Two of Cups meaning in relationships. Element of water - Two of Cups Tarot meaning for fortune telling

People meet, people fall in love, get married. They disperse and everything goes in circles again. Kolovorot human life includes meetings, partings, love, experiences, hopes, sorrows and various torments. Love, separation, parting, hope, faith, expectation - these feelings go with us through life. It's good to do it from time to time, if only to check if your intentions are the same. Whether we like it or not, we are entering into various kinds relationship. Be it the relationship between classmates and teachers, employees and employers, subordinates and superiors. It could be a chance meeting and a fleeting glance, two words for acquaintance and then nothing. Or maybe this is the love of your life, which was destined for us from above. And how painful and offensive it is when the word comes into life - parting.

Clarify the situation by telling fortunes about separation

When making this Tarot layout, we are primarily interested in how long the relationship will last, and whether we should expect separation. Big or small, but parting. In some cases, separation may mean leaving for indefinite time, or it may mean that you will have to separate completely. A restless heart makes us turn to magic, in the form card layouts to understand the correctness of your choice or attitude towards a particular incident. When to take the right decision, but you can’t do it yourself, turn to Tarot cards. There are a large number of layouts that are similar to open windows into which we look, wanting to receive additional information.

The Tarot layout for separation will tell you whether you should continue the existing relationship and will characterize the depth of your feelings. In some cases, the cards will indicate the inappropriateness of your relationship. But what to do is still up to you to decide. Tarot layout for separation is made of six cards. In the first position, the card will show how you feel about the existing relationship. This alignment will answer the question of what is important to you in this relationship. The card lying in the third position will indicate arguments that indicate that it is better for you to break up. The fourth position in the reading will argue in favor of preserving your relationship. The cards of the fifth and sixth positions will tell you what is best for you and what to do in this situation.

Fortune telling family or divorce from husband

But sometimes saving a family is impossible - a divorce is really needed. There are no convincing arguments, but the love has passed. Some continue relationships for the sake of children, although not for long. If the relationship has lost its meaning, and the spouses feel only irritation, is it worth saving the marriage for the sake of the children? Young children will cope with divorce easier than constantly irritated, unhappy parents. When they separate, the spouses cease to be husband and wife, but remain parents - there is no reason to do otherwise if they wish the best for the child. To make your parents’ divorce as painless as possible, certain rules should be followed:

  • Children must understand: their parents love them, even if they separate;
  • It is important to maintain a trusting relationship with a small child.

Online fortune telling with gypsy tarot cards “divorce”

The layout is quite complex, in which a large number of cards take part, and the issues being considered will require serious effort from you to interpret the result. Fortune telling is not intended for frequent use and is performed extremely rarely; we advise you to be very well prepared before performing it, since the issue under consideration is very sensitive and not at all simple.


Methods of fortune telling online for free. To carry out this fortune telling, you must have a deck of tarot cards, we will use all the cards, that is, both senior and minor arcana. For a reliable result, you must clearly imagine both partners for whom the divination is being performed, for this you can use a photo.

Ask the cards to tell you the whole truth and not to hide anything, good or bad. The deck must be unplayed and initiated. Mix the cards thoroughly and move some of them towards you with your left hand.


Catherine's fortune telling on 40 cards Fortune telling, which was a favorite of Empress Catherine II, according to legend, was quite simple. 40 cards depicted 40 symbols that had a classic decoding, but for specific situation could have direct meaning and indicate exactly what is depicted on them.


Out of 40 cards turned upside down, three were selected and, depending on the question of interest, the result was interpreted. Try this fortune telling to predict your fate or clarify a question that interests you. Fortune telling with Tarot cards “Yes or No?” Fortune telling with Tarot cards “Yes or No?” gives an answer to the question posed.

You can pull out the card any number of times to clarify or correct your question. Fortune telling with gypsy cards “What does he think of me?” Love fortune telling on gypsy Tarot cards will tell you how the person in question treats you and what she thinks about you.

Love fortune telling “leave or stay”

Partner’s attitude towards me The second position “Partner’s attitude towards me” will reveal to you his true feelings. What is happening between us The third position “What is happening between us” will show what connects you now: feelings, common life, intimate compatibility.

Using this map, you can judge how satisfied the partners are with this relationship. Cause of the crisis The fourth position, “Cause of the crisis,” will tell you what led to difficulties in your relationship.
The meaning of the Tarot cards here will determine how serious this crisis is, whether we are talking about a domestic quarrel or serious incompatibility. What will happen if we break up The fifth position “What will happen if we break up” predicts how painful or, on the contrary, pleasant the breakup will be for you. Will it bring something new into your life or will you continue to experience the loss for a long time.

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Fortune telling on the runes of Odin “One rune” Fortune telling on the runes of Odin “One rune” is the simplest and at the same time accurate layout of the runes. You can ask a question and get an instant answer by pulling out just one rune.

If the question implies an unambiguous answer, then the upright position of the rune means “Yes”, the inverted position of the rune means “No”, the empty rune of Odin means the answer is uncertain.. Fortune telling on gypsy cards “Relationships” The layout on the gypsy oracle “For relationships” is necessary when questions arose regarding love and relationships. Gypsy cards will show your partner’s attitude towards you in the past, present and future, what you mean to him and how you perceive these relationships. Also, the cards give a forecast for the development of relations in the future and advice on how to behave to strengthen the union. Ask your question and choose cards from the deck.

Fortune telling online free tarot scam

Young people take the conclusion of an alliance very lightly - it’s like interesting test, which is easy to decide on. Seeing only the advantages of marriage, young people are against official relationships and marriage contracts. The desire to maintain independence, the unwillingness to tolerate the disadvantages of relationships, and to take on serious obligations, lead to the breakup of a third of families if the views remain the same. Sometimes spouses say “No, I don’t like you, I want to get a divorce” – already six months after the wedding.

Fortune telling the possibility of divorce.

Home Tarot fortune telling online Tarot fortune telling for relationships Love fortune telling “Leave or stay” Sooner or later, crises occur in a couple’s life together when partners think about breaking up. Any crisis is a test of the strength of a relationship. After it, some couples only strengthen their love, while others break up forever.

This tarot reading for love will help you understand whether your relationship is worth fighting for. This alignment will tell you how the partners really treat each other and what caused the crisis. Based on this, it will be easier for you to make a decision: to leave or stay. My attitude towards my partner The first position, “My attitude towards my partner,” will tell you how you feel about your partner now. Is there love between you or is it just a habit?

Is it necessary to divorce your spouse?

How to conduct free online fortune telling on our website. To get the right result, you need to tune in well; it is best to retire and ask the cards to answer your question. After preparation, click on the deck with the left mouse button and hold it until you feel an internal impulse, then release the mouse, the system will automatically finish shuffling and display the shuffled cards on the computer screen, after which you yourself (following the prompts) can select the number of cards required for fortune telling. Description of online fortune telling, purpose free fortune telling. Fortune telling online for free - Divorce. Here we look at the situation with divorce, whether it is possible, whether it is beneficial, what led to it and whether it is necessary to preserve the marriage.

Divorce or continuation of relationships: preserving families in Russia

You can’t let the baby withdraw;

  • Explain that the child is innocent in the divorce;
  • There are huge benefits to being honest about why parents are getting divorced;
  • Parents should protect their children from the legal process as much as possible;
  • According to the law Russian Federation, usually, children stay with their mother. When parents cannot resolve the issue peacefully, they should not drag the child into a divorce for the sake of preserving his mental health, because such a “test” will not be in vain.

Difficult decision When you are about to decide to divorce or fight to save your family, you need to assess the situation. It is necessary to understand why the conflict arose - there is no reason to rush. Typically, spouses do not want a divorce, sincerely hoping to save the family. But accept betrayal, insults, indifference, bad habits they can't.

Fortune telling with tarot cards: “divorce” layout

If you become a victim of domestic violence, you should seek legal help. A professional will help speed up the legal process and take care of the client’s safety. When faced with domestic violence, you need to remember simple rules:

  • Don't wait for extremes. At the first signs of violence, it is better to move in with relatives and friends - saying a firm “no” to the tyrant. If aggression occurs, complain to law enforcement agencies and film the beatings. The more evidence, the easier it is to prove the fact of violence;
  • Sometimes you have to run away from your spouse. It is necessary to collect documents, money, medicines, important things in advance;
  • Making the necessary effort to avoid your ex-spouse is a serious test of character.

Contact specialists. If there is no money, a victim of violence can receive professional advice free of charge.

Divorce is an official matter and a court is needed, because there is no other way to dissolve the marriage. Disadvantages and arguments in favor of maintaining a marriage – social loneliness/increased vulnerability of divorced couples.

It’s not for nothing that they say that “Together we are strong” – it’s hard to argue against that. Women are often afraid to remain with a small child without support.

The phrase “I want to get a divorce” usually implies good reasons. According to statistics, these are the following reasons:

  • Failed sexual compatibility test;
  • Treason;
  • Physical, psychological, sexual violence;
  • Bad habits;
  • Coldness, indifference;
  • No stable financial situation, jealousy, infertility.

There are enough reasons to break off a relationship - here are three main groups:

  1. Frivolous attitude towards marriage.

Online fortune telling “Separation” is suitable for couples who, for some reason, decided to break off their relationship. If you think that the relationship can still be saved or just want to find out what your partner’s reaction will be, cast a spell on the Lenormand cards. You will also find out what will await you if you decide to leave.

It is best to start fortune telling at night. Between 23:00 and 04:00 higher powers will give the most truthful answer. It is not advisable to resort to fortune telling (for one person) more than once a month. The result you receive will be valid for the entire month.

Focus on the person's energy and start free online fortune telling to break up.

Questions the cards answer

  1. What is the best way to tell your partner about a breakup?
  2. What does your partner think about the prospect of breaking up the relationship?
  3. What will your partner's life be like after breaking up?
  4. How will your life change after separation?
  5. How will your life go if you continue the relationship?
  6. Is there a chance of resuming a relationship after a breakup?