Description of the panderosa lemon and rules for caring for the plant. Description of the panderosa lemon variety and care at home Panderosa lemon where it is better to keep it in winter

The most unpretentious varieties of lemon that I grow are: Panderosa, Pavlovsky and Limoncello.


Panderosa- a fairly common variety that even beginners can grow. This bonsai, and therefore it is very well suited for indoor conditions. Its leaves are large and dark green. The main feature of this lemon is its frequent and abundant flowering. Panderosa's fruits are large - from 400 g to 1 kg, with a thick peel. To taste – with a slight bitterness.

Variety Pavlovsky, unlike Panderosa, grows more powerfully, can grow up to 2 m. There are thorns on the branches. Pavlovsk lemon is self-pollinating, remontant, so with proper care it can set fruit throughout the year. Its fruits are medium in size, weighing about 300 g. They are quite juicy, sour and aromatic.

The third variety of lemon that I would like to talk about is the lemon with the name Limoncello, a small compact tree without thorns. Reacts well to pruning. The fruits are small, round shape, smooth, when fully ripe - bright yellow, thin skin. This lemon tastes sweet and sour, aromatic. Look like Meyer lemon, only less capricious.

Among citrus crops, enjoying the highest popularity, the Panderosa lemon occupies its significant place. From Spanish its name can be translated as “heavy” and “weighty”, which is main feature the fruits of this plant. The unpretentiousness of Panderosa is also noteworthy - a quality whose significance will be appreciated by every modern citrus grower.

"Panderosa" is a lemon variety characterized by large and weighty fruits.

The emergence of the Panderosa lemon

The variety discussed in this material is a hybrid that arose as a result of crossing lemon with related plants - grapefruit, pompelmus and citron.

According to one version, this citrus was first obtained by the American gardener Bowman, who grew it in his own nursery in late XIX century. It is worth noting that many gardeners deny this point view, classifying the Panderosa lemon variety as a hybrid of natural origin - one that appeared without the help of breeders.

The fact that the presented hybrid became the ancestor of several other equally well-known varieties deserves special attention:

  • Skierniewitz lemon;
  • Kyiv large-fruited;
  • Anniversary.

Considering this circumstance, one should not be surprised that the plants listed above are very similar: by and large, they differ only in the shape and size of the fruit.

Description of the variety

It's time to move on to the description of the Panderosa variety:

  1. As a rule, adult plants have a relatively small height, rarely exceeding 1.5 meters, which allows you to safely grow them at home.
  2. Externally, Panderosa can be a low tree or a compact bush.
  3. The smooth and strong leaves of the hybrid in question have a rich dark green color and are of decent size - up to 15 cm in length and up to 8 cm in width. Their life expectancy is 3 years.
  4. Adult shoots of the plant are distinguished by their great thickness and the presence of a grayish bark with small cracks, while young shoots are thinner, smooth and greenish in color.

It is also noteworthy that an indispensable attribute The perennial trunk of Panderosa contains thorns - “weapons”, which it acquires with age.

Flowering and fruiting

One of the most characteristic features of the variety in question - frequent and abundant flowering, often interfering with the full development of the plant. It can even affect the trunk, preventing the formation of branches and leaves, and therefore experts recommend cutting off extra flowers even before they bloom. It must be added that Panderosa is characterized by:

  • the presence of large white-cream flowers with long petals, forming loose inflorescences;
  • 2–3 waves of flower blooming over one calendar year (in room conditions);
  • strong and pleasant aroma during flowering.

During flowering, "Panderosa" exudes a pleasant and strong aroma.

Despite the impressive number of flowers, the presented hybrid is not distinguished by a large number of surviving pollinated ovaries. This is explained by the fact that for the development of one fruit, the Panderosa lemon needs to have about fifteen, or even twenty leaves.

If there are not enough of the latter, then the fertilized flowers fall off (less often they are preserved, but significantly slow down the development of the plant - citrus growers call this phenomenon “Panderosa syndrome”). Thus, even in an adult hybrid whose age exceeds 10 years, the number of surviving ovaries does not exceed several dozen.

Of the most significant characteristics The following fruits can be noted:

  1. Massiveness. The average weight of such lemons is 250 grams, and sometimes can exceed this figure several times - up to 1 kilogram.
  2. Slow maturation. Panderosa fruits can be picked no earlier than 10 months after the formation of the pollinated ovary.
  3. Fragrant and not very sour pulp. The last feature of taste is explained low content citric acid. There is quite enough vitamin C in this fruit - almost as much as other related citrus fruits.
  4. Bitter peel, distinguished by its large thickness (up to 10 mm).
  5. Abundance of seeds.

The first fruits of Panderosa can be obtained already in the second year of the plant’s life. If the owner of the latter needs large lemons, then he will have to wait another 12 months - until the next harvest.

Talking about what it means to care for Panderosa lemon at home, Special attention It is worth paying attention to several of the most significant factors.

  1. Lighting. The best option for representatives of the variety in question - the southern side of the building, least deprived of solar “attention”. This is especially true in winter time, when the amount of light entering the room leaves much to be desired.
  2. Temperature. Panderosa tolerates heat well, and therefore in summer such plants can be safely taken out into the yard, balcony or loggia. The main thing is that the tree is not exposed to direct sunlight for too long - especially at midday.
  3. Air humidity. Experience shows that lemon grows without problems in dry rooms. But spraying should not be neglected (especially during the summer drought), since a stable level of air humidity is most preferable for this variety.

"Panderosa" needs periodic spraying

If the owner of the plant wants to keep it outside, then he can do this until the fall. As soon as the nights become cool (15 °C and below), lemon Tree must be brought indoors, leaving it there until next spring.

Watering and fertilizing

Like other lemons, the Panderosa variety belongs to moisture-loving plants. However, such trees should not be watered excessively to avoid rotting of their root system. To prevent such a nuisance from arising, it is enough to adhere to the following simple recommendations:

  1. Before starting the next watering, you need to make sure that the 2-centimeter layer of earthen coma is dry. If it remains wet, the planned procedure should be postponed.
  2. If the temperature environment is not high, then it is advisable to water Panderosa no more than once a week.
  3. To maintain a constant level of humidity, it makes sense to pour water into a tray placed under the pot with the tree.
  4. Water for irrigation should be settled or rainwater. The second option is more preferable, as it is extremely soft.

Feeding for representatives of the Panderosa variety is mandatory and requires taking into account certain conditions:

  1. The best option for any lemon tree is to use fertilizers designed specifically for citrus crops. Particularly noteworthy is the complex they contain, which prevents soil alkalization.
  2. If it is not possible to buy the mentioned composition, then the plant owner needs to acidify the soil monthly with a few drops of lemon juice diluted in water.
  3. In summer, it is advisable to feed Panderosa once every ten days, and in other cases - about three times less often.

Any citrus grower can calculate the dosage of the drug used without much difficulty. To do this, you just need to read the instructions that come with the selected fertilizer.

Pruning, replanting and propagation

Finally, it is reasonable to list a few more points that are important for everyone who is interested in the subject of this material:

  1. Pruning the crown of a tree should be carried out before its growth begins, i.e. in March - early April. It is worth performing this procedure in order to improve air exchange and increase the amount of light entering deep into the plant.
  2. Like other indoor lemons, Panderosa needs regular replanting. To solve this problem, pots are used that are approximately 3 cm larger in size than their predecessors. When replanting a lemon tree, you don’t need to deepen it much, nor do you need to fill the pot with soil to the brim, thereby complicating the watering procedure.
  3. It is advisable to select more nutritious soil for such a plant. An example of such soil is a composition that includes turf and leaf soil, sand and humus, mixed in equal proportions.

Reproduction of Panderosa is possible in two ways - using seeds or cuttings. In the first case, the material is extracted from the fruits of the plant and planted regardless of the time of year, avoiding overdrying of the soil and hypothermia.

The emerging seedlings are provided with good lighting, after 4 weeks they are fed, and seeding is started only after the plants have a pair of full-fledged leaves.

But Panderosa lemon cuttings can be rooted in different ways - in water or directly in the ground (provided greenhouse conditions are created). They germinate rather slowly not only in winter, but also in summer. If rooting is successful, then its characteristic feature will be new leaves, after which the plant can be transplanted into a separate container.

Height: 10-15 cm.

Most unpretentious variety large lemon. Refers to a natural hybrid between lemon and citron. The leaves are dark green, oblong-rounded, the petiole is short with small but distinct wings. Each leaf lives 2-3 years.
Panderosa begins to bear fruit in the second year of life. Blooms profusely, somewhat more large flowers than other varieties. Early and excessive flowering interferes with normal development young plant, so excess buds must be cut off. The fruits are very large, but there are only a few of them. The average weight is 300-400 grams, and sometimes reaches 1 kg!

The pulp of the fruit is light green, tasty, not very sour. The peel is thick and rough. Often the fruits contain many seeds.


It is not recommended to replant lemon trees with flowers or fruits, as this leads to the fall of both. Young plants need light soil, and larger ones need heavier soil. The acidity of the soil for citrus fruits should be pH = 6.5-7.

To create optimal lighting lemon throughout the year, you can move the plants deeper into the room in the summer, and in winter, on the contrary, move the plants as close to the window as possible. If there is insufficient lighting, the plant will be poorly leafed and will lose its decorative appeal. When there is a lack of light, lemon fruits are characterized by increased acidity. On the contrary, in strong sunlight in summer the plant will get burned.

Temperature: Lemons are demanding of light and heat. Budding, flowering and fruit set best occur at average air and soil temperatures of + 15-18°C.
In winter, it is recommended to keep citrus fruits in a bright, cool room (up to 12°C). Lack of cold wintering can lead to the plant not bearing fruit. In addition, lemons are quite sensitive to climate change. If you put a fruit-bearing tree outside, then due to a sharp change in daylight hours and temperature, it can drop fruits and even leaves; the result of a climate change may be a lack of fruiting the next year.

Lighting: Bright diffused light. It will be good near the east and west windows. Shading from direct sun is needed in spring and summer during the hottest hours. imon refers to plants of short daylight hours, i.e. If the daylight hours are too long, they grow and fruiting is delayed.

Watering: In summer and spring, generously 1-2 times a day warm water, in winter, watering is rare and moderate - 1-2 times a week and also with warm water. However, even in winter, the earthen clod should not be allowed to dry out, as this leads to curling of the leaves and falling of not only the leaves, but also the fruits. On the other hand, we must not forget that plants die from excess moisture. Starting in October, watering is reduced. To ensure the roots breathe and prevent water from stagnating in the pot, upper layer The soil around the lemons is periodically loosened.

Air humidity: Lemons are regularly sprayed in the summer, but if they are kept indoors in winter central heating, then they spray it in winter. When kept in a room with dry air, lemons are susceptible to attack by pests (mites and scale insects). The optimal air humidity for lemons is 60-70%, usually at a temperature no higher than 20°C.

Transfer: Young lemon trees must be replanted using the transshipment method every year. Transshipment should not be carried out if the roots of the plant have not yet entwined the earthen ball. In this case, it is enough to change the drainage and top layers of soil in the pot.
Fruit-bearing lemon trees are replanted no more than once every 2-3 years. Replant before growth begins. It is not recommended to replant the plants after growth has finished. When transplanting, do not greatly destroy the earthen ball. It is necessary to ensure good drainage. The root collar in the new container should be at the same level as it was in the old container.

Soil for young lemons: 2 parts turf, 1 part leaf soil, 1 part humus from cow dung and 1 part sand.

Soil for adult lemons: 3 parts turf, 1 part leaf, 1 part cow manure humus, 1 part sand and a small amount of fatty clay.

Fertilizing lemons: In the first half of summer, fertilizing irrigation is used. It increases the sugar content of the fruit and reduces the bitter taste that is characteristic of citrus fruits when grown indoors. The plant needs more fertilizer the older it is and the longer it stays in one container. Fertilizers are applied after watering. With additional artificial lighting, citrus fruits also need to be fertilized in winter.

Reproduction: Lemons are usually propagated by grafting, cuttings, layering and seeds. In indoor conditions, the most common method of propagating citrus fruits is cuttings, but in order to obtain varieties of lemons that are fully adapted to indoor cultivation, you need to breed them from seeds sown indoors and grow them indoors.

Growing problems

New leaves are getting smaller old ones turn yellow and fall off, there is no flowering, fruits do not set - the plant does not have enough nutrients, need to be replanted in nutritious soil.

Yellow spots appear on the leaves or the edges of the leaves turn yellow, the leaves fall off prematurely - if there is excessive watering, watering should be moderate, i.e. the soil should have time to dry out. Also with irregular watering, when you water either more or very little.

Dry wrinkled leaves- sunburn, pest damage.

Sudden leaf drop- waterlogging of the soil, lack of light in winter, watering cold water, low temperature indoors in winter, excess nutrients in the soil or cold drafts.


Scale insects: brown plaques on the surface of leaves and stems, suck out cell sap. The leaves lose color, dry out and fall off. Buds and flowers dry out, fruits fall off.
Control measures. It is difficult to mechanically remove scale insects from a large tree, so you need to spray it with an insecticide as thoroughly as possible. Good results gives a 0.15% solution of actellik (1-2 ml per liter of water), you can use karbofos or deciss.

Spider mite: appears when the air is too dry - cobwebs appear in the internodes on the stems, leaves and buds become sluggish and fall off. The fruits fall off.
Control measures. The plant is washed with soapy water, and after it has dried, washed under warm shower. If the defeat is not severe, then this is enough. If the damage is very severe, the lemon can be sprayed with a 0.15% Actellik solution (1-2 ml per liter of water).

Today you won’t surprise anyone with a homemade lemon in a pot. There is simply huge assortment varieties of these plants. Some are more common, others are rarely seen. Recently, Panderosa lemon has become increasingly popular. In this article we will look at all the features of the variety and its care.

Lemon Panderosa represents hybrid plant, which was the result of crossing grapefruit, citron or pompelmousse and lemon. Due to this, this lemon variety is often confused with the Kiev large-fruited lemon tree. Panderosa is considered the ancestor of the following varieties: Skiernevitsky, Yubileiny and, of course, Kyiv large-fruited. By external signs These domestic varieties are very similar, and distinguishing them is quite problematic. This can only be done by their fruits.


The Panderosa variety has the appearance of a small compact bush or tree, which at home is similar to ornamental plant. The maximum height of the tree does not exceed one and a half meters. Refers to dwarf plants. The shape of the crown of such a lemon can be different, but most often it is formed in decorative style. The crown is characterized by a small volume, especially if frequent pruning is done.

Panderosa lemon is resistant to attack high temperatures, as well as dry air. Its fruiting occurs in the second year.

The development of strong branches is characteristic. The leaves of this lemon are dark green in color and large in size (15x8 cm). To the touch, the leaf blade is smooth, round or oblong in shape and hard. The petiole of the leaves is short with distinct and small wings. Leaves fall approximately once every three years.

By nature, this is a medium-sized tree with rather thick shoots. The bark on the trunk is grayish in color. There are small cracks (especially on perennial branches). Young shoots are characterized by greenish and smooth bark. On young lemon trees, thorns are absent or found in small quantities. At the same time, perennial lemons always have thorns on the trunk.

Co appearance Panderosa lemon can be seen in this photo.


This variety of lemon tree blooms very profusely. Flowers can even form on the trunk, thus interfering with the formation of leaves and twigs. This process can be observed especially often on cuttings (grafted or rooted). If such a situation develops, the flowers must be cut off before blooming. This should be done until a normal young shoot appears. Such a shoot will very quickly turn into a branch, at the ends of which there will be rounded leaves. On an adult plant, flowers form at the ends of the shoots.

Panderosa flowers are white-cream in color and are often collected in inflorescences. They are very large in size and the petals are long. During flowering, the entire bush becomes similar to a bouquet. Despite the fact that this lemon blooms profusely, it produces few fruits.

The Panderosa variety reproduces well using cuttings. Sometimes it is possible for a newly rooted cutting to bloom. In such a situation, it is better to cut off the flowers, since they significantly reduce the growth activity of the plant. This phenomenon has received the unofficial name “Panderosa Syndrome”. For of this variety characterized by weak growth.


The fruits are quite large in size, which is a feature of this variety. With proper care, you can get a lemon weighing up to a kilogram. Their shape is round or pear-shaped. The pulp of the fruit is pleasant to the touch and sour to the taste. There are a lot of seeds in it. The characteristic citrus flavor is absent. This happens due to the fact that lemon acid here it is contained in minimal concentrations. But the vitamin C content is almost the same as other varieties. The peel of the fruit is thick (up to 1 cm) and lumpy, and tastes bitter.

An adult 12-year-old lemon tree of the Panderosa variety can produce up to several dozen fruits.

The big advantage of this variety is that Panderosa is absolutely unpretentious to growing conditions.

Video “Panderosa lemon tree”

The video gives characteristics of the Panderosa lemon variety, as well as recommendations for growing it in a home greenhouse.

Features of care

Since this variety is a hybrid, its care is somewhat different from that usually characteristic of a classic lemon tree.


The homemade lemon variety Panderosa, like all other lemons, needs to be replanted. The peculiarities of this process are that it is carried out using the transshipment method.

Features of transplantation using the transshipment method:

  • the tree is transplanted into a pot that is 2-4 cm larger than the previous one;
  • It is best to choose a clay pot. Such a pot will provide the best drainage and provide air to the roots. Although if such a choice is not possible, you can get by with a plastic or ceramic pot;
  • it is best to use special soil mixtures, which will be as nutritious as possible for the tree. Such mixtures can be purchased at any flower shop;
  • if you decide to make such a mixture yourself, then it must include leaf and turf soil, humus, and sand. All these components must be mixed in equal proportions;
  • when replanting, do not deepen the plant into the pot;
  • A small distance (a couple of centimeters) should be left above ground level for watering.

Watering and air humidity requirements

This variety does not require abundant watering. You need to water evenly, but the earthen ball should not be soggy. Throughout the growing season surface layer The soil should be slightly dry. Only in this case does the tree need watering.

In hot climates and in the summer heat, lemons should be watered twice a day. But in a dormant state, the tree only needs to be watered once a week.

It is also necessary to maintain constant air humidity. This is especially important in winter period. To do this, place the pot with the lemon tree in a tray that is slightly larger in size than the pot itself, and fill it with small pebbles or expanded clay. Then you should fill it with water. With this method you will get an almost constant level of humidity.

Top dressing

Feeding Panderosa lemon also has its own characteristics. During the growing season it is fed liquid fertilizers, which are suitable for citrus fruits. Feeding is carried out once a week. In autumn and winter, fertilizing is carried out once a month. In other cases, fertilize should be according to the instructions given on the preparations and depending on the need.


Crown pruning is carried out in early spring and before the growth process begins. This process should be carried out only with clean tools. The crown needs to be thinned out so that sunlight penetrates inside it and air circulates better. Young shoots are pinched if they begin to grow lower than the lowest branches. This manipulation can be carried out at any time of the year at the time of their appearance.

Temperature conditions in the apartment and when taken outside

This variety of lemon can be taken outside, but only if the air temperature at night does not drop below +15°C. This needs to be done gradually. During the day, the lemon should be placed in a shady or dark place, and at night it should be brought back into the house. This procedure must be repeated for two weeks. After the acclimatization process has been completed, the tree can be left outside overnight in such a way that it receives direct sunlight in the morning. Sun rays. In the afternoon, the pot should be in the shade. Panderosa can stay outside until autumn. When the night temperature drops below + 15°C, it is brought into the house until next spring. Optimal temperature for bringing into the house - when the temperature in the house and outside are the same.

In the house, the lemon is placed in a well-lit room with an air temperature of + 20°C.

In winter, additional lighting is useful for the plant. Additional illumination can be provided using a special phytolamp. But the Panderosa variety can easily do without additional lighting.

As you can see, knowing the features of the Panderosa variety and caring for it, you can get an excellent indoor lemon tree that will please the eye. And fresh lemon will always be on the table.

This variety of lemon probably ranks second in popularity after and is quite often found among lovers of indoor citrus growing. It is believed that it is “not a real lemon”, but a hybrid of lemon and pompelmousse.

I was no exception to those who wanted to have him among their citrus plants and purchased a six-month-old Panderosa lemon seedling in 2016.

Well, what can I say about my Panderosa - the plant is quite memorable. Lemon has large, oval, rounded leaves, which makes this hybrid related to citron. The branches have small spines. It grows quite powerfully, producing strong shoots, which I mercilessly shortened to the fifth leaf, and placed the cut tops for rooting. It takes root quite well - in 4-6 weeks the cuttings produce a powerful root, and in general, it is quite unpretentious in care. At the stage of rooting of cuttings, “Panderosa syndrome” is indeed observed - when the cutting produces twigs with clusters of buds, rather than leaves.

Panderosa itself bloomed in the spring of its second year. An abundance of buds was observed, most of which developed into ovaries. This variety of lemon is not considered prolific, but the weight of the fruit reaches up to a kilogram, which completely compensates for the number of fruits.

My Panderosa after the first abundant flowering, bore two fruits. True, one broke off under its own weight, being still completely green and unripe, but the second fruit was successfully ripened and was cut for tea drinking for tasting among friends. Personally, in my opinion, the taste is quite mediocre. Not very sour, very thick peel, rather dry pulp, large presence of seeds. But my friends really liked it. As they say, there are many comrades according to taste and color)

Lemon fruits of the Panderosa variety reach a weight of up to one kilogram

Now this plant grows five fruits, which I think is pretty good for the size and age of the plant itself.

How the Panderosa lemon differs from the varieties of indoor lemons Skiernevitsky, Kyiv large-fruited, Yubileiny I cannot say, because there were no personal experience their cultivation. I can only compare it with Irkutsk large-fruited - they are very similar in leaf shape. I have not yet set fruit from Irkutsk, because it grows very slowly, both itself and its rooted cuttings, which significantly differs from the Panderosa lemon variety, which grows much more intensively.

ADVANTAGES of this variety (in my opinion):

Compact crown, which is convenient for indoors;
not picky about content;
is an excellent rootstock;
looks impressive, impressing with the size and weight of the fruit.

Thick peel;
large availability of seeds;
There are lemons that taste better.

All of the above is purely my personal opinion and observation. Clones homemade lemon There are a great variety of panderosas, which differ from each other both in the shape, taste and size of the fruit, and in the shape and behavior of the plant itself. Overall, I think the plant is very interesting, which can take its rightful place in the citrus collection.
