Rituals for the summer solstice and bathing. Strong conspiracies at the solstice

Summer solstice June 21st.
The Sun, moving along the ecliptic, will reach its greatest declination and astronomical summer will begin.

Summer solstice, the middle of natural summer and the longest daylight hours of the year, when the sun reaches its highest position. Many centuries ago, our ancestors believed that the sun is the patron saint of all natural processes and the head of the entire living world. The sun was assigned true divine power, even before the advent of religions. This is why most people are still convinced that the sun is an incredible force thanks to which all living things exist. And the solstice was considered a magical phenomenon, so today there are a variety of solstice conspiracies that are really effective.

Lita - this is what our ancestors called the Summer Solstice Day, dedicated to the Sun God - Yaril.
Not only our ancestors honored this day, in some countries it was also associated with the cult of the sun. On the day of the solstice, British girls sought to perform many rituals aimed at a successful marriage and a happy family life. Young people tried to find out their fate with the help of plants and flowers, and couples in love swore allegiance and eternal love.
The Scots told fortunes about the harvest. On this day, residents ran burning wheels across the ground: if they burned all the time, it means that the harvest promises to be good. Special attention devoted to ferns. It was believed that if on the night of June 20-21 you go into the forest and collect the seeds of this flower, you can become protected from evil forces and watch the fairies dancing in the forest.

The Orthodox people have the same traditions. Only the holiday of Kupala was called and had a pagan character. On this day, girls dressed up in beautiful dresses and sundresses, wove wreaths, floated them on the water and told fortunes about their betrothed. And the guys placed a doll Yarilo, decorated with ribbons, near the birch tree and held festivities around it.

June 21 is considered an important turning point on the Wheel of the Year. Reality and dreams are mixed, the boundaries between worlds are thinning. This day symbolizes the highest point, maximum peak, rise, takeoff, ecstasy, both in nature and in human life.
Dreaming prophetic dreams and dreams from the future. This is one of the most magical periods of time. Wishes are made, the future is corrected - through direct contact of a person with the elemental forces of the Earth.

From a mystical point of view, this holiday combines all four elements at once - fire, water, earth, air. Therefore, the Spirits of these elements rejoice and have fun with people.
In ancient times, people celebrated this night in order to gain their strength and energy through rituals and rites of worship of the Elements.

For example, it was believed that the earth provides a solid foundation in life, self-confidence, and fertility. However, the main essence of the holiday is that people learn to enjoy life, love it and enjoy it. This helps your heart open up and feel happiness. On this holiday, it is customary to go into nature, closer to bodies of water. Until dawn, fires blaze, laughter is heard, and cheerful songs ring. Ritual bathing, flower wreaths, dancing around the fire - all these are elements without which we cannot imagine a holiday.

For those who work on self-development, these days (June 20-23) are very important. On the summer solstice, solar energy intensifies and the potential for magic, ritual and meditation increases dramatically.
Before dawn, light a candle and greet the rising star. If possible (you are not at work), then try to spend the whole day in nature. In a secluded place you will better feel the energy of our luminary and saturate your aura with it. During sunset, light the candle again on the western side of the home - say goodbye to the luminary.

Folk signs
Is the weather bad? Rain and cold (even just lingering clouds) can promise a poor harvest and a less than satisfying autumn.
Was the night very starry? The beginning of autumn will delight you with mushrooms.
Did a whole sea of ​​dew fall this morning? To a bountiful harvest! By the way, it is customary to collect this dew in a bottle or jar; it is rejuvenating and healing.
A child who was born on June 21 or 22 does not get sick and is considered lucky in life. However, there is an opinion that these people have a “heavy eye”, that is, they should not be the first to look at newborn puppies, or be interested in the plans of their friends - they can jinx them.
If a guy or man pours water on a girl or woman, they can soon become a couple, writes C-ib. Enterprising guys take advantage of this, because it doesn’t matter whether he splashes the girl he likes on purpose or not.
If on a summer day or winter solstice Bad weather has been recorded, which means that the Sun God is angry with people and the whole next year will be a bad harvest for them.

There were also signs for young people. It was believed that if they could climb over 12 fences on this day, then all their wishes would come true and their life would only be happy. Usually the festivities continued until sunrise. During this time, various ceremonies and rituals were performed. It was believed that if there was a starry sky at night, then the harvest this season would be decent. But if there is no dew on the grass in the morning, this means that there will be few mushrooms in the forest. At this time, they collected herbs, which on that day contained supernatural magical power.

What should you do on the summer solstice?
Ritual On this day, find wild mint, thyme or angelica. At midnight, throw the withered bunches into the fire one by one. Smoke will follow the ground: beware of failure or illness. The pillar went up: you will not only be healthy, but also lucky. Gather a bouquet of the plant known as ivan da marya. By hanging it above the entrance to your apartment (house), you will create a talisman against failures and simply sad days. Cut the birches and tie them bath brooms, then take a steam bath - this procedure will wash away all the ailments from you. By the way, brooms can be prepared for future use, several months in advance (or even a year). It is important to drink water from a well, or even better, a spring - it is considered healing. Girls should also wash their face so that it remains rosy and fresh until the end of the year. Wait until dawn. Having met the sun, you will gain strength and good luck for the whole year. Collect embers from holiday bonfires. They can be placed around the house and household (even scattered around the garden). The embers will become a powerful protector against evil people, as well as fire, that is, fires. Make a wish (cherished, but feasible), find 12 fences and climb over them. Your dream should come true within 12 months. From your entire wardrobe, choose something in a sunny color - yellow, gold. Shiny jewelry is also welcome. What about marriage? Many esotericists say that the solstice day is ideal for this. If you are a girl and just dream of meeting your destiny, find 9 festive bonfires overnight and dance in front of them. If you succeed, in 12 months you will already have the desired stamp in your passport.

Some signs emphasized that if you spend at least a little time in a bathhouse (or sauna) on this day, then over the next year a person will be able to completely get rid of all illnesses and serious chronic diseases. It was the solstice in ancient times that brought long-awaited healing to people. Therefore, by worshiping the sun, the population of most countries of the world believed in its significance and incredible power.

Be sure to get creative - draw, embroider, sing, write poetry... In a word, do everything that helps you express yourself. Avoid aggression and do not use swear words. Speak only life-affirming phrases. In the evening at dinner, do not light an electric light - give preference to a wax candle. Let her become the “sun of your table.”

Attracting wealth.
Shake out all the coins from your wallet (or small bills if your country doesn't have coins). Place the money under the threshold (if you live in a private house), or a gap near front door in the apartment. All! You let the financial flow know exactly where it should go, now wait for your wallet to thicken.

Fulfillment of a dream (desire).
Collect wildflowers. When weaving a wreath from them, think that your wish has already come true - try to do it in detail, without missing a single sensation. After this, put the wreath on your head and, if possible, wear it until the evening. Attracting good luck and positive changes in life.

On the night from the 21st to the 22nd, walk around the house, turning over all the things you come across: dishes, shoes, chairs - let literally everything turn upside down! Then say: “The house is upside down, changes are happening every day.” In the morning, return all things to their place.

Home protection ritual
The summer solstice is a great time to perform a ritual to protect your home. Protective spells made on this day will be especially strong.
It is also good to carry out a ritual to protect the home on the days of the full moon and on the day of the autumn equinox.

For the ritual to protect your home, you will need a piece of rowan wood, red cloth and red threads. You can use stones that have protective properties, for example, agate or turquoise, and protective herbs of your choice, for example, it could be St. John's wort, honeysuckle, anise.
Place all this together in a red cloth, wrap it and tie it with a red thread, saying seven times: “As a rowan tree is tied with red, so protection surrounds my house.”
Each time you say these words, add one knot to the red thread. Place your protective amulet in any safe place in or near your home.

The same ritual can be done to protect your car. In this case, a protective amulet must be placed in the car.

Solar magic rituals are greatly enhanced.
For example, on this day you can do for yourself Sun talisman.
In order to make a talisman of the Sun with your own hands, first of all, you need to choose a quiet place and, removing bad thoughts, put on clothes of gold or yellow And gold ring on your finger. Putting right hand to the left, look at the Sun and feel the energy of our luminary that brings us life.

Then start making the image of the Sun - a solar talisman against depression. You can make an image of the Sun from wood, or you can cut it out of thick paper and cover it with paints. Remember that you must begin and finish work at the same hour of the Sun. It is the talisman made with my own hands, will help you and work for you.

After you have made the image of the Sun, it should be charged. Place your talisman on a table covered with a yellow cloth and let it be illuminated sun rays. Turn to the Sun and ask him for support through the talisman you just made. So, your talisman is ready and charged. In times of depression, turn to him for the support of the Sun.
Remember to recharge your solar energy talisman from time to time.

On the solstice, our luminary is endowed with enormous magical power, and this best time for solar magic and spells, especially love ones.

Pancakes for your loved one
On the solstice (June 21), as well as on Maslenitsa, it is customary to bake pancakes, symbolizing the sun. The pancakes begin to speak and sprinkle with holy water. For example, if you treat your loved one to a pancake baked on the day of the solstice, it will strengthen your relationship.
Dough spell: “The dough is sticky, sticky, like love, sweet and sticky. I’ll bake pancakes for my beloved and share my love power with him. As the pancake is baked, our fate will be connected and woven together. I’ll feed my beloved with sunny pancakes, I’ll divide my love between two.”
But since the solstice falls during the period of Peter's fast, when it is forbidden to eat dairy products, the pancake should be lean, but you can replace it with another product or dish that resembles the sun (for example, orange, scrambled eggs, etc.).

Ritual for changes in life
To radically change your life, you need to spend the whole night (from June 21 to 22) at a spring or well (you can also near a stream), drinking a glass of water from it every hour with the words: “As water flows, it changes, so does life.” mine will change.” It is recommended to perform the ritual from sunset to sunrise.

Ritual for gaining wealth
On the day of the summer solstice, light a church candle, peer into the flame and say the words of the conspiracy:
“I illuminate the house with cleansing fire, I look into the darkest corners. I bring destruction to the negativity that I have accumulated and brought by strangers. The wax candle sheds tears on the tablecloth, mourns my poverty, draws a new destiny for me with wax, shows me the way to wealth. As the hot flame burns out, so will the long-awaited wealth come to me.”

If you believe popular rumor, money after this magical ritual will come to you at the end of summer. However, remember the main rule: do not tell anyone about the ritual performed, so as not to scare away your monetary abundance. You should also remain silent so that Fate does not teach you a painful lesson for boasting.

The ritual of collecting medicinal herbs is the second ritual, helping to gain financial independence. Look exclusively for young shoots of fern, which have special power on this day. Bring a few branches (an odd number) home, tie them with green thread and leave to dry. Then carefully place it in a box or a beautiful box, having previously lined its bottom with small coins. This talisman will help you find benefits and successfully overcome difficulties on the path to wealth and prosperity.

Health spell
If you need to improve your health, on the morning of the solstice, go outside or open the window so that the sun's rays fall on you, and say the following spell 3 times:
“Warm me, sunshine, illuminate me with your rays, give me good health, drive away the evil disease. Just as the sun drives away darkness, so will my illness be driven away. So be it!”

Solar energy will help get rid of the evil eye.
Pour water into a saucer and place it in direct sunlight for 3 hours. Then take a clean cloth white, dip it in water that has already been charged with solar energy, and wipe your face, neck, arms and legs with it. Pour the remaining water under any plant, and burn the rag itself

What shouldn't you do?
Spend this day alone, be sad, indulge in despondency. Summer Solstice Day is simply created for family (or close) gathering friendly company) and have a lot of fun.

If you plan to perform any ritual on this day, you need to prepare for it in advance. First, you must not eat meat for a week and not drink alcohol, even beer or other weak alcoholic drinks. Secondly, for the last 24 hours it is better to observe complete fasting and drink only water.

You should buy or make your own black candle, the higher it is, the better, just don’t overdo it so that it is stable enough. Buy a small piece of fabric, preferably a solid color, black or green. Take three nickels, possibly the oldest ones you can find, while you prepare for the ritual. On the day of the solstice, you should have everything ready.


At midnight, lay a cloth on the table, put three dimes on it and light a black candle. You must be alone in the room, the doors must be locked so that no one disturbs you or interrupts the ritual. It's better to turn off your phone too. And you start reading the plot.
"With the flame of a black candle,
What burns in the mouth of hell,
It scorches the demon's beard and torments him with bodily torment.
To buy off bodily pain with a nickel.
Mine, in a word, to the witch’s limit,
I'll leave the devil to you.
Don't be tormented by the child of hell.
How long will I (name) be rich?
In dashing gold, daring in style.
I can hold back everywhere without a murmur.
So you have three nickels to spare.
I throw them at my mercy, through the black path.
The demon is the mistress in hell's luggage,
I have wealth in the human path,
So, I close everything with a psalm from the black book.
Amen. Amen. Amen".

After you have read this plot three times, the candle should be extinguished, and the next day the coins should be taken to the cemetery along with the linen and buried under any tree. If a tree grows near a grave, leave a tribute on the grave. It could be candy, cookies, wine or vodka.
Remember and never break this rule, always when you come to a cemetery, bring gifts to the cemetery spirits for the work that you ask them to do. If you ask to take away your poverty and give wealth in return, then you need to pay for it.
They won’t ask for your soul for this, but always bring something material from products. In a matter like this, you need to know when to stop. The principle that the more is better does not come into play here; you thank the spirits, and do not buy them. From the cemetery, go straight home; you cannot talk to anyone or look around.

Even if someone calls out to you, pretend you didn’t hear them. Take a shower or wash and change clothes; be sure to wash the things you wore at the ritual and went to the cemetery. Please note that you should take a shower, not a bath; you should not wash in standing water on the day of the solstice. The water must be running. If it's hot outside, you can go to the river.
The next evening you should light the candle, open the window or vent and it should burn out completely. Collect the cinders and take them to the intersection. This ritual is very powerful and works almost always if you do it right. Never tell anyone that you turned to dark forces for help.

Many people around you will begin to suspect something when money starts coming to you literally from nowhere. Don't hint to anyone, even as a joke. For chatting higher powers They may turn away from you, and wealth will be replaced by deep lack of money.
Take care of what you have, money loves silence, remember this golden rule. Such a conspiracy will last for exactly a year. The ritual must be repeated next year.
Twice a year there are such days, do not miss the opportunity to change the life of yourself and your family and friends for the better. We didn’t come up with this, people have been using these rituals for many centuries, and they really change their lives for the better, you just need to put in a little work.

The summer solstice marks the onset of astronomical summer. The shortest night of the year is filled with powerful magical energy that should be used for your benefit.

This day was of great importance for our ancestors, who existed in harmony with nature and lived according to the laws natural cycles, using the energy of the elements to achieve the desired result.

On the day of the summer solstice, no one should sit idle, because it is at this time that you will be able to use powerful energy flows to fulfill your most cherished desires. On the day when the Sun is in the sky for the longest time, it is customary to draw strength from nature and be closer to water, a natural conductor of energy.

Ritual for love

This ritual can be performed in three stages. On the morning of the holiday, bake pancakes that symbolize the Sun. While kneading the dough, say the words of the conspiracy:

“The dough is sticky, sticky, like love, sweet and sticky. I’ll bake pancakes for my beloved and share my love power with him. As the pancake is baked, our fate will be connected and woven together. I’ll feed my beloved with sunny pancakes, I’ll divide my love between two.”

Feed your loved one a treat to strengthen your relationship.

The second ritual you can attract a quick marriage into your life. To do this, in the evening on the summer solstice, the girls need to collect exactly twelve field herbs and put a bouquet under the pillow, saying:

“I collected fragrant herbs, inhaled the smells of fields and meadows. I’ll put the treasured bouquet under my pillow, and I’ll happily fall asleep on it. I will wake up not as a girl, but as a lawful wife, truly betrothed.”

Be sure to remember your sleep on the shortest night. If it was pleasant, then the magic began to work.

Third stage you persuade the future relatives on the betrothed side to have a friendly attitude and affectionate communication with you as the bride and future wife of their son. Use a needle and red thread to embroider the names of your loved one's father and mother. While you are embroidering, say:

“How on a short summer night I cast a spell on my destiny, I personally embroidered, I made even and neat stitches. The names of future relatives appear on the canvas, they don’t know anything about me. If I like the bride, I will enter the house as a wife chosen and blessed by the will of my parents.”

Wear this amulet next to your heart until you meet your boyfriend’s parents.

Ritual to attract good luck

Before the holiday, bake any round pie. Place it on the windowsill. In the morning, open the window, bow to the Sun and say the words of the conspiracy:

“Sun, Father, look at me. I baked you a pie, round and rosy. Fulfill my cherished, most important wish (name). And I’ll take the loaf to the water so that she can deliver it to you and transport it to the firmament.”

Your treat must be attributed to natural source water and push it towards the Sun.

Ritual for gaining wealth

On the day of the summer solstice, light a church candle, peer into the flame and say the words of the conspiracy:

“I illuminate the house with cleansing fire, I look into the darkest corners. I bring destruction to the negativity that I have accumulated and brought by strangers. The wax candle sheds tears on the tablecloth, mourns my poverty, draws a new destiny for me with wax, shows me the way to wealth. As the hot flame burns out, so will the long-awaited wealth come to me.”

If you believe popular rumor, money after such a magical ritual will come to you at the end of summer. However, remember the main rule: do not tell anyone about the ritual performed, so as not to scare away your monetary abundance. You should also remain silent so that Fate does not teach you a painful lesson for boasting.

The second ritual, which helps to gain financial independence, can be called a ritual of collecting medicinal herbs. Look exclusively for young shoots of fern, which have special power on this day. Bring a few branches (an odd number) home, tie them with green thread and leave to dry. Then carefully place it in a box or a beautiful box, having previously lined its bottom with small coins. This talisman will help you find benefits and successfully overcome difficulties on the path to wealth and prosperity.

On the day of the summer solstice, any magic is enhanced due to unprecedented energy power. You will also be able to learn secrets that will help you prepare to face trials, new love or other surprises. We wish you good luck in all your endeavors, and do not forget to press the buttons and

The calendar we know indicates that the year begins on January 1 and is divided into 12 months. However, nature has other laws, which, alas, are poorly coordinated with the modern calendar. However, our ancestors always respected the laws of nature. A significant event in the annual cycle is the summer solstice - what date will it be in 2019 and what rituals should be performed? Read the details in this article.

First of all, let's figure out what the summer solstice is. On this day we can observe the shortest night and the longest daylight of the year. Magical time, isn't it? Our ancestors had no doubt about this.

Holiday dates:

  • June 20 or 21 in the Northern Hemisphere (these are all countries above the equator);
  • December 21 or 22 – in the Southern Hemisphere (Australia, most Latin American countries, etc.).

The exact date depends on the year, it's all about the calendar shift due to leap years.

What date will it be in 2019?

In 2019, the summer solstice will occur on June 21 at 18:54 Moscow time. If you live in another region, you can calculate the time yourself, knowing Moscow time.

On this day the Sun reaches its highest position. Then at the end of June and July it will begin to descend lower above the horizon, making daylight hours shorter.

In astrology, on June 21, the Sun moves from the zodiac sign Gemini to the sign Cancer, and astrological summer begins (the period of Cancer, Leo and Virgo).

The zodiac sign Cancer is associated with kin and family. On this day, astrologers advise spending time with your family, going out into nature to receive new strength from Mother Earth.

On the first day of astrological summer, it is worth thinking about your lifestyle, changing it better side. Proceed to use healthy products And clean water. All this will help support internal energy for many years.

Our ancestors viewed the summer solstice as a time of mysticism and magic.

They guessed: for love, and for prosperity, and for the harvest. They certainly performed various rituals, which will be discussed below.

Some call the holiday the summer equinox. However, this is not true. The equinox occurs in spring and autumn, March and September, when day equals night. And in winter and summer there are solstices. There is also a second name - summer solstice.

Table of summer solstices until 2025

Year Date and time in Moscow
2019 June 21 at 18:54
2020 June 21 at 00:44
2021 June 21 at 06:32
2022 June 21 at 12:13
2023 June 21 at 17:57
2024 June 20 at 23:50
2025 June 21 at 05:42

Rituals, rituals and signs

There are many amazing rituals and ceremonies for the summer solstice that will help make life a little better, happier and more enjoyable. They will be discussed in this section.

Ritual of replenishing the energy of the Sun

On this day, the energy from the Sun is especially powerful, because today is the peak of its influence. Therefore, you should definitely take advantage of this great opportunity that comes only once a year.

Here's what you need to do:

  1. Early in the morning, go to nature: to the forest, to the park or to the country house. It is advisable to be there at dawn.
  2. When the disk of the Sun appears completely above the horizon, you can begin. Stand on the ground with your bare feet, facing the Sun.
  3. Relax and close your eyes.
  4. Feel how a warm flow of energy rises from the ground along your feet, it completely fills you.
  5. If you have not worked with energies before, then it is quite possible that you will not feel anything. In such a situation, just imagine how a wave of heat goes through you to the top of your head.
  6. Stand like this for about 30 minutes until you feel a “buzzing” in your body or a slight dizziness and swaying. This is fine. Such manifestations are a sign of filling your aura with energy.
  7. Raise your arms up, spread your palms out to the sides. Ask the Sun to give you strength. Look towards the Sun, but not directly at it (this is dangerous). Receive solar energy with gratitude.

As a result of performing the ritual, you will become a stronger and more charismatic person and gain self-confidence. The sun also removes negativity from your aura.

Ritual of rejuvenation with morning dew

Morning dew collected from June 20 to 22 has extraordinary rejuvenating properties. I’ll tell you in more detail how to collect dew correctly.

  1. Prepare gauze measuring one and a half meters.
  2. Early in the morning at dawn, go to a forest clearing, to a park or to your summer cottage.
  3. Carefully place the gauze over the grass and other plants.
  4. After half an hour, you can remove the gauze; it will already be saturated with dew.

To give youth, freshness and beauty to your face, make compresses from this gauze, rolling it in 4-5 layers. Mentally imagine how all the wrinkles are smoothed out and age spots disappear. After the procedure, do not wash your face or wipe your face with anything for 3 hours.

Rite of unity with nature

On the day of the summer solstice, an invisible door opens between the worlds: ours and the magical one. Trees, flowers and other plants can speak to a person, answering his questions and giving useful tips.

  • On this day, during daylight hours, go to nature: to the park, to the forest, to the beach, to the river, and so on. It is important that you feel pleasant and comfortable there.
  • Mentally ask those questions that you haven’t been able to find an answer to lately.
  • Listen to sounds, watch birds and animals if you meet them.
  • , stroke the grass or leaves with your hand. Feel their texture, what do they feel like? Inhale the scent of flowers.
  • Just relax and listen to your inner voice. He will definitely give you tips from the world of wildlife.
  • Thank nature for communicating with you.

Ritual to fulfill a wish

The summer solstice is inextricably linked with making and fulfilling wishes. Therefore, you should not miss such a wonderful opportunity, because a magical day happens only once a year.

  1. Collect wildflowers.
  2. Weave them into a wreath. While weaving, think about your desire. Imagine that your wish has already come true. What feelings are you experiencing? Feel this joy and satisfaction.
  3. When the wreath is ready, put it on your head and wear it for a while.
  4. This item is optional, but it will enhance the effect of the ritual. Make a fire and throw any item of low value (but not garbage) into it as a sacrifice. Then say out loud: “Paid.” This means that you paid for the fulfillment of your wish.


There are many signs for the summer holiday. Here are some of them.

  • If there is a lot of dew in the morning, the harvest promises to be abundant. By the way, dew was collected in a vessel because they believed in its rejuvenating and healing properties.
  • Bad weather means crop failure.
  • If the sky is starry on the night of the solstice, an abundance of mushrooms is expected in early autumn.
  • Those who meet the sunrise in nature are guaranteed health and strength for the whole year.
  • If a guy cheats on a girl on this day, they will soon get married.
  • Those born on June 21 are carriers of the “evil eye” and can jinx anyone. Now, however, it is believed that these children were lucky - nature endowed them with strong energy and magical abilities.
  • If you make a wish on this day, it will certainly come true.

Look interesting video with new rituals:

Summer solstice holiday among different nations

In Slavic culture

The holiday is now called Ivan Kupala Day. The ancient name for the summer solstice has not been preserved, but it was celebrated by pagans long before the advent of Christianity.

The modern name Ivan Kupala is the name of John the Baptist in the folk manner.

On this day, it was customary for the Slavs to take a bath in natural reservoirs, but residents of cold regions swam in the bathhouse.

The eve of the holiday was considered especially significant. At sunset, fires were lit; a pole was placed in the center of the fire, on which a wheel or tar barrel was mounted. In some regions, wheels or barrels that were set on fire were rolled down the mountains. This symbolized the solstice.

Everyone jumped over the fires and sang ritual songs. The girls exchanged flower wreaths.

There is a well-known tradition of searching for a fern flower. If someone finds it, they will receive magical powers. Learn to understand the language of animals and see treasures, become invisible and open any locks.

After the change from the Julian calendar to the Gregorian calendar, the date of the holiday changed, it moved to July 7.

In the Baltics

  1. In Latvia it is called Ligo or Jan's Day.
  2. In Lithuania it is called Jonines.
  3. In Estonia it is Jan's day.

I propose to consider traditions using the example of a Latvian holiday.

June 23 and 24 are official holidays here. Therefore, Latvians, as a rule, go out to celebrate Ligo in nature. This is one of the most bright holidays per year.

In nature, it is customary to sing songs and light fires. The songs are special - with the chorus “Ligo, ligo.”

They make wreaths from wildflowers and oak branches. An oak wreath is traditionally given to a man. And for the girls - flowers.

Many people collect on solstice days medicinal herbs and herbal teas, as they are considered particularly effective.

Special drinks and delicacies are prepared for Ligo:

  • specialty beer;
  • cheese with cumin, which has a characteristic pungent smell and taste.

Widespread folk festivities on Ligo are common in Latvia. Beer flows like a river, fun reigns everywhere, festivals are held. This day is also called the holiday of love. The culmination of the holiday takes place on the night of June 23-24:

How to celebrate in Celtic culture

The summer solstice is called Litha. This is a bright and exuberant holiday, which is still celebrated in some European countries.

On Litu, the Sun turns on the Wheel of the Year. It is believed that forest spirits and fairies roam the earth, dreams are mixed with fantasies.

On this mystical day all 4 elements unite:

  1. Fire;
  2. Water;
  3. Earth
  4. Air.

The key moment of the holiday is the opportunity to completely surrender to joy and pleasure, to love life with all your soul and breathe full breasts. After all, at the end of June is the brightest and most joyful time of the year; there is still a large part of summer ahead, which means warmth and pleasure.

If on the previous holiday of the Wheel of the Year young people entered into a love affair, now in the middle of summer the girls were already pregnant. The holiday symbolizes the fertility of women and the fertility of the earth.

On this day, people made fortunes, especially about love. Traditionally, a guy and a girl would join hands and jump over the fire together. It was believed that if you jump three times, a happy marriage and many children are guaranteed.

Houses were decorated with tree branches and garlands of flowers. And with the onset of darkness, processions with torches were held.

Collected in the forests healing herbs. They were cut with a sickle in the light of the Moon, and only the upper third of the trunk was allowed to be cut. In this case, the plant will continue to grow and in the future will bring new harvest. The Celts treated Mother Nature very carefully.

At the solstice, there is a tradition of burning a sacrificial effigy. It should burn with the first rays of the sun. The effigy represents a sacrifice to the gods of fertility. This is how people ask for bountiful harvest, which will not be destroyed by either hail or heavy rains.

Johannus in Finland

Celebrated on Saturday between June 20 and 26. At the same time, Finnish Flag Day is celebrated here. Citizens were given an official day off on the Friday before the celebration.

It is customary to go out into nature. Swim in open ponds or saunas. Light fires.

Midsommar in Sweden

It is also customary here to go out of town on weekends. Relatives gather together. Or young people celebrate the solstice in greater company.

On this day, flowers are collected and wreaths are woven. They decorate the symbol of the holiday - a pole that is installed in a clearing. People are dancing around and doing round dances.

Pickled herring, fresh boiled potatoes with herbs and sour cream are served on the table. They eat grilled meat. And for dessert - strawberries and cream.

Swedes drink beer and sing drinking songs on this day. See for yourself:

Xiazhi in China

On Summer Solstice Day, the Xiazhi season begins in China, although the holiday is not celebrated as such. According to Chinese philosophy, at this moment, the yang energy in the world reaches its peak, and the level of yin energy is minimal.

Therefore, people wake up easier early in the morning and become more active social life. Easier to maintain good mood and maintain clarity of thought. In the summer, laziness, melancholy, and apathy are contraindicated.

Places of power

Stonehenge in UK

Stonehenge - a place of mystery ancient civilization Celts. The complex was built in such a way that its axis is correlated with the location of the sun on the days of the summer and winter solstices.

Every year a festival takes place here on the night of June 20-21. People come to have fun, celebrate the shortest night of the year and watch the magical sunrise.

Many dress up in medieval costumes, perform ancient rituals, and the sound of drums can be heard from everywhere. There is a mystical atmosphere around.

Arkaim in the Southern Urals

It's mysterious ancient city, in which people lived 2-3 thousand years BC. Mystics believe that here is the cradle of human civilization and the ancestral home of the Slavs.

Organized groups and single tourists come here to experience the amazing atmosphere of this place of power.

On the summer solstice here:

  • climb the legendary Mount Shamanka;
  • bathe in the Karaganka River, which, according to psychics, removes negative energy from a person;
  • meditate (on our website);

Solstice days are wonderful days for carrying out any rituals aimed at realizing intentions. It is for implementation, since usually these days fall on the waning Moon, which means the time is unfavorable for the birth of something.

The following rituals work well these days:

  • to realize the intention
  • to strengthen love and relationships
  • for youth and beauty
  • to improve health

Also, on the days of the Solstice, it is useful to charge amulets, talismans, etc. with solar energy. All rituals associated with nature are also active: practices with the elements, herbal decoctions, rituals with a fire. Herbs that love the sun are especially powerful these days: wormwood, lavender, sage, cornflower, chamomile, calendula.

To protect your home and fill it with the energy of the Sun, you can use a simple ritual - light a candle (preferably a candle with wormwood, since wormwood has a powerful cleansing property - even mosquitoes are afraid of it) and walk around the whole house, and look into the darkest corners where it stagnates. energy. If the candle suddenly starts to crack, don’t be alarmed, it’s burning out negative energy. At the same time, mentally ask Mother Wormwood to cleanse your home of evil spirits, black energy, laziness, envy and the evil eye. And ask Father Fire to fill your home with the life-giving energy of the Sun, so that every corner of the house glows with joy and fun, so that just as the Sun in the sky pleases us, your home pleases you, and of course, so that your home is a full cup and charges you and your loved ones energy of joy and creation. Despite its simplicity, this is a very useful and important ritual. It is advisable to repeat it for several days. Thanks to this ritual, your home will turn into a real source of energy and strength.

It’s good to charge these days and items that you often use, making them a real amulet. These can be decorations, favorably charge, “trees of happiness” from natural stones and even jade eggs or eggs made of turquoise, rose quartz, lapis lazuli, jasper, citrine, malachite and obsidian (these are the most “sunny stones”). Ideal for charging mirrors and powder - after all, they will give us charged energy every day for a year. In general, any objects that are made of stone or metal can be charged with energy. But at the same time, it should not be an object that you use too often (for example, keys), otherwise all the energy of the ritual will “look” very quickly.

Mirrors, powder, jade mask, comb, jewelry can be charged for youth and beauty. To do this, you need to place a charging object on a white sheet of paper in the Sun, ask the Sun to give you energy, youth and beauty and read the plot:

How many leaves are there in the forest, how many flowers are there in the field,

There is so much happiness in my eyes.

How the sun turns golden with clear light,

So you too (name of the object) are blessed with beauty and youth!

Bring me happiness and love, give me beauty and feminine charms!

Then leave the charging item in the sun for 1-1.5 hours. After this, when using it, you can remember the ritual and imagine how the radiant energy of the Sun is absorbed into your skin, hair, eyes and they begin to glow.

It is especially worth talking about charging the testicles for intimate gymnastics - this is a particularly important topic. It is no coincidence that stone testicles are used for intimate gymnastics - after all, each stone has its own energy. The stone is also charged with any other energy - after all, a stone is a crystal, and a crystal is created to accumulate energy and information in itself. You need to charge the testicles especially carefully - without allowing any negative thoughts and feelings. For charging solar energy, eggs made of obsidian, malachite, bull's eye, citrine, jasper, turquoise, lapis lazuli, rose quartz, and of course jade are most suitable.

So, take your testicles in your hands, stand on sunny place, where no one will disturb you. Take a breath, squeeze your vaginal muscles and imagine how the energy of the Sun descends on you and gathers in your uterus, how it saturates you with youth, life, beauty, feel a slight excitement and this excitement. Imagine how this energy of excitement moves from the uterus along the spine into your hands and flows into the stone testicles. And they themselves begin to sanctify (in the imagination, of course) sexuality and life. The first part of the ritual is completed; the testicles are filled with information and emotions. Now they need to be filled with energy itself. To do this, also leave everything for 1-1.5 hours in the sun on a white sheet of paper.

At the same time, pronounce the spell:

O great, life-giving, miraculous Sun!

How you give life to everything on Earth, how you warm us with warmth,

Warm up with warmth and bestow your life-giving power on the magic eggs -

To the testicles of life and feminine charms!

Fill your testicles with the power of life - feminine power!

Women's charms, feminine love and women's happiness!

So be it! Amen!

This ritual is very powerful, as it activates the very feminine principle - to create and give life. What you will spend this energy on in the future is your choice. Perhaps for having children, perhaps for developing a business, perhaps for strengthening a relationship with a man...

And, of course, you shouldn’t forget about your wealth and wealth these days. Solar energy can perfectly charge your wallet or bank card. To do this, you also need to place your wallet or bank card (the card must be with the magnetic side down, otherwise the Sun will ruin it) on the Sun.

As soon as I leave, I cross myself and go into an open field.

In an open field there is a white-flammable stone Aladyr

And rivers flock to that stone, from the North and from the South

From the West, and from the East!

So you and your money flow into my wallet from all corners of the world:

From the North, yes from the South, from the West, yes from the East

Stormy rivers and quiet streams

And there is no limit, no end to these rivers and cash flows

And the lock for my money is the white-flammable Aladyr stone!

So be it! Amen!

And the most important thing is that all these rituals are extremely powerful in themselves, and on the days of the Solstice their power doubles. So, the most important thing is to use this time for your benefit.

Anastasia Fomina

Copyright © Open school"Seven Peaks of Perfection"
