Election campaign and its stages. Election campaign Election campaign

University: not specified

Introduction 3

1.Electoral campaign: essence and main stages 4

2. Subjects of elections and stages of the election campaign 7

3.Task 13

Conclusion 14

References 15


An election campaign is a complex and multifaceted concept that can be viewed from different angles.

In election technologies they often completely disappear necessary steps preparation and decision-making. For example, a sufficiently complete set of alternatives for possible actions during the election campaign is almost never created. Most events are planned based on analogues of other campaigns, as well as the skills, abilities and connections that the planners have.

Just like the very definition of an election campaign, the identification of stages in it implies different content depending on whose position it is viewed from. For example, for a candidate during an election campaign, five stages can be distinguished, differing both in their goals and objectives, and in the style, pace and intensity of work.

The relevance of this topic is that for the successful functioning of the political system it is necessary active participation citizens in the socio-political life of the country. In all modern democratic societies, the main form of political activity of citizens is participation in elections.

The purpose of this work is to study the election campaign.

To achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve a number of problems:

  • consider the essence of the election campaign, define it in a broad and narrow sense;
  • study the main stages of the election campaign;
  • identify the subjects of the election campaign.

1. Election campaign: essence and main stages

In the broad sense of the word election campaign- this is a set of sustainable ways of interaction between political subjects that ensure the functioning of the electoral system. Also, an election campaign is a period established by law during which political parties and organizations, as well as government bodies responsible for holding elections, carry out their organizational preparations in accordance with established rules.

Depending on the time sequence and features of the tasks being solved, the electoral process, or election campaign, is divided into several stages:

1) the preparatory stage, which characterizes the socio-political soil from which elections “grow”, as well as organizational measures that make the holding of elections possible;

2) nomination of candidates, ending with their registration;

3) propaganda campaign;

Strictly speaking, only the last three stages directly characterize the electoral process itself. However, the preparatory stage also has an important influence on all its stages.

Just like the definition itself election campaign, and the identification of stages in it implies different content depending on from whose position it is viewed. For example, for a candidate during an election campaign, five stages can be distinguished, differing both in their goals and objectives, and in the style, pace and intensity of work:

  1. Zero stage. At this stage, political consultants negotiate with the candidate and with the customer of the campaign about the campaign budget and fees. The district is selected through joint efforts. It would not be amiss for the candidate to conduct reconnaissance on the ground in advance, organize a sociological study, draw up a district passport, and collect information about the most likely candidates for victory. At this stage, a team is also selected that will work in the elections. A decision is made on the method of registration - by pledge or by signatures.

The stage is characterized by a large degree of uncertainty. The pace of work is low, since the only work at this stage is negotiations. Sociological research is usually entrusted to external sociologists.

  1. Preparatory stage or a period of buildup. At this stage, a team of political consultants visits the site. It takes a lot of effort to resolve everyday issues and issues of accommodation, renting premises for headquarters and district offices. It is necessary to provide the organizing team headquarters and offices with office equipment, computers, and mobile communications. The recruitment of headquarters workers begins: drivers, peddlers, agitators, etc. The collection of signatures in support of the candidate is organized and his registration takes place. Headquarters employees organize contacts with printing houses and the media.

The results of this stage will be an established infrastructure and structure of the headquarters, a work plan for the entire campaign and registration of the candidate. The stage is quite hectic and fussy. It is characterized by a large number of small unplanned tasks (for example, such as buying bed linen). In addition, there is still no clear division of responsibilities: it is not clear who is responsible for what.

  1. Planned work stage. At this stage, the main campaign work is carried out, the production and distribution of printed campaign materials, placement of materials in the media, holding meetings with voters, etc. This stage is characterized by high intensity of work and the maximum degree of control over the electoral process.
  2. The finish line. The most nervous time. The campaign is entering the home stretch. Panic and jitters can engulf both the candidate and the headquarters. The need to quickly respond to changing situations is sharply increasing. The information flow influencing voters is increasing significantly. Even those candidates who were sleeping before wake up. Until the polls open on Sunday morning, there remains a feeling that something more needs to be done, another leaflet distributed or another television appearance.

The stage is characterized by an increased intensity of work and its chaotic nature, a nervous situation at the headquarters.

  1. Reporting stage. The results are already known, everything that was planned has been done. The next few days after the votes are counted will be spent writing reports (including the financial report in election commission). At this stage, it is also a good idea to analyze errors in the strategy and tactics of the election campaign.[ 2; With. 342-343]

Also, do not forget about the definition of an election campaign in a narrow sense. In this case, the election campaign is a system of campaigning events carried out political parties and independent candidates in order to ensure maximum voter support in the upcoming elections.

2. Subjects of elections and stages of the election campaign

Let's look at the main stages of the election campaign in more detail.
1. Calling elections

The purpose of the procedure for calling elections is to establish the voting day.

Elections of deputies to the State Duma are appointed by the President.

Elections of the President of the Russian Federation are appointed by the Federation Council.

Regional elections are called by the legislative body of state power of the subject of the Federation.

Municipal elections are called by the representative body local government.

The general rule for all levels and types of elections is to schedule them only on a day off - Sunday.

2. Voter registration

This procedure may be mandatory or voluntary. In the first case, the relevant services include in the lists of all those who have the right to vote. In the second case, inclusion in the voter list is carried out on the initiative of the citizen himself.

3. Formation of electoral districts and precincts

An electoral district is a territorial unit formed in accordance with a certain norm of representation for the conduct of elections of government institutions.

Types of electoral districts:

  • single-member constituency from which one deputy is elected;
  • a multi-member constituency from which several deputies are elected;
  • a single constituency that includes the entire territory in which elections are held.

When constituencies are formed, a uniform standard of representation must be observed.

Polling station - a territorial unit within the boundaries of an electoral district, formed for the purpose of voting and counting votes.

4. Nomination and registration of candidates

Within its framework, a circle of people is formed from among whom presidents, deputies, governors, etc. will be elected.

Methods for nominating candidates:

  • self-nomination, which usually requires the support of signatures of a certain number of voters;
  • nomination by a group of voters;
  • nomination by political parties, which may involve the nomination of both individual candidates and their lists.

One of necessary conditions registration of a candidate may involve collecting signatures in support of his nomination.

An electoral deposit is a sum of money paid at the stage of nominating candidates as a condition for their registration, which is returned if the candidate receives the established minimum votes (in percentage).

5. Election struggle

At this stage of the election campaign, candidates for elected positions enter into intense competition.

A special place Among these activities is the development of election campaign strategy and tactics.

In order to make good use of the collected funds, you need to have a well-thought-out strategy and tactics.

Election campaigning is carried out within a certain chronological framework and can begin a number of days specified by law before the voting date, from the day of registration of candidates.

Election financing includes expenses associated with the preparation and conduct of elections.

  • the sociological model focuses on the factor of social differentiation;
  • in accordance with the sociopsychological model, electoral choice is determined by the party identification of voters;
  • the political-communication model is based on highlighting as a determining factor such as the impact of the election campaign itself on the electoral choice of citizens;
  • The rational choice model is based on the assumption that an individual's electoral behavior is determined by his desire to achieve his own goals.
  1. Determination of election results

The election campaign ends with the counting of votes and determination of the election results.

The recognition of elections as valid or invalid depends, first of all, on the number of people who took part in the elections.

The subjects of the election campaign are:

- candidates to government bodies, which can be nominated by various socio-political forces in accordance with electoral legislation. IN Russian Federation the right to nominate candidates is granted to political parties and movements, and in other electoral events; public organizations, groups of voters who have collected a certain number of signatures in support of a candidate or party list.

Candidates for government positions directly or through assistants create their own team. As a rule, it includes the following election campaign participants.

- trusted persons, whose main function is to expand the representative capabilities of the candidate in the electoral environment, meeting with voters, speaking on behalf of the candidate.

- candidate support group, whose task is to create the necessary socio-psychological mood during meetings of voters with candidates, during debates between candidates and in other election events;

- agitators- a special group of team members who have collected a certain number of signatures in support and who must make the election program and image of the candidate accessible to voters;

- team members communicating with the media. Candidates' legally mandated access to the media may vary in effectiveness depending on the expertise of those team members.

The team of candidates can, with a certain degree of convention, include sponsors who provide material support to candidates in the hope of realizing their interests through them. It may also include representatives of parties, movements and private individuals - volunteers supporting the candidate. A very important part of the candidate’s team is the socio-political support group, whose functions are to obtain the objective information necessary for the candidate. The practice of election campaigns shows that without efficient work commands, as a rule, in front of everyone favorable conditions the candidate's claims to victory are unrealistic. The decisive participant in the elections are voters - people living in the territory of the electoral district and having the right to vote. The outcome of the campaign depends on their choice. Let us consider in more detail the actions of the subjects of the election campaign at each stage (Table 1).

Table 1. Actions of subjects at the stages of the election campaign


Actions of subjects

1 zero


Select a district for nomination, recruit a team

2 preparatory

Candidate's team

Develops the basic concept of the election program and the image of the candidate

Stage 3 of planned work

Candidate's team

Distributes leaflets, brochures, etc. among the population

4 home straight

Candidates and his team

They actively carry out their campaign and conduct debates between the candidates.

5 reporting


election campaign

And finally, the holding of elections is ensured by government agencies - election commissions, authorities, courts, whose role is to create the organizational and legal infrastructure of the election campaign: compliance with the rule of law and organization of registration of candidates, “cutting” electoral districts and polling stations, notifying voters about ongoing elections, organizing elections, monitoring compliance with legal norms during elections, summing up their results, as well as notifying voters of the election results.

Considering participation in elections from the position of a candidate, we can highlight a number of specific steps taken by him and his team that make up the election campaign procedure (Fig. 1).

Figure 1. Candidate's election campaign procedure


Let’s assume that following the results of the elections of deputies to the State Duma of the Russian Federation, the following situation has developed. 4% of voters who took part in the voting voted for party A (list of candidates nominated by the party), 5% for party B, 77% for party C, 1% for party D, and 6% for party N. Show which parties from this list will be allowed to distribute mandates and explain why.

Parties B, C and N will be allowed to distribute mandates, since in accordance with paragraph 7 of Article 88 Federal Law dated 02.22.2014 N 20-FZ "On the election of deputies of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation" federal lists of candidates are allowed to distribute deputy mandates, each of which received 5 or more percent of the votes of voters who took part in voting in the federal electoral district, provided that there were at least two such lists and that in total more than 50 percent of the votes of voters who took part in the voting were cast for these lists. In this case, other federal lists of candidates are not allowed to distribute deputy mandates.


Thus, this work examined the main stages of the election campaign, which, regardless of the type of election, are similar.

After the announcement of the elections, candidates are nominated; this period ends with the registration of candidates by the election commission. This is followed by a period of pre-election struggle, which ends with voting. Voting can be carried out in one or several rounds. After the vote, there begins a period of summing up the election results and the inclusion of the elected representative in active activities within the government body.

To sum up, it is worth noting the significance of the elections as a whole. Elections are a democratic in nature and essence way of forming state bodies and local self-government bodies, in which the people themselves or their representatives have the opportunity to decide who to put in power and who to remove from it through an established voting procedure and selection of appropriate persons from two or more candidates.

The exercise by citizens of their right to choose is one of the most important forms of their participation in government.

List of used literature

  1. Zaburdaeva E.V. Political campaign: strategies and technologies // E. V. Zaburdaeva: Tutorial- M.: Aspect Press, 2012.
  2. Zinoviev A . IN. Guarantees of freedom of elections of representative government bodies in Russia // State And right. M., 2012 . N 1. pp. 15-23
  3. Maltsev V. A.. Reference manual for the course “Constitutional (state) law of foreign countries”: Textbook for correspondence students. Voronezh: Voronezh Publishing House state university. - 328 p., 2011.
  4. Pugachev V.P. Introduction to political science / Pugachev V.P., Solovyov A.I. Textbook, 3rd ed., 2010. - 392 p.
  5. Sukharev A. Ya. Large legal dictionary. - M.: Infra-M. A. Ya. Sukharev, V. E. Krutskikh, A. Ya. Sukharev. 2013.

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In order to get an idea of ​​the electoral system, it is necessary not only to identify and consider its structural components, but also to understand how it functions. The functional aspect of the electoral system is reflected in the concept of “election campaign”.

An election campaign is a set of sustainable ways of interaction between political subjects that ensure the functioning of the electoral system.

An election campaign is a process unfolding over time, consisting of successive stages. Each stage, in turn, includes a set of specific electoral procedures and actions. Main stages of the election campaign:

Calling elections;

Nomination of candidates;

Election struggle;

Determination of election results.

Elections must be called within a time frame that allows candidates and political parties to launch a full-fledged election campaign.

The purpose of the procedure for calling elections is to set a voting day. This day can be strictly fixed. But in most countries there is no such predetermined election date, and therefore it is necessary to issue a special act establishing such a date.

In Russia, elections of deputies to the State Duma are appointed by the president and voting day is the first Sunday after the expiration of the term for which the lower house of the previous convocation was elected. Elections for the President of the Russian Federation are called by the Federation Council, and voting day is the first Sunday of the month in which the previous elections were held.

The importance of the election campaign stage - the nomination of candidates - is determined by the fact that within its framework a circle of people is formed from among whom presidents, deputies, governors, advisers to local governments and others will be elected.

In Russia they are used various ways nomination of candidates:

Self-nomination (except for presidential elections), which usually requires the support of signatures of a certain number of voters;

Nomination by a group of voters;

Nomination by political parties.

The procedure for nominating candidates may involve the nomination of not only individual candidates, but also their lists formed by parties (including in Russia). This order contains at least two negative aspects. Firstly, in this case voters vote not for individuals, but for a party. At the same time, Russia is distinguished high level political fragmentation, party programs are vague, ideological differences between parties are often difficult to determine. In this situation, it is very difficult for the voter to make an informed choice. Secondly, most of those included in the list (in Russia their number can be up to 270 people) are unknown to voters. IN best case scenario they know several names at the top of the list. It turns out that voters vote “blindly.”

In a number of countries, the procedure for nominating candidates involves the payment of a certain amount of money - an electoral deposit, which is returned if the candidate receives a set percentage of votes. In Russia, during the elections of deputies to State Duma There are two options for action: either paying the electoral debt, or collecting signatures in support of the candidate.

Registration takes place simultaneously with the nomination process. All citizens eligible to vote are included in the voter lists. In Russia and most European countries, such lists are compiled by local authorities.

Election struggle. At this stage of the election campaign, candidates for elected positions enter into intense competition. Within its framework, individual candidates and political parties carry out a complex set of activities aimed at ensuring the desired result.

At first glance, the goal of these election subjects is one - victory. However, some campaign participants get involved in order to attract attention or increase publicity with an eye to future elections. There is also a practice of nominating rival candidates with namesakes. This technique is aimed at confusing voters and reducing the number of votes cast for the opponent.

The election campaign must be carefully prepared, which involves creating a campaign headquarters, developing its strategy and tactics, and accumulating resources. A special place among these activities is occupied by the development of election campaign strategy and tactics. Strategy is the substantive part of the election campaign, and tactics are its technical side. In other words, strategy answers the question of what needs to be done to achieve the goal, and tactics answer the question of how to act.

In order to familiarize each voter with their election program, parties hold rallies and meetings, organize meetings of candidates with residents of their constituency, and appear in the press, on radio and television.

The technique of conducting election campaigns is improving every year. Today, parties widely use the services of political scientists, sociologists, and social psychologists who study public opinion and the mood of voters. Political leaders use the services of image makers - specialists in creating images. Professional “packaging” of candidates and their platforms for political advertising in the media is a very expensive undertaking.

Therefore, financing plays a special role in the election campaign of a candidate or party. Financial resources are generated from membership fees, income from the party's publishing activities, government funding, and voluntary donations. These legal sources of funding cannot cover all costs. It is generally accepted that candidates and political parties also finance their election campaigns from illegal sources. These include the commercial activities of parties, financial assistance from abroad, and exceeding the permissible limits of donations from citizens and legal entities.

In order to minimize the use of illegal financing and ensure equal opportunities for all candidates, there is a practice of legislative regulation of the financial parameters of an election campaign, providing for:

Limiting election expenses;

Narrowing the number of funding sources;

Government funding in the form of subsidies or compensation for election expenses;

Careful accounting of funds used and transparency of funding sources.

Vote. Election campaigning ends the day before voting. The last day before voting is given to voters so that they can finally think about their choice and make a decision. Voting takes place secretly. Voters fill out ballots at booths and place them in the ballot box.

Citizens declared incompetent by a court, as well as those held in prison by a court sentence, do not have the right to vote. This is the only limitation that allows us to talk about universal suffrage in the Russian Federation.

The peak of political activity of citizens occurs in middle age- from 25 to 50 years. In recent decades, sociologists have noted a fairly high electoral activity of older people. Pensioners are driven to the polls by their interest in social insurance and health care issues. In addition, older people have more free time to participate in political life.

The election campaign ends with the counting of votes and determination of the election results. These actions are carried out by election commissions. Their prerogative is also to recognize the elections as valid or invalid, which depends on the number of people who took part in the vote. Depending on existing standards the elections can be recognized as valid. So the voter turnout threshold should be at least 25% of total number voters in elections of deputies to the State Duma and at least 50% in presidential elections. Otherwise, repeat elections are called.

The procedure itself for determining the election results is not a particular problem, since it is strictly regulated, and all actions are stipulated in the electoral legislation. However, even if all the previous stages of the election campaign indicate the democratic nature of the electoral system, at this final stage the elections can turn into a fiction if there is falsification of the voting results.

An election campaign is a system of campaigning events carried out by political parties and independent candidates in order to secure maximum voter support in the upcoming elections. Election campaigns are a way of involvement in the political life of society (for example, elections).

An election campaign is a complex and multifaceted concept that can be viewed from different angles.

For example, for a political scientist, an election (pre-election) campaign is a stage of the electoral process, which includes the nomination and official registration of candidates, their election campaign, designed to acquaint voters with their programs and platforms, with the personality of the candidates and on this basis make their choice.

For the candidate himself and his team, the election campaign is rather a specific, targeted, consistent effort that is carried out (over a period of time specified by law) in order to mobilize voter support for the candidate and ensure his victory on election day.

All efforts in the election campaign are aimed at the optimal use of available resources to enhance the candidate’s advantages and neutralize strengths his opponents. During the election campaign the following occurs:

Forming a group of supporters and stimulating their activity on election day;

Attracting to your side people who will vote, but have not yet decided for whom;

Weakening the positions of opponents and introducing doubts and disagreements into the camp of their supporters (counter-propaganda).

Main character election campaign - a candidate for deputy for a specific elective position. The nature of the election campaign involves the joint work of a group of people (teams) who, together with the candidate, overcome the path to the goal. The more people are interested in a candidate's victory, the more likely that victory is.

Election campaign goals

By purpose, election campaigns can be divided as follows:

a) the company’s goal is participation, not victory;

b) the company’s goal is to achieve partial, relatively complete or absolute victory.

In the first option, participation in the election campaign of a candidate or public association aims not to achieve victory (the chances of which, for one reason or another, are minimal), but to designate oneself in the political arena as a subject of political struggle. The second option is aimed only at winning. As for the specific candidate running for representative bodies, his interpretation of victory is unambiguous. Consequently, each party or public association, depending on the available opportunities, determines its goal in elections:

Partial victory – holding a small number of deputies;

Relative victory - holding a significant number of deputies, insufficient to dominate the representative body, but capable of influencing decision-making;

Complete victory – winning more than half of the seats;

Absolute victory – winning 2/3 places.

Stages of the election campaign

The average duration of an election campaign is three weeks to a month, but in some countries it lasts longer (USA, UK). The start date of the election campaign depends on the date on which the election (voting) day is scheduled. The election campaign usually ends on the day before voting day.

"Zero" stage. At this stage, political consultants negotiate with the candidate and with the customer of the campaign about the campaign budget and fees.

Preparatory stage or “buildup” period. At this stage, a team of political consultants visits the site. It takes a lot of effort to resolve everyday issues and issues of accommodation, renting premises for headquarters, etc.

Planned work stage. At this stage, the main campaign work is carried out, the production and distribution of printed campaign materials, the placement of materials in the media, holding meetings with voters, etc. This stage is characterized by high intensity of work and a maximum degree of control over the electoral process.

"Finish Straight". The most nervous time. The campaign is entering the home stretch. Panic and jitters can engulf both the candidate and the headquarters. The need to quickly respond to changing situations is sharply increasing.

Reporting stage. The results are already known, everything that was planned has been done. The next few days after the votes are counted will be spent writing reports (including a financial report to the election commission). At this stage, it is also a good idea to analyze mistakes in the strategy and tactics of the election campaign.

ELECTION CAMPAIGN ELECTION CAMPAIGN (French campagne - campaign) is a system of campaigning events carried out by political parties and independent candidates in order to secure maximum voter support in the upcoming elections. In I.k. various kinds of support groups also participate, public organizations, media, etc. The main forms (methods) of agitation during the I.K. are holding election meetings and rallies, printing articles and pamphlets, posting election posters and posters, speaking on radio and television. Modern election laws regulate the conduct of elections in great detail. (timing, procedure and forms of campaigning, sources of funding, etc.).

Large legal dictionary. - M.: Infra-M. A. Ya. Sukharev, V. E. Krutskikh, A. Ya. Sukharev. 2003 .

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