How to use the Mercury program in veterinary medicine. Federal state system "Mercury" from Rosselkhoznadzor

The federal state information system "Mercury" was developed by Rosselkhoznadzor, is part of the FSIS Vetis and is intended for:

  • registration of electronic veterinary certificates,
  • tracking the path of movement of supervised cargo,
  • excluding their falsification and smuggling.

In accordance with Law N 243-FZ “On Amendments to the Law Russian Federation“On Veterinary Medicine”, from July 1, 2018, all goods controlled by Rosselkhoznadzor are subject to mandatory electronic certification in the FSIS “Mercury”, which tracks them throughout the entire cycle: from raw materials to the finished product on the store shelf.

Certification is required for: meat processing plants, poultry farms, seafood producers, dairies, distributors and retail chains.

FSIS "Mercury" allows you to:

  • reduce the time for preparing veterinary accompanying documentation,
  • accumulate information about samples taken for testing imported products,
  • track the movement of a consignment across the territory of the Russian Federation, taking into account its fragmentation,
  • reduce costs for registration of VSD by replacing secure paper forms with electronic ones,
  • eliminate the human factor due to the availability of ready-made forms for entering information, as well as checking user-entered data.
  • create a unified database for quick search and analysis of information.

The system is intended for employees:

  • economic entities (ES);
  • veterinary departments of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation (VU);
  • animal disease control stations (ADCS);
  • central office Rosselkhoznadzor (CA);
  • territorial departments of Rosselkhoznadzor (TU);
  • temporary storage warehouses (TSW),
  • customs control zones (CZC).

The following subsystems operate as part of FSIS "Mercury":

  • Subsystem of the Temporary Storage Warehouse (Mercury.SVH)
  • Subsystem of the State Veterinary Expertise (Mercury.GVE)
  • Business entity subsystem (Mercury.XC)
  • Subsystem of Territorial Administration (Mercury.TU)
  • Notification subsystem (Mercury.Notifications)
  • Subsystem for verifying the authenticity of issued VSD
  • Universal gateway (Vetis.API)
  • Subsystem of preliminary notifications from foreign countries (Mercury.Notice)

Working with GIS "Mercury": manual input or integration

The GIS "Mercury" Rosselkhoznadzor (FSIS Vetis) implements the ability to create applications for issuing veterinary certificates, but the company has to create applications by manually entering all the necessary data. With a large number of certificates issued per day, this method of work requires significant labor costs, and therefore additional costs.

In this regard, the urgent issue is the integration of the enterprise accounting system with the Mercury GIS in order to automate the process of creating electronic veterinary certificates. As a result of integration, they will be created automatically based on primary data from the enterprise’s accounting system, which will immediately bring tangible savings.

Solution from JSC "ASP"

"13" October 2016 A cooperation agreement was concluded between the Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance (Rosselkhoznadzor) and CJSC ASP.

On the official website of the State Information System in the field of veterinary medicine VETIS, the ASP company is listed in the IT partners section.

CJSC "ASP" offers the integration of existing automated enterprise accounting systems with the GIS "Mercury" Rosselkhoznadzor. Implementation software package"ASP.Mercury" will significantly reduce enterprise expenses. All work is carried out on a turnkey basis.

Automatic issuance of veterinary certificates from 1C and other accounting systems from 30,000 rubles!

Video presentation of the product "ASP.Mercury"

On our YouTube channel you can watch video reviews of the ASP.Gateway and ASP.Mercury products, as well as study video tutorials on working in the GIS "Mercury" program.

The company CJSC "ASP" has a number of successfully implemented projects for the integration of enterprise accounting systems with the GIS "Mercury" in various fields production: meat processing plants, dairies, poultry farms, seafood producers, distributors, retail chains.

The implementation of "ASP.Mercury" will allow:

  • automatically generate VSD in GIS "Mercury";
  • speed up the receipt of electronic certificates,
  • eliminate manual input into the GIS "Mercury",
  • minimize the risk of errors when filling out data,
  • reduce company costs,
  • reduce costs for VSD forms.

As a result, you will have the opportunity, independently or with the help of certified veterinary specialists, to automatically issue VSD for the entire range of transported products, which means completely getting rid of the maintenance of the state veterinary service and the significant financial costs associated with them. Moreover, for self-registration The VSD company does not need to hire additional specialists.

The main advantages of the solution from the ASP company:

  • All work is carried out on a turnkey basis.
  • Compliance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of veterinary supervision.
  • Integration with all existing automated accounting systems.
  • Open source.
  • Possibility of flexible customization of integration taking into account specific features existing system accounting.
  • Savings on VSD forms.
  • Reducing the time for preparing veterinary accompanying documentation by automating this process.
  • Comprehensive annual support.
  • The development of the software package was carried out in collaboration with the developers of the GIS "Mercury" and specialists from Rosselkhoznadzor.

The ASP company offers two integration options: “ASP.Gateway” (integration of any enterprise accounting system through a gateway, including “1C” platform versions 7.7; 8.0; 8.1; 8.2; 8.3) from 30,000 rubles and “ASP.Mercury” ( direct integration of 1C platform version 8.0; 8.2; 8.3 on managed and unmanaged forms) from 60,000 rubles. Each option is relevant depending on the size of the enterprise and the version of the accounting system.

The ASP company also offers comprehensive annual support. It includes maintenance of this integration, since the accounting systems of the enterprise and the GIS "Mercury" Rosselkhoznadzor are periodically updated, and accordingly the exchange format or requirements may change, consulting on the integration module with the GIS "Mercury", incident support, making changes and updates to processing.

Unlike other developers, the company ASP CJSC already has successfully implemented projects for integrating enterprise accounting systems with the Mercury GIS in various areas of production: meat processing plants, dairies, poultry factories, seafood producers, distributors, retail chains.

Our clients

Federal state information system in the field of veterinary medicine - FSIS VetIS.

Taking into account the direction of development of means of informatization of activities in the field of veterinary medicine and the goal set in the Federal Law “On Veterinary Medicine” of creating a unified Federal state information system in the field of veterinary medicine Vetis, Rosselkhoznadzor is taking practical steps in this direction.

The operator of the state information system Vetis is Federal service for veterinary and phytosanitary supervision (Rosselkhoznadzor). Rosselkhoznadzor carries out activities for the creation, development and operation, including automated collection, storage, processing, summarizing information contained in its databases, as well as providing this information to interested parties.

Special information systems FSIS Vetis

Special information systems are information systems whose main task is to automate a specific business process or a group of similar business processes.

Automated system Argus.

Automated system to issue permits and control the movement of regulated cargo across the state border of the Russian Federation and the border of the Customs Union.
Business entity subsystem (Argus.HS)
Veterinary Management Subsystem (Argus.VU)
Subsystem of Territorial Administration (Argus.TU)
Subsystem of the Veterinary Supervision Department (Argus.UVN)
Subsystem of the Main Directorate of Veterinary Medicine of the CIS country (Argus.GUV)
Subsystem of the Border Veterinary checkpoint(Argus.PVKP)

Automated system Mercury.

System of electronic certification of regulated products, control of the movement of products across the territory of the Russian Federation and the Customs Union.
Subsystem of the Temporary Storage Warehouse (Mercury.SVH)
Subsystem of the State Veterinary Expertise (Mercury.GVE)
Business entity subsystem (Mercury.XC)
Subsystem of Territorial Administration (Mercury.TU)
Notification subsystem (Mercury.Notifications)
Subsystem for verifying the authenticity of issued VSD
Universal gateway (Vetis.API)
Subsystem of preliminary notifications from foreign countries (Mercury.Notice)

Automated system Vesta.

The system is designed to automate the process of collecting, transmitting and analyzing information on laboratory testing of samples of regulated products during research in the field of diagnostics, food safety, food and feed quality, quality and safety medicines for animals.
Subsystem of the Sample Reception department (Vesta.Reception)
Subsystem of the Research Department (Vesta. Conducting research)
Settings subsystem (Vesta.Settings)

Automated system Hermes.

Licensing automation system pharmaceutical activities and production of medicinal products intended for animals.

Automated system Irena.

Registration system for medicines, feed additives and GMO feed.

Automated system Cerberus.

System of control and recording of legally significant actions in the field of veterinary supervision.

According to Federal Law 243, from July 1, 2018, all veterinary certificates must be issued electronically. Both producers and sellers of meat and dairy products are subject to the law. Both are required to work with veterinary certificates.

Mercury system 2018: what it is, for whom and transition dates

What is FSIS “Mercury”?

FSIS Mercury is a federal state information system for retail for recording electronic veterinary certificates (eVSD - electronic veterinary accompanying documents) of which the State Veterinary Information System (VetIS) consists. “Mercury” is intended for electronic certification of goods controlled by the State Veterinary Supervision, as well as tracking their movements on the territory of our country. The main purpose of introducing new requirements is:

  • creation of a unified information environment for veterinary medicine,
  • increasing biological safety,
  • food safety control.

Especially for grocery stores - inventory and cash program Business.Ru Retail.
Automated cashier station, support for 54-FZ and EGAIS, work with weighted goods, warehouse accounting and sales analytics.

How does FSIS “Mercury” work?

Which organizations are required to connect to Mercury?

All organizations whose economic activities are related to the circulation of goods of animal origin must join the FSIS. Such companies include enterprises - farms, dairies, poultry farms, meat processing plants, seafood producers.

Logistics centers, wholesale bases, retail chains and retail stores, points catering must also keep records of electronic VSD through FSIS. In other words, everyone who, by the nature of their activities, is associated with regulated goods of animal origin is required to work according to the new requirements.

What is the time frame for the transition to working with Mercury?

The terms for connecting to the system are specified in the Federal Law of July 13, 2015 No. 243 “On Amendments to the Law of the Russian Federation “On Veterinary Medicine”. According to federal law, all VSD must be issued electronically using the Mercury system starting July 1, 2018.

Can the transition to Mercury be postponed?

The transition to working with the Mercury system has already been postponed for six months, from January 1, 2018 to July 1, 2018. But we do not recommend counting on a further delay in the entry into force of the new requirements. Instead, we advise you to prepare in advance for the new work standards and think about how to organize this process with the least amount of effort on the part of your employees.

Training video on working in FSIS "Mercury"

How to connect to FSIS Mercury: VetIS.API

What do you need to connect to Mercury?

In general, the procedure for connecting to Mercury is quite simple.

To register in the system you need:

  • fill out the application form. The template is published on the official website of Rosselkhoznadzor. Download the application template for registration in the FSIS "Mercury" for individual entrepreneurs >>
  • choose the application submission option that suits you - a paper version when visiting any territorial office of Rosselkhoznadzor, or an electronic version sent by email. Applications sent to email, must be certified by an electronic signature. Individual entrepreneurs can use a simple electronic signature, and LLCs can use an enhanced qualified electronic signature (ECS);
  • send an application to Rosselkhoznadzor;
  • choose the most convenient form of working with the system for your company - through a browser or an API interface (VetIS.API). The second option involves the use of specialized solutions that provide comfortable work other accounting systems of your company together with Mercury.

After connecting to the Mercury system, we recommend paying attention to the volume and complexity of your staff’s work when interacting with FSIS. At this stage, it is important to reduce the complexity of interaction with the system so that the emergence of new requirements does not in any way affect previously established business processes.

Today on the market there is a sufficient selection of proposals for integrating GIS with the systems already used in your company. Thus, the Columbus solution for integrating the Mercury system with 1C allows you to set up work with eVSD within the framework of the standards adopted by the regulator, improve the quality of accounting for regulated products and automate the entire distribution chain with minimal labor costs on the part of personnel.

Comprehensive automation of a grocery store from 500 rubles/month!
Control revenue, inventory balances, purchases, reporting and employees.

For which products do I need to issue electronic VSD?

The general list of products requiring VSD registration is given in Order of the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia No. 648 dated December 18, 2015. From this document it follows that the Mercury system must take into account all goods subject to veterinary control.

List of products requiring VSD registration:

  • meat, offal and fats;
  • sausages, prepared and canned meat products;
  • fish of any kind, including canned;
  • crustaceans, molluscs, aquatic invertebrates;
  • bird eggs;
  • all types of dairy products;
  • cottage cheese and cheeses, including processed cheeses;
  • butter and other fats and oils made from milk, milk pastes;
  • pasta stuffed with meat, sausage, fish or seafood;
  • inactive yeast;
  • soups and broths, as well as preparations for preparing soups and broths;
  • ice cream, except ice cream based on fruit and berries, fruit and edible ice;
  • feed grain: hard and soft wheat, rye, barley, oats, corn;
  • natural honey;
  • propolis, beeswax and waxes of other insects, spermaceti;
  • compound feed;
  • fertilizers of plant and animal origin;
  • stuffed animals, raw skins, hunting trophies.

Thus, we see that the list of regulated products covers almost all groups of food products. This, in turn, means that the number of companies working with Mercury will grow steadily.

Veterinary certificates in retail trade

Why do retail stores need Mercury?

With electronic VSDs you can perform the following operations: only form, only “quench” or both form and “quench”. In this case, VSD can be of production or transport type.

As for retail companies, stores are required to work with incoming VSD. That is, your task will be to “redeem” incoming certificates for each transport shipment.

What should you pay attention to when receiving products from suppliers?

If you have partially accepted the goods, then these discrepancies must be indicated upon redemption - the refundable IRR will be issued automatically.

Another important point- operations with VSD must be carried out within 1 business day after receiving the shipment. Let's imagine that you have been brought cargo for which VSD has not been registered in the Mercury system.

Only right action In this case, you will refuse to accept the cargo. The only exceptions here are deliveries accepted on paper VSD. In this case, you are required to pay off the paper IRR and capitalize the balance with inventory.

What to do if there is no Internet access? What are the penalties for missing Mercury?

Is it possible to continue working with paper VSDs if we do not have access to the Internet?

If you do not have technical limitations to connect to the Internet, then you cannot use paper VSDs. The list of places where there is no access to the Internet is approved at the level of each subject of the Russian Federation. If there are no such restrictions, then by July 1, 2018 you need to ensure a connection to the network and start working in the Mercury retail system.

If you absolutely do not want to connect to the Internet, then the only possible option compliance with regulatory requirements in in this case– provide access to the system to your supplier or third party, who will be “authorized” to work with the system “on behalf of your company.”

Organizations that do not have the technical ability to connect to the Internet, for example, shops in rural areas in some regions of the country, can continue to work with paper VSD.

What fines will an entrepreneur face for not having Mercury?

Article 10.8 of the Code of Administrative Offenses provides for a fine for non-compliance with the requirements of Federal Law No. 243 of July 13, 2015 - a fine is imposed for the absence of VSD. The amount of liability can range from 3,000 rubles. up to 10,000-20,000 rubles, while the size of the fine depends on who it is issued to: a legal entity or an official.

Legal entities that fail to comply with the regulator's requirements may also face suspension of activities for 90 days. There are currently a number of legislative initiatives proposing changes to penalties for non-compliance.

Read articles on food retail:

Mercury- an automated system (federal state information system, FSIS), designed for electronic certification of goods supervised by state veterinary supervision, tracking the path of their movement across the territory of the Russian Federation to create a unified information environment for veterinary medicine, increasing biological and food safety.

The system is intended for use by employees:

  • economic entities (ES);
  • veterinary departments of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation (VU);
  • animal disease control stations (ADCS);
  • the central office of Rosselkhoznadzor (CA);
  • territorial departments of Rosselkhoznadzor (TU);
  • temporary storage warehouses (TSW),
  • customs control zones (CZC).

Goals of creation:

  • Reducing the time for preparing veterinary accompanying documentation by automating this process.
  • Automatic accounting of incoming and outgoing volumes of products at an enterprise (refrigerator, warehouse, food processing facility, etc.).
  • Entering and storing information about samples taken for the study of imported products.
  • The ability to track the movement of a consignment across the territory of the Russian Federation, taking into account its fragmentation.
  • Reducing labor, material and financial costs for registration of VSD due to the replacement of secure paper forms VSD electronic versions.
  • Minimizing human errors due to the availability of ready-made forms for entering information, as well as validating user-entered data.
  • Creation of a single centralized database for quick access to up-to-date information, for generating reports, searching and analyzing information.

The FSIS "Mercury" includes the following subsystems:

  • Subsystem of the Temporary Storage Warehouse (Mercury.SVH)
  • Subsystem of the State Veterinary Expertise (Mercury.GVE)
  • Business entity subsystem (Mercury.XC)
  • Subsystem of Territorial Administration (Mercury.TU)
  • Notification subsystem (Mercury.Notifications)
  • Subsystem for verifying the authenticity of issued VSD
  • Universal gateway (Vetis.API)
  • Subsystem of preliminary notifications from foreign countries (Mercury.Notice)

The Mercury system is designed as a web application, i.e. users interact with the system via the Internet. All users always have access to up-to-date information. The work is carried out via a web browser.

"Mercury" is hosted on a central server connected to the Internet. Since the central server may be unavailable (for example, if it is disconnected from the Internet or there is no power supply), a geographically remote backup server is provided that automatically replicates information from the central one and, if it is disconnected, processes user requests until the main server is restored.

The creators recommend using the Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox browser version 3.0 or higher to work with Mercury. Supported in Internet Explorer version 7.0 and higher, it is included in the OS

Mercury is a federal state information system (FSIS) for recording electronic veterinary certificates. Starting from July 1, 2018, everyone who sells products of animal origin must connect and keep records in this system. This also applies to retail trade.

Why is the FSIS Mercury system needed?

Electronic veterinary certificates should replace paper invoices and certificates certified by veterinarians. These documents allow the entrepreneur to trade in animal products legally and provide them if checked.

Maintaining paper documentation was fraught with some difficulties - for example, when moving products from a warehouse to a retail outlet, it was necessary to fill out the documents again, inviting a veterinarian. Not all products sold were certified.

Electronic document flow simplifies the process of obtaining certificates and the sale of products at each stage is accessible and easily tracked: products are accounted for automatically, you can quickly track the path of movement of a consignment using a single centralized database where all necessary information. In this way, it is planned to stop the illegal sale of counterfeit products.

How will it work?

Accounting for products of animal origin must be maintained from the moment they arrive from the manufacturer’s warehouse: the movement of the product is monitored along the entire chain, from raw materials to manufacturing finished products, and its arrival on the shelves.

For example, a batch of milk is sent from a farm to a dairy plant. At the stage of milk supply, the farm must issue veterinary accompanying documents (VSD). The receipt of milk at the plant's warehouse is also documented - a note is made in the FSIS "Mercury" that the product was received under such and such a veterinary number. This process is called repayment. Subsequently, the milk is processed and the plant produces various types dairy products: milk in packages, cheese, kefir, cottage cheese, fermented baked milk. Its further distribution to retail outlets is accompanied by an IRR for each commodity item. When the products arrive at the store, the corresponding VSDs must be redeemed in the Mercury program.

From the moment the products arrive at the store, no more than one day should pass before you need to enter data into the Mercury system, thereby confirming the received shipment of goods. If the goods are partially accepted, it is necessary to indicate the existing discrepancies when canceling - in this case, a refundable IRR will be automatically generated.

If the goods delivered to you do not have permits in the unified Mercury accounting system, then it is strictly not recommended to accept the goods.

Who needs to register with FSIS Mercury?

At the state level, amendments have been made to Federal Law 243 “On Veterinary Medicine”, according to which, from July 1, 2018, veterinary certificates that give the right to sell products of animal origin must be maintained electronically through the FSIS Mercury. This applies to all enterprises under the supervision of the State Veterinary Control:

Producers and distributors of animal products;

Trading networks, retail, wholesale stores and logistics centers;

Dairy factories;

Meat processing plants, poultry farms, seafood producers;

Farms, breeding farms;

Catering enterprises selling this type products;

- veterinarians.

Types of products subject to certification in the system

All products, without exception, under the authority of the State Veterinary Control Department are subject to mandatory certification:

    all types of meat, offal and fats;

    sausages, prepared and canned meat products;

    fish of any kind, including canned;

    pasta stuffed with meat, sausage, fish or seafood;

    crustaceans, mollusks, aquatic invertebrates; all types of dairy products;

    butter and other fats and oils made from milk, milk pastes;

    cottage cheese and cheeses, including processed ones;

    bird eggs;

    natural honey;

    inactive yeast;

    ready-made soups and broths and preparations for their preparation;

    feed grain: hard and soft wheat, rye, barley, oats, corn; compound feed;

    fertilizers of plant and animal origin.

The entire list of products is presented in Order No. 648 of the Ministry of Agriculture.

How and what is needed to connect to FSIS "Mercury"?

The system has a publicly available free web interface. To work with the system, you need an Internet connection. Details of working with the web interface are presented in the official source: .

To register in the system, you will need to fill out an application to Mercury Rosselkhoznadzor (or its territorial department) on paper or send it by email. When submitting an application electronically:

Individual entrepreneurs must certify it with a simple electronic signature and send it to the address[email protected] ;

For legal entities the application is supported by an enhanced qualified electronic signature (CES) of the manager and is sent to the address[email protected].

If you work in an area where there is no Internet access?

In this case, you can continue to work with paper VSD. Please make sure that you are in an approved official list areas remote from networks.

Terms of connection to the Mercury system for retail?

The deadline is set for July 1, 2018. Considering that the registration process may take certain time, we recommend that you address this issue in advance.

For non-compliance with the rules for keeping records of animal products adopted by law, fines will be levied. In the absence of VSD for individual entrepreneur or official a fine of 3,000 rubles will be imposed; for legal entities – from 10,000 to 20,000 rubles; in some cases, the organization’s activities may be suspended for up to 90 days.

Let's sum it up

Automation of document flow should ultimately make life easier for businessmen. The processing, storage and accounting of tons of paper will be replaced by an automated, convenient process of interaction with suppliers and customers. The latter will also benefit from the implementation of FSIS Mercury, since one of the main goals of introducing the system is to make the market transparent and eliminate fakes and surrogates.

LiteBox software already supports all the necessary functionality for working with FSIS Mercury.

What is it? The Mercury system is implemented as a web application in which users interact with the system via the Internet. Thanks to this, all users always have access to up-to-date information.

The main feature of the system is that it is based on a process approach; without entering information at the input, it is impossible to issue a veterinary accompanying document (VSD) for sale or movement in the system and to remove the controlled goods from the system at the end of the product’s life.
The entrance to the system is to enter information about the production batch for domestic products; for imports, the presence of a veterinary certificate issued in the Mercury system. Thus, each subsequent VSD is drawn up on the basis of the previous one, thus building a chain along which you can track full path movement of goods from the moment of production (import) to the final point (retail outlet, or disposal).
What products are subject to veterinary control?

All products of animal origin fall under veterinary control: fish, meat, milk, honey, cheese, etc. The state veterinary control system consists of Rosselkhoznadzor, veterinary services of the constituent entities of Russia, as well as veterinary services in each power ministry. Rosselkhoznadzor exercises control at the state border and at seaports, and the subject services subordinate to the regional governor already work on the ground.

What is electronic veterinary certification?
The first thing that was transferred from paper to electronic view, a permit for import, export and transit, which entrepreneurs are now applying for on their own. They submit an application using the Argus system, and the computer analyzes it (whether the supplier country falls into the risk zone, whether the manufacturing plant is certified, etc.) and instantly makes a decision: approve or reject. One second - the result on the monitor screen.
The system of electronic veterinary certification in the automated system “Mercury” is being built in the same image and likeness.
Almost 90% of cargo is moving or crushing a finished batch of products. It is enough to register it in the system at the place of origin of the raw material, and you will no longer have to waste time entering this information each time. The batch has been checked, certification has been carried out, all the information has been taken into account in the information systems, and then all that remains is to form a request on the computer to move the products from one warehouse, and then put a tick when the products arrive at another warehouse. You just need to make sure that the volume and characteristics of the batch exactly correspond to what is reflected in the Mercury.
Most importantly, the system completely eliminates the possibility of registering illegal products in it.

How will the data in the system be verified?
The verification system is based on the exchange of information in real time between numerous registers and databases of both authorities and the companies themselves. It is based on automated information systems developed by Rosselkhoznadzor in the field of veterinary medicine: "Argus" - issuing permits for the import of regulated goods, "Vesta" - registration of laboratory tests, "Mercury" - veterinary certification, "Cerberus" - registration of legally significant actions.

The Office of Rosselkhoznadzor for the Orenburg Region once again draws the attention of Orenburg manufacturers of goods subject to veterinary supervision and all participants in product circulation to the upcoming transition to electronic veterinary certification.
Registration and access can be obtained at the Rosselkhoznadzor Office for the Orenburg Region by submitting an application established form or send to email address
