Find out what kind of tree you are by your horoscope. Green horoscope of the ancient Druids with dates and photos

G The Druid oroscope, sometimes also called the Gallic horoscope, dates back more than two thousand years.
In addition to the horoscope, we also owe the Druids the custom of the New Year tree. Little is known about them themselves. In ancient Gaul, Ireland and Britain, they formed a closed caste of priests, heirs to the traditional beliefs and rituals of the Celts. Passed on for centuries from mouth to mouth, these legends are largely lost to us.

Before beginning their Kaplan activities, the Druids were required to spend twenty years in solitude. They usually lived in the forest, which was sacred to them. This test was supposed to strengthen their character and was considered the first stage of initiation.

The highest category were priests, who enjoyed the fame of sorcerers. They established a calendar with happy days for the tribes and were revered as guardians of the past, as well as predictors of the future.
The Druids attached great importance to the forest, the trees among which they had to live. Hence, obviously, the connection they make between human characters and trees. They argued that each person, like a tree, has its own specific traits, advantages and disadvantages. Each requires certain living conditions.

Very important The Druids attributed winter and summer to the opposition of the Sun, the spring or summer equinox. On these days, they organized solemn processions and sacrificed white bulls. In general, the position of the Sun relative to the Earth serves as the basis of their horoscope. In accordance with it, the fate of a person, his future, character and abilities depend on the distance of the Sun from the Earth on the day of his birth. Therefore, each sign has two periods of validity.

Apple tree: December 22 - January 1, June 25 - July 4.
Fir: January 2 - January 11, July 5 - July 14.
Elm: January 12 - January 24, July 15 - July 25.
Cypress: January 25 - February 3, July 28 - August 4.
Poplar: February 4 - February 8, August 5 - August 13.
Kartas: February 9 - February 18, August 14 - August 23.
Pine: February 19 - February 28/29, August 24 - September 2.
Willow: March 1 - March 10, September 3 - September 12.
Lipa: March 11 - March 20, September 13 - September 23.
Hazel: March 22 - March 31, September 24 - October 3.
Rowan: April 1 - April 10, October 4 - October 13.
Maple: April 11 - April 20, October 14 - October 23.
Walnut: April 21 - April 30, October 24 - November 2.
Jasmine: May 1 - May 14, November 3 - November 11.
Chestnut: May 15 - May 24, November 12 - November 21.
Ash: May 25 - June 3, November 22 -. December 1st.
Hornbeam: June 4 - June 13, December 2 - December 11.
Figs: June 14 - June 23, December 12 - December 21.
Oak: March 21 - spring equinox.
Birch: June 24 - summer confrontation.
Olive: September 23 - autumnal equinox.
Buk: December 21-22 - winter confrontation.

(23.12-01.01; 25.06-04.07)
She is rarely tall, pleasing to the eye, there is a lot of cuteness in her, well-built, a lot of charm and warmth. Inspires the idea of ​​love, even when she herself does not think about it (which rarely happens).
APPLE TREE is a very sentimental and sensitive tree. Love interests her both theoretically and, of course, practically. Often he decides to get married without feeling great feelings for his partner (APPLE TREE is a very versatile tree), but this does not mean a final renunciation of love and feelings.
If by chance she meets a partner who suits her spirit and taste, then their marriage will be blissful. The APPLE TREE is always faithful in love (both free and marital) until a late age.
Unselfish, uncalculating, easily susceptible to deception. I would give my own shirt, I would share my last piece of bread. With all this, however, APPLE TREE is not a simpleton. Without thinking about tomorrow, she lives from day to day, at times she makes debts and forgets about them, which is generally natural for her. She is a philosopher full of fantasy, enjoying life and not wanting to surprise or convince anyone.
Do not take her, however, for a frivolous creature. Intelligent, thoughtful and logical, APPLE TREE has a penchant for science. Reads everything related to her area of ​​interest. The amount of her knowledge is surprisingly large, but she does not try to amaze anyone, she simply reads everything in order to satisfy her curiosity. Scientific theories, apparently, interest her to the same extent as good cuisine, Prefers the pleasures of this world to the bliss in the next world.
Loves variety in the emotional sphere. Monotonous happiness without a flaw brings boredom. You should know that this spontaneous girl or handsome guy likes to complicate something in his life from time to time.
Traits of those born under the sign of the APPLE TREE: warmth, intellectuality, thoughtfulness, logic, analytical mind.
Born under the sign of APPLE TREE: Rubens, Henry VIII, Rousseau, George Sand, M. Nexe.

(02.01-11.01; 05.07-14.07)
Beautiful rather with a cold, austere beauty, she loves ancient decorations, as well as dimmed lamps, the smell of perfume, old things and holidays full of grandeur. She is capricious and not always easy to communicate and live together. She has a developed sense of isolation, so she often feels lonely even in a large group. He is not very susceptible to outside influence, but rarely expresses his opinion and is not very talkative or cheerful. She is very proud and persistent in achieving her goals.
In love you are rarely satisfied. Demanding and not accommodating. She always wants to get a lot out of life, because she knows about her merits, and she usually succeeds. It also happens that she falls in love without memory, and then her whole world collapses. Her love can be limitless.
She is exceptionally smart, has analytical abilities, scientific inclinations, but does not always achieve success. It happens that she works in a field that has nothing to do with her inclinations and specialty.
He takes his work seriously and reaches certain heights with conscientiousness and scrupulousness.
Faced with a choice, among various decisions she usually chooses the most difficult one. Creating difficult situations for herself and others is, in fact, her calling.
Noble, no matter what happens, you can rely on her entirely. In any situation, he knows how to not lose his presence of mind, hope and faith. FIR is above the little things. She is picky and prefers satisfaction in the big to small pleasures. Traits of those born under the sign of FIR: intellectual mindset, penchant for analysis, logic, asceticism.
The following people were born under the sign of FIR: Joan of Arc, A. Tolstoy, J. Galsworthy, Napoleon Bonaparte.

(12.01-24.01; 15.07-25.07)
Big, slender, beautiful. Very attractive to others, but has something restraining about him. However, he doesn’t take too much care of himself, dresses with some simplicity, and often cannot part with his old favorite sweater.
ELM is not pretentious and does not like to complicate his life. Characterized by his peace and balance. The most noticeable drawback is slowness. The tendency to moralize is the most unbearable trait.
Straightforward and open, disarming with generosity. Believes in human kindness. The cause he defends is always noble, and he believes that sooner or later he will achieve recognition. Experiences failures more than others. He knows how to do a lot for the benefit of his loved ones, and has a developed sense of responsibility.
Passionate in his feelings, maybe even ardent. If his choice is successful, he will be able to create conditions for love in his home to survive a diamond wedding.
He likes to lead and, to a much lesser extent, to obey. Influences others and often uses his influence. Skilled in managing people. His demands are as great as the love he himself gives.
Be patient with him, he's worth it. He can be very loyal. Has a sound mind and skillful hands. He is distinguished by a lively mind, concrete and practical. He has a sense of humor and often this feeling saves him in moments of disappointment.
His life will be pleasant and without any shocks, that is, the way he wants for himself.
Traits of those born under the sign of ELM: observation, organizational skills, realism.
The following people were born under the sign of ELM: Moliere, Edgar Allan Poe, Albert Schweitzer, Stendhal.

(25.01-03.02; 26.07-04.08)
Slender, strong, with a chiseled strong silhouette and simple, regular features. Not devoid of sophistication, but there is in him something of a person unspoiled by civilization. Satisfied with little and adapts to the situation. Can live in any conditions and be happy at the same time. Quickly reaches maturity and independence.
Doesn't attach importance to success in life, doesn't chase fame or money. The only thing he wants is to be happy. Avoids everything that would pose problems for him. Loves summer walks, animals and hunting. He can be seen in a boat, thinking about a fishing rod. And despite this, he does not like loneliness. He tries to arrange his life in such a way as to be among a large family or (from a young age) in the constant company of friends. Not sentimental. Most often, a somewhat rude person, but not devoid of warmth; stern, but at the same time calm. Pleasant in company. His presence has a calming effect.
CYPRESS loves to dream and, rather, lets himself be carried by the flow of life than organizes it. Immersed in dreams, my thoughts are always somewhere else. Avoids heated discussions, regardless of the subject of the dispute. Actually, the elasticity of his character is what they look for in him. Unattainable in our fidelity. He can be faithful to his love, friendship, memories, and if he gives someone a feeling, then without hesitation you can turn to him for help.
His intelligence is speculative. My favorite pastime is reasoning on any topic. The judgments are thoughtful and sensible.
His life most often flows calmly and smoothly among those he loves.
Traits of those born under the sign of CYPRESS: constancy of feeling, loyalty, reflexivity, intelligence, analytical mind, logic.
The following people were born under the sign of CYPRESS: Schubert, Mozart, Romain Rolland, Roosevelt, Louis Armstrong.

(04.02-08.02; 05.08-13.08)
Decorativeness, harmony and beauty from early youth. Over the years, however, he creates problems for himself. Very sensitive to the passage of time, he begins to fear old age too early, and from this fear he ages even more. Only good influence those around you can help, so you need to carefully choose the people with whom you communicate.
It is also necessary to exercise caution when changing your location: not every environment is conducive to the development of POPLAR. TOPOL feels bad in close quarters, but does not like to live apart. Feels the need for comrades, but is tormented by being surrounded by people not chosen by him. Very sensitive to infringement of freedom and easily falls into pessimism. Tries not to show it, but can't show it to anyone long time mislead.
His love is sensitive to the slightest trouble and even little things can throw him off balance. At times he is touched by himself, but more often he manages to hide it, and in this reticence he finds a kind of pleasure.
Courage and pride help him overcome the most difficult challenges, and you can rarely see worry on his face. Those who know him little often mistake him for a cheerful and calm person.
He is not a materialist and has a penchant for altruism. At the same time, he is superbly organized and does not forget about the future. In marriage - difficult happiness, sometimes too sensitive and overly independent. His weapon in marital conflicts is indifference, complemented by a smile and a joke. If he cannot do otherwise, he tends to act hostile towards his partner.
He has a subtle innate mind that does not age at all. His insight and critical mind can even sometimes influence his ambition. Many poplars are found among doctors.
Traits of those born under the sign of POPOLAR: the need for independence, a tendency towards neurasthenia, daydreaming and synthesis, intuition and fantasy.
The following people were born under the sign of POPLAR: Mendeleev, Jules Berne, A. Hitchcock, Salvador Dali.

(09.02-18.02; 14.08-23.08)
Sprawling, powerful and, although not very slender, gives the impression of a solid and beautiful plant. Adapts to all conditions without difficulty. True, he also dreams of comfort, but if necessary, he can spend the night in the open air. Possesses good health. Everywhere he feels at home and does not know what timidity is. Dynamic, confident, forces one to reckon with oneself, at the same time very sensitive to jokes about his person and does not really understand them.
He loves to amaze, take by surprise, be the center of everyone's attention, and is ready to make any sacrifice to achieve this. He believes that it is he who must make decisions and pronounce the final word. Resolves the most complex issues with brilliance. He does not know danger, is improvident and has the gift of getting involved in unforeseen situations. Fortunately, however, he knows how to easily get out of them. Proud, proud, straightforward, and at the same time an incorrigible optimist, which often leads to careless actions both in business and in personal life. Has a nature prone to excesses. With apparent independence, he is inclined to succumb to outside influence. It happens that, guided with an experienced hand, becomes a weapon of someone else's will. There are many heroes among the KARTAS, but there are also many martyrs.
Subject to the influence of others, he himself also has the ability to influence others. Has a motivating effect on others. He is very persistent and is one of those who are always right.
Sensitive, receptive and sentimental - he can become attached forever and perceives this love with a capital letter. The rest is perceived as a pleasant and unimportant way of spending time. He is intelligent and has the ability to synthesize the perception of problems. The speed with which he thinks and makes decisions is amazing. Often shows a penchant for artistry, mainly in the field of music. In any case, he is distinguished by a great sense of rhythm. Born for adventure, he usually leads an active and varied working life. Traits of those born under the sign of CARTAS: impulsiveness, optimism, intelligence, ability to deduce.
The following people were born under the sign of CARTAS: Galileo, Brecht, Darwin, Kosciuszko, Goethe, Gleuren.

(19.02-28/29.02; 24.08-02.09)
Exquisite silhouette, beautiful, decorative. Knows how to highlight his strengths. Loves the house, valuable objects, beautiful interior. Often that sweet home, without which she could not develop, she creates for herself. They say that she knows what she wants, that she does not allow herself to be carried by the will of the waves, that what life itself gives is not enough for her. There is nothing submissive about her; she is capable of planning and subordinating conditions to her needs.
She is brave, faces resistance with her head raised and does not allow bad luck to overcome her. Thanks to his courage and ability to take risks, he always leads the way. She is capable of success at work, regardless of the type of activity she chooses.
PINE is distinguished by the tenacity with which it follows its chosen path and from which it is difficult to lead it astray. Knows how to get out of the most difficult situations. Very fast and precise in action.
Despite her affability and ability to be a sweet friend, there is no excessive complexity and generosity in her. Your own well-being and convenience come first. The failures of others do not drive the sleep from her eyelids, although it happens that she mentions them with sympathy in friendly conversations. Only in one thing does he show weakness - in love. Sensual and impulsive - she gets carried away easily, and then it’s too late.
With all this, he has a penetrating mind and ordered thinking, and is a good organizer. Able to make the necessary efforts to achieve set goals and, as a rule, achieves them. He knows how to get out of any troubles, even love ones, with honor. The PINE sign is extremely favorable for women.
Traits of those born under the sign of PINE: aesthetic intelligence, organizational skills, penchant for analysis.
The following people were born under the sign of PINE: Copernicus, Washington, Chopin, Schopenhauer, Caruso, Elizabeth Taylor, Confucius, Napoleon's mother.

(01.03-10.03; 03.09-12.09)
With its songful, melancholic beauty, Willow is very attractive and unique. Even if only appearance determines the basis of her charm (especially if IVA is a woman), you feel something mysterious in her. She is full of unclear thoughts, unconscious desires, which sometimes she herself cannot define.
Very sensitive, loving solar heat, stay by the water. Reacts to all smells and tastes. Like no one else, he can use momentary joys and does not deny himself any of them. You should not trust the external meekness of WILLOW. Contrary to her, she is businesslike and decisive, she knows well what she wants. She never imposes anything on anyone, because she has a developed sense of respect for others and has no desire to command.
There is something of a poet in her. Her melancholy sentiments about the approaching autumn and fast-paced life should not be taken too seriously and considered a manifestation of pessimism. IVA can be a very difficult partner, as it does not have the ability to quickly adapt and does not like compromises.
Her defenselessness and helplessness are often just tactics. At times for fun, and sometimes for personal gain, she brilliantly knows how to play a weak creature. In general, in life he knows how to protect himself perfectly.
In feelings she is more romantic than sentimental. Loves sensual pleasures, brings a poetic coloring to them. Willow does not like everyday, colorless feelings. She has artistic abilities, intuition and a rich imagination. Sometimes she is a good psychologist, which, with a certain insight, allows her to guess other people's thoughts and desires. Her life could have been completely calm if not for the excessive attraction to love suffering. However, one should not take her complaint seriously: feelings that are not embellished with suffering are not valued by her.
Traits of those born under the sign of WILLOW: intuition, rich imagination.
Born under the sign of WILLOW: Smetana, Elizabeth I (English), Maurice Chevalier.

(11.03-20.03; 13.09-22.09)
She is incredibly charming and knows how to use her charm. It can turn anyone's head. She dreams of a stable, prosperous life full of comforts and often does not realize that all this does not matter much to her. She easily adapts to any conditions. It is enough for her to have a tent to create an atmosphere of home comfort. Calm in appearance and even somewhat weak-willed, silent, timid, at the same time serene and pessimistic. LIPA often goes through life with a feeling of boredom. This is her main enemy.
She can be unstable, especially sensitive to flattery. Full of contradictions, very difficult to decipher. One thing is certain about her: she is very pretty. Communicating with her is very pleasant and easy, leaving a feeling of mental comfort. LIPA patiently listens to the interlocutor, treats his neighbors with respect, and does not seek to command them. Everyone loves her very much even when you can’t really rely on her.
She has a practical mindset, an aptitude for technology, is resourceful and precise. If she meets a soul mate on her life’s path, conjugal love can restore her balance and save her from contradictions. At the same time, he has a highly developed sense of self-esteem. She can be jealous, often without reason.
Traits of those born under the LINDEN sign: observation, realism, organizational skills.
The following people were born under the sign of LINDEN: A. Einstein, Louis XIV.

(22.03-31.03; 24.09-03.10)
Often weak, unattractive. Does not impose his “I” on the opinions of others. But if you get to know him better, it is impossible not to succumb to the charm that he radiates, not to see his original mind.
HUTTER is content with little, adapts to everything possible conditions life and understands everything. His appearance almost magical effect. If he wants, he can please him, he knows how to make him love himself. He can be kind, wise, patient, but he can also be dangerous, evil, and harmful. Everything about him is witchcraft - white or black, depending on his momentary mood or his own whim. Without a trace of good or subtly evil - this is the HUTTER, and not without reason, people born under this sign were often accused of witchcraft in the Middle Ages. Having tied sewing to someone, he will do everything to make his life easier. But be careful if you don't win his affections.
Despite modesty and restraint, it never goes unnoticed. Extremely original, unlike anyone else, he interprets life differently than everyone else, and sometimes “in defiance.”
Even when he is loved, he awakens a feeling of anxiety. He is able to guess the most secret thoughts, make unexpected proposals, and acts in such a way that you can expect everything from him. Very unbalanced, can be very proactive, or can leave everything and go with the flow. He is aware of this, even if he presents himself as a very calculating person.
In love, he can be the most beloved or the most painful partner. Subject to rapid mood changes. Do it if you are not afraid of risk. Even if life together with him does not bring peace, it will be very exciting.
He has versatile knowledge, learns and comprehends everything unusually quickly and easily. But it depends only on his good will whether he will use his knowledge usefully and completely.
Traits of those born under the sign of the HUTTER: a tendency to synthesis, intuition, fantasy.
The following people were born under the sign of the HUTTER: Toscanini, Marcel Marceau, Raphael, Goya, Van Gogh, Haydn, Prosper Merimee, Graham Greene, Nelson, Sophia Loren, Cervantes.

(01.04-10.04; 04.10-13.10)
Behind the fragile appearance hides an unusually resilient nature. She is sweet and charming, and by her light gait you can judge and recognize her from afar. The smile almost never leaves her face, not so much because of her inner gaiety, but because of her self-control. She knows how to emphasize her own strengths and likes to dress well. Has good taste.
Quickly gets used to changes in the environment. Loves to bring joy to others, even to the detriment of himself. Not selfish, but somewhat self-centered. She is independent, but sometimes allows herself to be put in a dependent position. However, he strives to live an independent life. A great sense of responsibility makes her feel guilty for everything that happens (guilt complex). Contacts with her are difficult, and relationships are complex. She lacks simplicity.
She is distinguished by sensitivity to external influences, love of beauty, loyalty and friendliness. You can always rely on her. Sometimes she is naive and allows herself to be exploited. In love he gives a lot, but also demands a lot. Constantly checks the feeling. She must not be deceived.
Rowan will not sell. Her personal life is very rich. Full of worries about tomorrow. She is prudent, which often suggests marital relations with her. Very smart and often very impressive. It happens that he does not implement some of his plans, getting bogged down in everyday affairs.
Traits of those born under the sign of ROWAN: sensitivity, intelligence, imagination, tendency to synthesis, intuition, imagination.
The following people were born under the sign of Rowan: Gogol, Kollontai, Rachmaninov, Andersen, Zola, M. Brando, Gregory Peck, Diderot, Le Corbusier, Verdi.

(11.04-20.04; 14.10-23.10)
Neat, well-groomed, sometimes even a little flirtatious. It often happens where it is most interesting. Follows fashion. He is not one of the ordinary people. Full of energy and vigor, tireless. MAPLE, as they say, always rises to the occasion. He can be considered an individualist. Although by its nature MAPLE is reserved and timid, it can make the most risky decisions, which are based not so much on material factors as on vital interest. Doesn't like to stay at home, willingly gets to know new people. He has the gift of causing people to be frank. But one should not be afraid if he told him something - he never condemns other people’s actions and does not chat about other people’s secrets.
Usually it is full of plans, often unusual and extravagant. He loves all kinds of new products, enthusiastically defends all sorts of new ideas, but he himself rarely implements his own projects. This, however, does not prevent him from receiving satisfaction from his broad horizons. There is also a drop of cynicism in him. He does not like and is not afraid of public opinion. On the contrary, he likes to be talked about.
He is difficult in love. It goes along surprising and unexpected roads. But this does not mean that he cannot find happiness if he meets a partner with similar thinking and taste. The mind is clear and insightful. Despite the fact that he is full of problems, he is not devoid of either imagination or intuition. In a word, the character is multifaceted.
Traits of those born under the sign of MAPLE: lively character, sense of humor, ability to deduce, analytical mind.
Born under the sign of MAPLE: Catherine de Medici, Leonardo da Vinci, Anatole France, Charles Chaplin, Lucrezia Borghi, Leopold Stokowski.

(21.04-30.04; 24.10-02.11)
Naturalness in his eyes is not a virtue. He cares about style, subtle and refined manners, but in reality he is just timid. NUT often consists of contradictions, it can be capricious, aggressive, selfish. But he is also hospitable, polite, and bold in his plans.
He can be both loyal and faithful, and fickle. It is never known what he will do in this or that case and how to treat him.
Without any reason, he gives and deprives of his friendship and love. Sometimes he likes to suffer and enjoys making others suffer. He definitely needs to complicate the situation. Tormented by the need to demonstrate his exclusivity, jealous and friendly, NUT is not distinguished by his balance. If you love him or are on friendly terms with him, you will be constantly exposed to surprises. Engage with him if you feel that you can resist his influence, otherwise he will completely subjugate you to his will.
In life he knows how to be an excellent strategist. He assesses well the consequences of his intentions, decides to take very insidious actions, and does not allow himself to be restrained by excessive remorse. He often captivates those around him with his speed of action. However, there are also QUIET NUTS.
He strives for his life not to be ordinary. He is not afraid of risks, does not try to please, does not accept compromises, does not follow well-trodden paths. A NUT has many friends, but also many enemies. He believes that he can only rely on himself. Concerns about maintaining his own independence and isolation. Sometimes there is a special one that cannot be ignored and has to be reckoned with.
Traits of those born under the NUT sign: determination, observation, organizational skills.
The following people were born under the NUT sign: Kant, Catherine II, Elizabeth II (English), Shakespeare, Paganini, Columbus, Dostoevsky.

(01.05-14.05; 03.11-11.11)
Agile, lively and sociable, he attracts people with his free and skillful conversation; in addition to his desire, he becomes the center of attention.
Usually it is he who is expected to create a relaxed atmosphere in society. Everyone seems balanced, cheerful and without life problems. Only those closest to him know how sensitive he really is and how capable he is of disappointment. Therefore, no matter how hard JASMINE tries to hide it, he is a pessimist from birth.
What in others is mistrust turns into prudence in him and leads to careful and far-sighted actions.
What others see as suspicion is only a deeply hidden reserve for him. He, like no one else, understands the advantage of diplomacy and the ability to organize harmonious relations with others. Unfortunately, these advantages are less often manifested in his own home. Here he seeks to satisfy his needs for independence. He does not like to feel tied down, does not like restrictions, responsibilities depress him, despite the fact that he always obeys the obligations of his duty.
A sense of responsibility is not alien to him, but it does not always evoke in him best mood. Life married to JASMINE is not easy. Moreover, he quickly becomes disillusioned and gains prejudices. Loves children and feels good with them. Not expecting much from life, he pins high hopes on his children. He knows how to explain the most complex issues to them simply and clearly, and does this diligently and judiciously. Children bring him the greatest joy and satisfaction in his life.
JASMINE is not a materialist, but often makes good money. He is not afraid of work; his intelligence and liveliness of thought are highly valued by his superiors.
Traits of those born under the sign of JASMINE: critical mind, intelligence combined with fantasy, intuition.
The following people were born under the sign of JASMINE: Machiavelli, Sienkiewicz, Frost, Martin Luther King.

(15.05-24.05; 12.11-21.11)
CHESTNUT is very beautiful, even decorative, but does not try to conquer others with its attractiveness. Needs space, full of liveliness and strength. He has an innate sense of justice; any violation of it will be a stimulus for him to involuntary protest. He is ready to defend his rightness by any means, regardless of the consequences. He is hostile to prudence and all sorts of tactical and diplomatic tricks, which often unintentionally turns people against him. The lack of flexibility in communicating with others leads to the fact that he has a lot of activities and experiences a lot of disappointments, which he remembers for a long time, since he is very impressionable and sensitive.
Despite perseverance and endurance, one is not stubborn. He knows how to be prudent and prudent, thanks to which he usually does not have financial problems. He attaches great importance to moral rules and is often inclined towards puritanism, despite a certain sensitivity. What is unexpected about him is his desire for the comforts of life. Sometimes he gives the impression of being unadapted to life, but this is only a consequence of hostility and lack of trust in himself and others.
CHESTNUT is too intractable to find mutual understanding, and often enjoys the reputation of being unscrupulous. This may be due to his penchant for shocking others. He requires a lot of love, but he himself can truly love only once and therefore it is difficult for him to find happiness. The need for love and at the same time the fear that he may not be loved complicates his relationship with his partner. His complexes manifest themselves in defiant behavior and are often incomprehensible to others.
Mental life is lively and concrete, based on observations. He is gifted, quick and accurate, but has a penchant for daydreaming and philosophical reflection. Much in his life depends on his environment. He receives full development of his abilities only when he finds sympathy and understanding from his loved ones.
Traits of those born under the sign of CHESTNUT: courage, realism, observation and insight, organizational skills.
The following people were born under the sign of CHESTNUT: Voltaire, Rousseau, Balzac, Henry Fonda, Pierre Curie, Lomonosov, Stevenson.

(23.05-03.06; 22.11-01.12)
This is a beautiful powerful tree. It looks nice, has a slender silhouette, is elegant and free to move. I like myself. However, it is not easy to live with him all the time. He has a lively character and is very demanding. He strives to be cared for, thought and lived the way he likes best, to do only what he wants. And since he tends to live an independent life, not everyone tolerates this well.
Laughs at life's difficulties, which creates the impression of irresponsibility and lack of will. But this is only an appearance. ASH knows very well what he wants, and even better - what he doesn’t want. Proud in everything that concerns his own success and well-being.
In the pursuit of his own happiness, he is so selfish that he can trample everything that interferes with him on the way to his goal. Selfish, but not stingy. Generous, shares everything.
This capricious nature in the field of love displays completely different traits: it can be cautious, constant, and prudent. Actually, in this area, ASH has the greatest success and knows how to choose well, weigh the pros and cons. His marriage of love is also a marriage of reason. He rarely makes mistakes and makes a lot of efforts to organize family life, and he often succeeds. His mind is based primarily on intuition. Original and full of imagination. Just like ROWAN, WILLOW and NUT, ASH has an extraordinary gift of insight. He often likes to amuse himself by playing the prophet, and when his predictions come true, the glory of his intelligence and insight is further strengthened.
ASH always plays with fate a little. But this tree is reliable, do not be afraid to take refuge in its shade.
Traits of those born under the sign of ASH: intelligence, desire for synthesis, intuition, fantasy.
Born under the sign of ASH: de Gaulle, John Kennedy, Mark Twain.

(02.12-11.12; 04.06-3.06)
A beautiful tree, but without much charm. From a young age he is often very beautiful, but over time he loses this quality. GRAB treats the world around him with condescension. This is a type of esthete. It is the form rather than the content that attracts his attention. In his personal life, he is primarily interested in his own superiority. Has a pronounced tendency towards discipline and obedience. Loves differences, dreams of awards and honors, yearns for admiration from others. Most of all, he likes to obey the established order and therefore rarely takes the initiative. Decision-making is accompanied by his fear of making a mistake. At the same time, he has a sense of responsibility and justice. He does not like deviations from generally accepted rules and is reluctant to leave the straight, well-trodden and proven road. And he treats new ideas with caution, while at the same time being an opponent of the attitude: “oh, it doesn’t matter.”
In love he is distinguished by great decency. The feeling is considered as a responsible matter. He makes a sweet and pleasant partner. But if life offers him a choice between love and duty, as a rule, he chooses the second.
Traits of those born under the sign of GRAB: intellectuality, intuition, imagination, a penchant for artistry.
The following people were born under the sign of GRAB: Corneille, Musset, T. Mann, P. Gauguin, A. Khachaturian, Schumann, W. Disney, Maria Stuart, Horace, Robert Koch.

(14.06-23.06; 12.12-21.12)
This tree is delicate, with expressive features. Doesn't have beauty, but doesn't go unnoticed. The FIG tree is somewhat impressionable and with some complexes, does not always and not feel good everywhere. Requires living space and warmth. Fades in unfavorable conditions. Doesn't handle difficulties well. Becoming sad, filled with bitterness, dries up.
In such conditions it security system weakens, and you need to be very careful not to destroy the tree.
Has strongly developed family feelings. Feels the need for constant contact with his loved ones, even if they are not able to appreciate it and justify his hopes. It has a need for stability, despite the fact that it itself is not very constant in many ways.
The character is emotional and condescending. Sometimes he pays for this with peace of mind and the joys of life, especially since he shows resistance to temptations. Although he is fickle (usually in his thoughts), he tries to accurately fulfill his daily duties. You can rely on him. He works diligently, although deep down he is lazy. Impulsive and full of good intentions, but life is spent in constant struggle with one’s own weaknesses.
FIG is a realist and is always businesslike and enterprising. This tree is a real treasure for your loved ones. It bears good fruit. Plant it in your garden and take good care of it - you won't regret it. She is one of those people worth marrying. But don’t expect miracles from him, he is not one of the romantic lovers. He values ​​simple feelings more than “some fantasies.” Any tree without complexes that understands it goes well with it. But be careful: the FIG TREE is very touchy!
Traits of those born under the sign of FIG: impulsiveness, practical intelligence, observation, realism, organizational skills.
The following people were born under the sign of FIG: G. Heine, Beethoven, E. Piaf, B. Brandt, F. Garcia Lorca, Grieg, Stravinsky.

OAK (21.3)
Full of life, strength and beauty, with nothing fragile about it. The movements are majestic and full of dignity, awakening respect in people with their respectable appearance. He is absolutely healthy, which is very important in his case, since he cannot tolerate weakness and illness, and the sight of blood can lead him to faint.
He is very brave, but his courage comes not so much from his spiritual qualities as from excessive pride. He does not want to be considered a coward and, in anticipation of acute circumstances, reacts more sharply than required. Self-possessed and strong-willed, does not have the habit of moving away from previously decision taken and, as a rule, always achieves its goal. But his intransigence also has a bad side: DUB does not know how to be flexible and his intransigence causes him trouble. I would achieve a lot if I could be at least a little diplomat.
He himself is more than independent. He does not tolerate any restrictions and his actions often border on arbitrariness, however, he respects the opinions and independence of others. Friendly and hospitable, faithful in friendship, but not always so in love. He is a fickle creature, a victim of the latest hobbies, confident that “now this is forever.” In marriage, he may settle down over time.
He who stands firmly on his feet, as if rooted in his surroundings, continues and develops existing situations. Does not strive for change and with dissatisfaction accepts changes caused by the actions of others. He is a conservative. Despite the fact that from time to time he is capable of selfless acts, he always remembers his own benefit and concentrates all his attention on personal problems. He is not interested in anyone else's life.
He is absorbed in concrete affairs, thinks clearly and in a businesslike manner, is a man of action, and is not devoid of intuition. He is one of those people who, regardless of the circumstances, always “remain in their own interests.” Usually he provides his loved ones with a life of complete prosperity.
Traits of those born under the sign of OAK: determination, precision in Actions, practical intelligence, realism, observation, organizational skills.
Born under the sign of OAK: I.S. Bach, Benito Juaraz.

BIRCH (24.6)
Flexible and aristocratic, easy, sweet in life together. Taking advantage of success, he never abuses anyone’s courtesy, knows how to be delicate and restrained, does not impose his sympathies and moods, does not demand anything and does not desire anything.
Modest to the point of puritanism, but always elegant, without any moralizing. Full of a sense of proportion and tolerance, she cannot stand one thing - vulgarity. Luxury and any show off are alien to her. There is not even a shadow of snobbery in her. She would most prefer to live in a village, but she can get used to any place, as long as she has the opportunity to work in peace. Despite its elegant appearance, BIRCH grows up in labor and loves to work.
Her modest and delicate nature defines her penchant for love with a calm flow. Sentimental, not afraid of too passionate feelings. She can be loyal and faithful, and knows how to create an atmosphere of comfort and domestic happiness at home. It happens that he enters into marital relations somewhat recklessly, but never regrets his choice.
The trait most distinctive for BIRCH is intelligence. Her powers of imagination and ingenuity truly have no limits. He always perceives work creatively. The ability to think creatively and translate her thoughts into reality, combined with her ability to work, opens all doors for her.
Despite the fact that he can engage in any type of activity, he achieves the greatest success in the field of art. She is not sociable, and this is her only drawback. Social life and contacts with influential people do not attract her attention. BIRCH is often happy. She demands so little from life - a close heart and a good library are enough for her.
Traits of those born under the sign of BIRCH: gentleness of character, synthesis, intuition, fantasy.
The following people were born under the sign of the BIRCH: Guttenberg, Matejko, Streletsky.

Not great, sometimes on the border between beautiful and ugly, but not without charm. His rheumatism often bothers him, so he loves the sun very much and suffers from its absence. Balanced, calm, there is nothing aggressive in him, and all this is thanks to the reluctance to complicate his life. He knows how to be tolerant, although he has his own views on life. Allows others to have their own judgment as well. Never interferes in other people's affairs.
OLIVE is so delicate that it is easy to accuse her of indifference, but she is not at all indifferent. On the contrary, if necessary, anyone can turn to her for help.
In any situation, he never loses his smile. Partly due to his ability to control himself, but primarily because he considers it pointless to upset nervous system. Has the ability to convey his state of peace and serenity to others.
Although OLIVE is kind and warm-hearted, she has sufficient intelligence and common sense to prevent your kindness from being exploited. Characterized by an innate sense of justice. She understands everything, knows how to put herself in someone else’s position, and her inherent impartiality makes her forget about herself. She knows about this and puts up with it in advance. Therefore, she is loved and appreciated, although she herself does nothing to impress others. She is reserved when communicating with them.
In love, OIL tries not to be jealous, respects the independence of her partner, even if she has to suffer in silence because of this. It happens that he makes far-reaching concessions, even to the point of renouncing his own love. But this does not at all mean that she is weak and submissive. Simply the most important thing for OLIVE is peace.
He is distinguished by great intelligence, devotes a lot of time to thinking, loves to read, study and expand his horizons. Although she does not strive for this, she always attracts attention and sometimes becomes famous. He belongs to the number of people who bring peace and happiness to others, leaving behind a good memory.
Traits of those born under the sign of OLIVE: correctness of judgment, analytical mind, ability to deduce and reflect.
Emperor Augustus was born under the sign of the OLIVE.

Slender and beautiful. Refers to those who live to a ripe old age, retaining all the qualities inherent in youth. He manages to save good shape, stately silhouette, dexterity and flexibility of movements. He is always well-groomed and does not shy away from some coquetry.
If he finds himself in favorable conditions, he manages to achieve success in any field. Shows dexterity and resourcefulness in any situation. Full of various plans that he can successfully implement. Don't let yourself be led astray. He knows how to organize his life well.
He has fits of generosity, although he is usually prudent and accurately organizes his budget. He doesn’t really like to share his property and spends it sparingly.
BUK is a decent creature, has many solid qualities, always weighs the pros and cons, and never relies on chance. In love he lacks imagination. Ideal husband(or wife). He strives to have children, organize his home roughly, and have a good vacation. In adulthood, one or two adventures may happen to him, and even then more out of a desire to prove to himself and others that he remains young, attractive and vigorous.
He is intelligent, has organizational skills and common sense. A pronounced materialist. First of all, he wants to be rich, and then, if possible, happy.
Traits of those born under the sign of BEECH: thoughtfulness, accuracy, organizational skills, realism.
Born under the sign of BUKA: Puccini, Stalin.

Druid horoscope by date of birth, which has other names such as the Gallic, Celtic and tree horoscope, dates back to a time when such a traditional concept as “astrology” had not even been born. The ancient Celtic priests are known as nature-loving and reverent people who had enormous influence in the northern British Isles. Some rituals and ceremonies of the Druids have survived to this day and today represent vibrant events, among them the fairly popular Halloween holiday.

Which tree according to the horoscope Druids is your sign is quite easy to determine, despite the fact that in this horoscope there are 22 sign-symbols, 18 of which have two periods of activity during the year, and 4 signs associated with the days of the solstices and equinoxes, and having one per year period of its activity. Each of the horoscope symbols is associated with a specific tree.

Druid horoscope signs

Druids are a closed class of ancient Celtic peoples, divided into castes, shrouded in mystical, mysterious legends. Among them were priests, astronomers, chroniclers, healers, clergy, judges, musicians and poets.

A distinctive feature of these tribes was the cult of worship of forest gods, the desire for unity with nature, animation flora. All rituals, teachings, and celebrations were necessarily performed in the thickets, among grasses and mighty trees, from which the Druids drew energy and the necessary emotions. Moreover, it was believed that man himself came from the tree, and was endowed with its power from birth.

The interaction between the date of birth and the position of the sun during this period influenced the fate of a person, and was reflected in the tree horoscope of the Druids, which has survived to this day. Knowing the patronizing tree, you can track the relationship between certain events in life, determine a person’s character, and even correct some points. In addition, having found your plant, you can recharge with its pure energy, ask for health and well-being.

Druid horoscope by date of birth - which tree is yours according to the horoscope
How to calculate the Druid horoscope by date of birth and find out which tree is the highest sign according to the horoscope. The basis of the horoscope is ancient knowledge about trees and the surrounding natural world.


Tree horoscope of the Druids: character by birthday, compatibility of signs

For the Druids, trees were of great importance: in their cult they were considered living beings with unique characteristics. The Druids firmly believed that humanity originated from wood. Based on this worldview, as well as the arboreal calendar, the Druid horoscope appeared, according to which each person was endowed with a guardian tree at birth.

In total, there are 4 unpaired and 18 paired signs in the Druid horoscope. This is due to the fact that each plant has two points of realization - flowering and fruiting.

According to the Druid calendar, each person has his own tree symbol depending on his date of birth:

The presence of 4 unpaired signs in the Druid horoscope (oak, olive, birch, beech) is associated with dates such as:

  • vernal equinox (oak);
  • summer solstice day (birch);
  • autumnal equinox (olive);
  • day winter solstice(beech).

Each zodiac sign, according to the Druid horoscope, is characterized by a certain behavior.

A person born under the sign of the apple tree is easy-going, cheerful, and has a philosophical mindset. According to the Druid horoscope, people who are patronized by the apple tree are endowed with extraordinary intellectual abilities, have a broad outlook, and are very well read. However, they do not strive to impress others and prefer not to flaunt their erudition.

By nature, apple trees are hot-tempered, but have the ability to cool down quickly. The apple tree is a sensitive, unforgiving person. For comfortable life she definitely needs to share her experiences with others, to be in the center of events. She needs emotional uplift and the absence of silence. She loves fresh flowers very much. He tries to fill as much space in the house as possible with plants.

The motto of the apple tree man is: “Live one day at a time.”

Among people born under the auspices of fir, introverts and individualists predominate. Such characteristic feature does not speak of fir as an arrogant person. She just needs a certain amount of time to start trusting a person and letting him into her life. A woman born under the sign of fir is not capable of flirting. Her pride and tact do not allow her to flirt with the opposite sex, and therefore it may seem that the Fir woman is a very cold and arrogant person. She doesn't seek to attract everyone's attention. She has many acquaintances, but almost no real friends.

Excessive demands, emotional coldness - these are the main decals a person born under the symbol of fir. The Fir Man often sets himself difficult tasks. His determination and ability to sacrifice personal comfort to achieve a goal guarantee success in any endeavor. IN love relationship fir is devoted and faithful to its soul mate.

One of the calmest tree signs. Elm does not tend to complicate everything in its path; high goals, intense passions and fussiness are alien to it. Consistency, stability and practicality are the three basic life principles of this sign.

Elm needs to keep everything under control; he will make an excellent leader. He knows how to gather his courage in time and face any troubles with optimism. In relationships, he does not seek thrills. For complete happiness, reciprocal romantic feelings are enough for him.

Most people born under this sign have an attractive appearance. At the cypress beautiful body, he constantly monitors himself. Care appearance he has been elevated to the rank of a cult. Cypress is sociable and usually has many friends. By nature, he is a dreamer and always has his head in the clouds. The highest happiness for cypress is a strong family and many children.

Cypress is lucky in many endeavors; it is able to receive income out of nowhere. Therefore, despite some idleness and negligence, the cypress tree is never left without a livelihood. The cypress man has excellent intuition and is able to see right through people. And thanks to his charisma, he is always surrounded by reliable people who are ready to help at any time.

According to the woody horoscope, this sign is very fond of experimenting with appearance. He easily changes his hairstyle, clothes, gains weight or loses weight, and tries on different images and styles. He values ​​his youth and fears old age. He understands that old age will entail a loss of beauty, and tries in every possible way to slow down this process. Poplar is very susceptible to the influence of the world around it. And this influence is not always positive.

Under the guise of brightness and originality, poplar most often hides complexes and a sense of inferiority. This sign needs constant support and encouragement. Otherwise, he becomes gloomy, withers before our eyes and falls into a long depression. But among his friends there are never people like him.

The thing is that the poplar surrounds itself with exceptionally strong individuals with positive thinking, selecting friends for a long time and scrupulously. Tends to make claims and unreasonable demands on others. In conflict situations, hides emotions behind a mask of indifference and jokes. Depending on the period of the year, the emotional state may change.

A kind, sympathetic, cheerful and optimistic sign. Not prone to self-examination and depressive mood. Doesn't create or invent problems out of nowhere. Sociable and attractive. At the same time, cedar is distinguished by vulnerability, inability to laugh at oneself and sensitivity. He is very trusting, which his ill-wishers readily take advantage of. Does not tolerate the role of a subordinate and often conflicts with superiors. The cedar man is the embodiment of true masculinity.

He is reliable and able to solve problems both for himself and for his family. He knows how to rely only on his own strength, to decide important issues and resolve problems. He is purposeful and always knows how to solve a given problem. However, in the case when he tries on other people’s principles and goals for himself, he is able to begin to fight for an idea that will not bring him happiness.

A very stubborn and persistent sign. He is able to enter into a discussion on any issue, and has a personal opinion on any argument. He shows favor only to those who completely agree with his every word. As a result, pine society is dominated by sycophants and flatterers who want to earn its approval at all costs.

He has a very unique way of communicating. He always knows what he wants and achieves what he wants in any way. The Pine woman is a wonderful housewife, an excellent cook and knows how to create special comfort in her home. The Cedar man is not prone to cheating. He knows how to earn money, so his family always lives in abundance.

Those born under the sign of willow are an unrivaled actor. The man is a player and adventurer by nature. He always lacks passion, so he creates them himself. Willow lives according to her own scenario, which often runs counter to the world around her. A person who is patronized by willow has extraordinary abilities in creativity. He will make a wonderful poet, musician or artist.

A distinctive feature of the willow man’s creations is that they are all imbued with the melancholy mood of their author. Most often, willow prefers to solve its problems with someone else's hands, relying on others. Rarely makes decisions personally. At the same time, this is a person who is able to determine the consequences of any step even before it is taken. Using a strategic approach to life, willow avoids serious difficulties and troubles. Has a weakness for precious stones.

Druid horoscope. Horoscope of trees by date of birth

The Druid horoscope is also called the Gallic or Celtic horoscope. The Gauls, descendants of the Celtic tribes, created the annual solar lunar calendar, dedicated to the horoscope of trees. We have recreated the calendar of our ancestors in its current form.

Like the Mesopotamians, Egyptians or Chinese, the Celts had their own view of the sky and stars. But unlike the Middle East and Africa, where the civilizations of Sumer and Akkad, Babylon and Egypt flourished, deserts were rare in Europe. Generous nature separated competing tribes to one degree or another by natural boundaries. They were dense and mysterious forests.

Therefore, it is logical that the Celtic tribes did not include stars in their zodiac; they attributed their destinies to a specific tree. They endowed trees with certain characteristics. Each tree was dedicated to a period of the year, and its characteristics were characteristic of those whose birth coincided with that period of the year.

Of course, no one can understand the meaning, principle and structure of the Celtic calendar without reference to the Druids. Being at the same time priests, scientists, healers, as well as educators and teachers, storytellers and poets, they passed on their knowledge exclusively by word of mouth. They taught their followers to read the garden of nature, which was and remains unusually rich in Europe.

But if you really think about the variety of species of flowers, plants and trees growing in Europe, it is easier to understand the admiration of the Gauls. But we may mistakenly conclude that they were fatalists. In fact, they were more prone to admiration than we are today.

This is how the Druids developed the annual lunar calendar. It consisted of 13 moons or lunar periods, each of which was assigned a tree, and five nights. The first of them corresponds to the first day of the year, and the remaining four mark winter and summer solstices, as well as the spring and autumn equinoxes.

Horoscope of trees by date of birth

Based on the Celtic calendar, we have recreated the zodiac of trees for you. They follow each other counterclockwise, like the 12 zodiac signs in astrology, from 0 degrees Aries, March 21st.

Druid horoscope
Druid horoscope for trees depending on date of birth. Tree table.


The Druids knew that each of us has a patron tree that bestows certain characteristics. Which tree it is depends on your date of birth.

Druids were forest dwellers who inhabited northern Europe. Their civilization had enormous power over the population. Druids were oracles and healers, overseers and guardians of the law. The pagan canons of this tribe deified everything around them.

According to their belief, trees had magical power. And it was from the tree that man came. The Druids created their own Celtic horoscope, with the help of which you can not only learn about a person’s character, but also change your destiny in better side. They created love horoscope compatibility, from which you will find out how happy your relationship can be. According to their teachings, if you find yourself in a difficult situation, go into the forest, find your tree, lean against it and feel how the plant’s energy is transferred to you. Thank the tree, have fakes made from its wood at home, and happiness will not keep you waiting long.

Tree - patron by date of birth

The tree has maximum strength on the date of birth. Each tree in the Celtic horoscope has two periods: spring and autumn, or winter and summer. Twice a year, summer and winter, the Sun declares war on the night. The summer and spring equinoxes were considered the main holidays in the Druid tribe.

Fate, according to the priests, directly depended on the location of the Sun on a person’s birthday. The year was divided into several periods, each of which was protected by a specific helper tree. The Druids believed that the patron plant gives a person character and personal qualities, and communication with “your” tree will help change life for the better.

Druid Horoscope

Fir: January 2 - January 11; July 5 - July 14. People born under her auspices are conservative. They are devoted to the principles, protect their habits and do not chase fashion, preferring the proven. They are demanding and capricious, demandingly looking for the best for themselves and their loved ones. It's quite difficult to please them, and if you get their attention, expect a fabulous life.

Elm: January 12 - January 24; July 15 - July 25. Elm people are distinguished by simplicity in words, actions and life, external and internal beauty. They try not to attract unnecessary attention; they get tired of constant admiration. They are attached to things and are constant in choosing a partner. From childhood they know what they will do in life and purposefully pursue their dreams.

Read also Name Ramil origin and meaning

Cypress: January 25 - February 3; July 26 - August 4. People who are patronized by cypress usually do not pursue success, fame or financial well-being. The goal in life is to be happy. They move mountains to avoid problems and enjoy life longer.

Poplar: February 4 - February 8; August 5 - August 13. People born under the auspices of poplar develop quickly, standing out among their peers. The charm bestowed by nature gradually fades away from eternal fears and thoughts. They need to be loved and needed, otherwise they become depressed.

Frame South: February 9 - February 18; August 14 - August 23. Dynamism and confidence distinguish people born during this period. Lovers of comfort, they have excellent health and love to be the center of attention. They have the gift of attracting problems to themselves, but quickly solve them. Born for adventure.

Pine: February 19 - February 28/29; August 24 - September 2. Those who are protected by pine are always in sight. Their love of life knows no bounds, but they are very scrupulous about everything new. They are creators of comfort, they adore beautiful things and try to arrange them all around them. According to the Druid horoscope, the owners of this tree have no shortage of virtues, but they lack generosity. Their main goal is their own well-being.

Willow: March 1 - March 10; September 3 - September 12. The originality of people under the auspices of willow was granted to them from above. They stand out with charm and mystery. Impetuous, but devoted to hobbies. They have many fans. They are contemplative to the depths of their souls, often immersed in thought. But they are vulnerable and touchy, and sometimes they go beyond boundaries.

Lipa: March 11 - March 20; September 13 - September 22. People born under her auspices are pleasant and sweet, they understand this perfectly, and know how to benefit from it. They know how to impress and gain respect. They make excellent psychologists. But they are sometimes unable to understand themselves.

Oak: March 21 - spring equinox. Oak gives people colossal energy power, but softness is alien to them. They are proud, fair, and do not forgive anyone for a moment of weakness. They are more often respected than loved. Excellent leaders who can lead people.

Hazel: March 22 - March 31; September 24 - October 3. Hazel people are one of those people who are usually overlooked. They do not make an impression; they can only charm those people who have known them for a long time. Silent, reserved, but smart. They don’t chase other people’s opinions, having their own opinions about everything.

Rowan: April 1 - April 10; October 4 - October 13. Rowan, according to the horoscope, bestows a calm disposition and pleasant appearance. People born at this time have friends in different corners peace. Are constantly in good mood and with an optimistic attitude. But they let all experiences pass through themselves, without annoying anyone.

Maple: April 11 - April 20; October 14 - October 23. According to the Druid horoscope, maple rules over people who are cheerful, curious and active. They are always at the center of events. They are constantly looking for adventures and do not sit in one place. Charming, funny and slightly odd.

Walnut: April 21 - April 30; October 24 - November 2. People under the protection of walnut are endowed with refined manners and a sense of style. Loyal, faithful, unique strategists. They love to arrange unexpected surprises. Constantly working on themselves and their inner world, bringing everything to perfection. Financially independent, they try to solve their problems without the involvement of other people.

Jasmine: May 1 - May 14; November 3 - November 11. Jasmine radiates tenderness and kindness, attracting people to her. Such people are very vulnerable, although they give the impression of a frivolous “darling of fate.” They create a relaxed atmosphere with their presence. Life's problems pass them by, but deep down the owners of this tree are pessimists, despite the fact that they try to seem cheerful.

Chestnut: May 15 - May 24; November 12 - November 21. Under the protection of the chestnut are people who value honesty and modesty. They have an inner core and vitality, but they don’t know how to use it. Fighters for justice, achieve their goal regardless of others. They are very silent and love to take away fame from other people, but they do it unconsciously. People are unhappy in love because of jealousy and fear.

Ash: May 25 - June 3; November 22 - December 1. According to the horoscope, Ash is characterized by self-satisfaction. People patronized by this tree are very demanding and selfish. It is impossible to start an argument with them, since they are only confident that they are right. They live only to satisfy their desires, in the good sense of the word.

Hornbeam: June 4 - June 13; December 2 - December 11. People who are patronized by the hornbeam are interesting, but they do not know how to express themselves, so they often fade, merging with society. They dream of fame or public gratitude, but do nothing to achieve the goal.

Figs: June 14 - June 23; December 12 - December 21. Figs bestow extraordinary character traits that make them stand out from the crowd. Many people who have figs according to their horoscope feel like strangers in society and cannot find themselves. The slightest difficulties throw such people out of balance, to which they then cannot return.

Birch: June 24 - summer solstice. The people of this patron are pleasant, open, and kind. Calmness is their strong point. In their endeavors they are constant, faithful, and require attention and love. They cannot stand vulgarity in any form, because they themselves are full of a sense of proportion. They love to work and, without any doubt, would calmly settle in the village. Sentimental, not afraid to openly express their feelings.

Apple tree: December 23 - January 1; June 25 - July 4. The apple tree is a symbol of sensuality. People under the protection of this tree strive for marriage and creating a family. Joyful, not subject to other people's opinions, purposeful. Their selflessness is often taken advantage of because they extra effort succumb to deception. They don’t think about tomorrow, they live here and now, and often forget about their debts. These natures are characterized by philosophy, they are full of hope and joy.

Olive: September 23 - autumnal equinox. People born under the auspices of the olive tree cannot stand the cold, dream of warm countries, and because of this they can often get sick. However, they are calm and reasonable, always ready to help. In love, they risk becoming dependent on their partner.

Beech: December 22 - winter solstice. Beech gives strength and longevity to people born under its shade. Such people are independent, they will never ask for help, but will always offer it. Beech people are successful, purposeful, thrifty and reliable.

The Druids created their own personal horoscope, but, unfortunately, only echoes have survived to this day, because previously the teaching was transmitted orally. The form in which the horoscope has come down to us is a simplified version of the great teaching. But it is no less effective.

The tree has always been considered a symbol of life, the divine has been found in it and worshiped in many religions. The tree is also mentioned in the Bible. In addition, each Zodiac Sign has a personal patron tree. In the center of paradise stood two mighty and beautiful trees: One was the tree of life, and the other was the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. And this is no coincidence. Every plant has strength, and perhaps even a soul. That is why the tree is a treasure trove of great magical secrets and a source of strength for many people. Good luck to you and don't forget to press the buttons and

Druid horoscope: how to determine your patron tree
The Druids knew that each of us has a patron tree that bestows certain characteristics. Which tree it is depends on your date of birth.

“The Golden Mean” - the character is so named because he knows how to get along with all the other characters. The weaker will be correctly dominated, and the stronger will be skillfully adjusted and even sometimes argued on equal terms. However, he often shows himself to be very conflicting, challenging other leaders and society.

Examples 111

◦ Kim Jong-un - former ruler of North Korea
◦ Bill Gates - head of Microsoft Corporation, one of the richest people in the world, philanthropist
◦ Pavel Durov - creator of the social network Vkontakte and its former owner
◦ Artemy Lebedev - founder of the number 1 design studio in Russia, public figure, blogger

Energy, charisma - 2

“Energy shortage” - the battery is only enough to do the most necessary things. Large groups, audiences and noisy parties are exhausting. Multi-day hikes and monotonous work are the same. But moderate sports, fitness, yoga, or at least walking and normal sleep are vital.

Cognition, creativity - 33

“Basic abilities” - with such potential, if desired, one can, if desired, master the exact sciences, technology, algorithms or knowledge systems quite deeply. Or follow the path of art and invent novels, music, films. And even simply thanks to imagination, such a person is sometimes able to generate original ideas. But self-realization along this path will require a lot of work and skill development.

Examples 33

◦ Mikhail Bulgakov - Russian classicist, writer, playwright, director
◦ Boris Strugatsky - a classic of Soviet science fiction XX century
◦ Vladimir Vernadsky - scientist, philosopher, creator of the theory of the noosphere

Health, beauty - No

“Low health” - your health is weak and you shouldn’t put it under unnecessary stress. Fitness, yoga, proper nutrition, prevention is your best friend. Such a person should not rely on external data and beauty. It is better to pay attention to other strengths and focus on them in your search for yourself.

Logic, intuition - 5

“The makings of logic” - logic is present in a person. If he doesn’t master something the first time, he’ll definitely figure it out with a calculator and paper. Quantum physics is unlikely to satisfy him, but for elementary life tasks it should be enough. The channel of intuition is open, these people do fewer errors.

Hard work, skill - 6

“The makings of hard work and skill” - according to his mood, a person can quite well cope with any work that requires the application of hard work, accuracy and process technology. Of course, he won’t become a jeweler right away, but whether it’s building a house, making repairs, or something that doesn’t require super-skilled skills, he’ll most likely succeed. And in the process, he will also be able to hone his skills.

Luck, luck - No

“There are not enough stars in the sky” - you need to achieve everything yourself. At the same time, make many attempts without expecting sudden success. But you must admit: achieving honest success through your own work and accidental success through the will of fortune are two different things. So look at your others strengths and realize yourself by revealing them. The person will become talented in his subsequent transformations. And in his present life a difficult fate awaits him.

Call of Duty - 888

“Truth teller” - for them, the desire to convey themselves and their ideas (naturally, “correct” and “good” from their point of view) to society is often placed above their own or family interests. And, naturally, all this is done, supposedly, for the public good. In general, the social orientation of people of this type can sometimes go off scale. And sometimes, no matter how strange it may seem from the outside, such people may experience a period of isolation. Until the moment when they again become acutely involved in a stormy social life.

Examples 888

◦ Confrontation during World War II between two pairs of leaders and their commanders:
Stalin-Zhukov versus Hitler-Lindemann - everyone has 888 in the code and the strongest ideology of “truth” behind them
◦ Natalia Vodianova - supermodel, public figure, actress and philanthropist
Man is called to serve the people

Memory, mind - 99

“A clear head” - any study or work with information is very easy. And this often causes boredom and reluctance. It is easy for such a person to become an erudite and intellectual. But in fact, you should look for a truly interesting and deep subject for the use of your mind. And the more complex it is, the greater the interest and, accordingly, the result.

Examples 99

◦ Sergey Brin - co-founder of Google, mathematician
◦ David Beckham - footballer, playmaker, known for smart strategic play
◦ Dmitry Medvedev - Prime Minister, creator of the Skolkovo innovation center

Self-esteem - 6

“Overestimated” - most often a person estimates himself inadequately highly. In addition, positions in the spirit of “I deserve more,” etc. are typical. Well, in this case, you need to either work on achieving what you deserve, or reduce your ardor. Let us note that high and inflated self-esteem is the most real incentive to achieve something in life. But most of these people face a crisis at a certain moment, when they look back from the heights of their past years and realize that they have not become what they would like. And here they either go into deep depression, or make a leap forward with renewed vigor.

Purpose-striving - 3

“Unpredictable” - likes to set goals and then suddenly change them. By the way, achieving goals is not part of his favorite pastime - it is much more pleasant for him to dream of patronage over the world than to conquer it. Sometimes he tends to overestimate himself, first putting something too heavy on his shoulders and then throwing it away halfway.

Spirit - 6

“Higher spirituality” - an example of purity and high focus of one’s thoughts can be a person with 5 numbers in this diagonal. Oddly enough, there are many examples of businessmen and public figures with this sign. And this suggests that they do their job not just for the sake of money, but also for something higher.

Family - 5

The “idealist family man” represents the family and everything that happens in it as a kind of ideal. Therefore, first he carefully checks his partner for ideality, and then, already in marriage, he tries himself, the partner and family relationships lead to that same ideal. The partner is not always ready to withstand this.

Body - 3

“Impulsive” - this temperament can adapt to almost any partner: moderate your ardor with a partner whose temperament is lower, and, conversely, be more ardent with someone whose temperament is higher. If the partner is temporarily absent, then he may rush into promiscuous relationships. Often this temperament tries to seem very hot in the eyes of the opposite sex.

Stability - 5

“Very stable” - habits and environment practically do not change. Trusts what he is used to. It may not change what is familiar, even if the new one is better. What is it: tediousness or predictability? One way or another, some of those around you appreciate it, but others are infuriated by it. But it is believed that such a person can be trusted.

Making money - 2

“Worried” - the thought of having to provide for oneself makes one anxious. On the one hand, if possible, I would be glad not to work at all. On the other hand, if there is a need, then he agrees to work, as long as he gets paid.

Talent potential - 5

If a person has talent, i.e. it is clearly expressed (you can pay attention to other cells) and the person is working on it, then this figure speaks about the potential for the development of this talent.

Many of us are accustomed to checking our plans with zodiac horoscope. But not everyone knows that certain trees can influence a person based on their date of birth. This horoscope is considered the legacy of the Druids, who lived in harmony with nature and believed that man was created from wood.

Some general information

In 18 tree signs. The time of each sign comes 2 times a year. These dates depend on the position of the sun. In addition, there are 4 trees that are associated with the main events of the year: summer and spring and autumn are equal days. These are oak (21.03), birch (24.07), olive (23.09), beech (21-22.12)

Celtic tribes believed that the fate of a person depended on the patron tree. They spent as much time as possible near their patrons to strengthen the spirit and improve the body. Even a child knew the tree calendar by heart, and even more so his Druid tree by date of birth. It was normal to ask your tree for help and advice. No one was afraid or ashamed of their talismans. The Druids drew their magic from the surrounding nature and tried to preserve it for posterity.

We have long forgotten that nature can and should be trusted. And if someone is interested in how to recognize their tree by date of birth, then just look at this calendar.


Those born from 23.12 to 01.01 and from 25.06 to 04.07 are patronized by the Apple Tree. Children born these days are light and cheerful. They look at problems like true philosophers and have a developed intellect. The apple tree makes a person trusting, emotional and sentimental. He can be quick-tempered, but he does not remember evil for a long time.

Evergreen Fir

Those born in January from 2 to 11 and in July from 5 to 14 are patronized by Fir. Characteristic features: pride, individualism, demandingness. But these are not selfish, but balanced and attentive people. It’s hard for them to fit into a new company; real friends may not happen at all. A person favored by Fir is a good family man and a faithful life partner. If your chosen one has Fir as a talisman tree based on his date of birth, then you can safely marry him.


Those born in January from 12 to 24 and in July from 15 to 25 are patronized by the majestic Elm. These are simple and calm people. Passions and vanity tire them. Their strong point is practicality and consistency. Elms are trees that give people confidence and optimism based on their date of birth. They will not complicate and escalate the problem, but will think through the situation and resolve all issues. In relationships, Elms are very constant; they are ready to love even without reciprocity.

Exotic Cypress

If you were born between 03.02 or from 26.07 to 04.08, then the mascot is Cypress. You are attractive, well-built and take good care of yourself. Cypress trees are trees that, based on their date of birth, endow people with irrepressible imagination and creative potential. These people have a conflict-free and easy-going character; they like to relax and are not very hard workers. But luck favors them.

A person whose talisman is Cypress craves recognition and love. He cannot be in the shadow of his partner; his calling is to be the “first violin”.

Slender Poplar

The person who appeared in February from 5 to 8 and in August from 5 to 13 is Poplar. imparts modesty and indecisiveness. But at the same time it gives you the desire to adjust your life. Often this desire finds expression in experiments with appearance.

Poplars are not confrontational; they would rather laugh it off than get into a fight. But these people have very high demands on their environment.


Were you born between the 9th and 18th in February or the 14th and 23rd in August and are wondering “What is my date of birth tree?”? Know that this is Cedar. Look at yourself - you are a kind, cheerful optimist, you don’t have depression, you don’t like to do soul-searching. The talisman tree has endowed you with these traits.


People who appeared in February from 19 to 29 and in August-September from 24 to 2 receive the beautiful Pine as their patron. They are stubborn and persistent, enforce their point of view and love when everyone agrees with them. Flatterers and sycophants often linger around such people.

Pine imparts confidence and a desire to communicate. Women of this sign cook well and create comfort around them.


Does your birthday fall on one of the days in March from 1 to 10 or in September from 3 to 12? This means that Willow is your patron.

People of this sign tend to get carried away. They are good actors and gamblers. Such people build their lives according to their own understanding. They can be insincere and often become depressed. But a penchant for creativity allows you to become successful artists, directors, and poets.


A person celebrating a birth in March from 11 to 20 or in September from 13 to 22 receives the fragrant Linden tree as a patron. He is a realist and a fatalist. Hardworking beyond measure, does not tolerate idleness. Such people love comfort and appreciate a beautiful life. They do not enter into open conflicts, sometimes they are contradictory, but they understand people well. They have no life principles. They always need an authoritative mentor.


Those born in March from 22 to 31 and in September-October from 24 to 3 received the Hazel talisman. These are hidden and rarely show emotions. They can be unsociable and have difficulty making friends. They feel comfortable working and relaxing only in silence and solitude. They are reliable partners, but are not too keen on raising children.

Shy Ryabinka

From 01.04 to 10.04 and from 04.10 to 13.10 a person is patronized by Ryabinka. These are energetic and cheerful people. They love an active lifestyle, play sports and walk a lot. Rowan is fair and caring. Rowan people will always lend a hand to those who need it. Their marriage is only possible for love.


People celebrating their birthdays in April (11-20) or October (14-23) fall under the auspices of Maple. They are curious and well-read. They love to study, but are not too diligent. They often forget about their promises and are not averse to giving orders. Maples are merry fellows and jokers, but they do not value friends and loved ones. They are often lonely.


Were you born in April between 21 and 30 or between 10/24 and 11/2? Your talisman is the Walnut. The character influenced by such a talisman is complex and contradictory. A person’s mood constantly changes, he is quarrelsome and uncompromising. However, he is capable of compassion and can help in trouble.


For someone born in May from 1 to 14 or in November from 3 to 11, Jasmine becomes the talisman. He is hardworking and able to overcome difficulties, but often goes with the flow. Such a person is able to find a common language with everyone. However, if life does not work out, then he becomes vindictive.


Those born in May from 15 to 24 and in November from 12 to 21 live under the attention of Chestnut. According to their date of birth, trees give them a bright appearance, a mocking character and a love of communication. They do not recognize rules and do not like to obey. They love children very much and create strong families.


From 25.05 to 03.06 and from 22.11 to 01.12 the mascot is Ash. He makes people realists and pragmatists. The Druids predict a successful life for them. These are born leaders and bosses. But they are lucky not only at work, but also in family life.


If your tree by date of birth is Hornbeam, then you were born in the period from 06/01 to 06/13 or from 12/02 to 12/11. You have a strong-willed and serious character. You tend to be pragmatic. You are having a hard time experiencing changes in your life.


Those born in June from 14 to 23 or in December from 12.12 to 20.12 are favored by Figs. These are free and independent people. They love idleness and value pleasure. Their life is spent in a constant war with weaknesses. There is often depression, then Fig requires attention and care.

Oak, Birch, Olive, Beech

These are the trees of the equinoxes and solstices. They are powerful talismans that give confidence and good luck in life. Each of the trees endows its wards with different traits, but the common ones are luck, happiness and success.

A person's fate is determined by a tree. It can also reveal his character. Using the Druid horoscope you can correct your life, changing it for the better. Pay attention to your tree more often - come to it, talk, listen to its advice.

Everyone needs to know their tree. However, you need to be able to communicate with him:

  • find your green patron;
  • lean your whole body against its trunk;
  • feel the transition of life-giving energy;
  • be alone for a few minutes;
  • feel relief and peace;
  • thank him for the gift of healing;
  • decorate with a bright ribbon and present the tree with words of gratitude.

My green horoscope

The greatest power of the tree manifests itself on a person’s birthday, as well as during the active period of the sign. To determine the patron tree, the ancient Druids created and structured a horoscope, which is often called green.

Apple tree (December 22 – January 1; June 25 – July 4)

The beautiful apple tree knows how to please the eye, and internally attracts you with its indescribable cordiality and charm. She is a sentimental, sensitive and versatile tree. In love, the fruit-bearing woman is always faithful, uncalculating and unselfish, because of this she can be extremely easy to deceive. Despite the fact that the apple tree, by its nature, is capable of giving away its last shirt or piece of bread, it is not a simpleton, full of imagination and philosophizing. A tree that lives today is scientifically inclined, thoughtful, intelligent and logical. In order to dispel the monotony in the emotional sphere, which the apple tree abhors, it is capable of life complications.

Fir (January 2 - January 11; July 5 - July 14)

Fir is capricious, thin, loves isolation and, nevertheless, is capable of suffering from loneliness even when in a crowded place. A taciturn and gloomy coniferous soul, proud, intractable and demanding - it is difficult for her to communicate and live a life together. Fir always achieves its goals, perhaps because it is truly serious and conscientious in its work, and is also meticulous. The calling of the fir is to choose the most difficult path and follow it to its logical end; it never loses faith, hope and presence of mind. You can rely on it, and fir love is capable of limitlessness, picky about little things, but satisfied with big things.

Elm (January 12 - February 24; July 6 - July 25)

A balanced and calm elm is attractive to others. Its noticeable and almost only drawback is its slowness. Elm is so open and straightforward that it can literally disarm with its sincerity, as well as a developed sense of duty and responsibility. He prefers to lead rather than obey, but this can and should be treated with patience because the elm can be incredibly loyal. This wood sign also has a highly developed sense of humor, which saves you from life's disappointments.

Cypress (January 25 - February 3; July 26 - August 4)

The opportunistic cypress knows how to be content with little in any situation. He is not interested in fame and success in life, he is not attracted to money - cypress needs friendship, a large family and constant communication much more. He does not accept loneliness, loves animals and long walks. A mentally calm, dreamy and pleasant person in society, he is often quite harsh with loved ones.

Poplar (February 4 - February 8; August 5 - August 13)

Topol is a person of warmth, without a touch of sentimentality, pleasant in society, and occasionally may seem a little rude. He is a dreamer who can easily and without doubt surrender himself to the flow of life. He has an elastic, intelligent and reasonable character, and in his loyalty he is inaccessible and incomprehensible. In the circle of loved ones, the life of a poplar is like a quiet, flowing stream.

Kedr (February 9 - February 18; August 14 - August 23)

All cedar dreams of is convenience, but it adapts quickly to any situation. This tree symbol is always very confident and dynamic, spinning in the center of everyone's attention. He is able to take anyone by surprise and can extricate himself from any crisis situation. Cedar is suggestible, so it can easily become a weapon in the wrong hands. When she finds something she loves, she devotes herself entirely to it, with persistence and trepidation. As a rule, the life of such people is very diverse, and the soul is intelligent, receptive, sensitive and sentimental.

Changing the topic of conversation

Druids determined character by date of birth. Their horoscope, as well as the year, is divided into two periods, each of which consisted of nine segments, several days long. Each tree name corresponded to its own time period. Tree horoscope Druids consists of 22 signs: 18 paired and 4 single;

Sosna (February 19 - February 28/29; August 24 - September 2)

The irresistible pine appreciates a home and a beautiful interior, loves beautiful things, and creates its own cute corner for itself. Pine is courageous, rebellious, unshakable, stubborn, perhaps thanks to these qualities, it is successful in its work. The coniferous beauty is able to get out of any incredibly difficult situation with dignity and without losing face. She is precise in her actions, incapable of excessive generosity, although deep down she is impulsive and sensitive. Perhaps that is why her only weakness is love.

Willow (March 1 - March 10; September 3 - September 12)

Sensitive and romantic on the outside, willow is actually decisive and businesslike. She is consumed by the colorlessness and routineness of everyday problems, and love suffering makes her life chaotic. But you shouldn’t take her word for it in her suffering and wringing of her hands, because if her feelings don’t decorate her suffering, they won’t attract her attention.

Lipa (March 11 - March 20; September 13 - September 22)

The charming linden tree, without a doubt, can turn anyone's head. Meanwhile, she is filled to the brim with contradictions - timid, pessimistic, silent, serene and unreliable. Lipa is a patient listener, but in love affairs she loses face and becomes capable of jealousy without any reason.

Hazel (March 22 - March 31; September 24 - October 3)

This tree is weak and inconspicuous at first glance, but in fact it is charming and exudes originality of mind. Hazel, one of the few who is able to be content with little, and also adapt to any living conditions, and at the same time is kind, wise and patient, restrained and modest, but always noticeable. With such a tree person, compatibility is a difficult issue to resolve, since his sophisticated anger often becomes a stumbling block.

Rowan (April 1 - April 10; October 4 - October 13)

Rowan is charming and sweet, has good taste and loves to give joy. But despite the above, relationships with her are complex, contacts are difficult, and compatibility with her is always a big question. Rowan is sensitive and naive, you can rely on it, in love it demands as much as it gives and does not forgive deception and disappointment.

Maple (April 11 - April 20; October 14 - October 23)

Maple is always neat and full of energy - literally tireless, especially when it comes to his fantasies and unusual plans. The character of this tree is multifaceted - it is restrained, not bold, and at the same time capable of risky decisions. He is able to provoke frankness, and he expresses his thoughts well, possessing a harmonious sense of humor, and also loves when people talk about him.

Nut (April 21 - April 30; October 24 - November 2)

Nut is timid, capricious, selfish, sometimes aggressive, but despite this, it is hospitable and polite, prone to loyalty, fidelity and yet fickle.

Loves to suffer himself or makes others suffer, because... This sign is not at all characterized by balance. His influence must be resisted, otherwise he will absorb and crush anyone with his strategic mind and speed of reaction.

Jasmine (May 1 - May 14; November 3 - November 11)

Lively and sociable jasmine literally attracts with skillful conversation. The delicate flower is vulnerable, prone to disappointment and a pessimist from birth. The diplomatic side of his nature makes jasmine cautious and far-sighted. Married life with him is not easy, since even in his own home he wants independence. He is not the enemy of his soul mate, but he can quickly become disappointed in her and leave her. It is worth noting that Jasmine loves children and feels great around them.

Chestnut (May 15 - May 24; November 12 - November 21)

Chestnut is full of vitality and needs space. He is fair, hates prudence, is sensitive and impressionable, which is why he is in dire need of a huge amount of love, but in relation to it he is an enemy for fear of losing it. Among the shortcomings we can note stubbornness, passion for comfort, intractability in the extreme, and amazing ability shock. Kashtan is a monogamous man and his life and abilities completely depend on the people who surround him.

Ash (May 25 - June 3; November 22 - December 1)

The demanding ash tree has a lively character, which makes living with it not easy. He strives to surround himself with the care of others and at the same time forces everyone to live by his own rules. This sign prefers an independent and independent life, is quite proud, capricious, but in contrast - generous, has unique intuition and insight. The tree-man named ash is always reliable and only sometimes tries to flirt with fate.

Hornbeam (June 4 - June 13; December 2 - December 11)

It is difficult to say anything by the date of birth, but you can tell a lot by the name of the tree. Hornbeam is an esthete, attracted to form rather than content, a dreamer and an intellectual. He is capable of obedience and discipline, and his sense of justice and responsibility is extremely developed. This tree is an excellent partner, but duty chooses between duty and love.

Figs (June 14 - June 23; December 12 - December 20)

The tree-man is delicate from birth, subtly impressionable and unadapted to the difficulties of life. Figs really need warmth and space, a family hearth and stability, however, figs themselves are fickle, emotional and impulsive. A touchy realist is quite lenient towards others, and is forced to struggle with laziness all his life.

Oak (vernal equinox - March 21)

This sign is majestic and overflowing with virtues. The date of birth completely determines the inflexible character of the oak - there is nothing fragile in it, it is bold and courageous, strong-willed and self-possessed, irreconcilable and independent. But despite this, the oak tree endures illness hard, and lives like a true conservative, not interested in other people's lives and completely devoid of intuition.

Birch (summer confrontation - June 24)

Birch is flexible, sweet and aristocratic, delicate and restrained; the Druid horoscope speaks of it as a modest and elegant puritan. Sentimental, faithful, intelligent, inventive, the birch tree needs only the minimum from life: a close heart and a good library.

Olive (autumn equinox - September 23)

The olive tree in the horoscope borders between the beautiful and the ugly. Prone to rheumatism, the tree nymph really needs sunny days for its own health. Olive is calm and balanced, delicate and caring, she has excellent self-control and needs peace. She is followed by a good memory, she is loved and appreciated by those around her, which makes her almost always happy.

Buk (winter confrontation - December 21/22)

Buk is dexterous and resourceful, even in unfavorable situations he is capable of success. This sign is always full of plans and firmly follows the intended path. The ideal husband or wife, beech is generous and decent with others. He needs children, who are the flowers of life for him. A flamboyant materialist - loves wealth and happiness.

Video about the horoscope of the ancient Druids:
