How to tell fortunes on a guy with a regular deck of playing cards on hand? Fortune telling on cards for a guy is very interesting.

I will lay out my fate on the cards,

I’ll tell myself a lot about everything.
Every evening the tablecloth is red - and again
I wonder and wonder about love...

Where does love go? Disappears, dissolves in the darkness, leaving behind non-healing scars. How to stop her, hold her and never let her go? If people knew the answer to this question, they would be happy. It is very difficult to keep her, but finding out whether the person you have feelings for loves you is possible and even very simple!

Fortune telling with playing cards for a guy

The fastest and easiest way to find out if the object of your love has any feelings for you is to spread the Three Kings cards. The king corresponding to the type of guy is laid out in the center of the table. At the top we lay out the three remaining cards face up in any order. Then we take the cards remaining in the deck of 36 pieces and begin to lay them out one on top of the other in a fan, in turn on each of the three cards. Lay out the cards face down. We place the last card on the central one.
Then we collect the cards laid out on the top three kings, mix them and lay them out again. We repeat this only three times. Don't forget to place the last card in the center. As a result, we have three cards laid out on the king, which lies in the center of the table. Let's turn them over and look:

  1. Ace - your boyfriend has strong feelings towards you, you just need to wait a little.
  2. Queen - be careful: the lady is a 100% rival, if she is first in the count, it means that everything is serious there.
  3. Jack - your chosen one is simply a Moor: jealous and very selfish, selfish and ambitious. Whether you need it - decide for yourself.
  4. Ten - the young man has only brotherly feelings for you.
  5. Nine - the guy loves you, but in order for you to be together, you need to make every effort, don’t sit idly by!
  6. Eight - expect a very serious conversation with your loved one.
  7. Seven - a meeting that takes place on Thursday or Sunday will not lead to anything good.
  8. Six is ​​a dummy, you, alas, cannot have anything.

At all, fortune telling for men's love is very common among girls and women. A very interesting fact is that most women, having laid out the cards and learned how a man treats them, continue active actions aimed at attracting him, even if the cards showed that nothing will work out there.
Other women and girls, on the contrary, seeing a clue to their fate in the arrangement of the cards, abruptly change their plan of action, often switching their attention to someone else - and receive a lucky bonus!

Fortune telling with cards for a guy's love - see tips

What clues can there be when you spread the cards?
If you get a queen, jack and ten together, then turn one hundred and eighty degrees and run away from him!

  • Ace and nine - you have a ninety-nine chance out of a hundred that you will be together with your loved one.
  • Cards with numbers eight and seven - you can only have friendly relations.
  • It is very interesting if two or three jacks appear: the first of them is your betrothed. Two or three ladies - your friend is involved in bad intrigues against you. Two or three aces - this year or within three months you will get married!

When I have a baby- fortune telling about the possibility of becoming a mother is also very common among the fair sex.
All cards are shuffled. A question is asked. We begin to lay out one card at a time, picture up, from left to right. We lay out every seventh card face up, the rest - face down. There were five cards in total face up. Let's look at them. If among these cards there is a queen and a six, you will soon become a mother! It is undesirable to see a nine and an ace in a five of cards: there may be a miscarriage.

When we pick up a deck of cards and ask a question, we involuntarily attract our destiny to the cards. The main thing is to correctly read what the cards tell you.

The female sex can be curious, especially in matters of love. The girl wants to know about the guy’s feelings: Does he love him? Does he have serious intentions or is he “playing” with feelings? Or a representative of the fair sex is tormented by doubts... What if he has a new passion that is more interesting, more beautiful or more passionate?!

Previously, there were “witches” for such cases. Their names were passed down from mouth to mouth. Ladies, women, and girls went to the fortune tellers and brought a “gift” for the service. The sorceress spread out the deck and revealed all the men’s secrets.

Now there is no need to look for fortune tellers; every doubting and curious girl herself can “spoil for a sweetheart” at home. Know that if you tell fortunes yourself, only simple but truthful rituals are “subject to your control.” But don’t worry, because simple layouts predict the future and reveal the secrets of your beloved guy.

Preparing for the schedule

First, buy cards. A regular playing deck can be purchased at a gift shop or print kiosks. The cards must be new, “unplayed”.

Fortune telling with playing cards for love and boyfriend's name

Thoroughly shuffle the 36-card deck. Think about who you are telling fortunes about. Let go of all thoughts, visualize the person you are making the “alignment” for. Then move the top of the deck towards you with your left hand - this is called moving to the “heart”. Place the top part of the deck under the bottom.

Lay out the cards in one row, starting from the top. Put as many pieces as there are letters in the guy's full name. Don't shorten your name! If your boyfriend's name is Kostya, then full name Konstantin - guess by him. There are ten letters in the name - so you get ten piles. Place the cards side up (the side with the same pattern).

When scattering cards into piles, you cannot see the pictures. Lay out the entire deck, then take the pile in front of which the last card ended. Lay it out the same way, and at the end there should be only two piles left.

Next action– take a card from two piles with both hands at the same time. Turn over and look at the picture. If you get two cards of the same value (for example, two sixes, two tens), then put them aside - these paired cards will tell about the guy’s feelings.

Lay out cards until the entire deck is gone, but only once!

Interpretation of the layout

  • Sixes are the road. The guy wants to come to you.
  • Sevens - date. Wants to see you.
  • Eights - conversation. Wants to talk to you.
  • Nines - love. Loves you very much.
  • Tens – interest. The guy is interested in you and the events happening around you.
  • Jack - cares about you.
  • The lady is a rival. The guy who was wished for is no longer free.
  • The king is jealousy.
  • Ace - Wants you. Experiences an irresistible attraction.

The next method of fortune telling will reveal the feelings of the chosen one, but will do it in more detail.

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A simple fortune telling about a man's feelings

We choose a king (this is the man you are telling fortunes about). Take the king of the suit that suits your chosen one:

  • Mature, respectable - the king of clubs (in common parlance - crosses).
  • Young, unmarried - the king of diamonds.
  • Married is the king of hearts.
  • A man you know nothing about, a stranger, is the king of spades.

Place the selected card. We place the remaining three above the king. Next we proceed to fortune telling. Don’t forget to shuffle the deck and move the top part with your left hand “towards the heart”.

Place the cards face down on the top kings. The last card, also face down, on the bottom one is “your” king. Then shuffle those cards that remain in your hands again and repeat the steps. It should only happen three times.

Now take all the cards placed on “your” king and evaluate them.

Explanation of the cards drawn

  • A six rolled out in a reading does not bode well. Even if you are with this man, it will not end well for you. He is unworthy of you and your feelings.
  • Seven - promises a pleasant surprise, unexpected joy; perhaps you will soon hear a marriage proposal from him.
  • Eight - to a conversation that will shed light on the future with a man.
  • Nine - he is not indifferent to you. Hot feelings will flare up between you, but many obstacles will arise on the path to joint happiness. Be determined and patient. After overcoming difficulties, a happy future awaits.
  • Ten - if a man has an interest in you, then it is friendly sympathy. Serious relationship will not arise. Look around, you may notice that someone else has feelings for you that are greater than friendship.
  • Jack - you are fussing in vain. The chosen one does not have feelings for you. Don't expect anything.
  • The lady is a rival interfering with your plans. When the lady came closer to the king, bad sign– don’t get this man.
  • Ace - the person you are fortune-telling has strong feelings for you, but something prevents him from revealing them. Soon everything will work out and you will be happy together.

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  1. Do not give the deck you use for divination to anyone.
  2. The cards will give the most correct answers during fortune telling in the evening.
  3. Never play with fortune cards.
  4. When you are not telling fortunes, hide the deck from prying eyes.
  5. You can’t guess on Easter or Trinity.
  6. It’s good to do the layout on Friday, especially the thirteenth.
  7. You can't guess multiple times on one guy. U knowledgeable people There is a definition for this case: “You will lose your happiness.”
  8. Christmas time is the time to tell fortunes. Fortune telling on such days will be true.

In what cases will fortune telling not come true?

Fortune telling will never come true if:

  • There is a distrustful person in the fortune telling room.
  • Very noisy, children frolicking and jumping.
  • If you start guessing, and the cards crumble and fall out of your hands.
  • If enabled electrical appliances: computer, phones, TV.

In conclusion, I will say that a prediction, no matter how true it may be, is not a verdict. A person has the power to change a lot in his life. Especially if he seeks love.

If the cards tell you something unpleasant, do not hold your head in grief, do not wring your hands in despair, do not shed tears. Get together, think and decide what actions to take to improve the situation. And do as your heart tells you.

invented a long time ago unmarried girls card fortune telling the guy remains very popular to this day. You don’t know how to pass a long evening without your sweetheart and want to find out what awaits the relationship in the future - spread the cards using any of the options proposed below!

How to correctly guess on cards for a guy

The subtleties of card divination are determined by the types of cards used in fortune telling: Tarot, oracle, Lenormand, animal totems, life goals or simple playing cards.

Only trained fortune-tellers and sorcerers are allowed to use a fortune-telling deck with magical encrypted symbols that differ from the standard hierarchy from six to ace, since such predictions require experience and the ability to read information from cards correctly.

Usually, card fortune telling is a way for people to have fun, but figuring out magic puzzles without serious training is an impossible task. And why complicate your life, knowing the main principle of predictions:

Fortune telling at the right time (Christmas, Christmastide and other days allowed for witchcraft) in a simple way, the future will open to you. All you need to do is interpret the signs correctly.

Fortune telling on a guy, betrothed or loved one using playing cards- this is a tradition carefully preserved by the Slavs for hundreds of years. Ask any girl what rules of fortune telling on cards should be followed, and she will answer without hesitation:

  • the deck must be new;
  • before fortune telling, you should not give a stack of cards to anyone;
  • the same type of divination cannot be used several times;
  • the cards will no longer serve the owner if another girl uses them or you use them for games;
  • Sit for a virgin on the cards before laying out the pictures and the result will be one hundred percent true;
  • You should cast a fortune on a man on women’s days (Wednesday, Friday), you must avoid the coincidence of the date of fortune telling with church holidays(except Christmas and Epiphany) and memorial days.

Unspoken laws love magic It’s easy to remember with the help of cards, as well as to carry out the fortune telling itself. Let's get started.

To find out how your chosen one treats you, use this method.

Wish on the king lover's name:

  • single - think about diamonds;
  • is in a relationship - on hearts;
  • an older man - on the club;
  • military or unfamiliar - to the peak.

Shuffle the playing deck. Hold the cards face down and place them in order. Turn the picture over and say:

  1. "King of Diamonds"
  2. "Tell me, dear"
  3. "Do you love me?"
  4. "I love you"
  5. "With my heart!"
  6. "Soul"
  7. “I want to be with someone else!”

Continue taking pictures until the hidden king appears. The interpretation is simple:

  • The man fell on the first, fourth, sixth, seventh phrase - he is not indifferent to you;
  • On the second or third - feelings are unsteady, uncertain;
  • On the seventh, you will fight for his love with your rival.

You don’t have to limit yourself to just one prediction; you can specify the result using the following method.

Draw an image of your loved one in your imagination, say his name several times. Try to think about him all the time. Shuffle the deck and arrange it into as many piles as there are letters in the young man's name. As you turn over each pile, look at the suit of the former card on the bottom.

For a fair-haired guy, the card should be red, and for a dark-haired guy, black. Heaps with a suitable card according to the conditions are added without mixing into one. In those where the color of the icon is different, the cards are put aside until the required suit appears. Then, without the cards put aside, the stack is placed in a common deck.

In the same way, the compiled deck is once again laid out into the number of piles corresponding to the sum of the letters of the diminutive version of the name. A series of cards again composed of stacks is laid out in pairs in order. Check for paired cards in the deuces. Let's decipher the result:

  • Two sixes - marriage awaits; four - your spouse will be faithful to you.
  • Two sevens - you will meet soon; four - will invite you to a love date.
  • Two eights - wants to talk; four - beware of quarrels.
  • Two nines - the feelings are mutual; four - great love between you.
  • Two tens - the guy is interested in you; four - has a mercantile interest in you.
  • Two jacks - to troubles; four - you'll waste your time.
  • Two ladies - hopes for favor; four - believes gossip about you.
  • Two kings are a symbol of strong friendship; four - loves you like a brother.
  • Two aces - you will be close; four - passion will overwhelm both.

This type of prediction will be true only if the situation is loved one, with whom a relationship is already being built. You cannot tell fortunes about unknown young people or friends in this way. If you have difficulties, you can do this.

From time immemorial, love ones have been considered the most truthful, and besides, they can be used by young girls who do not have a permanent boyfriend. The next technique is “Four Jacks”.

Make a wish for a guy for each of the four jacks, remember which one symbolizes whom. Shuffle the card images of your chosen ones and lay them out horizontally, face down. Now start shuffling the rest of the deck. Start the schedule.

Lay out the cards under the male incarnations from left to right, one at a time until the end. Evaluate the resulting columns: if they contain cards of the same value, located one below the other, then remove them from the layout and place them on the jack at the head of the vertical. Distribute the cards three more times in the same way. It is important that the bottom and top cards in the same column lie side by side.

Having completed all the manipulations, open the jacks and evaluate the values ​​of the pairs that fell under them:

  • pair 6 - he is looking for a way to your heart;
  • pair 7 - waiting to meet;
  • pair 8 - important conversation;
  • pair 9 - loves;
  • pair 10 - interested in attention;
  • a couple of ladies - the other is infatuated;
  • a pair of kings - experiencing jealousy;
  • a pair of aces - craves intimacy.

The most common type of fortune telling is fortune telling on regular playing cards for relationships and love. To perform a love ritual, you will need a new deck of 36 playing cards.

A simple way to tell fortunes with cards

This method of fortune telling with cards about love is ideal for an inexperienced, beginner person. At the very beginning, you should, of course, decide which guy you want to perform the ritual on. Next, carefully shuffle the deck of 36 playing cards and remove some. Place the card that is at the top face down in front of you, and repeat the ritual 5 more times.

As a result, you will have six playing cards face down in front of you. Now you can turn them over and find out the meaning of each of the 36 cards individually.

The first card means what your chosen one is thinking about, the second - what is in the heart of your beloved guy, the third - what events will happen in the life of the chosen guy in the near future, the fourth - what is he dreaming about, the fifth - what is he afraid of, and the sixth - is there any The chosen guy is currently in a love relationship.

Decoding fortune telling

The meaning of the cards of the spades suit:

  • Ace is bad news;
  • The king is an influential person;
  • Lady - ill-wisher, enemy;
  • Jack - empty worries, wasted time;
  • Ten - unfulfilled dreams;
  • Nine - illness in the near future;
  • Eight – travel or visiting;
  • Seven - melancholy;
  • Six is ​​a long journey.
    • Ace – new home;
    • The king is an adult man;
    • Lady - native woman;
    • Jack - trouble;
    • Ten – plans for the future;
    • Nine – sincere feelings;
    • Eight – a quick meeting;
    • Seven - upcoming conversation;
    • Six is ​​the road.

  • Ace - excellent news;
  • The king is a young friend;
  • The lady is a faithful friend;
  • Jack - obstacles;
  • Ten - dreams will quickly come true;
  • Nine - strong love;
  • Eight – casual conversation;
  • Seven - a long-awaited and imminent meeting;
  • Six – travel in the near future.

This ritual of fortune telling for a guy using 36 playing cards is best done by the light of two candles.

Find out about the future of relationships using cards

In the case when the beloved is already nearby, any woman will still always be interested in the question of how their relationship will develop in the future. And the answer can also be obtained using playing cards. To do this, you will again need the already well-known deck of 36 cards.

You need to select a king and queen that will symbolize you and your boyfriend. Your card should be placed on the right, and the man's card on the left at a sufficient distance. After mixing the remaining ones, proceed to the layout.

Place two cards to the left of the king and to the right of your figure, which will symbolize what each of you keeps secret. Next, there are two cards under the main ones, and two above the main ones, which mean the near future for you and how you treat each other accordingly.

To the right and left of the first piles laid out, you should put two more cards, which symbolize possible obstacles in your life together. Two cards placed on top of the main ones will reveal your deepest secrets. Place one more card on the bottom of the king and queen, they will symbolize your true feelings for each other. And three times you need to lay out two cards between the figures that will describe your past, present and future relationships.

Decoding the layout

Spades suit value:

  • Ace - the relationship will end soon;
  • The King is a noble friend;
  • Lady - rival, mistrust;
  • Jack - unpleasant worries;
  • Ten – cooling;
  • Nine – illness;
  • Eight – mistrust;
  • Seven - scandal;
  • Six is ​​a long journey together.
  • Ace - marriage;
  • The king is a secret lover;
  • Lady - you or his girlfriend;
  • Jack - serious problems of an intimate nature;
  • Ten – shared experiences;
  • Nine - your relationship is very strong;
  • Eight - recognition of the secret;
  • Seven – secret dates;
  • Six – honeymoon or mutual sympathy.
  • Ace - news;
  • The king is a young bachelor;
  • Lady - you or your friend;
  • Jack - experiences;
  • Ten – friendly interest;
  • Nine – light flirting;
  • Eight – joint plans;
  • Seven - fun;
  • Six - a short journey together.

Club suit meaning:

  • Ace – workload;
  • King - boss or colleague;
  • Lady - boss;
  • Jack – problems with finances;
  • Ten is a gorgeous present;
  • Nine – romance at work;
  • Eight – upcoming conversation about money;
  • Seven – meetings at work;
  • Six – business trip.

A few final words

If you do not have experience in conducting fortune-telling rituals using 36 cards, any, even the simplest layout, may seem confusing and incomprehensible to you. It will take time and patience to learn to hear the cards, understand them, and discern what they want to tell you.

Experienced oracles and mediums advise women to perform rituals on the so-called women's days - Wednesday and Friday, when the cards are more inclined to tell the truth. But on Sunday it is better to refrain from any fortune-telling.

Also, under no circumstances should you cross your arms or legs during the ritual, as this can disrupt the flow of information. During the session, you should completely relax and focus your attention on the issue that interests you.

Very often, telling fortunes about a guy becomes a favorite pastime of young schoolgirls and young girls in general. Their heads are often occupied with numerous questions: Does he love or does not love? What awaits me with this guy: love or separation? Will he call me or not? The answers to these questions can be found out not only with the help of cards, but also by fortune telling on paper. Fortune telling of this kind is considered very simple, so you can use it even in class when you have a free minute.

Fortune telling "yes" or "no"

Fortune telling occurs this way: a certain person you like or to whom you are attracted is guessed. Having mentally formulated a desire that can be answered with a simple “yes” or “no,” vertical sticks are drawn on a piece of paper. You can do as much as you like until you get bored. Then each two sticks are connected with a horizontal line to form the letter H.

The result looks like on paper: if there is not a single free stick left and there are only “NNNNNNNN” words all around, then the wish will most likely come true. If one stick is left without a pair, then the wish, unfortunately, is not destined to come true.

Fortune telling on the heart

If you want to tell fortunes about love, find out how this or that guy treats you, what feelings he has for you and what he thinks, then fortune telling on your heart will answer all your questions regarding love. For fortune telling, you need to do the following: draw a small heart on checkered paper. Those who write right hand- must depict it with the left hand, and left-handers, respectively, with the right. Inside the heart, use a pen to circle all the whole cells and start crossing out four pieces at a time. This can be done in two ways: square or horizontally in one row.

By the number of remaining cells you can judge the guy’s attitude towards you:

  • 0 – mutual love;
  • 1 – respect;
  • 2 – strong love;
  • 3 – mutual sympathy;
  • 4 – jealousy;
  • 5 – sees you in a dream;
  • 6 – indifference.

Fortune telling by cigarette

Fortune telling by cigarette is suitable for girls who smoke. Take a cigarette and smoke until only the bull remains. Just do this carefully, as you can burn your fingers. When the cigarette reaches the filter, the ash should fall out on its own. You can shake it if you want, no big deal. Then the filter is held tightly between the fingers and rotated as many times as the fortuneteller is old. If you do everything correctly, the first letter of the name of the guy you are destined to be with will appear on the cigarette filter.

Fortune telling by chamomile

If you have a loved one and you, like any normal girl, want to know what lies ahead for you, fortune telling a guy using a chamomile will help you with this. We draw a daisy on a piece of paper so that the number of petals is equal to the number of letters of the guy’s name. If, for example, the guy’s name is Sergey and his name has 6 letters, then we draw a daisy with 6 petals. Don’t forget to draw a stem on the paper from which the report will go. Starting from the first petal, immediately after the stem, clockwise, we put down the letters of the guy’s name, then our name. If the number of letters in your name exceeds the number of petals, then take as many first letters as there are petals. It turns out that each of them contains two letters. We identify vowels and consonants from them. For the result, only those petals are taken that have one vowel and one consonant, all others are not counted. Fortune telling is very truthful, so take a piece of paper with a pen and quickly draw a daisy on paper.

There is no such petal - if you get such a result, then your relationship with this guy will lead nowhere. They may remain friendly, but nothing more.

2 petals - the union will not be bad, but it cannot be called ideal. At first, mutual love will inspire and give strength to perform various actions that seem impossible at first glance. There will be thoughts in your head about your future family and children, it will seem that this is exactly the person whom fate itself sent to you. But the more you get to know him, the more you will be disappointed in your chosen one. There are no completely ideal people and you need to remember this so as not to be disappointed later. Nevertheless, marriages between such couples occur quite often. Living in a marriage, spouses influence and change each other gradually, and shortcomings become invisible.

3 petals - a very successful union, which often ends in a wedding and a happy family life. But don’t delude yourself, everyone has problems, even perfect couples. Therefore, you just need to love each other, and when you quarrel, be able to give in. Because it's better to be happy than proud.

4 petals - if when fortune telling on paper you get exactly this number, then the guy you are fortune-telling about is your destiny. You and him have everything you can only dream of: love, complete understanding and respect for each other. You are a single whole, which no one can destroy.
