Gypsy binding. What are the signs of a gypsy love spell?

When faced with the 4th of Cups of the Tarot, it is necessary to know the meaning of the card in different contexts. Rather, you even need to learn to understand this sign to make it easier to navigate when doing fortune telling. The card shows a young man sitting near a tree. Three goblets or bowls are seen before him, and heaven offers a fourth, which, judging by his gaze, he rejects. Such a drawing, like the other name of the card - “Satiety”, perfectly characterizes the symbolism inherent in the card, since in all situations the questioner rejects new possibilities.

The 4 of Cups card acts as an advisor for a person

The general meaning of the card 4 Cups (Cups)

4 of Cups (Cups) personifies despondency and strong immersion in the past, which is why a person is not able to notice the present. He is often bored and moping, but not because everything around him is bad and gray, but only because of his own blindness, which prevents him from noticing important events.

The 4 of Cups card acts as an advisor for a person, saying that he needs to free himself from a pessimistic mood, because it extremely limits him in achieving significant goals and deprives him of hope for a bright future. That is, around there is everything necessary for a joyful and comfortable life, but the questioner surrenders so much to the past and falls into apathy or depression that he loses his ability to work, the opportunity to develop his skills, start new relationships or acquaintances, because he believes that there is absolutely no point in these aspects. A person needs to seriously think about future problems of an emotional nature so that, after conducting some introspection, he can prepare for them and learn to see the world in different colors, and not just gray and sad.

What do tarologists say about the Four of Cups?

Some tarot readers are convinced that the melancholy and despondency that the 4 of Cups predicts can be caused by previous extremely joyful events, success or socialization, as evidenced by the previous card - the Three of Cups. This also helps to fully understand the ancient interpretation of the card, which includes boredom, annoyance, and disgust. That is, due to the fact that the questioned person abused joys in the past, this may manifest itself negatively today.

This may seem surprising, but in some cases the card signifies a heavenly gift.

It is possible that luck smiled on the person being asked, but due to uncertainty, he is not able to discern a real chance to change his life in better side. Thus, in the context of the general meaning of the card, it would be appropriate to talk about the following options for what is happening:

  1. A person is unable to see the prospects open to him due to past disappointment.
  2. Dejection can be a consequence of extremely happy events in the past, that is, to be some kind of compensation.
  3. Fate may give a person a special gift, but he rejects it due to doubts or frivolous perception.

One way or another, other cards in the layout can more accurately characterize the current situation.

Personal state

The Four of Cups in the Tarot speaks of a person’s apathetic state. He ignores the opportunities that fate provides him. It is also possible that a person has already received something for which he fought for so long, but this does not satisfy him in any way - all efforts seem impractical.

The questioner can either be offended by the whole world, or completely indifferent to what is happening in it. He tried to do something, made an effort, but the result did not please him. The card advises not to give up, not to withdraw into yourself and not to lock yourself away, because new opportunities and achievements await a person, which can be missed due to an apathetic state.

On a deep level

The 4th ka of Cups indicates a person’s existential defeat. This is something similar to what the Germans call “Weltschmerz”, and in Russian-speaking countries they can call it “world sorrow”. A person is absolutely disappointed in life and its positive aspects, because they are either few, or they are invisible, or they simply cease to bring any pleasure.

4 ka of Cups indicates a person’s existential defeat

In fact, the card is trying to show a person that not everything is lost, and to prepare him for previous discoveries, so that due to apathy he does not lose sight of them. Despondency can limit the questioner from the information he needs. A person needs to think carefully about his soul and analyze everything.

Professional and financial situation

The card may indicate some kind of stagnation at work. The person sees no prospects for further development, but no problems can be found, which is why the questioner himself has no desire to improve - there are no challenges. There is also the possibility of complete disappointment in the chosen profession, which entails a lack of motivation. A complete layout with accompanying cards will help you better understand the situation.

A person does not know how to handle money correctly and can waste it to fill a hole inside himself, becoming a kind of shopaholic. However, the questioner has a certain stability in financial issue, all he needs is more growth and progress.

Personal relationships

Four Cups - card of lonely people who put off their relationship due to emotional problems. This was preceded by a lack of desire to accept positive suggestions from other people or a blind view of existing advantages. That is, the card literally says that new prospects are opening up for a person in interacting with other people, but he may miss them due to his apathetic attitude and ignorance. Thus, a certain cycle usually results: the questioner rejects (and it happens that he simply rejects due to lack of initiative) people, gets upset because he does not see any prospects, and as a result again pushes away new acquaintances. Such a vicious circle must be broken without fail and the strength must be found to get out of the depressive whirlpool. Otherwise, this series of events will continue for an unbearably long time.

Second possible option- a person is too passionate about relationships, from which he will not take anything joyful and useful for himself. This approach also contributes to further blindness regarding real possibilities. An analogy can be drawn with young girls who are “in love” with their movie idols. They hang the walls with various posters, idolize the objects of their sympathy, talk a lot about them, but such relationships have no prospects and no possibility of being realized, but the worst thing is that during this period, fans miss out on real prospects, since they do not notice the people with whom they intersect every day . In this case, the ancient interpretation of the Four of Cups is easier to explain - service to an ideal, some idol, or fanaticism in general. In this situation, the “idol” is an object of sympathy who does not respond to the questioner with mutual feelings. Simply put, a person simply wastes his strength and energy in vain, not noticing the people who can really make him happy.


The card can speak about a number of physical and mental illnesses, so the questioner is advised to consult a qualified specialist. Usually 4 ka of Cups indicates the following problems:

  • general loss of strength;
  • depression or apathy;
  • immune system disorders;
  • migraines and other headaches.

Despite the fact that the card is in no way capable of making an accurate diagnosis, it is imperative to listen to it and conduct a medical examination as soon as possible.

The ancient interpretation of the Four of Cups is service to an ideal, some idol, or even fanaticism

Reversed card

The Four of Cups inverted appears in a completely opposite meaning relative to the upright position, with one exception - the existence of new opportunities remains relevant. A person shakes off all despondency, apathy and boredom, he opens up to newness in his life. That is, the questioner does not disdain making acquaintances, goes towards prospects, actively develops and looks for ways to achieve accomplishments. He analyzes the situation and pays attention to the opportunities that he missed in the past, hoping to correct everything and finally overcome apathy. Usually this card also falls out to people looking for a new relationship after a long period of loneliness or work. The questioner tries in every possible way to integrate back into life.

However, you need to be careful. A person can so abuse a positive response to all the opportunities offered that he goes completely into the wrong steppe, where disappointments can await him. That is, while the Four of Cups is in upright position symbolizes a complete rejection of prospects and ignoring various kinds proposals, this card in an inverted position may indicate excessive activity leading to failure. You need to try to maintain balance and strictly analyze the current situation in order to find your “ golden mean" In this case, only other cards in the layout can tell about the details. Be that as it may, a person with the Four of Cups reversed will no longer be able to sit quietly and neglect new discoveries and opportunities.

Moreover, the card marks a certain renewal, a breaking of the vicious circle that a person had previously developed. So, in the context of health, it can predict recovery from an illness that has been bothering a person for a long time.

However, there is also a negative interpretation of the card: while in the upright position the Four of Cups indicates that a person is missing out on an existing opportunity, in the opposite position it can speak of an already lost perspective. In this case, the person may be overcome by apathy or another pessimistic mood, which must be tried to avoid. Be that as it may, when faced with a card such as the Four of Cups, the meaning must be determined from other cards in the layout.

“Boredom is a disease of the happy.”

Abel Dufresne.

This card warns the questioner that only pessimism keeps him from achieving what he wants. Minor Arcana The Tarot card Four of Cups (of Cups) says: everything a person wants is available to him, but discontent prevents him from taking advantage of the fruits that life gives.

The Four of Cups denotes stagnation, which leads to spiritual emptiness.

General meaning of the Four of Cups

The questioner is depressed and immersed in the past, which prevents him from enjoying life. He does not want to see the good in the present, but this is his fault and inner blindness. The Four of Cups Tarot says that the querent has everything he needs, but lacks the mental disposition to see all the possibilities.

A person rejects new projects, he has no desire to develop his own creativity. The questioner needs to think about the emerging problems emotionally. To restore spiritual harmony, you need to conduct introspection and make an effort to see the good in your life.

Four of Cups Tarot, the meaning of the card symbolizes frustration, annoying incidents, problems, irritation caused by unpleasant circumstances. The questioner is dissatisfied with life and what is happening, and is in a state of boredom and melancholy.

Excessive social activity led to burnout and moral exhaustion. The man overdid it, and now he has absolutely no strength to do anything. Perhaps he encountered unexpected obstacles, which forced him, caused frustration and dissatisfaction with the situation, as well as with his soulmate.

The questioner has received an offer, a gift from fate, which causes doubt and anxiety in him; he is so confused in his experiences that he cannot figure out what to do next.

A person spends his time in dubious pleasures, constantly having fun, enjoying life. He is so tired of the usual environment that he indulges in all serious things, the consequences of such actions can be sad.

Personal Description

The state is indifferent and sour, melancholy and pessimism. He ignores and misses the opportunities that fate gives, and is indifferent to what is happening around him. The person got what he wanted, but feels emptiness and apathy, dissatisfaction with what he received. The impermanence of desires results in a lack of understanding of goals and direction of movement.

Negative traits

Despondency turns into indifference, irritation and resentment towards the world. The person is aggressive and does not allow anyone to live in peace. Passive-depressive state, the image of a martyr who cherishes his dull suffering, loss of meaning in life. There was a decline in strength after a period of prosperity and prosperity.

The questioner does not perceive reality, and this is the reason for constant dissatisfaction. The Four of Cups personifies a person who has imagined a lot about himself and is dissatisfied with everything for no reason. An emotional crisis ensues. A person tries to drown out depression with pleasures, but does not receive them desired result, which makes him even more depressed.

To restore harmony, you need to restore order in your life and change your outlook on the situation. The lesson of the card is that no one can change his life except the questioner himself.

The Tarot card Four of Cups indicates a specific disorder of the mind, when all reserves and resources are exhausted, there is disappointment with one’s actions, which leads to dissatisfaction from the dissatisfaction of the soul’s needs. A person has a desire that has not acquired final shape until it is realized due to unawareness and lack of wisdom, but he knows for sure that this dream will help him fulfill his destiny. To achieve results you need an expansion of consciousness and vision. A person is his own enemy, his mind prevents him from going beyond the usual.

Alienation, callousness, selfishness, a person is absorbed in himself and his suffering, cut off from reality. Apathy and passivity prevent him from seeing the beautiful sides of life. He does not fence himself off from the world, but simply does not notice it, considering it despicable.

In general, the card indicates problems in emotional liberation and disclosure. The questioner's resentment is expressed in childish whims and anger at life, abdication of responsibility and blaming everyone and everything around for their misfortunes. Because of this, there is a high probability of making a mistake and missing out on a profitable offer. Stagnation, restrictions and unwillingness to move forward.

Questions from visitors and answers from experts:

On a deeper level

After experiencing the first experiences, receiving the first successes and achievements, a person became disillusioned with earthly joys and blessings and came to the sad conclusion that you won’t get everything. All the same, everything will either not be the way you want, or you will get what you didn’t want. Therefore, he needs to think about the soul and turn to sublime values.

A person is close to spiritual insight, a prophetic discovery, he receives signs from fate. Limited vision caused by apathy, fatigue and his own obstinacy prevent him from seeing these signs and taking them into account. A person has all the blessings of earthly life, except for the very meaning of life, but he has a chance to find it.

The map passes through the constellation Cancer, when it crawled out of its shell, was once again offended and crawled back. The Four of Cups strongly influences people who have the Moon and Saturn in their horoscope. The card means loneliness; it also says that excessive daydreaming makes a person inert.

According to the chart, the Moon is ruled by the third decade of Cancer, which means spontaneity and simplicity, the manifestation of emotions outward. A person contemplates dreams and lives in his imagination. The second decade indicates the acquisition of mechanisms for switching from internal to external perception. The third decade means establishing a system of communication channels outside world with internal, that is, a person learns to express his emotions to the public.

According to the Four of Cups, life is presented as an inexhaustible source of feelings, thanks to this a person feels the eternity and continuity of life. The map indicates new possibilities that lie deep in the soul, you just need to see and understand them. Daydreaming makes a person too inert, and his ideas about how everything should be blurred. The desire becomes more specific, but its finitude is not yet clear.

The meaning of the Four of Cups in various layouts

For career and work

There is no interest in work, daily activities are boring. There is no enthusiasm, there is disappointment in the profession, position, and there is a feeling of stagnation. Professional burnout sets in because there is no opportunity for self-development.

Lack of motivation to career growth and career advancement. A person is constantly nostalgic for the past better times, is in a state of depression and sadness. Possible financial difficulties, change of leadership.

For finances and property

Partial satisfaction of needs, modest prospects. There is financial stability, but no income growth. Money hunger, excessive consumerism, while a person understands that money cannot buy happiness, but he sees no other way out. He does not know how to handle money and spends excessively and thoughtlessly.

For love and relationships

Four of Cups -
An alarming sign that things are heading towards a break in the relationship.

The Four of Cups Tarot, meaning in relationships, is a card of singles, “old maids”, bachelors. They refuse marriage because of their beliefs or psychological problems.

A person does not want to accept an offer or take a chance; he is so immersed in his suffering, apathy and dissatisfaction with himself and life that he refuses or does not even notice the possibility of love.

The card warns the questioner that he does not see the gifts of fate in front of his nose and does not understand the happiness that has befallen him. The main reason for depression is that a person created it himself and blames life for meanness. Life turns out the way you think about it.

Also, the Four of Cups indicates a hopeless relationship in which a person is completely absorbed, because of this he does not see the opportunity to create a new relationship where there will be complete reciprocity. He makes an idol for himself out of a partner who does not reciprocate his feelings.

The questioner does not want to notice that such relationships have no future, since the partner is either busy, or he is unattainable (for example, a fan falling in love with a star) or simply does not reciprocate. Life has much more in store for the questioner interesting opportunities, which he diligently refuses, living in his dreams and illusions about the love of his idol. The card also symbolizes religious fanaticism, serving one’s ideal, and therefore rejection of relationships and marriage.

The Four of Cups runs through anger, resentment, rebellion, insults, a person is jealous, which is why he has attacks of aggression and disappointment. But it looks more like boredom and blues than real stressful situations. The person is not interested, he suffers from a lack of motivation, and not from trouble.

The map indicates a stable period, but the person suffers from boredom and melancholy, which are caused only by his vision of the world picture. A person is hindered only by his mood, because in reality there are no serious obstacles.

He sacrifices the joys of life, pleasures, for the sake of his beliefs, stability and moral principles. It has a rigid inner core. The Four of Cups indicates more an ascetic lifestyle associated with the views of the questioner than real difficulties.

The card also indicates boredom, lack of impressions, change, and development. Initial stage passed in the relationship, now they need to be developed further. A person does not understand why he needs this relationship and what to do with it next, why stay with his partner at all.

In the Four of Cups there is a break, disappointment in the partner. Romantic relationships A quarrel between young spouses or conflicts in an established marriage will not go far. The card signifies difficult times for relationships. This is due to the fact that the questioner is immersed in his own blues, cut off from the world and indifferent to the experiences of his partner.

Fatigue with relationships, meetings that previously brought joy are now disgusted and become a burden. The person is depressed, not accepting the partner. Unreasonable bad mood, sexual lethargy, feelings are frozen, and there is no reason for joy. The card indicates a crisis that needs to be overcome, opening new facets in relationships and moving to another level of intimacy and love.

The Four of Cups represents a person who betrays a relationship for the sake of a fleeting hobby, a spark of passion that arose unexpectedly. He experiences strong remorse, which leads him to depression and despondency, and he cannot enjoy the relationship with his spouse in the present time.

A loved one has become a stranger, sexual passion has faded, there is no way to simply live and be happy. Dejection clouds the eyes so much that a person falls into hysterics and begins to drink, rowdy and blame others for what he himself is guilty of. Happiness is very close, but the questioner is so absorbed in his sorrows and grief that he simply does not notice it.

The problem is focusing on stability and predictability, routine and order, which is boring. Stability is good, but relationships need variety. If there are no interesting events, then quarrels and conflicts arise, which at least somehow diversify life.

The Tarot card Four of Cups can also have a meaning such as stabilizing relationships. The conflicts have passed, and now you can relax and enjoy peace and tranquility. The questioner enjoys life, rejoices in its diversity. Feelings of stability and security, tenderness and care in relationships, pleasant time together.

For health status

Exhaustion of strength, loss of vitality. The person is exhausted, diseases occur against the background of decreased immunity. Low physical activity, chronic fatigue, lethargy. Prolonged depression, headaches, neuroses, stomach diseases.

You should turn your face to life and new opportunities, accept the gifts of fate. Find global meaning in everyday routine. Apathy, fatigue, depression are contrived by you, look for signs of fate and follow them. Stop taking everything to heart, don’t force things, relax and listen to your soul and the world.

Now you do not see the opportunities opening before you, you reject the chances that fate gives. You need to listen to her, otherwise you will bitterly regret it later. The desire for comfort and tranquility will lead to stagnation, and then to degradation.

The meaning of a reversed card

The Four of Cups reversed is a favorable card. A person gets rid of boredom, begins to see the world in a new light, new projects, connections, and acquaintances appear. He gets rid of old problems, gains new knowledge, overcomes his own apathy and passivity, and goes towards everything new and promising that he had previously refused.

A person throws himself headlong into the whirlpool of a relationship, just so as not to be alone, or if the schedule is for work, he takes on any task in order to quickly get into the rut. You won't have to wait for a quiet life with this card. New searches fresh ideas and motives, the use of existing life experience in new places and projects.

The meaning of the inverted Four of Cups is similar to the motifs of Russian fairy tales - first the girl refuses all the princes and kings, and then marries the first tramp she meets. The card indicates an unforeseen event that will affect the solution of old problems with new methods. Relationships with your partner will reach new level, achieving mutual understanding, premonition, prophecy, signs of fate, changes for the better.

Combined with other cards

How is the Four of Cups interpreted in combination with other cards:

  • With the Hermit - focusing on oneself, weaning off relationships;
  • With the Moon - silence, reluctance to share your feelings and thoughts;
  • With the Sun inverted - presence at a fire;
  • With the World - involvement in something, joint action;
  • With the Four of Wands - inspiration, the emergence of energy after a decline;
  • With the Ten of Wands - the meaning of working beyond strength;
  • With the Two of Cups - unity, coming out of the shell;
  • With the Four of Swords - the importance of contemplation and introspection, meditation, solitude, healing of spiritual wounds (and boredom from loneliness as well) increases;
  • With the Five of Swords - dreams alone;
  • With the Six of Swords - depression;
  • With the Eight of Pentacles - work that helps overcome inertia and lethargy.

What does the Four of Cups mean and what sacred meaning is encrypted in the picture? We will try to answer these and other questions and explain the options for interpreting symbols for a beginning esotericist.

Take a closer look at the image: on the map there is a man who looks enchanted into the distance. The man does not see the three bowls standing in front of him and does not pay attention to the fourth, which is being extended from the sky. Turn on your intuition and imagine at the subconscious level what this means.

In this article

The meaning of the card 4 Cups (Cups)

Each Tarot card has an upright and a reversed position. Depending on the purpose of the layout and the question, we look at how the Four of Cups is laid out. It depends on what positive or negative properties it exhibits.

The general meaning of the card is satiety. It depicts a man who has experienced, experienced and known everything. He is not interested in the benefits that fate offers. The card says that the questioner is self-absorbed and does not want to notice anything around him. Life flows calmly, without shocks. But is the absence of desires a good sign?

Video contains detailed instructions according to the Tarot deck for beginners:

Direct card position

The Four of Cups of the Tarot suggests that the time has come to set priorities in a new way, shake off the stupor, and begin to act. A person who looks indifferently at gifts is deprived of will, motivation, and desire to learn new things.

Look at the sad figure rejecting help from above. The unfortunate person does not yet know whether he will accept the gift or indifferently reject it. The one who received this card in the layout must understand that no one except himself can change the situation. Overcome laziness and apathy, the Four of Cups suggests, and everything will work out.

Cups or Bowls represent the element of Water

The situation depicted in the picture shows that the questioner is in a bad mood, but only he himself is to blame for this. The meaning of the card is that a person misses a lot due to inattention or indecision. Your planned business will fail miserably if you sit still and look around indifferently.

Reversed card position

In an inverted position, the card means changes that will soon await the fortuneteller. The symbolism is transformed in the opposite direction. There is only one step from satiety to decisive action. And you need to do it. The 4 of Cups Tarot gives hope for the emergence of motivation, a taste for life, healthy ambitions and clearly set priorities.

The Fourth Cup, which the sky holds out, is a signal that changes in life are on the threshold, you just need to accept them, pay attention to the signs that Fate gives.

If the question concerned the future, we can confidently say that the prospects are bright. New acquaintances, interesting meetings and offers of profitable cooperation await you. The main thing is not to waste time, not to succumb to laziness and cowardice.

Classic combinations of the Four of Cups with other cards

When interpreting an individual card, be sure to look at the neighboring signs. Not only the general meaning of the layout, but also the meaning of a specific symbol depends on this. Some cards neutralize the effects of others, others enhance them.

  1. The Four of Cups in combination with the Major Arcana card The Hanged Man tells the soothsayer that the person sitting in front of him is overdramatizing the situation, he likes to be in the role of a victim, he enjoys the circumstances.
  2. The Queen of Wands and the 4 of Cups say that a person’s problems are far-fetched.
  3. The King of Wands and the four Cups will reveal the selfish inclinations and aspirations of the questioner.
  4. The presence of the Arcana Jester will tell you that a person is haunted by childhood grievances.
  5. High Priestess next to the Four of Cups will indicate unfinished business that prevents you from moving forward.
  6. The Emperor, who fell out next door, says that there is no need to wait for job prospects and that one should forget about promotion.
  7. The Lovers card in combination with the Four Cups indicates a painful and dead-end relationship with the opposite sex.
  8. The Chariot paired with the 4 of Cups of the Tarot indicates fruitless attempts to bring back the past.
  9. The Wheel of Fortune, which lands with fours, is a sign that the questioner has stopped developing spiritually, he is haunted by negative events from childhood and youth.
  10. Arcanum Death in combination with the card says that the past cannot be returned, it should be mourned and forgotten.

We look at the neighboring cards - they will reveal the picture completely

Experienced soothsayers who compose their own layouts use knowledge about the meanings of cards and intuition when interpreting. The vibrations that come from the symbols depicted in the picture will tell you much more than a traditional reading.

The video will be interesting for beginning tarot readers. Contains detailed instructions on the meaning of the Chalice (Cups) suit:

What kind of people does the 4 of Cups Tarot card symbolize?

Tarot cards are universal. They describe not only the situation: past or future, but also characters. Emotions, fears, mood and behavior of a person - all this can be shown using one or another layout. One card that accidentally falls out of the deck can completely clarify the character of the person sitting in front of the sorceress. When fortune telling, a special card is often chosen - a significator. She personifies the one for whom the alignment is made.

In the upright position, the 4 of Cups card says that the questioner is capricious, dissatisfied with life, does not know how and does not want to rejoice. He sees only the negative in everything, people irritate him, he is gloomy and lonely.

With a high degree of probability we can say that in front of you is an inveterate bachelor or an old maid.

The significator card 4 of Cups says that such people usually lead a solitary lifestyle and prefer loneliness to any noisy company.

When you tell fortunes to a person, pay attention to the first impression, it is the most correct. The questioner often closes himself and tries to hide his true intentions.

The inverted position of the significator, on the contrary, is positive. It reveals a person who is ready to part with the ashes of the past, reject boredom and rush towards new adventures and emotions.

People represented by the reversed 4 of Cups tend to think outside the box and act quickly. They choose rare professions, engage in extreme sports.

The meaning of the 4 Tarot Cups when divining for work and affairs

People ask questions about work and career to cards as often as they do about love relationships.

The direct position of the 4 Cups indicates that the person is tired of his previous service. He wants to change his life, but does not know in which direction to move. Here is a typical careerist who wants to get new job as much as possible. He is not satisfied with his previous position.

On the other hand, the questioner is tired of the constant routine; the inability to realize ambitions is very depressing.

In this case, the card advises not to waste precious time on complaints and grievances, but to act. If cards appear in the layout indicating imminent changes, then this must be mentioned in the decoding. Procrastination can have a negative impact on the work environment. Advise the questioner to change the field of activity or the company in which he works as quickly as possible, otherwise the benefits will be lost.

When reversed, the properties of the card improve. If you get the Four of Cups in this state, change will come faster than expected. Just be prepared for them.

The meaning of the card at the level of consciousness

At the level of emotions, intuition and consciousness, the 4 of Cups Tarot card means many states.

This is laziness, age crises, prolonged depression, apathy and constant complaints about life. If this card appears in a reading, you should be wary: in front of you is a person in a bad mood, who perceives reality negatively.

What to advise depends on the severity of the circumstances and what cards fell next to each other in the layout.

It’s good if the Major Arcana Sun card appears, it symbolizes hope and fulfillment of desires. It’s worse if the Moon is nearby, a harbinger of painful experiences, doubts, a symbol of illusions and tears.

The Tower in combination with the Four of Cups is not the best bad sign, she says that it’s time to shake things up, stop building sand castles, don’t delve into the past, but build new happiness.

A good tarot reader is a psychologist. Guided by the symbolism of the cards, internal sensations and impressions, try to create an image of the client. Ask leading questions and formulate advice taking into account the internal wishes of the questioner. This will help him understand the situation.

The meaning of the card in relationships

In the scenario for relations between partners, the appearance of 4 Cups does not best sign. She says that dialogue is impossible, the situation in the family is difficult and depressing. A man and a woman have long ceased to understand each other and live like strangers. There are no open quarrels, but both spouses have long fueled the relationship not with passion, but with mutual silent grievances. Nobody wants to admit guilt and start a conversation.

Tarot cards hint to the questioner that he should be the first to extend the hand of friendship and make peace with a loved one. If you don't do this, the relationship will completely collapse.

In some cases, the cards indicate that third party intervention is necessary. Listen to the advice given by older family members. Do not discount the opinions of your friends - from the outside it is clearer what steps to take for reconciliation.

Cards call to breathe life into relationships new life. Perhaps you should take a break from each other for a while or, conversely, go on a trip together. Neighboring signs will tell you what exactly to choose.

For single people, cards remind them of the need for new acquaintances and relationships. It is not necessary to acquire permanent partners, just go out in public, communicate, and have a good time.

The inverted position of the card promises new interesting meetings and acquaintances for singles. For married couples who are in a quarrel - a long-awaited truce and calm. You will probably risk meeting your ex-lover or girlfriend again.

The 4 of Cups is a card that has amazing property, – in an inverted meaning it changes plus to minus. When guessing, be guided not only by the position of the image: formulate the question correctly, pay attention to the neighboring cards.

A little about the author:

Tarot reader Esoterics for me is a universal key that opens many doors behind which new knowledge, opportunities and prospects are hidden.

More than 20 years ago I first picked up Tarot cards. Since then I have used them for more than just predictions. The world of Tarot is an amazing reality, immersing yourself in which you will find answers to questions and be able to change your life.

Tarot cards are a complex but very interesting mantic system that allows you to receive reliable predictions of the future, provided proper operation with them. A tarot reader must be very well versed in the smallest nuances relating to each arcana in order to be able to help his client. IN this material we will look at the meaning of the 4 of Cups Tarot.

✚ For the future

✚ On relationships

This tarot card requires the fortuneteller to show attention to his partner, since there is some kind of stubbornness on his part, an unwillingness to live peacefully. This is probably due to long-standing grievances or jealousy; the second person will have to compromise and show special sensitivity and understanding. If in a couple both people do not want to listen and are not ready to make concessions, then there will be nothing left of the relationship. If a person is looking for love, then a person should think about setting priorities. Perhaps now some decision will be made that will seem wrong in the future; you need to make an effort and get your desire to open up to another person.

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✚ For today

✚ For tomorrow

✚ What does he think about me

✚ On request

✚ On the situation

✚ On the King

4 cups

Symbolizes devastation and depression, the end of the honeymoon. Or maybe you are simply disappointed in your relationship with your partner. There is no need to worry or despair. The card advises you to take a closer look at those around you and not refuse the help that will definitely come. Take a break and find the strength to enjoy every day.

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Mars in Cancer as a symbol of frustration and resentment.

Straight position:

The Four of Cups symbolizes forgiveness, the desire to serve one’s idol, and sometimes religious fanaticism. But this is a dual card, and its lower aspect is disappointment in love and in people, fatigue, the beginning of an empty period in life, chronic problems.

Reverse position:

An inverted card means: new opportunities, new connections and acquaintances, new knowledge, new attempts to solve problems.

Four of Cups

Card Name: Lord of Broken Pleasures.

Correspondences – land of water; letter Xe(final); Sephira Mercy

Explanation ( general meaning): after a lot of fun, fatigue and boredom sets in.

Event: excess, luxury.

1. Everything is going so well that you don’t want to do anything. And although there is a chance to change something, there is no desire, and there is no confidence that it is worth doing.

2. Depression, physical inactivity, overeating.

3. Boredom, fatigue, disappointment in each other, unjustified expectations.

4. Indifferent, boring, lethargic; self-absorbed and searching for meaning.

5. Advice: pay attention to detail.

Warning: There is no movement in your life.

6. The answer is no. During a period of prosperity, you need to think about the future, otherwise you may miss important chances.


Explanation (general meaning): insatiability, greed for life.

Event: taking a chance that yielded nothing; omnivorous.

1. Trying to squeeze more out of business than possible; Overexploitation of people and resources. The profits are good, but there are few prospects, and our own resources are being depleted.

2. Bad; the body is “rotten”.

3. Voluptuousness, licentiousness, collecting brides (gentlemen); disdain for relationships because they can be bought.

4. Greedy, arrogant.

5. Advice: live for your own pleasure.

A word of caution: you grab everything and you may miss the most important things.

6. A period of intensive exploration of one’s capabilities.

General value:

The mood of this card is best defined by the concepts of “satiety” and “overkill”. Remember the impermanence of our feelings: we want something with all the strength of our souls, however, having achieved it (and even more than we wanted), we suddenly realize that we don’t need it, and we are overcome by despondency, resentment and disgust. This can be expressed in grumbling, indifference, or vice versa, irritation, despair and the desire to destroy everything. One way or another, this card serves as a warning: do not let your bad mood develop into apathy, so as not to miss a favorable chance and not push away a helping hand.


The Four of Cups shows that work has finally lost its attractiveness for us, and we are increasingly overwhelmed by despondency, anger and resentment. It can also mean “dullness” from monotonous work, a desire to “go on strike” and wounded pride - for example, after receiving a reprimand or refusal. In such situations, we should consider this card as advice and a warning: not to waste time on fruitless whining, so as not to miss a new, already very close chance.


Here, the Four of Cups has a wide range of meanings: it is fruitless reflection (“wandering of the mind”), apathetic laziness, and a crisis of despair due to a “mediocre life.” If we are talking about mild forms of despondency, such as laziness and reluctance to do anything, then the card means that very soon a fresh wind of change will burst into our lives. If this is a truly deep crisis of consciousness, then it should be perceived as an alarm signal and advice to immediately do something that can bring us out of apathy and return us to normal life. For example, sports or gymnastics, which help to free ourselves from internal tension and other “negativity”: good physical fitness will give us the strength to solve problems that prevent us from enjoying life.

Personal relationships:

Here this card means a heavy, if not poisonous, atmosphere. It shows that we are blinded by jealousy or nursing our “resentment” by punishing our partner with silence or completely ignoring him. Usually, in such a mood, we do not notice those gestures of goodwill and steps towards reconciliation that our partner takes. The card advises you to overcome this apathy as soon as possible and meet his “peaceful initiatives”. If both partners are so stubborn that they have already reached the point of “trench warfare,” then they can be invited to play the Game or unravel the Gordian Knot; this, of course, can result in a thunderstorm, but after a thunderstorm, the sky, as you know, brightens.

Four of Cups combined with other Tarot cards

With the “Jester” card - remember childhood grievances.

With the “Magic” card - someone is taking advantage of your weakness.

With the card “High Priestess” there is a mystery that deprives you of peace.

With the “Empress” card the result is disastrous.

With the "Emperor" card - no prospects at work.

With the Hierophant card - ignore moral principles.

With the “Lovers” card - a relationship that is not pleasing.

With the Chariot card - try to regain what was lost.

With the “Strength” card there is powerlessness.

With the “Hermit” card - focus on yourself and your feelings.

With the Wheel of Fortune card - get stuck in the sad past.

With the “Justice” card - admit mistakes.

With the Hanged Man card - pretend to be a victim.

With the “Death” card - mourn what has died.

With the “Moderation” card - come to your senses.

With the “Devil” card - a severe hangover.

With the Tower card - mourn the loss.

With the Star card - lose hope.

With the Moon card - to be deceived.

With the “Sun” card - if you lose it, you can gain it.

With the “Judgment” card - heal sorrows.

With the "World" card - find the lost paradise.


With the Ace of Wands card - miss the chance; loss of drive.

With the “Two of Wands” card - wallow in doubts.

With the Three of Wands card - lack of faith in success; unsuccessful continuation.

With the Four of Wands card - a funeral; failure to pass the exam.

With the Five of Wands card - conflicts due to alcohol abuse; meaninglessness.

With the Six of Wands card - unsuccessful business management.

With the Seven of Wands card - vulnerability; lack of self-confidence.

With the Eight of Wands card - depression.

With the Nine of Wands card - fixation on failures.

With the Ten of Wands card - collapse; complete devastation.

With the “Page of Wands” card - reluctance to learn.

With the card “Knight of Wands” - retreat.

With the Queen of Wands card - theatricality; drama.

With the “King of Wands” card - selfishness.

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