Step-by-step instructions for registering VSD in Mercury XC. Solution from JSC "ASP"

What is it? The Mercury system is implemented as a web application in which users interact with the system via the Internet. Thanks to this, all users always have access to up-to-date information.

The main feature of the system is that it is based on a process approach; without entering information at the input, it is impossible to issue a veterinary accompanying document (VSD) for sale or movement in the system and to remove the controlled goods from the system at the end of the product’s life.
The entrance to the system is to enter information about the production batch for domestic products; for imports, the presence of a veterinary certificate issued in the Mercury system. Thus, each subsequent VSD is drawn up on the basis of the previous one, thus building a chain along which you can track full path movement of goods from the moment of production (import) to the final point (retail outlet, or disposal).
What products are subject to veterinary control?

All products of animal origin fall under veterinary control: fish, meat, milk, honey, cheese, etc. The state veterinary control system consists of Rosselkhoznadzor, veterinary services of the constituent entities of Russia, as well as veterinary services in each power ministry. Rosselkhoznadzor exercises control at the state border and at seaports, and the subject services subordinate to the regional governor already work on the ground.

What is electronic veterinary certification?
The first thing that was transferred from paper to electronic form was the import, export and transit permit, which entrepreneurs are now applying for on their own. They submit an application using the Argus system, and the computer analyzes it (whether the supplier country falls into the risk zone, whether the manufacturing plant is certified, etc.) and instantly makes a decision: approve or reject. One second - the result on the monitor screen.
The system of electronic veterinary certification in the automated system “Mercury” is being built in the same image and likeness.
Almost 90% of cargo is moving or crushing a finished batch of products. It is enough to register it in the system at the place of origin of the raw material, and you will no longer have to waste time entering this information each time. The batch has been checked, certification has been carried out, all information has been taken into account in the information systems, and then all that remains is to form a request on the computer to move the products from one warehouse, and then put a check mark when the products arrive at another warehouse. You just need to make sure that the volume and characteristics of the batch exactly correspond to what is reflected in the Mercury.
Most importantly, the system completely eliminates the possibility of registering illegal products in it.

How will the data in the system be verified?
The verification system is based on the exchange of information in real time between numerous registers and databases of both authorities and the companies themselves. It is based on automated information systems developed by Rosselkhoznadzor in the field of veterinary medicine: "Argus" - issuing permits for the import of regulated goods, "Vesta" - registration of laboratory tests, "Mercury" - veterinary certification, "Cerberus" - registration of legally significant actions.

The Office of Rosselkhoznadzor for the Orenburg Region once again draws the attention of Orenburg manufacturers of goods subject to veterinary supervision and all participants in product circulation to the upcoming transition to electronic veterinary certification.
Registration and access can be obtained at the Rosselkhoznadzor Office for the Orenburg Region by submitting an application established form or send to the address email

Better sooner than later - educational program in the field of transition to electronic veterinary accompanying documents.

At the end of 2016, new Rules for organizing work on the preparation of veterinary accompanying documents (VSD) were approved.

Ministry Order agriculture RF dated December 27, 2016 No. 589 established that it is necessary to draw up VSD in electronic form with the help of the Federal State information system- FSIS "Mercury". You need to register and start working with it by 2018. Let's figure it out specifically: who needs to do this, how and why.

The changes affected everyone

From January 1, 2018, all cargo controlled by Gosvetnadzor is subject to mandatory electronic certification in FSIS "Mercury". Therefore, if your business is associated with any period life cycle such cargo: from raw materials to the finished product on the store shelf, you will have to change your usual way of working.

For whom certification is required?

  • Breeding farms

  • Meat plants

  • Poultry enterprises

  • Seafood producers

  • Dairies

  • Farms

  • Wholesale bases

  • Retail stores

So, is someone moving?

According to Rosselkhoznadzor, “the dynamics of the implementation of electronic veterinary certification are consistently positive.” The registration of electronic VSDs is already underway in 23 regions of Russia; in August alone, 100,000 electronic VSDs were issued, and in September this number will continue to grow.

Electronic VSDs are already being issued: Altai Territory, Moscow Region, Belgorod Region, Khabarovsk Territory, Chuvash Republic, Murmansk Region, Voronezh Region, Kemerovo Region, Arkhangelsk region, Kostroma region, Sverdlovsk region, Perm region, Krasnoyarsk region, Yaroslavl region, Udmurt Republic, Nizhny Novgorod region, Vologda region, Kirov region, Novosibirsk region, Republic of Tatarstan, Krasnodar region, Republic of Bashkortostan, Chelyabinsk region.

How FSIS "Mercury" works

Mercury is available to the user as a web application. This means that you can connect to it at any time and from anywhere in the world if you have Internet access. Connection occurs through any browser: Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer, etc.

If you want to automate the transfer of data from the accounting system and speed up the operator’s work, you can set up integration with your 1C and work in an already familiar program. In any case, your first step is to register in the system and gain access.

The system itself is reliably protected and is located on a special server that processes data sent by users and sends responses. If the central server is disconnected from power (the lights are turned off, for example), it will be replaced by a backup server, which is located in a geographically remote location. It will completely replace the central server, so there should be no stops or failures in working with FSIS "Mercury".

Why do we need all this?

"Mercury" was created for electronic certification of goods supervised by state veterinary supervision, tracking the path of their movement across the territory of the Russian Federation in order to create a unified information environment for veterinary medicine, increasing biological and food safety.

Benefits of using it for you

  • Reducing the time for completing veterinary supporting documentation by automating the process.

  • Automatic accounting of incoming and outgoing volumes of products at an enterprise (refrigerator, warehouse, food processing facility, etc.).

  • Entering and storing information about samples taken for the study of imported products.

  • Ability to track the movement of cargo across the territory Russian Federation taking into account its fragmentation.

  • Reducing labor, material and financial costs for issuing VSD by replacing secure paper VSD forms with electronic versions.

  • Minimizing human errors due to the availability of ready-made forms for entering information, as well as validating user-entered data.

    Creation of a single centralized database for quick access to up-to-date information, for generating reports, searching and analyzing information.

  • What problems may arise during the transition?

    • Time spent duplicating information into accounting systems.

    • Increased labor costs for filling the VSD.

    • Slowdown in the process of shipping goods due to lengthy preparation of documents.

    How to avoid the problems of switching to FSIS "Mercury" and feel only the benefits?

    Several solutions have already appeared on the market for automating work with FSIS "Mercury". They allow you to automate the user's work and

    • Avoid manual duplicating information in accounting systems.

    • Reduce labor costs for filling out veterinary accompanying documents.

    • Provide convenient storage data.

    • Speed ​​up the process of shipping goods thanks to the acceleration of the document generation process.

    • generate operational reporting based on current data.

    Don't want to figure out the issue yourself? Then ask us! We will conduct a free consultation by phone, just leave your question and contact information in the field

"Mercury" is an information system for electronic certification and tracking of goods subject to veterinary control during their production, circulation and movement within the Russian Federation

On January 1, 2018, the provisions of Federal Law No. 243-FZ dated July 13, 2015 come into force. According to the innovations, all organizations and individual entrepreneurs involved in the circulation of goods of animal origin must begin to use electronic veterinary certification, using the federal state information system “Mercury” for these purposes.

"Mercury" is an information system designed for electronic certification and tracking of goods subject to veterinary control during their production, circulation and movement within the Russian Federation. About the forms that . You can connect to the system now through our service "Bukhsoft: Trade".

The main objective of the system is to create a unified information environment in the field of veterinary medicine, improve the biological and food safety of livestock products sold in the country.

Who should switch to Mercury?

Manufacturers and sellers of goods supervised by the State Veterinary Control must undergo mandatory registration in the FSIS "Mercury". These include dairies, meat processing plants, poultry factories, seafood producers, as well as logistics companies, retail chains and retailers associated with the sale of such goods.

Today, all of the above entities can draw up veterinary accompanying documents (VSD) on paper or electronically, as is convenient for them.

From January 1, 2018, this will need to be done exclusively through Mercury with the execution of electronic documents.

Mastering Mercury

Let's assume that a cattle breeding farm sent raw materials to a meat processing plant. To do this, she is obliged to create an electronic VSD for a batch of her raw materials and assign a specific number to it. The meat processing plant, having received the raw materials, puts a mark in “Mercury” and cancels the number assigned by the farm. From the received raw materials, the meat processing plant produced semi-finished products, distributing them to retail outlets. For each item of this delivery, its own electronic VSD is issued. The seller, having received semi-finished products from the meat processing plant, will have to pay off in Mercury the VSD corresponding to specific items.

In general, the idea is not bad at all, because with the help of the system it will be possible to trace the entire path of a specific livestock product - which farm supplied the raw materials and when, which meat processing plant produced this or that product from it and when it sent it to the store for sale.

Officials believe that with the right approach new system will eliminate counterfeit products on the Russian market.

What is the difference between an electronic VSD and a paper one?

The main difference between the electronic VSD generated in the FSIS "Mercury" is the presence of a unique identifier UUID. An electronic VSD must be generated for each item in the invoice accompanying the goods. Documents are divided into production and transport. Production VSD confirms the fact that specific raw materials were used to produce a specific product. Such VSD is extinguished by the recipient of the goods.

Transport VSD reflects the movement of goods, no matter whether the owner changes or not, for example, when moving from production to your warehouse or from production to a retail outlet with which an agreement has been concluded. Both final and intermediate recipients cancel transport VSDs and issue new ones at the time the goods are sent to the next stage of sales.

In the Mercury system, electronic VSDs are subject to storage for three years, but not less than the shelf life of the product for which a specific document was created (clause 11 of Appendix 1 of Order of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation dated December 27, 2016 No. 589).

It is important to note that only if it is available in the Mercury system is the electronic VSD considered genuine and valid.

The system itself is part of the Federal State Information System in the field of veterinary medicine, the operator of which is Rosselkhoznadzor. No private or third party organizations have the right to engage in this activity and generate electronic invoices, be careful!

Options for connecting to the Mercury system

You can work in the Mercury system in two ways: using the web interface of the system itself with a personal account and/or through the API interface.

It is worth noting that working through personal account not very convenient and quite long.

From the beginning of 2018, the Bukhsoft: Trade Program will implement the ability to confirm electronic VSD. Thus, by connecting to our software, you will not need to log into the personal account of the system each time, confirm it, and then duplicate all the same information in your product accounting program. Everything you need will be implemented in one place - automatic download electronic document, its confirmation and registration.

All companies that are involved in the circulation of goods of animal origin are required to switch to electronic veterinary certification through the Federal State Information System (FSIS) “Mercury”. These are manufacturers and distributors of goods supervised by State Veterinary Control - meat processing plants, poultry factories, dairies, seafood producers, as well as logistics centers, retail chains, etc. Now they can choose how to prepare veterinary accompanying documents (VSD): electronically or on paper. From July 1, 2018, they will be required to do this only through the FSIS “Mercury”. Before July 1, 2018, some groups of goods did not need to be accompanied by veterinary documents at all.

How will it work?

Let's look at the example of a meat processing plant.

The farm sends the delivery to the meat processing plant and issues electronic VSD for the batch. Upon receipt, the meat processing plant makes a note in Mercury that it accepted this batch with a veterinary certificate under such and such a number and cancels it. From these raw materials, the meat processing plant produces sausage, frankfurters and minced meat and sends them to various retail outlets - for each item of its delivery it creates new VSDs. When the store accepts the goods, the corresponding VSD needs to be redeemed in Mercury.

Thus, with the help of the system it will be possible to trace where a particular sausage on the counter came from and which farms supplied the meat for it. It is planned that such a system of working with veterinary accompanying documents will not give a chance to falsification.

What's the difference?

Paper VSD- this is a document on official form with signature and seal. You can issue one for the entire invoice, or you can issue one for individual items in it. The sender keeps the spine of the document, the forwarder takes the document with him and presents it if necessary. If there are intermediate recipients along the route of the goods, for example a distributor, then the paper VSD is passed along the chain from hand to hand until it reaches the final recipient, who keeps it until the expiration date of the product.

Electronic VSD is an electronic document generated in the FSIS “Mercury”, the main details of which are the unique identifier UUID. An electronic VSD is created for each invoice item. It can be production or transport. In production, the fact is recorded that such and such a product is produced from a certain raw material. They don't need to be extinguished. Transport records reflect the fact of movement of products, both with a change of owner and not, for example, from production to warehouse. Recipients, including intermediate ones, are obliged to extinguish such VSDs and issue new ones when they send the goods for further sale.

How to work with VSD in Contour.Mercury

The Mercury circuit has three solutions:

  • Integration module for 1C
  • Mobile version for extinguishing VSD

Web version and mobile application

The web version and mobile application Kontur.Mercury are designed for retail stores, cafe and municipal institutions. Solutions are created for those who only need to accept controlled goods and mark receipt in Mercury. To start working in the web version and mobile application- You only need a device with Internet access.

In the web version and mobile application, the user can:

  • receive automatic notifications about incoming VSD;
  • repay the VSD for accepted goods in whole or in part;
  • generate returnable VSDs;
  • read information from the QR code on the product packaging using a scanner;
  • find VSD by invoice and combine them for faster cancellation.

Module for 1C

Suitable for any 1C configuration: 7.7, 8.X, for regular and managed forms.

It helps users who create production and transport VSDs:

  • work in single window mode directly in your 1C database, rather than moving from 1C to Mercury and back;
  • avoid errors and discrepancies: data is automatically pulled from 1C;
  • forget about losing documents, they will always be in the system;
  • gain access to opportunities that are not available when working via the web, for example, the instant creation of a system and sites for your clients;
  • automatically generate IRR for each invoice in a few seconds.

How to register in FSIS "Mercury"?

You need to register with Mercury according to the procedure approved: either submit an application to Rosselkhoznadzor or its territorial department on paper, or send it by email. In the second case, the requirements are different for individual entrepreneurs and organizations.

In the web interface, employees of the organization can register with different rights: make applications for VSD, generate them, cancel them, combine these functions. Veterinarians who are authorized persons of a body or institution included in the system of the State Veterinary Service of the Russian Federation are registered with it.

The Mercury web interface has the disadvantages of any web interface: all data - product category, manufacturer, where it was received from, production date, etc. - must be entered manually. At the same time, firstly, there is a risk of errors, and secondly, it takes a long time, so IT companies are already offering solutions that allow you to automate and speed up work with VSD.

How to prepare?

  • Register now with Mercury and master its web interface: create a list of products, your retail outlets, legal entities, etc.
  • Understand exactly what actions to take electronic VSD your organization has to carry out: form, extinguish, or both. If created, then what type: production or transport, and also who has the right to do it. The rights to form VSD are delimited by Orders of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation dated December 18, 2015 No. 646, 647, 648. Based on this, register your employees with the appropriate rights in Mercury.

In order to issue electronic VSD for products from the list under Order No. 647, specialists must be certified. It is carried out by commissions created by executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the field of veterinary medicine. Meetings of the certification commission are held monthly. Its work schedule is approved by authorized bodies and posted on their official websites. A register of certified specialists is already being maintained.

More details about this can be found in the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated November 9, 2006 No. 1145 “On approval of the rules for certification of specialists in the field of veterinary medicine” and in the Order of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation dated May 3, 2017 No. 212 “On approval of the application form for certification of specialists in the field of veterinary medicine and the procedure for conducting an inspection veterinary specialists’ knowledge of acts regulating the implementation of veterinary certification, and practical skills in drawing up veterinary accompanying documents.”

  • Read the rules of work at Mercury. These are found in Annexes 1 and 2 to the above (please note that the procedure for amending this Order has been initiated).
  • Assess the amount of work with VSD. If you need to create more than 300 packages per month (remember that one VSD is for one item in the invoice, it takes three to five minutes to complete), select an integration solution, implement and master it before July 1, 2018.
  • If you work with retail chains, carefully study their requirements for registering VSD addressed to them, and then try to fulfill these requirements at least in the web interface. Don't forget about them when choosing an integration.

Municipal institutions, non-chain retail and public catering also need to prepare. Companies that only accept regulated products must register with FSIS "Mercury", create platforms and verify that all suppliers correctly send accompanying documents. Such enterprises will have to master massive state portal, even if they only extinguish incoming VSD. Optimal solution for such organizations - select service for simplified work with Mercury.

What are the consequences of non-compliance?

If a truck with cargo is stopped for inspection on the way, the forwarder must show the UUID or QR code of the specific VSD. The UUID can be checked in the public service. If you scan the QR code, it will lead to the same resource, but with the UUID already entered. How exactly will the forwarder present this data: in the form of a printout from Mercury or on mobile device— it’s up to the supplier to decide.

Lack of VSD will result in a fine. According to, the fine will be from 3,000 rubles if it is issued to the driver as official, or from 10,000 to 20,000 rubles. - for a legal entity. In the latter case, the punishment may also be suspension of activities for up to 90 days. Changes to this article are currently being proposed.

Pavel Bolshakov, Lead Solution Developer

The deadline for issuing veterinary certificates in electronic form has been postponed to July 1, 2018. From July 1, 2018, all organizations that deal with products controlled by Gosvetnadzor are required to connect to the Mercury system. From this date, veterinary accompanying documents (certificates, certificates and certificates) will be issued exclusively in electronic form.

Let us remind you that within the framework of the federal state veterinary information system “Vetis”, 14 subsystems have been created and are functioning for various purposes. Thus, “Irena” is used for registration of veterinary drugs, feed, and additives; Hermes is intended for licensing of pharmaceuticals for animals. And “Mercury,” which will be discussed below, was created for electronic certification of goods controlled by Gosvetnadzor and tracking their movement across the territory of the Russian Federation.

According to controllers, such a unified system of electronic veterinary accompanying documents (VSD) will improve biological and food safety. The number of electronic VSDs is increasing every month. In February 2018, 33.8 million units were issued through Mercury. This is 4.1 million (14%) more than in January 2018 and 29.9 million more than in February 2017. The dynamics of development of electronic certification in regions differ. At the end of February, 21 subjects of the Russian Federation issued more than 600 thousand electronic veterinary documents.

Who is required to connect and when?

From July 1, 2018, all organizations that deal with products controlled by the State Veterinary Supervision Authority are required to connect to the Mercury system. These include those who currently issue paper veterinary accompanying documents: farms, meat processing plants, poultry factories, seafood producers, their suppliers, distributors.

From July 1, 2018, this list will be supplemented by dairy producers, logistics companies and retail outlets that deal with any regulated products.

The full list of regulated goods that are subject to mandatory electronic veterinary certification is contained in Order No. 648 of the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia dated December 18, 2015. The list includes about 25 large groups of goods (in HS codes). To avoid guessing, you need to check it: if you work with any of the products named there, then you need to register with Mercury.

Individual entrepreneurs can also submit an application either in writing to the Rosselkhoznadzor TU, or in electronic form to the following address: [email protected].

The procedure and data that must be indicated in the application are prescribed in Order of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation dated December 27, 2016 No. 589. This document regulates the rules for issuing veterinary accompanying documents both in paper and electronic form. The application, in particular, indicates the last name, first name, patronymic of the authorized employee; citizenship; information about the identity document; email address, and in case of its absence - postal address; telephone number (optional). Registration is carried out within two working days after submitting the application.


Application templates can be downloaded on the website of the federal state veterinary information system (Administering the list of users of an economic entity in Vetis.Passport).

What does retail need to do?

Retail outlets are required to cancel veterinary accompanying documents (VSD). When they receive products for which the supplier has issued a veterinary certificate, the store representative must enter Mercury and note that the product with this VSD has been accepted in full or in such and such quantity. This ensures product traceability, its path from the manufacturer to the final point - the shelves of a particular store.

If the store does not have access to the Internet, you can issue a power of attorney for the supplier so that he extinguishes the VSD in Mercury upon receipt of delivery. In addition, clause 61 of Order No. 589 of the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia dated December 27, 2016 provides for remote cancellation of electronic veterinary certificates. Even if a retail outlet does not have Internet access, it has, for example, an accountant with Internet access. In this case, he can go into Mercury and extinguish the VSD.

How to make your work easier

There are many times more electronic certificates generated per delivery than paper certificates. This is due to the fact that they are issued for each item of controlled goods, whereas a paper document could be made only one for the entire delivery. Extinguishing each received VSD in the web version of Mercury is labor-intensive and time-consuming. If the data needs to be corrected upon acceptance, processing one incoming veterinary certificate may take several minutes.

IT partners of Rosselkhoznadzor (the list is on the agency’s website), including SKB Kontur, have developed solutions that can be used to integrate Mercury with the company’s accounting system. This allows you to automate work with electronic VSD. In particular, special modules allow you to process the entire array of delivery VSDs in the familiar and familiar 1C interface in a few seconds.

Will there be deferments and fines?

You can work with paper VSD until July 1 of the current year. From July 1, 2018, paper documents will no longer be valid. The originally scheduled date of January 1, 2018 (according to the Federal Law of the Russian Federation dated July 1, 2015 No. 243 “On Veterinary Medicine”) was postponed for six months, so it is unlikely to count on a second postponement.
In mid-March (03/15/2018), a draft amendment to the Code of Administrative Offenses on fines for violating the rules for registering VSD was published. For the production, transportation or transfer of ownership rights to controlled cargo, accompanied by incorrectly executed veterinary documents or without them at all for legal entities the following sanctions are introduced:
  • up to 100 thousand rubles for the transportation or transfer of ownership of animals, accompanied by incorrectly executed veterinary documents or without them at all;
  • up to 20 thousand rubles for transportation or transfer of ownership rights to fish and products from aquatic biological resources;
  • up to 10 thousand rubles for transportation or transfer of ownership rights to raw milk and raw cream;
  • up to 5 thousand rubles for production, transportation or transfer of ownership rights to heat-treated products;
  • up to 50 thousand rubles for production, transportation or transfer of ownership rights to all other goods, if they are subject to mandatory certification.
Repeated violation of the rules may result in a fine of up to 200 thousand rubles. Until April 4, 2018, the bill is open for public discussion. The entry into force of individual articles varies from 180 days from the date of adoption to 01/01/2019.

In addition, do not forget about the risk of spoiling business relations with a partner due to non-compliance with the law.
