DIY mosquito traps. Homemade mosquito trap - how to make it yourself with photos Homemade mosquito trap

Mosquitoes are one of humanity's most annoying enemies. It is not surprising that you can find so many products for killing these insects in stores. Manufacturers compete in ingenuity and come up with more and more new types of mosquito traps. Today we will talk about them.

We have thoroughly studied all types of traps that are on the market today and will help you choose the most effective ones. We’ll tell you about the most famous manufacturers and their best products, and most importantly, find out what experienced users think about all this.

As a rule, all mosquito killers operate on the same principle. The device lures the mosquito into a space from which it can no longer escape - and inside the insect dies from poison or dehydration. Mosquitoes love human smell, warmth and water. This is precisely the principle of operation of all traps. In different traps, the bait may be one or several “mosquito weaknesses”. The mosquito associates all this with food and reproduction - and it flies in the direction of the trap without looking back.

Well, then the differences begin. By type, all such devices are divided into CO2- (carbon dioxide, which is released by a person when breathing), H2O and propane traps. In some models you can find heat and even light as bait.

CO traps 2 imitate human breathing. Insects sense the gas released into the atmosphere tens of meters away and perceive it as a trace of human activity.

They work on a similar principle propane devices– the most powerful, expensive and effective mosquito traps. However, they can only be used outdoors! We devoted an entire section to this type of trap at the very end of the material. The trick with propane is that when it oxidizes, this gas forms moisture and CO2. Both attract mosquitoes! And at the same time - and some other winged insects.

Let's highlight separately indoor traps, because most of us still live in apartments and we need safe and non-toxic traps. H20-traps They are equally effective on the street and at home: in this case, the liquid acts as both a bait and a destructive medium. They are purchased much more often than propane analogues. Largely thanks to more affordable price and good performance.

With warmth and light everything is clear: the wind attracts and hypnotizes almost all winged insects at night, and, again, they perceive heat as a factor of reproduction and food.

What types of mosquito traps are there?

But the differences between specific types of traps do not end there. Designers and inventors came up with many tricks that made their product unique. We have selected 6 of the most common types of mosquito traps for this review. These are heat and water traps, CO2 and UV traps, homemade traps and propane traps - there are a lot of options! But what are their fundamental differences?

  1. Heat traps(as the name suggests, they attract insects with warmth). As a rule, these are massive units that can be used outdoors or in big house. They cost serious money and are not in mass demand.
  2. Water traps- quite effective on the street and at home. The main trend in this direction is the combination of the possibilities of “water hunting” and CO2. All such traps are equipped with a special tray for water and make it easy to dispose of destroyed mosquitoes. They cost an order of magnitude cheaper than heat traps.
  3. CO2 traps. But carbon dioxide is not used only in these traps. Manufacturers of other “anti-mosquito devices” also install it as a bonus on their designs. The simplest carbon dioxide traps are inexpensive. The most stressful thing about working with them is buying gas cylinders! But the photocatalytic method allows us to avoid these problems (we will talk about this in more detail below).
  4. UV traps for home– these traps will protect your family from unpleasant gases and odors. They destroy insects using light. And “light traps” cost quite a bit. Make sure that replacement light bulbs are available in stores in your city or immediately buy several lamps in reserve - these components will definitely come in handy.
  5. Propane traps. Here you definitely can’t do without cylinders. This is definitely not a cheap solution for the street. However, it has been tested by time and enjoys constant popularity among consumers.
  6. Natural and homemade traps. Homemade traps are extremely affordable, but not as effective as we would like. However, if you are a fan of ecology and budget solutions, then why not try it?

Best Mosquito Traps for Home

Formally, for home use most suitable different types traps for "squeakers". Even some chemical devices can be installed in apartments and rooms. But buyers have already formed a logical connection between the concept of “house trap” and light/heat traps for mosquitoes.

These traps must be constantly connected to the network, but they will not significantly increase your electricity bills. They use UV light, but they will not prevent even the most capricious children from sleeping. The advantages of such devices are their high environmental friendliness and compactness. And also in the ability to kill a variety of flying reptiles. The disadvantages include relatively high level fan noise and constant dependence on electricity. When the power is turned off, insects can easily fly out of some models...

RemiLing insect killer light bulb

This gadget is very environmentally friendly. To kill mosquitoes, its developers used a small UV lamp that emits white light. The product card indicates that the light bulb can be easily replaced with a new one as soon as its service life expires. The retractable “mosquito catcher” from which you will shake out dehydrated mosquitoes is easy to clean and simplifies the procedure for updating the trap. It’s nice that with it you don’t have to pour out nasty liquids or touch toxic surfaces - and all this at a price that’s reasonable for such gadgets.

Experienced device users specify that they need to be cleaned once a month. The only trouble is that at this moment some mosquitoes may still be moving in mosquito agony. However, the device has other disadvantages. People complain about the loud sound of the fan and the lack of a timer in the model. Reports on its effectiveness also vary. Some write about hundreds of caught creatures, but some were unlucky - only a few from the mosquito family were caught in the trap.

The best water traps for mosquitoes

Most users note the superiority of such devices over light traps. H20 traps are distinguished by the mandatory presence of an open tray with water. Let us remember that mosquitoes lay eggs in an aquatic environment, but drown very quickly in any liquid. So the H20 can be both a decoy and a killer at once. Although most often such traps combine light/water technologies.

Their advantage is that for such models you do not need to buy additional “components”: gas cylinders, attractants, poisons... Well, they are cheaper than their propane counterparts! True, you still need to take care of water traps: for example, add and replace water. And also - to remove victims caught during a shift. And this “mosquito soup” may scare some people with its unpleasant appearance...

Dyntrap Insect Trap, 1/2 Acre Pole Mount With Water Tray

Let's look at the advantages and disadvantages of such traps using the example of the best seller - Dyntrap Insect Trap, 1/2 Acre Pole Mount With Water Tray. But the leader already costs from 6 thousand rubles. In addition, this is not the smallest sample - it weighs approximately 8 kg. But Dyntrap looks quite stylish - the design of the device resembles some kind of futuristic lamp. According to the developers, one such “flashlight” can protect an area of ​​half an acre from insects. It should work in any weather and not break down from collisions with pets or strong wind. It is important that this trap works “quietly”: it does not buzz or squeak, unlike the samples from the previous section.

Dyntrap Insect trap uses 4 levels of protection at once. The trap attracts mosquitoes to the warm UV light from the fluorescent lamp and releases CO2. The water attracts females who are thinking about breeding, and the fan draws insects into the cage that is already familiar to us. Its contents need to be changed about once every 5-6 weeks.

Users call it a nice detail that with the help original stand The trap can be placed almost anywhere.

What exactly are the downsides? Besides the decent price and size, of course? The device also depends on electricity, but consumes very little. It is criticized for not being the most convenient “mosquito collector” and the rapid evaporation of water at hot temperatures (if it rains, the problem goes away). Nature lovers are also annoyed by the fact that a trap can catch beneficial insects: butterflies, bees and beetles.

But, as it seemed to us, many negative reviews were written by people who came for a picnic and decided to free their area from mosquitoes in half an hour. But this is still a thing for constant work. And in a week or two it can really give results.

Best CO2 Traps for Mosquitoes

We have already written that such traps imitate human breathing, releasing carbon dioxide. Well, then they suck the flying insects either into a net or into a receiving container. But where does the gas come from in these devices? There are two options. The most common one implies CO2 supply from a special cylinder. As a rule, these are exclusively outdoor traps that can harm humans when used indoors. When choosing a balloon trap, remember simple recommendations:

  • The gas should automatically shut off when the power is turned off.
  • The cylinder and trap must be mobile - you will have to hang them at the required height and drag them around the site, and sometimes this can be very difficult.
  • An accurate reducer is preferable, allowing you to adjust the gas flow on a special scale.
  • Most cool option - "smart system", which supplies small portions of gas at the time interval you need.
  • Provide protection from children. If a child lives next to you, he may well come to “get to know” the attractant. And this is dangerous!

The second gas supply option is photocatalytic reaction. It occurs when UV light comes into contact with certain metals. During the chemical process, a small volume of gas is released, which can harm a person only in exceptional conditions; even when used in room A, insects will sense this volume of CO2 perfectly. Photocatalytic traps are cheaper, but not as good at large space. But they do not involve the cost of gas cylinders.

Dynatrap DT2000XL Insect Trap, 1-Acre

This model is loved by users who value the price-quality ratio. Indeed, it is quite inexpensive for a “carbon dioxide” trap.

Dynatrap can be used both indoors and outdoors. You don't need to buy carbon dioxide cylinders for this thing. CO2 is released in Dynatrap as a result of contact between ultraviolet light and the titanium dioxide that coats the trap. Obviously, the level of CO2 that this pendant device emits cannot seriously harm a person. But that’s enough for mosquitoes! In addition, the device destroys wasps, hornets, bedbugs, flies and moths. The device operates on mains power and a 2-meter cord is included with the product.

The effectiveness of gas bait is enhanced by UV illumination. There is also a fan here: and the idea with the “mosquito collector” is implemented very well. When the power goes out, the trap instantly slams shut, and the insects cannot get out to take revenge on you for all the insults they have caused!

In general, the Dynatrap DT2000XL model is exactly like a water trap from Dynatrap. Unless it has a water tray and a convenient stand... Where did the more serious price come from?

Particularly respectable is the declared “coverage area”: according to Dynatrap sellers, one such “head” can cope with mosquitoes on an entire acre of land. In terms of the metric system, this will be about 4000 m2 - but this is hard to believe.

Users have something to criticize developers for. They noticed a note in small print in the instructions that the device can be used indoors “only in large living rooms.” Someone pointed out the lack of instructions for installing the device in the instructions.

But the level of sales of this model suggests that people still “vote” for it. Perhaps they are doing this because of the availability of the device compared to other CO2 traps. Although, we were able to find reviews from people who called the DT2000XL “the best thing in the Dynatrap series.”

Best Heat Traps for Mosquitoes

Heat traps are very complex and expensive. They imitate a variety of signs of human activity. The main attraction in this case is the pulsating heat emanating from the device. Infrared" heat gun"hits at a distance of 20 to 50 meters. Hence the record area coverage (up to 1.5-2 acres in ideal weather conditions). Many manufacturers add "will-o'-the-wisp" LED lights to the heat gun, which also lure insects, and agents that imitate the smell human body. All this allows them to raise the price tags for heat traps up to 1000 bucks. Although, of course, you can find cheaper options.

Mega-Catch Mosquito Trap

For example, the thermal combined trap Mega-Catch™ Pro 900 PREMIER Mosquito Trap. This is the simplest trap from the Mega-Catch series. Its price is about 22 thousand rubles, and work area- 3/4 acre (3000 m2). The Premier shoots heat up to 30m and is equipped with a dynamic UV light source. It comes with both a mosquito net and a container with liquid. You can choose how you want to kill mosquitoes. The reliability of the set is indicated by the one-year warranty from the manufacturer. As a bonus to the device, you can use aromatic strips that attract most winged bloodsuckers.

From the photographs it may seem that the Mega-Catch™ Pro 900 PREMIER is huge and heavy, but this is not so. Real users claim that in real life it looks much more compact. True, they also complain about some difficulties in working with the device: its multifunctionality sometimes confuses people... Commentators complain about difficulties with placing and creating baits during “liquid hunting”, as well as confusing timer settings.

However, dozens of users positively assessed the performance of the device and called it a good buy.

Mega-Catch ULTRA Mosquito Trap (MCU-900)

Here is a more advanced and even more complex version of the mosquito killer from Mega-Catch.

It costs as much as 62 thousand rubles. and resembles a killer robot. One and a half acres of coverage, several programmable modes and an adaptive timer, 5 fan speeds and even the ability to self-diagnosis... what's not there! The developers even managed to build a CO2 cylinder into the Ultra (supposedly this increased the efficiency of the device by 300-400%). True, the kit comes empty - the cylinder must be filled in your city, because transporting such gas is very, very dangerous. The instructions say that the settings for thermal and light radiation are so fine that the device can be “set” on literally any type of mosquito. There is also a funny “one-button start” function - as if we were looking at a sports car or a supercomputer!

Did the guys from Mega-Catch manage to create the perfect trap for such a high price? Almost! We came across only a few negative reviews. And those in style "works well, but you have to buy spare parts too often". True, there are not so many good reviews: so far not many people have decided to make such an expensive purchase!

Best Propane Mosquito Traps

Propane traps are considered the most effective. Propane entering the catalytic burner releases carbon dioxide and moisture. Everything is formed naturally, literally before your eyes. All that remains is to add bait - and the mosquitoes will not fly past. It is recommended to install such traps between the house and the place where insects live permanently. The distance from the house must be at least 4 m.

How do propane mosquito traps work?

First, let's figure out how we attract the attention of mosquitoes:

  1. CO2: A person inhales oxygen and exhales carbon dioxide, which is the strongest natural attractant for mosquitoes. Mosquitoes smell it at a distance of 20 m and rush to their source. The result is bites, itching and a ruined weekend.
  2. The warmth and smell of the human body. It is known that body thermoregulation is a constant process that leads to sweating and heat removal from the surface of the skin. Sweat is eliminated through sweat glands located throughout the body. We may not notice it, but mosquitoes sense everything and fly to the smell.

Thus, main task propane traps is to divert the attention of mosquitoes from humans and attract them to the trap. How is this possible? By releasing CO2 and using special baits for the trap. Mosquitoes die quickly without water, so they don’t have long to live in a trap!

It is recommended to install the device between the house and places such as a lake, pond, swamp, etc. Remember the distance to the house is at least 4 m! Provided the device is positioned correctly, it will serve as a barrier between insects and people.

Remember! The most important thing is to start the propane trap at the right time! Turn them on early in the mosquito season and you will have a better chance of interrupting the mosquito reproductive cycle and reducing the number of mosquitoes on your property.

Pros of propane traps:

  • In addition to mosquitoes, they catch midges and other biting insects.
  • Many models perform a number of tasks: they emit CO2, emit heat, i.e. they imitate life processes human body and thus attract more mosquitoes.
  • You can choose a wired or wireless model.
  • The propane trap is easy to install and use.

Cons of propane traps:

  • Propane is quite expensive consumables(one bottle is enough for only 3-4 weeks).
  • Propane is not included and must be purchased separately.

When choosing a propane trap, consider its capacity/coverage area, price, and feeding method. However, you don’t have to bother yourself much with searching. We studied traps from different manufacturers, reviews on markets and sales statistics and selected the best for you.

TOP 3 best propane traps

Blue Rhino SkeeterVac SV5100 Mosquito Eliminator, 1+-Acre Coverage

The most effective and multifunctional trap! This trap doesn't require an outlet: it runs on propane and a small AA battery.

"The SkeeterVac SV5100 Trap has definitely helped reduce the mosquito population, but it doesn't eliminate them all. I found that it effective remedy to control mosquito populations, especially when used in conjunction with other methods. For example, in addition to SkeeterVac 24/7, I eliminated all sources of standing water in the yard - as early as the beginning of April, just in case", = users say.

True, there are also disadvantages. This trap does not come with a scale indicating the amount of propane inside the tank, and there is no bait either. So you have to keep in mind that a propane tank lasts about 3 weeks and a bait tank lasts about a month.

Tips from users:

  1. Clean your trap regularly. The more careful you are with the device, the longer the device will last (on average from 3 to 5 years).
  2. Never place a SkeeterVac trap close to where you are, otherwise you will only attract insects to you. Best place for trap near source running water.
  3. When you open the mosquito compartment to check how many insects have been caught, cover it with a transparent lid, otherwise the live insects will fly out.
  4. Just because a trap doesn't work doesn't mean it isn't effective. Maybe it's the type of mosquito - change the bait.

Mosquito Magnet MM3300 Executive Mosquito Trap

Executive is the most powerful and expensive (approx. 53 thousand rubles) model in the Magnet family. The remaining models - Independence, Patriot, Defender and LIberty - are much cheaper.

Users note a decrease in the number of mosquitoes. For people with allergies, this trap may be the only possible way to eliminate mosquitoes. It is also important that this is a wireless device – it is powered by rechargeable batteries.

Otherwise, this is a typical high-end trap. True, at an inflated price. What other disadvantages do users note? First, it requires a lot of maintenance (like any other trap): replacing propane tanks, cleaning the tank, keeping the unit weatherproof, etc. Also, according to many customers, the material of the device leaves much to be desired: they expected something more than plastic.

Blue Rhino SV3100 SkeeterVac Mosquito Eliminator, 1-Acre Coverage

The Blue Rhino SV3100 rounds out the list of best propane traps. Users compare this model with traps from other manufacturers and have noticed that Blue Rhino is safe, reliable and works better than other devices. Plus, this model uses all sorts of baits to attract mosquitoes: CO2, chemicals, sticky strips, heat generation, flashing lights, suction -> more chances for a big catch!

We found only one minus. Some users are annoyed by the flashing lights of the trap.


The Best Homemade and Natural Mosquito Traps

Of course, you can rely on your own strength and try to make a trap for nosed insects yourself. You don't need to buy expensive chemicals or motion sensors to do this. Really get by... at least 2 liter bottle.

How to make a mosquito trap? Here is a popular recipe from our grandmothers. Cut the bottle in half and insert the top into the bottom, neck to bottom. Then prepare a simple bait. Boil water and add brown sugar to it. Pour the resulting mixture into the edge of the bottle and add the yeast there. They will begin to emit carbon dioxide, attracting mosquitoes. As an upgrade, you can wrap the container with black cloth, which attracts insects. That's it! The trap is ready. Place it in a corner by the door or window and change the contents of the bottle once a week.

However, the effectiveness of this development is questionable. We managed to find a lot negative reviews about it from different handmakers. They say that the device stinks throughout the entire apartment, and does not catch insects well.

Maybe the next “homemade” option will be cooler? For him you You will need a lamp, gauze, a mini fan and a mount. Everyone knows that insects are attracted to light. In this case, a gauze bag and a small cooler (for example, taken out of a computer) are attached to the lamp in a compact case in a special way.

The light source can be very tiny, and an empty juice box can serve as a case. It turns out that the fan will “suck” mosquitoes flying into the light inside the bag. The main thing is to place the gauze from below and ensure air draft in this direction. Distributors of the technique recommend hanging the resulting device near a window or balcony door. So, like, you’ll provide the house with light and keep the insects away.

True, this design seems too complicated to us. And we couldn’t find any special evidence of its effectiveness on the Internet!

Another version of a handmade style trap may be useful to residents southern regions. We spotted it in Africa, where malaria mosquitoes fly in huge hordes and spread a terrible infection. There, insects often enter houses through ventilation. That's what the Africans came up with stretch gauze coated with adhesives and insecticides over the ventilation shafts. The main thing in this situation is not to get poisoned by the resulting mixture yourself... After all, you breathe the same air as mosquitoes!

Among the recipes for natural mosquito traps, you will not find any mention of insecticides. For them, you won't need to cut up plastic bottles or take old computer coolers out of the closet. But you will have to feel like an alchemist and remember the skill of potions.

It's about creating natural homemade adhesive tape for flies and mosquitoes. It can be made by soaking paper or cardboard with a mixture of rosin, linseed oil and a few drops of honey. Some people, however, replace them with pine resin, sugar syrup and wax. Here are two popular mosquito trap recipes without using chemicals:

  • 300 g rosin, 200 g linseed oil, 60 g honey;
  • 300 g pine resin, 150 g linseed oil, 10 g wax, 50 g honey or sugar syrup.

And try not to fall for the homemade bait yourself. As a rule, it stains clothes very well and is difficult to wash off! Another “minus” of such Velcro is its fragility: natural ingredients do not serve as well as good old chemistry.

Tips from users:

  1. This recommendation applies to the use of any propane traps - turn on the device before you see mosquitoes. This will be your first step towards getting rid of mosquitoes. The sooner you turn it on, the fewer mosquitoes you'll see later.
  2. Mosquito control will be more successful if you join forces with your neighbors.
  3. Do not allow the trap to run idle without propane, replace the tanks on time.


Basically, the price and type of mosquito trap affects the quality of its performance. One way or another, it is better to trust a professional product in the house and outside it, rather than making traps with your own hands.

Fighting mosquitoes is a troublesome task, sometimes even costly if you have to purchase various means and devices. We suggest making a mosquito trap with your own hands. It will help you quickly get rid of those annoying flying bloodsuckers and save money at the same time. Not only glue traps, but also electric traps can be homemade, but first things first.

What can you make a trap from?

Factory-made killers of flying insects are quite expensive. Medium model price category will cost from 2000 rubles. and higher. For some, this is expensive, especially since we are talking about mosquitoes. Therefore, we bring to your attention three ways to make a mosquito trap with your own hands:

  • from a plastic bottle;
  • from adhesive tape;
  • from a fan and container.

Below we will tell you how to correctly assemble such traps and in what order.

From a plastic bottle

The device works without breaks and weekends

You can assemble a mosquito trap with your own hands from a bottle. To implement this option, you will need the following items and consumables:

  • plastic bottle, with a volume of at least one liter;
  • construction knife or sharp scissors;
  • scotch;
  • newsprint or foil;
  • 200 ml water;
  • 10 grams of yeast;
  • 5 tablespoons granulated sugar (brown varieties are best if possible).

Manufacturing method:

  1. First of all, you need to cut off the top of the bottle, approximately 1/3. To do this we will use a construction knife or scissors.

When working with sharp objects, be sure to follow safety rules. We hold the knife away from us, and the direction of the cut should also be done away from us. And remember, the cut edges of the bottle can also cause injury.

  1. The next step is to prepare your own mosquito bait. To do this, pour warm water into the resulting flask and add granulated sugar there. Now you need to mix everything thoroughly so that the sugar is completely dissolved. After waiting for the sugar water to cool, add yeast to it (you don’t have to stir it).
  2. Next you need to turn the flask into a mosquito trap. To do this, take the cut neck and insert it with the narrow part down so that a kind of funnel is formed inside. We fix both parts with tape.
  3. To prevent the exterminator from repelling insects, you need to wrap it in newsprint or foil. We secure our “wrapper” with tape.

All that remains is to place the catcher in a place of increased activity of flying pests. As the container fills, we clean it and replace the bait.

On what principle does this homemade mosquito trap work? The whole secret is in the yeast. After these components combine, carbon dioxide will begin to be actively produced, as a result of which the sugar-yeast mixture will begin to ferment.

Having sensed the “aroma” of the bait, mosquitoes will rush towards it, overcoming the narrow neck of the bottle. Having had enough of the treat, they simply will not be able to get out due to the fact that they will not be able to find a way out. Ultimately, after a day, the flying bloodsuckers will die.

The operating life of such a device is no more than 7 days. So be sure to change the bait and get rid of the dead mosquitoes.

VIDEO: Simple do-it-yourself trap for flying insects

Adhesive based device

This type of catcher is similar in performance to a conventional adhesive insect killer. To make such a mosquito trap with your own hands, you will need the following components:

  • thick paper (thin paper will not work, because after heavy impregnation it will simply come apart and lose its performance characteristics);
  • castor oil - half a glass;
  • rosin - 200 ml;
  • turpentine - 3 tablespoons;
  • granulated sugar - 80-100 grams;
  • water - 20-30 ml.

The manufacturing process of such a device is quite simple and consists of the following steps:

  1. First of all, it is necessary to prepare an adhesive base, which, in fact, will act as bait and the catcher itself. To do this, dissolve granulated sugar in water. Next, transfer the sugar water to an enamel saucepan and bring to a boil. Boil the mixture until a thick consistency is formed.
  2. Mix the resulting sugar syrup with rosin, turpentine and castor oil. The mosquito trap bait is ready to use.
  3. Prepare strips of paper. This can be either small squares that can be placed on the windowsill or long ribbons that are laid out on pieces of furniture.

  1. We apply the adhesive base to the previously prepared strips.

All that remains is to place the finished destroyers at front door, on the windowsill and in places where there is increased activity of flying bloodsuckers.

The principle of operation is to lure insects with the sweet aroma of the bait. Once they hit the adhesive base, they will no longer be able to fly back. Such traps are equally effective against mosquitoes, flies and midges.

As the trap fills, it is thrown away and a new one is installed in its place.

Electric homemade model

You can also make an electric insect trap with your own hands. To make such a device, you need to stock up on the following components:

  • a paper bag for milk or juice;
  • wire with a diameter of at least 2 mm;
  • a small fan that runs on batteries or a battery pack (a car or portable one will do for these purposes);
  • small light bulb or flashlight;
  • gauze piece;
  • glue;
  • scissors or construction knife.

Electric homemade trap

The manufacturing algorithm is as follows:

  1. First we need to prepare the body part of our future destroyer. Using scissors or a construction knife, cut off the top of the milk (juice) carton. Using the same principle, we get rid of the bottom of the box.
  2. Further in the lower part, closer to the edge, we attach the fan. For these purposes we use wire. But at the same time, you need to place the device in such a way that the air flow is attracted to it.
  3. Now take the gauze material and cut off a piece round shape, the diametrical size of which ranges from 50-70 cm.
  4. Using glue, we attach the gauze to the lower edge of the body so that we get something like a bag.
  5. After this, we move on to preparing the upper part of the future catcher. We make one hole on the sides of the bag (directly at the edges). We thread the wire into them so that it looks like a handle.
  6. Then we attach a lighting device to our handle, which is also fixed with wire.
  7. We make a small loop from the wire and attach it to the handle. Thanks to this structural element we will be able to suspend our destroyer.

VIDEO: Electric shock for flying insects

On what principle does a homemade electric mosquito and fly trap work?

VIDEO: Mosquito trap: DIY

The market is full various means from winged insects. Most of them are either unreasonably expensive or difficult to use. A homemade mosquito trap is a simple and affordable alternative to store-bought options. It is only important to decide on the appropriate variety and prepare the bait correctly.

How to make a trap from a plastic bottle with your own hands

Controlling winged pests does not require significant costs. A do-it-yourself mosquito trap is a device of two types:

  1. From plastic bottles with bait: carbon dioxide, water or a light bulb. The device is cheap, easy to manufacture, but no different high efficiency. If you use yeast as a filling, then near the bottle there will be bad smell. They all operate on the same principle: the insect flies into a funnel without a chance to get out of it.
  2. Velcro tapes. They are hung near a window or balcony door. The design of this device is more complicated than in the first case.

On carbon dioxide

Mosquitoes look for their victims by the smell of CO₂ - it is emitted by all warm-blooded creatures. The deception is that this gas is emitted not only by living organisms. Carbon dioxide is also formed as a result of fermentation. Yeast releases it when consuming carbohydrates, thereby attracting blood-sucking insects. This bait is prepared from three components:

  • sugar – 50 g;
  • dry baker's yeast – 5 g;
  • water – 200 ml.

All you need for the catcher are typical household items. You will need the following materials:

  • plastic bottle (1.5 l) – 1 pc.;
  • cardboard or dark fabric;
  • scissors or stationery knife;
  • scotch;
  • stapler

Having collected everything you need, you can start making a homemade mosquito trap. The bottle is cut into two parts, the smaller of which has a neck. Following are the instructions:

  1. Sugar is poured into the lower container, adding yeast.
  2. Water is also poured there.
  3. The resulting mass is thoroughly mixed (it should foam). Permissible temperature liquids - no higher than 40 degrees. Otherwise, the yeast will die before fermentation begins.
  4. The neck is inserted into a container with bait to form a funnel.
  5. The walls are wrapped in dark cloth or cardboard, secured with tape/stapler. This will speed up the fermentation process, which takes place more actively in the dark.
  6. The finished device is placed where mosquitoes accumulate (next to an open window or on the terrace). If you have twine, the container can be hung indoors.

A homemade mosquito trap made from a plastic bottle lasts for about a week, after which the bait is renewed. An increased dose of yeast and sugar increases its longevity. It is important that the container is not exposed to direct sunlight. Otherwise, all fermentation will come to naught. It is also undesirable to place it near people, since the bait emits a specific smell.

With vegetable oil

A simplified version of a homemade trap. It is made from only two components:

  • plastic bottles – 3-4 pcs.;
  • vegetable oil – 4 tbsp. spoons.

The manufacturing process goes like this:

  1. The neck of the bottle is cut off - it no longer needs to be used as a funnel.
  2. The lower parts of the containers are generously lubricated with sunflower oil.
  3. Traps are placed in places where insects gather.
  4. You can cut holes on the sides by threading strings through them. This way you can hang containers around the premises.

Outdoor water trap

This option is designed for the principle of mosquito breeding. The trap works differently from the previous two. It only helps control the population of bloodsuckers. It is more difficult to make an artificial “reservoir” than a container with carbon dioxide or vegetable oil. You will need a large bottle (from 2 liters) so that water evaporation does not affect the overall effect. Next, the catcher is made according to the instructions:

  1. Cut off the neck of the container.
  2. Make holes in the top of the remaining container. This will be a drain for excess water. The holes are sealed with scraps of window mesh. It is advisable to make two more holes higher in order to attach a carrying handle to them.
  3. The bottle is painted with black paint. This achieves the effect of a dark, stagnant pond - a suitable breeding ground for mosquitoes.
  4. Next, the container is filled with liquid until it reaches the drain holes.
  5. A window mesh is placed over the bottle.

Mosquitoes willingly flock to “blooming water”, so it is advisable to also throw a bunch of grass into the trap. This will cause the liquid to become infected with algae. The females will fly up to the pond and begin laying eggs directly on the net. It is important to keep it wet at all times - this will attract insects. The hatched larvae fall through the net into the water. They have no chance of getting back.

Homemade sticky bait

Adhesive tapes are an effective repellent against mosquitoes and flies. These traps can be made at home, so there is no need to buy them in a store. First you need to take care of the components for the viscous mass. It is applied to paper or fabric tapes. The glue is made from several ingredients:

Materials for a trap can be found in any home. It is made from:

  • Cardboard sleeve. It can be taken out of a roll toilet paper or paper napkins.
  • Thick paper. Thin ones get wet faster.
  • Threads.

The trap looks like a regular roll. It is made according to the following method:

  1. Cut a long strip of thick paper (preferably from a sheet of wallpaper).
  2. Wrap it around a cardboard sleeve to make a roll.
  3. Prepare the glue. Ingredients from any recipe are mixed together. Next, they need to be heated in steam.
  4. Pull a small piece of tape from the sleeve, lubricating it with glue.
  5. The trap is installed in the place of greatest concentration of insects.
  6. When the sticky area is filled with them, it is torn off and a new one is lubricated.

Adhesive tape can also be made in a simplified form. Ribbons cut from a sheet of thick paper are lubricated with one of these baits:

  • rosin;
  • turpentine;
  • castor oil;
  • jam.

Next, the traps are hung with clothespins on clotheslines. When the tape becomes full of insects, it is simply replaced with a new one. You need to prepare and use sticky baits carefully. These mixtures are difficult to wash even from the skin, not to mention clothes. The second disadvantage of such traps is their fragility. Natural ingredients do not last as long as their chemical counterparts.

DIY electric mosquito trap

Such a device requires certain knowledge in electrical engineering. The trap is more difficult to make than Velcro or bait bottles. It is crafted with one of three elements:

  • energy saving lamp;
  • a special lamp that emits carbon dioxide;
  • fan.

Store traps often combine the last two details. The carbon dioxide light bulb attracts insects and they fly to it. Then they are sucked by a fan into a gauze bag. The disadvantage of the device is that mosquitoes are unlikely to die in such conditions. Midges can even get out through the gauze. The assembly of such a trap takes place according to following instructions:

  1. Cut off the bottom and top of the milk/juice carton.
  2. Attach the fan to the bottom of the container. It should push the air down.
  3. The fan is connected to the wires through which the voltage will be carried.
  4. Next, a gauze bag is attached to the same lower part.
  5. The upper part of the bag is equipped with wire to form a handle (bow).
  6. The lamp socket is screwed to this handle.
  7. The device is suspended and plugged into the network.

A warm summer evening is sometimes spoiled by mosquitoes. Bites and constant buzzing force him to move into the house. But even here there is no shelter from insects. While males feed on plant sap, females are not so humane: they require human blood to reproduce. In addition, the situation is aggravated by the fact that mosquitoes carry infectious diseases. There is only one thing left - to find a trap with which the problem of mosquito attacks will be solved quickly and purposefully. In this article we will look at such devices, and also find out how on our own build a mosquito trap.

Types of mosquito traps

All mosquito traps operate on a similar principle - they lure mosquitoes into an area from where there is no return. They are attracted to warmth, food, humidity and human smell. That is why for each type of trap, one of the factors that attracts mosquitoes is taken.

Industrially manufactured and commercially available traps are divided into five groups:

  • thermal;
  • water;
  • ultraviolet;
  • carbon dioxide;
  • propane

Let's look at the features of each type.

Heat traps

From the name of this type of trap it is clear that it emits heat currents and this is what lures mosquitoes. The big advantage is that this type is used both outside and inside country houses and apartments. Let's talk about other advantages of a thermal device for catching mosquitoes:

  • The trap is designed in such a way that it attracts insects not only by emitted heat, but also by simulating human presence. This occurs due to the fact that the traps contain carbon dioxide or attractants, which in their composition and smell are as close as possible to human sweat.
  • The standard coverage radius of the trap is 50 meters. In calm weather, one device protects dacha area from mosquitoes. However, when choosing, you should pay attention to the power of the trap - depending on it, the device covers an area with a radius of 20 to 50 meters.
  • Some types of heat traps are equipped with LEDs, which significantly extends their service life: LED lamps last for more hours of operation. They also have minimal energy consumption, which has a positive effect on housekeeping and savings.
  • The traps are equipped with special nets and water tanks - the owner himself chooses how to get rid of mosquitoes caught in the trap. The presence of a mesh and a reservoir in the device is determined by the specific type of trap. If the device is equipped with a net, then once caught in the trap, mosquitoes cannot get out of it - they die from dehydration. If there is a special reservoir into which water should be poured to a specified level, then the mosquitoes attracted by the trap will drown. In most cases, judging by consumer reviews, the format of draining dead insects from the trap is convenient - this is easier to do than freeing the mesh from them. In addition, mosquitoes lay eggs in water, but at the same time quickly drown in any liquid.
Attraction by heat is one of the baits for mosquitoes, to which they flock well

There are three significant drawbacks to thermal devices:

  • High price (individual copies reach 1 thousand dollars). This cost is due to its high efficiency and the ability to cover large areas. Such products are not in mass demand and are suitable for use on the street or in large houses.
  • Requires a lot of space for installation (the devices are bulky).
  • Constant access to the power grid is required, so they are not suitable for dachas where there is no light.

Usually they are installed near the recreation area, which allows you to achieve absolute comfort. The traps do not distract the owners from relaxing in any way and do not remind them of themselves; they are safe. However, you should not place it in close proximity to sofas, outdoor chairs - in places where people sit, as the device generates thermal heating. People sitting nearby will feel uncomfortable due to the heat directed at them, especially during the hot season. The ideal option for installation is at a distance of 2–2.5 meters from the recreation area.

Consumers often leave reviews about Mega-Catch brand devices from the Pro 900 series. The devices do not completely get rid of mosquitoes, but they significantly reduce their number. Although the Mega-Catch has received mostly positive reviews from customers, people often complain that it is difficult to choose a place to install it due to its rather bulky size. It is difficult to create baits when hunting mosquitoes using liquid. And also many buyers are misled by the confusing timer settings.

Water traps

The safest for people are water mosquito traps. They are also easy to use and highly effective.

The principle of operation of the trap is that mosquitoes are attracted to a moist environment - females lay eggs in it. The bait here is the water itself - mosquitoes flock there and cannot get out, they quickly drown. Periodically it is necessary to clean the trap from dead insects and add new water - this is the entire care of the device.

There are also disadvantages to water devices:

  • in dry weather, water quickly evaporates and it is necessary to constantly replenish its reserves, otherwise the device will be ineffective;
  • The device operates from the mains.

This type of trap attracts mosquitoes ultraviolet radiation- usually this is a lamp or lantern, in addition equipped with a water trap. Double action allows you to get the best effect. Sometimes such devices are equipped with fans, CO 2 or other effective attractants. The Dyntrap Insect Trap device, for example, fully confirms the advantages and disadvantages described above. It must be turned on independently every evening, and water must be added frequently.

Dyntrap Insect Trap with water tray, device cost no more than $70

Carbon dioxide traps

Such devices release energy that is similar to human breathing. This is the essence of the mosquito bait, which they sense at a distance of 20 meters from the installation site.

The principle of operation is as follows: for mosquitoes, the smell of carbon dioxide is a signal that a person is nearby, and as soon as they catch it, the insects are completely ready to attack. As soon as the insects fly up to the device, they are sucked into a sealed removable compartment, where they subsequently die from lack of air and food.

Attention! The devices are intended for outdoor use. To operate them, it is necessary to frequently change gas cylinders. In closed spaces, devices can harm human health.

When choosing CO 2 traps, pay attention to the following factors:

  • Opt for portable devices that are easy to move and can be hung up.
  • Pay attention to the safety of devices: they should have an option similar to “gas control” in modern gas stoves. When the appliance switches off, the gas supply must be stopped. There are devices on sale without this option, so it is better to choose ones that have it for safety.
  • “Smart”, improved traps release gas in portions, with a certain time interval - they are even safer.

There are also devices that work without cylinders. The idea is to attract insects with the smell of carbon dioxide produced through a photocatalytic reaction. There is a slight release of carbon dioxide due to the reaction of the metal and ultraviolet rays. This amount is enough to attract mosquitoes. Main disadvantage devices - short range.

Disadvantages of carbon dioxide traps:

  • heavy weight, the need for constant refueling;
  • It is better to constantly monitor the operation of the device, do not leave the device for a long time unattended;
  • It is not recommended to use if there are small children and pets nearby.

A popular brand that produces CO 2 traps is Dynatrap. It produces devices on cylinders and photocalytic traps, which are also distinguished by high functionality (despite their smaller coverage area).

Mosquitoes enter the carbon dioxide trap through special compartments

Propane traps

As users note, this type of trap is effective and time-tested. The principle of operation is this: propane, which is influenced by the burner, actively releases carbon dioxide. Manufacturers recommend placing propane traps at a distance of 20 meters from the terrace or recreation area so that the device does not create a barrier to people and mosquitoes.

Propane releases carbon dioxide, which attracts mosquitoes

Let's list the main advantages of such baits:

  • in addition to mosquitoes, the device destroys mosquitoes, flies and midges;
  • there is a choice between wired and wireless devices;
  • Such traps are easy to install and use.

There are also disadvantages that will affect users:

Ultraviolet electrical traps

Common people often associate this type of trap with conventional fumigators for home use. The active element of the fumigator is a plate or liquid containing a repellent or insecticide. Ultraviolet anti-mosquito traps work on a different principle - due to a special ultraviolet lamp.
The device is used at home and outdoors, it is compact and easy to carry from place to place. In appearance it resembles a small lamp emitting a soft glow.

Lamp traps are safe for humans and environmentally friendly: they do not irritate the eyes and do not emit any odors.

Ultraviolet lamps work for a long time, and if they burn out, you can always buy a replacement lamp at low price and quickly replace it.

The principle of operation is this: when the lamp is on, it emits light, thereby attracting mosquitoes. The fan in the device sucks mosquitoes into a special container. Insects trapped there die from dehydration.

Among the disadvantages of ultraviolet traps are the following:

  • To actively attract insects, the device must operate continuously. If you turn it off, the mosquitoes trapped in the trap crawl out through small cracks.
  • The noise emitted by the device makes it difficult to sleep.
  • If there is a person near the trap, it will be difficult for it to attract mosquitoes.

The following popular ultraviolet devices have similar characteristics: Stinger Indoor Insect Trap, Dynatrap DT 600, Sititek Still. According to users, traps of this type do not completely get rid of mosquitoes, but significantly reduce their number.

UV traps attract mosquitoes with light and radiated heat

Popular devices for catching and killing mosquitoes

There are several devices that have become very popular among analogues due to their efficiency and ease of use. These include:

  • Skat-23;
  • Insect killer 14044 er;
  • MT 64;
  • laser gun.

Device for getting rid of insects Skat-23

SKAT-23 - device Russian production. Suitable for outdoor use. The device is equipped with two powerful ultraviolet lamps with a low thermal potential, which is enough to attract mosquitoes. As a bonus - a metal mesh is energized, touching which the insects die. The impact area of ​​the device is 60 square meters. meters, the device is completely safe for people and does not make any sounds.

Insect killer 14044 er - mosquito killer

Insect killer 14044er is a device made in the USA from the Flowtron company. Equipped ultraviolet lamp, which attracts insects with light. It is enough for mosquitoes to fly up to the trap, and they die from a discharge of current passing through the metal grate. As an additional bait, a special composition Octenol is used, which resembles human sweat secretions. As a result, insects flock to such bait more actively. The device is completely safe for people and does not emit toxic substances.

MT 64 for insect protection

MT 64 is a Chinese-made device. Attracts mosquitoes with the heat and carbon dioxide released. The manufacturer recommends continuous operation of the device for 15 days, after which the mosquito breeding cycle is disrupted and the number of insects is significantly reduced. The device is capable of protecting against pests over an area of ​​up to 6 thousand square meters.

Laser gun for killing mosquitoes

An innovative device that allows you to get rid of a large number of mosquitoes with a high degree of efficiency. The manufacturer claims that such a device is capable of destroying up to one hundred mosquitoes in one second.

The device is equipped with a special optical system that processes signals in the form of images using infrared radiation. The system, at a distance of thirty meters, sends a signal to destroy an insect that comes into view.

This device is based on powerful laser. It does not leave the insects the slightest chance to survive. The laser only affects mosquitoes and other small flying insects. The design is supplemented with LEDs, increasing the service life of the device.

How to choose the right trap

When choosing a trap, consider specific situation: where are you going to use it (on the street or in the house), will it be effective, what area should it cover, and others. For a house or apartment, a low or medium power trap is usually sufficient - a portable ultraviolet or insecticidal electric one.

If you need to protect local area, find salvation from mosquitoes on the terrace of your house, then your choice is water, heat or gas (CO 2, propane) traps. However, keep in mind that gas traps should be used carefully, read the instructions carefully, and avoid using them if there are small children and pets nearby.

Before buying a mosquito trap, set yourself a task: draw in your head the problem that the device should cope with - what territory to cover, what principle to work on, safety and environmental friendliness, etc.

Mosquito traps: do it yourself

Insect traps can be made independently, and of any type: both ordinary Velcro and poisonous baits and tanks.

DIY mosquito traps are a simple, effective and safe way to get rid of mosquitoes.

How to make a sticky trap

To make your own Velcro mosquito trap, you must follow these steps:

  1. Take a sheet of paper, one half of which is cut into strips (this will make it easier to secure the sheet firmly).
  2. Prepare the composition for adhesive tape. It can be prepared on the basis of pine resin, wax with honey or glycerin, rosin, petroleum jelly with honey. It is better to mix such compositions in a water bath and then lubricate the paper with them.
  3. Hang Velcro under the ceiling, above doors, near windows.

Video: DIY insect trap with Velcro

Container trap made from a plastic bottle

To make such a trap, you must do the following:

  1. Take a plastic bottle (1.5 l), cut off the neck by a third at the top.
  2. The cut-off part is turned over and placed at the bottom of the bottle like a funnel. The trap is ready.
  3. A bait is made, which is then poured into the bottle. The ingredients of the bait are water, sugar and yeast. The ingredients are mixed well and poured into the trap bottle.
  4. The bottle is wrapped in colored thick paper and placed in a dark corner.

The insect falls into a bottle into which a special composition is poured. As a result, it can no longer get out and dies. Mosquitoes are attracted to the carbon dioxide produced by fermentation (yeast absorbs sugar), and the females fly in, thinking that it is a person or animal breathing.

In a bottle trap, both parts should be tightly connected so that the mosquitoes that get there cannot crawl out through the cracks and fly away.

Electric trap light

Electric traps are sold in stores, but you can make an analogue yourself. For this you will need knowledge of physics. The device will be a small lamp with a removable bottom, from which dead insects are periodically removed. The trap uses an incandescent lamp. Its light attracts mosquitoes. When insects arrive at the light, they try to get to the lamp through a stretched wire mesh that is connected to high voltage. Flying through the net, the mosquito receives an electric shock and dies.

To make such a trap you will need:

  • fluorescent energy-saving lamp;
  • high voltage module;
  • AA battery;
  • soft aluminum wire;
  • switch.

Let's take a step-by-step look at how to make such a device:

  1. At the base of the lamp, two holes are drilled from different sides, through which a soft aluminum wire is threaded. Next, the end of the wire is fixed and it is wound around the lamp in a spiral - the remainder is bitten off.
  2. The procedure is repeated with the second drilled hole.
  3. The two ends of the wire are then visible from the light bulb. One of them is twisted with only the wire wound.
  4. There are two wire leads left - the original one from the light bulb and the second end of the wound aluminum wire. Both are connected to a module, which is pre-connected via a switch to a AA battery.
  5. A lamp with a high-voltage winding is placed on this module. This is done so that the wires match and contact occurs.
  6. The device turns on, the lamp lights up, the light of which attracts mosquitoes.
  7. The essence of the device is that mosquitoes flock to the light of the lamp. As soon as they sit on the wires with which the lamp is entwined, they will immediately receive a current discharge.
  8. A small plastic bucket or a regular polyethylene lid is used as a tray.

The advantage of such a trap is that it works autonomously when the general light is turned off.

If a fan is turned on in the device, it will suck the insect inside (similar to the principle of a vacuum cleaner). A light trap with a fan is convenient for hanging outside near an open window. This is true in the countryside in the heat, when it’s unbearable to sleep without an open window - it’s stuffy and you need an influx of fresh air. Mosquitoes, like other insects, fly into the light of a lit lamp, and a fan helps the bloodsucker quickly move into the container. It is better not to build traps of this kind with a fan for installation in the house, since the fan creates a certain annoying noise that interferes with sleep (of course, everything is individual: if such background noise does not cause problems, then a trap-light with a fan can be placed in the room).

Mosquitoes that get inside the device die within eight hours from dehydration (judging by the diagram below, mosquitoes first fall into a tetra bag, and then, with the help of a fan, into a gauze bag).

Schematic representation of a trap with a lamp and a fan

If you have skills in repairing or making electrical appliances, then you should be able to build such a device with your own hands using a diagram. Thus, you will protect your family from attacks by blood-sucking insects.

The light trap has several advantages: it is absolutely safe (there are no chemicals or ultrasound in the composition - for example, some people get headaches from ultrasound), there is no high voltage.

Video: how to make a lamp trap for insects

With the arrival of the long-awaited summer, we all have the opportunity to enjoy not only warm days and romantic evenings, each of us can expect more than one encounter with annoying insects - mosquitoes. Of course, today we have enough tools in our arsenal to allow us to effective fight with a small bloodsucker, what an electric, homemade or mechanical mosquito trap is is what we will discuss in this material.

Of course, all known means of protection are indispensable in certain circumstances: on a picnic you cannot do without a special spray or ointment. But the trouble is that the protection applied to the skin can cause allergic reactions. Fumigators can be used in the bedroom, but special insert plates last a limited time, and replenishment requires material costs. It is much easier to build a special trap for harmful insects, you can even do it with your own hands - then annoying mosquitoes will not bother you with their annoying squeaks and unpleasant bites.

Video “Ultraviolet traps”

From the video you will learn the principle of operation of mosquito traps.


The old “old-fashioned” way to combat unwanted insects indoors is with ordinary adhesive tape. Such a trap for annoying mosquitoes, placed near the switched on lamp, will help clear the room of insects.
Of course, much more effective this remedy works with larger representatives of insects, but mosquitoes will not be able to avoid the placed nets. The effectiveness of the method is determined by the fact that, even slightly touching the sticky surface of the tape, the mosquito will no longer be able to free itself.

Electrical traps

Modern electronic mosquito traps work on the principle of emitters: by spreading heat or carbon dioxide around themselves, they attract insects, giving them the illusion of the presence of a person or mammal. Such funds are divided into several types:

Another product that has recently appeared on the domestic market is an ultrasonic insect repeller. This is a small device that resembles a keychain, which, by creating certain ultrasonic vibrations, can repel insects.

And although the price of such a device is somewhat higher in comparison with traditional methods Once you purchase it, you will protect yourself from annoying insects for a long time, without exposing yourself to the risk of developing allergic reactions. In addition, the action of the device is universal: during the day it can effectively fight wasps or flies, and in the evening it can build an insurmountable barrier around you for mosquitoes.

Baits with insecticides

They are a fairly effective remedy - these are small containers containing a special filler that can not only attract, but also destroy insects. The disadvantage of this method of control is obvious: each container is disposable: as soon as the dead insects completely fill it, it will end its service cycle.

Mechanical traps

This DIY mosquito trap, made in the form of a special container, is not only one of the most common, but also, of course, the most inventive method of fighting insects.

Mosquitoes attracted by a special bait, once inside the container, can no longer get out. Even an ordinary jar filled with sweet syrup can serve as an improvised means of control: once mosquitoes get inside the container and wet their wings, they inevitably die.

Homemade traps

To make your own trap, you will need a regular plastic bottle. The neck is cut off, leaving a third of the total length of the container, and the reverse end is inserted into the rest of the bottle. The container is ready! All you have to do is fill it with the bait mixture, and your trap will start working. To prevent insects from resisting your “treat,” prepare it from a mixture of sugar, water and regular yeast: the fermentation process that has begun will inevitably begin to release carbon dioxide, attracting mosquitoes from all over the area. Then everything is simple: an insect, stuck in a sticky liquid, will never find its way back out of the container.

You can organize a less complicated way of catching mosquitoes - make sticky tape. To do this, you will need thick paper, cut into long strips, and a special adhesive mixture made from rosin, turpentine, castor oil and sugar.

The ingredients must be prepared in a water bath until they become viscous, then apply the resulting composition onto paper and secure the strips under the ceiling with threads, choosing a place that will be of interest to insects - near a lighting fixture or any element that emits heat.

To protect your life in the summer months from annoying insects, it is not at all necessary to spend a lot of money on purchasing numerous special means, fumigators, sprays and other latest inventions in this field. It’s enough just to go back to the roots and remember how our parents solved this problem; we are sure that you will learn many remedies that are not only effective, but also safe for the health of your family members.
