Homemade products for cold forging. Cold forging, do-it-yourself machines and drawings

Metal curls made by cold forging, are used to decorate exterior elements.

Products are popular with owners country cottages and utility services involved in the architectural arrangement of public spaces.

You can also use these elements in the manufacture of individual devices -, outdoor furniture, and even dishes.

Such decor, and especially finished products, are very expensive. Even standard kits, put on stream and sold in stores, have an unaffordable price. What can we say about products made using individual order.

Therefore, many home craftsmen try to create such creations on their own. Moreover, “cold forging with your own hands” does not involve classical forging technology. Processing of the workpiece material is carried out without the use of heat and work with a forging hammer. This means that it can be done at home.

However, such work requires special tool– bending for cold forging. The equipment is offered in stores, or is manufactured in workshops to order. The set for universal metal processing is a whole complex of various devices.

Firstly, this is a truly unique tool that allows you to create highly artistic products, without a hammer, blacksmith's forge and anvils.

Secondly, from plain metal Such devices are not made, otherwise the machine will fail at the first load. Therefore, high quality and durable steel increases the price.

Let's look at various homemade devices for cold forging

Let's start with the principle of operation of the tool:
The workpiece (metal circle, square or strip) is installed in the machine between the guides. Using a lever manual or gear electric drive, a change in geometric shape occurs.

There are several standard fixtures that are templates for cold forging.

"Gnutik" device.

This is an improved analogue. With its help, the workpiece is bent at a programmed angle. It can be either single or form geometric shapes. The decorative element can be flat or three-dimensional, and all this is done by one tool. Using a bender, you can make an arc from a straight workpiece.

People have long noticed that metal heated in a forge can be given almost any shape. Forged products look great in any interior. They can be a decorative element of both wooden and stone cottages.

Among the owners of private houses there is hardly a person who would not like to have a wrought iron fence, railing or staircase. But, despite many advantages, products obtained using hot forging - a process in which metal is subjected to high temperature becomes plastic due to high price not available to everyone. There is an alternative - cold forging of metal. Its main advantage is not only low price, but also the availability of technology for independent repetition.

Cold forging of metal is a process in which the metal is not heated, and the product is shaped by bending, pressing, and welding from several pieces.

Some experts believe that the name “cold forging” is not entirely correct. In their opinion, only the process of plastic deformation of hot metal can be called forging. But the name of this metalworking method stuck. Moreover, users believe that in some cases, cold forging of metal can be a worthy replacement for hot forging. We will tell you whether this is actually true in today’s material.

Features of cold forging

There is a common opinion that products obtained by bending come out monotonous, more like factory stamping put into production. However, practice shows that with the proper approach, using cold forging you can create real original works.

Most often, metal is made using cold forging:

  • bars on windows;
  • elements of canopies, railings and awnings for the entrance area;
  • decorative elements for fences, gates and gates;
  • curly legs for tables and chairs;
  • decorative elements: flower stands, fireplace grates, picture frames, mirrors, etc.

For artistic hot forging of metal, products are produced using the cold deformation method on special equipment, which are then welded into one whole: elements of a fence, fence or gate. Moreover, an uninitiated person will not immediately understand by what forging method this product was made.

Goblin 2 FORUMHOUSE user

In my opinion, forged elements made by cold deformation (bending) look no worse than the same elements made by hand - hot forging. And they are cheaper.

Kholmoff FORUMHOUSE user

Cold forging of metal allows, using a fairly simple set of equipment, to create standard elements - torsion bars, rolled peaks, volutes, spatial bending elements. And then, combining this set (from about 10-15 types of standard elements) to create complex patterned products. Any person who owns a metalworking tool can master the bending process if they have the desire.

Regular geometric shapes, in combination with curls and waves, can look very beautiful in metal, because... Any most complex pattern consists of many simple elements.

A significant advantage of cold forging of metal over hot forging is high productivity. It doesn't require much space to work. There is no need to set up and light a forge, forge, or hammer on an anvil. By changing only the equipment, you can quickly create a variety of elements, but to connect the nodes you will need to master welding well.

Kholmoff FORUMHOUSE user

I once did cold forging and learned how to weld semi-automatically in two days.

To receive good result, the process of cold forging of metal should be divided into a number of successive stages:

  • Idea and problem statement.
  • Schematic sketch of an idea by hand on paper.
  • Accurate drawing of the product, either by hand or in a graphics program.
  • Breakdown of the entire product into individual simple elements.
  • Drawing, or printing on a printer, the components of the product in full size.

Some printers support poster printing, i.e. they print parts of a large image on A4 sheets, then all that remains is to glue them together.

  • Calculation of the amount of material required.
  • Manufacturing of individual elements.
  • Grinding and assembly (welding) of individual elements into a single structure.

Despite its apparent simplicity, cold forging of metal requires a thoughtful approach and competent calculation of all the details of the future product. FORUMHOUSE experts advise - to visualize the idea, pre-make individual knots from wire life size. This will help you understand how they will fit together various elements with each other and correct mistakes in time, or find a more successful combination of patterns and individual elements.

The main elements obtained during cold forging of metal include:

  • Paws and peaks. These elements are rolled out from a metal rod.

  • Curls. Includes: volute, chervonka and snail. The volute, or, as it is also called, the steering wheel, has the ends bent in one direction. The chervonka looks like a $ sign. The snail resembles a comma.

  • Rings are made from a rod, round or square, wound on a special mandrel. The result is a kind of metal spring, which is then cut into rings.

  • Torsion. One of the most common elements. It is obtained by twisting one or more rods.

All of the above elements can be made by combining just three technological processes.

1. Hood. Thanks to this process, by reducing the cross-section of the workpiece, it increases in length. In this way, legs and peaks are usually obtained, for which the metal is placed in a special rolling or crimping machine. By passing the workpiece through the rollers and gradually reducing the distance between them, the material is rolled out. Also, relief notches can be applied to the rollers, which give the surface of the workpiece a certain texture.

2. Torsion. The metal (strips or rods) twists along its axis. You can twist one, two, three, or more blanks. To do this, one end of the workpiece (or workpieces) is placed in a vice, and the other begins to be rotated along the axis. If you twist several rods and then compress them by applying force along the axis, they will diverge in an arc. You will get a thickening of woven rods called “Flashlight” or “Basket”.

3. Bending. Metal is bent on a special machine using templates.

To bend metal in different planes, you need the simplest equipment and simple machine tools. There are many cold forging machines available in the market. But due to the high price, their purchase is justified only if further profit is planned. A novice master doing cold forging “for himself” can easily get by with bending metal.

At first, you can get by with simple jigs and mandrels inserted into a regular bench vice. You can make a torsion bar by holding the end of the workpiece in a vice, then put a pipe on it, and, using a wrench, twist the workpiece along its axis.

Alexei62 FORUMHOUSE user

All cold forging tools (except welding machine) can be made from available materials.

The following tools are most often used for cold forging of metal:

  • Gnutik. With its help, the workpiece is bent at a certain angle.

  • Snail. With its help, the workpiece is bent in a spiral. By changing templates you can change the bending radius.

  • Flashlight. This is similar to the equipment for lathe. Using this tool, metal blanks are intertwined with each other to obtain the element of the same name.

  • Wave. The principle of operation of this tool is clear from the name. With its help, the metal is given a wavy surface. The distance between the “crests” of the waves and their height can be adjusted depending on the machine settings.

  • Twister. Twists a strip or rod along the longitudinal axis.

The operating principle of all the above machines is very simple. It is based on applying a certain force to the workpiece through levers, leading to deformation of the metal. Metal bending on machines occurs manually. To make work easier, some machines are equipped with electric motors, which increases their price. Many home craftsmen prefer to make cold forging machines themselves. Also, with the arrival of experience and an increase in the complexity of products, it is necessary to retrofit machines with a variety of equipment - templates, jigs, stops, limiters.

There is a lot of scope for creativity here. Each master makes adaptations for his tasks. It is important to observe the principle of reasonable sufficiency. The most beautiful products can be made using a minimum of equipment.

Secrets of cold forging

One of the main questions for novice craftsmen is: “What metal is suitable for cold forging.” According to members of the forum, you should take the time to visit the local metal warehouses and get acquainted with the list that they offer. For cold forging, the most common “ferrous” metal is used. The running size for strips is width 14 and 16 mm, thickness 2-4 mm. The rod is a square with a side of up to 10 mm. This material is easier to bend. Thicker material, a strip of 20x4 mm, etc., will have to be cut first.

One way to decorate areas is to use forged items. Fences, benches, gazebos, stair railings and other similar structures look very decorative. Moreover, in most cases, these products are not forging in its traditional sense. Most often, this is done not in a forge or with a hammer and anvil, but with the help of some devices that allow you to create a wide variety of patterns and products from metal strips and square rods. To make such products you will need cold forging machines. Some of them you can make with your own hands, others are easier to buy.

Fences, railings for stairs and balconies can also be made with your own hands. Railings for a porch are a decoration, and not a purely utilitarian device.

What kind of devices are used?

Cold forging is characterized by various curls, bends, twisted rods, etc. Almost every type is made on a separate device - a specific machine. They can be driven manually or electrically. For small volumes “for yourself”, manual cold forging machines are used. Although they are not particularly productive, they are much easier to manufacture. If it is necessary to put production on stream, similar devices are made, but with electric motors. In this case, there is almost no need to physically work, but the complexity of making the device increases significantly. In our material we will talk about manual machines for cold forging.

What devices are used:

  • Torsion bars. With their help, tetrahedral rods or strips of metal are twisted in the longitudinal direction. The result is twisted columns, which are also called torsion bars.

  • Flashlight. On this device, the rod is also twisted in the longitudinal direction, but it is also additionally bent in the transverse direction. It turns out something similar to a flashlight. Hence the name of the device.

    This is how they make a flashlight

  • Twisters or snails. Form flat curls of different diameters.

    Device for cold forging snail - for forming curls

  • Bending machines or benders. Allows you to bend rods or reinforcement at the required angle anywhere.

    For bending anywhere and at any angle - bending machines (bending machines)

  • Wave. In fact, this is also a gitik, but more complex design- it allows you to change the direction of bending, obtaining wavy details.

    Machine "Volna" - for the formation of the appropriate relief

  • Devices for processing the ends of parts - inertial stamping machines or other home-made devices.

    Machines for shaping the ends of rods. IN in this case- crow's foot

For a beginning craftsman, the most relevant machine for cold forging is a snail. Only with its help you can make many interesting things - from a fence and gate to a bench and other similar products. In second place in terms of necessity is a torsion bar machine. It adds variety to the details. All the rest can be purchased or made as you improve and gain skill.

Homemade “Snails”

Essentially this is a modernized one), but these improvements make it easy to make curls from fairly thick rods (up to 10-12 mm cross-section) and repeat them with high degree accuracy.

These cold forging machines have several designs, but the easiest to implement is the option with round table, having a central leg. A lever with rollers on bearings at the end is movably attached to the leg. They make the bending process easier.

The table surface can be made of steel sheet with a thickness of 10 mm or more. For the leg, you can use any thick-walled round pipe. It is important to make the structure stable, since lateral forces will be applied, therefore it is necessary side racks, spacers, as well as a stable base.

Drawing of a cold forging machine “Snail”

It is easier to make a lever from square pipe with a thick wall - at least 2-3 mm. The cross-section of the pipe is 25*40 mm or so. Attaching the lever to the leg can be done on a bearing, or you can just take a small piece thick wall pipe larger diameter, put it on the leg, and weld a stop strip at the bottom so that the lever does not fall down. The option with a bearing gives easier movement, but if there is lubrication, the second option also works.

The shape of the lever is also important. The lever is double, the upper part is working, the lower part is supporting. Wherever there are connections, it is advisable to add reinforcement, since the efforts are significant.

A mandrel or jig is fixed on the table - the shape along which the curls are bent. They are made in different diameters so that you can make curls of different diameters. Such mandrels can be prefabricated to form a larger number of bends. Each such sample must have rods that are installed in holes in the table. This is how this template is fixed. Also, its shape must be designed in such a way that the end of the rod is well fixed in it.

Often, mandrels are machined from a metal circle of a suitable diameter using a grinder, but there are options made of metal with steel plates welded onto it, curved accordingly.

How to make a similar machine for cold forging - in next video. There is also a good description of how to bring the ends of the workpiece to a decent state - ordinary raw edges look very rough. To process them there is special equipment, but, as it turned out, you can cope without it.

Torsion bar machine

As already mentioned, these cold forging machines allow you to make longitudinal bends on the rod. This is a relatively simple design. The main task is to fix one end of the rod motionless, attach a lever to the second, with which you can twist the workpiece.

A piece of profiled pipe with a thick wall (at least 3 mm) is suitable as a base. The retainer can be welded from the same rods, leaving a square gap required diameter. You can use a cable clamp suitable size(can be found at a rigging store). Any of these stops is welded to the base.

Cable holder - great for holding rods

Next, you need to somehow ensure grip and torsion of the second part of the workpiece. You can do this using two bearing units. A pipe of a suitable diameter is inserted inside, and a handle is welded to it on one side - the design resembles the letter “T”. On the other hand, a clamp is made in the pipe: four holes are drilled, nuts for 12 or 14 bolts are welded into them. The result is a good clamp - the bolts are tightened after the rod has been inserted.

An even simpler machine for making torsion bars using cold forging is in the next video.

Video about homemade devices and machines for cold forging

Hot forging has been known to man since he began to process and use metals in his life. Before the invention of stamping and metal-cutting machines, hot forging and casting were the only ways to produce tools and weapons, household items and jewelry.

To master traditional blacksmithing, one had to study and gain experience for a long time. The blacksmith's products turned out to be very labor-intensive and unique, this is an undoubted advantage for artistic creativity and an equally obvious disadvantage where a large number of identical products are needed.

Disadvantages of hot forging such as:

  • high labor intensity,
  • high requirements for the qualifications of the master,
  • low repeatability of products.

The cold forging method has no disadvantages. It is based on the property of metals to change their shape within certain limits under the influence of mechanical force. The technology is applicable to round and square bars, metal strip, pipes and rolled products various profiles. Several basic operations such as

  • bending the workpiece at a given angle and along a given radius,
  • formation of curls and spirals,
  • twisting one or more workpieces along the longitudinal axis

and the combination of the resulting parts allows you to create lace fences, gazebos, benches, decorative elements and household utensils in a reasonable time and at an affordable price, several times, or even tens of times lower than when using hot forging.

In addition, all elements will be exactly the same in shape and size, which is especially important when forming patterns and ornaments from them.

To obtain the main elements, special machines are used.

  • Gnutik is one of the most popular. It allows you to bend a rod at a given angle and along a given radius, including in the form of a wave.
  • The snail is used to twist the end of a rod or pipe into a spiral
  • The torsion bar is designed to twist the rod along its longitudinal axis.

If you plan to produce large series of products, you will need an industrial machine. It has high performance, sufficient service life, is equipped with an electric drive of sufficient power, combining a bend, a volute and a torsion bar. Leading manufacturers equip their units with semi-automatic attachments, and the role of the worker is reduced to installing the required mandrel, securing the workpiece and starting the program. The system itself regulates the feed speed, the pressing force of the forming roller, the beginning and end of molding.

If you plan to start by simply getting acquainted with cold forging technology and touching it with your hands, then an entry-level device can be made independently, saving significant amounts, since industrial units are approaching the price of a car.

Gnitik machine

One of the simple designs of a homemade bend consists of the following parts:

  • Solid base with groove.
  • Movable stop moved along the groove by a worm mechanism
  • Two fixed stop-clamps fixed to the base.

Device "Gnutik"

The rollers on the fixed stops are made replaceable in order to be able to bend rods and pipes under different angles and radii. A replaceable roller or wedge is also attached to the movable stop, depending on the required bending shape.

While the workpiece is still straight, it is clamped with fixed stops and, by rotating the drive of the worm mechanism of the bend, a movable stop - a wedge or roller - is brought to it. Continuing to rotate the drive, bend the workpiece to the desired angle.

It is quite possible to make a bend for cold forging with your own hands; it is enough to follow the drawing exactly, observing the dimensions and allowances.

Difficulties in the home workshop can arise with milling high-strength steel and drilling holes in it.

If the workshop does not yet have such equipment, it is better to place an order for the main parts of the bending machine in production - such work will not be completed with a drill and jigsaw.

Connecting and painting parts

To assemble parts into the desired design, it is necessary to provide a flat, free space - on the floor or on the table, depending on the size. It is better to sandblast the workpieces to remove possible rust and clean the surface before welding and painting. You can also make a sandblasting unit yourself from a used gas cylinder, a pair of pipes and taps. For the injector, you can use a ceramic body from a used spark plug. To do this, it is enough to have the skills of welding and metalwork.

After sandblasting, the parts are laid out on the assembly area. For ease of work, you can use lining bars. After the parts are placed, it is worth checking again that their location matches the drawing. Next, having fixed the key structural elements with clamps, spot welding you need to grab them together. IN last time checking the dimensions, angles and relative position, you can start welding all the necessary seams.

After welding, it is necessary to clean off the scale with wire brushes mounted in a drill, and in hard to reach places and manually. The structure is ready for painting. Depending on the selected primers and finishing paint, as well as on the method of application, the assembly is laid on spacer bars or secured vertically with temporary stops.

It is convenient to paint structures with a high density of parts using a spray gun; for sparse grilles, you will have to arm yourself with a brush to reduce paint loss.

Products produced by cold forging

A wide variety of products are made using the cold forging method. These are, first of all, elements of gratings and fences - both the rods themselves and the crossbars, tops, and decorations. From a distance of several meters it is difficult to distinguish it from a forged lattice. Any lattice will be enlivened by curls and spirals that form intricate patterns and ornaments. An ordinary fence, therefore, in addition to its utilitarian purpose, also acquires artistic value. For this you will need a bend, a snail and a torsion bar.

Look great on local area forged stands for lanterns, railings for bridges across ponds, awnings and porches, tables and benches. And it’s a good idea to make the gazebo itself from a forged rod. Curls and spirals will give it unexpected lightness and airiness for harsh metal, and twisted supports will emphasize the upward desire.

Widespread today and forged barbecues, also complementing the economic purpose with an aesthetic impression. The barbecue itself is lost among the canopy, patterned walls and supports, and the roof decorated with curls.

Parts of balustrades, staircase railings and balconies are also very popular. Curls and spirals are also widely used here, not only as decoration, but also as a structural element. A baluster twisted along the longitudinal axis looks very appropriate, and corner supports are often made from several rods twisted together. They also make the so-called on a torsion bar machine. “flashlight” - several rods bent in a spiral, connected at the ends by welding.

The next area of ​​application of cold forging is details of room decor and furniture. Door handles and latches, fireplace tools and hangers, umbrella stands and cornices for curtains and curtains - small curls and twisted rods are widely used here.

Furniture is made both for garden furniture, which is not afraid of precipitation and changing seasons, and for home furniture, combining metal with wood and fabric.

A homemade cold forging machine can come in handy if you like to tinker and don’t mind making something beautiful for your country estate with your own hands, home interior, for gifts to loved ones or just for the soul.

Majestic appearance Products made by forging attract with graceful lines and captivate the eye. Since ancient times, in all best houses, one could certainly see such decorations as metallic openwork curls. Even today, when a huge number of various materials and technologies have been developed, forged products have not lost their relevance.

Products made using forging are used in design along with glass, plastic and other decorative elements. Metal forging occurs in a cold or hot way. To perform hot forging process there are a lot of things to do special conditions , because it is very difficult for her to study at home. More in an accessible way is artistic cold forging. It is much easier to learn, and if you wish, you can make homemade cold forging machines with your own hands.

Cold forging process

Cold forging requires two main processes:

  • press;
  • bending

To carry out these activities, you do not need to impart any temperature to the metal. But a certain heat treatment must still occur between stages of work.

It is not necessary to have full-fledged artistic forging machines at your disposal; amateurs often make tools with their own hands. With the help of homemade equipment, you can give all sorts of fancy shapes to the workpieces. You just need to acquire certain work skills. Therefore, prepare for the fact that in order to bend the required figure, drawings and considerable effort will be needed. Work can only be carried out using raw materials of the required thickness.

Products that are obtained using homemade machine for cold forging, much stronger than those made or cast by stamping. This happens due to the fact that the metal rods that pass through the equipment are pressed together to give them the required shape. With this forging method you need don't make mistakes, since they are practically uncorrectable. With the acquisition of skills, you will be able to create attractive and wonderful products with your own hands.

Using a homemade cold forging machine, you can make products such as:

  • elements such as balcony canopies, handrails for stairs;
  • bars on windows;
  • fences and fences;
  • home furniture - tables, chairs, beds;
  • elements that are used in home design: fireplace mantels, tripods for flowers.

During hot forging, the master needs not only a separate room, but also equipment for blacksmithing, as well as special conditions. With the cold method, there is no need to preheat the workpiece, and the process itself is much more economical.

When processing a large batch of similar products with your own hands, everything can be done using stencils and a drawing. This makes it possible to significantly reduce labor costs and reduce production time. Sometimes parts need to be heated; heating is done at the joints so that there is no curvature. For beginners It is recommended to carefully consider the manufacturing plan before carrying out work, it would be useful to have a video lesson and make a drawing of the future product.

Tools and equipment

A manual cold forging machine includes a number of elements. Necessary equipment that will be needed for work:

  • twister;
  • snail;
  • gnutik;
  • wave;
  • globe;
  • flashlight.

Many names will seem funny, but these are quite convenient for homemade use devices.

The main tool for the work will be a bender, which is used to change the shape of the metal. Its function is to bend a part at the required angle or bend arcs with different radii.

The snail is used, as a rule, for twisting steel rods into spirals. This is equipment for bending rods, strips, tubes, squares and profiles into a spiral shape, products with various shapes and radii. While using this tool there is no need to limit the radius of the created spiral and make the amount that is required.

The flashlight tool is necessary for bending metal parts. It is used to process metal rods with a cross-section of less than 30 mm, or square profiles with a cross-section of less than 16 mm.

Using a device such as a wave, wavy curved elements are made. They apply it and for pipe processing, which have a hexagonal or round cross-section.

Twister is somewhat similar to a flashlight. Using these two tools you can twist the rods around the axis.

Using a globe you can make a large arc from a profile rod up to 12 mm thick. Moreover, the ends of the workpiece also bend smoothly.

This tool for cold forging is absolutely not complicated, so you can often see homemade ones. It is almost in no way inferior to the factory one.

Forging machines

Often, when working, it seems much more expedient to make cold forging machines with your own hands. Since not every element can be fully processed using only manual forging equipment. Yes and the price of this equipment is quite high, even when it comes to the simplest snail machine.

If a home craftsman makes a product using a self-made jig, the product will be unique, although in some respects it will be inferior to the one made in a factory. If you plan to make a large number of parts using cold forging, then it is best to make a conductor with an electric motor. This will make your work process easier.

It will be useful to provide for the production of basic types of work on the machine - drawing, bending and twisting. These devices can be combined when creating a conductor with your own hands.

During drawing, the product is given a certain shape. To do this, it needs to be passed through rollers or a press, and the cross-section of the feedstock will decrease.

The bending process consists of bending the part to the required angle. You can perform this operation using templates. They are made in this way: a drawing of the product is prepared, according to which a template is then made. Weld a curl onto the steel plate, then this sheet is mounted on the machine in a holder. The end of the workpiece is installed in the slot, the second end is fixed. Using a lever, one end of the product is applied, which must be pulled along all the bends of the plate used as a template.

When making a template, the welding seam must be carried out with outside, otherwise it will interfere with further exploitation products.

Often craftsmen assemble themselves simple devices, with the help of which you can make quite original products. It all depends on the experience of the master. Let's consider one of these homemade models to understand the principle itself.

Do-it-yourself “Snail” forging machine

Using this machine, home craftsmen make all kinds of rings and spirals, curls, and waves. To make this kind of machine, you need to act according to drawings and technology, which includes a number of stages.

Before making any fixtures, hand tools or artistic forging machines, you must complete graphic images, templates, sketches, drawings of the future device.

To make markings more accurately, it is best to use graph paper. Draw a spiral on it, the radius of its turns gradually increasing. The same pitch must be observed between turns. It must be said that this condition must be observed only in cases where symmetry of patterns is required; as a rule, no more than 4 pieces are made.

Also take into account what kind of workpieces you need to work with. The distance between the turns must be made so that it is slightly larger than the diameter of the metal rods, otherwise it will be difficult to remove the finished product from the machine.

For work surface Sheet iron will be needed. A thickness of four millimeters is quite enough. Sizing is determined based on the dimensions of the required parts. To make the mold, you will need sheet metal in the form of strips three millimeters thick. You can work with this material using hand tools. It is simply bent into a spiral using a template using pliers.

To create a full-fledged work process, it is necessary to securely fix one end of the product. Here you will need a piece of rod that is equal to the width of the strips. To fix the working platform you will need a workbench. Often a piece of thick-walled pipe is used as a stand. Main - provide maximum fixation, since during cold forging the forces applied are quite large.

Machine assembly

To make any cold forging machine, there are many options. It can be made collapsible, monolithic or solid. At monolithic design The entire device or parts of the “Snail” are welded to the site.

Along the length of the structure you can weld small pieces of rods with a distance of 5-6 cm, special holes must be made for them in the working area. Do not forget to carefully secure the ends of the products that you will bend.

Cold forging is especially popular among beginners in blacksmithing. To manufacture products using this method, you do not need a well-equipped workshop (you can get by with a garage or shed), nor much experience, nor do you need special knowledge about the behavior of metals. As for the devices, all the necessary machines and tools can be made with your own hands at home.
