Political science admission. Political scientist is a rare but very important profession

The word “political scientist” makes it clear that this specialist works in the field of politics. In more detail, such experts can specialize in political culture, power relations, political systems and parties. In addition, a political scientist can work in government agencies authorities, bodies municipal government, as well as in large and medium-sized businesses.

The main areas of work of political scientists

People with a degree in Political Science often try their hand at being political analysts and consultants. More experienced specialists become political strategists.

Political scientists can successfully apply their knowledge when working with deputies - for example, become their assistants or head the deputy apparatus. You can also work in the press service of a political organization or be a speechwriter, i.e. the person who prepares texts for public speaking official.

Very often, political scientists find their niche in journalism. Moreover, their position may be different: journalist, political commentator, assistant editor, etc. The task of such employees is to cover and analyze political events in the country and the world.

Political scientists have every opportunity to work in public relations services. In other words, such a person can do PR.

GR management (short for Government Relations, which translated means “interaction with authorities”) is becoming increasingly in demand. Speaking about this area, it is worth explaining that most organizations need to coordinate their actions with various government agencies. Such approvals may take long time, if they are handled by a less than competent person.

GR managers will help you cope with the task. “Jiar people,” as they are called in the professional environment, protect the interests of their company in the authorities, organize meetings with representatives of government organizations, etc.

Professional qualities of a political scientist

A political scientist solves quite complex problems and is often forced to work under a busy schedule. In this regard, he must have an analytical mind, erudition and high efficiency. In addition, it will be difficult for a political scientist to find his place without diplomacy, stress resistance and self-organization skills. If a specialist speaks in public, he will definitely need oratory skills.

One of the most important spheres of life of “homo sapiens” today is politics. One way or another, each of us came into contact with this at least indirectly, in particular during the elections. You don’t need to look far, you can turn on the news, and every day you will undoubtedly see reports on political topics. This is so because politics governs countries, and politicians, to some extent, are political scientists, especially political PR scientists, but more on that later.

The profession of “political scientist” dates back to Hellas. At that time, it was popular among the educated and wealthy to go to the Agora and hold discussions, including on political issues. One of the first political scientists of that time was Aristotle, a great thinker, logician and philosopher, because for a political scientist one of the most important qualities is the ability to speak and persuade.

If during Antiquity and subsequent centuries up to our time, political scientists were often philosophers, humanists, in short, very educated people, but now they are certified specialists. Modernity has created universities where citizens can major in Political Science and International Relations. And there are also such specializations: “Political technologies”, “Political management and public relations”, “World politics”, “Forecasting and political analysis”, “Geopolitics”, “Comparative political science”, “Law and politics”, “Political conflictology". So today a political scientist is not just a literate person, he is a certified specialist, whose opinion and experience is listened to by the broad masses of people: from government officials to citizens of the country.

Responsibilities of a political scientist

Let's figure out what exactly is included in the professional activities of a political scientist, because he is a practitioner and a theorist at the same time. One of the main responsibilities is to analyze current political processes in the state and society. In this case, the specialist uses his wealth of experience and scientific knowledge. By analyzing, a political scientist draws conclusions about patterns and trends in the political life of the country and the world. As a result, it can predict future political processes.

It is important to note that political science is not only the study of politics, but also often psychology, since the behavior of individuals and political groups is analyzed, and conflictology is also studied. Considering all of the above, we can make the assumption that a political scientist can be a highly erudite person, with deep theoretical knowledge, who in practice knows which method to use to study a particular process, and has a high level of knowledge of several foreign languages. Among the personal qualities of a political scientist, the following are of particular importance: oratory, communication skills, the ability to analyze and synthesize political processes, a creative approach to problem solving, perseverance and self-control.

What does a political scientist do?

One of the most popular areas of work for political scientists today is PR. The task of political PR is to establish mutually beneficial relations between government agencies (or political ones) and the public. PR is aimed at creating a positive image of politicians. A PR specialist receives huge fees for the work done to create “ beautiful picture"on television, writing speeches for election candidates. But this work is not easy, because often candidates do not know how to speak competently, react calmly to the statements of others, or pose in front of the camera. In general, they do not know how to behave as a politician should.

Another common specialization of a political scientist is political technologist. This is a practitioner in the field of application of specific technologies. They are often called “manipulators of the masses” because they achieve the ultimate goal of making people believe in and vote for a certain candidate. Such specialists often work in political parties and large companies. Their work consists of constantly analyzing the mood in society and the media, also by collecting necessary information, in influencing the media and the electorate. Note: the most popular and yet effective technology is the “bread and circuses” technology, known since the times of the Roman Empire. For all the time that humanity has existed, it remains the most effective.

But what do specialists who have graduated from universities and received a diploma in “Political Science and International Relations” now work as? They often work in the media: on television, newspapers, news agencies. Occupation: journalist, editor, reporter. Many specialists choose the path of science - completing graduate school and then doctoral studies. In any case, as long as society exists, there is a demand for the work of political scientists, especially for highly qualified specialists.

The most common entrance exams:

  • Russian language
  • Mathematics (basic level)
  • History - specialized subject, at the choice of the university
  • Foreign language - at the choice of the university
  • Social studies - by choice of university
  • Geography - at the choice of the university

The major test is always history; applicants also take the Russian language test. The university, at its discretion, selects one or two additional tests in the following subjects: foreign language, social studies, world geography.

The term “politics” itself was formed about 2.5 thousand years ago, when the ancient Greeks tried to give a single concept a name for the totality of such spheres of life as government activity, economic events and social activity. Now political scientists study not only these three areas, but also delve into sociology, psychology, analytical history and other sociological disciplines. For those who want to build a career in politics, gaining knowledge and initial practical skills through this program is a must.

Brief description of the specialty

There are several specializations in the field of Political Science, including: public policy and management; regional studies and political culture; political analysis and forecasting; theory of politics. The knowledge gained during undergraduate studies will help not only to collect the necessary information and analyze it, but also to plan or predict the likelihood of a particular event. This specialty will be incredibly interesting for those who are interested in tangled threads international relations, treaties and agreements, the influence of one event on another, the reasons and significance of the actions of a particular political figure.

For a political scientist-consultant, there is always an opportunity to make money by forecasting for a client further actions political opponent. The profession is truly unique. The knowledge gained during training will greatly help in journalistic, entrepreneurial, teaching activities, as well as in the process of employment in the field of PR.

Large universities in the capital

Educational institutions in Moscow with the highest ratings that offer mastery of the specialty “Political Science” in the undergraduate program:

  • Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov;
  • MGIMO Ministry of Foreign Affairs Russian Federation;
  • Moscow state university linguistics;
  • Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation;
  • REU im. V.G. Plekhanov;
  • another dozen and a half metropolitan educational institutions.

Terms and forms of training

Studying for a bachelor's degree will take 4 years for full-time study, and 5 years for mastering the specialty part-time or in a mixed form (part-time and part-time, when classes are held in the evenings on weekdays).

Subjects studied by students

In addition to general education disciplines, the program for each educational profile consists of a set of specialized subjects. Among the important disciplines:

  • domestic and foreign history of politics, history of political directions and trends;
  • political theory;
  • aspects of modern public policy of the Russian Federation;
  • traditional and innovative views on international relations;
  • modern world politics;
  • political psychology;
  • rhetoric and oratory.

Universities consider it necessary for students practical exercises and electives in communication, speaking and other skills, as well as practical training at existing headquarters political parties, representative offices of public organizations. Students will have to constantly work to expand their horizons and improve their intellectual abilities.

Gained knowledge and skills

Bachelor's degree graduates must be aware of the activities of the headquarters of a political organization, be able to plan and organize the work of the headquarters, distribute responsibilities and plan events in accordance with the goals set. Important skills that students acquire during the learning process:

  • write plans and texts for speeches and reports, present the report in public;
  • understand modern political trends and structures of different countries;
  • be able to predict the development of international relations, find the causes of conflicts and ways to resolve them;
  • organize public and presentation events.

Who to work with

The most desirable prospect for political science students is to become an expert in political science who knows the current situation in the Russian Federation and abroad, can advise on relevant issues, as well as develop strategy and manage election campaign candidate for elected office. After graduation, yesterday's students are employed in the following positions:

  • political consultant;
  • organizer or functionary of the election headquarters;
  • specialist of the press service and other services under the municipal or other administration;
  • assistant, deputy assistant;
  • organizer of public events;
  • political strategist;
  • representative of a public, youth or other organization;
  • specialist in corporate policy and PR organization;
  • consultant in a consulting agency, analyst in a government center;
  • Lecturer at the Department of Political Science, researcher.

The salary level depends on the place of work, region of the country and previous experience. The starting salary for the position of assistant or PR specialist can range from 25-30 thousand rubles. Analysts and consultants with extensive experience receive very decent money. In addition to your main job, you can engage in private consulting or teaching.

Continuing training in the specialty

For many bachelors, the desired option is to study for a master's degree in a similar specialization. You can enroll in a master's program either immediately after completing your bachelor's degree or after some time has passed. For working applicants there is a mixed or part-time form of master's study. Further education will be of interest to those planning a teaching job; a career as an analyst or scientific consultant, which requires the preparation and defense of a Ph.D. dissertation.

|Marina Emelianenko | 7032

Politics must be treated like fire: you shouldn’t come close so as not to get burned, but you shouldn’t move away either so as not to freeze. Antisthenes.

As experts say, the profession of a political scientist is similar to the profession of a taster. Just as a taster tastes and identifies distinctive flavors before deciding on his favorite taste, a political scientist must be able to look at a situation from multiple angles before making a final decision and taking one side or the other.

Political scientist. The essence of the profession

Who is a political scientist? This is a specialist who studies all areas of life that are in any way related to politics. We all have our own opinions about what is happening in our country or abroad, we try to understand the motives for actions in the sphere of politics and make forecasts, but a political scientist is a specialist who can reasonably explain the events taking place in a certain state or the whole world.

In ancient times, there was no unification of politics, economics and social life. And only in the 5th century BC, in ancient Greece, a definition of politics was formed.

So, what is the essence of being a political scientist?

Study of various political phenomena;

Studying the relationship between politics and political processes and economic, social, and social processes;

Determining the degree of significance of political events for society;

Analysis of the activities of political organizations (state, parties, etc.);

Study of the mechanisms of political behavior;

Analysis of various political processes;

Political forecasts.

In addition, there are a considerable number of specializations in the profession of political scientist:

Political expert;

Political commentator;

Political consultant;

Political philosopher;

Political theorist;

Political strategist;


Image maker.

Each of these types of activities presupposes a certain focus and type of work, for which, however, it is necessary to have certain professional and personal qualities.

Political scientist. Personal qualities

For a successful career in the field of political science, a person must have a number of personal qualities:

The ability to clearly and understandably express your thoughts;

Oratory skills;

Communication skills;


Developed logical and critical thinking;


Stress resistance;






In addition, a political scientist must have deep theoretical knowledge, be able to analyze and compare circumstances, be erudite and have a broad outlook.

List necessary qualities considerable, however, without them it will be very difficult to become a truly successful political scientist.

Political scientist. Career, salary

Politics for a political scientist is not just a job. This becomes a way of life for a person, because he is engaged in studying and improving during everything, even his free time. Of course, this applies to those specialists who want to become or have already become real professionals and strive to build a successful career.

A political scientist can work in government agencies, political and public organizations, parties, the media, press centers and scientific institutions. As a rule, a political scientist becomes in demand when he has a “name”. But in order to earn this name, you need to show your professional and personal qualities in the most favorable light.

A career as a political scientist can begin with work in one of the institutions listed above. Quite often, the profession of political scientist is combined with other work, for example, journalism, teaching or entrepreneurial activity. This could be the job of a correspondent, analyst or assistant. And only after a political specialist earns a “name” can he become a successful political consultant, PR specialist or expert.

The salary for the work of a political scientist depends on the place of residence, the institution in which the specialist works and the policy of the enterprise itself regarding the level of wages for employees.

Today in government institutions wages political scientist ranges from 30-80 thousand rubles. Again, it all depends on the region and place of work. By establishing the necessary relationships with government agencies, you can earn large sums. So, for the position of PR manager you can earn from 100–150 thousand rubles or more. But we repeat again, everything is strictly individual.

The profession of political scientist today is considered quite rare. This is due high requirements to candidates to build a successful career and a limited number of places where they can get a job.

Political scientist. Education

In higher educational institutions There is such a field of training as “political science”. For a person who wants to build a career in this field, it is advisable to receive just such an education, but this issue is not fundamental. A sociologist, economist, or any other holder of a higher education in the humanities who is capable of performing the functions of a political scientist and has the necessary knowledge and personal qualities can become a successful political scientist.

Here are some of the universities where you can master the profession of political scientist.

Study questions:

1. General value profession of political scientist in Russia and abroad.

2. Requirements of the standard of the third generation of bachelors studying in the direction of “Political Science”.

Lecture objectives:

1. To help students – future political scientists – understand the role and place of their future profession in modern Russian society.

2. Determine students’ goal setting in acquiring the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities during their studies at the Russian economic university named after G.V. Plekhanov.

While studying the course “Introduction to Political Theory,” we already know that political science is a science that studies politics, political relations, and power in society.

Even children sometimes try to interpret events at an amateur level in state life. We all have our own understanding of what is happening in the country and beyond. We are all trying, based on the knowledge that we have, to understand the reasons for the actions of public figures and people in power. And most of all, forecasts for future events are of interest. There are people who have proven more than once that they understand politics much more than the majority of people.

The definition of politics first took shape in Ancient Greece around the 5th century BC. e. Before this, no one had united state events, public life and the economy into one concept. Therefore, the very origin of this word is Greek. The science of this concept appeared thanks to the works of the world famous Aristotle. Later, this science was supplemented by more and more knowledge from psychology, sociology and vast experience of events that had already occurred, by which one could judge what would happen in the near future. After all, the basis of political science is history. All famous philosophers of antiquity and many theologians of the past can be considered political scientists. A clear definition, object and tasks of this science were formed only in 1948 and recognized by almost all states of the world.

In the USSR they did not teach to become political scientists, there was no nomination for political sciences, no specialties and departments in universities: there were only “History of the CPSU” and the theory of Marxism-Leninism, which included three academic disciplines: “Marxist-Leninist philosophy”, “Political economy” and "Scientific Communism". It seemed that in the Soviet Union there was not only no sex, but also no politics. After all, politics is a struggle and competition that can only exist in the “wild West,” and under Soviet power there is a wise Communist Party that leads and directs.

However, near-political science research has always been carried out: within the framework of historical, philosophical, sociological sciences, oriental studies, and international relations. Those who studied these sciences at university became the first Russian political scientists. People with geographical, philological, psychological, physico-mathematical, and economic education also came to political science - each of them brought what he was taught in his “past” life. For example, philologists developed the analysis of political texts and political science concepts (the so-called discourse analysis), geographers became geopoliticians, mathematicians developed mathematical models to analyze the political process.

Third direction. A political scientist is not one, but several quite different professions: political analyst, consultant, political science teacher, political journalist. Close, but independent – ​​political strategist and image maker. These specialists are involved in organizing elections and creating the image of politicians and political parties.

Note that related professions for political scientist are: , teacher, theologian, publisher, .

I would also like to draw your attention to the following:

What does a political scientist do?

Firstly, research activities. Explores areas of public life related to politics. Studies political and state, methods and nature of influence of power on the development of society, ways of influence of power on society, and. Engaged in research and analysis of the socio-political situation (system, historical features, legislation, federal structure, political culture, etc.) both locally (municipality, region, country) and at the external international level. Most often, such studies are carried out for reporting purposes by government bodies and information and analytical ones by the media.

Secondly, practical activities in the field of politics and government-social relations. What does the average practicing political scientist have to do? Comment on current events in current politics on radio, television, newspapers and online publications, write your own scientific and newspaper analytical articles (preferably books), prepare analytical materials for customers, participate in round tables and scientific conferences (sometimes in press conferences), work in a dialogue mode with political customers. And constantly think about how the political future of your customers should develop, how your country and the world as a whole should develop.

And yet, political scientists are fundamentally different from politicians! For example, the famous Kiev political scientist Dmitry Vydrin, who worked for several months as a deputy of the Ukrainian parliament, admitted: “Now I know how political scientists differ from politicians: the same way astronomers differ from astronauts.”

I would note that politicians are those who make politically significant decisions, implement them and bear responsibility for them (or happily avoid responsibility). And political scientists are the ones who develop such decisions and calculate the country’s development strategy. In addition, political scientists study the activities of politicians, predict their actions or determine the determining factors in the adoption of a particular decision by various political leaders.

At the same time, a specialist who thoroughly understands all the trends and pitfalls of big politics is able to become not only an observer, but also an active participant in the political process. That is, a political scientist can become a politician!

What are the dominant types of activity in the political scientist profession? This:

The study of political phenomena in their sequential temporal development, identifying connections between the past, present and future;

Study of the dependence of politics, political processes on society, economic relations, social structure of society, ideology and culture;

Determining the significance of political phenomena for society and the individual, their assessment from the point of view of the common good, justice, respect for human dignity;

Studying the relationship between political phenomena in experience and the level economic development, political system, between the degree of urbanization of the population and its political activity, between the number of parties and the electoral system, etc.;

Research and analysis of verbal, practical, conscious and subconscious behavior of individuals and groups;

Study and analysis of the activities of institutions through which political activity(states, parties, government programs, etc.);

Research and identification of subjective mechanisms of political behavior, individual qualities, character traits, as well as typical mechanisms of psychological motivation:

Analysis of political phenomena in order to identify them common features and specifics, finding the most effective forms of political organization or optimal ways to solve problems;

Forecasts about the political future of the state, party, politics.

The algorithm of a political scientist’s activities may look like this:

– collection of statistical information;

– verification and processing of received information;

– conducting research;

– drawing up diagrams, tables, reports, writing analytical articles;

– providing comments.

Where do specialists with political science education work? What are their career options?

First of all, don’t expect to find vacancies for a political scientist on job sites—they aren’t there. For example, one 5th year girl at the Faculty of Political Science and Law of the Russian University of Economics named after G.V. Plekhanova, studying in the specialty “Jurisprudence,” naively assumed that she could find a job as a political scientist through an advertisement!

Graduates whose diplomas include this qualification work in very different places. Some manage to find work in their specialty, for example, in the apparatus of parties, the Government or the Duma, in political consulting, as a GR manager (interaction with authorities) in commercial companies or public organizations. Most go into the field of PR and mass media.

People with such a profession are a rare occurrence. The fact is that there are a limited number of places where they can work, other than political parties. Often, political scientists combine this profession with the work of a journalist, economist, teacher or private entrepreneur. Of course, it is impossible to live simply by giving an interview to a magazine or TV channel once a month. Requirements for such a profession: objectivity, knowledge of history, sociology and psychology, developed logical thinking. A successful political scientist has every chance of becoming famous person, often sparkle with intelligence from the TV screen, receive good money for advice from various prominent figures.

The peak of demand for political strategists in our country has passed, because the number of election campaigns has noticeably decreased. However, one-time project work you can find it in the remaining elections. You can count on enviable incomes for the position of PR manager (from 100 thousand rubles), but only experienced specialists who have established contacts in government agencies will be able to get such a job. Therefore, it is worth starting a career in power structures, in any lower positions - this will give you contacts among officials and politicians, and knowledge of the inner workings. With such experience, you can then become a political consultant, expert, or PR person. The average salary is from 30 thousand rubles.

The following specializations in the activities of political scientists are distinguished:

Places of work:

– apparatuses of political parties;

– public organizations (institutes, think tanks, etc.);

– news agencies, mass media;

– a staff of assistants (advisers) to deputies of legislative assemblies at various levels;

– state and municipal government bodies.

Additional features in the activities of a political scientist: as with supporters or critics of the authorities and as great manipulators - political strategists.

As with supporters or critics of the authorities may be Those with an analytical mindset, those who like to build hypotheses and make forecasts, are highly valued in the professional environment. Such specialists can work in institutes and independent analytical centers: the Carnegie Moscow Center, the Institute of Political Science and World Politics, the Institute for Problems of Globalization (IPROG), etc. Such organizations not only study political problems, but also, as a rule, conduct diverse public work : Organizes seminars, symposiums and conferences on current policy issues. For example, the Institute of Globalization Problems initiated the visit of Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez to Moscow.

In addition to public organizations, the knowledge of a professional political scientist can be useful in news agencies and the media. Some agencies specialize in socio-political topics (Agency of Political Information Politinform, Panorama of Modern Politics), others are responsible for the entire news spectrum (ITAR-TASS, MIGnews).

Note that a political scientist evaluates media not only by circulation and regions of distribution. The position of the publication in relation to the current government plays a big role. All media that are in one way or another involved in politics can be divided into “left”, “right” or “centrist”. Of course, it is impossible to stew in a political cauldron and not have your own beliefs, so experts and analysts choose their place of work taking into account their own political views and preferences.

As great manipulators - political strategists usually those political scientists who prefer to directly participate in political events speak. The golden age of domestic political technology was the era of Boris Yeltsin’s reign, with its serious intensity of political passions, the “Red threat” and the memorable “yes-yes-no-yes” referendum. It was at this time that such whales of political PR as the Foundation for Effective Politics and the Center for Political Technologies emerged, and the names of Gleb Pavlovsky, Vladislav Surkov, Sergei Lisovsky were popular.

A political strategist is an experienced strategist and risk player on the exchange of political passions. Depending on the situation, he can perform a variety of functions, but he has one goal: to present his customer (a particular politician or party) in the most favorable light and thereby achieve his victory in elections, promotion to one or another power structure, and his growth. political rating, etc. Typically, a political strategist works in a team: sociologists, image makers, speech writers and many other specialists responsible for the “face” of the client work side by side with him. If there are no significant political events planned in the near future (elections, referendums, etc.), the political strategist is engaged in quieter work: organizing the daily life of the party, preparing current meetings, seminars and conferences.

Table No. 1

Professional profile of a political scientist:

Name of profession

political scientist

Dominant way of thinking

adaptation - analysis

Region basic knowledge No. 1 and their level

history, political science, psychology, political relations, level 3, high (theoretical)

Area of ​​basic knowledge No. 2 and its level

applied political science, applied sociology, higher mathematics, statistics, level 2, intermediate ( practical use knowledge)

Professional area


Interpersonal interaction

frequent of the “nearby” type

Dominant interest


Additional Interest


Working conditions

outdoor, mobile

Table No. 2

Qualities that ensure the success of the professional activities of a political scientist:


Personal qualities, interests and inclinations

high level development of analytical and synthetic thinking (the ability to receive and process the necessary information, evaluate, compare and assimilate it);

high level of development of conceptual thinking (proficiency scientific concepts);

high level of development of deductive thinking (the ability to draw conclusions from the general to the specific);

penchant for research activities(attention to detail, the ability to group many facts, establish cause-and-effect relationships, etc.);

ability to engage in painstaking work for a long time (working with dossiers, archival documents);

high level of development of short-term and long-term memory;

developed communication skills (ability to make contact, establish relationships, development of verbal and nonverbal communication, professional competence, etc.);

the presence of well-developed verbal abilities (the ability to express themselves correctly and clearly);

listening skills;

oratory skills (competent expression of thoughts);

high level of development of concentration and stability of attention (the ability to concentrate on a certain type of activity for a long time);

the ability to perceive a large amount of information (comprehensive adequate perception of the situation);

the ability to control your emotions.

  • honesty and integrity;
  • organization and responsibility;
  • determination;
  • creativity;
  • erudition, broad outlook (good knowledge of different areas sciences);
  • punctuality, responsibility;
  • high moral qualities (principle, conviction, sensitivity and attentiveness to people, etc.);
  • curiosity;
  • tactfulness (the ability to show a sense of proportion);
  • flexibility, developed intuition;
  • persistence, objectivity;
  • self-control, composure;
  • sociability, energy;
  • ability to quickly restore performance;
  • desire for self-improvement.

Qualities that hinder the effectiveness of professional activity:

– self-interest;

– aggressiveness;

– narrow-mindedness;

– self-doubt, indecision;

– low level of development or lack of communication abilities, poor diction;

– imbalance, tactlessness;

– inertia;

– unprincipledness;

– lack of interest in the work being performed;

– hot temper, impulsiveness;

– inability to compare and analyze facts;

– inability to withstand external factors.

Diseases contraindicated for the profession of political scientist:

– drug use,

– dependence on alcohol,

– hearing disorders,

– speech disorders,

– hemorrhoidal disorders.

So, A. Golts highlighted the first problem that we are forced (we are interested in!) to deal with: we are trying to conduct an independent examination of the decisions being prepared and made in the field of defense and security from the state.

The second problem is that many military personnel (both current and former) are afraid to write about topics related to the field of defense and security. There are many reasons for this. There is probably a certain fear (which has become a habit) of divulging some “military secret.” One cannot discount the fact that military personnel are not taught to write texts (except for military journalists, of course). I will also note that in the USSR the culture of society and government was such that it was possible to write only about what was specifically allowed to be studied and discussed.

Therefore, in our opinion, a market for intellectual services in the field of defense and security has not yet formed in Russia. In our country, to a certain extent, but still noticeable, there is a noticeable correlation between the military profession (which never became prestigious and is listed on Russian market labor) and those that provide reviews of this area.

We are not sure that our works are in demand by officials, that the Russian authorities have an order for the research we are conducting. Rather, we are sure of the opposite. But, nevertheless, we clearly know that Russian society needs us and our work. We judge this by the people around us, by our loved ones and friends. And there is no reason or reason to doubt their sincerity. In addition, we are understood and supported by committees of soldiers’ mothers and other human rights and public organizations that guard the rights of military personnel.

And one last thing. We do not have delusions of grandeur and hopes that, following Archimedes, we will be able to “turn the Earth upside down” if we suddenly find a lever or a fulcrum. By no means, we will not do this on principle, since we clearly know that revolutions, uprisings, races and coups do not bring anything good to society.

Conclusion: Political scientist is a profession that requires versatile personal development, a broad horizon of knowledge, constant improvement of skills in scientific, expert and political-public activities. The profession of political scientist in our country is one of the youngest and appeared thanks to the democratic process of development of Russian society. In fact, its formation in Russia is only now beginning. Therefore, what will be its role and place in further development Russian society largely depends on professional qualities graduates of the Faculty of Political Science and Law of the Russian University of Economics named after G.V. Plekhanov, studying in the direction of “Political Science” with a specialization in “Economic Policy”.

The standard of the 3rd generation of bachelors determines the areas of professional activity of bachelors in the direction of “Political Science” (with a specialization in “Economic Policy”), the objects and main directions of their professional activity.

Areas of professional activity:

– general educational institutions and educational institutions of primary vocational and secondary vocational education as teachers of social studies and political science;

– academic and research organizations related to political issues as researchers capable of participating in collective research projects;

– government and management bodies, media editorial offices as employees capable of participating in the development and implementation of decisions implemented by these bodies;

– the apparatus of political parties, commercial and public organizations carrying out project (consulting, advisory, research and analytical), as well as information activities in the field of politics, as employees capable of participating in and implementing the decisions released by these structures.

The objects of professional activity of bachelors are: various spheres of socio-political, socio-cultural and economic space of the Russian Federation and the world:

1) In the political-state and political sphere itself, these are, first of all, the structures of state power and government (federal, regional and municipal levels), political parties and socio-political movements, the system of modern international relations.

2) In sociocultural terms – political culture and self-awareness, socio-political sentiments.

3) In the economic aspect – interaction between government and business, political interests and aspirations of various groups of the economic community.

Types of professional activities of bachelors in the field of study “Political Science”:

– research;

– pedagogical:

– organizational and managerial;

– design.

A bachelor in the field of study “Political Science” (“Economic Policy”) must solve the following professional tasks in accordance with the types of professional activity:

1. Research activities:

– participation in seminars, scientific-theoretical and scientific-practical conferences, in the preparation of reviews and annotations;

– compilation of abstracts and bibliographies on the topics of research:

– compilation of sections, scientific and analytical reports, explanatory notes.

2. Pedagogical activity:

– teaching certain disciplines of political science in in general educational institutions and educational institutions of primary vocational and secondary vocational education;

– preparation of scientific and methodological documentation for social science courses;

– participation in extracurricular and educational work with students;

– preparation of established reports according to approved forms.

3. Organizational and managerial activities:

– participation in the organization of management processes in government and administrative bodies, in the apparatus of political parties and socio-political associations, bodies local government, business structures, media;

– participation in political campaigns, organization of the electoral process, consulting activities;

– processing of sociological research data for subsequent political science analysis.

4. Project activities:

– preparation of documentation for the development of research programs and projects;

– participation in the design of scientific and theoretical developments and political campaigns;

– participation in the design of sociological studies of political processes.

With a list of competencies, that is, the results of mastering the basic educational programs Bachelor's degree you can find in the text of the standard of the 3rd generation of bachelors for preparation of “Political Science”, which is posted on my page “In Contact”.

Let us note that our faculty does not train political scientists “in general”, but unique specialists - experts in the field of influence of power on economic process and the entire economic sphere of society. Therefore, our graduates will be in demand as advisers (assistants) to heads of executive bodies of state power, assistants to deputies State Duma Federal Assembly and legislative bodies of the Subjects of the Federation, assistant managers of large enterprises, concerns and holdings, assistant managers of large funds. In all cases, they will be experts in the field of political-economic relations.

1. A bachelor in the field of study “Political Science” must prepare himself, at the same time, for research, teaching, expert, project-political and practical activities in the field of both general and economic policy.

2. The work of a political scientist in the economic sphere requires wide-ranging knowledge not only in the field of political science, but in the field of law, economic disciplines, sociology, psychology, pedagogy, cultural studies, document management and much more, including good physical fitness.
