How to make a double switch. Organization of lighting with two light bulbs and one switch

Difficulty connecting double switch to wiring for lighting usually arises from an inexperienced person, because For any electrician, such work does not present any difficulties.

In apartments, two-key switches are often installed to turn on lights in separate bathrooms and toilets. In general, there are a large number of options for using double switches, but the connection diagram is the same in any case.

Fig. 1 - Visual diagram of connecting a double switch.

If you have ever connected single-gang switch, then the question of how to connect a two-key switch will not arise, since the circuit is almost identical. To put it simply in simple language, then a double light switch is two single ones in one whole housing.

When performing work on connecting a switch with 2 keys, you need to focus on the following important points:
1. The light switch must be installed on the phase wire. It is very easy to determine it using an indicator screwdriver.
2. Before starting electrical installation work, be sure to turn off the power to the wiring at the entrance to the house or apartment.
3. Carefully read the instructions supplied with the product and follow its instructions. This will make it easier for you to understand where the input wire from the electrical network and the output to the lighting device are located.
Do not ignore these recommendations, because... it could save your life.

Wiring a switch with two keys is a little more difficult than a regular single one. It has one input contact for the phase wire (indicated by the letter " L") from the main electrical network (coming from the junction box) and two output terminals to which wires from lamps (chandeliers or lamps) are connected.

Fig. 2 - how to connect a double switch.

First you need to remove the key overlays, unscrew the plastic frame under them and external cladding devices. Thus, you will get to the main working elements of the ceramic-based device. In this node, one terminal will be visible on one side of the mechanism for the keys, and on the opposite side of it there will be two of them - for wires to two separate lamps (or to two lamps of one lamp).

Now they produce two-key switches of two types of connections with a wire:

  • with screw terminals;
  • with clamp contacts.

1. In the first type, the ends of the wire, stripped of insulation, are inserted into special holes and then clamped as tightly as possible with a screw.

2. In the second, you need to insert the stripped ends of the corresponding wires into separate holes and clamp them with a special clamp (even if it seems to you that everything is very tricky, in fact you can easily cope with this task).

Be sure to check the quality of fastening of the wires by pulling each of them.

It is necessary to strip the ends of the wires so that there are only enough of them to connect to the terminals. There should be no exposed wires after the screw connection, as this can lead to a short circuit.
Be careful!

The wires are connected to the 2-key switch and now it can be mounted in its place on the wall. Then, on top, we put on all the removed trim parts one by one in the reverse order.

To connect correctly two-gang switch to the chandelier, you must first understand the ceiling wiring. According to Euro standards, there are strict rules for the color of each wiring, which must correspond to phase, neutral and ground. But domestic electrical installers (especially for old apartments) use the cable that is at hand. Therefore, you always need to clarify the function of each wire.

In order not to make a mistake and correctly identify the phase wire on the ceiling (or from the wall), you must:

  • separate the wires to the sides (so that when voltage is applied there is no short circuit);
  • apply voltage by pressing the switch keys;
  • Check with a voltage indicator or multimeter which wires are receiving voltage.

So, you have decided which wires are phase “ L"and which one is zero" N". Next, you need to correctly connect the double switch to the chandelier at the installation site:

  1. Neutral working wire " N"can be connected into one and hooked up to two lamps in one connection.
  2. Each phase wire " L» must be connected to a separate connection for each lamp.

The correct diagram for connecting a switch with two keys to a chandelier is shown in Figure No. 3.

Fig. 3 - diagram of connecting two key switches to the chandelier.

If you need to connect a double switch to several lamps, for example, five, six, etc., then in principle there are no special differences in making this connection. All you need:

  1. Group the lamps in such a way that they turn on according to a certain number. For example, 1 and 5, or 3 and 3.
  2. Connect the neutral working wire to each group of lamps " N"(one for all lamps).
  3. Connect a phase wire to each group of lamps " L"(for example, three lamps have one phase wire, three other lamps have a second phase wire).

The correct diagram for connecting a switch with two keys to a chandelier with several lamps is shown in Figure No. 4.

Fig. 4 - diagram of connecting a double switch to a chandelier with several lamps.

How to connect two chandeliers to a switch with two keys.

If you need to connect a two-key switch to two chandeliers (or lamps) in your apartment, then this can be organized quite simply. The connection diagram is practically no different from the above. See figure #5.

How to connect two chandeliers to a switch with two keys.

Tools for connecting a double switch.

Any electrical installation work requires an understanding and knowledge of basic electrical engineering standards. More experienced performers may also benefit from the acquired skills in this matter. However, these two factors are not enough to install a two-key switch. You also need to have the appropriate tool, because you can’t work with your bare hands.

To perform this type of electrical installation work you will need the following:

  • screwdrivers with straight and Phillips blades;
  • wire cutters (side cutters);
  • insulating tape;
  • pliers;
  • a special screwdriver - phase indicator (or multimeter tester).

In addition to these basic tools, special devices for connecting wires will be useful in your work. For these purposes you need to prepare:

  • pads, in which the wires are clamped with a screw;
  • connecting insulating clamps (or spring);
  • knife for cleaning the end of the wire from insulation.

In most cases, electricians connect wires using a so-called “twist” and wrap it with insulation.

If you have such tools and devices on hand, connecting a switch with two keys will be quite simple.


All the connection options we have considered are the most common, you must remember the following:

  • First of all, determine the phase " L«;
  • the device is placed only on the phase wire;
  • take into account the manufacturer's recommendations;
  • be sure to check the tightness of the wire ends being held by the screws on the terminals;
  • When working, follow safety precautions.

As you can see, there are no particular difficulties in this electrical installation work; you just need to pay attention to the working unit and install the switch on the desired wire.

I would also like to draw your attention to the fact that if you are not confident in your abilities, then it is better to contact an experienced specialist who will do such work quickly and efficiently. We hope that the recommendations from will help fill your home with light.

1. Distribution box - the place where the wires are connected and routed in different directions.

2. Twisting - connecting wires to protect against excess resistance, which will lead to constant heating of the contacts.

Living comfort consists of many components, among which lighting system control plays an important role. It can be made more convenient by installing two-key electrical appliances.

Agree, it would be nice to learn how to do such work yourself, especially if you have to major renovation housing and updating electrical wiring. But before you connect a double switch to two light bulbs, you need to decide on the circuit and study the procedure.

We will help you achieve your plans. The article describes the nuances of implementation different schemes connection, and also given step-by-step instructions installation of a two-key switch. The text material is supplemented with visual illustrations and video reviews.

An experienced electrician begins any project to improve a lighting system by optimizing the use of all electrical devices combined into one chain.

An example of an optimized circuit is the traditional lighting arrangement of the “toilet + bathroom” block. On the corridor side, one switch is usually installed, but with two keys.

Thus, the lamp in the bathroom is controlled by one key, and the light bulb in the toilet is controlled by a second. With one movement of your hand, you can perform two actions at once, turning off the lights in one room and turning on the lights in the next one, which is very convenient.

If the switch is installed in the wall between two parts of the bathroom, then choosing a key will not be difficult - it will be located on the side of the desired room

Installing a common switch for two rooms is advisable if they are located nearby. For rooms remote from each other, it is reasonable to use separate electrical installations.

A double switch may also be required when installing a chandelier or sconce with two bulbs. Separate control expands the functionality of the lighting device and allows you to increase or decrease the combustion intensity.

If you press one key, the lighting will be inadequate; when you press both keys, it becomes twice as bright.

To save energy, it is not necessary to use both bulbs at the same time. To create a relaxing atmosphere, it is enough to turn on only one of them

As you can see, the ability to connect a double switch to two separate light bulbs makes it easier to control lighting fixtures or adjust light intensity. When installing a single device in two rooms, not only electricity is saved, but the number of installation materials and devices.

How to choose a circuit for two light bulbs

There are differences in the connection of 1-key and 2-key switches. To better understand the difference, let's first look at installation nuances single-keyboard player.

TO a regular switch With a single button you can connect one or more light bulbs - the principle remains the same.

Soldering is used extremely rarely. If you are used to using terminal blocks, then you can consider the option of a distribution box with pre-installed terminals.

Stage #3 – installation of lamps

Whether it is done with two lamps or two separate lamps depends on many factors:

  • lighting fixture models;
  • wiring readiness;
  • basics for installation.

The easiest way to change lighting equipment is when the wire is routed out at the installation location, for example, in the center of the room.

To install a chandelier, you need to perform two operations: hang the lighting fixture on a hook or bracket and connect the wires correctly

If the ceiling is new and is suspended structure(tension, plastic or plasterboard), then to install the chandelier you should install additional fasteners or mortgages.

When two phase wires are supplied from a two-key switch to the lamp, they are connected alternately - each to its own lamp. Also, two neutral wires are pulled from the distribution box - they are also scattered among different lamps.

If both bulbs are connected to the same wire, they will turn on/off at the same time, and there is no point in installing a double switch.

When installing two separate lamps in different rooms the connection principle remains the same, only the routing of the wires from the junction box changes - they are directed in different directions. As a rule, the rooms are located next door. It is better to mount the distribution box above the switch, approximately 15-20 cm from the ceiling.

Stage #4 - installation of the switch

There are no difficulties in either installation or connecting the two-keyboard. It is installed in a socket box or directly into the wall, secured with claws or a screw connection. Exactly how the wires are connected is shown in the photo.

The double switch is always connected only to the phase conductor coming from the distribution box, where it comes from the electrical panel. The core is inserted into the terminal marked “phase L”. From the output contacts L1 and L2, the phase conductors go to the lamps (+)

If the chandelier has not two, but more lamps, which is much more common, then the connection is made in groups. All lamps are divided into two equal or unequal groups, and then the wire from contact L1 is directed to one, and the wire from contact L2 to the second.

Conditional division into groups is made depending on the desired degree of illumination of the room. If you need two intensity modes, weak and bright, then you can connect the first core to one lamp, and the second to the rest. To reach the maximum brightness level, just press both keys.

There are several important points which should not be forgotten. They relate to both installation work and equipment selection.

Execution simple rules will make the system more secure and reliable, which is important for a closed network.

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A double or two-key switch is used to control several light sources from one point. This allows you to increase or decrease the level of illumination in the room, creating greater comfort for its inhabitants. You can connect a light switch with two keys yourself, without the help of specialists. The installation of this device provides several lighting modes; the convenience of its use in everyday life can hardly be overestimated.

The design of such a switch allows one input phase to be divided into two output phases, which allows voltage to be supplied separately to two consumption sources. The device consists of:

  1. Two power keys.
  2. Decorative overlay.
  3. A mechanical part equipped with contact clamps for fastening power wires.

The design of some device models may include decorative key lighting based on LEDs. This helps to find the switch in the dark, and also allows you to understand that the electrical network is working and is energized.

The operating principle is simple: in the mechanical part of the switch, one incoming phase is divided into two parallel electrical circuits with separate on/off switching and device keys.

This allows you to separately supply voltage to two lighting sources or to two groups of lighting devices.

The wires in the device are fixed using screw or clamp terminals. The incoming contact clamp is located separately and is designated L. On the opposite side there are two contact clamps designated L 1 and L 2, which are used to connect two circuits of lighting devices.

Important Note

When choosing a two-key switch to control light groups, you need to pay attention to the number of contacts in the mechanical part of the device, so as not to confuse it with a pass-through switch, designed to solve completely different problems. The pass-through switch looks like this:

It is designed to control light groups from various points in the room. For example, to turn on the light when entering a room, and turn it off near the sofa or armchair. It differs in the presence of additional fastening for a group of contacts.

Methods of application

Using a two-key switch allows you to achieve variability in the degree of illumination of the room:

The sequence of switching on and the power of lamps or light groups depends on the design of the room and the wishes of its inhabitants.

It is not always necessary to have the maximum possible number of lighting points. They can be easily turned off to save energy. Such switches are useful from a safety point of view. Controlling the lighting intensity allows you to avoid unnecessarily loading the electrical network, reducing the number of points of electricity consumption.

Connection diagrams

There are several options for connecting a switch with two keys. Which one to use depends on the characteristics of the particular room and lighting design.

First of all, it is necessary to develop and draw a diagram of the desired connection in order to ensure that the necessary wiring is correctly laid or connected. The connection diagram also depends on the presence of network grounding. In most old apartments and private households there is no grounding wire, which is minor, but does affect the connection diagram of the switch. In addition, it is necessary to take into account the location of lighting points, the number of lamps in one chandelier, as well as the location of light points in different devices (for example, two sconces are located at a considerable distance from each other). Let's look at the most common schemes.

For two light bulbs

The connection diagram for a double switch for two light bulbs can be implemented:

  • Using a ground wire.
  • Without the use of a ground wire for two light sources located in one device. For example, in a chandelier.

For multi-lamp chandeliers

This scheme allows you to realize variability in the degree of illumination of the room by using a switch with two keys and a five-lamp chandelier.

  • The L 1 phase activation key supplies voltage to two light points.
  • When the phase L 2 key is turned on separately, voltage is supplied to three light points.
  • At simultaneous switching on phase interruption keys L 1 and L 2 supply voltage to five light sources, providing maximum power lighting.

The number of lamps connected to each phase can be increased or decreased depending on the design of the chandelier.

​The diagram shows the connection of a three-lamp chandelier using a ground wire, which is relevant for modern wiring.

Connecting two groups of lamps

This circuit allows you to connect two independent groups of light sources located at a considerable distance from each other. For example, two sconces on different sides of the room or two groups spotlights on the ceiling. All the described connection diagrams are simple, but require care when connecting conductors.

Installation of a two-key switch

If, when installing switches, after installing the wiring yourself, you act in accordance with the previously developed diagram, then it is almost impossible to get confused in the connection. It is much more difficult to figure out how to connect a switch with two keys to already laid wires hidden by plaster, but if you have basic knowledge of electrics, this can be done. However, safety is extremely important in any electrical work.

Security measures

220 volt voltage is always dangerous. For any electrical installation manipulations, the wiring must be de-energized by turning off the circuit breaker in the electrical panel located at the entrance to the apartment or other electrified premises. The following simple rules should be followed:

  • Do not operate devices connected to the network with wet hands.
  • Do not use metal fastenings for wiring installation.
  • If the wire is visually defective, it must be replaced without resorting to repairs.
  • Tools for working with electricity must have insulated handles.

Necessary tool

To replace earlier installed switch or installation of a new one in conditions of external wiring, as well as for installing the device in a new place in a room with hidden wiring will be needed several different sets of tools. Namely:

Types of electrical wiring

Pad electric cable is a topic for a separate article.

External wiring is placed in a special corrugated hose made of non-flammable material and secured with clamps, clamps or clips over walls and ceilings.

Hidden wiring is placed in grooves (slots) made in concrete or brick using special tool- a wall chaser or using a grinder and a hammer drill, followed by cementing or plastering the channels with the electric cable.

Wire Identification Standards

At correct installation Wiring You can identify wires by color. At self-installation Observance of color coding will help avoid confusion when connecting working electrical circuits. This will reduce the time when installing certain devices and devices. The main markings look like this:

  • Blue always means zero.
  • Yellow wire with a green stripe - protection, grounding (used in modern electrical networks).
  • A brown or red conductor indicates a phase.

There are also letter markers:

  • A, B, C - phase designations.
  • N is always zero.
  • PE - protection, grounding.

These designations are not always visible and understandable to the average person, the standards of which have changed repeatedly over time, therefore, when installing devices in already installed wiring, you should not trust the possible accuracy of the markings. It is necessary to independently check and mark all used conductors with colored heat shrink tubing or colored electrical tape.


To do this, you will need an indicator (phase) screwdriver and a multimeter. If a single-phase network without a ground wire is laid in the room, then an indicator screwdriver will help you find the phase.

In the lighting distribution box, when the network is turned off, strip the wires and move them apart to avoid contact. After turning on the power supply, touch the wires with the tip of an indicator screwdriver. When you touch a wire with a phase present, the indicator will light up. The indicator will not react to the neutral wire.

You will need a multimeter to determine the ground wire. The device is set to the limit of measuring alternating current over 220 volts. When voltage is applied, one probe touches the phase, the other touches the other two wires in series. When you touch the zero contact, the multimeter will show 220 volts; when you touch the ground, the readings will be lower.

After this, it is necessary to de-energize the network and mark the voltage supply contact group.

Connection step by step

To connect a two-key switch, you will need a three-wire wire laid from the lighting distribution box to the location where the switch is installed. If one is laid, then the task is greatly simplified. IN junction box The wires of two groups of light sources L 1, L 2 and marked conductors for supplying voltage from the electrical panel L must also be connected.

At the installation site of the switch, a hole is drilled using a crown of the appropriate size and a socket box must be installed. If there is already drilled hole with a socket box, it is advisable to replace the socket box before installing a new device. If external wiring is installed in the room, then the switch is installed in a specialized container, which is fixed to the wall with screws.

In the mechanical part of the switch, a common input terminal - fastening - is determined and wire L is connected to it (voltage supply from the electrical panel), having previously marked it in the distribution box accordingly. The other two phase wires are connected to separate terminals, designated L 1 and L 2.

After connecting the conductors, the mechanical part of the switch is fixed in a socket box or container so that in the off position the keys are recessed down (this corresponds to the accepted standard), avoiding distortions and displacements.

Assemble the decorative part of the device, install the frame and keys.

In the distribution box, conductors are connected in accordance with the markings using Wago connections or contact strips.

  • Phase L coming from the electrical panel is connected with wire L going to the input of the switch.
  • Parallel phases L 1 and L 2 coming from the switch output are connected to the phase inputs of the light groups L 1 and L 2.
  • Zero outputs are switched into one connection.
  • Protection and grounding wires are also connected into one whole, if any.

Twisting the wires is strictly not recommended. This method of switching conductors is not reliable. The weakest points in electrical wiring are the connections. Insecure connections can lead to loss of contact or overheating and fire.

It must be remembered that a phase wire is always routed to the switch. Otherwise collected electrical circuit will not meet safety standards.

Installing a two-key switch is a simple task that can be easily handled by a person who has superficial concept about electricity. But when starting work, you need to pay attention special attention safety precautions and always remember that a voltage of 220 volts is dangerous.

If you need to control the lighting system in two directions, a double switch is convenient.

Connection diagrams for two-key switches are not complicated, but require a serious approach to the selection of housing material and wires for installation.

It is also important to follow safety rules and do the work carefully.

A two-key switch is a device designed to direct current to 2 electrical appliances or two groups of one lighting source. It is most often used in circuits to control ceiling chandeliers with many bulbs. A separate group of light sources is connected to each key. It is also possible to connect 2 lamps located in different rooms or at a distance from each other in the same room.

A two-key switch consists of an operating mechanism and a protective part (frame and keys). The keys allow you to turn groups of lamps on and off separately and simultaneously (6 operations in total).

To see the working part, you need to remove the keys by prying them off with a screwdriver.

The frame is attached:

The working mechanism in the socket box is attached:

  • using a bar or frame;
  • using paws.

There are holes in the frame (bars) that allow you to adjust the position of the mechanism. The legs are located on the sides, and when the screws are tightened, they unfold until they rest against the socket box.

The working mechanism has 5 contacts:

  • one for connecting a suitable phase;
  • two – for connecting outgoing wiring;
  • two movable ones, called jumpers (for closing and opening the circuit using keys).

To fix the working part in the socket box, a spring mechanism or plates are provided that move when the screws are tightened.

Important! Two-key switches are designed for connection to a network with a maximum voltage of 1000 V and a current of up to 10 A. They do not have protection against overload, overcurrent, or short circuit.

These devices are:

  • internal;
  • external;
  • moisture-proof;
  • with backlight.

Working principle:

The keys can be moved to one of two positions individually and simultaneously.

Installation instructions

The circuit is installed using a three-core cable (even in the absence of grounding). If possible, it is better to choose a switch that has a wiring diagram on its body.

Before you start connecting, you need to disassemble the device - remove the keys and the backing, screwed on with screws or mounted on latches. What remains is the body and inner part with contacts. It is important to correctly determine the one to which you need to connect the phase from the distribution box.

To determine the purpose of the contacts, you should consider the markings. The main contact for the phase wire is designated by the letter L (it is not always located in the center or separately on one side).

Read also We develop lighting for a children's room

If there are no markings, you need a battery-powered tester screwdriver. You need to insert a screw or nail into the contact, which is (presumably) a phase contact, and wrap your fingers around it. The remaining contacts should be touched in turn with a screwdriver. When the keys are moved to the “on” position, the screwdriver lights up (if the contact is determined correctly).

Attention! Before you begin assembling the circuit, you must turn off the power supply and check the wiring for voltage.

The phase from the distribution box is supplied to the two-key switch. The core is stripped, installed between the contact plates, and the screw is tightened. The other two cores are also stripped and connected to the outlet contacts in the same way. Next, the case is inserted into the box and screwed on, and the keys are installed.

The neutral wire (N, blue color) is not inserted into the two-key switch; it is immediately connected to the neutral wires of the lamps in the distribution box.

If the housing is overhead, after disassembling the switch, it is applied level to the wall to mark the location of the mounting holes. Then holes are drilled, the body is attached to the wall with dowels and nails. The wiring diagram does not change.

Double switch connection diagrams

The design of a two-key switch is two single-key switches installed in a single housing.

The connection diagram consists of:

  • light bulbs connected in parallel;
  • switch;
  • distribution box;
  • 220 V power supply.

The following is entered into the distribution box:

  • a cable with two wires (one of them is phase, the second is zero) from the switchboard (power source);
  • cable for 3 wires from the switch;
  • 2 cables to 3 wires from the lighting fixture(s).

The power supply phase is connected to the phase of the two-key switch. Two wires from the lighting fixture and two from the switch remain free. They need to be connected in pairs.

To disconnect the conductors in the distribution box, it is best to use quick-release terminals.

Terminal blocks are required to connect wires to the lighting fixture. The veins are inserted into them according to the markings. The phase is connected to the central contact of the light source, zero - to the base.

After pressing any of the keys, the chain is closed, the lamp (or part of the chandelier bulbs) lights up. Pressing it again opens the chain.

Features of connecting a backlit device

The backlight is a neon bulb, resistor or LED with a capacitor installed in the working part of the switch. Most profitable option the first one, as it is suitable for connecting to all types of electric lamps.

If the circuit is opened, the phase current flows through the resistance and the neon bulb to the filament and zero. The resistance of the lighting device filament is less than that of the backlight, the voltage goes to the neon and the series-connected resistance, the backlight is on. After turning on the lamp, the circuit is closed, voltage goes to it, and the backlight turns off.

Attention! If the switches are installed, but the lighting is not used (there are no lamps in the circuit), the lighting does not work due to lack of power.

Illuminated Double Switch Connection:

    Screwdriver (phillips and flathead)

  1. Assembly knife


  2. Terminal blocks

    Electrical wires

    Mounting box

    Double switch

    Insulating tape

Double switch connection diagram

The ground and neutral wires pass directly through the junction box. In it, their ends are divided into two parts each, which are connected to two lamps.

Only the phase wire passes through the distribution box to the double switch. There will be two separate wires going from the switch to the lamps.

Installation of electrical wires

Installation of electrical wires when connecting a two-button light switch occurs according to the above diagram.

The difficulty can only be in one thing. If the room has already been renovated, the wires must be installed in special corrugated pipes or cable channels. But, when a building is just being built or undergoing renovation, the wires are installed under the plaster.

When connecting wires to the network, be sure to turn off the electricity at the panel.

How to connect a two-handle switch

    Remove the insulation from the ends of the wires on a length of 10 cm.

    On the double switch we look for terminals or clamps for the phase and output wires. Clamp L is for the phase wire, and on the opposite side there is another clamp or terminal for the output wire.

    Wires are connected to terminals or clamps.

    We install the switch device in the installation box.

    If the switch has a frame and keys that are removable, they must be removed.

    We install the base of the two-lever switch.

    Attach the frame and switch keys.

This completes the connection of the double switch.
