Good life advice. Useful life tips that can change your life

Good afternoon, dear readers! Each of us thinks about how to be happy. On a subconscious level, we strive to achieve harmony in life. It turns out it's not difficult at all. In this post, we decided to publish advice from sages about life that will help you organize the chaos of thoughts, ideas and emotions on this topic in your head.

Where to find the truth?

Few people know how to properly organize their lives in order to become happy and harmonious individuals. Those who know these secrets step by step move towards the goal that they clearly imagine in detail. And, as a rule, they manage to build their life exactly the way they dream of.

The majority of the population needs advice and tips from ancient sages. These are mainly representatives of Eastern culture. As a rule, their formulations in a slightly modified form are passed on by humanity from generation to generation. And they remain more than relevant today.

  • Accept yourself for who you are. You are unique and unrepeatable. Love yourself with all your flaws and virtues.
  • Train your body and spirit. During regular sports activities We train not only muscles. As proven by scientists, sports training make the brain more active and thoughts clearer.
  • Speak only when necessary. Excessive talkativeness has never benefited anyone. On the contrary, people, in their desire to seem sociable and friendly, as a rule, give out a lot of personal information that no one needs, thereby often putting themselves in an uncomfortable position. And often after that they have to regret what they said. But remember that time does not come back. Therefore, it will be a good habit to speak when we are asked about something or there is an urgent need for it. In all other situations it is better to remain silent.
  • Give up bad habits. Once you do this, you will immediately notice how your quality of life has improved. In addition to health and saving money, you will appear independent in the eyes of other people. After all, any bad habit is an addiction. And dependence is weakness. Take this step and you will grow at least own eyes.
  • . Nice color face and strong immunity, we provide ourselves with good sleep. And no matter how many things pile up, you need to get enough sleep. Even if you don't get enough sleep one night, you need to make up for the lost hours the next.
  • Accept the injustice of life. We are all born different in hair color, weight, height, social status. But it doesn’t matter, because everyone has a chance to succeed. It is important to understand what you are doing and know exactly the purpose of these actions.
  • You can't change direction along the way; that requires a stop. Don't be afraid of stops. Perhaps this is a chance to direct your movement towards better side.
  • Try not to borrow. Remember, first you need to sow, and only then harvest. It’s the same with shopping – first earn money, and then spend it. After all, a loan is not only moral worries and responsibilities on your part; it often causes inconvenience for the person who lends you the money. We recommend with advice from billionaires.
  • Intentionally fill your life with bright and joyful moments. Remember that if you don't do this, it will fill itself, and usually with something else.
  • Each of us at some point pays for everything. And what costs us the most is inaction. Just imagine how much time you have already lost due to your indecisiveness. But it was better to try and fail than to spend half your life thinking and calculating risks. Don't forget that all is not lost and start taking action right now!
  • Never complain. We attract into our lives those events and people that we need to learn certain lessons. But if we run away from them, then the fee will most likely increase several times.
  • Formulate your desires and plans clearly and clearly, try to imagine the future result in detail. And if you yourself don’t know what you want, or you constantly change your desires and intentions, the result will be chaos in life.
  • Take at least a small step in your intended direction every day. This is the only way to achieve at least some result. And if you think and dream day after day without doing anything, most likely you will not get anything.
  • Change despite stereotypes. After all, they are the main obstacles to change. Don't wait for the right moment, start now.
  • Gain and loss are, in fact, absolutely one phenomenon, contemplated from different angles. When we acquire something, we lose choice. And in case of loss, on the contrary, we gain it. Don't be afraid of losses.
  • Solve problems promptly. After all, when you leave it for later, they multiply and accumulate like a snowball, gradually unsettling a person.
  • Don't try to please everyone. This is impossible. Let the golden rule for you in any action be to follow your own conscience.
  • The surrounding world is neutral. It is our thoughts that make him good or bad. Try to find something positive in every event.
  • Don't get angry and don't take revenge. Hatred is a very heavy feeling that makes our thoughts gloomy. Let go and forgive. The best punishment for the offender is to see your success. Work on yourself and achieve your goals.
  • We come into the world from nowhere and go there too. We must try to live life as our conscience dictates. Having solved all the tasks assigned to us, we can move to a new level.


There is a lot of truth and justice in Chinese proverbs and the sayings of philosophers of other nations. If we learn to follow them at least a little, we will very soon notice that our life becomes meaningful, correct, and harmonious.

Organize your life thoughtfully, effectively and conscientiously, following the advice of the sages. May harmony and prosperity surround you!

In it you can find many useful tips and “tricks” that will help in various everyday situations

Useful tips for life collected from different sources: from craftsmen and ordinary grandmothers, from books and TV shows, from the vast expanses of the Internet and simple conversations. Many recipes have been tested on personal experience, and some just have to “take their word for it.” I hope that these recipes and tips will help someone in solving everyday problems.

Using soda in everyday life or... soda can help you.

Soda can be used not only as an additive to culinary recipes. Useful properties soda can be used in other cases. Here are some of them.

1. It comes from your trash can. bad smell? After the bucket has been washed under running water, try treating it with an aqueous solution of baking soda or soda ash. The concentration of the solution can be made “stronger”: 2 tbsp. spoons per 1 liter of water.

2. For eliminating unpleasant odors from the refrigerator, place a saucer with baking soda(1 - 3 tablespoons, depending on the volume of the refrigerator compartment). After the expiration date, change the “filling” and carefully fill the water drain with the old one and fill it with table vinegar. Cover the drain with a wet rag. After a few minutes, flush the pipe hot water. This way you will “kill two birds with one stone”, remove the smell in the refrigerator and flush out the drain in the sink or kitchen sink.

3. Soda, both in pure form and as an additive, is widely used in bath care. There is a separate article about this on the site.

4. Soda solution is also used to remove scale in simple and electric kettles. To do this, fill the kettle with water and add 3 - 4 tbsp. spoons of baking soda. Boil the kettle. Repeat the procedure after 30 - 40 minutes using the old solution. To achieve a greater effect, do a “control” heating of the kettle, but this time fill it with water with acetic essence (acid) added to it (2 teaspoons per 1 - 1.5 liters of water). Leave the boiled solution in the kettle for 30 - 40 minutes and drain. After this, the kettle should be thoroughly washed with a soft sponge under running water. clean water. Use the soda solution according to the example described in paragraph 2.

5. Baking soda will also help with cleaning. inner surface thermos flasks. This is especially true if the thermos has a narrow neck. To do this, mix 0.5 cups of pearl barley and 4 - 5 teaspoons of soda. Pour the mixture into a thermos, fill it halfway with boiling water, close the lid and shake vigorously for 40 - 60 seconds. Then empty the contents of the thermos and wash it thoroughly. clean water. In this method, pearl barley plays the role of a sponge for washing, and soda is used as a cleaning agent.

6. If, when cooking food in enamel dishes, it gets burnt food products, it can be cleaned by boiling a soda solution. Fill the container with water, add soda at the rate of 2 tbsp. spoons per 1 - 1.5 liters of water and boil slowly for 10 - 15 minutes. Then wash the dishes with clean water. If the food soot is quite persistent, you should fill the pan with an aqueous solution of a mixture of soda and salt in equal parts (2 tbsp salt + 2 tbsp soda + 1 l water) and leave for several hours. Then boil this mixture in a saucepan.

7. Baking soda solution can be used when washing vegetables and fruits. Dissolve baking soda in water at the rate of 1 tbsp. spoon per 1 liter of clean water. Pour this solution into a bowl and wash food in it using a sponge or brush. Then, rinse the washed vegetables or fruits with clean water.

Some more ways using baking soda at home and cosmetology are shown in the video clip.

Let's get back to using baking soda in cooking and cooking.

1. To give the omelette fluffiness and volume, add a quarter teaspoon of soda to it.

2. When brewing tea or coffee, add a little soda to the water (0.5 teaspoon per 1 liter of water). The product will become more fragrant.

4. The meat purchased at the store or market turned out to be tough. Try rubbing it with baking soda and leaving it in the refrigerator for about 3 - 4 hours. Then rinse it well running water and, you can cook. You will notice changes for the better; the product has become much softer and softer.

5. You are making jam, but the fruit or berries turned out to be more sour than necessary. No problem. Add a pinch of soda for every kilogram of berries or fruits prepared for cooking, and the final product will be less sour.

6. It turns out that when baking, instead of yeast, you can use a mixture citric acid with soda prepared in equal proportions. Put into the dough as much mixture as the yeast required for the recipe and, without waiting for the dough to “rise,” start baking.

7. After cooking certain dishes, a fishy or garlic smell remains on your hands. It can be removed by rubbing your hands with baking soda and then washing thoroughly with soap.

It's no secret that many of us try unsuccessfully to lose weight. overweight. And soda will help you with this. Want to know how? Watch the video.

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Tips for the kitchen.

Cooking delicious food.

If the greens used for baking are dipped in vegetable oil, then it will not lose its bright color and taste.

To prevent pasta (pasta, spaghetti, horns, etc.) from sticking together during cooking, you can add a little vegetable oil to the broth.

When cooking potatoes in their jackets, the skin often breaks. To prevent this from happening, add half a teaspoon of vinegar to the water (or more, depending on the volume of water).

A few cloves of garlic, a little bay leaf, a little vinegar added to boiling salted water when preparing boiled potatoes will significantly improve their taste even when cold.

To speed up the cooking of boiled potatoes, try adding a little oil to them.

Never dilute mashed potatoes with cold milk to avoid lumps. The milk must first be boiled and added to the dish in a thin stream, not forgetting to constantly mash and stir the puree. After this, it will be lush, tender and acquire the beautiful color characteristic of potatoes.

If you are making fried potatoes, add salt at the end of cooking when they are golden brown. Otherwise, salt, mixed with fat, will destroy the slices and worsen the taste of the finished dish.

A cut onion or sliced ​​onion will stay fresh longer if placed on a plate sprinkled with salt.

A few grains of rice placed in a salt shaker will prevent the salt from becoming soggy.

Peeled or sliced ​​apples prepared for salad will not brown if placed in cold, salted water.

When storing eggs, they should be placed vertically, with the blunt end facing up. This way they retain freshness longer, since the mass of the egg will not put pressure on the air sac located under the shell, precisely at the blunt end.

Buckwheat, before preparing porridge from it, it is recommended to fry it in the oven for several minutes on a baking sheet or cast iron frying pan. After this, the porridge will be more crumbly and aromatic.

The beneficial properties of vitamins C are better preserved by thick soups (potato, cereal, mealy, etc.), because the starch contained in potatoes, cereals and flour contributes to better preservation of the vitamin.

If there is a lack of cereals or potatoes in the soup (especially for vegetable dishes), season it with lightly fried flour. It will become thicker and tastier.

To improve the taste and nutritional properties of vegetable soups, you can use milk, sour cream, cream, yogurt and other dairy products as additives.

When preparing potato soups using sour or salty vegetables (sorrel, sauerkraut, pickles, etc.), add them at the end of cooking. Otherwise, the potatoes in the dish will be tough.

Acid is known to slow down the cooking of vegetables. Therefore, additives containing acids (vinegar, tomato paste or sauce, citric acid, fresh tomatoes etc.), must be mixed with almost ready-made vegetables.

In order for boiled rice to be white and crumbly, you need to pour it into salted boiling water, adding a little lemon juice, citric acid dissolved in water or ¾ tablespoon of vinegar. Cook rice in an open container.

To prevent the shredded (chopped) cabbage that is being prepared for the filling from darkening during frying, it must be doused with boiling water, then poured cold water for a few seconds. After this, squeeze and fry in a frying pan.

If you use sour cream to prepare the gravy, add a little milk to the sour cream and it will not “curdle” in the gravy.

It is known that beets take quite a long time to cook (they cook for about 3 hours). This process can be significantly accelerated if, after boiling it for about 60 minutes, place the root vegetable under a running cold water for 10 minutes (or put in a container with cold water and regularly change the heated water to cold).

To make pickled cucumbers crispy, put a few leaves of the amaranth plant (schiritsa) in a jar.

Add 1 - 2 tablespoons of milk to the finished vinaigrette and add a couple of teaspoons of sugar. The salad will acquire a pleasant and delicate taste.

If you don't have mayonnaise on hand, try replacing it with sour cream. To do this, take 250 - 300 g. sour cream and add one teaspoon of mustard to it, as well as one yolk of a hard-boiled egg.

In order for the jelly made from fresh berries to have a characteristic taste and smell, boil only the squeezed berries in water, adding sugar and starch to the syrup. Pour the remaining juice from the berries into the prepared jelly.

On this useful tips for life don't end.

To be continued…

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Written by Regina Brett, 90, Cleveland, Ohio
Wanting to celebrate my 45th birthday, I compiled
45 lessons that life taught me.

1. Life isn't fair, but it's still good.
2. When in doubt, take another step forward.
3. Life is too short to waste it on hatred.
4. Work won't take care of you when you're sick. Your friends and parents will do this. Take care of this!
5. Pay off your credit card debts every month.
6. You don't have to win every argument. Agree or disagree.
7. Cry with someone. It's more healing than crying alone.
8. It is acceptable to be angry with God. He will understand.
9. Save for retirement from your first salary.
10. When it comes to chocolate, there is no point in resisting.
11. Make peace with your past so that it does not spoil your present.
12. You can allow yourself to cry in front of your children.
13. Don't compare your life to someone else's. You have no idea what they are really going through.
14. If the relationship is supposed to be secret, you shouldn't be involved in it.
15. Everything can change in the blink of an eye. But don't worry: God never blinks.
16. Take a deep breath. It calms the mind.
17. Get rid of everything that cannot be called useful, beautiful or funny.
18. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger.
19. It's never too late to have a happy childhood. However, your second childhood depends entirely on you..
20. When the time comes to pursue what you truly love in this life, don't say no.
21. Burn candles, use nice sheets, wear nice underwear. Save nothing for a special occasion. This special case- Today.
22. Prepare abundantly, and then come what may.
23. Be eccentric now. Don't wait until you're old to wear bright red clothes.
24. The most important organ in sex is the brain.
25. No one but you is responsible for your happiness.
26. For any so-called disaster, ask the question: Will it matter in five years?
27. Always choose life.
28. Forgive everything and everyone.
29. What others think of you should not worry you.
30. Time heals almost everything. Give it time.
31. It doesn’t matter whether the situation is good or bad, it will change.
32. Don't take yourself seriously. Nobody does this.
33. Believe in miracles.
34. God loves you because he is God, not because of what you have done or not.
35. There is no need to study life. You appear in it and do as much as you can.
36. Growing old is a better alternative than dying young.
37. Your children have only one future.
38. All that matters in the end is that you experienced love.
39. Go out for a walk every day. Miracles happen everywhere.
40. If we put all our problems in a pile and compared them with other people’s, we would quickly take ours away.
41. Envy is a waste of time. You already have everything you need.
42. However, the best is yet to come.
43. No matter how you feel, get up, get dressed and go out in public.
44. Give in.
45. Even though life isn’t tied up with a bow, it’s still a gift. Share these lines with your friends!!!

1. The world wants you to remain dumb. The dumber you are, the easier it is for you to sell products and services. The size of the TV diagonal is inversely proportional to IQ.

2. There is no need to have blind faith in the educational system. Curriculum out of date on the first day of your training. (An exception is fundamental programs, but only in the exact sciences; the question of applying fundamental knowledge in everyday life remains open.)

3. Read non-stop, read as much as possible. You never know when new knowledge and concepts will come in handy, but you will be much better prepared for life's surprises.

4. Learn to communicate with others. Avoiding people, considering them unworthy of your communication, means not finding clients, friends or work in the future.

5. Being shy is a waste of time. Don't let emotions rule your decision-making processes.

6. If you don’t like something in a relationship with another person, in the event of your breakup, this “something” will be the reason.

7. Communicate as much as possible with people older than you. Try to understand their value system, their outlook and the logical connections between the situation and the decisions made.

8. Find people to admire and try to surpass them.

9. Over time, people become more conservative. If you want to do risky things, do them while you are young. I came to the conclusion long ago that reformism is a consequence of lack of knowledge, not of focus.

10. Don’t waste money on nonsense: save it for something serious (including your startup). This will also teach you how to spend money in business: wisely and for the purpose.

11. When choosing between spending money on things or experiences, choose experiences. The joy from impressions and memories is higher.

12. After you have learned to save, learn to earn money.

13. Learn to program. It's easier to make a prototype yourself than to waste time and money explaining it to someone else. If you don’t want to program, learn to do something with your hands so that you can produce something useful.

14. Don't gain excess weight when you're young. This will shorten your active life for 10-20 years.

15. Learn to cook. Best time to think about something - when you are cutting ingredients for a salad or soup.

16. Get enough sleep at night. Lack of sleep greatly affects the quality of decision making.

17. Write down your activities. Memory is not enough, no matter how fantastic it is.

18. Have a big dream. Being flexible is great, but without a dream it can turn into running in circles.

19. Become an expert in your field before changing your field of activity. This has to do with the 10,000-hour rule and the fact that a good generalist must have been a good specialist in the past.

20. Don't try to correct people. Look for those who are not yet corrupted.

But you really shouldn’t forget about it!

    • People always say: " Good job one that you enjoy every day.” This is an FALSE STATEMENT. A good job is one that you can tolerate most workdays and still pays all your expenses. Almost no one has a job that they can adore every second of.
    • The years pass in the blink of an eye. Don't marry young. Live life to the fullest. TRAVEL. Take action. It doesn't matter whether you have money or not. Pack your bag and go where you can afford. Until you have children, don't spend money on things. For any things. See the world. Point to a point on the map. And go ahead!
    • Don't take everything too seriously. Even if at some moments life seems hopeless and hopeless, try to laugh at all this ass and at how you got into this.
    • A friend is someone who will come to the rescue, even if you call him at two in the morning. The rest are just acquaintances.
    • Most important person in your life is a person who agrees to share his life with you. Think of it this way.
    • You won't notice how your children grow up. So spend as much time with them as possible.
    • No one has ever died with the regret of not working enough in their life. Be hardworking, but don't put work before family, friends and, ultimately, yourself!
    • You can live a long life, or maybe a short one - no one knows. But be that as it may, you need to take care of your health when you are young.
    • If you are tired of your life, just stop, think about the present moment, enjoy everything that is beautiful and truly important. Take a deep breath, relax. And understand that everything is relative.
    • Eat and exercise like you're a diabetic with a heart condition - you'll never become one.
    • We only have one life. Don't wake up one day and realize that you're already 60 and haven't achieved anything you've dreamed of your whole life.
    • This may not be as in-depth advice as others, but still: brush your teeth regularly, dental problems are terrible.
    • Don't follow all advice as biblical commandments. You can ask someone you respect for advice, then re-evaluate your situation and make your OWN decision.
    • Things are just things. Don't hold on to material objects, hold on to time and events.
    • The damage you received today will make itself felt in old age. Even if you think you have completely healed them. BELIEVE IT!
    • Appreciate every moment and every little thing. When you're young, you always want everything at once. But why not appreciate every little moment? We are not on this planet forever, and most great fun What we can allow is to enjoy every moment. Instead of typing messages, pick up the phone and talk to someone in person. Visit your mom, for absolutely no reason, just like that. Soak up every moment.
    • Pay all your bills and stay out of debt.
    • Jealousy destroys relationships. Trust your soulmate. If not her, then who can you trust?
    • If you have an impossible dream, you should still at least try to get closer to achieving it.. Because with age it will become even more impossible.
    • When you meet someone for the first time, realize that you KNOW NOTHING about that person.. You see his nationality, gender, age, clothes. Forget all this. You don't know anything. Those stereotypes that are shoved into your head because our brain likes to categorize everything limit your life.

According to materials -
