc.).

2. The passport (letter case) may be supplemented with other information related to the operation of the technical means of the monitoring station.

Appendix No. 5
to the Organization Instructions
security units
private security

Types and frequency of work
during maintenance of backup power supply equipment

1. Types and frequency of work during maintenance of stationary acid battery installations

Table No. 1

No. Name of work Periodicity
1. Monitoring room temperature and electrolyte level in batteries. Checking the ventilation of the battery room at least once every 10 days
2. Measurement of voltage, temperature and electrolyte density in all batteries at least once a month
3. Inspecting and wiping racks and vessels, washing protective glass 1 time every 3 months
4. Measurement of voltages between the plates and the lead lining of vessels, inspection, cleaning and lubrication with technical petroleum jelly of the cockerels of the contact connections of busbars and inter-element connections for batteries in a closed design Once every 6 months
5. Carrying out a control discharge followed by neutralization of wooden vessels and racks with soda solution 1 time per year
6. Painting of tires, wooden vessels and racks 1 time every 2 years
7. Carrying out electrolyte analysis at least once every 3 years
8. Adding distilled water to batteries as needed (once every 10-30 days)
9. Measuring battery insulation resistance to ground upon acceptance of newly installed or exited overhaul batteries

2. Types and frequency of work during maintenance of rectifier devices

Table No. 2

No. Name of work Periodicity
1. Checking the compliance of the voltage and current at the output of a working rectifier device with the passport data at least once every 10 days
2. Mechanical prevention of circuit elements. Inspection, cleaning of contacts and relays; inspection and tightening of contact connections in primary communication circuits, checking the operation of light and sound alarms Once every 3 - 4 months
3. Checking voltage and current stabilization, automation, protection and alarm systems, measuring the heating temperature of selenium columns, checking their mechanical condition and soldering 1 time per year
4. Rectified voltage ripple measurement 1 time per year
5. Checking the reliability of the ground connection to the device body 1 time per year
6. 1 time per year
7. Removing dust 1 time every 3 months

3. Types and frequency of work during maintenance of inverter devices (statistical converters)

Table No. 3

4. Types and frequency of work during maintenance of switchboards

Table No. 4

5. Types and frequency of work during maintenance of diesel and gasoline generator sets

Table No. 5

No. Name of work Periodicity
1. External inspection of equipment 1 time every 10 days
2. Starting backup units (with recording of readings using measuring instruments) Once every 3 months for 1 hour under load, once every 10 days for 10 minutes.
3. Mechanical maintenance of all relays, contacts Once every 3 - 4 months
4. Checking the operation of automation sensors, fuses, warning lights Once every 3 - 4 months
5. Cleaning fuel and oil tanks and filters 1 time per year
6. Measurement of insulation resistance of power and operational circuits Once every 3 years
7. Maintenance depending on the set number of hours worked according to factory instructions

6. Number of service staff in the monitoring center for backup power supply equipment

Table No. 6

Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation of June 16, 2011 No. 676 “On approval of the Instructions for organizing the work of centralized security points of private security units”

Document overview

The procedure for organizing and operating centralized security points (CSCs) of private security units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia is regulated.

These are control centers through which the condition of technical security equipment installed in apartments, places where citizens’ property is stored, and other objects is monitored. Their main task is to receive alarm notifications and immediately transmit them to internal affairs bodies (detention groups of the combat unit of private security). They also store duplicate keys for inspecting and re-locking objects.

Requirements for central monitoring systems and complexes have been determined. Mandatory protection against unauthorized access to data and its copying is provided. All official conversations of the duty shift of the ARC are recorded. What happens in the control room, the control room and in the territory adjacent to the central control center is subject to video recording.

The main algorithms for the actions of the duty shift of the monitoring station upon receipt of an alarm signal and in emergency situations(in case of accidents, power outages, etc.).
