Shade-tolerant flower beds. Shade-loving perennial and annual flowers in the garden, blooming all summer

As trees and shrubs grow, the shading of the area increases. For many gardeners, areas that are in the shade are a real problem. Although, in reality, making a beautiful flower bed under apple trees or planting shade-tolerant shrubs near a house or fence - quite simple. You need to choose the right plants that are suitable for these purposes.

Before you choose shade-tolerant plants for a garden, it is necessary to determine the level of illumination of the area: not enough sunny places and those into which light does not penetrate at all.

Pay attention to shade-tolerant plants, examples and photos of which are presented below, this will help you choose the right seedlings for planting and growing in shaded areas.

To fill shaded spaces or create a smooth division of the site into zones from trees to herbaceous plantings, shade-tolerant shrubs are perfect.

Privet (lat. Ligústrum)

It is densely branched, unpretentious to the soil, resistant to drought, but does not tolerate frost well. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully wrap the privet bush for the winter with cloth or burlap.

Cotoneaster (lat. Cotoneaster)

It stands out for its dense branches with dark green foliage that turns red in the fall. Small pinkish or white not particularly decorative, unlike the black and bright red cotoneaster berries that appear by the beginning of autumn.

Mahonia aquifōlium (lat. Mahōnia aquifōlium)

Plant, loving shadow and moist soil. Mahonia will delight with green foliage all year round, and in April and May - with spectacular yellow-golden flowers.

Doren (lat. Córnus)

This shrub is often empty with the decorative one - White Derain, due to the similarity of names. But unlike it, it bears fruits that are tasty and sweet and sour. Due to its resistance to frost and unpretentiousness, it is especially popular in central and northern Russia. Its foliage, which changes color depending on the season, looks great in both summer and winter. It is also called Dogwood.

Forsythia (lat. Forsythia)

Mock orange (lat. Philadelphus)

It is also called garden jasmine. A bush planted in a shady area grows and blooms well. Most varieties of mock orange tolerate drought and winter well, and are not particularly demanding on the soil.

Snowberry (lat. Symphoricárpos)

Excellent during fruiting. The fruits of the snowberry are greenish-white with a reddish blush or pearly pink, and will delight the eye until late autumn.

In a place inaccessible to the sun, you can organize beautiful flower bed using flowering shade-loving plants.

Hellebore (lat. Helléborus)

It will delight you with yellow or cream flowers for two weeks of May, and the rest of the period with beautiful and bright foliage.

Forest Hyacinth (lat. Hyacinthus)

Grows well under trees early spring the large peduncle is covered with many small bells. When growing Forest Hyacinth, precautions must be taken because the plant often causes skin irritation upon contact.

Lily of the valley (lat. Convallaria)

Loves shade very much. Its white fragrant flowers appear in May and June. In August, the stems are covered with bright orange berries that look delicious. The plant is considered poisonous, so young children should be supervised. Used for medical purposes.

Trillium (lat. Trillium)

It is distinguished by dark green wide leaves. Blooming white in June, gradually changes color to pinkish, and then turns red. The plant loves shade, but requires soil aeration.

Foxglove (lat. Digitalis)

It grows well in places inaccessible to light and produces whitish, pinkish-orange or purple flowers a year after planting.

Dicentra (lat. Dicentra)

Flowering begins in May and ends in September. Dicentra flowers are crimson or bright pink.

Brunera (lat. Brunnera)

A perennial plant with small blue or cream flowers, the leaves of which are particularly decorative and have a wide variety of colors.

Each house plant also needs certain conditions under which it will develop and feel comfortable. Not all of them tolerate even light shade. Therefore, it is very important to know which flowerpots are best grown on window sills and terraces on the south side, and which on the north.

Soleirolia or Helxina (lat. Soleirolia soleirolii)

The plant belongs to the ground cover from the Nettle family. Perfectly suitable for placement on the server side, it is shade-tolerant.

Three-lane Sansevieria (lat. Sansevieria trifasciata)

The most favorite type of flower growers is sansevier. Due to its unpretentiousness, the plant is widely used for landscaping. office premises and public places, shade-tolerant.

Common ivy (lat. Hedera helix)

Suitable for vertical gardening. Due to the large mass of leaves, the plant is considered one of the best for renewing the air in the house.

Climbing Philodendron (lat. Philodendron hederaceum)

The most popular type used for landscaping kitchens and warm verandas in the house (called house loach). Requires abundant watering from spring to autumn (the soil should not dry out) and limited in winter (once a week is enough), unpretentious to light.

Clivia (lat. Clivia)

A herbaceous plant with beautiful flowers, grows well in fertilized, moist soil, and is shade-tolerant.

Begonia (lat. Begoniaceae)

The plant prefers moderate watering (no more than a liter of settled water per week; it is best to simply spray the leaves and maintain air humidity in the room). When there is a strong flood of water, the roots begin to rot and the flower dies. Today there are hundreds of varieties of begonia. Blooming ones prefer bright lighting, but require protection from direct sunlight. Decorative leafy - shade-loving.

Nephrolepis (lat. Nephrolépis)

From the genus of ferns. It is best to grow on western, eastern and northern windows. It is a shade-tolerant indoor plant and will be an excellent decoration for any garden.

Adiantum (lat. Adiantum)

With hard petioles and thin leaves, requires permanent protection from the rays of the sun and exposure to partial shade.

Dracaena (lat. Dracaena)

The shrub grows on the eastern and western sides and does not like direct sunlight. It is considered a shade-tolerant plant.

Rapis (lat. Rhapis)

Prefers diffused light, but can also be under direct light sun rays.

Chamaedorea elegans (lat. Chamaedorea elegans)

A small, slow-growing palm tree. Requires moderate lighting or light partial shade, as well as protection from direct sunlight.


If your orchard It develops well and occupies most of the territory of the site, this is not a problem. Thanks to our catalog of plants, everyone can easily choose exactly the shade-loving perennials for the garden that they will like.

The corners of the garden that are not illuminated by the sun often look abandoned, because hands reach them last. Whatever you plant stretches and dies without light, unless you specifically select shade-loving flowers. It is believed that there are few such plants in nature, but this is not so. They are mainly represented by perennials.

What are shade-loving flowers

Not all plants respond to sunlight the same way. Flowers that cannot tolerate excess light are called shade-loving. As a rule, such specimens have thin leaves. Ideally, they should only be exposed to morning sun for about 3 hours.

Shade-loving perennials

When developing a darkened area, they start with low-maintenance plants, for example, bulbous ones. The choice is quite wide: daffodils, tulips, crocuses, hyacinths. Usually they are planted under trees, they have time to bloom before the crown becomes covered with leaves. The disadvantage of bulbous plants is the early death of the above-ground parts; the foliage dries out in June.

The following shade-loving perennials remain decorative throughout the summer.

For the bizarre shape of the flowers, the Germans called this plant “elf slippers.” We are talking about aquilegia (catchment). Thanks to its taproot, it stores moisture and minerals, so it will tolerate occasional watering. Does not tolerate transplantation well; it is better to propagate by seeds. Most garden forms can withstand frost without shelter.

In preparation seat for aquilegia, the soil is dug up with the addition of humus or compost

Plants with paniculate inflorescences look picturesque. Like burning candles, they drive out the darkness of astilbe. Tolerant of stagnant moisture, grows in areas with high groundwater, they cannot tolerate prolonged drought. They winter well when mulched with tree bark.

Astilbe flowering begins in July and lasts 25–35 days

Perennials with decorative leaves. One of them is Brunnera macrophylla. This moisture-loving plant prefers poor soils. Characteristic feature- impressive white patterns on the leaves. Propagated by dividing the bush at the end of summer.

Brunnera needs high air humidity, so it grows well near bodies of water.

Large plants rarely like shade. The exception is Volzhanka, or Arunkus. Lacy greenery and paniculate inflorescences will decorate the shaded garden. It is not picky about the soil structure, but is picky about the composition, so the planting hole is filled with humus. Needs abundant watering. To preserve moisture, the ground around the bush is mulched with pine needles.

Due to its spectacular appearance, Volzhanka is often used in single plantings.


Recently, fantastically beautiful shade-loving plants have been developed. Of course, these are heucheras, striking with the striking color of their leaves. They are unpretentious, but die due to the roots becoming soggy, so drainage is required. The rosette grows and needs to be earthed up annually. The root zone is mulched with gravel chips. They winter well when covered with oak leaves.

Heucheras love light soil with added coarse sand and crushed bark


Plants whose ancestors lived under the forest canopy still prefer shade. These include unpretentious types of garden geraniums: forest, red-brown and Roberta. These are cold-resistant flowers. They do not tolerate stagnant moisture, so sand is added to the soil for them. Propagated by dividing the bush.

Perennial geraniums of forest species are responsive to fertilizing with ash

Ground covers are attractive because as they grow, they occupy a large area that does not require weeding, since weeds are suppressed. One of these plants is the tenacious plant, or ayuga. It grows in any conditions, but without direct sun it forms a luxurious dense carpet. An ideal plant for beginners, it requires almost no watering.

The most spectacular survivors - with variegated leaves


Flowers with thin petals will not last a day in the scorching sun. Therefore, in the shade of a house or trees they plant forest species bells: broad-leaved, dotted, nettle-leaved. They do not tolerate stagnant moisture. Winter shelter won't be needed.

All bells are resistant to diseases and pests

Ferns grow well in acidic, moist soils. For example, nomads survive in the lowest and dampest places. Varieties with red and silver leaves create a fabulous atmosphere in the garden. Propagated by dividing the rhizome. Winter-hardy.

All varieties of Kochedyshnik look very elegant


There is a plant that a modern garden cannot do without. This is the queen of twilight - hosta. Its corrugated leaves, sometimes with white or yellow streaks, appear from the ground late, at the end of May. But the rest of the time the host is overshadowed by the beauty of its green counterparts. Unpretentious, prefers cultivated loams.

Variegated hostas are not planted in deep shade; several hours of morning sunlight are needed so that the leaves do not lose their varietal color

When choosing hosts, keep in mind: the closer the shade of the leaves is to blue, the more shade-loving the host is.

Review of shade-loving perennials - video

Shade-tolerant annuals

Plants that live for one year usually bloom luxuriantly. But they need to get a lot of light for photosynthesis. Therefore, there are almost no shade-loving annuals. But there are shade-tolerant specimens for which sunlight until lunch is enough, although the flowering will not be so abundant.


Plants with delicate foliage and flowers are suitable for the eastern exposure of the house. In modern gardens, lobelia is often chosen. Ampelous varieties cascade beautifully when planted in containers. Grown through seedlings.

Lobelia is often planted at the feet of taller partners, such as ferns.


Among annuals, the most popular are those that bloom from June until frost. Nasturtium fits perfectly into this category. Her yellow, orange, scarlet flowers as if floating above rounded waxy leaves. The plant is moisture-loving, but for generous flowering, water it only after the soil has dried.

Nasturtium does not tolerate transplantation well; it is better to sow it immediately permanent place

Revive the shadow bright yellow flowers. Among annuals, the most unpretentious are rudbeckias. Requires moderate watering and self-sows. Grows on any soil. There are varieties with orange flowers.

All types of tobacco are moisture-loving

Every garden has little-visited shady corners. The whimsical plants planted there often dry out due to our forgetfulness. Thus, my tender lungwort died without watering. I advise you to place periwinkle or tenacious in such areas.

In visited shady places My perennials grow beautifully: oak anemone, dotted loosestrife, geranium, broad-leaved bellflower, hellebore, Virginian Tradescantia, hosta, and parsley. They are in sight all the time, so I don’t forget to provide them with moisture in a timely manner. The most capricious one is Brunnera; in hot weather I water it every day.

The neighbors decorated the shady areas with lilies of the valley, daisies, primroses, Siberian irises, hosts. Everything is growing and making me happy.

For planting in the shade, it is better to choose bulbous and perennial plants. Annual flowers bloom sparsely without sun. For beginners among long-livers, it is better to choose plants that do not require daily watering. To ensure large inflorescences and leaves, amend the soil with humus before planting.

There is no such dacha plot on which there would not be any buildings and tall trees, fruit or ornamental. And if all this is present, then, consequently, there is a shadow that does not allow light-loving vegetables and flowers to be grown in this zone. But this is a solvable problem. This article talks about the types of flowers that will happily bloom in the shade.

Often a gardener looks with sadness at the empty areas of his plot, not knowing how to transform them. The walls of outbuildings, the dense crown of trees, fruit and ornamental shrubs create a certain amount of shadow, and most plants simply die from lack of light. Therefore, the gardener should know that there are many flowers that not only tolerate shading, but also grow much worse in the sun.

When choosing flowers for shady places, you need to carefully read the agricultural cultivation techniques, which are indicated on the packaging from a responsible manufacturer. In addition, the shadow varies in intensity.


Stable or dead, as it is more often called, is when the sun's rays do not penetrate into this place throughout the day.


Partial shadow implies shading for a certain period of time, depending on the position of the daylight.


Elecampane, sedum, and kupena can grow in dense shade. Hellebore, primrose, astilbe, dark geranium will require good soil moisture and nutrition. Only in this case will they grow and develop well in shady places.


Diffused shadow is formed in areas where the sun's rays penetrate through the foliage of trees. This shade is preferable for many plants.
In addition to the degree of shading of the site, soil moisture and its fertility should be taken into account.

The diffused shade created by tall plantings is suitable for daylilies and lupins. Peppermint and lemon balm grow well in such places. In addition, some plants not only are not afraid of shade, but prefer just such places.
This is the difference between shade-tolerant and shade-loving flowers.

Perennials growing in the shade

Most shade-loving and shade-tolerant plants can be found among perennials. Much of the flowering occurs in early spring, when the buds on the trees are just beginning to bloom. Therefore landing shade-loving plants in tree trunk circles not only decorates summer cottage plot, but also significantly saves sown area.


One of the few perennials that most fully reveals its decorative qualities in deep shade. This fact determines the status of the flower - the queen of the shady garden. Although it should be noted that this does not apply to all varieties of hosta.
Just a note. In dense shade, hostas grow more slowly but produce larger leaves. And the plant itself becomes taller and stronger.
A flower can grow in one place for about 20 years if it is properly cared for.

This tall perennial also shade-loving. It can be planted in areas with any degree of shade. However, it must be taken into account that dense shade will weaken the abundance of flowering. Therefore, a place where the sun penetrates for 2-3 hours in the morning or evening will be ideal.
Planting in open sunny places can cause burns to the delicate openwork foliage of astilbe. The plant will need frequent watering and mulching the soil.

Ideal for growing in areas with light shade. In a short period of time, it forms fluffy flowering mats that will transform empty spaces near trees and shrubs.

Violet flowers are small, up to 3 cm in diameter, purple or blue, but abundant flowering creates the impression of an eternally blue meadow

When dividing the bush in spring, the violet will bloom in the same year. Autumn transplant will allow the flower to form a good root system, and the flower will bloom in the spring of next year.

When choosing a place for this flower, it is best to choose a semi-shaded area, because the flower does not tolerate direct sunlight.

Aconite bush can reach a height of 1 m, and requires division every 3-5 years. The flowers are painted in all shades of blue and lilac.

Just a note. All parts of aconite are poisonous. Therefore, work related to planting a flower should be carried out with gloves.

Unpretentious shade-loving perennial, with large leaves heart-shaped. Small blue flowers are collected in a panicle. Flowering begins in April and lasts for a month. In nature it grows in forests, so in garden plots it can be grown among trees and shrubs.

An excellent flower for partial shade, where the soil is well moist and fertile. In such conditions, the plant blooms many flowers in the form of stars. different colors. They can be white, red, pink and blue. It is necessary to renew plantings every 3-4 years, because the decorative qualities of the flower weaken.

Aquilegia is also called a catchment. After rain or morning dew, the flower cups are filled with droplets of water, which shimmer with all the colors of the rainbow in the rays of the rising sun.

A perennial creeping plant that is not afraid of shade. In early spring, periwinkle blooms with purple or blue flowers, with which it is practically covered.

Rooting periwinkle is quick and painless. In principle, this work can be carried out at any warm time. summer season, since the transplant will be carried out in a shady place and the plant will not suffer from sunlight.

It looks most impressive in shady places when it blooms white flowers with a delicate aroma. After flowering, a fruit is formed in their place, a small berry that ripens by the end of summer.

Just a note. The pretty red kupena berry contains toxic substances. Perhaps that is why it is called “wolfberry”.

Kupena belongs to medicinal plants.

A classic option for filling empty spaces under tree canopies and along fences. A fragile and charming flower has quite aggressive properties. Powerful root system allows it to grow very quickly and capture new areas.

To limit its growth location, you can dig pieces of slate into the ground to a depth of about half a meter. This will prevent the roots from extending beyond the designated area.

The most charming primrose with many bright flowers of a wide variety of colors. Prefers partial shade, so plant under fruit trees and bushes will be the best place for them.

Primroses bloom almost immediately after the snow melts and bloom until the end of May. At this time, the foliage on the trees is still gaining strength and transmits a sufficient amount of light.

They can decorate any secluded corner of the garden. Shade and moist soil are the main conditions for growing green beauties. They can be planted individually or in groups, it all depends on the size of the adult plant. In the second case, when planting, you should take into account the spread of the leaves and leave a distance of about half a meter between the bushes.

Ferns are grown from spores, which can be purchased at a specialty store. And the plants already existing on the site are propagated by dividing the bush.

Ferns are not picky about soil. They can grow in poor, nutrient-deprived areas. But every gardener needs a beautiful and lush plant, so early in the spring ferns should be fed with complex mineral fertilizers. To maintain soil moisture, plantings are mulched.

In autumn, dying leaves are not cut off; they will serve as additional cover for the root system and supply it with nutrients. Spring shoots are able to break through all layers of mulch and old foliage. This creates conditions similar to the growth of ferns in nature.

After 3-4 years, when the time comes to replant the plants, the root part should be cleared of dried stems from previous years, and the fern should be given a new shady area.

Flowers growing in the shade: video

Annuals growing in the shade

Where the early shade-loving flowers had faded, not very attractive places with withered foliage formed again. They will help to “hide” them annual plants, among which there are also species that can cope with shading.

The flower comes from Central America, where it is cultivated as a perennial. And in the vastness of Russia, it is grown as an annual crop and propagated by annual sowing of seeds for seedlings. The bright, multi-colored colors of fairly large flowers will be a worthy decoration of a summer cottage. In addition, the flowers have an aroma that will accompany the gardener throughout the flowering period of fragrant tobacco.

The flowers, in the form of stars (up to 8 cm in diameter), are blue and lilac, crimson and pink, yellow and white. It should be noted that this is the merit of breeders: in nature, fragrant tobacco is found exclusively with white flowers.

Many gardeners believe that the flower has lost its relevance, has become outdated and not particularly attractive, and this is completely in vain. Nasturtium is truly versatile. Dwarf varieties can be used as a border or ground cover plant; their height is only 15-20 cm.

Climbing varieties can reach 2.5 m and look great in vertical gardening. Thickets of nasturtium along gazebos, terraces, and unsightly outbuildings fill the air with a pleasant aroma.

Medium-sized plants (up to half a meter in height) can be grown in containers - hanging or above ground, under fruit trees and shrubs. The main thing is that the shadow is diffused and not dull.

Nasturtium is grown from seeds. Someone resorts to seedling method, and someone sows them directly into the ground. In any case, it should be remembered that the flower has a superficial and very delicate root system. Therefore, if a gardener wants to get earlier flowers, it is better to use peat containers so as not to injure the plant at the time of transplantation.

Shoots appear in 10-14 days. Young sprouts cannot tolerate even the slightest drop in temperature, and this must be remembered when sowing seeds immediately in open ground.

Nasturtium flowers are relatively large, their diameter is 4-5 cm. They can be double, semi-double, simple or have an elegant color. Pink, salmon, dark red, yellow and bright orange.
Diffused shade will protect nasturtium leaves from burns, and flowers from burning out.

Another summer plant that prefers partial shade. It will grow well under the canopy garden trees and bushes. And under the scorching rays of the sun and on open place blown by all the winds, the flower will not be able to survive.

Growing garden balsam begins in March by sowing seeds for seedlings. Next, the seedlings go through the diving stage, and with the arrival of stable heat, the grown bushes are transferred to open ground.

You can sow seeds directly on the site, but in this case flowering will occur much later.

Caring for the plant is not difficult. Regular watering and fertilizing with mineral fertilizers. Nitrogen-containing substances are added before the formation of buds.
Garden balsam blooms profusely and for a long time, from the beginning of June until the cold weather. Terry or simple flowers have a bright, rich color. From pink to dark red, from lilac to purple.

Vanka wet, as the flower is popularly called, is often grown as houseplant. But even in an apartment it should be protected from direct sunlight.

To create charming flower beds in shady corners of the garden, you need to be patient and familiarize yourself with the list of flowers for which these places will be the most suitable option.

Almost every garden has areas where you can plant only shade-loving or shade-tolerant plants: both annual and perennial flowers and shrubs. The article contains names and detailed descriptions of various unpretentious crops with colorful photos.

Perennial shade-loving and shade-tolerant plants for the garden

It is traditionally believed that flowers love the sun, so they either bloom poorly in the shade or do not grow at all in such areas. At the same time, there is a difference between cultures that really feel comfortable only away from the sun's rays, and between those that can simply exist in such conditions:

  • if in the shade the plant has lush greenery and a healthy, blooming appearance, it is shade-loving. In nature, such crops are located in the lower tiers of the forest, under the crowns of trees, so they can be planted in the garden there;
  • if the plant blooms in the shade, but slightly worse than in the sun, this is a description shade-tolerant flower, which adapts to conditions.

Attention! The shadow may be on the site throughout the day, or it may depend on the position of the sun in the sky. Also an important factor is continuous or diffuse shadow in the area you have chosen (for example, the sun can peek through the crowns of trees). Take this into account when selecting shade-loving crops.

For areas of varying degrees of shade, for example, the following perennial crops are suitable:

  • Aquilegia. Another name for this flower is columbine, because after dew its cups are always full of water. The plant is best planted on fertile, moist soil, then it abundantly produces inflorescences of various shades, reminiscent of stars. The watershed also grows in the sun, but its flowering in such conditions is worse than in partial shade. Every 3-4 years, aquilegia needs to be replanted, because it loses its decorative effect.
  • Astilbe. Differs in variety color range and height range: dwarf varieties grow up to 30 cm, tall ones - up to 1.5 m. It is believed that in one place astilbe can bloom profusely for a maximum of 5 years, and then it requires replanting. The inflorescences are collected in original panicles; in the sun they have a less bright shade than in partial shade. Plant a shade-loving plant in slightly acidic, nutritious soil. It tolerates frost well, but in the first year it needs shelter for the winter.

Advice. If you choose the right varieties of astilbe, you can ensure flowering in the area from June to September.

  • Badan. There are up to 120 flowers in one inflorescence of this perennial plant. It overwinters well, in some cases retaining foliage during the cold season. In nature, there are 10 varieties of the crop, and the name of one of them - thick-leaved bergenia - is very familiar to lovers of healing Chigir tea, which is brewed from the leaves of this plant species. Unpretentious perennial will sit comfortably on moist, loosened and slightly alkaline soil.
  • Periwinkle. A creeping plant that tolerates both shade and drought. In spring, blue or purple flowers appear on it, less often white or pink. Possesses medicinal properties, but when self-medicated, periwinkle is dangerous.
  • Brunner. A shade-loving plant in which everything is beautiful: blue flowers and leaves with an interesting pattern. Thanks to this, it retains its decorative properties from the moment of flowering (late spring) until frost. Looks great when decorating borders, near bodies of water. Prefers nutritious soils, but grows well in infertile soils.
  • Tenacious. The name of the plant is, in fact, its description, since the low-growing crop takes root well in any soil and requires watering only in times of severe drought. It blooms from the end of spring until about mid-June, but it is irreplaceable in areas where you need to quickly create a beautiful decorative carpet: it grows well, and even those who have no gardening experience can grow it.
  • Bought. Medicinal plant, looks impressive in the shade. Its other names are “Solomon’s seal” or “ wolfberry", it looks beautiful in bouquets, in compositions in photos, and has a delicate aroma. It loves moist, fertile soil, on which it produces white flowers in May-June, and by the middle and end of summer the berries of the kupena ripen. Requires caution when handling as it contains toxic substances.
  • Lily of the valley. A classic flower for growing in the light shade of trees and near fences. Needs abundant watering and protection from drafts, which can cause a lack of flowers. Lily of the valley does not like frequent transplants, multiplies and grows quickly, and does not tolerate the proximity of other plants. Such a fragile-looking flower has a powerful root system. It blooms in May-June, and sometimes, depending on the climate, at the end of April.

Advice. If you do not want to create lily of the valley plantations on the site, make the boundaries of the flower bed by digging pieces of slate into the ground (depth - about 0.5 m).

  • Primrose. Thanks to the diversity color palette This unpretentious plant loved by many gardeners. After all, you can use it to create a colorful flowerbed, playing with white, cherry, pink, brown and other shades. Needs moist and loose soil.
  • Hosta. A real queen of the shady garden. It does not bloom, but it will decorate any area with its beautiful decorative leaves of various colors. This unpretentious crop grows on any soil, grows in one place for up to 20 years, and tolerates winter well.

Annuals that can be planted in the shade

Among annuals that grow comfortably in the shade, the choice is not as extensive as in the case of perennials, but there is still:

  • Marigolds. They grow quickly and delight with a variety of colors, from yellow to burgundy and brownish. They decorate the garden all summer and autumn, right up to frost. Among the varieties there are “babies” that grow up to 20 cm, and real giants that reach 1-1.2 m in height. A flowerbed with marigolds needs to be thinned and watered regularly. They protect vegetable beds from aphids, nematodes, fusarium, mice and mole crickets.
  • Begonia ever-blooming. Looks good both in flowerpots or flower beds, and under trees. The plant is not tall - only about 15-20 cm, so a carpet of begonias looks impressive. The flowers are colored in white, pink, orange, red and crimson shades. Requires fertile and moist soil. If you bring it indoors for the winter, you can grow it as a perennial crop.
  • Mallow. This flower adorns many rural landscapes and colorful photos. It grows up to 1.2 m. Annual varieties are distinguished by bright, large flowers with veins that are darker than the main shade. Mallow is a shade-tolerant rather than a shade-loving plant: in the absence of sun it has a paler color, but grows well. The soil for this crop should be loose and watering should be moderate.
  • Nasturtium. Tolerates light shade. Only young plants need abundant watering; adults need moisture only during severe drought. Annual terry nasturtium will decorate the border or balcony. The leaves and flowers of this crop are used for making salads and seasonings, as well as in folk medicine.
  • The tobacco is fragrant. Its main advantage is the wonderful aroma that this unpretentious flower emits mainly in the evenings. Tobacco can be white, pink, or red, and varieties of soft, simple shades smell stronger. Partial shade and moist, loamy soil are suitable for its cultivation. We must not forget about regular watering and timely removal of dried inflorescences.

Advice. Some crops that tolerate shade well can be grown as both annuals and perennials. For example, this is balsam and forget-me-not. Pansies are cultivated as a biennial. They can also be planted under trees or in shady flower beds, although the flowering here will not be as abundant as in the sun.

Flower garden in the shade: video

Shade-loving plants: photo

There are always places in the garden that are in the shade most of the day. But even the most shady garden can be decorated with many various plants, which will fully develop and delight their owner. Shade-loving plants do not always bloom spectacularly in the garden, but they do have beautiful foliage.

Experts advise purchasing plant seedlings only in specialized and trusted stores.


Hosta is an ornamental deciduous perennial plant. Hosta bushes have bright colors. They can be blue, green, gray with a contrasting border or stripes of a lighter color.

Bushes are planted in partial shade, in places protected from the wind. Bushes cover large space the earth around you with its foliage. By doing this, they suppress the growth of weeds and almost do not need to loosen the soil. Khosta hardy shrub to disease, but it is susceptible to frequent attacks by slugs and snails.

You can plant hosta not only in open ground, but also in wide pots, decorating uncomfortable corners of the garden with them.


A perennial plant in which the above-ground part dies off during the winter. Feels comfortable in the shade and tolerates high soil moisture well. There are about 400 species. Their size varies from 15 to 400 cm.

The plant begins to bloom in July, flowering lasts 25-35 days. The flowers are collected in panicle-shaped inflorescences 10-60 cm high. The colors also come in different colors, but white, pink, purple and red astilbes look the most attractive.

Prolonged drought, poor soil, open and hot sun can destroy the plant. In dry weather, it is watered twice a day, in the morning and in the evening.


The homeland of the plant is China. There, astilboides grows in ravines and forests. The height of the plant is about 30 cm, while the diameter of the leaves is 70 cm, which grow on long petioles. The peduncle grows 1.5 m tall. The flowers on it are small, collected in inflorescences similar to panicles.

The bush is moisture-loving, and if the soil is sufficiently moist, it tolerates bright sunlight, but it is still better to plant it in partial shade. Tolerates frosts well without shelter. Astilboides is fed 2-3 times per season organic fertilizers. Doesn't need replanting for years. Old foliage is cut off.


Unusual and beautiful plant of the Asteraceae family, which will decorate any summer cottage or garden. Buzulnik blooms with bright yellow-orange inflorescences that attract attention.

The shrub is weather-resistant and does not require mulch. winter period time. It grows for decades in one place without needing replanting. It can grow on any soil, even if it is heavy and clayey. But still prefers moist and fertile soil in the shade. In direct sunlight, the bush will wither and have an unpresentable appearance.

Buzulnik has strong and elastic branches, but during flowering it needs a garter. You also need to tie up the plant if it grows in a windy area.

Brunner (Forget-me-not)

Even this one perennial shrub and blooms, but still its beauty lies in the foliage. It appears throughout the season, which gives the bush freshness and elegance. Prefers semi-shaded or sunny places with moist, fertile soil.

Brunnera is a frost-resistant bush. In order for it to be lush, the soil is mulched in the winter with compost, humus or peat. IN spring time fertilize mineral fertilizer. The plant rarely gets sick.


Badan - also perennial, which can grow for a long time without transplantation. In the next 10 years after planting, it will definitely not have to be replanted. The bush has a thick rhizome located close to the surface. It has large shiny leaves of a round shape.

The shrub blooms in purple, hot pink or white, creating a beautiful contrast to the green foliage. This happens at the end of spring and lasts 20 days. Bergenia fits perfectly into the design of rocky gardens.


The shrub has spreading bushes with an abundance of white inflorescences. The flowering period is from June to the end of July. Its height is about 2 m. Volzhanka grows calmly both in the sun and in the shade. But growing in the open sun, Volzhanka shrubs develop poorly. Better soil For planting there will be moist soil with drainage.

The plant is unpretentious in care. It can grow in one place for 15-20 years. Although it is resistant to cold, gardeners insulate it for the winter. Propagated by dividing the bush, cuttings and through seed.


The main advantage of this herbaceous plant It is credited for its vibrant and varied palette of foliage. Its leaves come in the most unpredictable colors, such as gray, white or cream, purple, brown or red.

Most heuchera varieties have a presentable appearance, starting in early spring and ending in late autumn. Often the first snow that falls covers the plant along with the foliage. Gardeners love heuchera not only for its beauty, but also for its ease of care and shade tolerance. If the bush grows in good soil, then it does not need fertilizing and is resistant to pests and diseases.

Dicentra (Broken Heart)

A perennial plant with a height of 30 to 100 cm. Its leaves are green with a bluish tint, and their shape is pinnately dissected. The flowers are heart-shaped, reddish or pink, drooping, about 2 cm in diameter. They are collected on an arched branch, which is elevated above the bush.

The planting site is prepared in the fall by digging up and fertilizing the area with humus. During the season, feed 2-3 times, remove weeds and loosen the soil. During droughts, additional watering is necessary.

If you cut off faded brushes from the bush, the flowering period increases.

Black cohosh (Cohosh)

This herbaceous shrub received its name due to its insecticidal properties. Another name for the shrub is Silver Candles; it most fully describes the beauty of the plant.

The height is 1-2 m. In dwarf varieties it is 60 cm. The foliage is pinnately divided in burgundy or green. The bush blooms with long thin candle inflorescences 20 cm high. The inflorescence consists of tiny white flowers with stamens, this creates the effect of lace and translucency.

Often used in modern landscape design trends.


The genus Kupena consists of more than 50 species. Most often in nature they are found in lowland forests and mountains of the Northern Hemisphere. The plant has a curved stem with bright green leaves arranged in two rows. Flowers hang from the axils of the leaves.

Externally, kupena is similar to lily of the valley, but this is not surprising, because they are from the same Liliaceae family. Therefore, kupena is sometimes called deaf lily of the valley. These cute bushes have medicinal properties. With their help, cardiovascular diseases and lower back pain are treated.


Ferns are found in almost every climate, from coniferous forests to the tropics. Thanks to the structure of their branches, which are called fronds, ferns look quite elegant.

This eye-catching plant also attracted our ancestors, who saw something magical and enchanting in it. Many myths and legends have been told about ferns. But today gardeners use it as ornamental plant in their flower beds and gardens.

When planting a fern on a site, the main thing is to choose the right one for it right place, darkened and damp.


Rogersia is a large perennial and belongs to the decorative foliage plants. There are 8 species in the genus, native to Japan and China.

It blooms with white paniculate inflorescences, reaching 120 cm during this period. The leaves are palmately lobed. When caring for this perennial, you need not only to water and feed it, but also to clean the curtain of leaves and stems that have died.

Having planted Rogersia on his garden plot, the owner will immediately note its dominance in the flower garden.


This beautiful flower about 3-8 cm in diameter, usually two or three colors. The most common colors are white, yellow, pink, blue, blue and purple colors. Flowering period May-July.

Reproduction occurs by dispersing seeds, and the seedlings are picked up and transplanted to a permanent place. They are not propagated by division, since adult plants do not tolerate transplantation well.

The flower is planted both in shady corners of the site and in the sun. Aquilegia tolerates any soil well, but develops better on loose sandy soils with sufficient moisture.

Garden geranium

These flowers bloom beautifully, forming picturesque thickets. Their leaves retain their decorative look, starting from early spring and ending with the first snows in autumn. They endure winter easily, without any preparation. They grow quickly.

The flowers of the bush are large, about 4-5 cm in diameter. The leaves are deeply dissected. In spring and summer they are green, and in autumn they are red or red-orange.

Geranium is drought-resistant. It grows in any soil, but prefers well-drained, moist soil without stagnant water.


Gardeners love perennial shade-tolerant hydrangea flowers for their beautiful and long flowering which begins in the spring, continues throughout the summer and ends in late autumn. A garden in which hydrangea blooms will not be inconspicuous, since the color range of the plant’s inflorescences is varied, ranging from cream color and ending with blue and red.

Bush varieties of hydrangea grow up to 1-3 meters in height. Liana-like varieties reach 30 meters. The plant can also be evergreen or deciduous.

Interesting to know! The color of large-leaved hydrangea depends not only on its variety. It varies depending on the pH of the soil and the amount of aluminum in it.

Features of cultivation and care

To achieve lush greenery and bright blooms in a shady flower garden, you need to properly care for the plants.

Most of the shade-loving species require plenty of moisture. Particularly in need of watering late spring when the hot weather begins. Plants are watered without waiting for them to wilt.

All plants, except wild ones, also need periodic fertilizing with fertilizers. It is also important to loosen the soil, because then the inhabitants of the shady garden will be able to more easily absorb moisture from the soil.

Rules for creating a beautiful flower bed of shade-loving plants

A variety of flower beds are collected from shade-loving plants. Multi-level plantings and island flower beds are popular. When planting shrubs and flowers, adhere to the scheme. On 1 square meter plant no more than 10 ground cover bushes, 5 medium-sized, 7 low-growing and 3 tall plants. Then the flowerbed will not only look harmonious, but the shrubs will also feel good.

Shade-loving plants are in demand among gardeners. This is because they are perennial and will delight their owners. bright colors more than one year with minimal and uncomplicated care.
