How and where to study to become a teacher. Primary school teacher: where to get education, teaching features and reviews

Teacher primary classes is a noble and intelligent profession. Usually they achieve success in this area and stay for a long time due to their vocation. Be sure to learn more about the specialty if you think you are a natural elementary teacher. Where can I get the education and necessary qualifications for employment in this profession?

Teacher description of profession

At first glance it seems that the main task and the function of any teacher is to teach his students. This true statement for most sciences and fields of knowledge. And yet, a primary school teacher is a rather specific profession. Within the framework of this position, an employee of a general education institution must be simultaneously an educator, teacher and psychologist. A primary school teacher must teach his pupils to read, write and educate them. Where to get an education of appropriate quality, you should think in advance. Working with students primary school has a lot of subtleties. The teacher must find an individual approach to each of his students. In addition to studying the general education program, an elementary school teacher engages in amateur artistic activities with children, organizes the cultural life of the class, and prepares his students to participate in school-wide and city competitions. Do you think you know how to work as a primary school teacher? Don’t forget that the specifics of this profession also involve working with documents and productive interaction with students’ parents.

Pros and cons of teaching

People who love children very much and enjoy communicating with them feel good in the position of teacher. Perhaps it is for this reason that predominantly women work as teachers in primary schools in our country. If you are just thinking about how to become a primary school teacher, it will be useful for you to know about the disadvantages of this profession. Working with children of any age requires good endurance, psycho-emotional stability and limitless patience. Teachers have to repeat the same material many times and resolve conflicts among students. Having chosen this profession for yourself, you will definitely encounter a variety of children's pranks. If you don’t like children or consider yourself a hot-tempered person, you shouldn’t even apply to a pedagogical university.

Is higher education necessary?

Today you can obtain the specialty “primary school teacher” in institutions of secondary specialized and higher education. Until recently, it was indeed possible to get a job in a school with a college or technical school diploma. However, more recently, new education standards were approved, according to which higher education for teachers is necessary. Teachers with secondary specialized education who are already working in general educational institutions, can improve their qualifications without interruption from work. What should those who only dream of this profession, how to become a primary school teacher, do? The education necessary for employment can be obtained at any pedagogical university. After ninth grade, you can enter a lyceum or college for your chosen specialty. However, do not forget that after receiving a diploma secondary special education you will also have to submit documents to the university. How long will the training take? The program of secondary specialized educational institutions is designed for 3 years for students admitted after the 9th grade. For students studying in 11th grade - for 4 years. At the university, the bachelor's program lasts 4 years, and the master's program lasts 2 years.

Primary school teacher training

A pressing question for applicants: “What exams must be passed to enter the specialty “primary school teacher”?” Studying at a university or college is possible for those who have passed Russian language, mathematics, a foreign language and a specialized subject - biology, after completing grades 9 or 11. It is worth noting that in last years This specialty is not very popular among applicants. This means that theoretically there are chances to get an education on a budget basis, even with average Unified State Exam scores. In practice, everything depends on the popularity of a particular educational institution. Teaching is a profession in which you can make a career only if you really have a high level of knowledge. In private educational institutions wage teachers is quite high. But only the most talented specialists, who have an excellent understanding of child psychology, have the opportunity to get a job and stay in their chosen position for a long time.

Personal qualities required for work

What should an ideal primary school teacher be like? “My reference point is my first teacher!” - say the majority of applicants who choose this specialty. Indeed, many adults remember their teacher from elementary school all their lives. A real teacher must have a balanced character and have communication skills with the audience. High level culture, the ability to improvise and flexibility of thinking are also useful qualities for the teacher. It is advisable to have good diction. Love for children and boundless patience have already been mentioned above, and yet these are the most important qualities for a primary school teacher.

Career prospects, salary levels for primary school teachers

How much does a primary school teacher earn? Where to get an education to get more? In our country, the level of wages for education workers still leaves much to be desired. Primary school teachers receive 8-25 thousand rubles monthly. Salaries depend on the region, level of educational institution and employment of a particular specialist. Prospects for career growth within this specialty are insignificant. After working in one school long enough, you can get the position of head teacher. Many teachers seek employment in private schools and education centers. Typically, in such institutions the salary level is higher and there are more prospects for promotion. In addition, any primary school teacher can easily get a job as a kindergarten teacher.

The teaching profession, which lost its prestige for some time, is becoming popular again. The salaries of school teachers are equal to the regional average, sometimes even higher, so competition for teaching specialties is growing. For example, in 2016, the Institute of Psychology and Education of KFU, which trains teachers, received 5,000 applications from applicants. Only the Institute is ahead by a slight margin international relations and Oriental Studies and the Institute of Computational Mathematics and information technologies. The most popular profile among pedagogical specialties is “primary school teacher and in English" The competition is 22(!) people per place. By the way, this is a completely new direction. This is due to the fact that English will be gradually introduced from the first grade; it is easier for children when all subjects are taught by one teacher.

I have been working at a pedagogical university since 1991, and in recent years we have had a sharp increase in competition. This year, the average score in pedagogical areas is 74 - these are excellent students, the prestige of the teaching profession is growing, says Aidar Kalimullin, director of the Institute of Psychology and Education at KFU.

Teacher training has changed dramatically in recent years. If earlier there was a separate university for future teachers in Tatarstan - the Tatar Humanitarian Pedagogical University, now only KFU trains teachers. The university is not specialized, but this has only advantages, says the leadership of the educational institution. For primary school teachers there is a separate division - the Institute of Psychology and Education, subject teachers are trained in pedagogical departments classical faculties. That is, to all other disciplines they add specialized ones - psychology, pedagogy, teaching methods.

We benefit from the fact that future teachers, for example in chemistry, are trained in parallel with classical chemists in basic disciplines and receive fundamental training, which has been lacking in recent years. Confirmation of this is the Unified State Exam for teachers, when teachers did not score even 50 points! Unfortunately, poor teacher training is common. This will be solved using the fundamental base that we received from KFU,” says Kalimullin.

The second plus is the opportunity for retraining students. The guy studied physics and realized that he wasn’t cut out for it. Nobel Prize or suddenly realized that he did not want to be a doctor of science, and school was his calling. He can catch up on “teacher’s” subjects and graduate from university as a physics teacher. There will be no problems with employment - there is no unemployment in this area.

We are creating a new philosophy when the university is a second home. It should be convenient to study, communicate, attend electives, and rehearse here. After the renovation, we will have recreation areas, relaxation areas, and a small kitchenette. The point is for students to absorb this atmosphere, so that they have inner freedom, and they will take it to school... Because with children now it’s like that - with a fist on the table, it’s impossible to work. You need to become a formal and informal leader and then the process will begin,” says Aidar Kalimullin.

In the building on Mezhlauka, 1, where future primary school teachers are trained - mostly girls. Everyone says that they were brought to the faculty by their love for children and the desire to be the first teacher - the first to teach a child to love school, to love learning. Although, they admit that they were dissuaded from becoming a teacher. And most importantly, who? Their own teachers!

Parents supported, but teachers discouraged. What is very difficult is that the children are different, that they do not have as much respect for teachers as before, that it will be difficult. But, I think that since they were able to do it, then everything will work out for me,” first-year student Aliya Gimatdinova is not afraid of difficulties.

I think being a teacher is cool. I present my first lesson - it is fun and interesting, the children will look forward to the next one. You need to love children, not just do the work, but approach everything with an open heart, says Tansylu Kasymova.

Second-year students have a more realistic view of the profession. They had already undergone practical training at school, albeit passively - they observed what was happening in the classroom from the sidelines. The first day as a teacher is presented very differently.

There will be chaos. It’s scary to teach the first lesson, I can’t imagine what it will be like,” Anastasia Antonova throws up her hands.

You need to position yourself so that they don’t think that you came young and they can ride you! You need to show your core,” classmate and future colleague Svetlana Kuvalova tells Nastya.

But they will also teach us this - teaching methods, how to start a lesson, how to calculate time so that children do not lose their ability to work, because by the end of the lesson they get tired,” continues Anastasia. - Our children sit around a lot. I would like them to move more, because it’s hard for them to sit for 40 minutes in complete silence, answering the teacher’s questions. I would introduce more mobile forms of education, so that they could spend more time with them on the streets, teaching subjects there that allow this. It’s not easy, but little by little, maybe something will work out, Anastasia hopes.

If student teachers do not lose their enthusiasm and, after a few years, implement their ambitious plans in practice, there is no need to worry about future first-graders.


A teacher is a specialist who carries out practical activities in the field of teaching and raising children and adolescents. His main task is to convey to others the knowledge and socio-cultural experience he has acquired, and to teach him to apply the acquired knowledge in practice. Other tasks of the teacher are: the formation of a general culture of the personality of each student, communication with parents, ensuring the protection of the health and life of students during the educational process, leading to an informed choice and mastery of professional educational programs.

The daily activities of a teacher consist of planning educational material for a specific subject or several subjects, tracking progress curriculum on these subjects, choosing and using the most effective methods and teaching aids, monitoring progress and compliance with academic discipline.

Specialties and specializations in the field of pedagogy

Pedagogy as a field of higher education is very broad; in universities it includes several dozen specialties that can be combined into several groups. According to the levels of training, the specialties of pedagogical universities are grouped into the section of preschool pedagogy and pedagogy of primary education. Corrective pedagogy unites a group of specialties dedicated to working with children with disabilities in mental and physical development. At the intersection of pedagogy and related fields of knowledge, the following specialties arose: “Pedagogy and Psychology”, “Social Pedagogy”. In the field of pedagogy, two-level education in bachelor’s and master’s degrees is also possible at Moscow universities.

Most often, as a pedagogical education at Moscow universities, applicants choose to study in the following specialties: “Pedagogy and methods of preschool education” and “Pedagogy and methods of primary education.” These are two specialties in the field of pedagogy that study the patterns of upbringing and teaching of early and primary children. school age. A primary school teacher will receive the most versatile training, as he teaches all subjects. These specialties in Moscow universities have many interesting specializations in art and music education, the creation of videos and multimedia teaching aids, and the basics of tutoring.

The specialty “Social Pedagogy” is very popular among applicants to pedagogical universities. The task of social pedagogy is to assist children and adults in solving problems of self-realization, the formation of a viable personality in different periods her life in society, in specific social situations. Within this specialty, Moscow universities also have interesting specializations:

  • Legal protection of children
  • Social teacher- ombudsman (a representative of someone’s interests authorized to monitor the activities of government agencies)
  • Social teacher - animator.

In pedagogical universities there are a number of specialties in the field of pedagogy that correspond to all those described above, but with an additional specialty (subject of teaching), for example, “Pedagogy and methods of primary education” with an additional specialty “Foreign language”.

What are they studying?

Russian teacher education is famous for its depth and versatility. In the professional field of the curriculum of pedagogical universities, the range of disciplines consists of three sectors: forms and teaching methods developed for each subject and child; the actual subject of teaching and the sector of pedagogy and psychology, devoted to problems of attention and behavior in the classroom. A modern teacher must have the skills to model and analyze teaching and educational situations, be able to adapt to various fields professional activities, be ready to independently design and implement educational programs different levels, systematically improve your skills.

Future teachers study at Moscow universities a large number of disciplines from related fields of knowledge: law, medicine, sociology, methodology and practice social work, conflictology, problems of intercultural communication.

Where does he work and how much does he earn?

Pedagogical education is inconceivable without practice, so future teachers begin to engage in professional activities from the junior years of universities.

Preschool teachers work in state, municipal and private kindergartens of general profile and with priority areas of development (physical, intellectual, artistic, etc.), in orphanages, Child Development Centers, in medical institutions, in governing bodies of preschool education, in educational institutions. - methodological centers.

Primary education teachers work in educational institutions: schools, Centers for the Development and Creativity of Children and Adolescents, colleges, lyceums, boarding schools, colleges, and universities.

Social educators work in social services of specialized institutions (social shelters, employment centers, exchanges, etc.); in social services of individual enterprises, organizations and institutions; in departments for social protection of the population; youth public organizations; in leisure and cultural animation services (teenage clubs, cultural centers, sports organizations, parks, playgrounds).

Professional correctional pedagogical activities take place in special educational institutions created for children with developmental disabilities; in the healthcare and social protection system (clinics, hospitals, medical centers, dispensaries, sanatoriums, consultations, etc.).

A teacher's salary depends on several factors. The first factor is rank. A graduate of a pedagogical university receives 8-9 grades. After a year of teaching, the rank can be increased to 12. The maximum possible rank is 14, which corresponds to a salary of 50,000 rubles. The second factor is the number of teaching hours (lessons per year). Factor three - the presence of diplomas, awards, titles increases your salary.

The salary also depends on the amount of extracurricular workload, additional payment for class management, for combining positions. On average, teachers in public educational institutions in Moscow receive 30,000 rubles per month, in private institutions - more. Salary also depends on the subject of teaching. The highest salary for foreign language teachers, for example, teacher foreign language A 12th grade teacher receives 21,000 rubles, and a subject teacher of the same grade receives 11,400 rubles. You can increase your income by tutoring.

Where to go to study to become a teacher

When the future path is determined, it remains to decide where to go to study to become a teacher. The first of possible options could become a teacher training college. You can enter there after 9th or 11th grade, the difference in training will be one year, so you can save time by going to study with a basic certificate general education.

In controversial cases selection committee gives preference to those applicants who have more high scores in the main subjects for the chosen direction, that is, a primary school teacher should presumably have a good knowledge of the Russian language and mathematics.

It’s a rare institution that enrolls everyone, so it’s better to improve academic performance by the end of 9th grade, and it’s advisable to bring elective subjects closer to top bar.

It is better to study in college full-time, although a correspondence option is also possible. Everyone can master general education subjects on their own, but the practical skills for which teacher training colleges are famous can only be acquired while sitting in classrooms.

Most often, the teachers of these institutions are practical professionals who are familiar with the work at the school from the inside. During lectures and practical classes They share with students the intricacies of work and their teaching experience.

Extensive practice - strong point pedagogical colleges. It is from there that self-confident teachers come out, having stood at the blackboard for dozens of hours. After three or four years of study, you will have a diploma in your hands, allowing you to go to work or continue your education.

It is worth noting that the absence higher education will stop the career growth bar at a certain level, so it’s better to get it.

Correspondence studies at specialized universities are welcome at any school, so you can start gaining teaching experience and still remain a student. In addition, the current remuneration system brings the salary of a young teacher as close as possible to the average.

Highest level of education

It is perhaps more difficult to enter pedagogical universities. Many applicants do not even think about connecting their lives with teaching, but having a diploma is so attractive that competition for some educational establishments just huge. Having gone through all the difficulties of the Unified State Exam, you can try your luck at one of the faculties, relying on personal preferences or a lower passing score.

Enrolling in a foreign language or philology department is like storming an impregnable bastion. With low scores, you can only hope for paid training. But there is less demand for geography, biology and preschool education.

Both full-time and part-time courses pay more attention to the theoretical side of training. Universities graduate specialists who have excellent knowledge of the subject, but have not worked it out sufficiently in practice.

Demand and career of a teacher

Where it is better to go to study to become a teacher is a matter of choice. In the future, everyone will be gladly hired to work at the school, where over time it will be possible to improve their category, realize creative ideas by participating in professional competitions, and earn not only a title with good work, but also the respect of students.

Teachers include school directors, education department employees, and university and college teachers. It all depends on personal aspirations. The professional ambitions of a teacher do not so much push career growth, how many strive to improve the knowledge of their wards.

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