The magic of the winter solstice. Making wishes on Winter Solstice Day: signs and rituals of this day

The winter solstice in 2017 will begin on December 21, 2017 at 16:27 GMT. This will be the shortest day and longest night this year.

Occurs at the moment when the Earth's rotation axis tilts away from the Sun. highest value, thus this period marks the beginning of a gradual lengthening of the day and shortening of the night. From the winter solstice on December 21, 2017, the day will begin to increase and the night will begin to decrease.

Signs for the winter solstice, December 21-22

Rituals on the day of winter solstice 2017

Of course, not all rituals that were used by our ancestors remain interesting for modern generations. Indeed, in the old days, sorcerers, for example, always lit fires that were supposed to burn all night, driving away the darkness and calling on the Sun to return. But today, naturally, no one does this. But there are also rituals that have not lost their relevance. And we will talk about them below.

The ideal option for any person is to use the winter solstice to attract some changes, new energy, abilities and opportunities into their lives. This day is perfect for meditation, for rituals related to the energy of water, as well as for new beginnings.

Moreover, your undertakings can be anything - you have the opportunity to radically change your personal life, achieve success in your career, improve your financial well-being, etc. The rituals of the Winter Solstice will be interesting to every person who is not satisfied with his life and who dreams that -change. And therefore their relevance does not decrease over time - after all, it is human nature to constantly strive for the best.

You can perform magical rituals on the shortest day of the year on your own, or you can entrust the solution to your problems to a real specialist. In any case, prayers and magic spells, as well as a variety of paraphernalia. In particular, rituals for the Winter Solstice involve the use of certain plants: laurel, thistle, cedar, chamomile, juniper, mallow, mistletoe, moss, etc. And in addition, you will need candles (it is advisable to give preference to candles in white, red, green or silver-colored) and real stones (in particular, ruby ​​and tiger's eye).

Winter Solstice Prayers 2017

The winter solstice is the time of the darkest and longest night of the year, when we reflect on the meaning of a variety of things. Why not do this in the form of Yule prayers and meditations? Use one a day as food for thought this holiday season.

Spells for the winter solstice

The winter solstice was celebrated by our ancestors on December 21st. This day was and remains the shortest of the year. But the night from December 21 to 22 is the longest of the year. It is believed that it gives rise to solar rebirth, and this is very symbolic for the Slavs. That is why on the day of the winter solstice all kinds of conspiracies and rituals were carried out. The patron saint of this day was Chernobog.

Folk signs on Winter Solstice Day

Folk signs on Winter Day


The Universe has several days a year so that every person can change his destiny. These days are determined by the movement of the Earth and changes in energy flows, and they are called Solstice Days and Equinox Days.

One of these wonderful days is Winter Solstice. On this day, the sun is maximally in the southern hemisphere, and minimally visible on the horizon of the northern hemisphere.

From this day on, the period of astronomical winter begins in the northern hemisphere. The most short days this year will be December 21 and 22, and the longest night will be the night from December 21 to 22.

The winter solstice is December 22, which is the galactic New Year. The week before the Winter Solstice is a timeless week.

The ancients believed that during this period the gates opened between our visible world and the invisible astral world of gods and spirits. Thanks to this, spirits and souls can move freely from one world to another, people can receive help from the Gods and spirits.

While these gates are open, the following must be observed:

rules and perform the following rituals:

1. Strictly control your thoughts, words and actions. They should be friendly, loving and creative. You can’t swear, you can’t be jealous, you can’t wish anyone harm. You need to thank the Universe and God for everything you have.

2. Eliminate communication with people who are unpleasant to you.

3. Light candles in the house to protect your home and family from evil.

4. In order not to anger the spirits coming to us from other world You can’t sweep or sew on these days (spirits don’t like it).

5. It is advisable to avoid conceiving a child these days if you doubt your partner, if your relationship is not very serious or if your marriage is not based on love, but on calculation, etc.

6. If you and your partner are confident in mutual love, then conceiving a common child is even desirable this week. The spirits will take care of the relocation of a good soul, as well as its future.

7. Prayer has special power these days, because the sky is open. Pray and meditate. At the same time, get rid of everything unnecessary in your thoughts.

8. Write a list of what you want to get rid of on a piece of paper and burn this list. This will clear your life of negativity and clear the way for good changes.

9. Write down your plans and innermost desires for the next year on a piece of paper. List everything that will be important for personal development, for home and for family (study, repairs, shopping, having a child, etc.). Then open the window, ask the spirits to fulfill your wishes, thank them for their help, set fire to the sheet on which your list is written, and throw the ashes out the window.

10. You can make a Wish Card. To do this, cut out pictures from magazines or books that represent your desires. Glue them onto a board or cardboard and arrange them as a collage, sign them: “My solstice.” Hang the wish card like a picture in your room.

11. Instead of the ritual indicated in paragraph 9, on the night of December 21-22, you can simply make three secret wishes.

12. On the evening of December 21, be sure to have a festive dinner for the whole family. Don't forget to give treats to pets and birds.

13. At dawn on December 22, congratulate the Sun on his birthday, thank him for giving us life. Ask for the fulfillment of your plans and desires.

14. On this day (December 22), eliminate everyday worries, communicate only with loved ones, have fun and rejoice at the onset of a new period in your life. The events that take place on this day determine the future for the whole year.

15. From the bottom of your heart, give gifts to people close to your heart. These gifts will become amulets for them.

16. In accordance with the rhythms of nature, you can make wishes for the future within three days after the Winter Solstice. Everything you wish for will come true before the summer solstice.

Signs for the Winter Solstice.

If there is frost on the trees on December 21, then you should wait good harvest grain crops. During this period, our ancestors predicted a fruit harvest. On December 21, they cut several branches of cherries, brought them into the house and placed them in a pot of water.

If flowers appeared on these branches before January 7, then a good harvest was expected fruit trees. In order for the apple trees to grow well and produce a good harvest of apples, they were shaken on December 21st.

Based on the weather on the day of the winter solstice, they predict the weather for December 31st, i.e. The weather on December 31 will be the same as on Winter Solstice.

If there is wind on the Winter Solstice, its direction should not change until the Spring Equinox (March 22).

The days after the winter solstice are very important for weather prediction. If it is sunny in the morning on December 25, then you should wait for late spring and you should not rush into spring sowing of crops.

If the morning of December 25 is cloudy, then spring is expected to be early and you will need to hurry with sowing crops. The most successful for agriculture It will be spring if December 25 is cloudy at noon.

Our ancestors believed that twelve days after December 25th predicted the weather for the 12 months of the next year. So, the weather for January is predicted by the weather on December 26th. In February the weather will be the same as December 27, in March - like December 28, etc. On new year holidays There will be frosty weather if December 25th is sunny. If it is cloudy on December 25, then expect cloudy, warm weather on the New Year holidays.

Obey the laws of the Universe. I wish you and your loved ones good luck!!!

An important day of the year is approaching from an astronomical and astrological point of view - the winter solstice. The winter solstice marks the shortest daylight and longest dark night of the year. The winter solstice of 2016 takes place, like every year, at a certain period - December 21-22. Winter Solstice Day 2017 is called Kolyada in Slavic. All holidays associated with the movement of the sun were the most significant among all peoples. They fall on 4 points - two equinoxes and two solstices. At this time, the sun, earth and all nature turn to new stage life. For ancient people, every change of year was important and carried with it life meaning. In December, they welcomed winter and the Sun, which on December 22, after the darkest night, acquired a new birth and therefore was believed to be the new Sun.

In Europe, on the days of the winter solstice, a 12-day cycle of ancient pre-Christian festivals began, marking the beginning of a new life and the renewal of nature. On the day of the winter solstice in Scotland there was a custom to launch the solar wheel - “Solstice”. The barrel was coated with burning resin and sent down the street. The wheel is a symbol of the sun, the spokes of the wheel resembled rays, the rotation of the spokes during movement made the wheel alive and similar to a luminary.

In ancient China it was believed that from this time the male force of nature rises and a new cycle begins. The winter solstice was considered a happy day. On this day, everyone - from the emperor to the commoner - went on vacation, people went to visit each other, gave each other gifts. On these days, the Chinese made sacrifices to the God of Heaven and their ancestors, and also ate porridge from beans and glutinous rice to protect themselves from evil spirits and diseases. To this day, the winter solstice is considered one of the traditional Chinese holidays.

In India, the day of the winter solstice - Sankranti - is celebrated in Hindu communities, where on the night before the celebration bonfires are lit, the heat of which symbolizes the warmth of the sun, which begins to warm the earth after the winter cold.

During Kolyada on December 21-22, the Sun is in the process of transitioning from one state to another, and at this moment a situation arises in which the doors between worlds open slightly. During this period the most strong rituals, conspiracies, and especially fortune telling. Kolyada is also called “White Christmastide”. In Kolyada it was customary to give round rolls as gifts.

Kolyada among the Slavs marks the New Year cycle. The nascent Sun appears in the form of a child. The baby is the disk of the Sun, since ancient times called Kolo. The holiday of Kolyada is diametrically opposed to Kupala. Marks the seasonal turn, the arrival of light, the dying of the old, the arrival of the strong and young.

On the day of the winter solstice, the Slavs bring sheaves and dolls to their homes and sing songs - carols with wishes for the well-being of the home and with requests for gifts - loaves and pies. Carolers dress up in animal costumes - a bear, a horse, a goat, a cow, which means ancient symbol abundance. They praise the owners, wish well-being to the home and family, and in return they demand gifts, jokingly predicting ruin for the stingy. And those who do not submit to Kolyada will remain in poverty next year.

December 21 is a holiday for the Slavic peoples, because the winter solstice is one of the four main sunny days in astrology, along with summer solstice and the autumn and spring equinoxes. Speaking in the language of astrology, the winter solstice 2016 is an astronomical phenomenon in which the Earth is at its maximum distance from the Sun, which, in turn, is located at the southernmost point of the ecliptic. On this day, our ancestors always performed specific rites and rituals, which we will further pay attention to. We also recommend reading along the way important information about full moon in December 2016.

Winter Solstice 2016

When answering the question when is the winter solstice, you need to remember that this the holiday will take place on December 21, when the shortest day is 2016 and the longest night is 2016, which also affects the women's horoscope for December 2016. Such an event, naturally, among almost all nations is covered in myths and legends, as well as specific traditions that reveal the culture in a special way.

Winter Solstice Day: signs

On the day of the winter equinox or winter solstice, our ancestors carefully looked at the world around them in order to predict their near future. Nowadays horoscopes help us understand everything, but then the following signs played a very important role.

  • If there is frost on the trees, you should expect a lot of grain in the coming season.
  • The weather that will be on the day of the winter solstice will be repeated on December 31st.
  • If the cut cherry branches bloom before Christmas, there will be a lot of berries.
  • It's raining - a wet spring.
  • The sun is clear, radiant - New Year frosty, gloomy and frost on the trees - cloudy with a thaw on New Year's Eve.
  • A quiet, windless day means a good harvest of fruit trees.

Winter Solstice: Rituals

Winter Solstice Day 2016, December 21, at folk tradition is accompanied by interesting rituals and rituals, because it is not so often in the year that the longest night and the shortest day of the year are 2016. Here are the traditions that were relevant among our ancestors:

  • On December 21, you need to start new things - they will be doomed to success;
  • On Solstice Day 2016, it is worth engaging in spiritual practices and meditating, since the powerful flow of energy that comes from heaven to Earth greatly enhances the influence of meditation;
  • You need to boldly throw away old things, clear your thoughts and consciousness, and pray. On this day you can say goodbye to the past and open the way to a happy future;
  • On the day when the shortest day of 2016, you need to make wishes - they will definitely come true;
  • You can also tell fortunes using cards - on this day they will tell the truth. In general, when the day is shortest, rituals for healing, prosperity, gaining strength and wisdom are performed. Winter solstice divination gives accurate results, Tarot and Oracle divination works well.

As astrologers say, the winter solstice is good for reflection life experience and making plans for the future. Don't miss the chance to improve your life with the help of the forces of nature and the elements.

True astronomical winter occurs after the winter solstice, or short day and the longest night of the year - each subsequent day will give us a little more light, and by the new year the length of daylight will increase by almost eight minutes.

Since prehistoric times, the winter solstice has been celebrated as the birth of the Sun and the new year. The holidays of Yule among the Germanic peoples and the Slavic Kolyada are associated with the winter solstice, which was celebrated at night before sunrise.

In former times, important rituals and ceremonies were performed on these days, as people believed that during the solstice they could change their fate and make their dreams come true, with the support of higher powers.

The winter solstice day of almost all nations is covered in myths and legends, as well as many rituals and traditions that reveal culture in a special way.

Rituals and rituals

In the old days, on the day of the winter solstice, people performed many ceremonies and rituals - first of all, they were aimed at winning the favor of the gods in the hope that a good harvest would be given in gratitude.

Through magical rituals they tried to attract some changes, new energy, abilities and opportunities into their lives, as this is facilitated by the energy of the nascent Sun. On the longest night of the year, as usual, they caroled and told fortunes about the future.

With the advent of Christianity, the ancient holiday of the winter solstice was timed to coincide with Christmas and the beginning of the winter holidays.

Many of the rites and rituals associated with the winter solstice have survived to this day, they are as relevant as before, as people constantly strive for the best. Winter solstice rituals are usually performed between December 21st and December 23rd.

It is believed that on the day of the winter solstice it is good to meditate - a powerful flow of energy that comes to Earth from the sky greatly enhances the effect of meditation.

On the day of the winter solstice, it is also good to engage in spiritual self-development, which inspires the opening of spiritual spaces.

Winter Solstice Day is suitable for any new beginnings - you can achieve success in your career, radically change your personal life, improve your financial well-being, and so on.

To enhance the effect solar energy, you can visualize what you want to get as a result.

On the day of the winter solstice, people threw away old things - in this way they said goodbye to the past and, as it were, opened the way to a happy future. There is no need to resort to such radical actions - you can simply magical ritual or ritual yourself.

Ritual to attract good luck

Before you begin the ritual to attract good luck into your life, you need to let go of everything bad that, in your opinion, happened to you during the past year.

To do this, take a piece of paper, write down all the bad events that happened in the past year in your life, the repetition of which you would like to avoid.

Burn the paper in a fireplace, stove, or simply on a metal tray, imagining how all your sorrows and difficulties disappear with the smoke and set you free, or bury it and say goodbye.

At this moment, it is important to say to yourself, for example, the following words: “Farewell to the past, I am not offended by you, but there is no return for you. I am letting you go.”
Then take a second piece of paper and write down what you want to achieve in the next year - it’s good if at each point you indicate what you can do to speed up the achievement of the goal.

You need to store the second sheet in a place where no one can get to it, including your family members. From time to time you can take out a piece of paper, re-read it, cross out points that have already been fulfilled, and, if desired, add new wishes.

Ritual to fulfill wishes

In ancient times, it was believed that any wishes made on the shortest day of the year would definitely come true, especially if supported by visualization. Rituals are a powerful tool for inspiration and motivation to pursue your dreams.

First you need to create a place for your dreams, that is, clean your home of unnecessary things. To do this, put things that cause you unpleasant feelings or that you have not used for a long time in large garbage bags and get rid of them.

Then take a piece of paper, write your desire on one side, and on the other side everything that, in your opinion, you need to do to make it come true. Then each week you need to take one item from your action list and work on it - do this for the next year.

“Seeds of intention” can be a visual reminder of your dream.

Lightly wet two napkins, unfold them and place them in a glass so that they form a soft wall inside. Place the seeds between napkins and place the glass on the windowsill, where the sun appears every day for at least a few hours.

To keep the wipes moist, add enough water. And every time you water and watch them grow, imagine one small task that you can do to achieve this dream. Perhaps by the time the plant reaches maturity, you will already have concrete results.

You can also create a vision board and place it in a prominent place so you can see it morning and evening. To do this, find images that represent your dream, cut them out and glue them onto a board or piece of construction paper. It is important to make the visualization very real and imagine that this has already happened at the present moment.

You can create such a board online, but you must not forget to look at it every morning and every evening for a year.

On the shortest day of the year, the winter solstice, rituals are performed for prosperity, healing, gaining strength and wisdom, and so on.

Various fortune telling for the winter solstice provide accurate results. You can also tell fortunes using cards - on this day they will tell the honest truth.

Before going to bed, you need to take an arbitrary number of small pieces of paper and write one man’s name on each.

Mix the leaves thoroughly and place them under your pillow overnight. Then say the following words: “Whoever falls in love, dream about it. Darling, appear in my dream. I’m waiting for you all the time, I’ll treat you to pies.”

In the morning, choose one of the pieces of paper at random before getting out of bed. Your fate next year will be connected with whose name appears on the piece of paper.
It is important in this fortune-telling to fulfill what you promised - be sure to treat him to any bakery product, when this person appears on your doorstep, otherwise he will not stay with you for long. This condition is associated with the ancient ritual of giving to a lover.

The room where fortune telling, ritual or meditation is performed is decorated with dry leaves, fruits and nuts. Decorated with symbols of the sun, 13 candles are placed in the center of the ritual altar. Oils of juniper, cedar, pine and rosemary are used to aromatize the air.

The results of fortune telling and rituals can be accelerated with the help of stones and metals. A talisman in the form of a pendant with a stone or a ring, charged with moonlight that night, will be much more powerful and effective than those activated in another period.

Signs for the weather

In the old days, they were sure that if there was frost on the trees on December 21, a good harvest of grain crops should be expected.

The direction of the wind from the winter solstice will not change until the spring equinox, that is, until March 22.

The days after the winter solstice are very important for weather forecasting. So, if it is sunny in the morning on December 25, then you should wait for late spring and not rush into spring sowing of crops.

If the morning of December 25 is cloudy, then spring is expected early, and you will need to hurry with sowing crops, and if it is cloudy on December 25 at noon, then spring will be successful for agriculture.

They predict the weather for the entire next year twelve days after December 25th. The weather for January is predicted by the weather on December 26th, for February - December 27th, for March - December 28th, and so on.

There will be frosty weather for the New Year holidays if it is sunny on December 25th. If it is cloudy on December 25, then cloudy but warm weather is expected on the New Year holidays.
