The largest fires in the world. Australian Ash Wednesday fires. The largest fires in Russia that occurred in clubs and restaurants

On July 18, state fire inspection authorities celebrate their professional holiday. This date dates back to 1927, when the supervision was created. Since then, employees of this service have been protecting the lives and health of citizens, the property of enterprises and organizations.

On July 18, 1927, the Council of People's Commissars adopted a document on the creation of a state fire supervision service, which was entrusted with the functions of developing measures to prevent and extinguish fires. IN modern history this holiday began to be celebrated only in 2007.

SmartNews has compiled a chronicle of the largest fires in Russia.

Fire at the Ostankino Tower

On August 27, 2000, a fire broke out at the Ostankino television tower in Moscow at an altitude of 460 m. The cable collectors in which the cables leading to the antennas were laid caught fire. The fire started at 15:08, and by 17:00 25 m of transmission cables from paging companies and TV channels had already burned out. Two hours later, three elevators collapsed from a height of 460 m. There were people in one of them. Three people died.

The fire was localized on August 28. Broadcasting to Moscow and the region by leading TV channels was interrupted. Only by September 4 was it possible to restore work on the air on their frequencies of the ORT, RTR, TVC, NTV, “Culture”, TV-6 channels. On September 5, some UHF TV channels began operating. Damage from the fire is estimated at hundreds of millions of dollars.

Fire in the RUDN University dormitory

On November 24, 2003, a fire broke out in one of the dormitory buildings of the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia. It broke out at night when most of the students were sleeping. The source of the fire was empty room. The fire spread to four floors. Students and university employees jumped out of windows on these floors and were seriously injured, some falling to their deaths. The fire claimed the lives of 44 people, mostly foreign students, about 180 people were hospitalized with burns and injuries. The court found six people guilty of the fire, including the vice-rector for administrative and economic activities of the university and chief engineer university, as well as an inspector of state supervision of the South-Western Administrative District of Moscow, who received the most severe punishment - two years of imprisonment in a penal colony.

Fire in a nursing home

On March 20, 2007, a major fire occurred in a nursing home in the city of Yeisk in the Kuban. As a result of the fire, 62 people died: 61 pensioners and a nurse who died saving the lives of her patients. 34 people were hospitalized, one of them was in intensive care, and the condition of several others was of moderate severity. In total, there were 97 people in the building.

Many of the dead simply suffocated from the smoke. The victims were also taken to the hospital with the same diagnosis. Only a few of them had serious burns. The Ministry of Emergency Situations explained that in 2006, the premises of this nursing home were inspected twice by the fire inspection, last time— in December 2006. It was established that out of more than 30 violations identified by the inspection, six remained unfulfilled.

Fire in the Lame Horse nightclub

An anniversary party in a nightclub in the historical center of Perm ended in tragedy on December 4, 2009. As a result of the fire, 101 people died and another 134 were injured.

The incident occurred at 23:15 Moscow time. The club celebrated the eighth anniversary of the establishment. Fireworks displays were set up in the cafe. According to experts, these installations were too large for an indoor cafe and were more suitable for open areas. Fireworks went off when there were about 200 people at the banquet in the room. As a result of the panic that arose during the fire, a crush formed at the exit, and those who remained in the cafe died from poisoning carbon monoxide. This is one of the main versions of the death of people.



The start of a fire in Perm: video of a club visitor

Fire in Moscow City

The Vostok Tower caught fire on the evening of April 2, 2012. The fire broke out on the 67th floor of the high-rise; due to the wind, the flames quickly spread to several hundred square meters. A column of smoke was visible from other areas of the capital. The fire was assigned the fourth complexity number on a five-point scale. Four helicopters extinguished the tower from the air, and inside the building firefighters had to climb to the 66th floor on foot. By midnight the fire was extinguished. There were no casualties.

Fires occur on our planet every day. Something is always on fire somewhere: huge tracts of forest, large enterprises, various institutions, residential buildings, garbage dumps. The causes of fires can be very different and unexpected. Cosmic-scale phenomena (meteorites), natural (volcanic eruption) and weather (thunderstorm) phenomena contribute to the emergence of fires in any part of the planet. But most fires are the work of humans.

Forest fires

Fires in the forest are provoked by hot and dry weather. At such times, the smallest spark is enough to ignite dry leaves, pine needles, moss on the forest floor, and dry and resinous tree branches. Long-term deposits of peat layers in forest swamps are fire hazards; they can smolder for a very long time and imperceptibly, capturing ever larger areas of forest. Such a fire is very difficult to detect and even more difficult to extinguish.

The weather contributes to the outbreak of a fire in the forest, but the spark for its ignition can be a volcanic eruption, a falling meteorite, or lightning striking a dry tree. The main causes of forest fires are related to the human factor - an abandoned cigarette butt, an unextinguished fire.

A person, working or relaxing in forest lands, always strives to light a fire and scatters smoldering cigarette butts. Most fires occur due to the fault of people who have already left the forest area. Glass or tin trash thrown at a forest edge can serve as a kind of magnifying glass, concentrating the sun's rays on itself. The object or the dry forest floor underneath heats up, causing a focal fire in the forests. During the dry season, such outbreaks appear simultaneously in several places at once, growing into large-scale forest fires.

Fires in enterprises and institutions

Although there are special instructions for fire safety and periodic inspections carried out by fire inspectors, fires in enterprises and various institutions occur very often. The cause of a fire in any enterprise can be a cigarette butt thrown into a trash can with paper or the burning of paper in order to destroy information. But the most common causes of fires in buildings of factory workshops and factories, schools and kindergartens, administrative and shopping centers- short circuit electrical wires. Typically, such fires are the result of deterioration of the building's electrical wiring, exceeding the permissible power of operating units or their malfunction.

Violation technological process at enterprises working with petroleum products and flammable substances, entails the detonation of containers with flammable contents and the accompanying fire. The same dangers are fraught with chemical plants and military factories for the production of explosives. At coal enterprises, spontaneous combustion of coal during storage is possible.

Agricultural enterprises must strictly observe fire safety rules during the harvesting period and when storing grain crops. A tractor or any other agricultural machinery released into a field without a spark arrester can destroy huge areas of grain crops with fire. When stored in large piles without ventilation, wet grain can spontaneously combust. Makukha, the pomace after pressing the oil from sunflower seeds, has the same properties.

Quite often recently, fires occur in entertainment establishments when pyrotechnics are used inside the building. Firecrackers and fireworks, even when used outdoors, cause roof damage and fire wooden structures buildings nearby.

Household fires

The most common causes of fires in private homes are faulty heating devices, worn-out electrical wiring, use of faulty and homemade electrical appliances, smoking in bed, children playing with matches. Fires in apartment buildings often occur due to leakage domestic gas followed by an explosion. In houses without mains gas, liquefied gas cylinders explode when the population tries to heat them.

Burning waste in yards or adjacent landfills can cause fires in outbuildings and garages. Many houses and entire villages burn down during special burning of dry grass on pastures, stubble and old straw after harvesting crops in the fields.

In Moscow, the cause of the fire on the Moscow River has been established.

It was established that the source of the fire was careless handling of fire during thermal cooking, the agency quotes a department representative.

Let us remind you that a large-scale fire occurred in Moscow near house 29 on Porechnaya Street in the Maryino district. As a result of the incident three people were injured.

/ Friday, August 14, 2015 /

topics: Fires Incidents

According to the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the fire on the Moscow River occurred as a result of careless handling of fire during cooking.

“It was established that the source of the fire was careless handling of fire during thermal cooking.”, - RIA Novosti cites data from the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

Let us remind you that on August 12, an oily spot caught fire on the Moscow River near house 29 on Porechnaya Street (the border of the Maryino and Brateevo districts). Due to this " Transneft", which owns the pipeline running at the site of the emergency, suspended the pumping of petroleum products through the pipeline from the Moscow Refinery in the direction of the ring pipeline. Currently, an administrative case has been opened regarding the fire of petroleum products.

A major fire on the Moscow River occurred as a result of careless handling of fire during cooking, the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations reports.

On Wednesday, an oil spot caught fire on the Moscow River near house 29 on Porechnaya Street (the border of the Maryino and Brateevo districts). . . . . .

The cause of the fire on the Moskva River in the Maryino area was careless handling of fire when preparing barbecue. This was reported by the press service of the Moscow Department of Emergency Situations.
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They explained that the vapors concentrated in the air ignited flammable liquid from the surface of the Moscow River. In this case, the source of ignition could be either a flame from a match, a lighter or a fire in a barbecue, or sparks from a flame.
Let us recall that on the banks of the Moscow River in Maryino, not far from the fire site, a charred barbecue was discovered, standing among burnt grass and trees.
On August 12, a large fire occurred on the Moscow River in the Maryino area, as a result of which three people were injured - two adults and a nine-year-old child. 100 linear meters of grass on the bank were burning, as well as an oil stain on the surface of the river in area 4 square meters.
Rosprirodnadzor opened an administrative case into the fire, saying that so far they are considering only one version of what happened - the depressurization of the pipeline running along the bottom of the river. The department emphasized that this could be not only an operating pipeline, but also a decommissioned pipe in which petroleum products remained.

The Ministry of Emergency Situations found out the cause of the fire in the Moscow River area, TASS reports. As it turned out, it was careless handling of fire.

"In the course of establishing the circumstances and causes of the fire on the shoreline of the Moscow River in the park “850th anniversary of Moscow” opposite house 10 on Porechnaya Street, it was established that the source of the fire was careless handling of fire during thermal cooking.", - the department clarified.

Let us remind you that the fire happened on the evening of August 12. Thick smoke was visible in the south of the capital for a long time.

As a result of the fire, three people were hospitalized with burns: two adults and a child.

. . . . . This was reported to the Ministry of Emergency Situations, Interfax reports.

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On August 12, a fire occurred in the river bank area in the Moscow region of Maryino, but it was soon extinguished. Oil products caught fire in the place where the Ryazan-Moscow oil products main pipeline runs. . . . . . The total burning area was 300 square meters. m.

Transneft", which owns the pipeline, said it had nothing to do with the fire, but suspended pumping. On the evening of August 12, a barbecue was found near the scene of the incident.

The fire in the Maryino area occurred due to a pipe running along the bottom of the Moscow River.

This is reported by “ Interfax" with reference to the acting head of Rosprirodnadzor Amirkhan Amirkhanov.

A group from Rosprirodnadzor went to the scene of the incident. An administrative case has been initiated into the accident. It was established that an underwater oil pipeline ruptured. After the fire is extinguished, Rosprirodnadzor will immediately begin work: samples will be analyzed and damage calculated, the agency quotes the official as saying.

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Careless handling of fire at a picnic caused a fire on the Moskva River in the Maryino area, TASS reports citing the press service of the capital's emergency department.

According to a representative of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, it was established that the source of the fire was careless handling of fire during thermal cooking, then vapors of a flammable liquid formed on the surface of the river ignited.

Earlier it was reported that the prosecutor's office began checking the circumstances of the oil slick fire on the Moscow River.

The cause of the appearance of an oil slick and the subsequent fire on the Moscow River in the southeast of the Russian capital was, according to preliminary data, depressurization of the underwater section of the oil pipeline, a source in the capital’s emergency services told RIA Novosti.

Earlier it was reported about a fire on the Moscow River with an area of ​​four square meters in the area of ​​house 29 on Porechnaya Street (the border of the Maryino and Brateevo districts). The fire has now been extinguished; three people were injured, including a child.

"The preliminary reason is a crack in an oil pipeline near the Moscow River", - said the agency's interlocutor.

According to him, the valves in the emergency area are closed, and there is no longer any leakage of petroleum products.

Three people, including one child, were injured outside the cordon zone of a burning oil slick on a river in the south-east of Moscow; a man and a woman had respiratory tract injuries, the press service of the capital’s health department told RIA Novosti on Wednesday.

. . . . . A mobile laboratory from the capital's head office of the Ministry of Emergency Situations arrived at the scene of the emergency to measure air samples; residents of nearby houses were advised to limit their time in the fire area. Currently, according to a source in the capital's emergency services, the fire has been completely extinguished.

"Behind the cordon zone, three victims were identified, one of them a child. Help is being provided on the spot. According to the victims, they were near the river. The child was sent to the 9th Children's City Hospital. A man and a woman - thermal inhalation injury from combustion products, will be hospitalized by helicopter in City Clinical Hospital No. 36", - said the press service representative.

Prosecutors are checking the circumstances of the oil slick fire on the Moscow River, the press service of the Moscow prosecutor's office told RIA Novosti.

According to the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation, the day before at 17.30 in the Maryino area from Porechnaya Street in the waters of the Moscow River, a fire occurred with oil products and dry grass in the coastal zone. At 17.50 the fire was extinguished. Outside the cordon zone, three people were injured by the burning oil slick, including one child.

“Currently, an investigation into this fact is being carried out, during which the circumstances of the incident are being clarified.”. - the department reported.

Severe fires always bring many disasters. A person often finds himself powerless against a raging flame. The chronicle of the largest fires in Russia was studied, of which, as it turned out, there were quite a lot.

The biggest fires in our country in the 19th-20th centuries

In 1837, the Winter Palace in St. Petersburg burned down. Many valuable people died works of art art, manuscripts and chronicles. The glow from the fire could be seen 70 miles around. People died. After the fire, the palace was restored over 2 years.

Back in the 19th century major fires in Russia the capital was not spared. In September 1812, after the famous Battle of Borodino, Kutuzov gave the order to Russian troops to leave Moscow. The retreating Russian troops set the city on fire so that it would not fall to the French. Historians testify that the fire started on September 14 on Solyanka, behind the Yauzsky Bridge, then it was occupied by the Educational Yard, the wine yard, shops, and benches. Soon the fire spread to all nearby areas and spread across the Moscow River. On September 18, the fire reached its climax, after which it was extinguished. The flame raged for 5 days, consuming ¾ of buildings, more than 120 temples, and destroying the lives of thousands of people. Over the next 20 years, Moscow was rebuilt after this disaster.

IN new history, in 1989, a terrible disaster occurred near Ufa, which is considered the worst in the 20th century. Due to the explosion of a section of the gas pipeline, 2 passenger trains caught fire simultaneously. About 600 people died in the terrible fire, including 181 children. Due to their injuries, more than 600 people were left disabled for life.

Dashing 90s

Large fires in Russia, unfortunately, occur every year. They are often caused by criminal negligence and claim the lives of many innocent people. It is especially terrible when children die in smoke and fire.

The following are examples of major fires in Russia that occurred at the end of the 20th century:

  1. 2.03.1992. Several carriages caught fire as a result of a collision between a passenger train and a freight train. 45 people died from the fire.
  2. 06/12/1997. In a nursing home in the Sverdlovsk region, 16 people died from fire.
  3. 02/11/1998. The Rosmorflot building caught fire. There were more than 70 victims in total, 12 of whom were hospitalized with severe burns.
  4. In 1999, the largest fires occurred in the Russian Federation in 10 years:
  • On February 10, the building of the Samara Regional Department of Internal Affairs caught fire. A person was injured. 25 people were killed, 52 were missing, and 57 were seriously injured.
  • On March 18, in the Vologda region, in a psychoneurological boarding school, a certain patient started one of the largest fires in Russia, in which 21 people died, another 14 were taken to the hospital.

Fire in the Ostankino Tower

On August 27, 2000, the largest fires in Russia were supplemented by another tragic story. It started at an altitude of 460 m in the television station. Around 15:00, the cable collectors were busy, and closer to 17:00, 25 m of cables had already burned to the ground. The fire raged in earnest. The height at which they had to work also made it difficult for firefighters. By 19:00, 3 elevators had fallen down from a height of half a kilometer. People in one of the elevators died.

Only on August 28 was it possible to cope with the disaster. Broadcasting of many channels was resumed on 09/04/05/2000. The damage from this fire is estimated at several hundred million dollars.

Tragedies of 2002-2007

Horrific large fires that occurred in Russia between 2002 and 2005 claimed many lives.

  • 08/02/2002. There was a fire in Moscow's Luzhniki market. The fire area was 1 thousand sq.m. One person was injured, who, fortunately, was promptly hospitalized, which saved his life.
  • 04/10/2003. There was a terrible fire in a boarding school located in the city of Makhachkala. 30 children were burned alive, 119 were hospitalized. This is one of the darkest days in the history of the Russian Federation.
  • 24.11.2003. Huge fire in Russian University Friendship of Peoples. 44 people were killed, 180 people were found injured.

Over the next 3 years, no major fires with a large number of victims were registered in Russia.

  • 03/20/2007. Due to the fact that the administration did not correct some of the comments of the fire inspectorate, a nursing home in the city of Yeisk caught fire. 62 people died, including 1 nurse. Of all the medical staff, she was the only one who tried to save the lives of patients. 34 people were saved. As it turned out, almost all the dead died from lack of oxygen.

The largest fires in Russia that occurred in clubs and restaurants

  • February 3, 2007. A strong fire completely destroyed the Moscow entertainment center"Glory".
  • 03/25/2007. An explosion of pyrotechnics started a fire in the Moscow club "911". It claimed the lives of 11 people.
  • 04.12.2007. The fire engulfed the Moscow restaurant "East Courtyard". The building was completely burned down.
  • 02/07/2008. There was a fire in one of the elite Moscow clubs “Diaghilev”. The fire area is 1.5 thousand square meters. meters.
  • On October 23, 2009, a fire started in a Samara cafe. The area was quite large, 1 thousand square meters. meters. The fire's complexity was classified as second degree.
  • 11/15/2009. There was a fire in a bar in Naberezhnye Chelny. 2 people died, 29 people were taken to the hospital, 8 of them with burns of 3 and 4 degrees of severity.
  • 02.12.2009. On this day, the Lame Horse nightclub in the city of Perm celebrated its eighth birthday. The administration decided to arrange fireworks right inside the hall. Sparks hit low ceiling, and the fire ran along the foam walls, decorated with willow twigs and painted canvases. People panicked and a stampede began at the entrance. Those who remained inside the building suffered carbon monoxide poisoning. 156 people died, another 134 were injured. As a result of this large-scale tragedy, 15 children were left orphans.
  • 03/09/2010. A strong fire started in the central building called “Opera”. It also fell into the second difficulty category. One person died, one was missing.

In 2010, there was a large-scale fire in Russia natural origin. Due to the abnormal heat, peat deposits and forests Central Russia burned from July to early September. In total, the fire covered almost 200 thousand hectares in 20 regions of the country.

According to official data from the Ministry of Emergency Situations, in 2010, large fires in Russia took the lives of about 12 thousand 900 people.

Recent history

In 2011, there were about 169 thousand fires, in which 12 thousand people died.

It is known that in 2012 there were about 115 thousand fires in Russia, and at least 8 thousand people died and 9 thousand were injured.

  • 06/21/2012. A serious fire occurred in the village of Zabolotye in the Moscow region on the territory of the plant. The fire area was 5.6 thousand square meters. meters. There were no casualties.
  • 09/11/2012. A fire broke out on the second floor of a clothing factory in the Moscow region. 14 people died.
  • 09/29/2012. A fire started on the territory of an oil sludge processing plant near Khanty-Mansiysk. The fire area was quite large - 4 thousand square meters. m. 11 people were killed, six were injured.

The latest news about serious fires in the Russian Federation

In 2013, there were more than 150 thousand fires in Russia, the victims of which were more than 23 thousand people, of which more than 10 thousand died. The total material damage, according to rough estimates, amounted to almost 14 billion rubles.

There are no final data for 2014 yet. But already today more than 110 thousand fires have been recorded, as a result of which about 7 thousand people died.

Goskomstat notes a positive trend towards reduction natural fires. As a result of the severe fires of 2010, the state carried out a number of preventive measures - destruction of dead wood, watering of old peat workings, generous financing of measures aimed at protecting forests from fires, especially in Siberia and the Far East.

Main causes of fires

Among the most common causes of fires are:

  • including children's pranks,
  • improper operation of household electrical appliances and electrical equipment,
  • violation of the rules of handling,
  • deliberate arson, explosions,
  • violation of fire safety rules for electric and gas welding work,
  • malfunction industrial equipment, violation of production technology,
  • spontaneous combustion of flammable materials as a result of their improper operation and storage.

The main causes of the most common fires in residential, public and industrial buildings are:

Careless handling of fire;

Careless smoking;

Violation of fire safety rules during the installation and operation of electrical equipment and household electrical appliances;

Children's prank with fire;

Violation of the rules of design and operation stove heating;

Violation of operating rules gas appliances;

Making fires and burning garbage near buildings;

Use of flammable liquids (gasoline, acetone, solvents and others) for lighting fires;

Spontaneous combustion of substances and materials;

Lightning discharges;

sunbeam, operating through any optical systems;


Despite the high frequency and significant economic damage from fires in natural areas(forest, tundra, grass and peat), they are still usually not accompanied a large number human casualties and therefore are not considered in detail further. And the statistics of these fires are not reliable, since they practically do not take into account fires outside the territories of the state forest fund: on abandoned agricultural lands, in protective forest belts, in ravines, etc. The vast majority of fires in natural areas are caused by humans. The proportion of fires caused by natural causes, mainly lightning, is often less than 3%.

Fires in cities and rural areas are more dangerous to human life. Unfortunately, there are no examples of loss of life and property in fires in different regions There is so much Russia that several magazines published by the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations publish monthly brief information about such emergency incidents in the special sections available in them. According to the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, from 2008 to 2012 the number of fires decreased by 19.3%, the number of people killed in them - by 24.2%, injured - by 7.2%, and in total in 2012, 162,975 fires occurred in Russia, which killed 11,635 people and hospitalized 11,962 people.

The largest number of fires for 2002-2009 was registered in the residential sector (71-72.5%), and statistics for other years also show that fires in residential buildings usually account for more than 70% of their total number and are often the result of violation of basic fire safety rules. Careless or negligent handling of fire is the cause of every third fire.

According to the VNIIPO EMERCOM of Russia, fires from electrical equipment in the country as a whole account for 26%, at enterprises of a number of ministries and departments the share of fires from electrical installations reaches 38%, in residential buildings - 32%, and in residential buildings for individual use up to 70% of fires occur from electrical installations.

To date, more than 105 thousand educational facilities are registered with the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, of which more than 46.5 thousand schools, including more than 3 thousand educational institutions with 24-hour attendance for children.

As indicated in the joint letter dated November 19, 2007 No. 43-3728-19 of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia and the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation No. AF-350-03, fires with group deaths that occurred between 1999 and 2007 in institutions of higher education are of particular concern. vocational education. So, during a fire in the dormitory of the Moscow state university(12/19/1999) 12 people died, at the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (11/24/2003) - 38 people, at the non-state educational institution "Moscow Institute of State and corporate governance"(02.10.2007) - 10 people.

During the same period for 5 years, from 2002 to 2006, in educational

Over 8 thousand fires were registered in institutions, which caused material damage in the amount of more than 140 million rubles. These fires killed 158 people, 85 of them children.

For example, on April 7, 2003 at high school in the village of Sydybyl, Vilyuisky district of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), a fire occurred. There were 192 students in the wooden 2-story building built in 1985 at the time of the fire. The extinguishing was carried out using improvised means by the population of the village, on whose territory there was not a single fire-fighting water supply. By the time combat crews arrived from the regional center of the city of Vilyuysk, which is located 22 km away, the school was almost completely burned down. 22 students died in the fire, 39 children received burns of varying severity.

A similar tragedy happened on April 10, 2003 in a boarding school for hearing-impaired children in the city of Makhachkala, Republic of Dagestan. 28 children died in the fire.

The events that occurred in April 2003 in Yakutia and Dagestan forced society to radically change its views on the safety of children and carry out activities aimed at preventing such tragic cases caused by fire.

During this period, more than 20% of fires occurred due to violation of the rules for the design and operation of electrical equipment, and about 65% of fires occurred due to careless handling of fire. This showed that some managers at various levels of educational institutions and the students themselves are careless about their safety and have poor knowledge of basic fire safety measures, and the authorized executive authorities of the constituent entities Russian Federation and organs local government In the settlements where these fires occurred, practically no effective measures were taken to educate the population about fire safety rules.

For the period from 2009 to 2013, the number of fires in educational institutions decreased by 39%. And during the period from 2006 to 2012, the number of fires at these facilities decreased by almost 45%, and the loss of life by more than 70%. There were no deaths of children during this period. But, despite the positive dynamics, it is held annually great job to maintain an appropriate level fire protection educational objects. As a result of planned work supervisory authorities During inspections of educational institutions during the period from 2006 to 2012, the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia identified over 135 thousand violations of fire safety requirements. More than 19 thousand were brought to administrative responsibility officials and about 6 thousand legal entities. About unsatisfactory fire safety condition of these objects, the educational authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and the prosecutor's office were informed. More than 5 thousand cases of administrative offenses have been referred to the courts for failure to comply with legal orders of fire supervision on time. By court decision, the operation of 222 educational facilities that are in a fire-hazardous condition was suspended. Thanks to such measures, over 110 thousand violations of fire safety requirements have been eliminated.

Statistics on fires in educational institutions and the number of victims and deaths in Russia are as follows:

2012 – 333 fires (11 injured, 1 dead);

2011 – 348 fires (9 injured, 3 dead);

2010 – 381 fires (16 injured, 1 dead);

2009 – 442 fires (6 injured, 4 dead).
