In the dream, he hugged and kissed. Why dream of kissing on the lips according to Miller’s dream book

Modern women great value They give signs and fortune telling, trying to find answers to questions of interest in everything that surrounds them, therefore, if a lady dreams of a kiss on the lips with a man, it is important to correctly understand its meaning.

A kiss with a man can be dreamed of not only by girls, but also by representatives of the stronger sex. Such dreams occur quite often, and deciphering their meaning is no less important.

Interpretation according to famous dream books

In order to correctly interpret a particular dream, it is recommended to read only proven dream books by professional authors, and not those written by self-taught people. Each person may have his own interpretation, which is not always correct.

In almost every professional dream book you can find an interpretation of such a dream and figure out what it means. Dream kiss on the lips with a man has several interpretation options:

  • Miller's dream book says that a kiss married woman with another man means her dissatisfaction family relationships and possibly sex life. Such a dream can push a couple towards divorce or big quarrel. The greatest danger for the relationship between spouses is a dream with a kiss that gave a woman pleasure - it means major troubles and discord in her personal life.
  • Dream Interpretation of Hasse. If a girl saw a kiss with her man, most likely real life her husband or boyfriend is cheating on her. This can be either a short-term passion or a long-term romance. It is believed that such a dream is a harbinger of losses and serious changes in personal life. A man can also dream of a kiss. If he clearly sees a kiss (especially a French one) with a member of the same sex, most likely he himself will be the cheater. Such a dream may mean that a man will regret what he did for a long time and will try to tell his soulmate everything as quickly as possible.
  • Vanga's dream book. Kissing an unfamiliar young man means an unexpected meeting with a pleasant person who turns out to be much older than herself. No accurate interpretation, is this a sign of the beginning of a new stormy relationship or after a fleeting spark everything will pass, however, this time will be happy for the lady and filled with reckless actions and bright colors. What consequences all this will lead to will depend on the girl herself and her companion.
  • Modern dream book. For a girl, a kiss in a dream can only mean one thing - in reality she will worry for a long time and very much, especially if she acted under the influence of alcohol. In a dream, kissing a man on the lips while drunk can mean the emergence of real quarrels and even breakups.

How to wrap a dream in your favor:

Why do you dream about kisses?

A kiss is a pleasant and long-awaited thing in itself. But it is not always a good sign. For example, in a dream, kissing a woman on the lips can mean problems in your personal life in reality, dissatisfaction with your partner in sex and in everyday life, and also predict upcoming difficulties.

If you kiss your husband

If dream of legal spouse, and not a stranger - that’s already good. This means that the girl feels confident and protected, although some problems in her personal life still bother her. Perhaps this is a man’s dissatisfaction with everyday trifles or due to an insufficient level of wages for the last month.

To finally understand the meaning, you first need to decide on the emotions you are experiencing. If the girl felt good and felt satisfied, we can say that she and her husband will cope with all the difficulties quite quickly. If everything is different, you should think about it. Most likely, the man is dissatisfied with his wife and may even have started an affair.

Very passionate kiss with husband is a kind of harbinger that warns of upcoming difficulties. A girl should pay more attention to details in reality and take a closer look at her husband. If he really has someone else, it will soon become noticeable. The dreamer still has a chance to return everything to normal, but it is very small if the spouse experiences real emotions for his mistress, and not short-term passion, and may leave the family.

If in a dream the legal spouse resists an attempt to kiss him, but the girl is firmly convinced that in reality there are no problems in their married life, most likely her attitude towards her husband is too high and she expects much more from him. The surest way is to reconsider your views and learn to love a man for who he is, without demanding anything in return. This is one of the main rules of a happy family life.

Young people are dominant by nature, and not every one of them will be pleased to see that their wife is trying to take over and control their every decision. It is important for them to feel confident and independent in order to remain reliable protectors and loving spouses.

Contact with a stranger

According to famous interpreters, kissing a beautiful stranger means only one thing - new meetings in real life. Strong friendship, fleeting passion, long-term romance - a dream can result in anything. It is important to try to remember the details of conversations and the surrounding environment, so that upon awakening you can better understand the meaning of the dream and correctly decipher it.

If the stranger has a bad reputation and dark energy seems to be swirling around him, the dreamer should be careful not to tarnish her good name in real life. Also, such a sign may indicate that the girl has envious people and even enemies who are not averse to spreading bad gossip about her and slandering her.

It’s another matter if the new acquaintance turns out to be a married man. This is a real warning to the girl, especially if she herself is married, not to succumb to temptation and under no circumstances enter into a forbidden relationship with anyone. Very often, such a dream indicates an upcoming affair with a boss or work colleague. Most likely, this relationship will be bright and passionate, but it is unlikely to last long. And then the lady will have to make a lot of effort to earn forgiveness and return to the family.

Kissing after breaking up

Wondering why you dream of kissing on the lips with ex-boyfriend or even a husband, the girl should first of all think about whether she still has unrestrained feelings after the breakup. Perhaps she is still in love or feels attached to the man with whom for a long time was in a romantic relationship. Most likely, she doesn’t want to admit it even to herself, and the subconscious thus transforms secret desires into dreams like this.

Types of kisses with my ex-boyfriend and what do they mean:

Several men in the dream

Most detailed interpretation Sigmund Freud gives such a dream. In his works he relied on sexual overtones and hidden desires. In his opinion, human dreams are complete reflection his inner world, and such a dream can only mean one thing - dissatisfaction with your sex life and, possibly, with your entire partner.

You shouldn’t immediately rush into trouble and break all relationships at the root. The matter may also concern banal self-doubt, which the girl will have to deal with soon. If, nevertheless, the first option turned out to be correct, the most best way- talk honestly with your partner and try to understand the cause of the crisis. Together we can solve any problem.

Also, as a solution, Freud himself suggests taking a joint training course to learn to trust each other and share even the most secret things. Perhaps such therapy will really help lovers, and make not only them stronger sex life, but also relationships in general.

If one of the men involved is the dreamer's official husband, most likely in real life she suffers from lack of attention and feels lonely even next to her husband. The second hero is often a stranger - he symbolizes a close friend who has some small difficulties brewing.

A kiss with her husband's friend or his relative can mean that a girl cares about this person in real life. Perhaps he is going through a difficult period in his life, and the dreamer feels a responsibility to provide him with friendly support.

If two men are involved in a kissing scene, but the lady herself does not take part, most likely, in real life she will be expected to experience banal betrayal from her loved one.

Kiss with a Dead Man

There is nothing good in kissing a dead person, however, such a dream can be seen. Its interpretation is very simple: in the near future, a woman will face deep disappointment and even a break in a long-term relationship. She will have to get out of her depression on her own and learn to trust people again.

The subject under discussion can have a positive interpretation only if the sleeping woman or the sleeping person initiates the kiss. Then he suggests that in reality you can safely begin implementing a new project. All your ideas can be easily implemented and your goals can be quickly achieved.

Before opening the dream book and trying to unravel what she saw, the girl must clearly understand that everything she dreamed about will most likely come true, since it is closely connected with a person’s subconscious and is often its reflection. Having opened a site with interpretations out of boredom, you may not take into account some warnings and ignore them in real life. The most important thing in dreams is to believe in them.

Shows of affection can be expressed in different ways, however, physical contact is the most meaningful. In a dream, it can give both excitement and disgust. There is no need to guess why you dream about a kiss - dream books are ready to give a detailed answer to this question!

Kiss in a dream

Receiving a kiss is a sign that the sleeper needs approval and support. Whether the leading area is work, love or personal growth, you cannot cope without a strong shoulder. You yourself have noticed how important it is at the moment of confusion, internal fears to see the light in the window, in a dream to hear a whisper in your ear that everything will be resolved.

However, you can want to experience the touch of someone’s lips and avoid it, because not every kiss is pleasant. And human psychology is such that we dream about what can be beneficial, and not about what evokes sweet emotions. What secrets does this sign of attention keep, why, why do you dream about it? Dream Interpretations highlight interpretations that are worthy of close consideration:

  • passionate - the gossip heard is shocking;
  • parental - you will find like-minded people;
  • sweet - danger of wrong choice;
  • friendly - conflict out of the blue;
  • slobbery, disgusting - money offer;
  • air - they are hiding information from you.

Interpretations that will come true

The meaning depends on the subject giving the dreamer his favor. If the hero of the dream was a relative, a person known to you, look for meaning in current events; the vision concerns the present time. An unfamiliar admirer symbolizes events that promise to fill the near future. This means there is enough time for consideration and reflection.

Courtship mythical creature, the fictional one personifies the lust for someone else's property, the thirst for possession of something that already has an owner. Give a kiss ex-lover, in reality being in a new relationship - lack of activity, everyday dullness, despondency. If you see a dream from Saturday to Sunday, communication with them is expected.

Why do you dream about kissing your loved one? The connection will become stronger. Feel the bliss - the relationship will acquire new depth, the level of trust between partners will increase.

Exchange kisses with a child - disputes will be resolved, doubts will be dispelled. An unpleasant conversation took place - the misunderstanding will be smoothed out. A kiss from a girl - control what is said, you can unknowingly hurt with the wording. Boy - a convenient opportunity to show talent will present itself.

What does Miller promise?

Miller's dream book foretells: a kiss with a brother or sister is a sign of pleasure, fun, loud celebrations. You will probably be invited to visit or meet an old friend you have been missing.

According to Miller’s dream book, a mother’s kiss will protect you from slippery people. Do not get involved in dubious stories, be restrained and careful.

Vanga's opinion

Smacking your spouse means cherishing family values. In the house, Vanga declares, harmony, understanding, and mutual assistance will reign. If a guy gives a kiss to a friend’s wife in a dream, he is destined to survive troubled times, depression.

A dream where you touch a baby's lips gives you long life; you will see the wedding of your great-grandchildren. Vanga’s dream book also assures: enthusiastically indulge in professional activities.

Islamic meaning

Interpretation Muslim dream book brings a strict instruction to the sleeping person: to shower someone with kisses in the dark means that you will be slandered and ridiculed in vain.

If you dream of your father’s kiss, your family is proud of your successes. But, if in reality dad is not alive, Islamic dream book I’m sure the enemy is pretending to get closer. You suspected earlier: you can’t expect anything else from the scoundrel.

Loff and Freud

Loff and Freud are unanimous: exchanging kisses means attraction to opposite sex, desires for tactility, sexual lust.

The more saliva released during the process, the more demanding the reproductive instinct. If you accept a kiss passionately, you are in satisfactory physical condition and have good genes.

Tsvetkov is upset

Tsvetkov is able to dispel an elevated state of spirit: his scientific works indicate that this dream is an unexpected betrayal. You should expect a catch at any moment.

If you are married, there is a possibility of a jealousy-related scandal. A farewell kiss means successfully avoiding trouble and being in the right place.

Receiving a kiss from the devil himself in a dream is the definition of you as lucky, lucky. If you think about it, take a closer look - indeed, any undertaking bears fruit, inadvertently thrown words materialize.

The meaning of dreamed body parts

Each caress has its own meaning, so it’s worth delving into the dream and its details in order to understand what the plot is about. Dream books recommend reproducing in memory the exact sequence of actions, identifying seemingly unimportant little things, and re-feeling emotions.

When assembling puzzles into a whole picture, do not neglect such detail as human body. Each organ is capable of revealing many more cards than it seems. And, for example, when having fun with your lover in a dream, do not forget where he kissed you:

  • nose - you will be embarrassed, confused;
  • ear - believe empty promises;
  • legs - the annoying character will tire you;
  • intimate points - complain about your health.

In the stomach

A pregnant woman dreamed of kissing her belly - childbirth will be easy and quick. For a man, dream books prophesy a home - a full cup, a caring spouse. If your belly is convex and hairy, you will acquire an impressive purchase, perhaps real estate.

To dream about a kiss on smooth abs means experiencing some difficulties and sadness.

In your hand

For a woman whose hand has been taken, dream books remind her of her loose tongue - what is spoken out loud has the peculiarity of turning against the speaker.

If the kiss lands on your hand, you will stumble and find yourself in a position that requires the intervention of strangers. The wrist in a dream belongs to a priest - you will lose motivation, inspiration, and experience a crisis.

Sucking in the mouth

A French, hot, passion-filled kiss - piquant details, previously hidden, will be revealed. If you are hiding unpleasant secrets, it is better to hush them up.

An emotional partner pounced on the sleeping person so that drool is running down his chin - there will be communication in a raised voice, you will make a scandal, be indignant.

What does a gentle and forced smack mean?

A gentle touch, a relaxing atmosphere, twilight will give harmony, freshness of thought, and high spirits. What is happening is brightened up by a magical surrounding: nature, silence, a shooting star on the horizon - you have done enough, now you simply must take a moment for yourself.

Goosebumps in your sleep from the breath of your chosen one in the back of your head - expect a valuable romantic gift, a thoughtful surprise.

You may well dream of not only a tremulous fusion of lips, but also a rough, forceful kiss. Rejecting a persistent, pestering person is a shame, confusion, an unpleasant impression. Don’t panic, you managed to escape and turn away – the culprits will get what they deserve.

According to the dream book, if everything pointed to an upcoming kiss, but it remained unfulfilled, and after waking up you are tormented by a residue of incompleteness - do not be upset. You are protected by the invisible wings of angels from evil rock.

Why dream of seeing someone else's kiss?

Accidentally stumbling upon a couple kissing each other is not a very encouraging sign. Watching from the back, without seeing the face, without being able to determine who it is - they are insincere with you, they are misleading.

Actors on stage portray love - in real relationships there is also a tiny amount of real love, according to the dream book.

Observe a same-sex couple: for a lady - independence, independence, wealth; the dream book asks a guy to be careful in his choice of friends.

Dream Interpretation of AstroMeridian

Why did you dream about exchanging kisses?

Kiss - Physical intimacy is symbolic in itself, since it reflects not only feelings, but also an act of unification or reconciliation. But if hugs with family or a lover are easy to explain, then, for example, why dream of a kiss with a person who is hostile to you? Depending on the circumstances, touching lips portends immense respect or dependence on others.

  • Kissing a friend in a dream - in reality, pleasant news awaits you.
  • A kiss with a stranger foreshadows a quick reconciliation, resolution of a conflict situation in the inner circle of acquaintances.
  • If you dreamed that children kissed each other on the cheek, peace and perfect mutual understanding would reign in the family.
  • Seeing a touching kiss on your mother’s cheek will be a blessing: any of your endeavors after such a plot will be crowned with success.
  • Kissing someone on the lips in the light? Your nobility and dedication will resonate in the hearts of those around you. However, kissing in the dark warns of danger due to a dissolute lifestyle and requires you to be more restrained.

Psychological interpretation of dreams according to Ivan Furtsev

Why did you dream about Kisses?

Kissing a guy - A light touch of lips is a sign of politeness or an expression of passion. Psychoanalysts indicate that a kiss can be dreamed of both during times of strong excitement or changes in personal relationships, and on the eve of spiritual liberation due to the presence of some negative energies. Being a symbol of dominance and suppression, a dreamed kiss acquires a certain meaning only in combination with the object at which it is directed.

  • When you are with your family, you feel maximum comfort, so a kiss from one of your relatives is a sign of spiritual harmony. You enjoy life, feel joy in everyday life and perceive the world around us like an endless holiday.
  • Why dreaming of a kiss with a casual acquaintance or boss reveals suspicions: a subconscious feeling of anxiety and anticipation of imminent problems associated with this person. If someone breaks into your sleep and interrupts an intimate moment, beware of betrayal from your friends.

Romantic dream book

Why do you dream about a Kiss?

Kissing a girl - Deep emotions do not always manifest themselves in reality, so don’t be afraid to see and enjoy a kiss: intimate action symbolizes the evolution of feelings.

  • If spouses kiss each other even in their dreams, their connection is incredibly strong, and time spent together will only strengthen it. Plot circumstances are regarded as signs of impending changes in relationships.
  • Why dream of a passionate kiss with a lover in the light - it means that simple dates will gradually develop into something more promising, sincere and favorable.
  • The dream is colored by impenetrable darkness, the twilight of a club or flickering candles, and your kissing partner in the dream turns out to be a stranger? This symbolizes hardships in relationships: the dreamer faces serious trials, betrayals, or disappointing intrigues. Sort out your feelings or break up with your lover.

The meaning of a dream about Violation of personal space (Dream Book of Spiritual Seekers)

Kiss - Dreaming that some shadow figures kiss the sleeping person - in this form, the esoteric process of spiritual liberation from local negative energies (demons) occurs with the correct Christian prayer. After such dreams with kisses, the prayer practitioner feels extraordinary freedom, lightness, liberation and inspiration - this is the meaning of the dream.

Big dream book of Natalia Stepanova

Why does a woman dream about a kiss?

  • Dreaming of kissing your beloved girl in the dark means reckless debauchery.
  • A kiss in a dream with a guy you like portends respect and deference towards women.
  • I dreamed of kissing children - peace and harmony in the family, satisfaction from one’s work.
  • Dreamed of kissing your mother on the cheek - to successful entrepreneurship, love and respect from friends.
  • In a dream, a kiss with a brother or sister is a sign of future pleasures and good friendship.

Dream Book of the Wanderer (Terenty Smirnov)

Interpretation of Kisses from your dream

  • A dream of a friendly kiss with an ex-boyfriend symbolizes separation.
  • If you dreamed of a sensitive, passionate kiss, it foretells that the disease will soon recede.
  • I dreamed of a long kiss from a man - a painful long separation or a strong quarrel.
  • Coldness on the lips after kisses in a dream - death itself has marked you.
  • Pain in the lips after a kiss in a dream - liberation from painful waiting and care.

Miller's Dream Book

Why do you dream about a kiss in a dream?

  • You kiss children - means happy reconciliation in the family and satisfaction in work.
  • To dream that you are kissing your mother means that success in business, love and respect from friends awaits you.
  • Kissing a brother or sister in a dream is a sign of future pleasures and good friendship.
  • A kiss in a dream with your beloved in the dark portends danger and debauchery, and a kiss with her in the light means that you will not change your noble attitude towards women.
  • Kiss in a dream unknown woman- a harbinger of immoral acts.
  • Seeing your rival kissing your beloved is a sign that you are in danger of losing her respect.
  • For spouses, to see a dream with a kiss from each other means spiritual harmony that will never leave their home.
  • You kiss an enemy - means that you will succeed in reconciling with a friend.
  • Why dream of a young lady kissing a fan, interrupted by a random observer - the dream foreshadows her daring actions on the part of her imaginary friends, this is how the dream book interprets Kiss, and everything you dream about.
  • Kiss on the lips with relatives? You have good and interesting friends with whom you spend your free time.
  • A kiss on the lips with a friend indicates troubles, problems that will arise due to the fault of your dream partner.

Modern dream book

Kisses - what they mean for the dreamer

  • If you dream of a kiss, in reality you will encounter deception on the part of your friends, their hypocrisy, betrayal, and deceit.
  • A dream of a friendly kiss warns of the emergence of hostility or misunderstanding between people.
  • A kiss with a relative predicts the loss of trust, mutual respect, and squabbles.
  • Kissing your regular partner is empty dream, which throws up images from your memories.
  • Why dream of a kiss with a stranger indicates the emergence of a situation that will bring a lot of anxiety and negative emotions.

New and most complete dream book 1918

Why do you dream about a kiss?

  • If in a dream you dream of a kiss on the hand from a gallant man, it foretells a chance to get rich, which you may miss by underestimating the consequences of your rash act.
  • If in a dream your husband’s drunken friend tries to kiss you, in reality you will be disappointed in this person, and there will be good reasons for this.
  • Kissing your chosen one - such a dream foreshadows an imminent wedding for a young girl.
  • Seeing a husband kissing another is a sign of adultery in reality.
  • Seeing a man kiss means disappointment in failures; for women, in reality you will have a great rest and have fun with your friends.
  • Kissing children in a dream - in reality, excessive fuss and impatience will bring the opposite of the expected result.
  • A child's kiss portends new worries.
  • Dreaming of children kissing is a sign of happy reconciliation in the family and satisfaction with their position.
  • A mother kissing you in a dream foreshadows the love and care of loved ones. Kissing a stranger in a dream dark entrance or gateway means that, having sufficient funds, you will spend them unwisely, trying to show off the eyes of the person whose love you want to achieve with everyone possible ways and whatever it costs you.
  • Why does a bride dream of a kiss with her groom foreshadows the disruption of the wedding on the very eve.
  • If, on the contrary, he kisses you, it means just an annoying misunderstanding, which will quickly become clear to the great joy of both.
  • A pleasant kiss in a dream means that in reality you will attract the attention of many men.
  • Kissing freaks or lustful elders means that only endurance and patience can bring you the desired result.
  • Kissing a dead man's forehead in a dream means that joys and sorrows will alternate evenly in your family life.
  • Kissing a cross or the Bible in a dream means that in reality you will be disappointed in your chosen one even before the wedding.

Assyrian dream book

The magic of the Kiss - what it means for the dreamer

Dreamed kisses often signify romantic feelings, such as the kiss that woke Sleeping Beauty from a deep sleep. A kiss can also symbolize betrayal, such as the kiss of death with which Judas betrayed Christ. Whether the dreamer accepts the kiss or kisses himself, as well as the feelings that arise during the kiss, determine the meaning of the symbol.

Big modern dream book/ Zaitsev S., Kuzmin S.

Interpretation of 7777 dreams: Kiss

  • According to the dream book, to see children kissing means there was a quarrel in your family, now there will be reconciliation.
  • To see a kiss with someone unfamiliar - a new love interest awaits you, and here you have no control over yourself; just try not to make too many sacrifices.

Every person has had a colorful, memorable dream at least once in his life, but not everyone attaches importance to it. But how can you not attach importance to the fact that you have to kiss a man in a dream? This article will talk about kisses in people's dreams.

Every person has had a colorful, memorable dream at least once in their life, but not everyone attaches importance to it

Some people mistakenly believe that the dream book interprets the image of a kiss in a dream as a portent of love. This is not always the case.

Here are some meanings of this image:

  1. If the dreamer watches someone kiss, she will be drawn into an adventure. This will entail a number of negative consequences. Dealing with failure will not be easy.
  2. A kiss with a former lover in dreams is a sign that the girl’s real relationship with her chosen one is not going smoothly.
  3. If a woman has a dream in which she had to kiss her current chosen one, this means that in the near future she will be deceived by him. Treason is not ruled out.
  4. A kiss that was unforgettable is dreamed of for an imminent wedding. Perhaps a woman will receive a marriage proposal unexpectedly.
  5. Pressing your lips to the lips of a deceased person means career growth.
  6. Seeing someone kiss and saying, “You're a great kisser” means being involved in someone's conflict. The girl may be drawn into conflict situation against her will and she will have to take sides.
  7. A friend kissed you in a dream - to joyful event. But if the kiss with a friend was passionate, then the event will have unpleasant consequences.
  8. If in a dream you had to kiss your enemy, with whom you had a quarrel the day before, there will be reconciliation with him in the future.
  9. A dream in which you really wanted to kiss your beloved man is a dream of separation from him.
  10. If in a dream a woman wanted to kiss her close friend, this promises her failure in love affairs.

Of all the dreams, this is perhaps one of the most serious in terms of meaning.

Why do you dream about a kiss (video)

The meaning of this dream according to Miller’s dream book

Psychologist Miller gives a double interpretation of the dream, where the central event is a kiss. The meaning of the dream largely depends on the emotions that the dreamer experienced during this process.

So the values ​​are:

  • A girl feels joy when a guy touches her with his lips, she thinks something like “I’m kissing a real handsome guy!” – good sign. If a man is attractive to her both externally and internally, and a tender thrill appears during his touch, then in the near future the dreamer will experience a sea of ​​pleasures and pleasures.
  • The guy is unpleasant to the girl, and she has no desire to be with him - bad sign. Someone from the dreamer's close circle will disappoint her.

Should I be afraid of something after such a dream?

Some dream books contain a number of warnings after such a dream

Some dream books contain a number of warnings after such a dream. It is believed that touching other lips with your lips has a negative imprint in real life. What should you protect yourself from? First of all, from rashness and frivolity. This is especially true for young girls who are in a state of love.

The founder of psychoanalysis, Sigmund Freud, believed that the image of a romantic man with whom in her dream the girl entered into intimate relationship, reflects her inexperience and excessive curiosity. Therefore, in order to protect herself and her reputation, she must take the choice of her first sexual partner more seriously. Otherwise, the girl may get psychological trauma, firmly “stuck” in her subconscious. This will leave an imprint on her entire future life. That is why such a dream must be taken seriously.

Kissing a man you know in a dream: what does it mean?

There will be a meeting with interesting guy with a foggy past

If in a dream a woman kissed a man she knew, this could mean the following:

  1. There will be a meeting with an interesting guy with a foggy past. He will probably hide his true face from the dreamer. This will lead to the loss of her impeccable reputation.
  2. It is possible that you will meet a person who likes to live at someone else’s expense. He may also have the makings of narcissism.
  3. If a girl knows the person she kisses in her dream, and at the same time she is in a relationship with him, then they will soon break up. If there is reconciliation, it will be short-lived.
  4. The guy whom the dreamer not only kisses, but also regrets, is in danger. This person must be warned about this and advised not to forget about caution.
  5. If someone else kisses a man you know, in the near future the dreamer will receive some kind of adventurous proposal.

It is also believed that if a woman experiences an insatiable desire to touch the guy she knows in life with her lips in a dream, then she has a lack of emotions. Perhaps you can make up for this deficiency by going on a trip.

Kissing a stranger in a dream

This dream promises a quick fall in love

This dream promises quick falling in love. You shouldn’t take this feeling seriously, because it will fade away as quickly as it appears. As for the relationship with the guy who is the object of love, it will not last long. There is also no need to talk about regret on the part of each partner, because none of them will want to renew their romance.

If a married lady dreams of this, there is a high probability that she will allow herself to be carried away by someone “on the side.” Such a hobby will not pass without a trace, the deception will be exposed, and the family will fall apart.

Such a dream for a girl may be the result of a lack of attention from men.

Kissing in a dream with another guy in front of your husband

Such a dream is actually a virtual betrayal

Such a dream is actually a virtual betrayal. Why virtual? Yes, because it happens in an irrational world human consciousness. Most likely, a woman likes to feel guilty in real life, she strives for adventure. However, she cannot get the dose of emotions that she needs, so she has to experience feelings dedicated to other men. These missing feelings are reflected in dreams.

As for the interpretation itself, it can warn the dreamer of impending danger. It is not prohibited to commit immoral acts in a dream, but it certainly leaves its mark on a person’s life. You need to remember this and try to get the right dose of emotions in everyday life.

Seeing a passionate kiss in a dream

Any kiss already implies a certain passion, because at this moment people violate each other’s intimate space. Unfortunately, in human dreams, passion is not a good sign. The more passion that was put into the kiss, the greater the troubles that the dreamer will have to face.

What can you expect?

  • Betrayals.
  • Grievances.
  • Remorse.
  • Threats.
  • Deception, etc.

If on the eve of such a dream you were planning to do some important business, you can forget about its successful outcome. The more passion was invested in the process of two people kissing each other, the harder it will be for the dreamer in reality.

If the moment of the kiss was not only passionate, but also sensual, the dreamer will part with his soulmate, and the process of separation will be very painful and difficult.

Kissing in a dream: dream book (video)

Despite the largely negative interpretation of this dream, it always carries a warning. This means that if you give it the correct interpretation in a timely manner, you can avoid trouble.

Attention, TODAY only!

Sleep is one of the most important physiological processes in human life, but not fully understood. There are many opinions and statements about dreams. Some scientists consider sleep to be a continuation of everyday reality, others highlight and focus on the feelings that a person experiences in a dream. Still others compare dreams to books, which the body perceives through a special prism of sensations. Still others argue that a person sees dreams on an unconscious level, so they cannot tell anything about the future, and in a dream only the processing of present and past events occurs.

However, when many people wake up in the morning, they remember what they dreamed about and look for the relationship between dreams and real-life events, turning to one or another dream book.

Let's turn to the most vital, ordinary and often widespread phenomenon - kissing in a dream. It's no secret that kissing has the most direct connection with youth and love. Yes, of course, two teenagers kissing on a park bench or on an escalator in the subway look romantic. But many men and women at the dawn of their strength also have a dream where they kiss in their sleep, and then spend the whole morning wondering what this dream is for? For joy or sorrow?

There are many interpretations of this dream. Sages and dream interpreters share this category into two subtypes: kissing a stranger or kissing a loved one. So, in the first case, a favorable day awaits you with good news and pleasant changes. And in the second case, when you kiss a loved one in a dream, insidious betrayal and disappointment in your soulmate await you.

If you open the bookmark “dream book of kissing your loved one” " , then you won’t be very happy either. The meaning foreshadows a quick change in life circumstances, separation and parting with exactly the one with whom you were in the dream

Kissing a man in a dream means that he devotes little time to the woman he loves, and his other half is bored without affection, care, and attention. You need to try to change your daily routine and find time to be tender to your loved one.

A dream in which a woman kisses a stranger may portend a new acquaintance. At first glance, your new chosen one will be strong, brave, attractive. But when you get to know him better, you will be disappointed, because you will recognize in your hero an ordinary quitter and opportunist, trying to live at someone else’s expense.

If in a dream you find yourself an involuntary witness to a scene where another couple is kissing, then in the near future be very attentive and careful. Don't let yourself be drawn into an unpleasant story.

With work colleagues or relatives means building a bridge of good relations. Kissing famous and famous people in a dream means that success in business awaits you. Feeling the kiss of a person who has died foreshadows unfulfilled plans and hopes.

The positive meaning of a dream with a kiss awaits girls and two quarreling friends. For girls, this dream should bring a long-awaited and quick marriage. And to the two enemies - quick reconciliation and friendship.

In real life, of course, kissing is always associated with the feeling of falling in love and with the realization of sexual desire. This kind of kiss is different from a friendly kiss. It carries the passion and energy of love from one loving soul to another.

If you woke up in the morning from a dream in which someone kissed you, this indicates your strong sexual desire for the one you love, and the impossibility of realizing it in reality. Very often you wake up in the most mesmerizing place. The reason is all kinds of obstacles and a feeling of prohibition. You really want this to happen. But your brain understands well that this is impossible at the moment, and you wake up.
