MPGU official lists. Mpgu, former mgpi im

119882, Moscow, Malaya Pirogovskaya st., 1 (for letters).

Admissions Committee: Vernadsky Ave., 88, room 548, 550. 43828-47, 245-0320.

Directions: metro station "Yugo-Zapadnaya".

Multi-level training system. Second military district. Externship.

Faculties. Specialties and directions (competition/passing score) - entrance exams.

Biological-chemical. Biology (+ chemistry) (1.9/21); biology (+ ecology) (2.3/22) – biology (y), chemistry (y), essay. Biology (+ philology ( English language) (1.5/18) – biology (y), English (y), essay.

Geographical. Geography (+ biology) (1.8/19) – geography (y), biology (y), essay. Geography (+ philology (English (2.3/24), French languages(1.5/21) – geography (y), foreign language (y), essay.

Defectological. Speech therapy (2.9/24); correctional pedagogy and special psychology (1.0/16); oligophrenopedagogy (+ speech therapy) (1.4/16); Deaf pedagogy (1.4/17) – general biology and man (p), essay, Russian language and literature (u). Deaf pedagogy (for people with hearing impairment) (2.5/22) – presentation, testing, interview.

Preschool pedagogy and psychology. Pedagogy (direction) (1.5/15); psychology (specialization “developmental psychology” (4.3/24) – biology (y), history of Russia (y), essay. Preschool pedagogy and psychology (+ philology) (2.9/27) – English language (y), history of Russia (y), essay.

Foreign languages. Linguistics and intercultural communication (English (11.9/37), Spanish (4.8/34), German (4.7/35), French (5.8/29) languages) – foreign language (p, y) , essay, Russian language (p).

Historical. History (3.9/26) – history of Russia (y), foreign language (y), essay.

Mathematical. Natural science (direction) (2.0/18) – mathematics (p, y), presentation (pass).

Musical. Music education (3.2/34) – performing arts, solfeggio and ETM, music at school (y), composition (test).

Primary classes. Pedagogy and methods of primary education (1.8/17) - essay, Russian language and literature (u), mathematics (u). Pedagogy and methods of primary education (+ philology (English) (2.8/24) – English (y), composition, mathematics (y).

Pedagogy and psychology. Pedagogy and psychology (graduates of pedagogical colleges and schools) (2.1/25) – testing and interview for professional suitability, general biology and people (p), essay, history of Russia (y); psychology (direction) (2.4/21); psychology (7.4/23); social pedagogy (+ psychology) (2.4/21) – general biology and man (p), essay, history of Russia (y), foreign language (y).

Slavic and Western European philology. Philology (15.7/26); philology (direction) (1.2/21) – testing (Russian language, literature and history of Russia), essay, foreign language (testing).

Sociology, economics and law. Sociology (direction) (1.8/29) – social studies and history (y), essay, mathematics (y, test), foreign language (y). Management (direction) (paid) – social studies (y), foreign language (y), presentation. Jurisprudence (paid) - social studies (y), presentation, history of Russia (y).

Technology and entrepreneurship. Technology and Entrepreneurship (1.7/22); life safety (+ technology and entrepreneurship) – mathematics (p), physics (y), presentation.

Physical. Physics (1.3/16); physics (+ psychology) (1.3/18) – physics (u), mathematics (p), presentation (test). Physics (+ English) (1.3/17) – physics (y), English language (y), presentation (test).

Physical culture. Physical culture and sports (2.7/37) – swimming, athletics, gymnastics, general biology and people (y), presentation (test).

Philological. Philology (direction) (2.0/22); philology (3.4/28) – essay, Russian language (u), literature (u), foreign language (u).

Chemical. Chemistry (2.0/16); chemistry (+ ecology) (1.6/18) – chemistry (u), mathematics (p), essay. Chemistry (+ psychology) (1.4/26) – additionally general biology and human beings (y).

Artistic and graphic. Fine arts and drawing (2.0/36) – painting, drawing, drawing, history of Russia (y), essay.

Acceptance of documents: June 20 - July 9 (full-time department); June 15-30 (evening); June-September, January-February (correspondence).

Exams are assessed on a 10-point system and are held on July 120 (evening), July 10-25 (day), September and February (correspondence).

Evening courses are available at the faculties: preschool pedagogy and psychology, history, primary classes, philological.

Correspondence courses (paid) - at all faculties.

The faculties are located at the following addresses: Defectology (43827-81); foreign languages(43828-21); historical (43828-40); primary classes (4382825); sociological (43828-45); Slavic and Western European philology (43828-59); physical culture(438-07-81); artistic and graphic (43829-24) – ave. Vernadsky, 88 (metro station "Yugo-Zapadnaya"). Biological-chemical (28326-07) – st. Kibalchicha, 6 (metro station "VDNKh"). Geographical (28324-30) – st. Kibalchicha, 16 (metro station "VDNKh" or "Rizhskaya", bus. 714). Preschool pedagogy and psychology (26327-64) – Hospital Val, 4 (metro station “Semenovskaya”, tram. 38, 43, 46, 50). Faculty of Technology and Entrepreneurship (248-09-57) – st. Usacheva, 6 (metro station "Frunzenskaya"). Mathematical (264-25-56) – st. Krasnoprudnaya, 14 (metro station "Komsomolskaya"). Musical (912-45-84) – Novospassky lane, 3 (metro station “Taganskaya”). Pedagogy and psychology (207-00-97) – M. Sukharevsky lane, 6 (metro station “Tsvetnoy Boulevard”). Physical (246-58-86) – M. Pirogovskaya, 29 (metro station “Sportivnaya”). Philological (246-5722) – M. Pirogovskaya, 1 (metro station “Frunzenskaya”). Chemical (246-77-66) – Nesvizhsky lane, 3 (metro station “Park Kultury”).

Dormitory accommodation is limited.

There is a preparatory department (d). Final exams count as entrance exams. Tel.: 44623-95.

There are preparatory courses (b, h). Tel.: 43828-51.

Day open doors MPGU - at the end of March. Open days at faculties are held in March-April.

tel. 773-9306 License.


mail_outline [email protected]

schedule Operating mode:

Mon., Tue., Wed., Thu. from 10:00 to 18:00

Fri. from 10:00 to 17:00

Latest reviews from MPGU

Nastya Kozhevnikova 12:04 08/09/2018

I would like to say a few words about the admissions committee! Namely, about the Faculty of Social and Humanitarian Education. They speak in an absolutely uncultured and impolite manner; in response to my opening words, “Hello, I’ve entered your faculty...”, without giving me the opportunity to finish, a sarcastic “I congratulate you!” sounded.

During the conversation, the woman was talking to some Lenochka, without even listening to me. And in the end, without listening to the end and without answering my question, she said “goodbye!” And reset...

Anonymous review 12:23 08/06/2018

I sent the documents by mail to Moscow State Pedagogical University, hoping to see myself on the list of applicants, but no. At about 12 o'clock at night, the answering machine called me and said that I had a shortage of documents, although everything was fine with documents for other universities (the set was the same everywhere), the next day I wrote to admissions committee, but after 2 WEEKS they still haven’t answered me. To be honest, I'm outraged. Not only did they call at night, but they also didn’t answer.

MPGU Gallery

General information

Federal state budget educational institution higher education"Moscow Pedagogical state university»

MPGU branches

MPGU colleges

  • College Moscow Pedagogical State University - in Shadrinsk


No. 01818 valid indefinitely from 12/11/2015


No. 02661 is valid from 08/03/2017 to 02/17/2021

Monitoring results of the Ministry of Education and Science for Moscow State Pedagogical University

Indicator18 year17 year16 year15 year14 year
Performance indicator (out of 7 points)5 4 6 6 4
Average Unified State Examination score for all specialties and forms of study66.65 66.67 66.38 66.53 68.88
Average Unified State Examination score of those enrolled on the budget70.81 70 73.39 73.21 75.47
Average Unified State Examination score of those enrolled on a commercial basis64.59 64.11 61.45 60.26 64.87
Average in all specialties minimum score Unified State Exam for full-time students41.6 39.62 48.25 46.10 -
Number of students20210 20617 21682 14460 15020
Full-time department14503 14424 14276 11792 11726
Part-time department1834 1710 1788 1116 1256
Correspondence department3873 4483 5618 1552 2038
All data Report Report Report Report Report

University Reviews

The best classical universities Russia 2009. The rating was compiled by the international information group "Interfax" and the radio station "Echo of Moscow"

TOP-10 largest universities in Moscow by number of students from performance monitoring educational organizations higher education of the Ministry of Education and Science in 2016.

About MPGU

Moscow Pedagogical State University is the main pedagogical university in Russia *, founded in 1872, when the Moscow Higher Women's Courses were founded. Today MPGU is a multidisciplinary university with more than 26 thousand students. The University includes 10 Institutes and 15 faculties in all areas - from physics to music. Students can receive education in more than 170 bachelor's degrees and more than 160 master's programs.

At the heart of new educational programs MPGU - ideas and approaches that different years It was founded by professors - psychologist and teacher Lev Vygotsky, the founder of the doctrine of the biosphere Vladimir Vernadsky, historians Vasily Klyuchevsky and Ivan Tsvetaev, philosopher Alexei Losev, Nobel laureate in physics Igor Tamm, geographer Otto Schmidt.

The University's development concept is based on research in the field of cognitive sciences, the idea of ​​mathematics as a universal learning skill, active use information environment and in real educational practice of students of all directions starting from the first year.

The university is actively research activities V different areas sciences, including physics, cognitive science, neurobiology, sociology, political science and much more. The range of research carried out today at Moscow State University is extremely wide - from nanotechnology and quantum physics to the mechanisms of development of Parkinson's disease and cultural transformations in modern Europe. MSGU students and graduate students have taken part and are currently working in such international projects as the largest Russian space telescope "Millimetron", the European space observatories "Herschel" and "Planck", the German-American stratospheric telescope "Sofia", high-altitude heterodyne astronomy projects observatory of Harvard University on the Atacama plateau in Chile and others.

Cultural heritage sites at Moscow State Pedagogical University

Over the years active work, by decree of the President of the Russian Federation D. A. Medvedev dated February 2, 2009, MPGU was included in the list of cultural heritage sites of Russia. This indicates not only recognition of the university’s services to society, but also the important role it currently plays in the system of higher professional education.

What especially stands out among the cultural heritage of the university is its Main building, which celebrated its 100th anniversary in 2013. It was designed by S. U. Solovyov, an academician of architecture and a member of the Academy of Arts, for which he was awarded a silver medal. The building was made in the style of Russian classicism of the 18th century, but its construction and layout fully met all the requirements of the 20th century. The interior decoration of the building, in turn, was the work of engineer V. G. Shukhov, who designed columns, beams, a huge lobby hall and much more. The unique architecture of the building attracted the attention of Russian cinematographers, who filmed their films here - “Under the Sign of Scorpio”, “Carnival”, “The Most Beautiful” and many others. And in the foyer of the building and in its 9 classrooms, to this day, meetings of students with famous musicians, politicians, professors and Nobel laureates take place.

The Moscow State University Observatory was opened in 1904 and is also a cultural heritage. Now there is an AVR-2 telescope installed here, which is used by students of the faculty information technology and physicists to observe the stars.

The university library contains more than 2 million volumes of a wide variety of books that may be of interest to university students. But in addition, there are about 40 thousand books here that are of exceptional value - A. S. Griboedov “Woe from Wit” (first edition), A. S. Pushkin - lifetime editions, M. Smotritsky “Slavic Grammar” (1648 publications) and many others. At the moment, the library has received the status of the largest library in the country.

The cultural heritage of the university can also include:

  • a herbarium containing 110 thousand dried plants;
  • geological and mineralogical collection, which is constantly replenished by expeditions of university teachers and students;
  • the collection of the Department of Zoology and Ecology, which contains about 1000 stuffed animals of a wide variety of animals from all over the world;
  • a collection of works of Russian and foreign art, which features paintings by the best Russian artists and majestic bronze sculptures;
  • a physical demonstration room that houses physical instruments that are over 100 years old.
Student at this university: I studied at the Moscow State Pedagogical University at the Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​for exactly a year and that was enough for me. I write only my personal impressions of this university. Now I'm studying at another university and I have something to compare with. My acquaintance with MPGU occurred at the open day. And what should have immediately put me off was the sight of the KGF building on Vernadsky Avenue. But for some reason I wasn’t put off. Inside on the first floor everything seems to be decent, as it seemed then. Later, during the admissions campaign, I went up to the 6th floor of the Faculty of Foreign Languages. To say that there has been no renovation there for a long time is to say nothing. But by the way, the reception of documents took place in a more or less decent audience. I just didn’t see other audiences back then. I don’t know what motivated me and why I chose MSGU. I still can’t answer this question for myself. Probably its seasoned greatness and the fact that it was the first and leading pedagogical university in the country. The key word here is "was". We, future students, came to the student meeting. How many unsubstantiated words were said back then, it was such a mess. And about financial support, and about large scholarships, and about an individual approach, and even about the fact that the university will try to provide every (!) student with a laptop if necessary. Naturally, all this was a lie. And by the way, the woman whom I told us about all the wonderful prospects, I never met again at the university.
I paid little attention to the state of the university in the last paragraph, now I want to describe it in more detail. I was absolutely horrified by the state of some of the classrooms when we were cleaning. Huge holes in the linoleum, desks that were held up only by chewing gum, and chairs that looked like they had been brought from the trash heap. These are just some of the delights of auditoriums. The windows apparently have not been replaced since the building was built. It was scary to even open them; it seemed like they were about to fall on your head. And in winter there was a terrible draft blowing from them. The most remarkable thing is the toilets, or rather the lack thereof. Instead there are holes in the floor. No, of course it’s not like this everywhere, but the main toilets on the floors are like this, except for the first and second. About presence toilet paper there is no need to talk. KGF also has very “wonderful” elevators. They also seem to have not been changed since the 60-70s of the last century. It may happen that you get stuck and it won’t be long before you get out of there. A small point in favor of the KGF is the large dining room and she is no longer alone there. In general, there is somewhere to eat. It’s also very cool in physical education, especially the locker room that doesn’t lock, so you either drag your bags into the gym, or the person on duty stays and sits with the bags. But this also has a small advantage: if you are sitting with bags, you will be counted as having attended a couple of physical classes.
I have already described the state of the classrooms, let’s move on to the organization and work of the dean’s office, if this can be called “work.” For the first time, I encountered a problem when I received my student's permit. Most of my classmates received their numbers on September 5-7, but I only received them half a month later. Me and the other poor souls stood in line for 4 hours, while the lady who was supposed to give them to us kept leaving for lunch. The dean's office did not expel the girl from my group until December, although she did not appear at the university for three months. Then we had an amazing schedule. Firstly, the audiences did not correspond to reality, or two different objects could be placed in one audience, and whoever comes first gets the audience. Secondly, one seminar could accommodate 3-4 groups; in some of the rooms we could barely fit. Some had to practically sit in the corridor. Then another “entertainment” of ours was to look for half a pair of chairs for ourselves. The lectures were also fun. The entire stream was often bet on them, these are 20 groups, and in each group there are 16 people. There were times when I had to sit on the stairs or were so crowded that it was difficult to write. Accordingly, due to so many people, the teacher at the middle desks could no longer be heard.
Now the next point. How the pairs go and a few words about the teachers. I admit, not all couples were so terrible, there were some that were quite okay. The main language pairs go through one group. Such as grammar, speaking practice and phonetics. But language practice itself is incredibly little. We spoke very little English. Otherwise, you'll be lucky with the teacher. Now about the teachers. There are often tyrants. For example, my worst teacher was Anna Aleksandrovna Tirskaya. She is just a terrible teacher, she could yell, be rude, and was always 20 minutes late. Insulting students is a common thing for her. I was constantly shaking in front of her couple. One day she yelled at me for finding her the wrong audience. Yes, we had to find her an audience for a couple, then call her so that she would deign to come down. She is one of the strongest phoneticians at MPGU, but as a teacher and as a person she is simply disgusting. Because of her, many students were expelled from the university. She simply brought them down during the exam and the test and did not hesitate to insult them at the same time. She constantly went over our mental abilities, saying that we were all in the wrong university. I don't know who would like this approach to teaching. I just didn’t understand it, I had to hire a phonetics tutor because I didn’t understand anything. She failed me on the final test, but fortunately another teacher took the exam. I don’t understand why such “tactful” teachers are even allowed to work. There are a couple of other teachers that I was simply shocked by. But at MPGU there are strong and adequate teachers. The only thing is that they just “meet” and how lucky they are. There was a teacher who allowed himself to be 40 minutes late, and then generally declared that we would not conduct lectures and seminars because Moscow State Pedagogical University did not pay him for it. Of course, teachers are also in a difficult situation at this university.
I also like that now freshmen pay 195 thousand a year and this is only for English, two languages ​​are even more expensive. At MPGU, students have an unspoken question: What is the money spent on? Obviously not for renovation.
I would also like to tell a story about how I was expelled. I went through seven circles of hell. I couldn’t expel for three months (!) I swore and quarreled. It's just scary to remember.
I tried to describe everything to the maximum. These are the memories this university left about itself. My advice to applicants. Think carefully before entering MPGU. At least in foreign language. MSGU likes to recruit a lot of people; there can be 18 people in a group. Normal teaching is out of the question. Money leakage is also another unclear issue. I recommend that if you still want to go to Moscow State Pedagogical University, ask around 2-4 year students. Ask about everything you are interested in. And better than several people. Also, if you definitely decide to enroll at Moscow State Pedagogical University, make acquaintances with people from different groups. This will help you in the future, you will exchange information and homework.
I had such a bitter experience. And how glad I am that I still transferred to another university. It's just heaven and earth!

Showing entries 1-20 from 39

Academy of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergencies and Disaster Relief
State Fire Service Academy of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia
Academy of Russian Ballet named after A. Ya. Vaganova
ARB named after A. Ya. Vaganova
Academy of Social Management
Academy of Choral Art named after V.S. Popova

Buzuluk Humanitarian and Technological Institute

Voronezh State Pedagogical University

Ishim branch of Tyumen State University
Ishim branch
Leningrad State University named after A. S. Pushkin.
Leningrad State University named after A.S. Pushkin
Moscow State Academy of Physical Culture
Moscow State Academy of Choreography
Moscow City Pedagogical University
Moscow State Medical and Dental University named after. A.I. Evdokimova
MGMSU named after. A.I. Evdokimova
Moscow State Regional University
Moscow State Psychological and Pedagogical University
Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov
Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov
Moscow Humanitarian University, Moscow State University
Moscow State University
Moscow Innovation University
Moscow Innovation University

Moscow Institute of Psychoanalysis

Pedagogical institutes and universities of Moscow

Teaching is an art, a work no less titanic than that of a writer or composer, but more difficult and responsible.

The teacher addresses the human soul not through music, like a composer, or with the help of paints, like an artist, but directly.

He educates with his knowledge and love, his attitude towards the world.

D. Likhachev

Pedagogical universities are first on the list, as they are the BASIS of any education. They prepare teachers for all levels of the educational system - kindergartens, schools, colleges, universities. Teachers not only teach children science, but also form a worldview, “sow the rational, the good, the eternal.” Pupils and students spend most of the school period next to their teachers. Therefore, it is so important that graduates of pedagogical universities are highly educated, intelligent, and worthy. The quality of teaching depends on future destiny the younger generation. As T. Shash said: “The teacher must have maximum authority and minimum power.” Only those who have authority among students can instill a love of knowledge and teach a lot.

Future teachers can receive a fundamental and high-quality education at state pedagogical universities. The page of each university provides its description, addresses and details, open days, forms of study, information on availability budget places, dormitory, military department.

To be a good teacher, you need to love what you teach and love those you teach.

V. Klyuchevsky

IN recent years The popularity of the teaching profession has increased significantly. The flow of applicants to Moscow State Pedagogical University last year amounted to 25 thousand people - 17 people for 1st place! The number of budget places has been increased to 1290. A similar situation is observed in other pedagogical universities. The reason for the increased demand teacher education is a state program for modernizing the personnel training system, which has led, among other things, to an increase in teachers’ salaries. The world has changed, and teachers must be different, keeping up with the times. Modern teachers are called upon not only to strengthen the shaky authority of the teaching profession, but also to raise it to new heights. So that in the future it will be considered an honorable privilege to receive a pedagogical education.

The government is preparing an additional series of measures to improve the quality of life of teachers.

People enter pedagogical universities not only to become a teacher, but also to obtain the profession of a competent municipal manager who uses modern methods management and business informatics.
