Compatibility of Cancer and Leo in family life. Cancer – Leo: compatibility in love relationships

Glad to welcome everyone.

I would like to offer everyone a very interesting way fortune telling - fortune telling on the cards for a man. For the fair sex, this is just a godsend. So, fortune telling on cards for a man.

How often do men appear in your life about whom you really want to know more than he tells us? Do you agree, often? And now I will tell you how this can be done.

But keep in mind that this fortune telling can be performed for one person, only once. This fortune telling is as simple as. So let's begin.

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Where to start?

We take a deck of 36 cards and divide it into two parts. In one of the two parts there are: all the aces, all the kings, all the queens and all the jacks, and in the second part the remaining cards.

We take each deck of cards and shuffle them, each one separately, and do it well. Then you remember full name your new friend and count how many letters are in the name.

Let’s say his name is Sasha, which means Alexander in full, and there are 9 letters in his full name.

We take the part of the cards in which we have the highest cards (aces, kings, queens and jacks) and lay them out, face down, for each letter of the name on the card and so on in a circle, i.e. small stacks are formed on each letter.

Then, we take another part of the deck, with low cards and we begin to lay out all the cards from where the card of the previous part of the deck ended (that is, we put it on the next pile, where the highest cards were not added)

And the same for each letter. Then, where the last card was placed, we take this pile and begin to lay it out on all the others, sequentially. Whichever pile you stopped at, take it and place it on all the others, and so on until you end up with the last two piles of cards left.

Take the second pile (i.e. the one to the right) and place it on the first one (on the left pile). And now you have one single deck of cards.

You take it in your hands and lay out two cards on the table.

Completion of fortune telling

When laying out the cards, be careful; if in one pair you come across two cards with the same value (for example, two kings, two sevens) - put them aside.

The first double pair of cards will help us determine how your new acquaintance treats you. The second pair of cards with the same values, will determine what awaits you with your new acquaintance.

Twin pair

Further double pairs of cards no longer have of great importance, except when two pairs of cards with the same value fell out in a row.

The first 4 cards of the same value are deciphered through an interpreter, and the last 4 formations are no longer interpreted.

If, when unfolding, you do not come up with a single combination or a single pair, this means that the information is closed to you and further fortune telling should not be carried out on this person.


The new partner's attitude towards you:

2 jacks – misunderstanding of a new acquaintance, what and who you are to him.
2 ladies – Have you asked if he has a wife or maybe a regular girlfriend?
2 kings - He likes you very much and he is ready to do a lot, but he is afraid to frighten you off with his pressure. So help him, let him know that you like him too..
2 aces - you are incredibly sexually attractive and have wrested from him the desire for only carnal relations; if you agree to such actions, then feel free to call him.

What awaits you with him

2 sixes - marriage.
2 sevens — dates, if there is a spades card, the date will involve drinking.
2 eights – disagreement, quarrel, if there is a spades card, then a very serious conversation.
2 nines beautiful love, but if there is a spades card, then love is rather unhappy.
2 tens - there is interest in you.
2 jacks - care, vanity, but if there is a peak card, then useless vanity.
2 ladies - dreams, hopes, the presence of a peak card speaks of disappointment.
2 kings — friendship, the presence of a spades card confirms official relations.
2 acesintimacy, the peak card promises disappointment.
4 sixes - fidelity in marriage.
4 eights – good conversation, communication.
4 nines - important love, the one who is being told fortunes.
4 tens - a complete calculation in relationships.
4 ladies - knots of gossip and rumors.
4 kings — for men it’s a community of like-minded people, and for women it’s success with men.
4 aces – a flame of passion that leaves disappointment and grief.

There are many in various ways tell fortunes for your loved one. With the help of a deck of 36 cards, you can find out what is on the mind or heart of the chosen one and what awaits him in the near future. First you need to select a card young man. As a rule, it is determined by age or hair color. So, the king of diamonds is a young man or a fair-haired gentleman, the king of hearts is a married or divorced blond, the king of crosses is an older man or brown-haired, the king of spades in cards is a brunette.

Pairs of cards describe a pair

When a suitable king is selected, the 36-card deck is shuffled without it. You also cannot use a fortuneteller’s card in the layout. Then with your left hand, towards the heart, remove part of the deck and place it down. Let's start fortune telling. Again, with our left hand, we take one card from the top and place them around the king, one at a time: in the head, that is, on top, then on the right side, then below and on the left side. The dropped cards symbolize the young man’s feelings for the fortune-telling girl and what will happen to the couple in the near future. It is possible that two, three or all four cards are of the same value. In this case, it is allowed to continue the layout and place four additional cards in the corners, starting from the top right.

In this scenario, the suit does not have much meaning; only the dignity is worth interpreting.

  • Six in fortune telling playing cards on a loved one means a possible long separation that will occur due to a long trip.
  • Seven indicates an imminent romantic meeting.
  • Eight warns of a difficult, unpleasant conversation that could end in separation.
  • Nine will make the fortuneteller happy with the successful development of relationships, perhaps even with a marriage proposal.
  • Ten speaks of the chosen one’s interest in the girl, but not always romantic. Most likely, this is just a friendly sympathy.
  • Jack denotes worry and futile efforts.
  • A lady who appears in the middle of such a fortune-telling symbolizes an insidious rival, as well as possible betrayal and even treason.
  • The king promises help and support from his faithful friend.
  • An ace in playing cards symbolizes reciprocity of feelings.

Find out what your loved one thinks and feels

The next method of fortune telling is also very popular. It will require the same deck of 36 playing cards. A new or old fortune-telling machine that no one has played. The cards are shuffled and moved towards you with the left hand. If fortune telling occurs for another person, then he must move the deck. At the same time, you should silently say the name of the chosen one. Then the first card that is at the very top of the deck is laid out on the table. The deck is shuffled again, a second card is laid out, and so on until there are 6 cards on the table. Each of them has its own meaning.

  1. What is the mystery man thinking about?
  2. What is going on in the heart of a loved one?
  3. What will happen soon?
  4. What does the chosen one want?
  5. What doesn't he expect?
  6. What's going on in his life now?

Each card in one of these positions is interpreted depending on suit and value.

Heart suit:

Diamond suit:


Spades suit:

The future depends on the name

For the third method of fortune telling, you need to know the full name of the person for whom the reading will be made. We take a deck of 36 cards and shuffle it, thinking about our loved one. Then we begin to lay out cards face down from left to right in a row in the same number as the number of letters in the full name of the chosen one. When the first row is ready, place the second, third, and so on until the deck runs out of cards. After that, we take the rightmost stack and arrange it from left to right along the remaining ones, and repeat the procedure with the other right stacks until there are two left. We take the one where the layout stopped, and one by one we transfer all the cards to the first one. Once again we have a deck of 36 cards, we begin to lay them out one at a time face down. To obtain the result of fortune telling, you need cards that will appear two in a row of the same value.

Every girl and woman wants to know how this or that man treats her and what a relationship with him in general can lead to. Especially if this man has sunk deep into her soul. One way to find out about everything is to tell fortunes about relationships using playing cards. Fortune telling will be able to dispel doubts, look at the current situation from the other side and find out what the chosen one is thinking about.


Method 1: Relationship layout

Who wouldn't want to know not only what's happening now, but also about the future? Using this layout, you can tell fortunes about relationships and events, covering the next 3-4 months.

Fortune telling process:

  1. You should carefully shuffle the deck of cards, representing your loved one.
  2. You can put his photo and personal belongings next to him.
  3. Put three cards on the left - these are his feelings, his thoughts and everything connected with him.
  4. Put three cards on the right - this is you, your feelings.
  5. Putting one card between you is a description of your situation.
  6. Place three more cards that will tell you what to expect from the relationship.

Fortune telling result:

All sixes indicate that the person wants to meet you, he wants to come and see you.

  • 6 of Hearts - a love date, your partner is eager to meet you and it will most likely happen.
  • 6 of diamonds is the same, but a person may also have business interests.
  • 6 crosses - friendly meetings, interest.
  • 6 peak – reluctance to meet with you.

Sevens can talk about both deception and love.

  • 7 of Hearts – love languor, sexual desires, but nothing more.
  • 7 diamonds – selfish interest.
  • 7 crosses - friendship, they are counting on you.
  • 7th peak – grief, tears, worries, you may be offended or you will be offended by your loved one.

Eights are a desire to talk, to confess love.

  • 8 of hearts - you have a lot in common, a love confession, pleasant communication.
  • 8 diamonds – common hobbies, work. There is a lot of talk about money and material things.
  • 8 crosses – pleasant communication, friendly atmosphere.
  • 8 of spades – quarrel, misunderstanding, you speak different languages.

All nines are directly related to love.

  • Nines (except 9 of spades) indicate that you are loved. But the intensity of feelings is different.
  • The most strong love– this is 9 of hearts, then goes
  • 9 crosses and in last place is 9 diamonds.
  • The 9th peak is, on the contrary, hostility, lack of feelings, selfishness.
  • Dozens of 10 worms are a very strong feeling, a desire to always be close.
  • 10 diamonds - responsibility, a person wants to win your heart with expensive gifts, restaurants, etc. Not entirely pure intentions.
  • 10 crosses - friendship, strong family, common interests.
  • 10 of spades - all plans will collapse, nothing will work out, relationships are threatening. Divorce.

All jacks indicate that the person is constantly thinking about you. He makes plans, your image is in his heart.

  • Jack of Hearts - love thoughts, love languor.
  • Jack of crosses - thoughts about rapprochement, but the person is still afraid.
  • Jack of diamonds - uncertainty, a person makes a choice, thoughts about a rival or rival.
  • Jack of spades - thoughts of betrayal, bad mood, desire to deceive.

Aces will talk about love and friendship, seriousness and stability of relationships.

  • Ace of Hearts - great love, wedding, serious relationship.
  • Ace of crosses - strong friendship, stability of relationships.
  • Ace of diamonds - money comes first, then everything else. Marriage of convenience.
  • Ace of spades - depression, a strong blow, betrayal that will lead to divorce. Black magic, love spell.

All ladies and kings are specific people in your environment. These could be friends or enemies, lovers or rivals. We need to look at what cards they come up with. Suit can roughly describe a person's age.

  • Tambourines are young, usually unmarried people, under 30 years old.
  • Worms are people around 30 or older, may or may not be married.
  • Kresti are people over 35 years of age, almost always married.
  • Peaks are strangers, often rivals, enemies. After 50 years.

Important card combinations:

  • Ace of Hearts – 9 or 10 of Hearts – Wedding, serious relationship
  • Ace of spades – Any nine – Divorce, breakup
  • Any nine - 7 or 10 of spades - treason, betrayal
  • Ace of hearts – 10 or Ace of diamonds – marriage of convenience, self-interest in relationships

Useful tips: the more cards heart suit, the better. It means you are loved and wanted. But peaks are bad, there are problems. If there are queens in his cards (or kings, if you are fortune-telling for a woman), this may indicate betrayal. Look what is lying nearby, if there are jacks, it means that your loved one is constantly thinking about someone, but not about you. If there are bad cards, it means that your opponent has already interfered in your relationship. Don’t rush to draw conclusions if you see the queen of diamonds with your husband. This may also mean that a certain woman is actively pursuing your husband, he may not know anything.

Method 2: Classic layout

This is the easiest way to tell fortunes about relationships. It does not require special effort or knowledge. Allows you to find out whether the relationship has a future and what is stopping it.

Fortune telling process:

  1. A man makes a wish for a certain king.
  2. The deck is shuffled and removed with the left hand towards you.
  3. Next, the cards are laid out in order until the hidden king appears. Then do the following:
  4. For example, king of spades:
  5. “King of Spades” - say the phrase while removing the first card from the deck;
  6. “Tell me, dear” - taking off the second;
  7. "Do you love me?" - to the third;
  8. “I love you” - say, taking the fourth card;
  9. “With all my heart” - on the fifth;
  10. “With all my soul” - on the sixth;
  11. “But there is someone better than you,” you finish saying this on the seventh card.

Fortune telling results:

  1. If you get “Say, darling” or “Do you love me?” together with the hidden king (for example, the king of spades), then the person has not yet decided on his feelings.
  2. If the “King of Diamonds” comes up, then the relationship between you is just beginning to take shape, so you shouldn’t think too much ahead.
  3. The phrases “I love you”, “With all my heart”, “With all my soul” speak of a person’s love for you in one form or another.
  4. “But there is someone better than you” comes out when you have a rival or when a man is seriously infatuated with another lady.

Method 3: Name layout

A unique and easiest way to tell fortunes about relationships. Using a reading for a name, you can find out what a man is feeling or thinking at a given time.

Fortune telling process:

  1. Shuffle the deck.
  2. Then place the card face down on the name account.
  3. For example, Alexey, it turns out 7 cards in a row, then subsequent rows until the cards run out.
  4. You should look at the same cards, for example 2 jacks, 2 queens, 3 jacks or 3 kings, and so on.

Fortune telling result:

  • 6 + 6 – road.
  • 7 + 7 – flirting, can change.
  • 8 + 8 – quarrel, disagreement, separation.
  • 9 + 9 – wants to talk.
  • 10 + 10 – interested, date, proposal.
  • Jack + Jack - wants to see you.
  • Lady + Lady – thinks about you.
  • King + King – considers you proud.
  • Ace + Ace - in love with you.

Useful tips: The more cards of the same value are dropped, the greater the likelihood that they portend, regardless of how they lie in relation to each other - along or across. If all 4 cards fall out, then the probability is one hundred percent.

Method 4: Love spread

You can tell fortunes about love relationships and get the most accurate result using special vintage maps. However ancient meanings no one forbids you to draw on your own on a new playing deck.

Fortune telling process:

  1. After asking a question, you need to lay out three cards from left to right.
  2. In this fortune-telling, the main role is played by the position of the main card, which is called the QUEEN OF DAMBISON, if the fortune-telling is for a woman, and the KING OF THE DAMBISON, if for a man.
  3. If the queen is located strictly in the center of the layout - in the middle - this indicates a favorable prognosis if a woman is being told fortunes. The cards to the left and right of the Queen of Diamonds mean what will happen in the near future.
  4. Cards located above the main card will predict a more distant future.
  5. The cards located below the main card will show what supports you in life.

Fortune telling result:

  • 2 hearts – Frog Princess. The card calls for action, since only in fairy tales does a frog turn into a princess in the blink of an eye.
  • 3 hearts - Ball. A way out of the confusing situation will be found and the long-awaited success will soon be found.
  • 8 peak – Castle. Obstacles in getting things done.
  • 9 of hearts – Horse. The card speaks of a large-scale event - a wedding, the birth of a child, a trip. Surrounded by unfavorable cards indicates that you are waiting for a Prince or Princess on a white horse. Do you know how to ride a horse yourself?
  • Queen of spades - Mermaid. The card speaks of love that is dangerous for your reputation, through which you can lose your fortune. In the scenario for ladies, it warns them against envious people.
  • Jack of spades - Water. The card suggests that there is a false friend, a love triangle, next to you.
  • Ace of Hearts - Firebird. The Firebird is the most good map! Neutralizes the influence of bad cards, speaks of happiness in love affairs.
  • 10 of hearts – Fairy. The card indicates that you will soon meet Mr. Case. Don't miss it!
  • 6 diamonds – Rainbow. This card shows that there will be a wedding soon! She also talks about receiving good news, about happiness, joy and love.
  • 9th peak – Raven. The card says there will be no wedding. If the querent is married, she predicts receiving bad news and tears.
  • 6 of hearts – Horseshoe. The card promises a meeting that is more likely to be happy than unhappy.
  • Jack - Cup. The card indicates a quick date.
  • The King and Queen of Hearts are the Sun. This card predicts a useful acquaintance. If the king of hearts comes up - with a man, if the queen of hearts - with a woman.
  • King and Queen of Clubs - Month. The card foreshadows an acquaintance that will bring empty troubles. If the king of cups comes up, it’s with a man, if the queen of cups comes up, with a woman. Often the king and queen of clubs indicate widowers or people who have been in an unsuccessful marriage.
  • King of Diamonds – King. This is the card of the questioner, if a man is guessing.
  • Queen of Diamonds – Queen. This card points to the questioner if the fortune-telling is performed by a woman.

Useful tips: if next to the King of Diamonds card there is a Queen of Diamonds card, this is a sign predicting happiness in love. If the King of Diamonds card lies next to the Queen of Diamonds card, this is a sign that predicts happiness in love.

Method 5: Compatibility Alignment

To tell fortunes about relationships in this way, you need to have a deck of 36 cards on hand. During the process of fortune telling, it is advisable to constantly think about the person for whose sake it is being performed.

Fortune telling process:

  1. You need to shuffle the deck of playing cards, constantly thinking about the person you are telling fortunes about.
  2. Count the number of letters in his full name. For example, Andrey.
  3. Then you should remove the top card of the deck and place it face down on the table. Also lay out a row of six cards (according to the number of letters in the name).
  4. Two cards of the same value must be removed during the layout.
  5. After this, you need to move the next card after the removed one to the previous one.
  6. If there are again cards of the same value nearby, then remove them too.
  7. If cards of the same value lie one under the other, then they must also be removed.
  8. The remaining cards must be moved in the order in which they were laid out. Cards that are adjacent to each other in the same vertical or horizontal rows are removed.
  9. Aces have an advantage over other cards; they can be removed.
  10. The layout of cards continues until the end of the deck.

Fortune telling results:

After all the cards have been laid out, you should count the number of remaining ones. If there are six cards left, then the hidden person is your destiny. If there are more left, and in general, the more cards left, the less likely it is that this person is destined for you.

Method 6: Layout of three

To conduct fortune telling, you need a deck of 36 cards. From the deck you should highlight one main card to yourself, indicating the person for whom the fortune telling will take place. It is noteworthy that the queen of diamonds denotes a young unmarried girl. The king of the same suit is her lover. The Queen and King of Hearts are married woman up to fifty years old and her husband. The queen and king of clubs are people over fifty years old. Spades are the enemies or ill-wishers of the person being told fortunes.

Fortune telling process:

  1. Shuffle the deck well.
  2. Then pull out and place one card on top of another on the table, saying: “six, seven, eight, etc. to the ace."
  3. Cards that will come out according to the words spoken are put aside.
  4. This should be done three times, and then all the postponed cards should be put in a row and compared with the values.

Fortune telling result:


  • Ace - have no doubt, you are loved!
  • King - don’t worry, you’ll get everything!
  • Lady - hide your feelings, you are being watched!
  • Jack - they remember you and want to see you!
  • Ten - guess again!
  • Nine - you are dearly loved!
  • Eight - a new face will decide your fate!
  • Seven - beware, don’t play with fire!
  • Six - your intention threatens you with trouble!


  • Ace - what you have planned will not come true!
  • King - beware, they want to deceive you!
  • Lady - you are in for an insult!
  • Jack - you are unreasonably jealous!
  • Ten - sadness will disappear thanks to work!
  • Nine - you will soon get rid of a serious condition!
  • Eight - wait for the good news!
  • Seven - soon everything will change for the better!
  • Six - your happiness is fragile, they will cheat on you!


  • Ace - you made the wrong step, and therefore you will not have success!
  • King - hurry up, otherwise you will lose everything!
  • Lady - you will receive a worthy reward!
  • Jack - your loved one will make you sad!
  • Ten - do not join friendly relations so as not to regret later!
  • Nine - you will receive sad news!
  • Eight - you will soon learn about the illness of a person close to you!
  • Seven - praise awaits you even from your enemies!
  • Six - something you don’t expect will happen!


  • Ace - believe what they tell you!
  • King - you will receive good news!
  • Lady - your wish will soon come true!
  • Jack - don't wait, your efforts are in vain!
  • Ten - great happiness awaits you!
  • Nine - keep your secret!
  • Eight - beware of danger, it is close!
  • Seven - trouble awaits you - retribution for the past!
  • Six - act wisely so as not to grieve later!

Interpretation of card connections:

  • The king's lady is a married woman or a secret bride.
  • The king at the feet of the lady is the fidelity of the lover.
  • A lady between tens is a proposal or a love explanation.
  • An eight near a lady is gossip.
  • Four sevens are trouble.
  • Ace of spades with sevens is a relative’s illness.
  • A king between an ace and a ten is a promotion.
  • The ace of spades with the ten of diamonds is a quarrel.
  • Queen and ten with the king of the same suit - the king will receive a response to his love.
  • King and ten with a queen of the same suit - the lady will receive a response to her love.
  • Four aces together - wish fulfillment.
  • The Four Kings are a big society.
  • Four ladies - conversations and gossip.
  • Four jacks is a big hassle.
  • Four tens - wedding.
  • Four nines - a change in life.
  • Four sixes - a long road.

Useful tips: It is also necessary to pay attention to the suit of the cards. For example, the red suit means loyalty, friendship, love, honor, truth, virtue. The suit of diamonds means wealth, a prosperous and prosperous, contented and cheerful life. Club suit- these are troubles, scandalous incidents, boredom, losses, dishonor, illness or infidelity. The suit of spades signifies hope and happiness, success in a new venture.

Method 7: Gypsy layout

The Gypsy spread is a great way to tell fortunes about relationships, find out what is happening with this or that person right now and get answers to all questions. You can find out about a situation of interest that may occur at the moment. For example, a meeting is expected. Or about what will happen in a week or month.

Fortune telling process:

  1. You should concentrate and formulate the question, having a good idea of ​​the person or situation.
  2. Pull one card from the deck at random.
  3. You can pull out three cards twice and the seventh under the “curtain”.
  4. If the cards do not give a clear answer, draw three more, but no more.
  5. If the answer is still not clear to you, it is possible that the answer to the question posed has not yet been prepared by fate.

Fortune telling result:


  • Six is ​​the road.
  • Seven and eight - conversations, meetings, conversations.
  • Nine is love.
  • Ten - hopes, plans, dreams (unrealizable if there are ten spades nearby).
  • Jack - problems, tormenting questions.
  • A lady is you yourself, just a woman, sometimes a lover.
  • The king is a man, married or divorced.
  • Ace - home, hearth.


  • Six is ​​a close road.
  • Seven, eight - conversations, meetings
  • Nine is the love of unmarried people.
  • Ten - hopes, aspirations, plans.
  • Jack - problems.
  • A lady is a young girl, woman, friend, mistress of a married king of hearts.
  • The king is a young unmarried man or someone's son.
  • Ace is important business, “paper” news.


  • Six - a business trip (pay attention to the map that lies nearby, and you will understand how the road may end).
  • Seven and eight - meetings, business negotiations.
  • Nine - strong heartfelt affection.
  • Ten - profit, earnings!
  • Jack - problems, troubles, worries.
  • Lady - mother, mother-in-law, mother-in-law, neighbor, co-worker, colleague.
  • The king is a boss, colleague, father or father-in-law.
  • Ace is the deal.


  • Six is ​​a late or long journey.
  • Seven - tears, grief, sadness.
  • Eight - drinks, invitation to visit.
  • Nine is a sick bed, a disease in the truest sense of the word.
  • Ten - disappointed hopes, failed plans.
  • Jack - empty chores; Vain deeds have been committed, wrong steps have been taken.
  • Lady - anger, jealousy, annoyance, enemy.
  • The king is an official, a noble person, a colleague, a colleague; sometimes - a new acquaintance.
  • Ace - point down - blow, up - drink.

Useful tips: if the meaning of the cards remains unclear, you can refer to the designation of the suits. The meaning of the suits is indicated in the previous method. Also, it is recommended to tell fortunes about the relationship again, choosing another method, or carry out fortune telling after 1-2 weeks.


Love relationships are not always easy. Very often there are omissions and misunderstandings. Fortune telling on cards for a man can help to understand relationships to a certain extent. There are a huge number of different methods of fortune telling. But for independent execution you should choose simple and understandable fortune-telling rituals.

It is important to remember that for fortune telling you need to use a special deck of cards that have never been played before. This should be your deck only, it should never fall into the hands of another person. Fortune telling on cards for a man should be done in complete privacy. It is important that nothing distracts you from the ritual and that all thoughts should be associated only with the object whose feelings interest you.

Fortune telling “Loves - does not love”

You can find out about the feelings of your beloved using the fortune telling “Loves - does not love.” Secluded in a separate room, you need to focus on the image of your loved one and shuffle the deck of cards exactly nine times.

“Do you love me, “beloved name?”

After this, you need to randomly draw ten cards from the deck and place them in front of you. This alignment will need to be deciphered in order to understand what feelings your loved one has for you.

When interpreting a layout, we first take into account the fact of which cards of suits fell most in it:

  • If you see more red cards, then you can conclude that your chosen one loves you. He may have very serious intentions towards you, and he dreams that your destinies will unite.
  • If a large number of black cards are drawn, then love feelings your chosen one does not feel for you. He is not interested in you, and you do not have a common future.
  • If the cards of red and black suits come up in equal numbers, then the man has not yet decided on his feelings for you. There is a good chance that he likes you and likes you. You can try to take advantage of this and try to awaken deeper feelings in his soul.

After you interpret the general attitude of your chosen one towards you, you should move on to deciphering the layout according to the value of the cards that fell out.

The main nuances of card interpretation are as follows:

  • If among the majority of cards of the red suit more high cards fall out, then the chosen one has serious intentions towards you and is preparing to propose to you. You can have no doubt about a man's sincere love.
  • If the red suit is dominated by small cards, then the chosen one does not seek to legitimize the relationship, despite the feeling of love and affection. He is quite happy with freedom, filled with sincere love feelings.
  • If among the majority of cards of black suit more large maps, then you should understand that the man has negative feelings towards you.
  • If among the majority of cards of the black suit small cards predominate, then your chosen one simply does not notice you and is absolutely indifferent to you.

For a future together

If you have a serious relationship with your chosen one, and you plan to link your destiny with him, then you can find out about your future together with the help of the following fortune-telling ritual. First, you will need to select a king from a deck of cards, which will symbolize your lover.

As a rule, such a card is chosen in accordance with the man’s hair color:

  • For a blond, the king of diamonds is suitable.
  • The King of Hearts can symbolize a man with brown hair.
  • For the dark-haired chosen one, you need to choose the king of clubs.

After the card symbolizing the chosen one is selected, it must be placed in front of you on the table. Then you need to carefully shuffle the deck of cards and randomly pull out cards from the deck and lay them out on four sides of the king. You need to start the layout from above the king and clockwise.

This fortune telling is interpreted as follows:

  • The two cards on the bottom of the king and the two cards on the left represent the present.
  • The two cards on top of the king and the two cards on the right represent the future.

By suit, cards can be deciphered as follows:

  • Worms - prosperous love relationships. Based on complete mutual understanding and a happy life together.
  • Cross - there may be some disagreements that will not be critical and, if desired, can be easily resolved.
  • Diamonds - well-being in the financial sector.
  • Peaks - a calm life without emotional outbursts and big problems.

According to their value, regardless of the suit, the cards in the layout can be interpreted as follows:

  • Six foretells happy meetings that will be filled with positive emotions.
  • Seven indicates that life will be filled with joyful events.
  • Eight warns of quarrels and disagreements.
  • Nine focuses on the need to prepare for troubles in the love sphere.
  • Ten portends a joint trip with a partner.
  • Jack indicates that the person for whom fortune telling is being carried out has many friends and relatives.
  • The lady warns of possible treason or betrayal.
  • The king indicates that you can count on the support of loved ones.
  • Ace is a harbinger of a happy future.

In addition, you need to pay attention to the location of some cards:

  • Very bad sign is the ace of spades, which fell point down. in this position, the card foreshadows a heavy blow, and sometimes even the news of the death of a loved one.
  • If the ace of clubs falls end down, then this is a warning about gossip and intrigue that can cause great harm.
  • An ace of hearts with the end down is considered a magnificent sign - in this position of the cards it promises boundless happiness.
  • The nine of spades, if the middle sign is pointing down, warns of the loss of a friend.
  • The seven of spades, if the middle sign is pointing down, warns of a serious illness.

It is very important to decipher the layout by listening to your own intuition. And if something in fortune-telling does not suit you, then you should not draw premature conclusions. You need to try to take a closer look at the person.

5 fortune telling on playing cards for a guy + 5 online fortune telling + 7 useful tips.

Fortune telling is one of the favorite pastimes of unmarried girls, and not only in our country. Since ancient times, young ladies have gathered for Christmastide to celebrate their marriage year.

They were guessing in different ways, but using cards infrequently. This was already the sphere of activity of professional sorcerers.

Today, fortune telling on cards for a guy is available to every free girl who is looking for help. higher powers in building a personal life. The variety of fortune telling options will pleasantly surprise you.

If you cannot be called an experienced fortune teller, then it would be a good idea to listen to the advice of fortune tellers who predict fate long enough to increase your chances of receiving a truthful answer from a deck of cards.

How to effectively tell fortunes about a guy using cards

You can tell fortunes both on regular playing cards and on tarot, which depict plot pictures that make it easier to interpret the layout.

Today we will not raise the topic of tarot, since it is quite extensive and requires a separate discussion. We will limit ourselves to fortune telling options that are carried out on ordinary playing cards with the fulfillment of some mandatory conditions.

Tips to help you effectively carry out fortune telling on a guy:

  1. The 36 cards that you use for divination for the first time must be new. Having purchased a deck, let it be saturated with your energy - hold it in your hands for a while, sit on it, sleep on it, hide it under your pillow, etc.
  2. Use fortune telling cards only for their intended purpose. Do not give them to play games, solitaire or anything else. And don’t play with them yourself, otherwise they will start lying.
  3. Don't let someone else guess with your cards. You yourself can cast a spell on your girlfriends, but they shouldn’t cast a spell on you with your cards. Magic items must have one owner.
  4. Choose the right day and time. You can't guess by big numbers Christian holidays, during pregnancy, illness, menstruation. Best days– Wednesday and Friday. Best time– late evening or night during the waxing moon.
  5. Ask questions correctly. With the help of card fortune telling, you can get answers to many questions regarding your personal life, but they need to be asked as accurately as possible, indicating the guy’s name, and not replacing it with the pronoun “he”.
  6. Follow all instructions regarding a specific fortune telling. You should not change or simplify anything at your own discretion. If the layout seems too complicated to you, choose the one that is simpler, but improvisation is inappropriate in this matter.
  7. Don't turn magic ritual into everyday life. When you sit down to tell fortunes, it is advisable to create the appropriate atmosphere: stay alone, turn off all electrical appliances, light candles, etc. You also shouldn’t ask the cards for advice too often: once a week is the maximum you can afford.

How to choose the right guy and yourself from the deck during fortune telling with cards?

If you are looking for a specific guy, then his personification needs to be selected from the deck. A young man will be more likely to be a jack (if the young man is very young) or a king if he is older or the instructions require it (for example, there are fortune telling for 4 kings).

Next you need to decide on the suit. Jacks are selected according to their external similarity: blond - diamonds, brown-haired and fair-haired - hearts, brunette - cross. The jack of spades is chosen when it comes to some dangerous person.

With kings, the situation is a little different; age and marital status are taken into account more:

  • young guys are kings of diamonds;
  • older ones and those who are divorced are hearts;
  • middle-aged and married – crusaders;
  • elderly and dangerous - peak.

Although external similarity can also be taken into account when distributing kings. In general, act as your heart tells you.

Sometimes in fortune telling you need to choose your personification.

Of course the girl will be a lady:

  • fair-haired and young (under 25 years old) – diamond;
  • older or with darker hair – heart;
  • a married brunette over 30 years old is a cross.

It is better not to choose the Queen of Spades as your image at all, even if you are a burning middle-aged brunette, because she usually symbolizes the enemy, regardless of the color of her hair and her age.

Fortune telling with playing cards for a guy: different options

There are so many that it is almost impossible to list them in one article.

For beginners, I have chosen 5 of the simplest layouts that every girl can easily handle.

As your skills grow, you can move on to more complex fortune telling, choosing your favorite ones, the results of which seem most truthful to you.

Fortune telling for a guy's name

This divination on a specific guy with an emphasis on his name is carried out like this:

  1. Count how many letters are in the name of the young man you want to tell fortunes about. Let's say his name is Stepan - that's 6 letters.
  2. Choose from the jack deck what will represent your young man.
  3. Under this jack, in order, begin to lay out the cards into 6 piles, face down.
  4. When the deck runs out, take the stack that is behind the last card and place it on the remaining 5 stacks.
  5. Continue this process until you have two stacks of cards.
  6. Take a card in a row from the first and second pack, looking at their image and, if paired cards are served, put them aside.
  7. Continue until all cards are gone.

Now all that remains is to look at the decoding of the resulting pairs:

The guy feels sympathy for you and thinks about how best to express it
He's eager to see you
A declaration of love is just around the corner
The guy truly loves you
His interest is serious, but there is no guarantee that it will develop into something more
He is angry with you for something, you should not deepen the conflict
Be careful, you have a rival
The guy is jealous and afraid of losing you
He desires you passionately

Fortune telling about events that await you with a specific guy

You need to spell as follows:

  1. Choose a card personification of your loved one (jack or king) and, calling him by name, place him in the center of the table.
  2. Shuffle the deck thoroughly and remove it with your left hand towards your heart.
  3. Place 4 cards clockwise in a cross around the king or jack.

Important! If this makeshift cross contains paired cards, such as sevens, you can make another cross by placing the cards diagonally towards the jack or king, so that it is surrounded by eight cards.

Now let’s look at the table for the meaning of the resulting scenario:

SixesYou will have to travel - together or separately, when you have to separate for a while
Many romantic meetings
A difficult conversation, a quarrel, which, if not extinguished in time, will lead to separation
Successful long-term development of your novel
He cares about you, but there is no feeling of love yet. Whether it will depend on your behavior.
It is unlikely that your relationship will end well and last long.
Another girl may interfere in your relationship if she is not stopped in time
When there is a crisis in your relationship with a guy, count on the help of friends
A long-term passionate romance is guaranteed between you and this guy.

Guessing a guy's feelings

In this divination, we will find out what the young man feels for you by laying out the cards in the form of the letter “H”:

But first, you need to find the card embodiment of your guy without pulling him out of the deck.

After shuffling the cards thoroughly, start laying them out in the letter “H”, saying the following words:

Continue the layout until the hidden jack or king falls out. Now look at what phrase he fell out on. If it’s 1, 4, 5, 6, then the guy’s love is strong. If it’s 2 or 3, then the young man has not yet decided what he feels for you. And with 7 everything is already clear - his heart is occupied by someone else.

Fortune telling for a man

Fortune telling on cards for the future of a girl and a guy

Make a guess for yourself among the queens in the deck, and for a guy among the kings that you like, without getting them.

Shuffle the deck as usual, removing half of it with your left hand.

Then start laying out the cards, face up, 9 in a row, removing cards of identical suit - both in horizontal and vertical rows (leaving the hidden queen and king) and moving the rest towards each other so that there are no empty spaces .

Repeat this until there is nothing left to clean.

Now look whether the hidden lady and the king are nearby. If you are nearby, you can be together. If not, then you need to look at the meaning of the pictures that are between you. These are the obstacles to your love.

Separation due to your departure or boyfriend's travel
Unpleasant conversation
Unexpected meeting
Uncertain feelings of a young man
A guy's fear that exceeds his interest in you
Empty troubles
Feelings for another girl
Fear of someone else competing for you
Events that will change your life (ace of the red suit means the events will be pleasant, black - unpleasant)

Fortune telling about the past, future and present with your boyfriend

Fortune telling should be done like this:

  1. Make a wish for a guy's incarnation among the kings, and your own among the ladies.
  2. Shuffle the deck well and slide it towards you with your left hand.
  3. Place cards 3 in a row in a fan-like pattern until the deck runs out.
  4. Look where your lady ended up.
  5. Next, see the interpretation of the layout, taking into account the fact that the row above you is your past, the pictures in the same row with you are the present, and below you is the future. In this way, the meaning of cards in only three rows is deciphered.


Also consider where the king that represents your boyfriend fell. If:

  • in the same row with you or in that fan that symbolizes the near future - good, your relationship will be strong and long-lasting;
  • in the past (all rows that are higher than your lady) - most likely, nothing good will come of it;
  • in the future, but far away (all the rows below your lady) - there are chances for a happy ending, but difficulties will arise.

Fortune telling with cards for a guy is a way not only to pass the time in an interesting way, but also to lift the curtain on your future. But remember that you can completely trust anyone magical rites it is forbidden. You should build your life, including your personal life, independently, guided by your mind and heart.
