Planets in numerology. Astrological and esoteric meaning of eight

Saturn in the 8th House: This indicates a person living separately from his child, having eye diseases, attachment to yogic types of knowledge and having a reputation as a master in his work. There is a tendency to lie or be disloyal. Life expectancy can be good if Saturn is not placed in the 8th house in the sign of Aries. Diseases of the excretory system may be detected. This person may also have an unsociable personality. (Tom Hopke)

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Saturn in the eighth house: Most bad place for Saturn. Here Saturn gives failures, collapse of plans, humiliation, quarrels, shame, financial difficulties. In humans low self-esteem; Saturn gives him fears and phobias. A person has to go through difficult trials. They experience painful illnesses, but Saturn in this house does not give early death. Saturn gives longevity, but it makes you suffer and suffer physically and psychologically. A person’s vision deteriorates, diseases of the joints, colon, and back occur. People can get into accidents and be injured.

The 8th house shows the wealth and savings of the spouse. The spouse will have financial difficulties. Don't rely too much on his help. You may also not receive the expected share from the division of property during a divorce. Saturn in the 8th house does not give marital happiness and causes separation/divorce. A person may not receive the inheritance he expects. A person may be subject to false accusations. Litigation is possible. A favorable Saturn aspected by Jupiter may not give difficult results. Such people work in the field of intelligence services, mineral resources, taxation, insurance, and alternative medicine. They have great intuition and mysterious abilities. They can sense people and heal in an unconventional way. (Mahesh Darmadasa)

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Saturn in the 8th house: cruel, friendless; lives a long time, but is poor, suffers from a chronic illness; possible diseases of the stomach and reproductive organs. He often changes his type of activity and endures many trials in life. In a woman’s chart, this position indicates a lack of romance and color in married life. If Rahu is in the 7th house, Saturn is in the 8th house and Mars is in the 6th house, then the person will lose his wife. When Saturn is in the 8th or 12th house, there is waste, conflicts with relatives, and discord in the family.

Saturn, Mars, Rahu or Ketu in the 6th, 8th or 12th house in a water sign (Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces) can lead to diabetes.

The position in the 8th house is inauspicious for all planets except Mercury and Saturn. Mercury here gives prosperity, and Saturn gives long life, but in other areas one should not expect favorable effects from them. (Shri Govind Swarup Agarwal)

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"Bhrigu Sutra" 7.37-40

The owner of the horoscope will live to be 75 years old. He will be poor, have intimacy with women from lower castes and will earn his livelihood by serving others. If Saturn is in his own sign or sign of exaltation, life expectancy increases. If the lord of the 8th house is placed in the sign of his enemy or in the sign of debility, the owner of the horoscope will live a short life, will have difficulty earning a livelihood and may have to go without food at times.


All malefic planets in the 8th house shorten the life span of the owner of the horoscope, with the exception of Saturn, the Ayush Karaka, the planet of longevity. Being the karaka of the 8th house and placed in it, Saturn makes an exception to the theory of “Karaka Bhava Nashaya” and indicates long life by forming Arishtha Bhangas or protective influences in the horoscope. In this regard, it is appropriate to quote the following sloka from the Bhavartha Ratnakara: “Saturn in the 8th house indicates a long life span. But if the lord of the 8th house is conjoined with Ketu in Lagna, the life of the owner of the horoscope will be short.”

The remaining characteristics of the placement of Saturn in the 8th house are mainly negative. Influencing from the 8th to the 10th, 2nd and 5th houses, Saturn speaks of the person's sufficient skill, poverty, eye diseases, few children or difficulties with them, and attachment to yogic knowledge.

Being the twelfth to the 9th house, the involved 8th house is associated with an atheistic mentality, a tendency to lie and immoral behavior (“intimacy with women from lower castes”). According to dharma and Vedic tradition, a man from the highest varna should not have relations with sudra women, since this will produce unwanted offspring, and the man himself will lose his high brahmanical qualities. The Garuda Purana, a book on death, says: “A Brahmana who allowed a woman into his bed easy virtue, descends to a lower level; Having begot offspring from a Sudra woman, he immediately falls from the level of a Brahmana.” Shudra women in our time should be understood as women of low level of consciousness and dissolute behavior.

In medical aspect, the 8th house represents the anus and genitals and the presence of Saturn in it can cause related diseases.

Other opinions regarding Saturn in the 8th house:

"Brihat-jataka" - a small number of descendants and visual defects.

“Phaladipika” - the owner of the horoscope will be unkempt, immoral, poor, cruel. Sometimes he will lack food and may suffer from hemorrhoids.

“Saravali” - the owner of the horoscope will have diseases of the anus, a short life and failures in his endeavors.

"Chamatkar-chintamani" - loss of wealth and friends, sickness, maliciousness and ill will.

Note: All classical texts agree with the Bhrigu Sutra that the placement of Saturn in the 8th house is inauspicious.

Bhrigu Sutra with commentary by Indubala

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“Jataka-Bharanam” 17.80 Results of the position of Saturn (Shani) in the 8th house

In case of Shani's placement in the 8th Bhava, the person will have a weak body, will suffer from itching due to worms and the like, will be fearless, dissatisfied and lethargic (not energetic).

"Earth, water, fire and air,
Mind, reason, egoism, ether" -
This is My secret number eight,
Here I am - this is how I came into the world...

Saturn rules those born on the 8th, 17th, 26th of any month, or those whose name or destiny number is 8. The qualities of Saturn are described below and are most clearly manifested in people whose soul number is 8. Among the seven most important planets our solar system Saturn is the most distant planet from Earth. Its slow movement is reflected in the Sanskrit name Shanaishchara. It is inert (tamas) in nature, cold and dry and is considered the most inauspicious of all malefic planets. Its evil influence can be felt when passing through the 12th, 1st, 2nd houses of the Moon. For example, if in the birth chart the Moon is in Taurus and Saturn is in Aries, Taurus or Gemini, its influence is most clearly observed.

The number 8 defines the realm of practical reality. A person needs it to translate his ideas into concrete form and provide himself with a better life.

Since Saturn completes its elliptical path in thirty years, it remains valid in one sign of the zodiac for two and a half years; and when it passes through the above three houses, it influences the person for seven and a half years.

If Saturn is unfavorably located in the birth chart, it makes its owners greedy, sickly, and gloomy. They constantly suffer from losses and psychosomatic problems caused by imbalances in the body's chemical balance. This is explained by the deterioration of the behavior of the wind element (disruption of the flows in the body air flow).

Saturn, the planet of darkness, rules the dark side of human nature, the subconscious, the awareness of right and wrong. Saturn's gaze is not beneficent. If Saturn is well placed in the birth chart, it brings wisdom, awareness of right and wrong, sincerity, honesty, love of justice, non-attachment to any things, longevity, fame, power, leadership and organizational skills.

Saturn is the planet of limitation. If it is poorly placed in the birth chart, it brings obstacles, delay, humiliation, hostility, bad karma, litigation and prison. It makes people lonely, pessimistic, fearful, prone to premature aging, drug addiction, and suicidal tendencies.

According to the Puranas, semi-divine siddhi beings, living in the air and distinguished by purity and holiness, have eight supernatural properties: becoming infinitely small or large, extremely light or heavy, instantly moving to any point in space, achieving what they want with the power of thought, subordinating objects to their will and time and achieve supreme power over the world.

Saturnians do not like discipline; they are rebels, law breakers. They act like old people and look much older than they really are. This is because Saturn rules old age and is often considered an old planet.

Saturn rules nails, hair, teeth, bones, skeleton, skin and nervous system.

Saturn's friends are Mercury, Venus, Rahu and Ketu, its enemies are the Sun, Moon and Mars, and Jupiter is neutral in relation to it.


My dears, eight is the number of the soul of those born on the 8th, 17th and 26th of any month.

Eight is the number of confidence and certainty, it is also the number of mystery. Its owners are generally misunderstood even by their closest friends and relatives. These are hard workers who easily take on everything; in their hands the impossible becomes possible. These are introverts, they are secretive, patient, deep, serious, melancholic, thoughtful, with inner calm and balance. Basic vibrations of number 8: satisfaction, achievement; desire for success, power, recognition. Eights are very sincere with public organizations, groups, societies with which they are associated and to whom they devote their entire lives. They don't accept much help from others because they mostly like to do everything themselves and don't like asking for help.

Eights have strong assertiveness, which can sometimes be impenetrable, but they have a developed ability to discriminate. Their willpower and serious nature give them the strength to successfully cope with any project. Although the "eights" are always on their way and encounter many obstacles, delays, failures, their strong personality, perseverance, will and patience lead to the fulfillment of their goal, and thus they leave their mark on history. They believe in life. And usually they are born to devote themselves to sacrificial service to humanity.

Their life is full of struggle; they do not retreat until they achieve the desired goal, which is why Eights are good warriors, politicians and scientists. These are “revolutionaries” by nature, which can be associated with fundamental changes in society, sometimes caused by destructive influences. Meanwhile, the Eights try to humbly dedicate their lives to self-sacrifice for the poor and oppressed people.

Their lives are unpredictable. Unexpected changes constantly keep Eights on edge and force them to adapt to new circumstances. This prevents their relatives and friends from understanding them. This is why they are most often misunderstood.

Due to their natural tendency towards loneliness, gloominess, lack of humor, inability to appreciate a joke, indifference to it, they feel very lonely. Their lifestyle makes them antisocial. They have very few true friends who are able to recognize the tender and vulnerable nature deeply hidden in their personality. Outwardly they are tough, but internally they are very gentle, polite, boldly face any difficulties and stand up for the interests of their friends, save them under any circumstances, but, however, in this way they can make worse enemies for themselves. When “Eights” are angry, they irritate those around them and can irritate even the most patient. They do not rest until they have completely defeated their enemies; they harbor anger in their hearts for the rest of their lives, patiently waiting for the right moment to attack their enemies. They face defeat with a smile and change their strategy, but do not calm down until they subsequently defeat the enemy. These are extremists who go to extremes in both friendship and hatred.

They are not satisfied with small success, but strive for the greatest honors. They consider their work to be a service and strive to do only grandiose things in whatever they do. They hate hypocrisy and deception, and they themselves are very honest, practical and smart. They become wise even in early age and gain the ability to judge other people. They feel mentally different from other people and do things prohibited by law and society. "Eights" do not obey existing norms and come into conflict with social and moral attitudes. These are materialists who care primarily about financial security, although they do not chase money. They love their own ideology and can do any job for the sake of money. But after work, they can spend all the money they earn on strangers, without expecting anything in return. They cannot spend their money on themselves or their family members. Until the age of 35, they cannot save money at all and face several financial crises throughout their lives. But after 35 years, “eights” get the opportunity to open a bank account. They begin to enjoy watching their account increase, and they stop spending money easily. Having earned enough money, they try to develop their mental and spiritual qualities. They try to listen to their inner voice, try to comprehend occult sciences, religion, philosophy, meditation. Although they have no deep and real interest in religion, they again go to extremes, and if they are lucky enough to find good guide, they can fall into a state of deepest meditation and nirvana.

Warnings for those with soul number 8

Eights should not strive to take on everything themselves. They must trust their friends and subordinates.

They should not take up work that exceeds their capabilities, unless it is for the sake of saving or earning money.

They should not get involved in arguments and should learn to express their own ideas clearly and also be able to remain silent when necessary.

They should expand their circle of friends and acquaintances.

They should not depend on anyone's help because they can get very little from their friends, relatives, and other people whom they help.

They must give up vindictiveness.

They should throw off the mask of gloominess, seriousness, sobriety and learn to smile and try to be happy.

They must lead an active lifestyle and avoid lethargy, passivity and isolation.

They should cultivate tolerance, be more friendly, reasonable and not get irritated so easily.

They should avoid drugs and other poisonous substances.

They should avoid canned, old food and food instant cooking; they should eat more coarse grains, sprouted wheat grains and crushed coconut, drink more fresh juices - to avoid constipation, rheumatism, arthritis, skin irritation and other problems caused by the improper behavior of the wind element.

They must follow the advice of Teachers, holy people who know more than themselves.

They must avoid the habit of ruminating about the past and must cope with imaginary fears.

They must respect their life and business partners. They should try in every possible way to avoid love affairs.

They need to travel more often.

They shouldn't spread rumors.

They should look for good friends: philosophers, righteous people, yogis; they should devote more energy to their own spiritual growth.


Eight is not a very good number of fate, because it brings with it delays, obstacles, failures, humiliations from where they are least expected; 8 makes life unpredictable. People with soul number 8 themselves chop down the branch on which they sit. When they meet their doom, Eights lose faith in the virtues of life and act destructively. Destiny number 8 causes unwanted opposition and unreasonable hostility. It contributes to robbery and other financial losses.

Vardhamana noted that the destiny number 8 causes people to spoil their karma, get into accidents, encounter many failures, get sick and suffer from premature aging. But through sad experience, failures, it gives wisdom. "Eights" life is better only in unfavorable conditions; The more difficulties they encounter, the brighter they shine, the faster they grow wiser. They achieve fame and begin to develop their organizational skills, occupy responsible positions and become rich in their declining years. If G8s are interested in politics, they will soon receive a high position; if they are interested in spiritual and occult sciences, they become leaders in their organizations. But they will never be able to get rid of problems (real and imaginary), from confrontation, from constant humiliation. Therefore, they love to be alone, but suffer from loneliness.

People with a destiny number of 8 are susceptible to drug addiction and other vicious addictions.

They are unsuccessful in matters of love and, due to scandalous revelations, earn a bad name for themselves. Family life for “eights” does not last long. They are always under threat of rejection or divorce. This sometimes favors their political career and spiritual life. Due to the fact that philosophical thoughts arise in them, they can easily abandon their own nature, which strives for pleasure, and direct their energy to alleviating the suffering of people close to them.

People with destiny number 8 go down in history, either as innovators, outstanding scientists, social reformers, or, due to bad karma, through their vicious activities (because they become leaders of antisocial movements, groups, participate in revolutions and end badly).

The Eight easily assume power; she is granted recognition and financial rewards.

Power is precisely the quality associated with the number 8. Zeal, diligence, stability and the ability to take a broad view of things give the number 8 the ambition and additional qualities necessary to achieve their goals.

Key words: power, responsibility, financial reward, prudence, recognition.

People with destiny number 8 are much braver than those with other numbers from 1 to 9. They can withstand stress, have increased adaptive abilities, and quickly come to their senses.

People with destiny number 8 are constantly preoccupied with taking a dominant position in their work, and they have no time for entertainment and pleasure.

Women with destiny number 8 receive an inheritance and save money for a “rainy day” and for old age. Due to numerous unfortunate incidents in their youth, they prefer to live alone and not get married. Although they are devoted to their families, they find it difficult to find a suitable life partner. They can overcome problems of family life and relationships if they gain patience and pay more attention to spirituality and true faith. Men with destiny number 8 do not respect their life partners. People with destiny number 8 are good planners and they achieve great success in this area. If they meet people with favorable numbers, they can achieve unprecedented heights in their career.

It is dangerous to quarrel with the “eights”.

People with a destiny number of 8 doubt others, are afraid of their opponents and suffer from stagnation, isolation and lack of a friendly environment.

People with a destiny number of 8 are destined to appear in court at least once in their lives.

People with a destiny number of 8, you are on Earth to learn patience, understanding other people and creating favorable karma. Meet all life's difficulties with a joyful heart. Enjoy yourself, not distant goals. Look at your crises not as destructive dead-end moments in your life, but as turning points that bring liberation. Grow spiritually yourself, and help others grow spiritually.


Eight is a good name number: only if the soul or destiny numbers are 3, 1 or 6. Otherwise, as described above, the number 8 creates many difficulties, delays, and obstacles. It brings loneliness and hatred from friends and relatives. However, if the numbers of fate, soul are 1, 3 or 6, then such people become popular, friendly, and their friends, relatives and colleagues begin to love them. A little isolation from others helps them avoid the crowd that always surrounds us. In this case, the number 8 brings success, name, fame, despite the fact that difficulties do not disappear. However, since numbers 1 and 6 are lucky, the problems are not too difficult, and the name number together with the destiny number are able to overcome the negative influence of Saturn.

The wrathful Indian deity Hayagriva has eight arms.

One who has 8 as the number of soul and destiny and name suffers much more than others and is prone to suicide. In this case, the name number should be changed to 1, 3 or 6.


By observing fasts, using appropriate herbs, spices and gems, meditating on mantras and using yantras, a person can balance the inner environment. Balancing the external environment is possible if you choose the right time for activity (with an ascending or descending cycle), choose good friends (by finding compatible numbers) and if you start work at the appropriate time (taking care to match the weak and strong periods). Balance is achieved by working on the flow of energy that is always with us.

Weak periods

Where Saturn is in its worst position, 8s have their weakest period. Weak periods also cover the first 20 days of January, the last week of February, as well as the months of December, March and April. At this time, “eights” suffer from various losses, they are blamed and humiliated, and separated from loved ones. They also have mental problems and become stubborn and cynical. They use drugs and substances that poison the body. They feel unwanted, rejected and become greedy. They hesitate instead of making a decision, feel deceived and lose confidence in own strength. At this time, they should avoid new beginnings, signing official papers, court proceedings, disputes; move to new apartment.

Strong periods

Although the “eights” are always strong, they receive special strength from September 20 to October 23 and from January 20 to February 20. This is the best time to start new ventures, complete work and discuss upcoming trips and business ventures. At this time, the G8s should make plans for the future and, if necessary, look for a new place to live.

Favorable dates

Good dates for any month are the 8th, 17th and 26th. Numbers that are reduced to 1, 3 and 6 are also auspicious. And if these dates fall between December 21 and 31, January 20 and 27, February 19 and 26, they become even more successful. Any work that began at this time will bring amazing results.

Favorable days

For Eights, the best day of the week is Saturday, and if it falls on a good date and during a good period, then this is generally something special.

Nice flowers for "eights" are black, dark blue, gray and purple. They should wear clothes of these colors and try to have the same colors around them - on curtains, pillowcases, and bed linen. Black scarves, which should always be carried with you, give the “eights” a refreshing vibration.


Good stones for "eights" are blue sapphire, blue sapphire substitutes, amethyst, black pearl, lapis lazuli. Gemstone you need to buy it on Saturday and give it to the jeweler on the same day. The jeweler must make a ring that contains five metals - gold, silver, lead, copper and iron. The ring can also be made of white gold, in a ratio of gold and silver of 1 to 10. The stone should be installed in the ring on Saturday, and the finished product should also be picked up from the jeweler on Saturday. After performing appropriate rituals, it should be worn on the Saturn (middle) finger after sunset or late in the evening.

To restore the electrochemical balance of the body, “eights” should take crushed blue sapphire.


Eights should meditate on a figurine of Saturn made of five metals as above, or on a blue sapphire. Before meditation, they should perform a morning ritual and take a bath if possible. Meditation should be done only after the morning bowel movement.


The dark-skinned Saturn, seated on the vulture, has great strength, he has a round face, large, powerful eyes and a double chin. His mustache gives him a sinister appearance, and he has four arms. In one he holds a sword, in the other a trident. In his third hand he holds a mace, and in his fourth hand he holds the crown of the vulture itself. A well-armed Saturn should be meditated on with a smile, without fear.

Bija mantra

“Aum pram prim praum sa shanyasaraya namah.”

The planetary deity Shani bestows the power to win arguments, feel no pain and brings success in work and business endeavors.

Puranic mantra to propitiate Saturn

“I bow respectfully before you, O leisurely Saturn, with the blue of my face like antimony, the elder brother of the god Yama, born of the Sun God and his wife Chaya.”

Saturn Yantra

If your number is 8, that is, if you were born on the 8th, 17th or 26th of any month, you can use this talisman for your benefit. The sum of the numbers in any direction is 33. Such a yantra should be engraved on a zinc plate or ring. If you make a ring, wear it on your second finger, which is also called the Saturn finger.

Health and illness

Saturn people are subject to paralysis, rheumatism, gout, deafness, dumbness, depression, anger, colic, ear diseases, insanity and asthma. Their main problems are related to the deterioration of the wind element - intestinal gas, constipation, blood pressure, heart problems. They also suffer from anemia, blood pollution, weak or dead lungs, leprosy, fever, weak bladder, bleeding, pain in the nose and ears, and baldness. They should massage their body regularly with sesame oil or if possible with mustard oil. They should use diuretic spices like cumin and also take morning walks in the open air. Saturn is cold and dry; Therefore, “eights” are prone to colds and dry skin. They will benefit greatly from the use of Nilmani Pishti, an Ayurvedic medicine made from crushed blue sapphire, which should be taken orally before going to bed along with honey or sour cream. “Eights” should increase the body’s content of vitamins A, D, E and calcium.

Eights must fast on Saturday. In the evening, after meditation, they should eat boiled vegetables along with split urad beans (ground black beans with husks) and rice. Here is the recipe for one serving.

Peel 1/2 cup of chopped urad beans, remove pebbles and other inedible bits, and then mix it with 1/2 cup of peeled white rice. Rinse the mixture and wait for the water to drain. Add 1-1/2 cups clean water and 1/4 teaspoon salt (regular table salt is not suitable). Heat the mixture and let it simmer for 1 minute. Then reduce the heat, stir and close tightly. Leave to simmer until the beans and rice are tender. Urad beans take a little longer to soften than other beans. Serve with butter.

Instead of vegetables or together with them, “eights” can also eat sweets made from black sesame seeds and raw palm sugar (cane sugar).

Good friends can be those born on the 8th, 17th, 26th, as well as the 2nd, 4th, 6th, 12th, 15th, 20th and 24th of any month.

Romantic relationships

For romantic relationships Eights should choose ones, threes, and sixes and avoid fours, eights, and nines. “Eights” can be friends, communicate and cooperate with people whose soul number is 4, 8, 9 - but on the condition that if their relationship does not last long. Eights will never be assistants to other Eights. The romantic relationship between the two "eights" will not last long. "Eights" have a natural inclination towards people born on the 1st, 2nd, 4th, 5th, 7th.

Good years life


Number 8 and number 1

“Ones” are naturally attracted to “eights”, supplying them with energy and stimulation. Eights are melancholic, while ones are happy and full of inspiration: they are complete opposites. “Eights” need “ones” to experience happiness and inspiration. The number 1 is light and the number 8 is darkness; darkness needs light. But "ones" can act as enemies, coercing "eights" who do not obey the laws and do not follow accepted standards to discipline and legality. This creates problems for the Eights. But since 1 - lucky number, it brings happiness to “eights”. “Eights” are materialists, and “ones” are idealists. They can't work with each other for a long time, but, in the end, the “eights” break off the relationship. However, if the “ones” are not considered as business or life partners, then these numbers are suitable for friendship and romantic relationships. Eights should choose “ones” for any type of relationship. Women who are “eights” can marry men who are “ones” and feel happy for some time. However, their marriage with any number will not last too long. Eights can choose the number 1 for the house number in which they live.

Number 8 and number 2

The number 8 is ruled by Saturn and 2 by the Moon. Saturn is neutral in relation to the Moon. However, the Moon is the enemy of Saturn; they are always attracted to each other. “Eights” always help “2s” and can remain good friends, but “2s” do not provide “eights” with any practical help, but only give verbal support. “Twos” are not good partners in business and in marriage, although they can make money themselves and help “Eights” make money. Twos are easily irritated, while Eights have great self-confidence, which supports the Twos. Provided that the “eight” occupies a dominant position, these two numbers can work on a joint project. Eights must choose the number 2 to set dates for meetings and to choose the number of the house in which they live.

Number 8 and number 3

Eights and Threes maintain neutrality - like Saturn and Jupiter. Jupiter believes in dharma (natural law), while Saturn does not believe in any laws. Saturn, meanwhile, respects Jupiter, who is the teacher of his father, the Sun God, so “eights” and “threes” will never harm each other, but will not receive any benefit from each other.

Eights are self-sufficient and do not ask for help. “Troikas” are teachers who never give advice or provide help unless asked.

Therefore, “threes” never enter into deep relationships with “eights”, but remain good friends. Threes can bring joy and happiness into the boring life of Eights. If the “eights” ask for the advice of the “threes” and listen to it, they can achieve material and spiritual progress. Thus, Eights should be prepared to work hard, and therefore choose Threes for friendship and marriage. If Eights are involved in politics, Threes can be very useful to them. Together, these numbers can do something extraordinary for all of humanity, such as bringing about social reforms. Threes are not suitable for marriage for Eights, but they can establish romantic relationships with Threes.

Number 8 and number 4

Eights and Fours are friends. Rahu, the ruler of number 4, is similar in nature to Saturn. People born under these two numbers are distinguished by revolutionary views, they love justice and achieve success only in old age. “Fours” do not care about money and spend it easily, while “Eights” try to save more and do not throw money away. Fours can learn from Eights how to save money for old age. These two numbers are very similar: they are misunderstood, they encounter many obstacles and difficulties on their way; both are unpredictable and changeable - so their friendship is mutually beneficial. Such friendship fills the “eight” with a sense of satisfaction with the completed work and ensures its growth and further development. “Four” has a calming effect on “eight”; The “four” brings good luck to the “eight”. "Eights" should choose "fours" as friends, business or life partners, make appointments on the 4th and select the number of the house in which they live equal to 4. Some Western numerologists believe that "fours" are unfavorable for "eights" . This seems to be because they associate 4 with the negative side of 1, the Sun, or because they associate 4 with Uranus and sudden outbursts of anger. In this case, Saturn becomes the exact opposite of 4. But as we have seen, there is a great similarity between “fours” and “eights”. The “Four” becomes the only hope for the “Eight”: it is its true well-wisher, assistant and friend. No one other than the “four” understands the “eight” and fills it with positive vibrations. “Eights” should not follow the recommendations of numerologists who claim that “fours” are not suitable for them: “eights” should unconditionally choose “fours”. Moreover, 8 men can choose 4 women for marriage, friendship, romantic relationships and business cooperation.

Number 8 and number 5

Eights and Fives have a strange relationship. Saturn is neutral in relation to Mercury, and Mercury is a friend of Saturn, but Saturn is malefic, and Mercury is beneficent. These are opposite poles: “fives” are fast, and “eights” are slow. “Fives” are young and love humor and jokes; Eights are serious and cannot appreciate jokes. This causes serious problems. Eights disdain Fives and do not treat them with all their hearts; become withdrawn and shy. Friendship between these two numbers is possible only in the political field or in public organizations working for the benefit of humanity. Only there can they benefit each other. Eights should not choose Fives for friendship or business or life partnerships. Eights should not begin any important business on the 5th, 14th or 23rd of any month. They should also not travel these days and try to avoid living in house number 5.

Number 8 and number 6

Eights and Sixes are best friends. “Sixes” are always ready to help, they inspire, attract, have good manners, are polite and joyful. “Eights” are easily attracted to “Sixes” and in their company become more tolerant and sociable. “Eights” and “Sixes” form a good combination in such areas as art, politics, cinematography; they are also suitable for each other in friendship, business partnerships (provided the Sixes are leaders) and marriage. “Eights” can choose the number 6 for making appointments and for the number of the house in which they live. Women “sixes” are a godsend for men “eights”; they make good wives who take care of the home. With their help, "eights" find a clean, well-furnished home, filled with warmth, love and peace. And although their relationship does not last long, it can be extended if the “eight” travels abroad to give the “six” time to be alone and gain independence. The same actions will help the “eight” to prolong its family life with numbers such as 1, 3, 4, 5 or 6.

Number 8 and number 7

“Eights” and “sevens” enter into a special relationship with each other. "Eights" are beneficial to "sevens", but "sevens" do not like "eights" personal reasons, so they cannot communicate fully. Eights feel at ease with Sevens, but the opposite is not true. This prevents long-term relationships and friendships, and therefore Eights and Sevens are not an ideal married couple. In friendship, Eights must work hard for the benefit of Sevens - otherwise, Sevens simply leave. These numbers can cooperate in the financial field, but must have leadership over them. In the areas of life and love, Eights can learn a lot from Sevens, and this will enrich them. The “seven” has an unusual character, but the “eight” is also original. If the “seven” is older than the “eight”, then they can work together - here the “seven” will act as a teacher, and the “eight” will act as a student. Cooperation is also possible if the “seven” leads an organization, and the “eight” is engaged in management. Eights can choose a house whose number is reduced to 7, but this house will become a meeting place for occultists and many spiritual teachers will visit it. In principle, “eights” can make appointments on the 7th and live in the house with number 7.

Number 8 and number 8

Two "eights" form a very strong combination. When they are together, they melt into each other and try to please each other. And if they become opponents, then it becomes a real battle! If two "eights" are friends, they inspire each other and become good companions - especially if both are interested in achieving material success or trying to succeed in religion or occult sciences. Although the "eights" cannot teach each other, they work well together and achieve their goals. This combination is good for business or life partnerships. If both husband and wife are interested in the work of charitable organizations, they become even more attached to each other and begin to work together in such an organization. “Eights” can choose the number 8 for making appointments and for the number of the house in which they live.

Number 8 and number 9

“Nines” are the enemies of “eights,” but they are “good” enemies. “Nines” push “Eights” to think, they good teachers"eights" and help their growth and development. Eights will be forced to spend their energy and money on nines. 8 is a lucky number for 9, but the opposite is not true. In a business partnership, G8s will benefit if the business has their name on it - and vice versa. Eights can choose Nines for friendship and marriage. Women “nines” and men “eights” can form a successful combination for some time. But a woman “eight” with a man “nine” will have many financial problems. “Eights” should choose 9 for the number of the house in which they live, but for the day of a meeting and negotiations regarding important work, 9 is not the most successful number. If the number eight chooses 9 as her house number, she will have to spend a lot of money to maintain it.

Below are the traditional Western correspondences for the number 8:

achievement, fulfillment, strength, success, soulfulness, intensity, greatness.

Tarot Strength

Western AstrologySun, Leo, Pluto, Scorpio


Tree of LifeProgress, greatness, glory

ShamanismLion, butterfly

Element Fire, water


Aura Red

ColorPink, purple

StoneEmerald, opal

NoteUpper C

PlanMental, intuitive

TemperamentCreative, intuitive


Day of the weekSaturday



The owner of the horoscope will live to be 75 years old. He will be poor, have intimacy with women from lower castes and will earn his livelihood by serving others. If Saturn is in his own sign or sign of exaltation, life expectancy increases. If the lord of the 8th house is placed in the sign of his enemy or in the sign of debility, the owner of the horoscope will live a short life, will have difficulty earning a livelihood and may have to go without food at times.


All malefic planets in the 8th house shorten the life span of the owner of the horoscope, with the exception of Saturn, the Ayush Karaka, the planet of longevity. Being the karaka of the 8th house and placed in it, Saturn makes an exception to the theory of “Karaka Bhava Nashaya” and indicates long life by forming Arishtha Bhangas or protective influences in the horoscope. In this regard, it is appropriate to quote the following sloka from the Bhavartha-ratnakara:

“Saturn in the 8th house indicates long life expectancy. But if the lord of the 8th house is conjoined with Ketu in Lagna, the life of the owner of the horoscope will be short.”

The remaining characteristics of the placement of Saturn in the 8th house are mainly negative. Influencing from the 8th to the 10th, 2nd and 5th houses, Saturn speaks of the person's sufficient skill, poverty, eye diseases, few children or difficulties with them, and attachment to yogic knowledge. Being the twelfth to the 9th house, the involved 8th house is associated with an atheistic mentality, a tendency to lie and immoral behavior (“intimacy with women from lower castes”). According to dharma and Vedic tradition, a man from the highest varna should not have relations with sudra women, since this will produce unwanted offspring, and the man himself will lose his high brahmanical qualities. The Garuda Purana, a book on death, says: “A Brahmana who allows a woman of easy virtue into his bed sinks to a lower level; Having begot offspring from a Sudra woman, he immediately falls from the level of a Brahmana.” Shudra women in our time should be understood as women of low level of consciousness and dissolute behavior.

In medical aspect, the 8th house represents the anus and genitals and the presence of Saturn in it can cause related diseases.

Other opinions:

"Brihat-jataka" - a small number of descendants and visual defects.

“Phaladipika” - the owner of the horoscope will be unkempt, immoral, poor, cruel. Sometimes he will lack food and may suffer from hemorrhoids.

“Saravali” - the owner of the horoscope will have diseases of the anus, a short life and failures in his endeavors.

"Chamatkar-chintamani" - loss of wealth and friends, sickness, maliciousness and ill will.


All classical texts agree with the Bhrigu Sutra that the placement of Saturn in the 8th house is inauspicious.

(The text is taken from the book: “Houses and Planets in Vedic Astrology.” and is reproduced with the kind permission of the author - Indubala Devi Dasi.)

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Great self-control and restraint in relationships, fear of confrontation with violent emotions. The father had a strong influence on the person. He was not always at his best, and a person is afraid to repeat his mistakes and weaknesses. For a person, the opinion of others about him is very important. To succeed, you need to destroy the wall separating you from your partner and show him not a mask, but a real face.
They deal with partners’ money, corporate finances, taxes, inheritances, which is always associated with responsibilities. They must develop a sense of justice in dealing with material values, since they are responsible for both other people's and their own property.
You may be plagued by fear of the unknown, of change, or fear of death. You resist change with all your might, rather than welcoming it with curiosity and a sense of adventure, which makes it even more difficult for you.
On the other hand, you are very concerned about combining your strengths, and especially material resources, with others. You would like the property and property of other people and yours to be in perfect order.

B. Israelite. Planets in houses

The weakness of the external armor is felt. A person feels threatened by an invasion of otherworldly forces. Extreme manifestations are partially neutralized. There is some time to prepare for the approaching danger.
A person is characterized by excessive vigilance and control in property and sexual relations. There may be serious chronic diseases. Danger from falling, hypothermia. Threats from law enforcement officers, military personnel, boss, father.
Situations that promote self-transformation arise at work, while on duty, while performing duty, alone, in isolation.
Fear of loneliness. All Saturnian emotions are heightened: guilt, envy, fear of failure to fulfill obligations.
If Saturn is afflicted - difficulties with obtaining an inheritance, with public money. This results in litigation.
Professions: prosecutor, notary, correctional officer, tax collector.

Francis Sakoyan. Planets in houses

Fear of death makes a person attentive to life.
For this incarnation, the person planned an in-depth study of tense situations, borderline situations and transitions from one egregor to another. First of all, this means that all kinds of crises and marginal conditions will be resolved for a long time and with great difficulty, so that a person can slowly understand what is happening and not let the most important points your life to frivolously take its course. Unfortunately, people often completely misinterpret the signs and tests of fate, and tend to learn only in educational institutions, and even then it’s not at all what it should be. Saturn, for its part, tries to fill the gaps in education, teaching directly on the human skin, and sometimes reaching the bones, which, by the way, it rules.
Here elaboration gives good results: detailed knowledge of karma and the true level of free will of people and groups, as well as understanding of the laws of birth and death, the transition from egregor to egregor and their specific ethics. However, to do this, you need to overcome a series of protracted depressive crises (external and internal) and learn to find sources of energy, will and enthusiasm in the completely waterless deserts of desperate selfishness and self-love.
When Saturn is defeated, strong irrational phobias, fear of dying from hunger or thirst, and others are possible; if it is harmonious, crises and tense situations are overcome consistently and successfully.
Relations with the team are rather harsh, a person will have high demands to group ethics, and for its shortcomings he is inclined to blame anyone but himself. There may be a subconscious fear of the group and a desire to achieve success at its expense and gain power over it; all this is the essence, signs of insufficient elaboration of the VIII house, in particular, there is not enough patience and effort to adapt to the group and understand its interests, aspirations, and also, last but not least, to feel its warmth and charm and repay the same.
The attitude towards the occult is threefold: it frightens, causes mistrust and at the same time attracts with potential opportunities, the implementation of which, however, will require a lot of effort, and a person will change a lot along the way, not necessarily in better side; here the temptation of unfounded vanity in connection with the possession of esoteric truths and skills is strong.

Indubala. Planets in houses. (Indian tradition)

This indicates a person living separately from his child, having eye diseases, attachment to yogic types of knowledge and having a reputation for being a master in his work. There is a tendency to lie or be disloyal. Life expectancy can be good if Saturn is not placed in the 8th house in the sign of Aries. Diseases of the excretory system may be detected. This person may also have an unsociable personality.

No Monster. Planets in houses

They deal with money, taxes, inheritances, and are responsible for other people's property. Afflicted Saturn - death from long illness. With bad high planets - nightmares, with good ones - a deep understanding of the secrets of life.

Bill Herbst. Horoscope Houses

Union. The position of Saturn in the 8th house indicates a strong sense of responsibility in intimate relationships. It may indicate working hard to create long-term intimate relationships. Or it indicates anxiety. You may fear that you are responsible for every failure in the partnership, and not only for the problems in the relationship itself, but also for any problems that arise in your partner's life. You may mistrust other people's motives, believing that they will discard you as soon as they sense your shortcomings well enough. These concerns are not unfounded - they need to be examined with care. Enter into a long-term agreement and fulfill obligations gradually, step by step. Even when you feel the pressure of intimacy, remind yourself to move slowly. The trap is the desire to receive from others what you did not give. The challenge is to choose your partners carefully and then get to work hard.
Transformation. Moderate your sensitivity to other people's reactions, your fears and fears that you will be criticized or humiliated for not changing quickly enough or not well enough. You know very well not only what to change, but also how to make these changes. Don't blindly follow the rules and patterns that come to you from the outside; forcing change because of fear of rejection will not bring anything good. At the same time, don't give up on the work of changing yourself just because other people are pushing you to transform. The challenge is to take responsibility for yourself as you are, and not for who you think you should be. Remain calm, do not protest, while continuing to gain strength through measured forward movement. Your fears of ego death are only as strong as the power you impart to them, so celebrate the tiniest victories over inertia. And most of all, be gentle and forgiving with yourself. You can change, time is on your side.
Sexual fusion. Do you want to sexual relations were tangible and not ethereal, but this desire is so demanding that it can suppress the very ability to acquire such an experience. You fear that if you "let go" of yourself, you will destroy yourself, so you hold back. The closer you come to fulfilling your desire, the more you are pulled back. Sometimes you cannot achieve liberation and you consider it a personal failure. This is wrong. This is the result of being too heavy, too serious. You are suspicious of the desires that your loved one shows towards you. This is your defense against fear of rejection. The task is to patiently develop the ability of sexual relaxation. Don't forget, the path leading to the top of the mountain is long, the journey is long. And only by remembering this, you can enjoy the view from the top of the mountain.
Focused Intuition. You feel that just being intuitive is not enough for you; you often require impeccable knowledge. These are too high expectations. You also fear the consequences of intuitive perception, believing that other people will kill the messenger. Finally, you fear that you are, in fact, crazy, that intuition is unreal, and that you have become the victim of a form of self-deception. Behind each trap are your real concerns, but none of them are true. The challenge is to work hard to develop your intuitive abilities and slowly develop the belief that invisible worlds actually exist and may have great pragmatic value.
Joint property. Money means responsibility, whether you have a lot or a little. Often you encounter disappointments - the reward for your patience is not as great as you hoped. Fortunately, Saturn improves over the years, like fine wine, and maturity can give you powerful common sense. However, this can be achieved when you carefully manage the resources that partnerships provide you with. Money that easily falls into your hands is like counterfeit money; you should reject get rich quick schemes. The task is to be like a little pig who builds a house out of bricks.

Universal interpretation. Planets in houses

Such a person is always ready to take responsibility for managing his partner’s money and the finances of other people. This aspect favors bankers and investors. He earns money with difficulty, showing excellent hard work. He knows how to not only save everything he earns, but also responsibly increase it. He takes sex very seriously, is interested in psychology and extrasensory perception, and studies the afterlife with interest. It has an enviable longevity. Shows ability in jurisprudence, in solving problems of taxation and politics. Often connects his career with solving inheritance issues. When a planet is damaged, complexness, unusual sexual desires and strange gastronomic tastes are noted. Such a person must develop a sense of justice in relation to material values, since he is responsible not only for his own, but also for other people’s property. When a planet is afflicted, such people are often deprived of an inheritance due or are drawn into legal disputes over entrusted values. They often suffer from late payment of taxes or lose funds as a result of lawsuits. In the absence of capital, they find it difficult to satisfy their professional ambitions. With positive development, they are able to successfully earn money as a result of clever transactions using the funds entrusted to them. There may be a tendency to nightmares and strange paranormal experiences. There is a deep understanding of the mysteries of life. Often marriage brings such a person significant financial difficulties, and business cooperation does not bring profit. Such people are distinguished by enviable resilience in overcoming obstacles and amazing endurance in difficulties. Often the implementation of such a person’s plans is hindered by his excessive distrust of others and his tendency to melancholy. There is often a tendency to injuries and accidents.

One of the postulates of classical numerology sounds something like this: each planet corresponds to a certain number from 1 to 9, and psychological characteristics the carrier of the number is identical to the astrological images of the planet. Let's look at the numbers of planets.


Day of the week is Sunday. One is the number of the zodiac sign Leo. Leaders, creative individuals, sparkling with energy, who know their worth. The “units” are so strong that they do not realize their titanic power. Very ambitious people, ready to work for three people to achieve their goals. Leo will never lower his head, no matter what difficulties he encounters in life. He is characterized by jealousy of rivals and other people's successes, selfishness, turning into delusions of grandeur.

If a person does not resist his bad inclinations, such qualities as ruthlessness, rudeness, and intolerance begin to appear more and more clearly in his character. To prevent this from happening, you should remember: power must be used for good deeds, protect the weak and patronize those who need it. However, the very fact of being born under the solar number does not mean leadership qualities. You receive their inclinations, and whether you will be able to develop them in the right direction depends entirely on you.


Day of the week is Monday. Tender, artistic, sensitive romantics who embody all the qualities of the zodiac sign Cancer. Poets at heart, lyricists in life. Possess high degree adaptation: it costs them nothing to find a patron or patroness who would lead them through life, protecting them from the evil jokes of Fortune. Lunarians are impractical and pathologically unadapted to life. Instead of actively working and making a career with my own hands, prefer to sit at home and reflect on the meaning of LIFE passing by them. The day went well, the “two” person is satisfied and happy, if not, then the lunarian falls into a deep depression that has no end. However, the children of the Moon have undeniable advantages: intuition, an innate ability to penetrate inner world loved one, to warm hardened people with warmth, ingenuity. Who else can create a pleasant atmosphere at home than a lunarian? You are guaranteed evenings with candles and a basket of flowers, endless declarations of love. By the way, a “two” man is an ideal companion for a strong, self-confident woman.


Day of the week is Tuesday. "Troikas" are born fighters and conquerors who are under the protection of zodiac Aries. These are active people, sparkling with energy, who never cease to amaze with their actions and ideas. Negative aspects include rudeness, turning into rudeness, unwillingness to listen to others, the desire to insist on one’s own at all costs. Quite often they fall into conflict situations; when faced with a stronger enemy, they do not get lost, they resist to the last. They don’t give in to troubles, they believe in a happy ending, doing everything possible to win.


Day of the week is Wednesday. A sarcastic, somewhat cynical and witty intellectual, either admiring progress or viciously ridiculing the shortcomings of the mortal world. He spares no one: neither art, nor literature, nor other manifestations of human creative self-expression. All children of Mercury can be divided into two types: day and night. "Day" Mercurians are under the protection of Gemini, and "night" Mercurians are helped by Virgo. The first ones are very lively, frivolous and witty, they like to take risks, but in case of real danger they try to hide as far and deep as possible. The latter are reserved and thoughtful, distinguished by cold charm, know their worth and do not waste time on trifles, be it their career or personal life. Both of them have a commercial streak; in case of failure, they do not get upset, changing their goals and priorities.


Day of the week is Thursday. Cheerful, energetic, cheerful people. They strive to gain independence. Very talented, often achieving great success in various fields of activity: from business and politics to creative professions. They make good leaders: Jupiterians understand psychological subtleties and quickly find an approach to any employee. We would like to strictly control the situation, give orders and receive reports from subordinates. They will do anything for loved ones. Children of Jupiter- good friends: they won’t let you down and won’t abandon you. "Fives" are authoritarian, but still they frighten more than they punish.


Day of the week is Friday. Charming ladies or charming gentlemen. However, the children of Venus are not always white and fluffy, as they want to seem. Sometimes a radiant smile masks iron stubbornness (the influence of the zodiac signs Taurus and Libra). One can only guess where he or she gets the determination and endurance from. The descendants of the goddess of Love are amorous, but upon closer examination you understand: their feelings are of a deeply rational nature. Venusians set a goal and go towards it, not paying attention to any obstacles. The main thing: build big cozy home, create a strong family, plant a tree and raise caring children. Venusians have the gift of winning over people, good taste, and choose professions related to art.


Day of the week is Saturday. Strict, serious and responsible people under the auspices of the zodiac sign of Capricorn. They prefer to remain silent; but for all their taciturnity, Saturnians have something to tell others about. Possessing iron willpower, determination and powerful intellect, “sevens” make a brilliant career. At the same time, Saturnians are pronounced individualists, they keep to themselves and do not make contact without good reason due to a developed sense of danger. Under the cold mask hides a sensitive, vulnerable and touchy person.


Day of the week is Saturday. Cute outgoing person, understanding and endearing. But at the time of crises, the rebellious qualities of the sign of Aquarius awaken in the Uranian. If he doesn’t like something, the child of Heaven will not put up with the situation: he will rush into battle and defend the right to self-realization to the bitter end. The children of Uranus have their own logic and code of honor; their life credo contradicts the norms of generally accepted morality. Uranians often remain lonely and misunderstood. And his explosive nature scares off possible supporters. “Eights” are bursting with energy, they don’t know what to do with their excess, and rush headlong into adventures.


Day of the week is Monday. Number of masters of occult sciences, philosophers, politicians and scientists. Nine is the number of the zodiac sign Pisces. Typically, Neptunians are calm, reserved and thoughtful, like the ocean on a moonlit night. To an outside observer, they may appear detached from reality, lost in their own thoughts, or hypnotized by mediums. But at the moment of the storm, the children of the Sea King are impossible to recognize: a seething stream of reproaches, indignations and other stage effects. The ninth wave of anger sweeps away everything in its path. The Neptunian will easily make a career if he correctly calculates the sequence of his actions. And where logic does not help the “nines,” strong intuition will tell them.


Day of the week is Tuesday. Modern science deprived Pluto of the status of a planet, but classical astrology and numerology remained true to traditions, according to which the swarm of Pluto is a concentrated image of the king of the underworld and the tenth planet of the solar system with its satellite Charon. Plutonians retain all the traits of the Scorpio sign: authoritative, decisive, assertive and sexy. They have much more energy than representatives of the rest of the zodiac circle. The Plutonians are followed by masses of followers, fascinated by their magnetism.

There is a compatibility rule that also works in astrological numerology: you look to see if the combination of your astrological signs identified with numbers is favorable. So, remember.

It goes well with the Moon and goes well with everyone except Uranus (the disturber of order in the heliocentric planetary system) and Pluto (the darkest planetoid, characterized by concentrated energy). In classical astrology, Leo (Sun) has a bad relationship with Aquarius (Uranus) and Scorpio (Pluto). Namely: Aquarius does not like the royal pretensions of Leo, and Scorpio is an energetically oversaturated sign, he does not need patrons and advisers. Trust the method of analogies, it also works in numerology.

It reflects sunlight, it is somehow attracted by Mercury, frightened by Mars, fascinated by Venus, suppressed by Jupiter. The Moon and Saturn are planets of opposite zodiac signs, Cancer and Capricorn. And heaven, and hell, and purgatory of the soul! Neptune is the highest octave of the Moon.

The patron of the related sign of Scorpio, but the Lunarians either quarrel or make peace with the Uranians. Aquarians are great mockers, and Cancers are very vulnerable.

I would like to imitate the Sun, but Jupiter bends it under itself (in Greek mythology, Hermes served Zeus on errands). The messenger of the gods watches Venus with undisguised admiration and envies the courage of Mars (remember the piquant episode from Homer’s Odyssey, where Hermes agreed to eternal shame, just to be in the place of Ares in the arms of Aphrodite). Mercury is in a neutral-cold relationship with the time bot Saturn (Gemini and Capricorn do not always understand each other).

Enemy of everyone except Venus. True, he is also impressed by solar laws. But with Jupiter there is an eternal struggle for primacy, in which the god of war loses.

The king of gods and men is in strict opposition to his enemy Saturn. If you remember, the first thing young Zeus did was overthrow his father Cronus, freeing his swallowed brothers and sisters. The relationship with Neptune is quite complicated (Sagittarius and Pisces are quadrature angular signs and do not get along well with each other). To Pluto, younger brother(in Greek mythology, god kingdom of the dead Hades, in Slavic mythology - the horned god White), Jupiter is neutral.

Kindest planet. He is friends with everyone, including the gloomy Saturn. If we turn our analysis to the astrological zodiac circle, then Libra gets along with almost everyone.

The silent and cold god of time - detachment observes the harsh beauties of the Universe, not favoring anyone except Venus (Capricorns and Taurus are one of the best astrological combinations).

Patriarch of the Gods - shows a rare disrespect for the laws of the heliocentric Universe: this is the only case when the rules of compatibility do not apply. The Uranian rewards or deprives trust, guided solely by intuition.

Perfectly compatible with the Moon and Venus. It is worth remembering the beautiful legend about the birth of the goddess of love from sea foam. Cronus, having castrated Uranus, threw away the severed male organ to the Ocean; it subsequently swelled and Aphrodite was born from it. By the way, her Indian “colleague” Lakshmi was born in approximately the same way, and the expanses of water eventually began to belong to Poseidon (or Neptune).

Poorly compatible planet. It does not even combine with its lower octave, Mars, unlike the Neptune-Moon pair. Please note that Aries and Scorpios cannot be together for a LONG time if there is excellent sexual compatibility. The Plutonian does not adapt to people, he bends them under himself and at the same time suffers greatly from his disharmony. The only chance to live peacefully is to dampen aggressiveness. At least for a while.

Copied from the site.
